[color="red"][b]Please Note:[/b][/color] This addon will not function without ElvUI installed.  You can download it at [url=http://www.tukui.org/dl.php]http://www.tukui.org[/url].

Shadow & Light is an external edit of ElvUI.  Which means it wasn't made by changing of ElvUI's files directly.  What this means to you, is that any time ElvUI has an update, you will not have to worry about it overwriting our edited version of ElvUI.  It also means if we push an update it will not mess with any ElvUI files.  This addon can not be used without ElvUI installed and enabled.

Originally this project started as two personal edits of ElvUI by Darth Predator and I.  For technical support reasons and other reasons as well, we have moved to a combine effort on this external edit of the ElvUI.  Shadow & Light does not disable or hinder the normal function of ElvUI but does add additional features that are not yet implemented or will not be added to ElvUI.  You'll find Shadow & Light options under it's own configuration category in ElvUI's config section by typing /ec

[color="#20ff20"][b]Mists of Pandaria Beta Download:[/b][/color]

[list]Private Massage on [url=http://www.tukui.org/]TukUI.org[/url] to [url=http://www.tukui.org/forums/?pm=new/sdp]Darth Predator[/url] or [url=http://www.tukui.org/forums/?pm=new/repooc]Repooc[/url]
[*][url=http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/shadow-and-light-edit/tickets/]Curse Ticket System[/url]
[*][url=https://github.com/Repooc/ElvUI_SLE/issues]Github Ticket System[/url]

[color="#3e8ac6"][b]Download Locations:[/b][/color]

[list]Ability to show full value for hp/mana on unitframes
[*]Additional background panels that can be customized to your liking.
[*]Additional Datatext Panels (Can be moved/resized.)
[*]Additional options for DBM and Skada skins
[*]Balance Druid power value text on ClassBar
[*]Buffs/Debuffs now show caster name in the tooltip.
[*]Chat Datatext Panels altered to fit with the additional panels.
[*]Chat fading
[*]Chat History (Customize history amount of last typed messages.)
[*]Classbar offset
[*]Combat Indicator (Set position on player frame.)
[*]Compacted Exp/Rep Bar
[*]Custom UI Button (Quickly access ElvUI Config, ReloadUI, Toggle Move Anchors, Boss mod config/options, Addon Managers)
[*]Customizable size of auras near the minimap
[*]Dragon Soul LFR progression in Time Datatext
[*]Increased number of auras per row near the minimap
[*]Installation Process Modified(Includes settings that each of the authors play with.)
[*]Micromenu Bar
[*]Movable Raid Utility menu
[*]PvP Auto Release
[*]PvP Indicator (Set position/visibility on player frame.)
[*]Raid Marker Bar
[*]Tweaked visuals for pet autocastable abilities
[*]Vengeance Bar added for tanks. (No Options at the moment.)

[list]Additional skinning of Blizzard's options
[*][url=http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/altoholic]Altoholic[/url] Skin
[*]Auctionator Skin tweaked a little.
[*]Boss Button Texture Removed
[*][url=http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/deadly-boss-mods]DBM[/url] Options Window Skin
[*][url=http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20568-ExtendedVendorUI.html]Extended Vendor[/url] Skin
[*][url=http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/move-anything]MoveAnything[/url] Skin
[*][url=http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/notes]Nirriti's Notes[/url] Skin
[*][url=http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/oces]OneClickEnchantScroll[/url] Skin
[*][url=http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/]Outfitter[/url] Skin
[*][url=http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/]Poisner[/url] Skin
[*][url=http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/rbtabbed-browser]Tabbed Dungeon Browser[/url] Skin
[*][url=http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/tellmewhen]TellMeWhen[/url] Options Window Skin

[color="#3e8ac6"][b]Included Addons:[/b][/color]
[list][url=http://www.tukui.org/forums/topic.php?id=21133]XP & Rep Bars mod[/url] for ElvUI by [url=http://www.tukui.org/forums/profile.php?id=16698]Benik[/url]
[*][url=http://www.tukui.org/forums/topic.php?id=21221]Extended Vendor Skin[/url] & [url=http://www.tukui.org/forums/topic.php?id=20692]Altoholic Skin[/url] by [url=http://www.tukui.org/forums/profile.php?id=13475]Azilroka[/url]
[*]The idea of Classbar offset was taken from [url=http://www.tukui.org/forums/topic.php?id=21398]Boradan's guide on tukui.org[/url]. He released his own addon of the same function - [url=http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/elvui-classbar]ElvUI Classbar[/url].
[*][url=http://www.tukui.org/forums/topic.php?id=21378]Blizzard additional skins[/url] by [url=http://www.tukui.org/forums/profile.php?id=1109]Pat[/url]
[*]UI buttons idea by [url=http://www.tukui.org/forums/profile.php?id=7616]Swordyy[/url]