local className, inform, lowregentimer, fullmanatimer, lastshift, inCombat, pre_UseAction, shiftload, isMoving, waitonce, firstshift, aquaformid, travelformid, notyet; local timer = 0; local lowregentimer = 0; local fullmanatimer = 0; local DruidBar_Anchored = nil; local minimapIconLDB = LibStub("LibDataBroker-1.1"):NewDataObject("DruidBarMinimapIcon", { type = "data source", text = "Druid Bar Classic", icon = "Interface\\Icons\\ABILITY_DRUID_DEMORALIZINGROAR", OnClick = function (self, button) if button == "LeftButton" then DRUIDBAROptionsFrame_Toggle(); end end }); local DruidBar_MinimapButton = LibStub("LibDBIcon-1.0"); function DruidBar_OnLoad() DruidBarUpdateFrame:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED"); DruidBarUpdateFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD"); DruidBarUpdateFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD"); SlashCmdList["DRUIDBARSLASH"] = DruidBar_Enable_ChatCommandHandler; SLASH_DRUIDBARSLASH1 = "/dbar"; SLASH_DRUIDBARSLASH2 = "/druidbar"; DBarSpellCatch:SetOwner(DruidBarUpdateFrame, "ANCHOR_NONE"); -- Creating the minimap config icon DruidBar_MinimapButton:Register("DruidBarMinimapIcon", minimapIconLDB, DruidBarKey); end function EventRegistration(event) if event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" then --Thanks to Tigerheart from Argent Dawn for this little piece of work, as well as fireball and prudence for bringing it up! DruidBarUpdateFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA"); DruidBarUpdateFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_POWER_UPDATE"); DruidBarUpdateFrame:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORMS"); return; elseif event == "PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD" then DruidBarUpdateFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_AURA"); DruidBarUpdateFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_POWER_UPDATE"); DruidBarUpdateFrame:UnregisterEvent("UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORMS"); return; end end function DruidBar_OnEvent(self, event,...) local arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6 = ... -- Get players className _, className = UnitClass("player"); -- Not sure what 'firstshift' is for yet if UnitPowerType("player") ~= 0 then firstshift = true; end -- Set the tooltip anchor DBarSpellCatch:SetOwner(DruidBarUpdateFrame, "ANCHOR_NONE"); if event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" or event == "PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD" then EventRegistration(event) elseif event == "ADDON_LOADED" then Load_Variables(className); elseif className and className == "DRUID" and DruidBarKey.Enabled then -- Show DruidBarUpdateFrame if hidden if not DruidBarUpdateFrame:IsVisible() then DruidBarUpdateFrame:Show(); end -- Player equiped or unequiped an item -- Player's power changed -- Player gained or lost a form, buff, debuff, status, or item bonus if event == "UNIT_AURA" or event == "UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORMS" or event == "UNIT_POWER_UPDATE" then DruidBarKey.maxmana = UnitPowerMax("player", 0); DruidBarKey.currentmana = UnitPower("player", 0); end end end function DruidBar_OnUpdate(self, elapsed) if className and className == "DRUID" and DruidBarKey.Enabled then timer = (timer or 0) + elapsed; if not notyet then DruidBar_MaxManaScript(); for i = 1, GetNumShapeshiftForms() do local icon = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(i); if icon == "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Druid_AquaticForm" then aquaformid = i; end if icon == "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Druid_TravelForm" then travelformid = i; end end notyet = true; end