$Id: LibBabble-SubZone-3.0_zhCN.lua 170 2014-10-18 13:24:28Z arith $
Name: LibBabble-SubZone-3.0
Revision: $Rev: 170 $
Maintainers: arith, dynaletik
Last updated by: $Author: arith $
Website: http://www.wowace.com/addons/libbabble-subzone-3-0/
Dependencies: None
License: MIT

local _, private = ...
local lib = private["LibBabble-SubZone-3.0-LoadingLib"]
if not lib or GetLocale() ~= "zhCN" then return end

	["7th Legion Base Camp"] = "第七军团营地",
	["7th Legion Front"] = "第七军团前线",
	["7th Legion Submarine"] = "第七军团潜艇",
	["Aarko's Estate"] = "阿尔克的庄园",
	["Abandoned Armory"] = "废弃的军械库",
	["Abandoned Camp"] = "被遗弃的营地",
	["Abandoned Highmaul Mine"] = "废弃的悬槌矿井",
	["Abandoned Mine"] = "被遗弃的矿洞",
	["Abandoned Reef"] = "被遗弃的珊瑚礁",
	["Above the Frozen Sea"] = "冰冻之海上空",
	["A Brewing Storm"] = "酝酿风暴",
	["Abyssal Breach"] = "深渊裂口",
	["Abyssal Depths"] = "无底海渊",
	["Abyssal Halls"] = "深渊大厅",
	["Abyssal Maw"] = "深渊之喉",
	["Abyssal Maw Exterior"] = "深渊之喉外部",
	["Abyssal Sands"] = "深沙平原",
	["Abyssion's Lair"] = "艾比希昂的巢穴",
	["Access Shaft Zeon"] = "瑟安竖井",
	["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = "阿彻鲁斯:黑锋要塞",
	["Addle's Stead"] = "腐草农场",
	["Aderic's Repose"] = "埃德里奇的安息地",
	["Admiral Taylor's Farm"] = "海军上将泰勒的农场",
	["Admiral Taylor's Garrison"] = "海军上将泰勒的要塞",
	["Aerie Peak"] = "鹰巢山",
	["Aeris Landing"] = "埃瑞斯码头",
	["Affliction Ridge"] = "苦痛山脊",
	["Agama'gor UNUSED"] = "Agama'gor UNUSED",
	["Agama'gor [UNUSED]"] = "Agama'gor [UNUSED]",
	["Agamand Family Crypt"] = "阿加曼德家族墓穴",
	["Agamand Mills"] = "阿加曼德磨坊",
	["Agmar's Hammer"] = "阿格玛之锤",
	["Agmond's End"] = "阿戈莫德的营地",
	["Agol'watha"] = "亚戈瓦萨",
	["Agurak's Fall"] = "阿古拉克之陨",
	["A Hero's Welcome"] = "英雄之家",
	["Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom"] = "安卡赫特:古代王国",
	["Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom Entrance"] = "安卡赫特:古代王国入口",
	["Ahn Qiraj"] = "安其拉",
	["Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安其拉",
	["Ahn'Qiraj Temple"] = "安其拉神殿",
	["Ahn'Qiraj Terrace"] = "安其拉平台",
	["Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom"] = "安其拉:堕落王国",
	["Akeeta's Hovel"] = "阿基塔的小屋",
	["Akhenet Fields"] = "埃卡赫莱平原",
	["Aku'mai's Lair"] = "阿库麦尔的巢穴",
	["Alabaster Shelf"] = "雪玉岩床",
	["Alcaz Island"] = "奥卡兹岛",
	["Alchemy Lab"] = "炼金实验室",
	["Aldor Rise"] = "奥尔多高地",
	Aldrassil = "奥达希尔",
	["Aldur'thar: The Desolation Gate"] = "荒凉之门奥尔杜萨",
	["Alexston Farmstead"] = "阿历克斯顿农场",
	["Algaz Gate"] = "奥加兹大门",
	["Algaz Station"] = "奥加兹岗哨",
	["A Little Patience"] = "王者的耐心",
	["Allen Farmstead"] = "艾伦农场",
	["Allerian Post"] = "奥蕾莉亚岗哨",
	["Allerian Stronghold"] = "奥蕾莉亚要塞",
	["Alliance Base"] = "联盟基地",
	["Alliance Beach Daily Area"] = "联盟海滩日常区域",
	["Alliance Beachhead"] = "联盟滩头",
	["Alliance Hub - Mogu Island Progression Scenario"] = "Alliance Hub - Mogu Island Progression Scenario",
	["Alliance Keep"] = "联盟要塞",
	["Alliance Mercenary Ship to Vashj'ir"] = "前往瓦丝琪尔的联盟商船",
	["Alliance Mine"] = "联盟矿井",
	["Alliance PVP Barracks"] = "联盟PvP兵营",
	["All That Glitters Prospecting Co."] = "亮晶晶矿业公司",
	["Alonsus Chapel"] = "阿隆索斯礼拜堂",
	["Altar of Ascension"] = "升腾祭坛",
	["Altar of Har'koa"] = "哈克娅祭坛",
	["Altar of Kron"] = "克鲁恩祭坛",
	["Altar of Mam'toth"] = "犸托斯祭坛",
	["Altar of Quetz'lun"] = "奎丝鲁恩祭坛",
	["Altar of Rhunok"] = "伦诺克祭坛",
	["Altar of Shadow"] = "暗影祭坛",
	["Altar of Sha'tar"] = "沙塔尔祭坛",
	["Altar of Sseratus"] = "西莱图斯祭坛",
	["Altar of Storms"] = "风暴祭坛",
	["Altar of the Blood God"] = "血神祭坛",
	["Altar of Twilight"] = "暮光祭坛",
	["Alterac Mountains"] = "奥特兰克山脉",
	["Alterac Valley"] = "奥特兰克山谷",
	["Alther's Mill"] = "奥瑟尔伐木场",
	["Amani Catacombs"] = "阿曼尼墓穴",
	["Amani Mountains"] = "阿曼尼山岭",
	["Amani Pass"] = "阿曼尼小径",
	["Amberfly Bog"] = "珀蝇沼",
	["Amberglow Hollow"] = "珀光裂谷",
	["Amber Ledge"] = "琥珀崖",
	Ambermarsh = "琥珀泽",
	Ambermill = "安伯米尔",
	["Amberpine Lodge"] = "琥珀松木营地",
	["Amber Quarry"] = "琥珀采掘场",
	["Amber Research Sanctum"] = "琥珀研究圣所",
	["Ambershard Cavern"] = "琥珀碎片洞穴",
	["Amberstill Ranch"] = "冻石农场",
	["Amberweb Pass"] = "琥珀蛛网小径",
	["Ameth'Aran"] = "亚米萨兰",
	["Ammen Fields"] = "埃门平原",
	["Ammen Ford"] = "埃门海滩",
	["Ammen Vale"] = "埃门谷",
	["Amphitheater of Anguish"] = "痛苦斗兽场",
	["Amphitheater of Annihilation"] = "毁灭斗兽场",
	["Ampitheater of Anguish"] = "痛苦斗兽场",
	["Ancestor's Grotto"] = "先祖岩洞",
	["Ancestral Grounds"] = "先祖之地",
	["Ancestral Rise"] = "祖宗高地",
	["Anchorite's Sojourn"] = "学者之家",
	["Ancient Courtyard"] = "先祖庭院",
	["Ancient Zul'Gurub"] = "古城祖尔格拉布",
	["An'daroth"] = "安达洛斯",
	["Andilien Estate"] = "安迪尔林庄园",
	Andorhal = "安多哈尔",
	["Andromath's Rise"] = "安多玛斯高塔",
	Andruk = "安德鲁克",
	["Angerfang Encampment"] = "怒牙营地",
	["Angkhal Pavilion"] = "安卡阁",
	["Anglers Expedition"] = "垂钓翁探险营",
	["Anglers Wharf"] = "渔人码头",
	["Angor Fortress"] = "苦痛堡垒",
	["Ango'rosh Grounds"] = "安葛洛什营地",
	["Ango'rosh Ruins"] = "安葛洛什废墟",
	["Ango'rosh Stronghold"] = "安葛洛什要塞",
	["Angrathar the Wrathgate"] = "天谴之门安加萨",
	["Angrathar the Wrath Gate"] = "天谴之门安加萨",
	["Anguish Fortress"] = "痛楚堡垒",
	["Anguish Point"] = "苦痛岗哨",
	["An'owyn"] = "安欧维恩",
	["An'telas"] = "安泰拉斯",
	["Antonidas Memorial"] = "安东尼达斯纪念碑",
	Anvilmar = "安威玛尔",
	["Anvil of Conflagration"] = "厄火铁砧",
	["Apexis Chamber"] = "埃匹希斯大殿",
	["Apexis Excavation"] = "埃匹希斯挖掘场",
	["Apex Point"] = "巅峰之台",
	["Apocryphan's Rest"] = "圣者之陵",
	["Apothecary Camp"] = "药剂师营地",
	["Applebloom Tavern"] = "苹花酒馆",
	["Arathi Basin"] = "阿拉希盆地",
	["Arathi Highlands"] = "阿拉希高地",
	["Arbor Glen"] = "茂林幽谷",
	["Arcane Pinnacle"] = "奥术之巅",
	["Arcane Sanctum"] = "奥秘圣殿",
	["Archenon Siegeyard"] = "奥金诺攻城营地",
	["Archmage Overwatch"] = "大法师瞭望塔",
	["Archmage Vargoth's Retreat"] = "大法师瓦格斯的居所",
	["Arch of Sha'tar"] = "沙塔尔拱门",
	["Area 52"] = "52区",
	["Arena Floor"] = "竞技场",
	["Arena of Annihilation"] = "破军比武场",
	["Arena Of Annihiliation"] = "破军比武场",
	["Argent Pavilion"] = "银色大帐",
	["Argent Stand"] = "银色前沿",
	["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = "银色比武场",
	["Argent Vanguard"] = "银色前线基地",
	["Ariden's Camp"] = "埃瑞丁营地",
	["Arikara's Needle"] = "阿利卡拉针石",
	["Arklonis Ridge"] = "阿尔科隆山脉",
	["Arklon Ruins"] = "阿尔科隆废墟",
	["Arriga Footbridge"] = "埃雷加之桥",
	["Arsad Trade Post"] = "阿萨德贸易站",
	["Artifact Storage"] = "遗物仓库",
	Aruuna = "阿鲁纳",
	["Aruuna Crystal Mine"] = "阿鲁纳水晶矿洞",
	["Aruuna's Desolation"] = "阿鲁纳焦土",
	["Ascendant's Rise"] = "升腾者高地",
	["Ascent of Frostfire"] = "霜火高地",
	["Ascent of Swirling Winds"] = "旋风高地",
	["Ashen Crater"] = "灰烬火山口",
	["Ashen Fields"] = "灰烬旷野",
	["Ashen Lake"] = "暗灰湖",
	Ashenvale = "灰谷",
	["Ashenvale 4.x"] = "灰谷",
	["Ashmaul Burial Grounds"] = "灰槌墓地",
	Ashran = "阿什兰",
	["Ashwood Lake"] = "灰木湖",
	["Ashwood Post"] = "灰木哨站",
	["Aspen Grove Post"] = "白杨商栈",
	["Assassin's Cove"] = "刺客湾",
	["Assault on Shaol'mara"] = "突袭绍尔马拉",
	["Assault on Zan'vess"] = "突袭扎尼维斯",
	["Assault on Zeb'tula"] = "突袭赞布图拉",
	Astranaar = "阿斯特兰纳",
	["Ata'gar Promontory"] = "阿塔加海角",
	["Ata'mal Terrace"] = "阿塔玛平台",
	Athenaeum = "图书馆",
	["Atrium of the Heart"] = "心之中庭",
	["Atulhet's Tomb"] = "阿图希特陵墓",
	["Auberdine Refugee Camp"] = "奥伯丁难民营",
	["Auburn Bluffs"] = "褐崖",
	["Auchenai Crypts"] = "奥金尼地穴",
	["Auchenai Grounds"] = "奥金尼废墟",
	["Auchenai Precipice"] = "奥金尼绝壁",
	Auchindoun = "奥金顿",
	["Auchindoun: Auchenai Crypts"] = "奥金顿:奥金尼地穴",
	["Auchindoun - Auchenai Crypts Entrance"] = "奥金顿 - 奥金尼地穴入口",
	["Auchindoun: Mana-Tombs"] = "奥金顿:法力墓穴",
	["Auchindoun - Mana-Tombs Entrance"] = "奥金顿 - 法力陵墓入口",
	["Auchindoun: Sethekk Halls"] = "奥金顿:塞泰克大厅",
	["Auchindoun - Sethekk Halls Entrance"] = "奥金顿 - 塞泰克大厅入口",
	["Auchindoun: Shadow Labyrinth"] = "奥金顿:暗影迷宫",
	["Auchindoun - Shadow Labyrinth Entrance"] = "奥金顿 - 暗影迷宫入口",
	["Auction House"] = "拍卖行",
	["Auren Falls"] = "奥伦瀑布",
	["Auren Ridge"] = "奥伦山脊",
	["Autumnshade Ridge"] = "秋荫山",
	["Avalanchion's Vault"] = "阿瓦兰奇奥的地穴",
	Aviary = "蝙蝠笼",
	Axefall = "坠斧营地",
	["Axefall Worksite"] = "坠斧营地工地",
	["Axis of Alignment"] = "校准之轴",
	Axxarien = "阿克萨林",
	["Azjol-Nerub"] = "艾卓-尼鲁布",
	["Azjol-Nerub Entrance"] = "艾卓-尼鲁布入口",
	Azshara = "艾萨拉",
	["Azshara Crater"] = "艾萨拉巨坑",
	["Azshara's Palace"] = "艾萨拉的宫殿",
	["Azulae Outpost"] = "阿祖莱岗哨",
	["Azurebreeze Coast"] = "碧风海岸",
	["Azure Dragonshrine"] = "碧蓝巨龙圣地",
	["Azurelode Mine"] = "碧玉矿洞",
	["Azuremyst Isle"] = "秘蓝岛",
	["Azure Watch"] = "碧蓝岗哨",
	["Backbreaker Bay"] = "碎脊湾",
	Badlands = "荒芜之地",
	["Bael'dun Digsite"] = "巴尔丹挖掘场",
	["Bael'dun Keep"] = "巴尔丹城堡",
	["Bael'dun Keep [UNUSED]"] = "巴尔丹城堡",
	["Baelgun's Excavation Site"] = "巴尔古挖掘场",
	["Bael Modan"] = "巴尔莫丹",
	["Bael Modan Excavation"] = "巴尔莫丹挖掘场",
	["Bael Modan [UNUSED]"] = "巴尔莫丹",
	["Bahrum's Post"] = "巴赫隆岗哨",
	["Balargarde Fortress"] = "巴拉加德堡垒",
	Baleheim = "拜尔海姆",
	["Balejar Watch"] = "拜尔亚岗哨",
	["Balia'mah Ruins"] = "巴里亚曼废墟",
	["Bal'lal Ruins"] = "巴拉尔废墟",
	["Balnir Farmstead"] = "巴尼尔农场",
	Bambala = "邦巴拉",
	["Band of Acceleration"] = "加速之环",
	["Band of Alignment"] = "校准之环",
	["Band of Transmutation"] = "转化之环",
	["Band of Variance"] = "突变之环",
	["Ban'ethil Barrow Den"] = "班尼希尔兽穴",
	["Ban'ethil Barrow Descent"] = "班尼希尔兽穴下层区",
	["Ban'ethil Hollow"] = "班尼希尔山谷",
	Bank = "银行",
	["Banquet Grounds"] = "宴会地",
	["Ban'Thallow Barrow Den"] = "班萨罗兽穴",
	["Baradin Base Camp"] = "巴拉丁营地",
	["Baradin Bay"] = "巴拉丁海湾",
	["Baradin Hold"] = "巴拉丁监狱",
	Barbershop = "理发店",
	Barn = "畜棚",
	["Barov Family Vault"] = "巴罗夫家族宝库",
	Barracks = "兵营",
	["Barrier Sea"] = "隔绝之海",
	["Bashal'Aran"] = "巴莎兰",
	["Bashal'Aran Collapse"] = "巴莎兰废墟",
	["Bash'ir Landing"] = "巴什伊尔码头",
	["Bastion Antechamber"] = "堡垒前厅",
	["Bastion Rise"] = "棱堡高地",
	["Bathran's Haunt"] = "巴斯兰鬼屋",
	["Battlefront Provisions"] = "前线辎重营",
	["Battle on the High Seas"] = "公海激战",
	["Battle Ring"] = "大竞技场",
	Battlescar = "战斗之痕",
	["Battlescar Spire"] = "战痕尖塔",
	["Battlescar Valley"] = "战痕谷",
	["Bay of Echoes"] = "回音湾",
	["Bay of Storms"] = "风暴海湾",
	["Beacon of Sha'tar"] = "沙塔尔灯塔",
	["Bear's Head"] = "熊头",
	Beastwatch = "蛮兽岗哨",
	["Beauty's Lair"] = "如花的巢穴",
	["Beeble's Wreck"] = "比波尔的失事点",
	["Beezil's Wreck"] = "比吉尔的飞艇残骸",
	["Before the Gates"] = "城门防线",
	["Befouled Terrace"] = "被玷污的平台",
	["Beggar's Haunt"] = "乞丐鬼屋",
	["Beneath The Double Rainbow"] = "双虹之下",
	["Beneath the Pit"] = "深渊之下",
	["Beren's Peril"] = "博伦的巢穴",
	["Bernau's Happy Fun Land"] = "Bernau's Happy Fun Land",
	["Beryl Coast"] = "贝里尔海湾",
	["Beryl Egress"] = "蓝玉避难所",
	["Beryl Point"] = "蓝玉营地",
	["Beth'mora Ridge"] = "贝斯莫拉山",
	["Beth'tilac's Lair"] = "贝丝缇拉克的巢穴",
	["Biel'aran Ridge"] = "贝耶拉兰山",
	["Big Beach Brew Bash"] = "抢滩夺酒",
	["Big Blossom Excavation"] = "繁盛挖掘场",
	["Big Blossom Mine"] = "繁盛矿洞",
	["Bilgewater Beach"] = "锈水海滩",
	["Bilgewater Harbor"] = "锈水港",
	["Bilgewater Lumber Yard"] = "锈水木材场",
	["Bilgewater Port"] = "锈水码头",
	["Binan Brew & Stew"] = "滨岸酒肉坊",
	["Binan Village"] = "滨岸村",
	["Bitter Reaches"] = "痛苦海岸",
	["Bittertide Lake"] = "苦潮湖",
	["Bizmo's Brawlpub"] = "比兹莫搏击俱乐部",
	["Black Altar of Xan'tish"] = "克萨迪斯黑色祭坛",
	["Black Channel Marsh"] = "黑水沼泽",
	["Blackchar Cave"] = "黑炭谷",
	["Black Drake Roost"] = "黑龙栖山",
	["Blackfathom Camp"] = "黑渊营地",
	["Blackfathom Deeps"] = "黑暗深渊",
	["Blackfathom Deeps Entrance"] = "黑暗深渊入口",
	["Blackguard's Forgotten Cove"] = "被遗忘的无赖海湾",
	["Blackhand's Might"] = "黑手之威号",
	["Blackhoof Village"] = "黑蹄村",
	["Blackhorn's Penance"] = "黑角赎罪地",
	["Blackmaw Hold"] = "黑喉要塞",
	["Black Ox Temple"] = "玄牛寺",
	["Blackriver Logging Camp"] = "黑水伐木场",
	["Blackrock Caverns"] = "黑石岩窟",
	["Blackrock Caverns Entrance"] = "黑石岩窟入口",
	["Blackrock Depository"] = "黑石仓库",
	["Blackrock Depths"] = "黑石深渊",
	["Blackrock Depths Entrance"] = "黑石深渊入口",
	["Blackrock Foundry"] = "黑石铸造厂",
	["Blackrock Mountain"] = "黑石山",
	["Blackrock Pass"] = "黑石小径",
	["Blackrock Pipeworks"] = "黑石伐木营",
	["Blackrock Quarry"] = "黑石采石场",
	["Blackrock Shipyard"] = "黑石船坞",
	["Blackrock Spire"] = "黑石塔",
	["Blackrock Spire Entrance"] = "黑石塔入口",
	["Blackrock Stadium"] = "黑石竞技场",
	["Blackrock Stronghold"] = "黑石要塞",
	["Blacksand Spillway"] = "黑沙河口",
	["Blacksilt Shore"] = "黑沙海岸",
	Blacksmith = "铁匠铺",
	["Blackstone Span"] = "布莱克斯通大桥",
	["Black Temple"] = "黑暗神殿",
	["Blackthorn Ridge UNUSED"] = "Blackthorn Ridge UNUSED",
	["Blackthorn Ridge [UNUSED]"] = "Blackthorn Ridge [UNUSED]",
	["Black Tooth Hovel"] = "黑齿营地",
	Blackwatch = "黑色观察站",
	["Blackwater Cove"] = "黑水湾",
	["Blackwater Shipwrecks"] = "黑水湾沉船",
	["Blackwind Lake"] = "黑风湖",
	["Blackwind Landing"] = "黑风码头",
	["Blackwind Valley"] = "黑风谷",
	["Blackwing Coven"] = "黑翼集会所",
	["Blackwing Descent"] = "黑翼血环",
	["Blackwing Lair"] = "黑翼之巢",
	["Blackwolf River"] = "黑狼河",
	["Blackwood Camp"] = "黑木营地",
	["Blackwood Den"] = "黑木洞穴",
	["Blackwood Lake"] = "黑木湖",
	["Bladed Gulch"] = "刀刃峡谷",
	["Bladefist Bay"] = "刃拳海湾",
	["Bladefist Hold"] = "刃拳堡",
	["Bladefist Rise"] = "刃拳高地",
	["Bladefury's Command"] = "刃怒的指挥部",
	["Bladelord's Retreat"] = "刀剑侯侧殿",
	["Blademoon Bloom"] = "刃月密林",
	["Blades & Axes"] = "剑刃与利斧",
	["Blade's Edge Arena"] = "刀锋山竞技场",
	["Blade's Edge Mountain"] = "刀锋山",
	["Blade's Edge Mountains"] = "刀锋山",
	["Bladespire Citadel"] = "刀塔堡垒",
	["Bladespire Fortress"] = "刀塔堡垒",
	["Bladespire Grounds"] = "刀塔平原",
	["Bladespire Hold"] = "刀塔要塞",
	["Bladespire Outpost"] = "刀塔哨站",
	["Bladespire Ravine"] = "刀塔峡谷",
	["Bladespire Span"] = "刀塔悬桥",
	["Bladespire Throne"] = "刀塔王座",
	["Blades' Run"] = "刀锋之路",
	["Blade Tooth Canyon"] = "刃齿峡谷",
	Bladewood = "刀林",
	["Blasted Lands"] = "诅咒之地",
	["Blasted Lands (DO NOT USE)"] = "诅咒之地",
	["Bleak Hollow"] = "阴冷洞窟",
	["Bleeding Hollow Ruins"] = "血环废墟",
	["Bleeding Vale"] = "鲜血谷",
	["Bleeding Ziggurat"] = "鲜血通灵塔",
	["Blightstone Quarry"] = "枯岩采石场",
	["Blistering Pool"] = "毒泡水池",
	["Bloodcurse Isle"] = "血咒岛",
	["Blood Elf Tower"] = "血精灵塔",
	["Bloodfen Burrow"] = "鲜血沼泽墓穴",
	Bloodgulch = "溅血谷地",
	["Bloodhoof Village"] = "血蹄村",
	["Bloodied Crossing"] = "血腥岔路口",
	["Blood in the Snow"] = "雪山血战",
	["Bloodmane Pridelands"] = "血鬃领地",
	["Bloodmane Valley"] = "血鬃谷",
	["Bloodmaul Camp"] = "血槌营地",
	["Bloodmaul Landing"] = "血槌营地",
	["Bloodmaul Outpost"] = "血槌哨站",
	["Bloodmaul Ravine"] = "血槌峡谷",
	["Bloodmaul Scar"] = "血槌之痕",
	["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = "血槌炉渣矿井",
	["Bloodmaul Stronghold"] = "血槌要塞",
	["Bloodmoon Isle"] = "血月岛",
	["Bloodmyst Isle"] = "秘血岛",
	["Bloodscale Enclave"] = "血鳞领地",
	["Bloodscale Grounds"] = "血鳞浅滩",
	["Bloodspore Plains"] = "血孢平原",
	["Bloodtalon Shore"] = "血爪海滩",
	["Bloodthorn Cave"] = "血棘洞穴",
	["Bloodthorn Hill"] = "血棘岭",
	["Bloodtooth Camp"] = "血牙营地",
	["Bloodvenom Falls"] = "血毒瀑布",
	["Bloodvenom Post"] = "血毒河",
	["Bloodvenom Post "] = "血毒岗哨",
	["Bloodvenom River"] = "血毒河",
	["Bloodwash Cavern"] = "血浪洞穴",
	["Bloodwash Fighting Pits"] = "血浪角斗场",
	["Bloodwash Shrine"] = "血浪神殿",
	["Blood Watch"] = "秘血岗哨",
	["Bloodwatcher Point"] = "血望者营地",
