{{Addon Infobox | Name = Ackis Recipe List | Summary = An addon which will scan your trade skills and provide information on how to obtain recipes. It works for all tradeskills including Runeforging. | TOC = 40000 | Category = Tradeskill | Author = Ackis | WoWI = 8512 | Curse = 10057 | Changelog = | Discussion = [http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/forum/ Curse] | Bugtracker = [http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/tickets/ WoW Ace] }} ==What it does== Ackis Recipe List is an addon which will scan your trade skills and provide information on how to obtain recipes. It works for all tradeskills including [[Runeforge | Runeforging]]. ===French (frFR)=== Ackis Recipe List est un addon qui analyse vos métiers et fournit des informations sur la façon d'obtenir les recettes manquantes. Il fonctionne pour tous les métiers, y compris Runeforge. ===German (deDE)=== Ackis Rezeptliste ist ein Add-on, das deine Berufe durchsucht und dir mitteilt, wie du fehlende Rezepte beschaffst. Es funktioniert mit allen Berufen inklusive des Runenschmiedens. ===Korean (koKR)=== Ackis의 제조법 리스트 캐릭터가 배우지 못한 제조법을 표시합니다. 모든 전문기술 및 도적의 독과 사냥꾼의 야수 훈련도 포함합니다 ===Spanish (esES)=== Ackis Recipe List es un addon que escanea tus habilidades comerciales y provee información de cómo obtener las recetas. Funciona para todas las habilidades comerciales, incluida Forja de Runas. ===Simplified Chinese (zhCN)=== 全面详细的商业技能信息插件,包括毒药和宠物技能. ===Traditional Chinese (zhTW)=== 詳細的專業技能配方查詢插件。 ==Contacting the Authors== Please use the bug reporting feature to submit bug reports. Do not contact us via Curse PM. Do not submit bug reports in comments. ===IRC=== Feel free to join us on irc at [irc://irc.freenode.net:6667 Freenode] in the channel #arl ====Freenode Webchat==== Freenode has come up with their alternative to Mibbit. [http://webchat.freenode.net/?randomnick=1&channels=arl Webchat] ==Where to get it== * [http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/files/ WoW Ace] - Alpha Quality * [http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/arl.aspx Curse] - Stable release * [http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info8512-AckisRecipeList.html WoWInterface] - Stable release ==Integration== Ackis Recipe List strives to integrate with existing trade skill mods out there. If you have a request for integration, please submit a feature request at [http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/tickets/ WoW Ace]. We make no promises to implement the feature at all. There is a limited [http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/pages/api/ API] documented to interface with the ARL database. If you are a developer and would like more functions, please contact us on IRC. Currently, the mod works with: * [http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/advanced-trade-skill-window.aspx Advanced Trade Skill Window] - [http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/images/13-arl-w-atsw/ Screenshot 1] * [http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/skillet.aspx Skillet] * [http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/project-3361.aspx Manufac] - No longer maintained. * [http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/cauldron.aspx Cauldron] * [http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/mrtrader.aspx Mr Trader] ==Acknowledgments== * Ideas for the mod came from FGTradeLacker (original mod no longer updated, however someone has taken over updating the recipes for it). * Ace community for listening to my questions on the IRC channel and helping me out, and fellow mod authors for developing such great add-ons. * Please see the X-Credits field for more Acknowledgments. Any code snippets borrowed or inspired from are credited in the code files. The main display also lists all people who are in X-Credits. * Everyone who has helped me with localizations. ==External Reviews== If you would like to see YouTube videos of ARL in action, please check out the [http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/pages/youtube-and-external-reviews/ project] page. * [http://www.wow.com/2009/05/31/addon-spotlight-ackis-recipe-list/ WoW.com] * [http://www.wowfix.com/article-36634 WoWFix.com] * [http://www.wowdaily.info/a.asp?a=2015098 WoWDaily.info] * [http://www.maniasarcania.com/2008/01/22/ackis-recipe-list-not-just-for-recipes/ Mania's Arania] * [http://wow.buffed.de/features/3863/ackis-recipe-list Buffed.de] * [https://www.ohloh.net/p/ackisrecipelist Ohloh.net - Code Statistics]