if lowregentimer > 0 then lowregentimer = lowregentimer - elapsed; if lowregentimer <= 0 then lowregentimer = 0; end end if UnitPowerType("player") ~= 0 then fullmanatimer = fullmanatimer + elapsed; if fullmanatimer > 6 and floor((DruidBarKey.currentmana*100) / DruidBarKey.maxmana) > 90 then DruidBarKey.currentmana = DruidBarKey.maxmana; end end -- Graphics ON if DruidBarKey.Graphics then if DruidBarKey.Replace then DruidBar_ReplaceGraphics(); else DruidBarMana:SetMinMaxValues(0, DruidBarKey.maxmana); DruidBarMana:SetValue(DruidBarKey.currentmana); if timer > 2 then DruidBar_ColorAndStrataAndTexture(); timer = 0; end DruidBar_MainGraphics(); end --Graphics OFF else dbarHide(DruidBarFrame); dbarHide(DruidBarReplaceText); if PlayerFrameManaBar:GetWidth() < 100 then PlayerFrameManaBar:SetWidth(120); end end else dbarHide(DruidBarFrame); dbarHide(DruidBarUpdateFrame); end end function Load_Variables(className) -- Populate primary data store 'DruidBarKey' if not DruidBarKey then DruidBarKey = {}; DruidBarKey.currentmana = 0; DruidBarKey.maxmana = 10; DruidBarKey.int = 0; DruidBarKey.subtractmana = 0; DruidBarKey.extra = 0; DruidBarKey.Enabled = true; DruidBarKey.Graphics = true; DruidBarKey.Minimap = true; DruidBarKey.DontShiftBack = false; DruidBarKey.tempW = 170; DruidBarKey.tempH = 18; DruidBarKey.color = {0,0,1,1}; DruidBarKey.bordercolor = {1,1,1,1}; DruidBarKey.bgcolor = {0,0,0,0.5}; DruidBarKey.barstrata = 2; -- Below aren't currently used DruidBarKey.borderstrata = "BACKGROUND"; DruidBarKey.bgstrata = "BORDER"; end if not DruidBarKey.color then DruidBarKey.color = {0,0,1,1}; end if not DruidBarKey.bordercolor then DruidBarKey.bordercolor = {1,1,1,1}; end if not DruidBarKey.bgcolor then DruidBarKey.bgcolor = {0,0,0,0.5}; end if(not DruidBarKey.tempW or DruidBarKey.tempW == 0) then DruidBarKey.tempW = DruidBarKey.xvar; end if(not DruidBarKey.tempH or DruidBarKey.tempH == 0) then DruidBarKey.tempH = DruidBarKey.yvar; end if(not DruidBarKey.DontShiftBack) then DruidBarKey.DontShiftBack = false; end if not DruidBarKey.barstrata then DruidBarKey.barstrata = 2; end -- Below aren't currently used if not DruidBarKey.borderstrata then DruidBarKey.borderstrata = "BACKGROUND" end if not DruidBarKey.bgstrata then DruidBarKey.bgstrata = "BORDER" end if not DruidBarKey.manatexture then DruidBarKey.manatexture = "Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-StatusBar"; end if not DruidBarKey.bordertexture then DruidBarKey.bordertexture = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-StatusBar-Border"; end DruidBarMana:SetStatusBarTexture(DruidBarKey.manatexture); DruidBarManaBackground:SetTexture(DruidBarKey.manatexture); DruidBarBorder:SetTexture(DruidBarKey.bordertexture); -- Not sure what 'shiftload' is all about yet if not shiftload and className == "DRUID" then pre_ShapeshiftBar_ChangeForm = ShapeshiftBar_ChangeForm; ShapeshiftBar_ChangeForm = DruidBar_ChangeForm; shiftload = true; end end function DruidBar_ReflectionCheck() local managain = 0; local j = 1; while (UnitBuff("player",j)) do DBarSpellCatch:SetUnitBuff("player", j); local msg = DBarSpellCatchTextLeft1:GetText(); if msg and (strfind(msg,DRUIDBAR_INNERVATE)) then return ((ceil(UnitStat(arg1,5) / 5)+15) * 5); end j = j + 1; end if lowregentimer > 0 then if waitonce then local name, iconTexture, tier, column, rank, maxRank, isExceptional, meetsPrereq = GetTalentInfo(3, 6); if rank == 0 then return 0; else managain = ((ceil(UnitStat("player",5) / 5)+15) * (0.05 * rank)); end else waitonce = true; end elseif lowregentimer <= 0 then managain = (ceil(UnitStat("player",5) / 5)+15); end return managain; end --Gets the mana cost of your shapeshifting spells. function DruidBar_GetShapeshiftCost() if