	["Blook's Overlook"] = "布洛克的瞭望台",
	Bluefen = "蓝色沼泽",
	["Bluegill Marsh"] = "蓝腮沼泽",
	["Blue Sky Logging Grounds"] = "蓝天伐木场",
	["Bluff of the South Wind"] = "南风之崖",
	["Bogen's Ledge"] = "伯根的棚屋",
	Bogpaddle = "沼桨镇",
	["Boha'mu Ruins"] = "博哈姆废墟",
	["Bolgan's Hole"] = "波尔甘的洞穴",
	["Bolyun's Camp"] = "波尔温营地",
	["Bonechewer Ruins"] = "噬骨废墟",
	["Bonesnap's Camp"] = "博斯纳普的营地",
	["Bones of Agurak"] = "阿古拉克之骨",
	["Bones of Grakkarond"] = "格拉卡隆之骨",
	["Bones of Sethe"] = "塞泰遗骨",
	["Bonetown Scenario"] = "白骨镇场景战役",
	["Bootlegger Outpost"] = "商旅哨站",
	["Booty Bay"] = "藏宝海湾",
	["Borean Tundra"] = "Borean Tundra, Naglevar",
	["Borean Tundra - Warsong Hold Wolf End"] = "Borean Tundra - Warsong Hold Wolf End",
	["Borean Tundra - Warsong Hold Wolf Start"] = "Borean Tundra - Warsong Hold Wolf Start",
	["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = "博古洛克前哨站",
	["Bor's Breath"] = "伯尔之息",
	["Bor's Breath River"] = "伯尔之息河",
	["Bor's Fall"] = "伯尔瀑布",
	["Bor's Fury"] = "伯尔之怒号",
	["Borune Ruins"] = "博鲁恩废墟",
	["Bough Shadow"] = "大树荫",
	["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = "布德克拉格庇护所",
	["Boulderfist Hall"] = "石拳大厅",
	["Boulderfist Outpost"] = "石拳岗哨",
	["Boulder'gor"] = "博德戈尔",
	["Boulder Hills"] = "巨石丘陵",
	["Boulder Lode Mine"] = "石矿洞",
	["Boulder'mok"] = "砾石营地",
	["Boulderslide Cavern"] = "滚岩洞穴",
	["Boulderslide Ravine"] = "滚岩峡谷",
	["Bozzle's Wreck"] = "波兹尔的失事点",
	["Brackenwall Village"] = "蕨墙村",
	["Brackwell Pumpkin Patch"] = "布莱克威尔南瓜田",
	["Brak's Excavation"] = "布拉克挖掘场",
	["Brambleblade Ravine"] = "刺刃峡谷",
	Bramblescar = "棘痕平原",
	["Bramblescar UNUSED"] = "Bramblescar UNUSED",
	["Brann's Base-Camp"] = "布莱恩的营地",
	["Brashtide Attack Fleet"] = "急浪攻击舰队",
	["Brashtide Attack Fleet (Force Outdoors)"] = "急浪攻击舰队",
	["Brave Wind Mesa"] = "强风台地",
	["Brawl'gar Arena"] = "搏击竞技场",
	["Brawnbelly Barracks"] = "健腹兵营",
	["Brazie Farmstead"] = "布雷泽农场",
	["Breaker's Crown"] = "毁灭者之冠",
	["Bret Test 4-18a"] = "Bret Test 4-18a",
	["Brewmoon Festival"] = "酿月祭",
	["Brewnall Village"] = "烈酒村",
	["Brian and Pat Test"] = "Brian and Pat Test",
	["Bridge of Souls"] = "灵魂之桥",
	["Brightwater Lake"] = "澈水湖",
	["Brightwood Grove"] = "阳光树林",
	Brill = "布瑞尔",
	["Brill Town Hall"] = "布瑞尔城镇大厅",
	["Brimstone Springs"] = "硫磺之泉",
	["Bristlelimb Enclave"] = "刺臂领地",
	["Bristlelimb Village"] = "刺臂村",
	["Broken Commons"] = "平民区废墟",
	["Broken Hill"] = "碎石岭",
	["Broken Horn Village"] = "断角村",
	["Broken Pillar"] = "破碎石柱",
	["Broken Precipice"] = "破碎悬崖",
	["Brokenspear Tavern"] = "碎矛旅店",
	["Broken Spear Village"] = "断矛村",
	["Broken Wilds"] = "破碎荒野",
	["Broketooth Outpost"] = "断牙哨站",
	["Bronzebeard Encampment"] = "铜须营地",
	["Bronzebeard's Vault"] = "铜须的仓库",
	["Bronze Dragonshrine"] = "青铜巨龙圣地",
	["Browman Mill"] = "布洛米尔",
	["Brunnhildar Village"] = "布伦希尔达村",
	["Brute's Rise"] = "蛮兵高地",
	["Bucklebree Farm"] = "巴克布雷农场",
	["Budd's Dig"] = "巴德的挖掘场",
	["Burning Blade Coven"] = "火刃集会所",
	["Burning Blade Ruins"] = "火刃废墟",
	["Burning Font"] = "炽燃火池",
	["Burning Steppes"] = "燃烧平原",
	["Butcher's Rise"] = "屠夫高地",
	["Butcher's Sanctum"] = "屠夫密室",
	["Butcher's Stand"] = "屠夫之台",
	["Caer Darrow"] = "凯尔达隆",
	["Caldemere Lake"] = "凯德米尔湖",
	["Calston Estate"] = "卡尔斯通庄园",
	["Camp Aparaje"] = "阿帕拉耶营地",
	["Camp Ataya"] = "阿塔亚营地",
	["Camp Boff"] = "博夫营地",
	["Camp Broketooth"] = "断牙营地",
	["Camp Cagg"] = "卡格营地",
	["Camp E'thok"] = "伊索克营地",
	["Camp Everstill"] = "止水湖营地",
	["Camp Gormal"] = "格玛尔营地",
	["Camp Kosh"] = "柯什营地",
	["Camp Mojache"] = "莫沙彻营地",
	["Camp Mojache Longhouse"] = "莫沙彻营地长屋",
	["Camp Narache"] = "纳拉其营地",
	["Camp Nooka Nooka"] = "努卡努卡营地",
	["Camp of Boom"] = "砰砰博士的营地",
	["Camp Onequah"] = "Camp Onequah",
	["Camp Oneqwah"] = "欧尼瓦营地",
	["Camp Sungraze"] = "阳痕营地",
	["Camp Taurajo [UNUSED]"] = "Camp Taurajo [UNUSED]",
	["Camp Thornscar"] = "棘痕营地",
	["Camp Tunka'lo"] = "唐卡洛营地",
	["Camp Una'fe"] = "乌纳菲营地",
	["Camp Winterhoof"] = "冬蹄营地",
	["Camp Wurg"] = "瓦格营地",
	Canals = "运河",
	["Cannon's Inferno"] = "加农的火海",
	["Cantrips & Crows"] = "咒语和乌鸦旅店",
	["Canyon Pass"] = "峡谷小径",
	["Cape of Lost Hope"] = "失落希望海角",
	["Cape of Stranglethorn"] = "荆棘谷海角",
	["Capital Gardens"] = "中心花园",
	["Carrion Hill"] = "腐臭山",
	["Cartier & Co. Fine Jewelry"] = "卡蒂亚珠宝店",
	["Castaway Cave"] = "荒弃洞穴",
	Cataclysm = "大灾变",
	["Cathedral of Darkness"] = "黑暗大教堂",
	["Cathedral of Light"] = "光明大教堂",
	["Cathedral Quarter"] = "教堂区",
	["Cathedral Square"] = "教堂广场",
	["Cattail Lake"] = "香蒲湖",
	["Cauldros Isle"] = "考杜斯岛",
	["Cave of Doom"] = "末日洞穴",
	["Cave of Mam'toth"] = "犸托斯洞穴",
	["Cave of Meditation"] = "冥想洞穴",
	["Cave of the Crane"] = "白鹤洞",
	["Cave of Words"] = "千言洞",
	["Cavern of Endless Echoes"] = "无尽回声洞窟",
	["Cavern of Lament"] = "恸哭之穴",
	["Cavern of Lost Spirits"] = "孤魂岩洞",
	["Cavern of Mists"] = "迷雾洞穴",
	["Caverns of Time"] = "时光之穴",
	["CC Prologue - GT - Battle Flight - End"] = "CC Prologue - GT - Battle Flight - End",
	["CC Prologue - GT - Battle Flight - Start"] = "CC Prologue - GT - Battle Flight - Start",
	["Celestial Enclave"] = "天界领域",
	["Celestial Ridge"] = "苍穹之脊",
	["Celestial Tournament"] = "天神比武大会",
	["Cenarion Enclave"] = "塞纳里奥区",
	["Cenarion Enclave UNUSED"] = "Cenarion Enclave UNUSED",
	["Cenarion Hold"] = "塞纳里奥要塞",
	["Cenarion Post"] = "塞纳里奥哨站",
	["Cenarion Refuge"] = "塞纳里奥庇护所",
	["Cenarion Thicket"] = "塞纳里奥树林",
	["Cenarion Watchpost"] = "塞纳里奥岗哨",
	["Cenarion Wildlands"] = "塞纳里奥旷野",
	["Central Bridge"] = "中部桥梁",
	["Cerulean Lagoon"] = "天蓝礁湖",
	["Challe's Lair"] = "查尔莉的巢穴",
	["Chamber of Ancient Relics"] = "上古遗产大厅",
	["Chamber of Atonement"] = "忏悔室",
	["Chamber of Battle"] = "战斗之厅",
	["Chamber of Blood"] = "鲜血之厅",
	["Chamber of Command"] = "命令大厅",
	["Chamber of Enchantment"] = "魔法之厅",
	["Chamber of Enlightenment"] = "启迪之厅",
	["Chamber of Fanatics"] = "狂信者之厅",
	["Chamber of Incineration"] = "焚烧之厅",
	["Chamber of Masters"] = "师匠大厅",
	["Chamber of Nullification"] = "破魔殿",
	["Chamber of Prophecy"] = "预言之厅",
	["Chamber of Purification"] = "净化大厅",
	["Chamber of Reflection"] = "沉思之厅",
	["Chamber of Respite"] = "安息之厅",
	["Chamber of Summoning"] = "召唤大厅",
	["Chamber of Test Namesets"] = "正名密室",
	["Chamber of the Aspects"] = "龙神之厅",
	["Chamber of the Dreamer"] = "沉睡者之厅",
	["Chamber of the Moon"] = "月亮密室",
	["Chamber of the Paragons"] = "英杰大厅",
	["Chamber of the Restless"] = "无眠者之厅",
	["Chamber of the Stars"] = "群星密室",
	["Chamber of the Sun"] = "太阳密室",
	["Chamber of Whispers"] = "风语厅",
	["Chamber of Wisdom"] = "智慧密室",
	["Champion's Hall"] = "勇士大厅",
	["Champions' Hall"] = "勇士大厅",
	["Chapel Gardens"] = "教堂花园",
	["Chapel of the Crimson Flame"] = "赤色烈焰礼拜堂",
	["Chapel Yard"] = "礼拜堂广场",
	["Charred Outpost"] = "被烧毁的前哨站",
	["Charred Rise"] = "焦土高地",
	["Chill Breeze Valley"] = "寒风峡谷",
	["Chillmere Coast"] = "切米尔海岸",
	["Chillwater Grotto"] = "寒水岩洞",
	["Chillwind Camp"] = "冰风岗",
	["Chillwind Point"] = "冰风岗",
	Chiselgrip = "凿握据点",
	["Chittering Coast"] = "虫鸣海湾",
	["Chow Farmstead"] = "周家农田",
	["Chunk Test"] = "Chunk Test",
	["Churning Gulch"] = "沸土峡谷",
	["Circle of Blood"] = "鲜血之环",
	["Circle of Blood Arena"] = "鲜血之环竞技场",
	["Circle of Blood Scenario"] = "鲜血之环场景战役",
	["Circle of Bone"] = "骨之环",
	["Circle of East Binding"] = "东部禁锢法阵",
	["Circle of Inner Binding"] = "内禁锢法阵",
	["Circle of Outer Binding"] = "外禁锢法阵",
	["Circle of Scale"] = "鳞之环",
	["Circle of Stone"] = "石之环",
	["Circle of Thorns"] = "荆棘法阵",
	["Circle of West Binding"] = "西部禁锢法阵",
	["Circle of Wills"] = "意志竞技场",
	City = "城市",
	["City of Ironforge"] = "铁炉堡",
	["City Siege - Mogu Island Progression Scenario"] = "City Siege - Mogu Island Progression Scenario",
	["Clan Watch"] = "氏族岗哨",
	["Class Quest"] = "职业任务",
	["claytonio test area"] = "claytonio test area",
	["Claytön's WoWEdit Land"] = "Clayton's WoWEdit Land",
	["Cleft of Shadow"] = "暗影裂口",
	["Cliffspring Falls"] = "峭壁之泉",
	["Cliffspring Hollow"] = "峭泉洞",
	["Cliffspring River"] = "壁泉河",
	["Cliffwalker Post"] = "峭壁行者哨站",
	["Cloudstrike Dojo"] = "穿云道场",
	["Cloudtop Terrace"] = "云巅之台",
	["Coast of Echoes"] = "回音海岸",
	["Coast of Idols"] = "巨像海岸",
	["Coilfang Reservoir"] = "盘牙水库",
	["Coilfang: Serpentshrine Cavern"] = "盘牙湖泊:毒蛇神殿",
	["Coilfang: The Slave Pens"] = "盘牙湖泊:奴隶围栏",
	["Coilfang - The Slave Pens Entrance"] = "盘牙 - 奴隶围栏入口",
	["Coilfang: The Steamvault"] = "盘牙湖泊:蒸汽地窟",
	["Coilfang - The Steamvault Entrance"] = "盘牙 - 蒸汽地窟入口",
	["Coilfang: The Underbog"] = "盘牙湖泊:幽暗沼泽",
	["Coilfang - The Underbog Entrance"] = "盘牙 - 幽暗沼泽入口",
	["Coilskar Cistern"] = "库斯卡水池",
	["Coilskar Point"] = "库斯卡岗哨",
	Coldarra = "考达拉",
	["Coldarra Ledge"] = "考达拉台地",
	["Coldbite Burrow"] = "寒噬地穴",
	["Cold Hearth Manor"] = "炉灰庄园",
	["Coldridge Pass"] = "寒脊山小径",
	["Coldridge Valley"] = "寒脊山谷",
	["Coldrock Quarry"] = "冷石采掘场",
	["Coldsnap Bluffs"] = "寒颚峭壁",
	["Cold Snap Coast"] = "极寒大陆架",
	["Coldtooth Mine"] = "冷齿矿洞",
	["Coldwind Heights"] = "冷风高地",
	["Coldwind Pass"] = "冷风小径",
	["Collin's Test"] = "Collin's Test",
	["Colossal Depths"] = "巨灵深渊",
	["Colossal's Fall"] = "巨灵之殁",
	["Command Center"] = "指挥中心",
	["Commons Hall"] = "平民大厅",
	["Condemned Halls"] = "定罪大厅",
	["Congregation of Souls"] = "英灵圣堂",
	["Conqueror's Terrace"] = "征服者平台",
	["Conquest Hold"] = "征服堡",
	["Containment Core"] = "密封核心",
	["Cooper Residence"] = "桶屋",
	["Coral Garden"] = "珊瑚花园",
	["Cordell's Enchanting"] = "考迪尔的附魔店",
	["Corin's Crossing"] = "考林路口",
	["Corp'rethar: The Horror Gate"] = "恐惧之门科雷萨",
	["Corrahn's Dagger"] = "考兰之匕",
	Cosmowrench = "扳钳镇",
	["Court of Bones"] = "白骨庭院",
	["Court of Souls"] = "英灵之庭",
	["Court of the Highborne"] = "上层精灵庭院",
	["Court of the Sun"] = "逐日王庭",
	["Courtyard of Lights"] = "光之庭院",
	["Courtyard of the Ancients"] = "远古庭院",
	["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = "赤精栖木",
	["Cradle of the Ancients"] = "远古的摇篮",
	["Craftsmen's Terrace"] = "工匠区",
	["Craftsmen's Terrace UNUSED"] = "工匠区",
	["Crag of the Everliving"] = "永生峭壁",
	["Cragplume Cauldron"] = "羽颈之釜",
	["Cragpool Lake"] = "峭壁湖",
	["Crane Wing Refuge"] = "鹤翼庇护所",
	["Crash Site"] = "坠毁点",
	["Crescent Hall"] = "新月大厅",
	["Crestfall Rise"] = "山倾高地",
	["Crimson Assembly Hall"] = "赤红议事厅",
	["Crimson Expanse"] = "赤红岩床",
	["Crimson Fen"] = "赤红沼泽",
	["Crimson Watch"] = "火红岗哨",
	["Croaking Hollow"] = "蛙鸣谷",
	Crossroads = "十字路口",
	["Crowley Orchard"] = "克罗雷果园",
	["Crowley Stable Grounds"] = "克罗雷马厩场",
	["Crown Guard Tower"] = "皇冠哨塔",
	["Crow's Crook"] = "乌鸦小屋",
	["Crucible of Carnage"] = "杀戮熔炉竞技场",
	["Crumbling Depths"] = "碎岩之渊",
	["Crumbling Stones"] = "崩裂之石",
	["Crusader Forward Camp"] = "北伐军前线营地",
	["Crusader Outpost"] = "十字军前哨",
	["Crusader's Armory"] = "十字军武器库",
	["Crusader's Chapel"] = "十字军礼拜堂",
	["Crusader's Landing"] = "十字军码头",
	["Crusader's Outpost"] = "十字军前哨",
	["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = "北伐军之峰",
	["Crusader's Run"] = "十字军小径",
	["Crusader's Spire"] = "北伐军之巅",
	["Crusaders' Square"] = "十字军广场",
	Crushblow = "粉碎者据点",
	["Crushcog's Arsenal"] = "碎轮的军械库",
	["Crushfang's End"] = "碎牙之殁",
	["Crushridge Hold"] = "破碎岭城堡",
	Crypt = "墓穴",
	["Crypt of Forgotten Kings"] = "遗忘之王古墓",
	["Crypt of Remembrance"] = "追忆墓穴",
	["Crypt of the Ancients"] = "先祖墓穴",
	["Crystal Lake"] = "水晶湖",
	["Crystalline Quarry"] = "水晶挖掘场",
	["Crystalsong Forest"] = "晶歌森林",
	["Crystal Spine"] = "水晶之脊",
	["Crystalvein Mine"] = "水晶矿洞",
	["Crystalweb Cavern"] = "水晶蛛网洞穴",
	CTF3 = "CTF3",
	["Curiosities & Moore"] = "摩尔珍品店",
	["Cursed Depths"] = "咒怨地牢",
	["Cursed Hollow"] = "诅咒洞窟",
	["Cut-Throat Alley"] = "割喉小巷",
	["Cyclone Summit"] = "气旋峰",
	["Dabyrie's Farmstead"] = "达比雷农场",
	["Daggercap Bay"] = "匕鞘湾",
	["Daggerfen Village"] = "匕潭村",
	["Dagger in the Dark"] = "黑暗中的匕首",
	["Daggerjaw Intrusion"] = "刀颚占领区",
	["Daggermaw Canyon"] = "刃喉谷",
	["Daggermaw Ravine"] = "刀喉峡谷",
	["Dagger Pass"] = "匕首小径",
	["Dais of Conquerors"] = "征服者之台",
	Dalaran = "达拉然",
	["Dalaran Arena"] = "达拉然竞技场",
	["Dalaran City"] = "达拉然城",
	["Dalaran Crater"] = "达拉然巨坑",
	["Dalaran Floating Rocks"] = "达拉然浮石",
	["Dalaran Island"] = "达拉然岛",
	["Dalaran Merchant's Bank"] = "达拉然商业银行",
	["Dalaran Sewers"] = "达拉然下水道",
	["Dalaran Visitor Center"] = "达拉然访客中心",
	["Dalson's Farm"] = "达尔松农场",
	["Damplight Cavern"] = "潮光洞穴",
	["Damplight Chamber"] = "潮光大厅",
	["Dampsoil Burrow"] = "润泥藏身处",
	["Dandred's Fold"] = "达伦德农场",
	["Dargath's Demise"] = "达加斯的行刑场",
	["Darkbreak Cove"] = "驱暗海窟",
	["Darkcloud Pinnacle"] = "黑云峰",
	["Darkcrest Enclave"] = "暗潮营地",
	["Darkcrest Shore"] = "暗潮湖岸",
	["Dark Heart of Pandaria"] = "潘达利亚的黑暗之心",
	["Dark Iron Highway"] = "黑铁大道",
	["Darkmist Cavern"] = "黑雾洞穴",
	["Darkmist Ruins"] = "黑雾废墟",
	["Darkmoon Boardwalk"] = "暗月滨海步道",
	["Darkmoon Deathmatch"] = "暗月死斗场",
	["Darkmoon Deathmatch Pit (PH)"] = "Darkmoon Deathmatch Pit (PH)",
	["Darkmoon Faire"] = "暗月马戏团",
	["Darkmoon Island"] = "暗月岛",
	["Darkmoon Island Cave"] = "暗月岛洞穴",
	["Darkmoon Path"] = "暗月小径",
	["Darkmoon Pavilion"] = "暗月帐篷",
	Darkshire = "夜色镇",
	["Darkshire Town Hall"] = "夜色镇大厅",
	Darkshore = "黑海岸",
	["Darkspear Hold"] = "暗矛要塞",
	["Darkspear Isle"] = "暗矛岛",
	["Darkspear's Edge"] = "暗矛之刃",
	["Darkspear Shore"] = "暗矛海岸",
	["Darkspear Strand"] = "暗矛海滩",
	["Darkspear Training Grounds"] = "暗矛训练场",
	["Darksting Cave"] = "暗刺洞穴",
	["Darksting Nest"] = "暗刺巢穴",
	["Darktide Roost"] = "黑潮栖木",
	["Darktide Strait"] = "黑潮海峡",
	["Darkwhisper Gorge"] = "暗语峡谷",
	["Darkwhisper Pass"] = "暗语小径",
	["Darnassian Base Camp"] = "达纳希恩营地",
	Darnassus = "达纳苏斯",
	["Darnassus UNUSED"] = "Darnassus UNUSED",
	["Darrow Hill"] = "达隆山",
	["Darrowmere Lake"] = "达隆米尔湖",
	Darrowshire = "达隆郡",
	["Darrowshire Hunting Grounds"] = "达隆郡猎场",
	["Darsok's Outpost"] = "达索克前哨站",
	["Dawnchaser Retreat"] = "逐晨者营地",
	["Dawning Lane"] = "黎明之路",
	["Dawning Wood Catacombs"] = "晨光之林墓穴",
	["Dawnrise Expedition"] = "晨光远征队营地",
	["Dawn's Blossom"] = "晨芳园",
	["Dawnseeker Promontory"] = "寻晨者海角",
	["Dawnseeker's Promontory"] = "寻晨者海角",
	["Dawn's Reach"] = "黎明河滩",
	["Dawnstar Spire"] = "晨星之塔",
	["Dawnstar Village"] = "晨星村",
	["Daxil's Dig"] = "达克希尔挖掘场",
	["D-Block"] = "恶魔监狱",
	["Deadeye Shore"] = "死眼海岸",
	Deadgrin = "死神之靥",
	["Deadman's Crossing"] = "死者十字",
	["Dead Man's Hole"] = "亡者之穴",
	["Deadmeat's House of Meat"] = "死肉的储肉房",
	Deadmines = "死亡矿井",
	["Deadtalker's Plateau"] = "死语者高地",
	["Deadwalker Pass"] = "行尸小径",
	["Deadwind Pass"] = "逆风小径",
	["Deadwind Ravine"] = "逆风谷",
	["Deadwood Village"] = "死木村",
	["Deathbringer's Rise"] = "死亡使者的高台",
	["Death Cultist Base Camp"] = "死亡教徒营地",
	["Deathforge Tower"] = "死亡熔炉哨塔",
	Deathknell = "丧钟镇",
	["Deathmatch Pavilion"] = "死斗场帐篷",
	["Death of the Ox"] = "玄牛之死",
	Deatholme = "戴索姆",
	["Death's Breach"] = "死亡裂口",
	["Death's Door"] = "死亡之门",
	["Death's Hand Encampment"] = "死亡之手营地",