not DBarSpellCatch:IsOwned(DruidBarUpdateFrame) then DBarSpellCatch:SetOwner(DruidBarUpdateFrame, "ANCHOR_NONE"); end DruidBarKey.subtractmana = 0; local a, b, c, d = GetSpellTabInfo(4); for i = 1, c+d, 1 do local spellname = GetSpellBookItemName(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL); spellname = strlower(spellname); if spellname and (strfind(spellname, DRUIDBAR_CAT_FORM) or strfind(spellname, DRUIDBAR_BEAR_FORM)) then DBarSpellCatch:SetSpellBookItem(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL); local msg = DBarSpellCatchTextLeft2:GetText(); if DruidBarKey.Debug then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(msg); end local params; if msg then local index = strfind(msg, DRUIDBAR_MANA_DELIM); if index then if (GetLocale() == "frFR" or GetLocale() == "koKR") then params = strsub(msg, index+1); else params = strsub(msg, 1, index-1); end if DruidBarKey.Debug then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(params); end DruidBarKey.subtractmana = tonumber(params); if DruidBarKey.subtractmana and DruidBarKey.subtractmana > 0 then return; end end end end end end function DruidBar_Subtract() if not firstshift then local j = 1; while (UnitBuff("player",j)) do DBarSpellCatch:SetUnitBuff("player", j); local msg = DBarSpellCatchTextLeft1:GetText(); if msg and (strfind(msg,DRUIDBAR_META)) then if DruidBarKey.Debug then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Rune detected, no mana cost!"); end return; end j = j + 1; end DruidBarKey.currentmana = DruidBarKey.currentmana - DruidBarKey.subtractmana; if DruidBarKey.Debug then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Mana Deduction: "..DruidBarKey.subtractmana); end else firstshift = nil; end end --Change form! whatever you cast, if you're shifted, you'll shift back to caster. function DruidBar_ChangeForm(id) local changingback = nil; for i = 1, GetNumShapeshiftForms() do local icon, name, active = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(i); if active and not DruidBarKey.DontShiftBack then id = i; changingback = true; end end if (id) then pre_ShapeshiftBar_ChangeForm(id); return nil; else return true; end end function dbarHide(frame) if frame:IsVisible() then frame:Hide(); end end function dbarShow(frame) if not frame:IsVisible() then frame:Show(); end end function dbarLength() if not DruidBarKey.xvar then DruidBarKey.xvar = 170; end if DruidBarFrame:GetWidth() ~= DruidBarKey.xvar then DruidBarFrame:SetWidth(DruidBarKey.xvar); DruidBarKey.xvar = DruidBarFrame:GetWidth(); end DruidBarMana:SetWidth(DruidBarKey.xvar*0.95); DruidBarManaBackground:SetWidth(DruidBarKey.xvar*0.95); DruidBarDontMove:SetWidth(DruidBarKey.xvar*0.95); end function dbarHeight() if not DruidBarKey.yvar then DruidBarKey.yvar = 18; end if DruidBarFrame:GetHeight() ~= DruidBarKey.yvar then DruidBarFrame:SetHeight(DruidBarKey.yvar); DruidBarKey.yvar = DruidBarFrame:GetHeight(); end DruidBarMana:SetHeight(DruidBarKey.yvar*(2/3)); DruidBarManaBackground:SetHeight(DruidBarKey.yvar*(2/3)); DruidBarDontMove:SetHeight(DruidBarKey.yvar*(2/3)); end function Minimap_Button_Renderer() -- If Minimap Icon should show based on settings if DruidBarKey.Minimap then DruidBar_MinimapButton:Show("DruidBarMinimapIcon"); else DruidBar_MinimapButton:Hide("DruidBarMinimapIcon"); end end function DruidBar_MainGraphics() dbarHide(DruidBarReplaceText); Minimap_Button_Renderer() if PlayerFrameManaBar:GetWidth() < 100 then PlayerFrameManaBar:SetWidth(120); end -- If DruidBar should render based on settings if DruidBar_ShouldBeVisible() then -- Render DruidBar Frame, Background, and Border dbarShow(DruidBarFrame); dbarShow(DruidBarManaBackground); dbarShow(DruidBarBorder); DruidBar_TextRenderer(); dbarLength(); dbarHeight(); -- Set location of DruidBar if DruidBarKey.Player then DruidBarFrame:ClearAllPoints(); DruidBarFrame:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT","PlayerFrame","BOTTOMRIGHT", -3, 35); DruidBar_Anchored = true; elseif DruidBar_Anchored then DruidBarFrame:ClearAllPoints(); DruidBarFrame:SetPoint("CENTER","UIParent","CENTER", 0, 0); DruidBar_Anchored = nil; end if DruidBarKey.Lock then dbarShow(DruidBarDontMove); DruidBarFrame:EnableMouse(0); else dbarHide(DruidBarDontMove); DruidBarFrame:EnableMouse(1); end else dbarHide(DruidBarFrame); dbarHide(DruidBarDontMove); end end function DruidBar_TextRenderer() dbarHide(DruidBarTextLeft); dbarHide(DruidBarTextCenter); dbarHide(DruidBarTextRight); -- Text options -- if DruidBarKey.Text or (not DruidBarKey.Text and MouseIsOver(DruidBarDontMove)) then if DruidBarKey.Percent then if DruidBarKey.Percent == 0 then -- Numbers dbarShow(DruidBarTextCenter); DruidBarTextCenter:SetText(ManaValues()); DruidBarTextCenter:SetTextColor(1,1,1,1); elseif DruidBarKey.Percent == 1 then -- Percent dbarShow(DruidBarTextCenter); DruidBarTextCenter:SetText(ManaPercentage()); DruidBarTextCenter:SetTextColor(1,1,1,1); elseif DruidBarKey.Percent == 2 then -- Bliz-Like dbarShow(DruidBarTextLeft); dbarShow(DruidBarTextRight); DruidBarTextLeft:SetText(ManaPercentage()); DruidBarTextRight:SetText(ManaValues()); DruidBarTextLeft:SetTextColor(1,1,1,1); DruidBarTextRight:SetTextColor(1,1,1,1); end else -- Both dbarShow(DruidBarTextCenter); DruidBarTextCenter:SetText(ManaValuesAndPercentage()); DruidBarTextCenter:SetTextColor(1,1,1,1); end if DruidBarKey.Text == 0 then DruidBarTextLeft:SetFontObject("GameTooltipTextSmall"); DruidBarTextCenter:SetFontObject("GameTooltipTextSmall"); DruidBarTextRight:SetFontObject("GameTooltipTextSmall"); elseif DruidBarKey.Text == 1 then DruidBarTextLeft:SetFontObject("TextStatusBarText"); DruidBarTextCenter:SetFontObject("TextStatusBarText"); DruidBarTextRight:SetFontObject("TextStatusBarText"); end end end function ManaValuesAndPercentage() return ManaValues().." "..ManaPercentage(); end function ManaValues() return floor(DruidBarKey.currentmana).."/"..floor(DruidBarKey.maxmana); end function ManaPercentage() return floor(DruidBarKey.currentmana / DruidBarKey.maxmana * 100).."%"; end function DruidBar_ReplaceGraphics() if UnitPowerType("player") ~= 0 then dbarShow(DruidBarFrame); dbarHide(DruidBarManaBackground); dbarHide(DruidBarDontMove); dbarHide(DruidBarBorder); dbarHide(DruidBarTextLeft); dbarHide(DruidBarTextCenter); dbarHide(DruidBarTextRight); dbarHide(PlayerFrameManaBarText); dbarShow(DruidBarReplaceText); PlayerFrameManaBar:SetWidth(60); DruidBarFrame:ClearAllPoints(); DruidBarFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","PlayerFrame","TOPLEFT", 116, -50); DruidBarMana:SetWidth(60); DruidBarMana:SetHeight(10); -- DruidBarMana:SetFrameLevel("1"); local str, str1; str = "|CFFFFFFFF"..UnitPower("player").."|r"; if DruidBarKey.Percent and DruidBarKey.Percent == 1 then str1 = "|CFFFFFFFF"..floor(DruidBarKey.currentmana / DruidBarKey.maxmana * 100).."%|r"; elseif DruidBarKey.Percent then str1 = "|CFFFFFFFF"..floor(DruidBarKey.currentmana).."|r"; else str1 = "|CFFFFFFFF"..(floor(DruidBarKey.currentmana / 100)/10).."k,"..floor(DruidBarKey.currentmana / DruidBarKey.maxmana * 100).."