	["Deathspeaker's Watch"] = "亡语者岗哨",
	["Death's Rise"] = "死亡高地",
	["Death's Stand"] = "死亡营地",
	["Death's Step"] = "死亡小径",
	["Death's Watch Waystation"] = "死亡观察站",
	["Deathweb Hollow"] = "逝网之谷",
	Deathwing = "死亡之翼",
	["Deathwing's Fall"] = "死亡之翼陨落地",
	["Decaying Grotto"] = "颓败岩洞",
	["Deep Blue Observatory"] = "深蓝瞭望台",
	["Deep Elem Mine"] = "埃利姆矿洞",
	["Deepfin Ridge"] = "深鳍海崖",
	Deepholm = "深岩之洲",
	["Deephome Ceiling"] = "深岩之洲天顶",
	["Deepmist Grotto"] = "重雾洞穴",
	Deeproot = "深源之根",
	["Deeprun Tram"] = "矿道地铁",
	["Deepwater Tavern"] = "深水旅店",
	["Deepwind Gorge"] = "深风峡谷",
	["Defense of Karabor"] = "卡拉波防线",
	["Defense of the Alehouse"] = "保卫酒坊",
	["Defense Of The Ale House BG"] = "保卫酒坊战场",
	["Defias Hideout"] = "迪菲亚盗贼巢穴",
	["Defiler's Den"] = "污染者之穴",
	["D.E.H.T.A. Encampment"] = "仁德会营地",
	["Delete ME"] = "Delete ME",
	["Demon Fall Canyon"] = "屠魔峡谷",
	["Demon Fall Ridge"] = "屠魔山",
	["Demont's Place"] = "迪蒙特荒野",
	["Den of Defiance"] = "反抗洞穴",
	["Den of Dying"] = "亡者之穴",
	["Den of Haal'esh"] = "哈尔什巢穴",
	["Den of Iniquity"] = "邪恶之巢",
	["Den of Mortal Delights"] = "欢愉之园",
	["Den of Secrets"] = "秘密巢穴",
	["Den of Sorrow"] = "悲伤之穴",
	["Den of Sseratus"] = "西莱图斯之穴",
	["Den of the Caller"] = "召唤者之穴",
	["Den of the Devourer"] = "吞噬者的巢穴",
	["Den of the Disciples"] = "信徒之穴",
	["Den of the Unholy"] = "邪恶洞穴",
	["Derelict Caravan"] = "被遗弃的篷车",
	["Derelict Manor"] = "荒弃的庄园",
	["Derelict Strand"] = "荒弃海岸",
	["Designer Island"] = "Designer Island",
	Desolace = "凄凉之地",
	["Desolation Hold"] = "凄凉要塞",
	["Detention Block"] = "禁闭室",
	["Development Land"] = "Development Land",
	["Diamondhead River"] = "钻石河",
	["Diamond Island"] = "钻石岛",
	["Digger Flats"] = "挖掘者平原",
	["Dig One"] = "一号挖掘场",
	["Dig Three"] = "三号挖掘场",
	["Dig Two"] = "二号挖掘场",
	["Dionor's Demise"] = "迪奥诺之劫",
	["Direforge Hill"] = "恶铁岭",
	["Direhorn Post"] = "恐角岗哨",
	["Dire Maul"] = "厄运之槌",
	["Dire Maul - Capital Gardens Entrance"] = "厄运之槌 - 中心花园入口",
	["Dire Maul - East"] = "厄运之槌 - 东",
	["Dire Maul - Gordok Commons Entrance"] = "厄运之槌 - 戈多克议会入口",
	["Dire Maul - North"] = "厄运之槌 - 北",
	["Dire Maul - Warpwood Quarter Entrance"] = "厄运之槌 - 扭木区入口",
	["Dire Maul - West"] = "厄运之槌 - 西",
	Diremoor = "阴惨泥沼",
	["Dire Strait"] = "险峻海峡",
	["Disciple's Enclave"] = "信徒营地",
	Docks = "码头",
	["Dojani River"] = "都阳河",
	Dolanaar = "多兰纳尔",
	["Dol'mak's Hideout"] = "多玛克的藏身处",
	["Dome Balrissa"] = "巴尔利萨圆顶",
	["Domination Point"] = "统御岗哨",
	["Donna's Kitty Shack"] = "冬娜的小猫乐园",
	["Do Not Use"] = "奥泰尔藏身处",
	["Dookin' Grounds"] = "顽猴旷野",
	["Doom's Vigil"] = "末日祷告祭坛",
	["Doomtide Cove"] = "灭潮湾",
	["Dorian's Outpost"] = "多里安哨站",
	["Draco'dar"] = "德拉考达尔",
	["Draenataur Cavern"] = "德莱纳托洞穴",
	["Draenei Ruins"] = "德莱尼废墟",
	["Draenethyst Mine"] = "德拉诺晶矿",
	["Draenil'dur Village"] = "德莱尼村",
	Draenor = "德拉诺",
	Dragonblight = "龙骨荒野",
	["Dragonflayer Pens"] = "掠龙围栏",
	["Dragonmaw Base Camp"] = "龙喉营地",
	["Dragonmaw Flag Room"] = "龙喉军旗室",
	["Dragonmaw Forge"] = "龙喉铸炉",
	["Dragonmaw Fortress"] = "龙喉要塞",
	["Dragonmaw Garrison"] = "龙喉兵营",
	["Dragonmaw Gates"] = "龙喉大门",
	["Dragonmaw Pass"] = "龙喉小径",
	["Dragonmaw Port"] = "龙喉港",
	["Dragonmaw Skyway"] = "龙喉空港",
	["Dragonmaw Stronghold"] = "龙喉要塞",
	["Dragons' End"] = "巨龙之末",
	["Dragon's Fall"] = "猎龙营地",
	["Dragon's Mouth"] = "巨龙峡口",
	["Dragon Soul"] = "巨龙之魂",
	["Dragon Soul Raid - East Sarlac"] = "巨龙之魂 - 东部裂口",
	["Dragon Soul Raid - Wyrmrest Temple Base"] = "巨龙之魂 - 龙眠神殿基地",
	["Dragonspine Peaks"] = "龙脊之巅",
	["Dragonspine Ridge"] = "龙脊岭",
	["Dragonspine Tributary"] = "龙脊河",
	["Dragonspire Hall"] = "龙塔大厅",
	["Drak'Agal"] = "达克迦尔",
	["Draka's Den"] = "德拉卡的洞穴",
	["Draka's Fury"] = "德拉卡的狂怒号",
	["Drak'atal Passage"] = "达克阿塔小径",
	["Drakil'jin Ruins"] = "达基尔金废墟",
	["Drak'Mabwa"] = "达克玛瓦",
	["Drak'Mar Lake"] = "达克玛尔湖",
	["Draknid Lair"] = "达克尼尔虫巢",
	["Drak'Sotra"] = "达克索塔",
	["Drak'Sotra Fields"] = "达克索塔农田",
	["Drak'Tharon Keep"] = "达克萨隆要塞",
	["Drak'Tharon Keep Entrance"] = "达克萨隆要塞入口",
	["Drak'Tharon Overlook"] = "达克萨隆悬崖",
	["Drak'ural"] = "达克乌拉",
	["Dranosh'ar Landing"] = "德拉诺什尔码头",
	["Draxen's Workshop"] = "德拉克森的车间",
	["Dread Clutch"] = "畏惧之巢",
	["Dread Expanse"] = "恐惧之境",
	["Dread Grotto"] = "恐惧岩洞",
	["Dreadmaul Furnace"] = "巨槌熔炉",
	["Dreadmaul Hold"] = "巨槌要塞",
	["Dreadmaul Post"] = "巨槌岗哨",
	["Dreadmaul Rise"] = "巨槌高地",
	["Dreadmaul Rock"] = "巨槌石",
	["Dreadmist Camp"] = "鬼雾营地",
	["Dreadmist Den"] = "鬼雾兽穴",
	["Dreadmist Peak"] = "鬼雾峰",
	["Dreadmurk Shore"] = "恐惧海岸",
	["Dreadtalon Peak"] = "恐爪峰",
	["Dread Terrace"] = "恐惧平台",
	["Dread Wastes"] = "恐惧废土",
	["Dreadwatch Outpost"] = "恐惧之卫哨所",
	["Dream Bough"] = "梦境之树",
	["Dreamer's Pavilion"] = "黄粱阁",
	["Dreamer's Rest"] = "梦游者栖地",
	["Dreamer's Rock"] = "美梦石",
	Drudgetown = "苦工镇",
	["Drybone Hollow"] = "枯骨山坳",
	["Drygulch Ravine"] = "枯水谷",
	["Drywhisker Gorge"] = "枯须峡谷",
	["Drywind Gorge"] = "旱风峡谷",
	["Dubra'Jin"] = "杜布拉金",
	["Dun Algaz"] = "丹奥加兹",
	["Dun Argol"] = "丹厄古尔",
	["Dun Baldar"] = "丹巴达尔",
	["Dun Baldar Pass"] = "丹巴达尔小径",
	["Dun Baldar Tunnel"] = "丹巴达尔隧道",
	["Dunemaul Compound"] = "砂槌营地",
	["Dunemaul Recruitment Camp"] = "沙槌新兵营",
	["Dun Garok"] = "丹加洛克",
	["Dun Mandarr"] = "丹曼达尔",
	["Dun Modr"] = "丹莫德 ",
	["Dun Morogh"] = "丹莫罗",
	["Dun Niffelem"] = "丹尼芬雷",
	["Dunwald Holdout"] = "顿沃德据点",
	["Dunwald Hovel"] = "顿沃德小屋",
	["Dunwald Market Row"] = "顿沃德市场",
	["Dunwald Ruins"] = "顿沃德废墟",
	["Dunwald Town Square"] = "顿沃德城镇广场",
	["Durnholde Keep"] = "敦霍尔德城堡",
	["Durotan's Grasp"] = "杜隆坦之握",
	Durotar = "杜隆塔尔",
	["Durotar - ET - CC Prologue Spy Frog End"] = "Durotar - ET - CC Prologue Spy Frog End",
	["Durotar - ET - CC Prologue Spy Frog Start"] = "Durotar - ET - CC Prologue Spy Frog Start",
	["Durotar - ET - CC Prologue - Troll Battle End"] = "Durotar - ET - CC Prologue - Troll Battle End",
	["Durotar - ET - CC Prologue Troll Recruit End"] = "Durotar - ET - CC Prologue Troll Recruit End",
	["Durotar - ET - CC Prologue Troll Taxi Bat Start"] = "Durotar - ET - CC Prologue Troll Taxi Bat Start",
	["Duskfall Island"] = "暮秋岛",
	Duskhaven = "暮湾镇",
	["Duskhowl Den"] = "暗嚎兽穴",
	["Dusklight Bridge"] = "黯光桥",
	["Dusklight Hollow"] = "黯光枯木",
	["Duskmist Shore"] = "暮霭海滩",
	["Duskroot Fen"] = "暮根沼泽",
	["Duskwither Grounds"] = "达斯维瑟广场",
	["Duskwither Spire"] = "达斯维瑟之塔",
	Duskwood = "暮色森林",
	["Dustback Gorge"] = "沙背峡谷",
	["Dustbelch Grotto"] = "火山洞穴",
	["Dustfire Valley"] = "尘火谷",
	["Dustquill Ravine"] = "尘羽峡谷",
	["Dustwallow Bay"] = "尘泥海湾",
	["Dustwallow Marsh"] = "尘泥沼泽",
	["Dustwind Cave"] = "尘风洞穴",
	["Dustwind Dig"] = "尘风挖掘场",
	["Dustwind Gulch"] = "尘风峡谷",
	["Dwarven Bunker"] = "矮人地堡",
	["Dwarven District"] = "矮人区",
	["Dyvari Overgrowth"] = "戴瓦里林地",
	["Eagle's Eye"] = "鹰眼之台",
	["Earthshaker Cave"] = "震地者洞穴",
	["Earthshaker Gorge"] = "震地峡谷",
	["Earthshatter Cavern"] = "碎地者洞穴",
	["Earth Song Falls"] = "地歌瀑布",
	["Earth Song Gate"] = "地歌之门",
	["Eastern Bridge"] = "东部桥梁",
	["Eastern Kingdoms"] = "东部王国",
	["Eastern Plaguelands"] = "东瘟疫之地",
	["Eastern Strand"] = "东部海滩",
	["Eastern Transept"] = "东侧耳堂",
	["East Garrison"] = "东区兵营",
	["Eastmoon Ruins"] = "东月废墟",
	["East Pavilion"] = "东部帐篷",
	["East Pillar"] = "东部石柱",
	["Eastpoint Tower"] = "东点哨塔",
	["East Sanctum"] = "东部圣殿",
	["Eastspark Workshop"] = "东部火花车间",
	["East Spire"] = "东部尖塔",
	["East Supply Caravan"] = "东补给车队",
	["Eastvale Logging Camp"] = "东谷伐木场",
	["Eastwall Gate"] = "东墙大门",
	["Eastwall Tower"] = "东墙哨塔",
	["Eastwind Gulch"] = "东风峡谷",
	["Eastwind Rest"] = "东风之眠",
	["Eastwind Shore"] = "东风海岸",
	["Ebon Hold"] = "黑锋要塞",
	["Ebon Hold - Acherus -> Death's Breach End"] = "Ebon Hold - Acherus -> Death's Breach End",
	["Ebon Hold - Acherus -> Death's Breach Start"] = "Ebon Hold - Acherus -> Death's Breach Start",
	["Ebon Hold - Death's Breach -> Acherus End"] = "Ebon Hold - Death's Breach -> Acherus End",
	["Ebon Hold - Death's Breach -> Acherus Start"] = "Ebon Hold - Death's Breach -> Acherus Start",
	["Ebon Watch"] = "黑锋哨站",
	["Echidnean Shelf"] = "艾奇尼海床",
	["Echo Cove"] = "回音湾",
	["Echo Isles"] = "回音群岛",
	["Echomok Cavern"] = "艾卡默克洞穴",
	["Echo Reach"] = "回音海滩",
	["Echo Ridge Mine"] = "回音山矿洞",
	["Eclipse Point"] = "日蚀岗哨",
	["Eclipsion Fields"] = "日蚀平原",
	["Eco-Dome Farfield"] = "边缘生态圆顶",
	["Eco-Dome Midrealm"] = "中央生态圆顶",
	["Eco-Dome Skyperch"] = "高空生态圆顶",
	["Eco-Dome Sutheron"] = "苏瑟伦生态圆顶",
	["Edge of Reality"] = "现世边界",
	["Elder Rise"] = "长者高地",
	["Elder RiseUNUSED"] = "长者高地",
	["Elders' Square"] = "长者广场",
	["Eldreth Row"] = "艾德雷斯区",
	["Eldritch Heights"] = "埃尔德齐断崖",
	["Elemental Hollow"] = "元素谷",
	["Elemental Plateau"] = "元素高地",
	["Elementium Depths"] = "源质深渊",
	Elevator = "升降梯",
	Elodor = "艾洛多尔",
	["Elodor Dig"] = "艾洛多尔挖掘场",
	["Elodor Fields"] = "艾洛多尔农场",
	["Elrendar Crossing"] = "艾伦达尔桥",
	["Elrendar Falls"] = "艾伦达尔瀑布",
	["Elrendar River"] = "艾尔伦达河",
	["Elwynn Forest"] = "艾尔文森林",
	["Embaari Village"] = "安波里村",
	["Ember Clutch"] = "灰烬龙巢",
	["Emberfall Tower"] = "落烬塔楼",
	["Emberfall Watch"] = "落烬岗哨",
	Emberglade = "灰烬林地",
	["Ember Spear Tower"] = "灰烬长矛塔楼",
	["Emberstone Mine"] = "烬石矿脉",
	["Emberstone Village"] = "烬石村",
	["Emberstrife's Den"] = "埃博斯塔夫的巢穴",
	["Emerald Dragonshrine"] = "翡翠巨龙圣地",
	["Emerald Dream"] = "翡翠梦境",
	["Emerald Forest"] = "翠叶森林",
	["Emerald Sanctuary"] = "翡翠圣地",
	["Emperor Rikktik's Rest"] = "里克提克皇帝之墓",
	["Emperor's Omen"] = "皇帝的预言地",
	["Emperor's Reach"] = "帝皇之域",
	["Enchanter's Study"] = "附魔研究室",
	["End Time"] = "时光之末",
	["Engineering Labs"] = "工程实验室",
	["Engineering Labs "] = "工程实验室",
	["Engineering Works"] = "工坊",
	["Engine of Nalak'sha"] = "纳拉克煞引擎",
	["Engine of the Makers"] = "造物者引擎",
	["Entryway of Time"] = "时光入口",
	["Ethel Rethor"] = "艾瑟雷索",
	["Ethereal Corridor"] = "天界回廊",
	["Ethereum Staging Grounds"] = "复仇军前沿基地",
	["Eventide Landing"] = "日暮港",
	["Everbloom Overlook"] = "永茂岗哨",
	["Everbloom Wilds"] = "永茂丛林",
	["Evergreen Trading Post"] = "常青商栈",
	Evergrove = "常青林",
	Everlook = "永望镇",
	["Evermorn Rise"] = "永晨高地",
	["Evermorn Springs"] = "永晨之泉",
	["Eversong - Duskwither Teleport"] = "永歌森林 - 达斯维瑟",
	["Eversong - Duskwither Teleport End"] = "永歌森林 - 达斯维瑟",
	["Eversong Woods"] = "永歌森林",
	["Evl'ii's Den"] = "伊弗利的巢穴",
	["Exarch's Refuge"] = "大主教的避难所",
	["Exarch's Rise"] = "大主教高地",
	["Excavation Center"] = "挖掘中心",
	["Excavation Lift"] = "挖掘场升降梯",
	["Exclamation Point"] = "惊叹角",
	["Exile's Rise"] = "流亡者高地",
	["Expedition Armory"] = "远征军物资库",
	["Expedition Base Camp"] = "远征军营地",
	["Expedition Point"] = "远征军岗哨",
	["Explorers' League Digsite"] = "探险者协会挖掘场",
	["Explorers' League Outpost"] = "探险者协会哨站",
	["Exposition Pavilion"] = "展览帐篷",
	["Eye of Eternity"] = "永恒之眼",
	["Eye of the Storm"] = "风暴之眼",
	["Fairbreeze Village"] = "晴风村",
	["Fairbridge Strand"] = "玉桥海滩",
	["Falcon Watch"] = "猎鹰岗哨",
	["Falconwing Inn"] = "鹰翼旅店",
	["Falconwing Square"] = "鹰翼广场",
	["Faldir's Cove"] = "法迪尔海湾",
	["Falfarren River"] = "弗伦河",
	["Fallen Sky Lake"] = "坠星湖",
	["Fallen Sky Ridge"] = "坠星山",
	["Fallen Temple of Ahn'kahet"] = "坍塌的安卡赫特神殿",
	["Fall of Return"] = "回归瀑布",
	["Fallowmere Inn"] = "法罗米尔旅店",
	["Fallow Sanctuary"] = "农田避难所",
	["Falls of Ymiron"] = "伊米隆瀑布",
	["Fallsong Village"] = "瀑歌村",
	["Falthrien Academy"] = "法瑟林学院",
	Familiars = "亲友团",
	["Faol's Rest"] = "法奥之墓",
	Faralohn = "法拉隆",
	["Fargaze Mesa"] = "远眺台地",
	["Fargodeep Mine"] = "法戈第矿洞",
	Farm = "农场",
	["Farseer's Rock"] = "先知岩",
	Farshire = "致远郡",
	["Farshire Fields"] = "致远郡农场",
	["Farshire Lighthouse"] = "致远郡灯塔",
	["Farshire Mine"] = "致远郡矿洞",
	["Farson Hold"] = "法尔森要塞",
	["Farstrider Enclave"] = "远行者营地",
	["Farstrider Lodge"] = "旅行者营地",
	["Farstrider Retreat"] = "远行者居所",
	["Farstriders' Enclave"] = "远行者营地",
	["Farstriders' Square"] = "远行者广场",
	["Farwatcher's Glen"] = "远望角",
	["Farwatch Overlook"] = "远戍哨站",
	["Far Watch Post"] = "前沿哨所",
	["Fear Clutch"] = "恐惧之巢",
	["Featherbeard's Hovel"] = "羽须小屋",
	Feathermoon = "羽月要塞",
	["Feathermoon Stronghold"] = "羽月要塞",
	["Fe-Feng Village"] = "狒狒村",
	["Felfire Hill"] = "冥火岭",
	["Felpaw Village"] = "魔爪村",
	["Fel Reaver Ruins"] = "魔能机甲废墟",
	["Fel Rock"] = "地狱石",
	["Felspark Ravine"] = "魔火峡谷",
	["Felstone Field"] = "费尔斯通农场",
	Felwood = "费伍德森林",
	["Fenris Isle"] = "芬里斯岛",
	["Fenris Keep"] = "芬里斯城堡",
	Feralas = "菲拉斯",
	["Feralfen Village"] = "蛮沼村",
	["Feral Scar Vale"] = "深痕谷",
	["Festering Pools"] = "溃烂之池",
	["Festival Lane"] = "节日小道",
	["Feth's Way"] = "菲斯小径",
	["Fey Landing"] = "灵龙平台",
	["Field of Giants [UNUSED]"] = "Field of Giants [UNUSED]",
	["Field of Korja"] = "科夏平原",
	["Field of Strife"] = "征战平原",
	["Fields of Blood"] = "鲜血旷野",
	["Fields of Honor"] = "荣耀之地",
	["Fields of Niuzao"] = "砮皂旷野",
	Filming = "拍摄",
	["Final Gate - Mogu Island Progression Scenario"] = "Final Gate - Mogu Island Progression Scenario",
	["Finding the Secret Ingredient"] = "寻找秘制原料",
	["Fiona's Caravan"] = "菲奥拉的马车",
	["Firebeard Cemetery"] = "焰须墓地",
	["Firebeard's Patrol"] = "焰须巡逻营",
	["Firebough Nook"] = "火树村",
	["Fire Camp Bataar"] = "巴塔尔火营",
	["Fire Camp Gai-Cho"] = "铠胄火营",
	["Fire Camp Ordo"] = "斡耳朵火营",
	["Fire Camp Osul"] = "奥苏尔火营",
	["Fire Camp Ruqin"] = "卢秦火营",
	["Fire Camp Yongqi"] = "勇齐火营",
	["Firegut Furnace"] = "火腹熔炉",
	Firelands = "火焰之地",
	["Firelands Forgeworks"] = "火焰之地锻造厂",
	["Firelands Hatchery"] = "火焰之地孵化场",
	["Firelands Terrain 2"] = "火焰之地,地形2",
	["Fireplume Peak"] = "火羽峰",
	["Fire Plume Ridge"] = "火羽山",
	["Fireplume Trench"] = "火羽海沟",
	["Fire Scar Shrine"] = "火痕神殿",
	["Fire Stone Mesa"] = "火石台地",
	["Firestone Point"] = "火石岗哨",
	["Firewalker Ruins"] = "蹈火者废墟",
	["Firewalkers' Path"] = "蹈火者小径",
	["Firewatch Ridge"] = "观火岭",
	["Firewing Point"] = "火翼岗哨",
	["First Bank of Kezan"] = "科赞第一银行",
	["First Legion Forward Camp"] = "第一军团前线营地",
	["First to Your Aid"] = "急你所急",
	["Fishing Shack"] = "渔夫小屋",
	["Fishing Village"] = "钓鱼村",
	["Fissure of Fury"] = "狂怒裂隙",
	["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = "菲兹兰克机场",
	["Fizzcrank Pumping Station"] = "菲兹兰克泵站",
	["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = "菲兹尔和普兹克的赛艇平台",
	["Fjorn's Anvil"] = "弗约恩之砧",
	Flamebreach = "火焰裂口",
	["Flame Crest"] = "烈焰峰",
	["Flamestar Post"] = "焰星哨站",
	["Flamewatch Tower"] = "火光塔楼",
	["Flavor - Stormwind Harbor  - Start"] = "Flavor - Stormwind Harbor  - Start",
	["Flavor - Stormwind Harbor - Stop"] = "Flavor - Stormwind Harbor - Stop",
	["Flavor - Stormwind Harbor  - Start"] = "Flavor - Stormwind Harbor  - Start",
	["Fleshrender's Workshop"] = "血肉撕裂者的车间",
	foo = "foo",
	["Foothold Citadel"] = "塞拉摩堡垒",
	["Footman's Armory"] = "步兵武器库",
	["Forbidden Cave"] = "禁忌洞穴",
	["Forbidden Glacier"] = "禁忌冰川",
	["Force Interior"] = "内室",
	["Fordragon Hold"] = "弗塔根要塞",
	["Forest Heart"] = "翠林之心",
	["Forest's Edge"] = "林边空地",
	["Forest's Edge Post"] = "林边哨站",
	["Forest Song"] = "林歌神殿",