%|r"; end -- DruidBarReplaceText:SetFrameLevel("2"); if (DruidBarKey.Text and DruidBarKey.Text == 1) or (not DruidBarKey.Text and (MouseIsOver(DruidBarFrame) or MouseIsOver(PlayerFrameManaBar)))then dbarShow(DEnergyText1); dbarShow(DManaText1); dbarHide(DManaText); dbarHide(DEnergyText); DEnergyText1:SetText(str); DManaText1:SetText(str1); elseif DruidBarKey.Text then dbarShow(DEnergyText); dbarHide(DEnergyText1); dbarShow(DManaText); dbarHide(DManaText1); DEnergyText:SetText(str); DManaText:SetText(str1); else dbarHide(DEnergyText); dbarHide(DEnergyText1); dbarHide(DManaText); dbarHide(DManaText1); end else dbarHide(DruidBarFrame); dbarHide(DEnergyText); dbarHide(DEnergyText1); dbarHide(DManaText); dbarHide(DManaText1); dbarHide(DruidBarReplaceText); PlayerFrameManaBar:SetWidth(120); end end --Text Parsing. Yay! function TextParse(InputString) --[[ By FERNANDO! This function should take a string and return a table with each word from the string in each entry. IE, "Linoleum is teh awesome" returns {"Linoleum", "is", "teh", "awesome"} Some good should come of this, I've been avoiding writing a text parser for a while, and I need one I understand completely. ^_^ If you want to gank this function and use it for whatever, feel free. Just give me props somewhere. This function, as far as I can tell, is fairly foolproof. It's hard to get it to screw up. It's also completely self-contained. Just cut and paste.]] local Text = InputString; local TextLength = 1; local OutputTable = {}; local OTIndex = 1; local StartAt = 1; local StopAt = 1; local TextStart = 1; local TextStop = 1; local TextRemaining = 1; local NextSpace = 1; local Chunk = ""; local Iterations = 1; local EarlyError = false; if ((Text ~= nil) and (Text ~= "")) then -- ... Yeah. I'm not even going to begin without checking to make sure Im not getting -- invalid data. The big ol crashes I got with my color functions taught me that. ^_^ -- First, it's time to strip out any extra spaces, ie any more than ONE space at a time. while (string.find(Text, " ") ~= nil) do Text = string.gsub(Text, " ", " "); end -- Now, what if text consisted of only spaces, for some ungodly reason? Well... if (string.len(Text) <= 1) then EarlyError = true; end -- Now, if there is a leading or trailing space, we nix them. if EarlyError ~= true then TextStart = 1; TextStop = string.len(Text); if (string.sub(Text, TextStart, TextStart) == " ") then TextStart = TextStart+1; end if (string.sub(Text, TextStop, TextStop) == " ") then TextStop = TextStop-1; end Text = string.sub(Text, TextStart, TextStop); end -- Finally, on to breaking up the goddamn string. OTIndex = 1; TextRemaining = string.len(Text); while (StartAt <= TextRemaining) and (EarlyError ~= true) do -- NextSpace is the index of the next space in the string... NextSpace = string.find(Text, " ",StartAt); -- if there isn't another space, then StopAt is the length of the rest of the -- string, otherwise it's just before the next space... if (NextSpace ~= nil) then StopAt = (NextSpace - 1); else StopAt = string.len(Text); LetsEnd = true; end Chunk = string.sub(Text, StartAt, StopAt); OutputTable[OTIndex] = Chunk; OTIndex = OTIndex + 1; StartAt = StopAt + 2; end else OutputTable[1] = "Error: Bad value passed to TextParse!"; end if (EarlyError ~= true) then return OutputTable; else return {"Error: Bad value passed to TextParse!"}; end end --Normal print job. function DruidBar_Print(msg,r,g,b,frame,id,unknown4th) if(unknown4th) then local temp = id; id = unknown4th; unknown4th = id; end if (not r) then r = 1.0; end if (not g) then g = 1.0; end if (not b) then b = 1.0; end if ( frame ) then frame:AddMessage(msg,r,g,b,id,unknown4th); else if ( DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(msg, r, g, b,id,unknown4th); end end end function DruidBar_Toggle(tog, str) if tog then DruidBar_Print(str.." off"); return nil; else DruidBar_Print(str.." on"); return true; end end function DruidBar_Enable_ChatCommandHandler(text) local msg = TextParse(text); msg[1] = strlower(msg[1]); if msg[1] == "gui" then DRUIDBAROptionsFrame_Toggle(); elseif msg[1] == "on" then DruidBarKey.Enabled = true; DruidBar_Print("DruidBar is Enabled!",1,1,0); DRUIDBAR_FrameSet(); elseif msg[1] == "off" then DruidBarKey.Enabled = nil; DruidBar_Print("DruidBar is Disabled!",1,1,0); DRUIDBAR_FrameSet(); elseif msg[1] == "toggle" then DruidBarKey.Enabled = DruidBar_Toggle(DruidBarKey.Enabled, "DruidBar is"); DRUIDBAR_FrameSet(); elseif msg[1] == "vis" then DruidBarKey.Graphics = DruidBar_Toggle(DruidBarKey.Graphics, "DruidBar's visual data is"); DRUIDBAR_FrameSet(); elseif msg[1] == "width" and msg[2] and tonumber(msg[2]) then DruidBarKey.xvar = tonumber(msg[2]); DruidBar_Print("Width is now set to "..msg[2]); DRUIDBAR_FrameSet(); elseif msg[1] == "height" and msg[2] and tonumber(msg[2]) then DruidBarKey.yvar = tonumber(msg[2]); DruidBar_Print("Height is now set to "..msg[2]); DRUIDBAR_FrameSet(); elseif msg[1] == "hide" then DruidBarKey.HideInCaster = DruidBar_Toggle(DruidBarKey.HideInCaster, "Hiding bar when in caster form is"); DRUIDBAR_FrameSet(); elseif msg[1] == "full" then DruidBarKey.HideWhenFull = DruidBar_Toggle(DruidBarKey.HideWhenFull, "Hiding bar when mana is full is"); DRUIDBAR_FrameSet(); elseif msg[1] == "lock" then DruidBarKey.Lock = DruidBar_Toggle(DruidBarKey.Lock, "Lock feature is"); DRUIDBAR_FrameSet(); elseif msg[1] == "replace" then DruidBarKey.Replace = DruidBar_Toggle(DruidBarKey.Replace, "Replacing the player frame's mana bar is"); DRUIDBAR_FrameSet(); elseif msg[1] == "shift" then DruidBarKey.DontShiftBack = DruidBar_Toggle(DruidBarKey.DontShiftBack, "Prevent shifting to human using different forms is"); DRUIDBAR_FrameSet(); elseif msg[1] == "player" then DruidBarKey.Player = DruidBar_Toggle(DruidBarKey.Player, "Showing the bar below the Player Frame is"); if DruidBarKey.Player then DruidBarKey.xvar = 150; DruidBarKey.yvar = 18; else DruidBarKey.xvar = 170; DruidBarKey.yvar = 18; end DRUIDBAR_FrameSet(); elseif msg[1] == "text" then if not DruidBarKey.Text then DruidBarKey.Text = 0; DruidBar_Print("Original-Style text on!"); elseif DruidBarKey.Text == 0 then DruidBarKey.Text = 1; DruidBar_Print("New-Style text on!"); elseif DruidBarKey.Text == 1 then DruidBarKey.Text = nil; DruidBar_Print("Text removed."); end DRUIDBAR_FrameSet(); elseif msg[1] == "percent" then if not DruidBarKey.Percent then DruidBarKey.Percent = 0; DruidBar_Print("DruidBar will show Raw numbers"); elseif DruidBarKey.Percent == 0 then DruidBarKey.Percent = 1; DruidBar_Print("DruidBar will now show Percentages"); elseif DruidBarKey.Percent == 1 then DruidBarKey.Percent = nil; DruidBar_Print("DruidBar will show both Percentages and Raw numbers"); end DRUIDBAR_FrameSet(); elseif msg[1] == "status" then DruidBar_Status(); elseif msg[1] == "best" then DruidBar_ChangeBestForm(); elseif msg[1] == "color" then if tonumber(msg[3]) then if msg[2] == "r" then DruidBarKey.color[1] = msg[3]; elseif msg[2] == "g" then DruidBarKey.color[2] = msg[3]; elseif msg[2] == "b" then DruidBarKey.color[3] = msg[3]; elseif msg[2] == "a" then DruidBarKey.color[4] = msg[3]; elseif tonumber(msg[2]) and tonumber(msg[3]) and tonumber(msg[4]) then DruidBarKey.color[1] = tonumber(msg[2]); DruidBarKey.color[2] = tonumber(msg[3]); DruidBarKey.color[3] = tonumber(msg[4]); end end elseif msg[1] == "debug" then DruidBarKey.Debug = DruidBar_Toggle(DruidBarKey.Debug, "Debug options"); DRUIDBAR_FrameSet(); elseif msg[1] == "manatex" then if msg[2] == "default" then DruidBarKey.manatexture = "Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-StatusBar"; DruidBar_Print("Setting mana bar texture to default"); else DruidBarKey.manatexture = msg[2]; DruidBar_Print("Setting mana bar texture to "..DruidBarKey.manatexture); end DRUIDBAR_FrameSet(); elseif