	["Forge Base: Gehenna"] = "铸魔基地:炼狱",
	["Forge Base: Oblivion"] = "铸魔基地:湮灭",
	["Forge Camp: Anger"] = "铸魔营地:怒火",
	["Forge Camp: Fear"] = "铸魔营地:畏惧",
	["Forge Camp: Hate"] = "铸魔营地:仇恨",
	["Forge Camp: Mageddon"] = "铸魔营地:暴虐",
	["Forge Camp: Rage"] = "铸魔营地:狂乱",
	["Forge Camp: Terror"] = "铸魔营地:恐怖",
	["Forge Camp: Wrath"] = "铸魔营地:天罚",
	["Forge of Fate"] = "命运熔炉",
	["Forge of the Endless"] = "无尽熔炉",
	["Forgewright's Tomb"] = "铸铁之墓",
	["Forgotten Depths"] = "被遗忘的深渊",
	["Forgotten Hill"] = "遗忘山丘",
	["Forgotten Mire"] = "遗忘泥沼",
	["Forgotten Passageway"] = "遗忘长廊",
	["Forgotten Shore"] = "遗忘海滩",
	["Forlorn Cloister"] = "遗忘回廊",
	["Forlorn Delta"] = "荒弃三角洲",
	["Forlorn Hut"] = "荒弃小屋",
	["Forlorn Ridge"] = "凄凉山",
	["Forlorn Rowe"] = "荒弃鬼屋",
	["Forlorn Spire"] = "荒芜尖塔",
	["Forlorn Woods"] = "绝望之林",
	["Formation Grounds"] = "练兵场",
	["Forsaken Forward Command"] = "被遗忘者前线指挥部",
	["Forsaken High Command"] = "被遗忘者统帅部",
	["Forsaken Rear Guard"] = "被遗忘者后卫军",
	["Fort Livingston"] = "利文斯顿营地",
	["Fort Silverback"] = "银背堡垒",
	["Fort Triumph"] = "凯旋壁垒",
	["Fortune's Fist"] = "财富之拳",
	["Fort Wildervar"] = "维德瓦堡垒",
	["Fort Wrynn"] = "乌瑞恩堡",
	["Fort Wrynn Worksite"] = "乌瑞恩堡工地",
	["Forward Assault Camp"] = "前方突袭营",
	["Forward Command"] = "前线指挥站",
	["Foulspore Cavern"] = "毒孢洞穴",
	["Foulspore Pools"] = "毒菇洞穴",
	["Foundry Terminus"] = "铸造厂车站",
	["Fountain of the Everseeing"] = "永视泉",
	["Fountain Plaza"] = "喷泉广场",
	["Fox Grove"] = "狐狸森林",
	["Fractured Front"] = "碎裂前线",
	["Frayfeather Highlands"] = "乱羽高地",
	["Fray Island"] = "勇士岛",
	["Frazzlecraz Motherlode"] = "弗兹卡勒的主矿脉",
	["Freewind Post"] = "乱风岗",
	["Frenzyheart Hill"] = "狂心岭",
	["Frenzyheart River"] = "狂心河",
	["Frigid Breach"] = "冰冷裂口",
	Frondfall = "蕨叶坡地",
	["Frostangler Bay"] = "霜钓海湾",
	["Frostbite Deep"] = "霜冻深渊",
	["Frostbite Hollow"] = "霜冻之穴",
	["Frostbite Wall"] = "霜冻峭壁",
	["Frostblade Pass"] = "霜刃小径",
	["Frostblade Peak"] = "霜刃峰",
	["Frostboar Drifts"] = "霜彘雪原",
	["Frostboar Point"] = "霜彘海礁",
	Frostcave = "霜寒洞穴",
	["Frostchill Lagoon"] = "霜寒泄湖",
	["Frostclaw Den"] = "霜爪兽穴",
	["Frost Dagger Pass"] = "霜刀小径",
	["Frost Den"] = "冰霜之巢",
	["Frostfield Lake"] = "霜原湖",
	["Frostfire Finale Scenario"] = "霜火岭终极场景战役",
	["Frostfire Hot Springs"] = "冰火温泉",
	["Frostfire Ridge"] = "霜火岭",
	["Frostfloe Deep"] = "浮冰深渊",
	["Frostgrip's Hollow"] = "霜握的洞穴",
	Frosthold = "冰霜堡",
	["Frosthowl Cavern"] = "霜嚎洞穴",
	["Frostmane Front"] = "霜鬃前线",
	["Frostmane Hold"] = "霜鬃巨魔要塞",
	["Frostmane Hovel"] = "霜鬃洞穴",
	["Frostmane Retreat"] = "霜鬃营地",
	Frostmourne = "霜之哀伤",
	["Frostmourne Cavern"] = "霜之哀伤洞穴",
	["Frostsaber Rock"] = "霜刀石",
	Frostwall = "霜寒晶壁",
	["Frostwall Approach"] = "霜壁走廊",
	["Frostwall Garrison"] = "霜壁要塞",
	["Frostwall Mine"] = "霜壁矿井",
	["Frostwall Tavern"] = "霜壁旅社",
	["Frostwhisper Gorge"] = "霜语峡谷",
	["Frostwind Crag"] = "霜风峭壁",
	["Frostwing Halls"] = "霜翼之巢",
	["Frostwolf Graveyard"] = "霜狼墓地",
	["Frostwolf Keep"] = "部落要塞",
	["Frostwolf Overlook"] = "霜狼岗哨",
	["Frostwolf Pass"] = "霜狼小径",
	["Frostwolf Tunnel"] = "霜狼隧道",
	["Frostwolf Village"] = "霜狼村",
	["Frozen Reach"] = "冰冻平原",
	["Fungal Deep"] = "真菌洞穴",
	["Fungal Rock"] = "蘑菇石",
	["Funggor Cavern"] = "蘑菇洞",
	["Furien's Post"] = "弗瑞恩的哨站",
	["Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm"] = "法布隆南瓜农场",
	["Furnace of Hate"] = "仇恨熔炉",
	["Furywing's Perch"] = "弗雷文栖木",
	Fuselight = "熔光镇",
	["Fuselight-by-the-Sea"] = "熔光码头",
	["Fu's Pond"] = "福家小池",
	Gadgetzan = "加基森",
	["Gahrron's Withering"] = "盖罗恩农场",
	["Gai-Cho Battlefield"] = "铠胄战线",
	["Galak Hold"] = "加拉克城堡",
	["Galakrond's Rest"] = "迦拉克隆之墓",
	["Galardell Valley"] = "加拉德尔山谷",
	["Galen's Fall"] = "加林之陨",
	["Galerek's Remorse"] = "盖尔雷克的悔恨",
	["Galewatch Lighthouse"] = "风暴信标灯塔",
	["Gallery of Treasures"] = "珍宝陈列室",
	["Gallows' Corner"] = "绞刑场",
	["Gallows' End Tavern"] = "恐惧之末旅店",
	["Gallywix Docks"] = "加里维克斯码头",
	["Gallywix Labor Mine"] = "加里维克斯劳工矿井",
	["Gallywix Pleasure Palace"] = "加里维克斯忘忧宫",
	["Gallywix's Garage"] = "加里维克斯的车库",
	["Gallywix's Villa"] = "加里维克斯的别墅",
	["Gallywix's Yacht"] = "加里维克斯的游艇",
	["Galus' Chamber"] = "加鲁斯之厅",
	["Gamesman's Hall"] = "象棋大厅",
	Gammoth = "迦莫斯",
	["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = "高岚阵",
	Garadar = "加拉达尔",
	["Garden of K'ure"] = "克乌雷的花园",
	["Garden Plaza"] = "花园广场",
	["Gardens of Eternity"] = "永恒庭园",
	["Gar'gol's Hovel"] = "伽格尔的营地",
	Garm = "加姆",
	["Garm's Bane"] = "加姆雷区",
	["Garm's Rise"] = "加姆高地",
	["Garren's Haunt"] = "加伦鬼屋",
	Garrison = "要塞",
	["Garrison - Alliance - Inn"] = "Garrison - Alliance - Inn",
	["Garrison Armory"] = "要塞军械库",
	["Garrosh'ar Advance"] = "加尔鲁什尔先锋营",
	["Garrosh'ar Point"] = "加尔鲁什尔前哨站",
	["Garrosh's Landing"] = "加尔鲁什码头",
	["Garvan's Reef"] = "加维暗礁",
	["Gate of Echoes"] = "回音之门",
	["Gate of Endless Spring"] = "永春之门",
	["Gate of Hamatep"] = "哈玛特普之门",
	["Gate of Lightning"] = "闪电之门",
	["Gate of the August Celestials"] = "天神之门",
	["Gate of the Blue Sapphire"] = "蓝玉之门",
	["Gate of the Breakers"] = "毁灭者之门",
	["Gate of the Green Emerald"] = "翡翠之门",
	["Gate of the Purple Amethyst"] = "紫晶之门",
	["Gate of the Red Sun"] = "红日之门",
	["Gate of the Setting Sun"] = "残阳关",
	["Gate of the Yellow Moon"] = "金月之门",
	["Gates of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安其拉之门",
	["Gates of Grommashar"] = "格罗玛什尔城门",
	["Gates of Ironforge"] = "铁炉堡大门",
	["Gates of Orgrimmar"] = "奥格瑞玛城门",
	["Gates of Sothann"] = "索萨恩之门",
	["Gauntlet of Flame"] = "烈焰通道",
	["Gavin's Naze"] = "加文高地",
	["Geezle's Camp"] = "吉兹尔的营地",
	["Gelkis Village"] = "吉尔吉斯村",
	["Gem Boutique"] = "珠宝店",
	["General Goods"] = "杂货",
	["General's Terrace"] = "将军平台",
	["Ghostblade Post"] = "幽刃岗哨",
	Ghostlands = "幽魂之地",
	["Ghost Walker Post"] = "幽灵岗哨",
	["Giant's Fall"] = "巨人之陨",
	["Giant's Run"] = "巨人平原",
	["Giants' Run"] = "巨人平原",
	["Gilded Fan"] = "金扇泽",
	["Gillijim's Isle"] = "吉利吉姆之岛",
	["Gilnean Coast"] = "吉尔尼恩海岸",
	["Gilnean Stronghold"] = "吉尔尼恩要塞",
	Gilneas = "吉尔尼斯",
	Gilneas2 = "吉尔尼斯2",
	["Gilneas City"] = "吉尔尼斯城",
	["Gilneas (Do Not Reuse)"] = "Gilneas (Do Not Reuse)",
	["Gilneas Liberation Front Base Camp"] = "吉尔尼斯解放阵线营地",
	GilneasPhase1 = "吉尔尼斯位面1",
	GilneasPhase2 = "吉尔尼斯位面2",
	["Gimorak's Den"] = "基莫拉克之巢",
	Gjalerbron = "亚勒伯龙",
	Gjalerhorn = "亚勒霍恩",
	["Glacial Falls"] = "冰川瀑布",
	["Glacier Bay"] = "冰川海湾",
	["Gladiator's Rest"] = "角斗士休息区",
	["Gladiator's Sanctum"] = "角斗士圣殿",
	["Glimmer Bay"] = "幽光海湾",
	["Glimmerdeep Gorge"] = "光渊峡谷",
	["Glittering Strand"] = "灿烂海岸",
	["Gloomshade Cove"] = "幽影湾",
	["Gloomshade Grotto"] = "幽影岩洞",
	["Gloomshade Grove"] = "幽影林地",
	["Glopgut's Hollow"] = "黏肠峡谷",
	["Glorious Goods"] = "荣耀杂货店",
	Glory = "荣耀号",
	["Glut's Burrow"] = "格鲁特地洞",
	["GM Island"] = "GM Island",
	["Gnarlpine Hold"] = "瘤背堡",
	["Gnarlwood Pass"] = "瘤木小径",
	["Gnaws' Boneyard"] = "虎鲸坟场",
	Gnomeregan = "诺莫瑞根",
	["Gnomish Gearworks"] = "侏儒工厂",
	["Gobline Mine"] = "地精矿洞",
	["Goblin Foundry"] = "地精锻造厂",
	["Goblin Mine"] = "地精矿洞",
	["Goblin Slums"] = "地精贫民窟",
	["Goblin Workshop"] = "地精车间",
	["Gokk'lok's Grotto"] = "古克罗克的洞穴",
	["Gokk'lok Shallows"] = "古克罗克浅滩",
	["Golakka Hot Springs"] = "葛拉卡温泉",
	["Gol'Bolar Quarry"] = "古博拉采掘场",
	["Gol'Bolar Quarry Mine"] = "古博拉采掘场",
	["Gold Coast Quarry"] = "金海岸矿洞",
	["Goldenbough Pass"] = "金枝小径",
	["Goldenmist Village"] = "金雾村",
	["Golden Strand"] = "金色沙滩",
	["Gold Mine"] = "矿洞",
	["Gold Road"] = "黄金之路",
	["Gold Rush BG"] = "夺金战场",
	Goldshire = "闪金镇",
	["Goldtooth's Den"] = "金牙的巢穴",
	["Gol'gor"] = "高戈尔",
	["Goodgrub Smoking Pit"] = "精掘烟熏坑",
	["Gordal Foothills"] = "古尔达丘陵",
	["Gordal Fortress"] = "古尔达要塞",
	["Gordok's Seat"] = "戈多克的王座",
	["Gordunni Outpost"] = "戈杜尼前哨站",
	["Gorefiend's Vigil"] = "血魔之厅",
	["Gor'gaz Outpost"] = "高加兹前哨",
	["Gorgorek's Fall"] = "高格里克之陨",
	Gorgrond = "戈尔隆德",
	["Gorgrond Finale"] = "戈尔隆德大决战",
	["Gorgrond Pass"] = "戈尔隆德小径",
	["Gorian Falls"] = "高里亚瀑布",
	["Gorian Proving Grounds"] = "高里亚试炼场",
	["Gorian Strand"] = "高里亚海滩",
	["Gormaul Tower"] = "戈莫尔塔楼",
	Gornia = "戈尼亚",
	["Gorrok's Lament"] = "格洛克的挽歌",
	["Gorshak War Camp"] = "哥沙克战争营地",
	["Go'Shek Farm"] = "格沙克农场",
	["Gra'ah"] = "加拉阿",
	["Grain Cellar"] = "谷仓地窖",
	["Grand Courtyard"] = "大广场",
	["Grand Magister's Asylum"] = "大魔导师的圣堂",
	["Grand Overlook"] = "大露台",
	["Grand Promenade"] = "壮丽步道",
	["Grand Spire"] = "主峰",
	["Grangol'var Village"] = "格兰戈瓦村",
	["Granite Springs"] = "岩石之泉",
	["Grassy Cline"] = "草海",
	["Great Hall"] = "大厅",
	["Great Tree Valuundira"] = "神树瓦伦迪拉",
	["Greatwood Vale"] = "巨木谷",
	["Greengill Coast"] = "绿鳃海岸",
	["Greenpaw Village"] = "绿爪村",
	["Greenstone Dojo"] = "绿石道场",
	["Greenstone Inn"] = "绿石酒肆",
	["Greenstone Masons' Quarter"] = "绿石工匠区",
	["Greenstone Quarry"] = "绿石采掘场",
	["Greenstone Village"] = "绿石村",
	["Greenwarden's Grove"] = "绿色守卫者林地",
	["Greymane Court"] = "格雷迈恩皇家庭院",
	["Greymane Manor"] = "格雷迈恩庄园",
	["Greymist Firth"] = "灰雾海湾",
	["Grim Batol"] = "格瑞姆巴托",
	["Grim Batol Entrance"] = "格瑞姆巴托入口",
	["Grimesilt Dig Site"] = "煤渣挖掘场",
	["Grimfrost Hill"] = "肃霜丘陵",
	["Grimrail Crash Site"] = "恐轨事故现场",
	["Grimrail Depot"] = "恐轨车站",
	["Grimtotem Compound"] = "恐怖图腾营地",
	["Grimtotem Post"] = "恐怖图腾岗哨",
	Grishnath = "格里施纳",
	Grizzlemaw = "灰喉堡",
	["Grizzlepaw Ridge"] = "灰爪山",
	["Grizzly Hills"] = "灰熊丘陵",
	["Grol'dom Farm"] = "格罗多姆农场",
	["Grol'dom Farm UNUSED"] = "Grol'dom Farm UNUSED",
	["Grolluk's Grave"] = "格洛鲁克之墓",
	["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = "格罗玛什坠毁点",
	["Grom'gar"] = "格罗姆加尔",
	["Grom'gol"] = "格罗姆高",
	["Grom'gol Base Camp"] = "格罗姆高营地",
	["Grom'kar Gulch"] = "格罗姆卡峡谷",
	Grommar = "格罗玛尔",
	["Grommar Docks"] = "格罗玛尔码头",
	["Grommar Hold"] = "格罗玛尔要塞",
	Grommashar = "格罗玛什尔",
	["Grommashar Scenario"] = "Grommashar Scenario",
	["Grommash Hold"] = "格罗玛什要塞",
	["Gronn Canyon"] = "戈隆峡谷",
	["Gronn Cave"] = "戈隆洞穴",
	["Gronnstalkers' Cache"] = "戈隆追猎者仓库",
	["Grookin Hill"] = "古鲁金猴山",
	["Grosh'gok Compound"] = "格罗高克营地",
	["Grove of Aessina"] = "艾森娜林地",
	["Grove of Falling Blossoms"] = "落英林",
	["Grove of the Ancients"] = "古树之林",
	["Growless Cave"] = "无草洞",
	["Grulloc's Grotto"] = "格鲁洛克岩洞",
	["Grulloc's Lair"] = "格鲁洛克的巢穴",
	["Gruul's Lair"] = "格鲁尔的巢穴",
	["Gryphon Roost"] = "狮鹫栖木",
	["Guardian's Library"] = "守护者的图书馆",
	["Gul'dan's Overlook"] = "古尔丹悬台",
	["Gul'rok"] = "古尔罗克",
	["Gul'var"] = "古尔瓦",
	Gundrak = "古达克",
	["Gundrak Entrance"] = "古达克入口",
	["Gunstan's Dig"] = "古斯坦的哨岗",
	["Gunstan's Post"] = "古斯坦的哨岗",
	["Gunther's Retreat"] = "冈瑟尔的居所",
	["Guo-Lai Halls"] = "郭莱古厅",
	["Guo-Lai Ritual Chamber"] = "郭莱仪祭密室",
	["Guo-Lai Vault"] = "郭莱宝库",
	["Gurboggle's Ledge"] = "戈博格海崖",
	["Gurgthock's Stash"] = "古尔戈索克的秘巢",
	["Gurubashi Arena"] = "古拉巴什竞技场",
	["Gyro-Plank Bridge"] = "机械桥",
	["Haal'eshi Gorge"] = "哈尔什峡谷",
	["Hadronox's Lair"] = "哈多诺克斯之巢",
	["Hailwood Marsh"] = "乱木沼泽",
	Halaa = "哈兰",
	["Halaani Basin"] = "哈兰盆地",
	["Halcyon Egress"] = "哈尔西恩法阵",
	["Haldarr Encampment"] = "哈达尔营地",
	Halfhill = "半山",
	["Halfhill Scenario"] = "半山场景战役",
	Halgrind = "哈尔格林德",
	["Hall of Arms"] = "武器大厅",
	["Hall of Binding"] = "禁锢之厅",
	["Hall of Blackhand"] = "黑手大厅",
	["Hall of Blades"] = "剑刃大厅",
	["Hall of Bones"] = "白骨大厅",
	["Hall of Champions"] = "勇士大厅",
	["Hall of Command"] = "命令大厅",
	["Hall of Crafting"] = "工艺之厅",
	["Hall of Departure"] = "离别大厅",
	["Hall of Explorers"] = "探险者大厅",
	["Hall of Faces"] = "千面大厅",
	["Hall of Horrors"] = "恐惧大厅",
	["Hall of Illusions"] = "幻像大厅",
	["Hall of Kings"] = "先王殿",
	["Hall of Legends"] = "传说大厅",
	["Hall of Masks"] = "面具大厅",
	["Hall of Memories"] = "回忆大厅",
	["Hall of Mysteries"] = "秘法大厅",
	["Hall of Repose"] = "休眠大厅",
	["Hall of Return"] = "回归大厅",
	["Hall of Ritual"] = "仪式大厅",
	["Hall of Secrets"] = "密语之厅",
	["Hall of Serpents"] = "毒蛇大厅",
	["Hall of Shapers"] = "塑造者大厅",
	["Hall of Stasis"] = "停滞大厅",
	["Hall of the Brave"] = "勇者大厅",
	["Hall of the Conquered Kings"] = "败降王者之厅",
	["Hall of the Crafters"] = "工匠大厅",
	["Hall of the Crescent Moon"] = "新月大厅",
	["Hall of the Crusade"] = "征伐大厅",
	["Hall of the Cursed"] = "诅咒大厅",
	["Hall of the Damned"] = "谴责之厅",
	["Hall of the Defamed"] = "无颜殿",
	["Hall of the Exalted"] = "至尊殿",
	["Hall of the Fathers"] = "先辈大厅",
	["Hall of the Frostwolf"] = "霜狼大厅",
	["Hall of the Grand Imperion"] = "禁都卫统领大殿",
	["Hall of the Great Hunt"] = "狩猎大厅",
	["Hall of the High Father"] = "圣父之厅",
	["Hall of the Keepers"] = "守护者大厅",
	["Hall of the Shaper"] = "塑造者之厅",
	["Hall of the Stormpike"] = "雷矛大厅",
	["Hall of the Tortured"] = "刑罚大厅",
	["Hall of the Watchers"] = "观察者大厅",
	["Hall of the Wicked"] = "背德大厅",
	["Hall of Tombs"] = "古陵大厅",
	["Hall of Tranquility"] = "静思之厅",
	["Hall of Tranquillity"] = "静思之厅",
	["Hall of Twilight"] = "暮色大厅",
	["Halls of Anguish"] = "苦痛大厅",
	["Halls of Awakening"] = "觉醒大厅",
	["Halls of Binding"] = "束缚大厅",
	["Halls of Destruction"] = "毁灭大厅",
	["Halls of Flesh-Shaping"] = "修身殿",
	["Halls of Lightning"] = "闪电大厅",
	["Halls of Lightning Entrance"] = "闪电大厅入口",
	["Halls of Mourning"] = "哀悼大厅",
	["Halls of Origination"] = "起源大厅",
	["Halls of Origination Entrance"] = "起源大厅入口",
	["Halls of Reflection"] = "映像大厅",
	["Halls of Reflection Entrance"] = "映像大厅入口",
	["Halls of Silence"] = "沉默大厅",
	["Halls of Stone"] = "岩石大厅",
	["Halls of Stone Entrance"] = "岩石大厅入口",
	["Halls of Strife"] = "征战大厅",
	["Halls of the Ancestors"] = "先祖大厅",
	["Halls of the Hereafter"] = "转生大厅",
	["Halls of the Law"] = "秩序大厅",
	["Halls of Theory"] = "学术大厅",
	Hallvalor = "哈瓦洛",
	["Halycon's Lair"] = "哈雷肯之巢",
	Hammerfall = "落锤镇",
	["Hammertoe's Digsite"] = "铁趾挖掘场",
	["Hammond Farmstead"] = "哈蒙德农场",
	Hangar = "飞艇基地",
	["Hardknuckle Clearing"] = "硬皮旷野",
	["Hardwrench Hideaway"] = "硬钳避世乐园",
	["Harkor's Camp"] = "哈考尔营地",
	["Harvesting Pits"] = "收割围栏",
	["Hatchet Hills"] = "战斧岭",
	["Hatecoil Slave Pen"] = "积怨奴隶围栏",
	["Hatescale Burrow"] = "恨鳞地穴",
	["Hatred's Vice"] = "仇恨之恶",
	Havenshire = "海文郡",
	["Havenshire Farms"] = "海文郡农场",
	["Havenshire Lumber Mill"] = "海文郡伐木场",
	["Havenshire Mine"] = "海文郡矿洞",
	["Havenshire Stables"] = "海文郡马厩",
	["Hayward Fishery"] = "海瓦尔德渔场",
	["Headmaster's Retreat"] = "院长的房间",
	["Headmaster's Study"] = "院长的书房",
	Heartblood = "血环之心",
	["Heartblood Tangle"] = "心血丛林",
	["Hearthfire Tavern"] = "炉火旅店",
	Hearthglen = "壁炉谷",
	["Heart of Destruction"] = "毁灭之心",
	["Heart of Fear"] = "恐惧之心",
	["Heart of the Fen"] = "沼泽之心",
	["Heart of the Old God Scenario"] = "古神之心场景战役",
	["Heart of Zan'vess"] = "扎尼维斯之心",
	["Heart's Blood Shrine"] = "心血神殿",
	["Heartwood Trading Post"] = "心木商栈",
	["Heb'Drakkar"] = "赫布达卡",
	["Heb'Valok"] = "赫布瓦罗",
	["Hellfire Basin"] = "地狱火盆地",
	["Hellfire Citadel"] = "地狱火堡垒",
	["Hellfire Citadel: Ramparts"] = "地狱火堡垒:城墙",
	["Hellfire Citadel - Ramparts Entrance"] = "地狱火堡垒 - 城墙入口",
	["Hellfire Citadel: The Blood Furnace"] = "地狱火堡垒:鲜血熔炉",