msg[1] == "bordertex" then if msg[2] == "default" then DruidBarKey.bordertexture = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-StatusBar-Border"; DruidBar_Print("Setting border texture to default"); else DruidBarKey.bordertexture = msg[2]; DruidBar_Print("Setting border texture to "..DruidBarKey.bordertexture); end DRUIDBAR_FrameSet(); else DRUIDBAROptionsFrame_Toggle(); end end function DruidBar_Status() DruidBar_Print("DruidBar Toggle Status:"); DruidBar_Print("DruidBar's enabled status is "..DruidBar_On(DruidBarKey.Enabled)); DruidBar_Print("Graphics are "..DruidBar_On(DruidBarKey.Graphics)); DruidBar_Print("Prevention of shapeshifting to human using other forms is "..DruidBar_On(DruidBarKey.DontShiftBack)); DruidBar_Print("Hiding when in caster is "..DruidBar_On(DruidBarKey.HideInCaster)); DruidBar_Print("Hiding when mana is full is "..DruidBar_On(DruidBarKey.HideWhenFull)); DruidBar_Print("Replacing the Player Frame's mana bar is "..DruidBar_On(DruidBarKey.Replace)); DruidBar_Print("Showing under the Player Frame is "..DruidBar_On(DruidBarKey.Player)); local str; if not DruidBarKey.Text then str = "|CFF888888Off|r"; elseif DruidBarKey.Text == 1 then str = "|CFFFFFFFFModern|r"; else str = "|CFF00FF00Classic|r"; end DruidBar_Print("The current style of text is "..str); if not DruidBarKey.Percent then str = "|CFF00FF00Percent and Raw|r"; elseif DruidBarKey.Percent == 1 then str = "|CFFFF00FFRaw|r"; else str = "|CFF0000FFPercent|r"; end DruidBar_Print("The current display of text is "..str); DruidBar_Print("Debugging is "..DruidBar_On(DruidBarKey.Debug)); end function DruidBar_On(tog) if tog then return "|CFF00FF00On.|r"; else return "|CFFFF0000Off.|r"; end end function DruidBar_MaxManaScript() -- TODO: not sure what int is in this case, RENAME local _, int = UnitStat("player", 4); DruidBar_GetShapeshiftCost(); if UnitPowerType("player") == 0 then if UnitPowerMax("player") > 0 then DruidBarKey.maxmana = UnitPowerMax("player"); DruidBarKey.currentmana = UnitPower("player"); DruidBarKey.int = int; end elseif UnitPowerType("player") ~= 0 then if DruidBarKey.int ~= int then if int > DruidBarKey.int then local dif = int - DruidBarKey.int; DruidBarKey.maxmana = DruidBarKey.maxmana + (dif * 15); DruidBarKey.int = int; elseif int < DruidBarKey.int then local dif = DruidBarKey.int - int; DruidBarKey.maxmana = DruidBarKey.maxmana - (dif * 15); DruidBarKey.int = int; end end if DruidBarKey.currentmana > DruidBarKey.maxmana then DruidBarKey.currentmana = DruidBarKey.maxmana; end end DruidBarKey.extra = 0; for i = 1, 18 do DBarSpellCatch:ClearLines(); DBarSpellCatch:SetInventoryItem("player", i); for j = 1, DBarSpellCatch:NumLines() do local strchek = getglobal("DBarSpellCatchTextLeft"..j):GetText(); if strchek then if strfind(strchek, DRUIDBAR_REGEN1) then DruidBarKey.extra = DruidBarKey.extra + string.gsub(strchek, DRUIDBAR_REGEN3, "%1") end if strfind(strchek, DRUIDBAR_REGEN2) then DruidBarKey.extra = DruidBarKey.extra + string.gsub(strchek, DRUIDBAR_REGEN4, "%1"); end end end end DruidBarKey.extra = (DruidBarKey.extra * 2) / 5; end function DruidBar_ShouldBeVisible() if (DruidBarKey.HideInCaster and UnitPowerType("player") == 0) then return false; end; if (DruidBarKey.HideWhenFull and not (DruidBarKey.currentmana < DruidBarKey.maxmana)) then return false; end; return true; end function