	["Hellfire Citadel - The Blood Furnace Entrance"] = "地狱火堡垒 - 鲜血熔炉入口",
	["Hellfire Citadel: The Shattered Halls"] = "地狱火堡垒:破碎大厅",
	["Hellfire Citadel - The Shattered Halls Entrance"] = "地狱火堡垒 - 破碎大厅入口",
	["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "地狱火半岛",
	["Hellfire Peninsula - Force Camp Beach Head"] = "地狱火半岛 - 前敌营地",
	["Hellfire Peninsula - Reaver's Fall"] = "地狱火半岛 - 机甲残骸",
	["Hellfire Ramparts"] = "地狱火城墙",
	["Hellscream Arena"] = "地狱咆哮竞技场",
	["Hellscream's Camp"] = "地狱咆哮营地",
	["Hellscream's Fist"] = "地狱咆哮之拳",
	["Hellscream's Grasp"] = "地狱咆哮之握",
	["Hellscream's Watch"] = "地狱咆哮岗哨",
	["Helm's Bed Lake"] = "盔枕湖",
	["Hemet's Happy Hunting Grounds"] = "赫米特的欢乐狩猎场",
	["Herb Garden"] = "药圃",
	["Heroes' Vigil"] = "英雄哨岗",
	["Hero's Rest Inn"] = "英雄之眠旅店",
	["Hetaera's Clutch"] = "赫塔拉的巢穴",
	["Hewn Bog"] = "菌杆沼泽",
	["Heyman's Hubris"] = "海曼之傲",
	["Hibernal Cavern"] = "冬眠洞穴",
	["Hidden Camp"] = "秘密营地",
	["Hidden Cell"] = "密室",
	["Hidden Path"] = "秘道",
	["Hidey-Hole"] = "藏身处",
	Highbank = "滩头堡",
	["High Bank"] = "滩头堡",
	["Highland Forest"] = "高地森林",
	Highmaul = "悬槌堡",
	["Highmaul Arena (Inside Raid)"] = "悬槌竞技场",
	["Highmaul Colisseum"] = "悬槌角斗场",
	["Highmaul Harbor"] = "悬槌港",
	Highpass = "高山走廊",
	["Highpass Logging Camp"] = "高山走廊伐木场",
	["Highpass Sparring Ring"] = "高山走廊格斗竞技场",
	Highperch = "风巢",
	["High Wilderness"] = "高原荒野",
	Hillsbrad = "希尔斯布莱德",
	["Hillsbrad Fields"] = "希尔斯布莱德农场",
	["Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "希尔斯布莱德丘陵",
	["Hills of Valuun"] = "瓦鲁恩丘陵",
	["Hiri'watha Research Station"] = "西利瓦萨研究站",
	["Hive'Ashi"] = "亚什虫巢",
	["Hive'Regal"] = "雷戈虫巢",
	["Hive'Zora"] = "佐拉虫巢",
	["Hogger Hill"] = "霍格山",
	["Hollowed Out Tree"] = "刳心巨树",
	["Hollowstone Mine"] = "空石矿洞",
	["Honeydew Farm"] = "蜜露农田",
	["Honeydew Glade"] = "蜜露林地",
	["Honeydew Village"] = "蜜露村",
	["Honor Hold"] = "荣耀堡",
	["Honor Hold Mine"] = "荣耀堡矿洞",
	["Honor Point"] = "荣耀岗哨",
	["Honor's Stand"] = "荣耀岗哨",
	["Honor's Stand UNUSED"] = "Honor's Stand UNUSED",
	["Honor's Tomb"] = "荣耀之墓",
	["Horde Base Camp"] = "部落营地",
	["Horde Beach Daily Area"] = "部落海滩日常区域",
	["Horde Encampment"] = "部落营地",
	["Horde Keep"] = "部落要塞",
	["HordeKeep_5.1_Beach"] = "HordeKeep_5.1_Beach",
	["Horde Landing"] = "部落登陆点",
	["Horde Landing Site"] = "部落登陆场",
	["Hordemar City"] = "霍德玛尔城",
	["Horde Mine"] = "部落矿井",
	["Horde PVP Barracks"] = "部落PvP兵营",
	["Horror Clutch"] = "惊骇之巢",
	["Hour of Twilight"] = "暮光审判",
	["House of Edune"] = "埃杜恩的小屋",
	["Howling Fjord"] = "嚎风峡湾",
	["Howlingwind Cavern"] = "凛风洞",
	["Howlingwind Trail"] = "凛风小径",
	["Howling Ziggurat"] = "鬼嚎通灵塔",
	["Hrothgar's Landing"] = "洛斯加尔登陆点",
	["Huangtze Falls"] = "黄泽瀑布",
	["Hull of the Foebreaker"] = "荡寇号的船身",
	["Humboldt Conflagration"] = "洪堡焚烧峡谷",
	["Hunter Rise"] = "猎人高地",
	["Hunter Rise UNUSED"] = "猎人高地",
	["Hunter's Hill"] = "猎手岭",
	["Huntress of the Sun"] = "太阳女猎手",
	["Huntsman's Cloister"] = "猎手回廊",
	["Huojin Landing"] = "火金派登陆点",
	Hyjal = "海加尔山",
	["Hyjal Barrow Dens"] = "海加尔兽穴",
	["Hyjal Past"] = "海加尔",
	["Hyjal Summit"] = "海加尔峰",
	["Iceblister Den"] = "冰穹巢穴",
	["Iceblood Garrison"] = "冰血要塞",
	["Iceblood Graveyard"] = "冰血墓地",
	Icecrown = "冰冠冰川",
	["Icecrown Citadel"] = "冰冠堡垒",
	["Icecrown Dungeon - Gunships"] = "冰冠堡垒副本 - 炮艇",
	["Icecrown Glacier"] = "冰冠冰川",
	["Icecrown Raid - Airship Battle Taxi Paths"] = "Icecrown Raid - Airship Battle Taxi Paths",
	["Icecrown Raid - Saurfang's Ship (End)"] = "Icecrown Raid - Saurfang's Ship (End)",
	["Icecrown Raid - Saurfang's Ship (Start)"] = "Icecrown Raid - Saurfang's Ship (Start)",
	["Iceflow Lake"] = "涌冰湖",
	["Ice Heart Cavern"] = "冰心洞穴",
	["Icemist Falls"] = "冰雾瀑布",
	["Icemist Village"] = "冰雾村",
	["Icescar Boneyard"] = "冰痕坟场",
	["Ice Thistle Hills"] = "冰蓟岭",
	["Icewind Drifts"] = "冰风雪原",
	["Icewing Bunker"] = "冰翼碉堡",
	["Icewing Cavern"] = "冰翼洞穴",
	["Icewing Pass"] = "冰翼小径",
	["Idlewind Lake"] = "微风湖",
	["Igneous Depths"] = "火岩深渊",
	["Ihgaluk Crag"] = "伊瓜鲁克峭壁",
	["Ik'vess"] = "伊克维斯",
	["Ikz'ka Ridge"] = "伊卡兹卡山",
	["Illidari Point"] = "伊利达雷岗哨",
	["Illidari Training Grounds"] = "伊利达雷训练场",
	["Imperator's Rise"] = "元首高塔",
	["Indu'le Village"] = "因度雷村",
	["Infiltrating the Shipyard"] = "潜入船坞",
	["Inkgill Mere"] = "墨鳃潭",
	Inn = "旅店",
	["Inner Sanctum"] = "内部圣殿",
	["Inner Veil"] = "内厅",
	["Insidion's Perch"] = "因斯迪安栖木",
	["Invasion Point: Annihilator"] = "登陆场:歼灭",
	["Invasion Point: Cataclysm"] = "登陆场:灾难",
	["Invasion Point: Destroyer"] = "登陆场:破坏",
	["Invasion Point: Overlord"] = "登陆场:霸王",
	["Iron Assembly"] = "钢铁装配车间",
	["Ironband's Compound"] = "铁环营地",
	["Ironband's Excavation Site"] = "铁环挖掘场",
	["Iron Bastion"] = "钢铁堡垒",
	["Ironbeard's Tomb"] = "铁须之墓",
	["Ironclad Cove"] = "铁甲湾",
	["Ironclad Garrison"] = "铁甲兵营",
	["Ironclad Prison"] = "铁栏监狱",
	["Iron Concourse"] = "钢铁广场",
	["Irondeep Mine"] = "深铁矿洞",
	["Iron Docks"] = "钢铁码头",
	["Ironfist Harbor"] = "铁拳港",
	Ironforge = "铁炉堡",
	["Ironforge Airfield"] = "铁炉堡飞行器机坪",
	["Iron Pass"] = "钢铁小径",
	["Iron Sea"] = "钢铁之海",
	["Iron Siegeworks"] = "钢铁军工厂",
	["Ironstone Camp"] = "铁石营地",
	["Ironstone Plateau"] = "铁石高原",
	["Iron Summit"] = "铸铁峰",
	["Irontree Cavern"] = "铁木山洞",
	["Irontree Clearing"] = "铁木工程营",
	["Irontree Woods"] = "铁木森林",
	["Ironwall Dam"] = "铁墙大坝",
	["Ironwall Rampart"] = "铁墙壁垒",
	["Iron Waystation"] = "钢铁中转站",
	["Ironwing Cavern"] = "铁翼洞穴",
	["Ishaal's Hut"] = "伊沙尔小屋",
	Iskaal = "伊斯卡尔",
	["Island of Doctor Lapidis"] = "拉匹迪斯之岛",
	["Isle of Conquest"] = "征服之岛",
	["Isle of Conquest - Gunships"] = "征服之岛 - 炮艇",
	["Isle of Conquest No Man's Land"] = "征服之岛(禁区)",
	["Isle of Dread"] = "恐怖之岛",
	["Isle of Giants"] = "巨兽岛",
	["Isle of Quel'Danas"] = "奎尔丹纳斯岛",
	["Isle of Reckoning"] = "末劫岛",
	["Isle of Shadows"] = "暗影岛",
	["Isle of Thunder"] = "雷神岛",
	["Isle of Tribulations"] = "苦难岛",
	["Iso'rath"] = "厄索拉斯",
	["Itharius's Cave"] = "伊萨里奥斯洞穴",
	["Ivald's Ruin"] = "伊瓦尔德废墟",
	["Ix'lar's Domain"] = "埃克斯拉尔的领地",
	["Iyun Weald"] = "艾韵荒野",
	["Jadefire Glen"] = "碧火谷",
	["Jadefire Run"] = "碧火小径",
	["Jade Forest Alliance Hub Phase"] = "Jade Forest Alliance Hub Phase",
	["Jade Forest Battlefield Phase"] = "Jade Forest Battlefield Phase",
	["Jade Forest Horde Starting Area"] = "Jade Forest Horde Starting Area",
	["Jademir Lake"] = "加德米尔湖",
	["Jade Temple Grounds"] = "青龙寺庭院",
	Jaedenar = "加德纳尔",
	["Jagged Reef"] = "锯齿暗礁",
	["Jagged Ridge"] = "锯齿山",
	["Jaggedswine Farm"] = "野猪农场",
	["Jagged Wastes"] = "崎石废土",
	["Jaguero Isle"] = "哈圭罗岛",
	["Jaina Dalaran Scenario"] = "吉安娜达拉然场景",
	["Janeiro's Point"] = "加尼罗哨站",
	["Jangolode Mine"] = "詹戈洛德矿洞",
	["Jaquero Isle"] = "哈圭罗岛",
	["Jasperlode Mine"] = "玉石矿洞",
	["Jeff NE Quadrant Changed"] = "Jeff NE Quadrant",
	["Jeff NW Quadrant"] = "Jeff NW Quadrant",
	["Jeff SE Quadrant"] = "Jeff SE Quadrant",
	["Jeff SW Quadrant"] = "Jeff SW Quadrant",
	["Jerod's Landing"] = "杰罗德码头",
	["Jintha'Alor"] = "辛萨罗",
	["Jintha'kalar"] = "金萨卡拉",
	["Jintha'kalar Passage"] = "金萨卡拉小径",
	["Jin Yang Road"] = "锦阳大道",
	["Jorune Mine"] = "尤鲁恩矿场",
	Jotunheim = "尤顿海姆",
	["Joz's Rylaks"] = "乔兹的双头飞龙",
	K3 = "K3",
	["Kag'ah"] = "卡戈阿",
	["Kaja'mine"] = "卡亚矿井",
	["Kaja'mite Cave"] = "卡亚矿洞穴",
	["Kaja'mite Cavern"] = "卡亚矿洞",
	["Kajaro Field"] = "卡亚罗运动场",
	["Kal'ai Ruins"] = "卡莱废墟",
	Kalimdor = "卡利姆多",
	Kamagua = "卡玛古",
	Karabor = "卡拉波",
	["Karabor Harbor"] = "卡拉波港口",
	["Karabor Sewers"] = "卡拉波下水道",
	["K'arani Terrace"] = "卡拉尼平台",
	Karazhan = "卡拉赞",
	["Kargathar Proving Grounds"] = "卡加萨训练场",
	["Kargathia Keep"] = "卡加希亚要塞",
	["Karnum's Glade"] = "卡隆林地",
	["Kartak's Hold"] = "卡塔克要塞",
	Kaskala = "卡斯卡拉",
	["Kaw's Roost"] = "卡奥的营地",
	["Kea Krak"] = "奇亚卡拉克",
	["Keelen's Trustworthy Tailoring"] = "基伦的裁缝店",
	["Keel Harbor"] = "覆舟海湾",
	["Keeshan's Post"] = "基沙恩的哨站",
	["Kelp'thar Forest"] = "柯尔普萨之森",
	["Kel'Thuzad Chamber"] = "克尔苏加德的大厅",
	["Kel'Thuzad's Chamber"] = "克尔苏加德的大厅",
	["Keset Pass"] = "柯塞特小径",
	["Kessel's Crossing"] = "凯希尔路口",
	["Ketya's Hideaway"] = "凯特娅的藏宝处",
	Kezan = "科赞",
	["Khadgar's Tower"] = "卡德加的法师塔",
	Kharanos = "卡拉诺斯",
	["Khardros' Anvil"] = "卡德罗斯的铁砧",
	["Khartut's Tomb"] = "卡塔图陵墓",
	["Khaz'goroth's Seat"] = "卡兹格罗斯之座",
	["Ki-Han Brewery"] = "祁翰酒坊",
	["Kili'ua's Atoll"] = "基利瓦的礁石",
	["Kil'sorrow Fortress"] = "基尔索罗堡垒",
	["King's Gate"] = "国王之门",
	["King's Harbor"] = "国王港",
	["King's Hoard"] = "国王的宝库",
	["Kings' Rest"] = "诸王之眠",
	["King's Square"] = "国王广场",
	["Kirin'Var Village"] = "肯瑞瓦村",
	Kirthaven = "库斯海文",
	["Klaxxi'vess"] = "卡拉克西维斯",
	["Klik'vess"] = "奇里克维斯",
	["Knucklethump Hole"] = "肘锤洞窟",
	["Kodo Graveyard"] = "科多兽坟场",
	["Kodo Rock"] = "科多石",
	["Kolkar Village"] = "科尔卡村",
	Kolramas = "科尔拉玛斯",
	["Kor'gall's Hovel"] = "考戈尔的巢穴",
	["Kor'kron Barracks"] = "库卡隆兵营",
	["Kor'kron Vanguard"] = "库卡隆先锋营地",
	["Kormek's Hut"] = "考米克小屋",
	["Koroth's Den"] = "克洛斯的巢穴",
	["Korthun's End"] = "库图恩之末",
	["Kor'vess"] = "库尔维斯",
	["Kota Basecamp"] = "寇塔营地",
	["Kota Peak"] = "寇塔峰",
	["Krasarang Cove"] = "卡桑琅海湾",
	["Krasarang River"] = "卡桑琅河",
	["Krasarang Wilds"] = "卡桑琅丛林",
	["Krasari Falls"] = "卡桑利瀑布",
	["Krasus' Landing"] = "克拉苏斯平台",
	["Krazzworks Attack Zeppelin"] = "卡拉兹工坊攻击艇",
	["Kril'Mandar Point"] = "科里曼达前哨站",
	["Kri'vess"] = "科里维斯",
	["Krolg's Hut"] = "克罗尔格的小屋",
	["Krom'gar Fortress"] = "克罗姆加壁垒",
	["Krom's Landing"] = "克罗姆的码头",
	["KTC Headquarters"] = "卡亚罗贸易公司总部",
	["KTC Oil Platform"] = "卡亚罗贸易公司钻井平台",
	["Kukuru's Grotto"] = "库库鲁的岩洞",
	["Kul'galar Keep"] = "库尔加拉要塞",
	["Kul Tiras"] = "库尔提拉斯",
	["Kun-Lai Pass"] = "昆莱小径",
	["Kun-Lai Summit"] = "昆莱山",
	["Kunzen Cave"] = "昆森洞窟",
	["Kunzen Village"] = "昆森村",
	["Kurzen's Compound"] = "库尔森的营地",
	["Kuuro's Claim"] = "库洛的领地",
	["Kypari Ik"] = "凯帕圣树·伊克",
	["Kyparite Quarry"] = "凯帕琥珀采掘场",
	["Kypari Vor"] = "凯帕圣树·沃尔",
	["Kypari Zar"] = "凯帕圣树·扎尔",
	["Kzzok Warcamp"] = "科佐克战争营地",
	["Lair of Skiggit"] = "斯基奇特的巢穴",
	["Lair of the Beast"] = "野兽之巢",
	["Lair of the Chosen"] = "天选者之巢",
	["Lair of the Jade Witch"] = "青玉巫婆藏身处",
	["Lair of Tortos"] = "托多斯之巢",
	["Lake Al'Ameth"] = "奥拉密斯湖",
	["Lake Cauldros"] = "考杜斯湖",
	["Lake Dumont"] = "达蒙特湖",
	["Lake Edunel"] = "伊度尼尔湖",
	["Lake Elrendar"] = "艾伦达尔湖",
	["Lake Elune'ara"] = "月神湖",
	["Lake Ere'Noru"] = "艾雷诺湖",
	["Lake Everstill"] = "止水湖",
	["Lake Falathim"] = "法拉希姆湖",
	["Lake Indu'le"] = "因度雷湖",
	["Lake Jorune"] = "尤鲁恩湖",
	["Lake Kel'Theril"] = "凯斯利尔湖",
	["Lake Kittitata"] = "玉盘湖",
	["Lake Kum'uya"] = "库姆亚湖",
	["Lake Mennar"] = "门纳尔湖",
	["Lake Mereldar"] = "米雷达尔湖",
	["Lake Nazferiti"] = "纳菲瑞提湖",
	["Lake of Stars"] = "群星湖",
	["Lakeridge Highway"] = "湖边大道",
	Lakeshire = "湖畔镇",
	["Lakeshire Inn"] = "湖畔镇旅店",
	["Lakeshire Town Hall"] = "湖畔镇大厅",
	["Lakeside Landing"] = "湖边着陆场",
	["Lake Sunspring"] = "日泉湖",
	["Lakkari Tar Pits"] = "拉卡利油沼",
	["Lamplighter Inn"] = "点灯人旅店",
	["Landing Beach"] = "登陆海滩",
	["Landing Site"] = "降落点",
	["Land's End Beach"] = "天涯海滩",
	["Langrom's Leather & Links"] = "兰格鲁的皮加锁",
	["Lao & Son's Yakwash"] = "父子洗牛站",
	["Largo's Overlook"] = "拉尔戈的瞭望台",
	["Largo's Overlook Tower"] = "拉尔戈的瞭望台",
	["Lariss Pavilion"] = "拉瑞斯小亭",
	["Lashwind Cleft"] = "挞风裂口",
	["Laughing Skull Courtyard"] = "嘲颅营地",
	["Laughing Skull Ruins"] = "嘲颅废墟",
	["Launch Bay"] = "发射台",
	["Legash Encampment"] = "雷加什营地",
	["Legendary Leathers"] = "传说皮甲",
	["Legion Hold"] = "军团要塞",
	["Legion's Fate"] = "军团之劫",
	["Legion's Rest"] = "军团营地",
	["Leorajh's Den"] = "利奥拉的巢穴",
	["Lernaen Shore"] = "勒纳尼海滩",
	["Lethlor Ravine"] = "莱瑟罗峡谷",
	["Level Design Land - Dev Only"] = "Level Design Land - Dev Only",
	["Leyara's Sorrow"] = "莱雅娜的哀伤",
	["L'ghorek"] = "拉葛雷克",
	["Liadrin's Watch"] = "莉亚德琳哨所",
	["Liang's Retreat"] = "梁家小宅",
	["Library Wing"] = "藏书房",
	Lighthouse = "灯塔",
	["Lightning Ascent"] = "闪电阶梯",
	["Lightning Forge - Mogu Island Progression Scenario"] = "Lightning Forge - Mogu Island Progression Scenario",
	["Lightning Ledge"] = "闪电崖",
	["Lightning Promenade"] = "闪电长廊",
	["Lightning Vein Mine"] = "闪电矿脉",
	["Light's Breach"] = "圣光据点",
	["Light's Dawn Cathedral"] = "圣光黎明大教堂",
	["Light's Fall"] = "光降祭坛",
	["Light's Hammer"] = "圣光之锤",
	["Light's Hope Chapel"] = "圣光之愿礼拜堂",
	["Light's Point"] = "圣光哨站",
	["Light's Point Tower"] = "圣光哨塔",
	["Light's Rest"] = "圣光之眠",
	["Light's Shield Tower"] = "圣光之盾哨塔",
	["Light's Trust"] = "圣光之望礼拜堂",
	["Like Clockwork"] = "精密仪器",
	["Lion's Landing"] = "雄狮港",
	["Lion's Pride Inn"] = "狮王之傲旅店",
	["Lithic's Rest"] = "蕾希之眠",
	["Livery Outpost"] = "利维里前哨站",
	["Livery Stables"] = "马厩",
	["Livery Stables "] = "马厩",
	["Llane's Oath"] = "莱恩之誓",
	["Loading Room"] = "装载室",
	["Loch Modan"] = "洛克莫丹",
	["Loch Verrall"] = "瓦拉尔湖",
	["Loken's Bargain"] = "洛肯的宝库",
	["Lok-rath"] = "洛克拉斯",
	["Lonely Falls"] = "孤寂瀑布",
	["Lonesome Cove"] = "荒寂海湾",
	Longshore = "长滩",
	["Longying Outpost"] = "龙影岗哨",
	["Lordamere Internment Camp"] = "洛丹米尔收容所",
	["Lordamere Lake"] = "洛丹米尔湖",
	["Lor'danel"] = "洛达内尔",
	["Lorthuna's Gate"] = "洛苏娜之门",
	["Lost Caldera"] = "失落火山口",
	["Lost City of the Tol'vir"] = "托维尔失落之城",
	["Lost City of the Tol'vir Entrance"] = "托维尔失落之城入口",
	LostIsles = "失落群岛",
	["Lost Isles Town in a Box"] = "失落群岛胶囊镇",
	["Lost Isles Volcano Eruption"] = "失落群岛火山爆发",
	["Lost Peak"] = "失落峰",
	["Lost Point"] = "废弃哨塔",
	["Lost Rigger Cove"] = "落帆海湾",
	["Lost Veil Anzu"] = "失落的安苏鸦巢",
	["Lothalor Woodlands"] = "罗萨洛尔森林",
	["Lower Blackrock Spire"] = "黑石塔下层",
	["Lower City"] = "贫民窟",
	["Lower Quarter"] = "下层平台",
	["Lower Silvermarsh"] = "下层银沼",
	["Lower Sumprushes"] = "下激流潭",
	["Lower Veil Shil'ak"] = "下层夏尔克鸦巢",
	["Lower Wilds"] = "低地荒野",
	["Lower Wilds UNUSED"] = "Lower Wilds UNUSED",
	["Lowland Cave"] = "低地洞穴",
	["Lowlands Lumber Yard"] = "低地伐木场",
	["Lumber Mill"] = "伐木场",
	Lunarfall = "坠落之月",
	["Lunarfall Excavation"] = "坠月挖掘场",
	["Lunarfall Inn"] = "坠月旅店",
	["Lushwater Oasis"] = "甜水绿洲",
	["Lydell's Ambush"] = "林德尔的伏击点",
	["M.A.C. Diver"] = "M.A.C. 深潜者",
	["Maelstrom Deathwing Fight"] = "大漩涡 - 死亡之翼之战",
	["Maelstrom Zone"] = "大漩涡区域",
	["Maestra's Post"] = "梅伊瑟娜岗哨",
	["Maexxna's Nest"] = "迈克斯纳之巢",
	["Mage Quarter"] = "法师区",
	["Mage Tower"] = "法师塔",
	["Mag'har Grounds"] = "玛格汉台地",
	["Mag'hari Procession"] = "玛格汉车队",
	["Mag'har Post"] = "玛格汉岗哨",
	["Magical Menagerie"] = "魔法动物店",
	["Magic Quarter"] = "魔法区",
	["Magisters Gate"] = "魔导师之门",
	["Magister's Terrace"] = "魔导师平台",
	["Magisters' Terrace"] = "魔导师平台",
	["Magisters' Terrace Entrance"] = "魔导师平台入口",
	["Magma Cave"] = "熔岩洞穴",
	["Magmadar Cavern"] = "玛格曼达洞穴",
	["Magma Fields"] = "熔岩平原",
	["Magma Springs"] = "熔岩之泉",
	["Magmaw's Fissure"] = "熔喉裂口",
	Magmoth = "犸格莫斯",
	["Magnamoth Caverns"] = "猛犸人洞穴",
	Magnarok = "玛戈纳洛克",
	["Magram Territory"] = "玛格拉姆领地",
	["Magtheridon's Lair"] = "玛瑟里顿的巢穴",
	["Magus Commerce Exchange"] = "魔法商业区",
	["Main Chamber"] = "主厅",
	["Main Gate"] = "主门",
	["Main Hall"] = "主厅",
	["Maker's Ascent"] = "造物主高地",
	["Maker's Overlook"] = "造物者悬台",
	["Maker's Overlook "] = "造物者悬台",
	["Makers' Overlook"] = "造物者悬台",
	["Maker's Perch"] = "造物者之座",
	["Makers' Perch"] = "造物者之座",
	["Malaka'jin"] = "玛拉卡金",
	["Malden's Orchard"] = "玛尔丁果园",
	Maldraz = "玛尔卓斯",
	["Malfurion's Breach"] = "玛法里奥突破口",
	["Malicia's Outpost"] = "玛丽希亚的哨站",
	["Malykriss: The Vile Hold"] = "玛雷卡里斯:邪恶城堡",
	["Mama's Pantry"] = "老妈饭堂",
	["Mam'toth Crater"] = "犸托斯巨坑",
	["Manaforge Ara"] = "法力熔炉:艾拉",
	["Manaforge B'naar"] = "法力熔炉:布纳尔",
	["Manaforge Coruu"] = "法力熔炉:库鲁恩",
	["Manaforge Duro"] = "法力熔炉:杜隆",
	["Manaforge Ultris"] = "法力熔炉:乌提斯",
	["Mana Tombs"] = "法力陵墓",
	["Mana-Tombs"] = "法力陵墓",
	["Mandokir's Domain"] = "曼多基尔领地",
	["Mandori Village"] = "绿野村",
	["Mannoroc Coven"] = "玛诺洛克集会所",
	["Manor Mistmantle"] = "密斯特曼托庄园",
	["Mantle Rock"] = "披肩石",
	["Map Chamber"] = "地图厅",
	["Mar'at"] = "玛莱特",
	Maraudon = "玛拉顿",
	["Maraudon - Earth Song Falls Entrance"] = "马拉顿 - 地歌瀑布入口",
	["Maraudon - Foulspore Cavern Entrance"] = "马拉顿 - 毒菇洞穴入口",
	["Maraudon - The Wicked Grotto Entrance"] = "马拉顿 - 邪恶洞穴入口",
	["Mardenholde Keep"] = "玛登霍尔德城堡",
	["Mar'gok's Overwatch"] = "马尔高克岗哨",
	Marista = "马里斯塔",
	["Marista's Bait & Brew"] = "马里斯塔鱼饵和啤酒",
	["Market District"] = "集市区",
	["Market Row"] = "市场区",
	["Marshal's Refuge"] = "马绍尔营地",
	["Marshal's Stand"] = "马绍尔哨站",
	["Marshlight Lake"] = "沼光湖",
	["Marshtide Watch"] = "沼泽之潮哨站",
	["Maruadon - The Wicked Grotto Entrance"] = "马拉顿 - 邪恶洞穴入口",
	["Mason's Folly"] = "石匠之愚",
	["Masters' Gate"] = "真主之门",
	["Master's Terrace"] = "主宰的露台",
	["Mast Room"] = "船桅室",
	["Maw of Destruction"] = "毁灭之口",
	["Maw of Go'rath"] = "苟拉斯之口",
	["Maw of Lycanthoth"] = "莱坎索斯之喉",
	["Maw of Neltharion"] = "奈萨里奥之喉",
	["Maw of Shu'ma"] = "舒玛之口",
	["Maw of the Void"] = "虚空深渊",
	["Mazra'Alor"] = "玛兹拉罗",
	Mazthoril = "麦索瑞尔",
	["Mazu's Overlook"] = "玛祖台地",
	["Medivh's Chambers"] = "麦迪文的房间",
	["Melted Burrow"] = "熔冰地穴",
	["Menagerie Wreckage"] = "兽笼残骸",
	["Menethil Bay"] = "米奈希尔海湾",
	["Menethil Harbor"] = "米奈希尔港",
	["Menethil Keep"] = "米奈希尔城堡",
	["Merchant Square"] = "商人广场",
	["Mess Hall"] = "餐厅",
	Microshop = "微型商店",
	Middenvale = "废墟谷",
	["Mid Point Station"] = "中部哨站",
	["Midrealm Post"] = "中央圆顶哨站",
	["Midwall Lift"] = "中墙升降梯",
	["Mightstone Quarry"] = "巨石采掘场",
	["Military District"] = "军事区",
	["Mimir's Workshop"] = "米米尔的车间",
	Mine = "矿洞",
	Mines = "矿洞",
	["Mirage Abyss"] = "闪光巨湖",
	["Mirage Flats"] = "雾气平原",
	["Mirage Raceway"] = "沙漠赛道",
	["Mirkfallon Lake"] = "暗色湖",
	["Mirkfallon Post"] = "暗色哨站",
	["Mirror Lake"] = "明镜湖",
	["Mirror Lake Orchard"] = "明镜湖果园",
	["Mistblade Den"] = "雾刃之巢",
	["Mistcaller's Cave"] = "唤雾者的洞穴",
	["Mistcreep Mire"] = "漫雾沼泽",
	["Mistfall Village"] = "雾临村",
	["Mist's Edge"] = "薄雾海",
	["Mistvale Valley"] = "薄雾谷",
	["Mistveil Sea"] = "纱雾海",
	["Mistwhisper Refuge"] = "雾语村",
	["Misty Pine Refuge"] = "雾松避难所",
	["Misty Reed Post"] = "芦苇哨岗",
	["Misty Reed Strand"] = "芦苇海滩",
	["Misty Ridge"] = "薄雾山",
	["Misty Shore"] = "雾气湖岸",
	["Misty Shores"] = "迷雾海岸",
	["Misty Valley"] = "迷雾谷",
	["Miwana's Longhouse"] = "米瓦娜的长屋",
	["Mizjah Ruins"] = "米扎废墟",
	["Moa'ki"] = "莫亚基",
	["Moa'ki Harbor"] = "莫亚基港口",
	["Moggle Point"] = "摩戈尔哨塔",
	["Mo'grosh Stronghold"] = "莫格罗什要塞",
	["Mogu Island Daily Area"] = "魔古岛日常区域",
	["Mogu Island Events - Alliance Base"] = "魔古岛事件——联盟营地",
	["Mogu Island Events - Horde Base"] = "魔古岛事件——部落营地",
	["Mogu Island Loot Room"] = "魔古岛藏宝室",
	["Mogu Island Progression Events"] = "魔古岛进度事件",
	Mogujia = "魔古岬",
	["Mogu Ruins Bural Pit (TEMP)"] = "Mogu Ruins Bural Pit (TEMP)",
	["Mogu'shan Palace"] = "魔古山宫殿",
	["Mogu'shan Terrace"] = "魔古山圣台",
	["Mogu'shan Vaults"] = "魔古山宝库",
	["Moira's Bastion"] = "茉艾拉堡垒",
	["Moira's Reach"] = "茉艾拉堡垒",
	["Mok'Doom"] = "摩多姆",
	["Mok'gol Hold"] = "莫高尔堡垒",
	["Mok'gol Watchpost"] = "莫高尔岗哨",
	["Mok'gor"] = "莫克戈尔",
	["Mok'Gordun"] = "莫克高顿",
	["Mok'Nathal Village"] = "莫克纳萨村",
	["Mold Foundry"] = "浇铸间",
	["Molten Core"] = "熔火之心",
	["Molten Front"] = "熔火前线",
	["Molten Quarry"] = "熔岩采石场",
	Moonbrook = "月溪镇",
	["Moonflower Valley"] = "月花谷",
	Moonglade = "月光林地",
	["Moongraze Woods"] = "月痕林地",
	["Moon Horror Den"] = "惨月洞穴",
	["Moonlit Shore"] = "荧月海滩",
	["Moonrest Gardens"] = "眠月花园",
	["Moonshrine Ruins"] = "月神圣地废墟",
	["Moonshrine Sanctum"] = "月神圣地密室",
	["Moontouched Den"] = "沐月兽穴",
	["Moonwater Retreat"] = "月水庄",
	["Moonwell of Cleansing"] = "净化月亮井",
	["Moonwell of Purity"] = "纯净月亮井",
	["Moonwillow Peak"] = "月柳山",
	["Moonwing Den"] = "月翼洞穴",
	["Mord'rethar: The Death Gate"] = "死亡之门莫德雷萨",
	["Mor'dul Tower"] = "莫杜尔塔楼",
	["Morgan's Plot"] = "摩根墓场",
	["Morgan's Vigil"] = "摩根的岗哨",
	["Mor'gran Logworks"] = "莫戈兰伐木场",
	["Morlos'Aran"] = "摩罗萨兰",
	["Morning Breeze Lake"] = "晨息湖",
	["Morning Breeze Village"] = "晨息村",
	Morrowchamber = "破晓大厅",
	["Mor'shan Base Camp"] = "莫尔杉营地",
	["Mortal's Demise"] = "尘世之劫",
	["Mortbreath Grotto"] = "死息岩穴",
	["Mortwake's Tower"] = "摩特维克之塔",
	["Mosh'Ogg Ogre Mound"] = "莫什奥格食人魔山",
	["Mossgreen Lake"] = "翠苔湖",
	["Mosshide Fen"] = "藓皮沼泽",
	["Mosswalker Village"] = "苔行村",
	["Mossy Pile"] = "覆苔营地",
	["Motherseed Pit"] = "母种之坑",
	["Mountainfoot Strip Mine"] = "山麓矿场",
	["Mount Akher"] = "埃卡赫尔山",
	["Mount Hyjal"] = "海加尔山",
	["Mount Hyjal Phase 1"] = "海加尔山位面1",
	["Mount Kra'gor"] = "卡拉高尔山",
	["Mount Neverest"] = "不息山",
	["Mount Volwrath"] = "沃尔拉斯山",
	["Muckscale Grotto"] = "泥鳞窟",
	["Muckscale Shallows"] = "泥鳞滩",
	["Mudmug's Place"] = "泥盏营地",
	Mudsprocket = "泥链镇",
	Mulgore = "莫高雷",
	["Mulgore - Red Cloud Mesa: To Bloodhoof"] = "Mulgore - Red Cloud Mesa: To Bloodhoof",
	["Mulgore - Red Cloud Mesa: To Bloodhoof (End)"] = "Mulgore - Red Cloud Mesa: To Bloodhoof (End)",
	["Murder Row"] = "谋杀小径",
	Murkbog = "阴郁沼泽",
	["Murkdeep Cavern"] = "深暗洞穴",
	["Murky Bank"] = "浊水河岸",
	["Muskpaw Ranch"] = "麝香爪牧场",
	["Mysterious Den"] = "神秘巢穴",
	["Mystral Lake"] = "密斯特拉湖",
	Mystwood = "神木林",
	Nagrand = "纳格兰",
	["Nagrand Arena"] = "纳格兰竞技场",
	["Nagrand Corral"] = "纳格兰畜栏",
	["Nagrand (Outland)"] = "纳格兰(外域)",
	Nahom = "纳奥姆",
	["Naielle's Watch"] = "奈丽的岗哨",
	["Nar'shola Terrace"] = "纳舒拉平台",
	["Narsong Spires"] = "纳松峰",
	["Narsong Trench"] = "纳松海沟",
	["Narvir's Cradle"] = "纳维尔支架",
	["Nasam's Talon"] = "纳萨姆之爪",
	["Nat's Landing"] = "纳特的码头",
	["Naval Battle Scenario"] = "海战场景",
	["Nave of Eternal Rest"] = "永眠中殿",
	Naxxanar = "纳克萨纳尔",
	Naxxramas = "纳克萨玛斯",
	["Nayeli Lagoon"] = "纳耶里海礁",
	["Naz'anak: The Forgotten Depths"] = "纳扎纳克:遗忘深渊",
	["Nazj'vel"] = "纳兹维尔",
	Nazzivian = "纳兹维安",
	["Nectarbreeze Orchard"] = "蜜风果园",
	["Needlerock Chasm"] = "针石裂口",
	["Needlerock Slag"] = "针石熔渣场",
	["Nefarian's Lair"] = "奈法利安的巢穴",
	["Nefarian�s Lair"] = "奈法利安的巢穴",
	["Neferset City"] = "尼斐塞特城",
	["Neferset City Outskirts"] = "尼斐塞特城郊",
	["Nek'mani Wellspring"] = "纳克迈尼圣泉",
	["Neptulon's Rise"] = "耐普图隆之台",
	["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = "奈辛瓦里营地",
	["Nesingwary Safari"] = "奈辛瓦里狩猎队营地",
	["Nesingwary's Expedition"] = "奈辛瓦里远征队营地",
	["Nesingwary's Safari"] = "奈辛瓦里狩猎队营地",
	Nespirah = "奈瑟匹拉",
	["Nestlewood Hills"] = "木巢山",
	["Nestlewood Thicket"] = "木巢林地",
	["Nest of the Ravenspeakers"] = "鸦语者巢穴",
	["Nethander Stead"] = "奈杉德哨岗",
	["Nethergarde Keep"] = "守望堡",
	["Nethergarde Mines"] = "守望堡矿井",
	["Nethergarde Supply Camps"] = "守望堡补给营",
	Netherspace = "虚空异界",
	Netherstone = "虚空石",
	Netherstorm = "虚空风暴",
	["Netherweb Ridge"] = "灵网山脊",
	["Netherwing Fields"] = "灵翼平原",
	["Netherwing Ledge"] = "灵翼浮岛",
	["Netherwing Mines"] = "灵翼矿洞",
	["Netherwing Pass"] = "灵翼小径",
	["Neverest Basecamp"] = "不息营地",
	["Neverest Pinnacle"] = "不息峰",
	["New Agamand"] = "新阿加曼德",
	["New Agamand Inn"] = "新阿加曼德旅店",
	["New Avalon"] = "新阿瓦隆",
	["New Avalon Fields"] = "新阿瓦隆农田",
	["New Avalon Forge"] = "新阿瓦隆熔炉",
	["New Avalon Orchard"] = "新阿瓦隆果园",
	["New Avalon Town Hall"] = "新阿瓦隆市政厅",
	["New Cifera"] = "新希菲拉",
	["New Hearthglen"] = "新壁炉谷",
	["New Kargath"] = "新卡加斯",
	["New Thalanaar"] = "新萨兰纳尔",
	["New Tinkertown"] = "新工匠镇",
	["Nexus Legendary"] = "传奇武器任务:魔枢",
	Nidavelir = "尼达维里尔",
	["Nidvar Stair"] = "尼德瓦阶梯",
	Nifflevar = "尼弗莱瓦",
	["Night Elf Village"] = "暗夜精灵村庄",
	Nighthaven = "永夜港",
	["Nightingale Lounge"] = "夜莺旅馆",
	["Nightmare Depths"] = "梦魇深渊",
	["Nightmare Scar"] = "噩梦之痕",
	["Nightmare Vale"] = "噩梦谷",
	["Night Run"] = "夜道谷",
	["Nightsong Woods"] = "夜歌森林",
	["Night Web's Hollow"] = "夜行蜘蛛洞穴",
	["Nijel's Point"] = "尼耶尔前哨站",
	["Nimbus Rise"] = "灵气岭",
	Nine = "Nine",
	["Niuzao Catacombs"] = "砮皂陵",
	["Niuzao Temple"] = "砮皂寺",
	["Nivek's Overlook"] = "内维克的岗哨",
	["Njord's Breath Bay"] = "尼约德海湾",
	["Njorndar Village"] = "约尔达村",
	["Njorn Stair"] = "约尔阶梯",
	["Noodle Time"] = "汤面时间",
	["Nook of Konk"] = "空克石洞",
	["Noonshade Ruins"] = "热影废墟",
	Nordrassil = "诺达希尔",
	["Nordrassil Inn"] = "诺达希尔旅店",
	["Nordune Ridge"] = "诺尔度之脊",
	["North Common Hall"] = "北会议厅",
	Northdale = "北谷",
	["Northern Barrens"] = "北贫瘠之地",
	["Northern Elwynn Mountains"] = "艾尔文北部山脉",
	["Northern Headlands"] = "北岸海角",
	["Northern Rampart"] = "北部城墙",
	["Northern Rocketway"] = "北方火箭车换乘站",
	["Northern Rocketway Exchange"] = "北方火箭车换乘站",
	["Northern Stranglethorn"] = "北荆棘谷",
	["Northfold Manor"] = "诺斯弗德农场",
	["Northgate Breach"] = "北门缺口",
	["North Gate Outpost"] = "北门哨岗",
	["North Gate Pass"] = "北门小径",
	["Northgate River"] = "北门河",
	["Northgate Woods"] = "北门树林",
	["Northmaul Tower"] = "北槌哨塔",
	["Northpass Tower"] = "北地哨塔",
	["North Point Station"] = "北部哨站",
	["North Point Tower"] = "北点哨塔",
	Northrend = "诺森德",
	["Northridge Lumber Camp"] = "北山伐木场",
	["North Sanctum"] = "北部圣殿",
	Northshire = "北郡",
	["Northshire Abbey"] = "北郡修道院",
	["Northshire River"] = "北郡河",
	["Northshire Valley"] = "北郡山谷",
	["Northshire Vineyards"] = "北郡农场",
	["North Spear Tower"] = "北部长矛塔楼",
	["North Tide's Beachhead"] = "北海滩头",
	["North Tide's Run"] = "北流海岸",
	["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = "北卫远征军营地",
	["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp Inn"] = "北卫远征军营地酒馆",
	["Northwatch Foothold"] = "北卫军根据地",
	["Northwatch Hold"] = "北方城堡",
	["Northwatch Hold [UNUSED]"] = "北望城堡",
	["Northwind Cleft"] = "北风裂谷",
	["North Wind Tavern"] = "北风酒馆",
	["Not Used Deadmines"] = "Not Used Deadmines",
	["Nozzlepot's Outpost"] = "诺兹波特的哨站",
	["Nozzlerust Post"] = "诺兹拉斯哨站",
	["$n's Fort"] = "$n的堡垒",
	["$n's Garrison"] = "$n的要塞",
	["$n's Level 4 Alliance Garrison"] = "$n的4级联盟要塞",
	["$n's Level 4 Horde Garrison"] = "$n的4级部落要塞",
	["$n's Outpost"] = "$n的岗哨",
	["Oasis of the Fallen Prophet"] = "堕落先知绿洲",
	["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = "维尔萨尔绿洲",
	["Obelisk of the Moon"] = "月亮方尖碑",
	["Obelisk of the Stars"] = "群星方尖碑",
	["Obelisk of the Sun"] = "太阳方尖碑",
	["O'Breen's Camp"] = "奥布瑞恩营地",
	["Observance Hall"] = "祭典大厅",
	["Observation Grounds"] = "观测台",
	["Obsidian Breakers"] = "黑曜石海滩",
	["Obsidian Dragonshrine"] = "黑曜石巨龙圣地",
	["Obsidian Forest"] = "黑曜石森林",
	["Obsidian Lair"] = "黑曜石巢穴",
	["Obsidia's Perch"] = "欧比斯迪栖木",
	["Odesyus' Landing"] = "奥德修斯营地",
	["Ogre Mine"] = "食人魔矿井",
	["Ogri'la"] = "奥格瑞拉",
	["Ogri'La"] = "奥格瑞拉",
	["Okril'lon Hold"] = "欧卡里隆堡垒",
	["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "旧希尔斯布莱德丘陵",
	["Old Ironforge"] = "旧铁炉堡",
	["Old Pi'jiu"] = "老酒湾",
	["Old Town"] = "旧城区",
	Olembas = "欧雷巴斯",
	["Olivia's Pond"] = "奥莉维亚的水池",
	["Olsen's Farthing"] = "奥森农场",
	Oneiros = "奥奈罗斯",
	["One Keg"] = "酒坛集",
	["One More Glass"] = "再来一杯",
	["Onslaught Base Camp"] = "先锋军营地",
	["Onslaught Harbor"] = "先锋军港口",
	["Onyxia's Lair"] = "奥妮克希亚的巢穴",
	["Oomlot Village"] = "乌姆洛特村",
	["Oona Kagu"] = "乌拿猴洞",
	Oostan = "乌司坦",
	["Oostan Nord"] = "乌司坦诺德村",
	["Oostan Ost"] = "乌司坦欧司特村",
	["Oostan Sor"] = "乌司坦索尔村",
	["Opening of the Dark Portal"] = "开启黑暗之门",
	["Opening of the Dark Portal Entrance"] = "开启黑暗之门入口",
	["Oratorium of the Voice"] = "声之神剧厅",
	["Oratory of the Damned"] = "诅咒祷堂",
	["Orchid Hollow"] = "兰花谷",
	["Ordon Sanctuary"] = "斡耳朵圣殿",
	["Orebor Harborage"] = "奥雷柏尔营地",
	["Oregrind's Dig"] = "奥格林德挖掘场",
	["Orendil's Retreat"] = "奥雷迪尔的居所",
	Orgrimmar = "奥格瑞玛",
	["Orgrimmar Gunship Pandaria Start"] = "Orgrimmar Gunship Pandaria Start",
	["Orgrimmar Rear Gate"] = "奥格瑞玛后门",
	["Orgrimmar Rocketway Exchange"] = "奥格瑞玛火箭车换乘站",
	["Orgrimmar UNUSED"] = "奥格瑞玛",
	["Orgrim's Hammer"] = "奥格瑞姆之锤",
	["Oronok's Farm"] = "欧鲁诺克农场",
	Orsis = "奥西斯",
	["Ortell's Hideout"] = "奥泰尔藏身处",
	["Orunai Bay"] = "奥鲁纳海湾",
	["Orunai Coast"] = "奥鲁纳海岸",
	["Orunai Delta"] = "奥鲁纳三角洲",
	["Oshu'gun"] = "沃舒古",
	["Outdoor Ruins"] = "露天遗迹",
	Outland = "外域",
	["Overgrown Camp"] = "茂草营地",
	["Overgrown Den"] = "永茂巢穴",
	["Overgrown Statuary"] = "蔓草废殿",
	["Overlook Ruins"] = "岗哨废墟",
	["Owen's Wishing Well"] = "欧文的许愿井",
	["Owl Wing Thicket"] = "枭翼树丛",
	["Ozgor's Launch"] = "奥兹戈尔下水点",
	["Palace Antechamber"] = "皇宫前厅",
	["Pal'ea"] = "帕尔依",
	["Palemane Rock"] = "白鬃石",
	["Paletide Den"] = "白潮洞穴",
	["Pandaren Mine"] = "熊猫人矿洞",
	Pandaria = "潘达利亚",
	["Pang's Stead"] = "庞家农场",
	["Panic Clutch"] = "恐慌之巢",
	["Paoquan Hollow"] = "抱拳林",
	["Parhelion Plaza"] = "幻日广场",
	["Passage of Lost Fiends"] = "迷失恶魔之路",
	["Path of a Hundred Steps"] = "百阶小径",
	["Path of Conquerors"] = "征服者之路",
	["Path of Enlightenment"] = "启迪之路",
	["Path of Light"] = "圣光之路",
	["Path of Serenity"] = "静心走廊",
	["Path of the Light"] = "圣光之路",
	["Path of the Titans"] = "泰坦之路",
	["Path of Uther"] = "乌瑟尔之路",
	["Path of Victors"] = "凯旋之路",
	["Pattymack Land"] = "聚会岛",
	["PattyMack Test Area"] = "PattyMack Test Area",
	["Pauper's Walk"] = "乞丐行道",
	["Paur's Pub"] = "保尔的酒馆",
	["Paw'don Glade"] = "坡东林",
	["Paw'don Village"] = "坡东村",
	["Paw'Don Village"] = "坡东村",
	["Peak of Serenity"] = "晴日峰",
	["Pearlfin Village"] = "珠鳍村",
	["Pearl Lake"] = "珍珠湖",
	["Pedestal of Hope"] = "希冀台",
	["Pei-Wu Forest"] = "悲雾林",
	["Pestilent Scar"] = "瘟疫之痕",
	["Pet Battle - Jade Forest"] = "Pet Battle - Jade Forest",
	["Petitioner's Chamber"] = "祈愿室",
	["[PH] Ashran [TRANSITION ZONE]"] = "阿什兰",
	["[PH] Heroes Through Time"] = "[PH] Heroes Through Time",
	["[PH] - SMV - Alliance Garrison"] = "[PH] - SMV - Alliance Garrison",
	["[PH] Test Zone"] = "[PH] Test Zone",
	["[PH] Test Zone 2"] = "[PH] Test Zone 2",
	["Pilgrim's Precipice"] = "朝圣崖",
	["Pillars of Fate"] = "命运之柱",
	["Pincer X2"] = "扳钳X2号",
	["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = "宾奇维斯零件工厂",
	["Pinchwhistle Point"] = "宾奇维斯拓殖点",
	["Pinnacle of Storms"] = "风暴之巅",
	["Pit of Fangs"] = "毒牙深渊",
	["Pit of Saron"] = "萨隆矿坑",
	["Pit of Saron Entrance"] = "萨隆矿坑入口",
	["Pit of the Devourer"] = "吞噬者熔岩池",
	["Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave"] = "东瘟疫之地:血色领地",
	["Plaguemist Ravine"] = "毒雾峡谷",
	Plaguewood = "病木林",
	["Plaguewood Tower"] = "病木林哨塔",