DruidBar_ColorAndStrataAndTexture() DruidBarMana:SetStatusBarColor(DruidBarKey.color[1], DruidBarKey.color[2], DruidBarKey.color[3], DruidBarKey.color[4]); DruidBarManaBackground:SetVertexColor(DruidBarKey.bgcolor[1],DruidBarKey.bgcolor[2],DruidBarKey.bgcolor[3],DruidBarKey.bgcolor[4]); DruidBarBorder:SetVertexColor(DruidBarKey.bordercolor[1],DruidBarKey.bordercolor[2],DruidBarKey.bordercolor[3],DruidBarKey.bordercolor[4]); DruidBarMana:SetStatusBarTexture(DruidBarKey.manatexture); DruidBarManaBackground:SetTexture(DruidBarKey.manatexture); DruidBarBorder:SetTexture(DruidBarKey.bordertexture); -- DruidBarMana:SetFrameLevel(DruidBarKey.barstrata); DruidBarManaBackground:SetDrawLayer(DruidBarKey.bgstrata); -- DruidBarBorder:SetDrawLayer(DruidBarKey.borderstrata); end function UIErrorsFrame:realEcho() end function UIErrorsFrame:fakeEcho(str, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) --DruidBar_Print(str, a1, a2, a3) --The outdoors message is normally delayed by lag so that it doesn't actually come until after the function is re-enabled. However, on occasion when the latency is very low and the interface lags, it will come while the function is still disabled. Allow the message through if this is the case. if(str == "Can only use outside") then UIErrorsFrame:realEcho(str, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) end end --[[ Shapeshifting Code ]]-- --Thanks to mib for this code! it's awesome! --also thanks to Zevzabich for a bit of help since the pure rapeage of both my character and my lua that is know as 0.10 function DruidBar_ChangeBestForm() local m_bag = -1; local m_pos = -1; local aq_bag = -1; local aq_pos = -1; -- search position of mount for bag = 0,4 do for i = 1,GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do local t = GetContainerItemInfo(bag, i) if (t) then if (strfind(t,"\Ability_Mount_")) then m_bag = bag; m_pos = i; end if strfind(t, "\INV_Misc_Horn_01") and strfind(strlower(GetContainerItemLink(bag,i)), "frostwolf") then m_bag = bag; m_pos = i; end if (strfind(t, "INV_Misc_QirajiCrystal")) then aq_bag = bag; aq_pos = i; end end end end local _, pqrs = UnitClass("player"); if pqrs == "DRUID" then --first hide the error messages --we try to do all 3 at once! UIErrorsFrame.realEcho = UIErrorsFrame.AddMessage; UIErrorsFrame.AddMessage = UIErrorsFrame.fakeEcho; if (m_bag > -1 and m_pos > -1) or (aq_bag > -1 and aq_pos > -1) then if strfind(GetRealZoneText(), DRUIDBAR_AQ1) and not strfind(GetRealZoneText(), DRUIDBAR_AQ2) and not strfind(GetRealZoneText(), DRUIDBAR_AQ3) then UseContainerItem(aq_bag, aq_pos); else UseContainerItem(m_bag, m_pos); end end ShapeshiftBar_ChangeForm(travelformid); ShapeshiftBar_ChangeForm(aquaformid); --then we allow error messages again UIErrorsFrame.AddMessage = UIErrorsFrame.realEcho; else local i = 1; --check for high-speed castable mounts. while true do local spellName = GetSpellName(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL); if not spellName then do break end end if spellName == DRUIDBAR_CHARGER or spellName == DRUIDBAR_DREAD then CastSpell(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL); return; end i = i + 1; end i = 1; --check for lv40 castable mounts, or ghost wolf. while true do local spellName = GetSpellName(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL); if not spellName then do break end end if spellName == DRUIDBAR_FEL or spellName == DRUIDBAR_GHOST or spellName == DRUIDBAR_WAR then CastSpell(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL); return; end i = i + 1; end --nothing yet? let's try to mount normally. UIErrorsFrame.realEcho = UIErrorsFrame.AddMessage; UIErrorsFrame.AddMessage = UIErrorsFrame.fakeEcho; --and trying... if (m_bag > -1 and m_pos > -1) or (aq_bag > -1 and aq_pos > -1) then if strfind(GetRealZoneText(), DRUIDBAR_AQ1) and not strfind(GetRealZoneText(), DRUIDBAR_AQ2) and not strfind(GetRealZoneText(), DRUIDBAR_AQ3) then UseContainerItem(aq_bag, aq_pos); else UseContainerItem(m_bag, m_pos); end end --then we allow error messages again UIErrorsFrame.AddMessage = UIErrorsFrame.realEcho; end end