	["Plain of Echoes"] = "回音平原",
	["Plain of Shards"] = "碎片平原",
	["Plain of Thieves"] = "盗贼平原",
	["Plains of Nasam"] = "纳萨姆平原",
	["Plains of Serenity"] = "静谧平原",
	["Pod Cluster"] = "完整的逃生舱",
	["Podling Patch"] = "魔荚培植田",
	["Pod Wreckage"] = "残破的逃生舱",
	["Poison Falls"] = "毒水瀑布",
	["Pool of Reflection"] = "倒影之池",
	["Pool of Tears"] = "泪水之池",
	["Pool of the Paw"] = "爪之池",
	["Pool of Twisted Reflections"] = "扭曲映像之池",
	["Pool of Visions"] = "幻象之池",
	["Pools of Aggonar"] = "阿苟纳之池",
	["Pools of Arlithrien"] = "阿里斯瑞恩之池",
	["Pools of Jin'Alai"] = "金亚莱之池",
	["Pools of Life"] = "生命之池",
	["Pools of Power"] = "能量池",
	["Pools of Purity"] = "纯净之池",
	["Pools of Reflection"] = "镜像之池",
	["Pools of Youth"] = "青春之池",
	["Pools of Zha'Jin"] = "扎尔金之池",
	["Portal Clearing"] = "荒弃传送门",
	["Pranksters' Hollow"] = "顽灵洞",
	["Predator's Perch"] = "掠食者栖地",
	["Prison of Immol'thar"] = "伊莫塔尔的牢笼",
	["Programmer Isle"] = "Programmer Isle",
	["Promontory Point"] = "海角岗哨",
	["Prospector's Point"] = "勘探员哨站",
	["Protectorate Watch Post"] = "维序派哨站",
	["Prototype Scenario"] = "标准场景战役",
	["Proving Grounds"] = "试炼场",
	["Proving Grounds: Select a Trial"] = "试炼场:选择试炼",
	["Purespring Cavern"] = "纯粹之泉洞穴",
	["Purgation Isle"] = "赎罪岛",
	["Pursuing the Black Harvest"] = "追踪黑暗收割议会",
	["Putricide's Laboratory of Alchemical Horrors and Fun"] = "普崔赛德的恐怖和娱乐化学实验室",
	["Pyrewood Chapel"] = "焚木礼拜堂",
	["Pyrewood Inn"] = "焚木旅店",
	["Pyrewood Town Hall"] = "焚木城镇大厅",
	["Pyrewood Village"] = "焚木村",
	["Pyrox Flats"] = "漫火平原",
	["QA and DVD"] = "QA and DVD",
	["Quagg Ridge"] = "泥泞山",
	Quarry = "采石场",
	["Quartzite Basin"] = "石英盆地",
	["Queen's Gate"] = "王后之门",
	["Quel'Danil Lodge"] = "奎尔丹尼小屋",
	["Quel'Delar's Rest"] = "奎尔德拉之冢",
	["Quel'Dormir Gardens"] = "奎尔多米尔花园",
	["Quel'Dormir Temple"] = "奎尔多米尔神殿",
	["Quel'Dormir Terrace"] = "奎尔多米尔平台",
	["Quel'Lithien Lodge"] = "奎尔林斯小屋",
	["Quel'thalas"] = "奎尔萨拉斯",
	["Quickchop's Lumber Farm"] = "快锯伐木场",
	["Raastok Glade"] = "拉斯托克林地",
	["Raceway Ruins"] = "赛道废墟",
	["Rageclaw Den"] = "怒爪巢穴",
	["Rageclaw Lake"] = "怒爪湖",
	["Rage Fang Shrine"] = "怒牙神殿",
	["Ragefeather Ridge"] = "怒羽山",
	["Ragefire Caverns"] = "怒焰洞穴",
	["Ragefire Chasm"] = "怒焰裂谷",
	["Ragefire Core"] = "怒焰之核",
	["Rage Scar Hold"] = "怒痕堡",
	["Ragnaros' Lair"] = "拉格纳罗斯之巢",
	["Ragnaros' Reach"] = "拉格纳罗斯的领域",
	["Raider's Hideout"] = "强袭者巢穴",
	["Raiders' Hideout"] = "强袭者巢穴",
	["Rainspeaker Canopy"] = "雨声树屋",
	["Rainspeaker Rapids"] = "雨声河",
	Ramkahen = "拉穆卡恒",
	["Ramkahen Legion Outpost"] = "拉穆卡恒军团前哨",
	["Rampart of Skulls"] = "颅骨之墙",
	["Ranazjar Isle"] = "拉纳加尔岛",
	["Rangari Corral"] = "游侠兽栏",
	["Rangari Enclave"] = "游侠飞地",
	["Rangari Hollow"] = "游侠洞穴",
	["Rangari Overlook"] = "游侠侦察点",
	["Raptor Grounds UNUSED"] = "Raptor Grounds UNUSED",
	["Raptor Grounds [UNUSED]"] = "Raptor Grounds [UNUSED]",
	["Raptor Pens"] = "迅猛龙围栏",
	["Raptor Ridge"] = "恐龙岭",
	["Raptor Rise"] = "迅猛龙高地",
	Ratchet = "棘齿城",
	["Rated Eye of the Storm"] = "评级风暴之眼",
	["Ravaged Caravan"] = "被破坏的货车",
	["Ravaged Crypt"] = "被毁坏的地穴",
	["Ravaged Twilight Camp"] = "暮光营地废墟",
	["Ravencrest Monument"] = "拉文凯斯雕像",
	["Raven Hill"] = "乌鸦岭",
	["Raven Hill Cemetery"] = "乌鸦岭墓地",
	["Ravenholdt Manor"] = "拉文霍德庄园",
	Ravenskar = "渡鸦之痕",
	["Raven's Watch"] = "乌鸦平台",
	["Raven's Wood"] = "乌鸦林",
	["Raynewood Retreat"] = "林中树居",
	["Raynewood Tower"] = "林中树塔",
	["Razaan's Landing"] = "拉扎安码头",
	Razorbloom = "刀叶林地",
	["Razorfen Downs"] = "剃刀高地",
	["Razorfen Downs Entrance"] = "剃刀高地入口",
	["Razorfen Downs [UNUSED]"] = "Razorfen Downs [UNUSED]",
	["Razorfen Kraul"] = "剃刀沼泽",
	["Razorfen Kraul Entrance"] = "剃刀沼泽入口",
	["Razor Hill"] = "剃刀岭",
	["Razor Hill Barracks"] = "剃刀岭兵营",
	["Razor Hill Outskirts"] = "剃刀岭外围",
	["Razor Hill Watchtower"] = "剃刀岭瞭望塔",
	["Razormane Grounds"] = "钢鬃营地",
	["Razor Ridge"] = "剃刀山",
	["Razorscale's Aerie"] = "锋鳞之巢",
	["Razorthorn Rise"] = "荆刺高地",
	["Razorthorn Shelf"] = "荆刺岩地",
	["Razorthorn Trail"] = "荆刺小径",
	["Razorwind Canyon"] = "烈风峡谷",
	["Rear Staging Area"] = "后方集结区",
	["Reaver's Fall"] = "机甲残骸",
	["Reavers' Hall"] = "劫掠者之厅",
	["Rebel Camp"] = "反抗军营地",
	["Red Cloud Mesa"] = "红云台地",
	["Redemption Rise"] = "救赎之地",
	["Redpine Dell"] = "赤松山谷",
	["Redridge - Bridge Phase One"] = "赤脊山——桥上位面一",
	["Redridge - Bridge Phase Two"] = "赤脊山——桥上位面二",
	["Redridge Canyons"] = "赤脊峡谷",
	["Redridge Mountains"] = "赤脊山",
	["Redridge - Orc Bomb"] = "赤脊山——兽人炸弹",
	["Red Rocks"] = "赤色石",
	["Red Stone Run"] = "红石谷",
	["Redwood Trading Post"] = "红木商栈",
	["Reeg'ak's Nest"] = "里戈艾克的巢穴",
	Refinery = "油料精炼厂",
	["Refugee Caravan"] = "难民车队",
	["Refuge Pointe"] = "避难谷地",
	["Refuse Disposal"] = "废料处置场",
	["Refuse Pit"] = "垃圾坑",
	["Relief Hut"] = "急救站",
	["Reliquary of Agony"] = "折磨之匣",
	["Reliquary of Pain"] = "痛苦之匣",
	["Remains of Iris Lake"] = "伊瑞斯湖",
	["Remains of the Fleet"] = "残存的舰队",
	["Remains of Xandros"] = "萨纳多斯遗迹",
	["Remtravel's Excavation"] = "雷姆塔维尔挖掘场",
	["Render's Camp"] = "撕裂者营地",
	["Render's Crater"] = "撕裂者巨坑",
	["Render's Rock"] = "撕裂者之石",
	["Render's Valley"] = "撕裂者山谷",
	["Rensai's Watchpost"] = "任塞道口",
	["Rethban Caverns"] = "瑞斯班洞穴",
	["Rethress Sanctum"] = "雷瑟斯圣所",
	["Retribution Point"] = "惩戒岗哨",
	Reuse = "Reuse",
	["Reuse Me 7"] = "7号营救点",
	["Revantusk Village"] = "恶齿村",
	["Rexxar's Refuge"] = "雷克萨的避难所",
	["Rhea's Camp"] = "瑞亚的营地",
	["Rhonin's Beard"] = "罗宁之须号",
	["Rhyolith Plateau"] = "雷奥利斯高台",
	["Ricket's Folly"] = "莉吉特爆炸坑",
	["Ridge of Laughing Winds"] = "笑风山",
	["Ridge of Madness"] = "疯狂之脊",
	["Ridgepoint Tower"] = "山巅之塔",
	Rikkilea = "里基利亚",
	["Rikkitun Village"] = "里基屯村",
	["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = "里尔兹特锚地",
	["Rim of the World"] = "世界之脊",
	["Ring of Conquest"] = "征服竞技场",
	["Ring of Judgement"] = "审判竞技场",
	["Ring of Observance"] = "仪式广场",
	["Ring of the Elements"] = "元素法阵",
	["Ring of the Law"] = "秩序竞技场",
	["Riplash Ruins"] = "裂鞭废墟",
	["Riplash Strand"] = "裂鞭海岸",
	["Rise of Suffering"] = "苦难高地",
	["Rise of the Defiler"] = "污染者高地",
	["Ritual Chamber of Akali"] = "阿卡里的仪祭大厅",
	["Rivendark's Perch"] = "雷文达克栖木",
	Rivenwood = "裂木森林",
	["Riverbeast Den"] = "淡水兽巢穴",
	["River's Heart"] = "河流之心",
	["Riverside Post"] = "河畔岗哨",
	["Rock of Durotan"] = "杜隆坦之石",
	["Rockpool Village"] = "岩池村",
	["Rocktusk Farm"] = "石牙农场",
	["Roguefeather Den"] = "飞羽洞穴",
	["Rogues' Quarter"] = "盗贼区",
	["Rohemdal Pass"] = "洛希达尔小径",
	["Roland's Doom"] = "罗兰之墓",
	["Room of Hidden Secrets"] = "隐秘之间",
	["Roost of Ji-Kun"] = "季鹍栖木",
	["Root Den"] = "根须巢穴",
	["Rooter's Pass"] = "鲁特小径",
	["Rotbrain Encampment"] = "腐脑营地",
	["Rough-Hewn Passage"] = "粗凿的过道",
	["Royal Amphitheater"] = "皇家校场",
	["Royal Approach"] = "皇家走廊",
	["Royal Exchange Auction House"] = "皇家贸易区拍卖行",
	["Royal Exchange Bank"] = "皇家贸易区银行",
	["Royal Gallery"] = "皇家画廊",
	["Royal Library"] = "皇家图书馆",
	["Royal Quarter"] = "皇家区",
	["Ruby Dragonshrine"] = "红玉巨龙圣地",
	["Ruby Lake"] = "红玉湖",
	["Ruined Approach"] = "废弃过道",
	["Ruined City Post 01"] = "Ruined City Post 01, Zul'Drak",
	["Ruined Court"] = "废弃之厅",
	["Ruined Passage"] = "废弃走廊",
	["Ruins of Aboraz"] = "阿博拉兹废墟",
	["Ruins of Ahmtul"] = "阿胡图尔遗迹",
	["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安其拉废墟",
	["Ruins of Alterac"] = "奥特兰克废墟",
	["Ruins of Ammon"] = "阿蒙遗迹",
	["Ruins of Arkkoran"] = "亚考兰神殿废墟",
	["Ruins of Ata'gar"] = "阿塔加废墟",
	["Ruins of Auberdine"] = "奥伯丁废墟",
	["Ruins of Baa'ri"] = "巴尔里废墟",
	["Ruins of Constellas"] = "克斯特拉斯废墟",
	["Ruins of Dojan"] = "都阳废墟",
	["Ruins of Drakgor"] = "德拉卡戈废墟",
	["Ruins of Drak'Zin"] = "达克辛废墟",
	["Ruins of Eldarath"] = "埃达拉斯废墟",
	["Ruins of Eldarath "] = "埃达拉斯废墟",
	["Ruins of Eldra'nath"] = "埃德拉纳斯废墟",
	["Ruins of Eldre'thar"] = "埃德雷萨废墟",
	["Ruins of Enkaat"] = "恩卡特废墟",
	["Ruins of Farahlon"] = "法兰伦废墟",
	["Ruins of Feathermoon"] = "羽月废墟",
	["Ruins of Gilneas"] = "吉尔尼斯废墟",
	["Ruins of Gilneas City"] = "吉尔尼斯城废墟",
	["Ruins of Guo-Lai"] = "郭莱遗迹",
	["Ruins of Isildien"] = "伊斯迪尔废墟",
	["Ruins of Jubuwal"] = "朱布瓦尔废墟",
	["Ruins of Karabor"] = "卡拉波废墟",
	["Ruins of Kargath"] = "卡加斯废墟",
	["Ruins of Khintaset"] = "辛塔希特遗迹",
	["Ruins of Korja"] = "科夏废墟",
	["Ruins of Korune"] = "寇茹废墟",
	["Ruins of Lar'donir"] = "拉多尼尔遗迹",
	["Ruins of Lordaeron"] = "洛丹伦废墟",
	["Ruins of Loreth'Aran"] = "洛雷萨兰废墟",
	["Ruins of Lornesta"] = "洛雷斯塔废墟",
	["Ruins of Mathystra"] = "玛塞斯特拉废墟",
	["Ruins of Na'gwa"] = "纳格瓦废墟",
	["Ruins of Nordressa"] = "诺德雷萨废墟",
	["Ruins of Ogudei"] = "敖骨打废墟",
	["Ruins of Ravenwind"] = "鸦风废墟",
	["Ruins of Sha'naar"] = "沙纳尔废墟",
	["Ruins of Shandaral"] = "杉达拉废墟",
	["Ruins of Silvermoon"] = "银月城废墟",
	["Ruins of Solarsal"] = "索兰萨尔废墟",
	["Ruins of Southshore"] = "南海镇废墟",
	["Ruins of Taurajo"] = "陶拉祖废墟",
	["Ruins of Tethys"] = "泰塞斯废墟",
	["Ruins of Thaurissan"] = "索瑞森废墟",
	["Ruins of the First Bastion"] = "第一堡垒废墟",
	["Ruins of Thelserai Temple"] = "瑟尔萨莱神殿废墟",
	["Ruins of Theramore"] = "塞拉摩废墟",
	["Ruins of the Scarlet Enclave"] = "血色领地废墟",
	["Ruins of Uldum"] = "奥丹姆遗迹",
	["Ruins of Vashj'elan"] = "瓦丝耶兰废墟",
	["Ruins of Vashj'ir"] = "瓦丝琪尔废墟",
	["Ruins of Zul'Kunda"] = "祖昆达废墟",
	["Ruins of Zul'Mamwe"] = "祖玛维废墟",
	["Ruins Rise"] = "遗迹高地",
	["Rumbling Terrace"] = "滚雷台",
	["Runestone Falithas"] = "法利萨斯符文石",
	["Runestone Shan'dor"] = "杉多尔符文石",
	["Runeweaver Square"] = "鲁因广场",
	["Runeworkers of Shattrath"] = "沙塔斯符文工厂",
	["Rustberg Village"] = "洛斯贝格村",
	["Rustmaul Dive Site"] = "锈锤潜水点",
	["Rutsak's Guard"] = "拉特萨克营地",
	["Rut'theran Village"] = "鲁瑟兰村",
	["Ruuan Weald"] = "卢安荒野",
	["Ruuna's Camp"] = "卢娜的营地",
	["Ruuzel's Isle"] = "卢泽尔岛",
	["Rygna's Lair"] = "雷格纳的巢穴",
	Sabermaw = "刃牙之喉",
	["Sabermaw Den"] = "刃喉巢穴",
	["Sable Ridge"] = "漆黑山脊",
	["Sacrificial Altar"] = "牺牲祭坛",
	["Sahket Wastes"] = "沙赫柯特荒原",
	Salabria = "萨拉布里亚号",
	["Saldean's Farm"] = "萨丁农场",
	["Saltheril's Haven"] = "萨瑟利尔庄园",
	["Saltspray Glen"] = "盐沫沼泽",
	["Salvage Yard"] = "废品站",
	["Sanctuary of Malorne"] = "玛洛恩庇护所",
	["Sanctuary of Shadows"] = "暗影圣殿",
	["Sanctum of Reanimation"] = "复生密室",
	["Sanctum of Shadows"] = "暗影圣殿",
	["Sanctum of the Ascended"] = "升腾者圣殿",
	["Sanctum of the Fallen God"] = "堕神圣地",
	["Sanctum of the Moon"] = "月亮圣殿",
	["Sanctum of the Naaru"] = "纳鲁圣所",
	["Sanctum of the Prophets"] = "先知圣殿",
	["Sanctum of the South Wind"] = "南风圣殿",
	["Sanctum of the Stars"] = "群星圣殿",
	["Sanctum of the Sun"] = "太阳圣殿",
	["Sands of Nasam"] = "纳萨姆沙地",
	["Sandsorrow Watch"] = "流沙岗哨",
	["Sandy Beach"] = "沙滩",
	["Sandy Shallows"] = "浅沙湾",
	["Sanguine Chamber"] = "血染之厅",
	["Sapphire Hive"] = "蓝玉虫巢",
	["Sapphiron's Lair"] = "萨菲隆之巢",
	["Saraah's Vale"] = "萨拉山谷",
	["Saragosa's Landing"] = "莎拉苟萨平台",
	Sarahland = "沙拉兰",
	["Sardor Isle"] = "萨尔多岛",
	Sargeron = "萨格隆",
	["Sarjun Depths"] = "刹允深渊",
	["Saronite Mines"] = "萨隆邪铁矿洞",
	["Sar'theris Strand"] = "萨瑟里斯海岸",
	Satyrnaar = "萨提纳尔",
	["Saurok Creation Pit"] = "蜥蜴人孵化坑",
	["Savage Fight Club"] = "狂野搏击俱乐部",
	["Savage Ledge"] = "野蛮之台",
	["Scalawag Point"] = "无赖港",
	["Scalding Pools"] = "滚烫熔池",
	["Scalebeard's Cave"] = "鳞须海龟洞穴",
	["Scalewing Shelf"] = "鳞翼岩床",
	["Scarab Terrace"] = "甲虫平台",
	["Scarlet Encampment"] = "血色营地",
	["Scarlet Halls"] = "血色大厅",
	["Scarlet Hold"] = "血色城堡",
	["Scarlet Monastery"] = "血色修道院",
	["Scarlet Monastery Entrance"] = "血色修道院入口",
	["Scarlet Overlook"] = "血色悬崖",
	["Scarlet Palisade"] = "血色关哨",
	["Scarlet Point"] = "血色哨站",
	["Scarlet Raven Tavern"] = "血鸦旅店",
	["Scarlet Tavern"] = "血色旅店",
	["Scarlet Tower"] = "血色哨塔",
	["Scarlet Watch Post"] = "血色十字军哨岗",
	["Scarlet Watchtower"] = "血色观察塔",
	["Scar of the Worldbreaker"] = "灭世者之痕",
	["Scarred Terrace"] = "焰痕平台",
	["Scarred Vale"] = "瘢痕谷",
	["Scenario: Alcaz Island"] = "章节:奥卡兹岛",
	["Scenario - Black Ox Temple"] = "场景战役——玄牛寺",
	["Scenario - Mogu Ruins"] = "场景战役——魔古遗迹",
	["Scenic Overlook"] = "观景台",
	["Schnottz's Frigate"] = "司克诺兹的护卫舰",
	["Schnottz's Hostel"] = "司克诺兹的宿舍",
	["Schnottz's Landing"] = "司克诺兹登陆点",
	Scholomance = "通灵学院",
	["Scholomance Entrance"] = "通灵学院入口",
	ScholomanceOLD = "通灵学院",
	["School of Necromancy"] = "通灵术学校",
	["Scorched Gully"] = "焦痕深谷",
	["Scott's Spooky Area"] = "斯考特的恐怖地带",
	["Scoured Reach"] = "蚀沙荒漠",
	Scourgehold = "瘟疫要塞",
	Scourgeholme = "天灾城",
	["Scourgelord's Command"] = "天灾领主的指挥站",
	["Scrabblescrew's Camp"] = "瑟卡布斯库的营地",
	["Screaming Gully"] = "激流溪谷",
	["Scribe's Quarters"] = "铭文师之家",
	["Scryer's Tier"] = "占星者之台",
	["Scuttle Coast"] = "流亡海岸",
	Sea = "大海",
	Seabrush = "画笔海岭",
	["Seafarer's Tomb"] = "航海者之墓",
	["Sealed Chambers"] = "封印之厅",
	["Seal of the Sun King"] = "太阳王封印",
	["Sea Mist Ridge"] = "海雾岭",
	["Searing Gorge"] = "灼热峡谷",
	["Seaspittle Cove"] = "海沫洞窟",
	["Seaspittle Nook"] = "海沫秘境",
	["Seat of Depravity"] = "堕落之座",
	["Seat of Destruction"] = "毁灭之座",
	["Seat of Knowledge"] = "闻道之座",
	["Seat of Kor'lok"] = "考洛克王座",
	["Seat of Life"] = "生命之座",
	["Seat of Magic"] = "魔法之座",
	["Seat of Radiance"] = "光辉之座",
	["Seat of the Chosen"] = "天选者之座",
	["Seat of the Naaru"] = "纳鲁之座",
	["Seat of the Spirit Waker"] = "唤魂者之座",
	["Secluded Glade"] = "隐秘林地",
	["Seeker's Folly"] = "探索者末路",
	["Seeker's Point"] = "探索者营地",
	["Sen'jin Village"] = "森金村",
	["Sen'jin Village Outskirts"] = "森金村外围",
	["Sentinel Basecamp"] = "哨兵营地",
	["Sentinel Hill"] = "哨兵岭",
	["Sentinel Tower"] = "哨兵塔",
	["Sentry Point"] = "警戒哨岗",
	Seradane = "瑟拉丹",
	["Serenity Falls"] = "静寂瀑布",
	["Serpent Lake"] = "毒蛇湖",
	["Serpent's Coil"] = "盘蛇谷",
	["Serpent's Heart"] = "神龙之心",
	["Serpentshrine Cavern"] = "毒蛇神殿",
	["Serpent's Overlook"] = "青龙瞭望台",
	["Serpent's Spine"] = "蟠龙脊",
	["Servants' Quarters"] = "仆役宿舍",
	["Service Entrance"] = "仆从入口",
	["Sethekk Halls"] = "塞泰克大厅",
	["Sethekk Hollow"] = "塞泰克山谷",
	["Sethria's Roost"] = "塞西莉亚的栖地",
	["Setting Sun Garrison"] = "残阳关卫戍营",
	["Set'vess"] = "赛特维斯",
	["Sewer Access Point"] = "下水道入口",
	["Sewer Exit Pipe"] = "下水道排水管",
	Sewers = "下水道",
	Shadebough = "蔽日林",
	["Shadewood Thicket"] = "影木林",
	["Shado-Li Basin"] = "影踪谷",
	["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = "影踪别院",
	["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = "影踪卫戍营",
	["Shado-Pan Monastery"] = "影踪禅院",
	["Shadowbreak Ravine"] = "破影峡谷",
	["Shadowfall Canyon"] = "坠影峡谷",
	["Shadowfang Keep"] = "影牙城堡",
	["Shadowfang Keep Entrance"] = "影牙城堡入口",
	["Shadowfang Tower"] = "影牙之塔",
	["Shadowforge City"] = "暗炉城",
	Shadowglade = "黯影丛林",
	Shadowglen = "幽影谷",
	["Shadow Grave"] = "灰影墓穴",
	["Shadow Hold"] = "暗影堡",
	["Shadow Labyrinth"] = "暗影迷宫",
	["Shadowlurk Ridge"] = "匿影山",
	["Shadowmoon Burial Grounds"] = "影月墓地",
	ShadowmoonCape = "影月海角",
	["Shadowmoon Coast"] = "影月海岸",
	["Shadowmoon Grotto"] = "影月岩洞",
	["Shadowmoon Mine"] = "影月矿洞",
	["Shadowmoon Overlook"] = "影月岗哨",
	["Shadowmoon Rise"] = "影月高地",
	["Shadowmoon Valley"] = "影月谷",
	["Shadowmoon Valley (Outland)"] = "影月谷(外域)",
	["Shadowmoon Village"] = "影月村",
	["Shadow-Pan Monastery"] = "影踪禅院",
	["Shadowprey Village"] = "葬影村",
	["Shadow Ridge"] = "暗影山",
	["Shadowshard Cavern"] = "暗影碎片洞穴",
	["Shadowsight Tower"] = "影目塔楼",
	["Shadowsong Shrine"] = "影歌神殿",
	["Shadow's Vigil"] = "暗影哨所",
	["Shadowthread Cave"] = "黑丝洞",
	["Shadow Tomb"] = "暗影墓穴",
	["Shadow Wing Lair"] = "影翼巢穴",
	["Shadra'Alor"] = "沙德拉洛",
	["Shadybranch Pocket"] = "影枝坳",
	["Shady Rest Inn"] = "树荫旅店",
	["Shalandis Isle"] = "沙兰蒂斯岛",
	["Shalewind Canyon"] = "岩页峡谷",
	["Shallow's End"] = "海蕈石",
	["Shallowstep Pass"] = "浅足小径",
	["Shalzaru's Lair"] = "沙尔扎鲁的巢穴",
	Shamanar = "萨满纳尔",
	["Sha'naari Wastes"] = "沙纳尔荒地",
	["Shang's Stead"] = "尚家院子",
	["Shang's Valley"] = "尚家谷",
	["Shang Xi Training Grounds"] = "尚喜习武场",
	["Shan'ze Dao"] = "山泽岛",
	["Shaol'mara"] = "绍尔马拉",
	["Shaol'watha"] = "沙尔瓦萨",
	["Shaper's Terrace"] = "塑造者之台",
	["Shaper's Terrace "] = "塑造者之台",
	["Sharptusk Lake"] = "锐齿湖",
	["Shartuul's Transporter"] = "沙图尔的传送器",
	["Sha'tari Anchorage"] = "沙塔尔港",
	["Sha'tari Base Camp"] = "沙塔尔营地",
	["Sha'tari Market District"] = "沙塔尔集市区",
	["Sha'tari Outpost"] = "沙塔尔前哨站",
	["Sha'tari Rest and Recovery"] = "沙塔尔休憩所",
	["Sha'tari Skymesa"] = "沙塔尔天台",
	["Sha'tar Way Station"] = "沙塔尔中转站",
	["Shattered Beachhead"] = "破碎滩头",
	["Shattered Convoy"] = "护卫队覆灭之地",
	["Shattered Landing"] = "破碎码头",
	["Shattered Plains"] = "破碎平原",
	["Shattered Rise"] = "碎手高地",
	["Shattered Straits"] = "碎裂海峡",
	["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = "破碎残阳基地",
	["Shatter Point"] = "破碎岗哨",
	["Shatter Scar Vale"] = "碎痕谷",
	Shattershore = "破碎海滩",
	["Shatterspear Pass"] = "碎矛小径",
	["Shatterspear Vale"] = "碎矛谷",
	["Shatterspear War Camp"] = "碎矛战争营地",
	Shatterstone = "破碎之石",
	Shattrath = "沙塔斯",
	["Shattrath City"] = "沙塔斯城",
	["Shattrath City Center"] = "沙塔斯城市中心",
	["Shattrath Commons"] = "沙塔斯平民区",
	["Shattrath Overlook"] = "沙塔斯哨所",
	["Shattrath Port Authority"] = "沙塔斯港务局",
	["Shattrath Residential District"] = "沙塔斯居民区",
	["Shattrath Scrollhouse"] = "沙塔斯卷轴馆",
	["Shaz'gul"] = "沙兹古尔",
	["Shelf of Mazu"] = "玛祖海床",
	["Shell Beach"] = "贝壳海滩",
	["Sher'khaan's Den"] = "什尔坎的巢穴",
	["Shield Hill"] = "盾牌岭",
	["Shields of Silver"] = "银色盾牌",
	["Shimmering Bog"] = "闪光泥沼",
	["Shimmering Expanse"] = "烁光海床",
	["Shimmering Grotto"] = "闪光洞室",
	["Shimmer Ridge"] = "闪光岭",
	["Shindigger's Camp"] = "拉普索迪营地",
	["Ship to Vashj'ir (Orgrimmar -> Vashj'ir)"] = "前往瓦丝琪尔的船只(奥格瑞玛->瓦丝琪尔)",
	["Shipwreck Shore"] = "船难海岸",
	Shipyard = "船坞",
	["Shipyard - Mogu Island Progression Scenario"] = "Shipyard - Mogu Island Progression Scenario",
	["Shivering Trench"] = "战栗壕沟",
	["Shok'Thokar"] = "夏克索卡",
	["Sholazar Basin"] = "索拉查盆地",
	["Shores of the Well"] = "恒井之滨",
	["Shrine of Aessina"] = "艾森娜神殿",
	["Shrine of Aviana"] = "艾维娜圣殿",
	["Shrine of Dath'Remar"] = "达斯雷玛的神龛",
	["Shrine of Dreaming Stones"] = "梦石神龛",
	["Shrine of Eck"] = "伊克的神殿",
	["Shrine of Fellowship"] = "结义坛",
	["Shrine of Five Dawns"] = "五晨神龛",
	["Shrine of Goldrinn"] = "戈德林圣殿",
	["Shrine of Inner-Light"] = "心光神龛",
	["Shrine of Lost Souls"] = "失落灵魂神殿",
	["Shrine of Nala'shi"] = "纳拉什神殿",
	["Shrine of Othaar"] = "奥萨尔神殿",
	["Shrine of Remembrance"] = "悼念神龛",
	["Shrine of Remulos"] = "雷姆洛斯神殿",
	["Shrine of Scales"] = "蛇鳞神殿",
	["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = "七星殿",
	["Shrine of Thaurissan"] = "索瑞森神殿",
	["Shrine of the Black Flame"] = "黑火圣坛",
	["Shrine of the Dawn"] = "黎明神龛",
	["Shrine of the Deceiver"] = "欺诈者神祠",
	["Shrine of the Dormant Flame"] = "眠炎圣殿",
	["Shrine of the Eclipse"] = "日蚀神殿",
	["Shrine of the Elements"] = "元素圣殿",
	["Shrine of the Fallen Warrior"] = "战士之魂神殿",
	["Shrine of the Five Khans"] = "五可汗神殿",
	["Shrine of the Merciless One"] = "无悯者神龛",
	["Shrine of the Ox"] = "玄牛神龛",
	["Shrine of Twin Serpents"] = "双龙神龛",
	["Shrine of Two Moons"] = "双月殿",
	["Shrine of Unending Light"] = "永恒圣光神殿",
	["Shriveled Oasis"] = "干枯的绿洲",
	["Shuddering Spires"] = "颤石塔林",
	["SI:7"] = "军情七处",
	["Siege of Niuzao Temple"] = "围攻砮皂寺",
	["Siege of Orgrimmar"] = "决战奥格瑞玛",
	["Siege of Orgrimmar (OLD DO NOT USE)"] = "决战奥格瑞玛",
	["Siege Vise"] = "天灾攻城营",
	["Siege Workshop"] = "攻城车间",
	["Sifreldar Village"] = "希弗列尔达村",
	["Sik'vess"] = "希克维斯",
	["Sik'vess Lair"] = "希克维斯虫巢",
	["Silence Pond"] = "寂静池塘",
	["Silent Vigil"] = "沉默墓地",
	Silithus = "希利苏斯",
	["Silken Fields"] = "丝纱工坊",
	["Silken Shore"] = "柔沙海滩",
	["Silmyr Lake"] = "希尔米耶湖",
	["Silting Shore"] = "淤泥海岸",
	Silverbrook = "银溪镇",
	["Silverbrook Hills"] = "银溪丘陵",
	["Silver Covenant Pavilion"] = "银色盟约大帐",
	["Silverlight Cavern"] = "银光洞穴",
	["Silverline Lake"] = "银链湖",
	["Silvermoon City"] = "银月城",
	["Silvermoon City Inn"] = "银月城旅店",
	["Silvermoon Finery"] = "银月城服装店",
	["Silvermoon Jewelery"] = "银月城首饰店",
	["Silvermoon Registry"] = "银月城登记处",
	["Silvermoon's Pride"] = "银月之傲",
	["Silvermyst Isle"] = "秘银岛",
	["Silverpine Forest"] = "银松森林",
	["Silvershard Mines"] = "碎银矿脉",
	["Silver Stream Mine"] = "银泉矿洞",
	["Silver Tide Hollow"] = "银潮谷",
	["Silver Tide Trench"] = "银潮海沟",
	["Silverwind Refuge"] = "银风避难所",
	["Silverwing Flag Room"] = "银翼军旗室",
	["Silverwing Grove"] = "银翼树林",
	["Silverwing Hold"] = "银翼要塞",
	["Silverwing Outpost"] = "银翼哨站",
	["Simply Enchanting"] = "简单附魔",
	["Sindragosa's Fall"] = "辛达苟萨之墓",
	["Sindweller's Rise"] = "罪行者高地",
	["Singing Marshes"] = "轻歌沼泽",
	["Singing Ridge"] = "晶歌山脉",
	["Sinner's Folly"] = "罪人的愚行",
	["Sira'kess Front"] = "希拉柯丝前哨",
	["Sishir Canyon"] = "希塞尔山谷",
	["Sisters Sorcerous"] = "巫术姐妹",
	Skald = "焦火荒野",
	["Sketh'lon Base Camp"] = "斯克瑟隆营地",
	["Sketh'lon Wreckage"] = "斯克瑟隆废墟",
	["Skethyl Mountains"] = "鸦羽山",
	Skettis = "斯克提斯",
	["Skitterweb Tunnels"] = "蛛网隧道",
	Skorn = "斯克恩",
	["Skulking Row"] = "匿影小径",
	["Skulk Rock"] = "隐匿石",
	["Skull Rock"] = "骷髅石",
	["Sky Falls"] = "天坠瀑布",
	["Skyguard Outpost"] = "天空卫队哨站",
	["Skyline Ridge"] = "冲天岭",
	["Skymesa Great Hall"] = "天台大厅",
	["Skymesa Inn"] = "天台旅店",
	["Skymesa Overlook"] = "天台岗哨",
	["Skymesa Palisade"] = "天台关哨",
	["Skymesa Ritual Chamber"] = "天台仪式大殿",
	Skyrange = "摩天山脊",
	Skyreach = "通天峰",
	["Skysea Point"] = "天海岗哨",
	["Skysea Ridge"] = "天海岭",
	["Skysong Lake"] = "天歌湖",
	["Slabchisel's Survey"] = "硬凿勘测营",
	["Slagmill Press"] = "碎渣冲压房",
	["Slag Watch"] = "熔渣哨塔",
	Slagworks = "熔渣车间",
	["Slaughter Hollow"] = "屠杀谷",
	["Slaughter Square"] = "屠杀广场",
	["Slave Quarters"] = "奴隶区",
	["Slaver's Fist"] = "奴贩之拳",
	["Sleeper's Lair"] = "睡魔的巢穴",
	["Sleeping Gorge"] = "沉睡峡谷",
	["Slicky Stream"] = "滑水溪",
	["Slingtail Pits"] = "吊尾围栏",
	["Slitherblade Shore"] = "滑刃海岸",
	["Slithering Cove"] = "爬蛇海湾",
	["Slither Rock"] = "滑石",
	["Sludgeguard Tower"] = "药渣卫塔",
	["SM Cathedral/GY (TEMP)"] = "SM Cathedral/GY (TEMP)",
	["Smuggler's Den"] = "走私者巢穴",
	["Smuggler's Scar"] = "走私者洞穴",
	["Snarlpaw Den"] = "啸爪巢穴",
	["Snarlpaw Ledge"] = "啸爪峭壁",
	["Snicklefritz Mine"] = "斯尼克弗里兹矿脉",
	["Snowblind Hills"] = "雪盲岭",
	["Snowblind Terrace"] = "雪盲台地",
	["Snowden Chalet"] = "雪山小屋",
	["Snowdrift Dojo"] = "雪流道场",
	["Snowdrift Plains"] = "雪流平原",
	["Snowfall Alcove"] = "飘雪秘境",
	["Snowfall Glade"] = "飘雪林地",
	["Snowfall Graveyard"] = "雪落墓地",
	["Socrethar's Rise"] = "索克雷萨高地",
	["Socrethar's Seat"] = "索克雷萨之座",
	["Sodden Grotto"] = "浸水岩洞",
	["Sofera's Naze"] = "索菲亚高地",
	["Soggy's Gamble"] = "闷水壶的冒险码头",
	["Solace Glade"] = "慰藉之林",
	["Solliden Farmstead"] = "索利丹农场",
	["Solstice Village"] = "冬至村",
	["Sootstained Mines"] = "污煤矿洞",
	["Sootstained Mining Camp"] = "污煤矿洞营地",
	["Sorlof's Strand"] = "索罗夫海岸",
	["Sorrow Hill"] = "悔恨岭",
	["Sorrow Hill Crypt"] = "悔恨岭墓穴",
	Sorrowmurk = "忧伤湿地",
	["Sorrow Wing Point"] = "悲翼之地",
	["Soulgrinder's Barrow"] = "磨魂者之穴",
	["Southbreak Shore"] = "塔纳利斯南海",
	["South Common Hall"] = "南会议厅",
	["Southern Barrens"] = "南贫瘠之地",
	["Southern Barrens [UNUSED]"] = "南贫瘠之地",
	["Southern Gold Road"] = "南黄金之路",
	["Southern Rampart"] = "南部城墙",
	["Southern Rocketway"] = "南部火箭车终点站",
	["Southern Rocketway Terminus"] = "南部火箭车终点站",
	["Southern Savage Coast"] = "南野人海岸",
	["Southfury River"] = "怒水河",
	["Southfury Watershed"] = "怒水河流域盆地",
	["South Gate Outpost"] = "南门哨岗",
	["South Gate Pass"] = "南门小径",
	["Southmaul Tower"] = "南槌哨塔",
	["Southmoon Ruins"] = "南月废墟",
	["South Pavilion"] = "南部帐篷",
	["Southpoint Gate"] = "南点大门",
	["South Point Station"] = "南部哨站",
	["Southpoint Tower"] = "南点哨塔",
	Southport = "南港",
	["Southport Worksite"] = "南港工地",
	["Southridge Beach"] = "南山海滩",
	["Southsea Holdfast"] = "南海据点",
	["South Seas"] = "南海",
	["South Seas UNUSED"] = "South Seas UNUSED",
	Southshore = "南海镇",
	["Southshore Town Hall"] = "南海镇大厅",
	["Southshore vs. Tarren Mill"] = "南海镇VS塔伦米尔",
	["South Spire"] = "南部尖塔",
	["South Tide's Run"] = "南流海岸",
	["Southwind Cleft"] = "南风裂谷",
	["Southwind Cliffs"] = "南风崖",
	["Southwind Inlet"] = "南风海峡",
	["Southwind Village"] = "南风村",
	["Sparkrocket Outpost"] = "火箭岗哨",
	["Sparksocket Minefield"] = "斯巴索克雷区",
	["Sparktouched Haven"] = "灵鳍湾",
	["Sparring Hall"] = "斗技厅",
	["Spearborn Encampment"] = "锐矛营地",
	Spearhead = "锐矛村",
	["Speedbarge Bar"] = "高速驳船酒吧",
	Spellsails = "魔帆号",
	["Spinebreaker Mountains"] = "断背山",
	["Spinebreaker Pass"] = "断背小径",
	["Spinebreaker Post"] = "断背岗哨",
	["Spinebreaker Ridge"] = "断背山",
	["Spineling Crevice"] = "碎脊裂口",
	["Spine of the Destroyer UNUSED"] = "Spine of the Destroyer UNUSED",
	["Spiral of Thorns"] = "荆棘螺旋",
	["Spire of Blood"] = "鲜血尖塔",
	["Spire of Decay"] = "凋零尖塔",
	["Spire of Light"] = "圣光高塔",
	["Spire of Pain"] = "苦痛尖塔",
	["Spire of Solitude"] = "孤寂塔",
	["Spires of Arak"] = "阿兰卡峰林",
	["Spire Throne"] = "尖塔王座",
	["Spirit Den"] = "灵魂之穴",
	["Spirit Fields"] = "灵魂平原",
	["Spirit Grotto"] = "灵魂岩洞",
	["Spirit Lodge"] = "灵魂小屋",
	["Spirit Rise"] = "灵魂高地",
	["Spirit RiseUNUSED"] = "Spirit RiseUNUSED",
	["Spirit Rock"] = "灵魂石地",
	["Spiritsong River"] = "灵歌河",
	["Spiritsong's Rest"] = "灵歌之栖",
	["Spirit Whisper Hollow"] = "魂语谷",
	["Spirit Woods"] = "幽魂林地",
	["Spiteleaf Burrow"] = "怨叶地穴",
	["Spiteleaf Thicket"] = "怨叶林地",
	["Spitescale Cavern"] = "恶鳞洞穴",
	["Spitescale Cove"] = "恶鳞海湾",
	["Splinterspear Junction"] = "断矛路口",
	Splintertree = "碎木岗哨",
	["Splintertree Mine"] = "碎木矿井",
	["Splintertree Post"] = "碎木岗哨",
	["Splithoof Crag"] = "裂蹄峭壁",
	["Splithoof Heights"] = "裂蹄高地",
	["Splithoof Hold"] = "裂蹄堡",
	Sporeggar = "孢子村",
	["Sporemist Shallows"] = "菌雾浅滩",
	["Sporewind Lake"] = "孢子湖",
	["Springtail Crag"] = "弹尾峭壁",
	["Springtail Warren"] = "弹尾密径",
	["Sprocket's Garage"] = "斯波奇特的车间",
	["Spruce Point Post"] = "云杉哨站",
	["Sra'thik Incursion"] = "瑟拉提克入侵地",
	["Sra'thik Swarmdock"] = "瑟拉提克虫坞",
	["Sra'vess"] = "瑟拉维斯",
	["Sra'vess Rootchamber"] = "瑟拉维斯根室",
	["Sri-La Inn"] = "香里拉酒馆",
	["Sri-La Village"] = "香里拉村",
	Stables = "兽栏",
	Stagalbog = "雄鹿沼泽",
	["Stagalbog Cave"] = "雄鹿沼泽洞穴",
	["Stagecoach Crash Site"] = "马车事故现场",
	["Staghelm Point"] = "鹿盔岗哨",
	["Staging Balcony"] = "表演之台",
	["Stairway to Honor"] = "荣誉阶梯",
	["Starbreeze Village"] = "星风村",
	["Stardust Spire"] = "星尘塔",
	["Starfall Outpost"] = "坠星岗哨",
	["Starfall Village"] = "坠星村",
	["Stars' Rest"] = "群星之墓",
	["Stasis Block: Maximus"] = "静止隔间:玛克希姆",
	["Stasis Block: Trion"] = "静止隔间:特雷奥",
	["Steamburst Cauldron"] = "爆汽之釜",
	["Steamscar Rise"] = "汽痕高地",
	["Steam Springs"] = "蒸汽之泉",
	["Steamwheedle Port"] = "热砂港",
	["Steel Gate"] = "钢铁之门",
	["Steelgrill's Depot"] = "钢架补给站",
	["Steeljaw's Caravan"] = "钢腭的车队",
	["Steelspark Station"] = "钢烁哨站",
	["Stendel's Pond"] = "斯特登的池塘",
	["Stillpine Hold"] = "止松要塞",
	["Stillwater Pond"] = "静水池",
	["Stillwhisper Pond"] = "萦语水池",
	["Stoktron Brewery"] = "斯托克顿酿酒厂",
	["Stoktron Brewery Copy"] = "山寨斯托克顿酿酒厂",
	Stonard = "斯通纳德",
	["Stonebreaker Camp"] = "裂石营地",
	["Stonebreaker Hold"] = "裂石堡",
	["Stonebull Lake"] = "石牛湖",
	["Stone Cairn Lake"] = "石碑湖",
	["Stonecrag Gorge"] = "岩壁峡谷",
	["Stonefang Outpost"] = "岩牙岗哨",
	["Stonefang Ridge"] = "岩牙岭",
	["Stonefury Cliffs"] = "石怒崖",
	Stonehearth = "巨石之炉",
	["Stonehearth Bunker"] = "石炉碉堡",
	["Stonehearth Graveyard"] = "石炉墓地",
	["Stonehearth Outpost"] = "石炉哨站",
	["Stonemaul Arena"] = "石槌竞技场",
	["Stonemaul Hold"] = "石槌要塞",
	["Stonemaul Ruins"] = "石槌废墟",
	["Stonemaul Slave Camp"] = "石槌奴隶营地",
	["Stone Mug Tavern"] = "石盏酒家",
	Stoneplow = "石犁村",
	["Stoneplow Fields"] = "石犁平原",
	["Stone Sentinel's Overlook"] = "石头哨兵的瞭望台",
	["Stonesplinter Valley"] = "碎石怪之谷",
	["Stonetalon Bomb"] = "石爪山脉炸弹",
	["Stonetalon Mountains"] = "石爪山脉",
	["Stonetalon Pass"] = "石爪小径",
	["Stonetalon Peak"] = "石爪峰",
	["Stonewall Canyon"] = "石墙峡谷",
	["Stonewall Lift"] = "石墙升降梯",
	["Stoneward Prison"] = "斯通沃德监狱",
	Stonewatch = "石堡",
	["Stonewatch Falls"] = "石堡瀑布",
	["Stonewatch Keep"] = "石堡要塞",
	["Stonewatch Tower"] = "石堡高塔",
	["Stonewrought Dam"] = "巨石水坝",
	["Stonewrought Pass"] = "石坝小径",
	Storehouse = "仓库",
	["Storm Cliffs"] = "风暴悬崖",
	Stormcrest = "雷羽峰",
	["Stormfeather Outpost"] = "风暴之羽哨站",
	["Stormglen Village"] = "风谷村",
	["Storm Peaks"] = "风暴峭壁",
	["Stormpike Graveyard"] = "雷矛墓地",
	["Stormrage Barrow Dens"] = "怒风兽穴",
	["Stormsea Landing"] = "风暴之海码头",
	["Storm's Fury Wreckage"] = "风暴之怒号残骸",
	Stormshield = "暴风之盾",
	["Stormshield Barracks"] = "暴风之盾兵营",
	["Stormshield Base"] = "暴风之盾营地",
	["Stormshield Keep"] = "暴风之盾堡垒",
	["Stormshield Prison"] = "暴风之盾监狱",
	["Stormshield Stronghold"] = "暴风之盾堡垒",
	["Stormstout Brewery"] = "风暴烈酒酿造厂",
	["Stormstout Brewery Interior"] = "风暴烈酒酿造厂内庭",
	["Stormstout Brewhall"] = "风暴烈酒酿造厅",
	Stormwind = "暴风城",
	["Stormwind City"] = "暴风城",
	["Stormwind City Cemetery"] = "暴风城公墓",
	["Stormwind City Outskirts"] = "暴风城郊外",
	["Stormwind Gate"] = "暴风城大门",
	["Stormwind Gunship Pandaria Start Area"] = "Stormwind Gunship Pandaria Start Area",
	["Stormwind Harbor"] = "暴风城港口",
	["Stormwind Keep"] = "暴风要塞",
	["Stormwind Lake"] = "暴风湖",
	["Stormwind Mountains"] = "暴风山脉",
	["Stormwind Stockade"] = "暴风城监狱",
	["Stormwind Vault"] = "暴风城地窖",
	["Stoutlager Inn"] = "烈酒旅店",
	Strahnbrad = "斯坦恩布莱德",
	["Strand of the Ancients"] = "远古海滩",
	["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "荆棘谷",
	Stratholme = "斯坦索姆",
	["Stratholme Entrance"] = "斯坦索姆入口",
	["Stratholme - Main Gate"] = "斯坦索姆 - 正门",
	["Stratholme - Service Entrance"] = "斯坦索姆 - 仆从入口",
	["Stratholme Service Entrance"] = "斯坦索姆仆从之门入口",
	["Stromgarde Keep"] = "激流堡",
	["Strongarm Airstrip"] = "铁腕机坪",
	["STV Diamond Mine BG"] = "STV钻石矿战场",
	["Stygian Bounty"] = "冥河恩赐号",
	["Sub zone"] = "Sub zone",
	["Sulfur Basin"] = "硫磺盆地",
	["Sulfuron Keep"] = "萨弗隆城堡",
	["Sulfuron Keep Courtyard"] = "萨弗隆城堡庭院",
	["Sulfuron Span"] = "萨弗隆大桥",
	["Sulfuron Spire"] = "萨弗隆尖塔",
	["Sulfurscale Cave"] = "硫鳞洞穴",
	["Sullah's Sideshow"] = "苏拉赫的表演场",
	["Summer's Rest"] = "夏之眠",
	["Summoners' Tomb"] = "召唤者之墓",
	["Sunblossom Hill"] = "日花山",
	["Suncrown Village"] = "日冕村",
	["Sundown Marsh"] = "日落沼泽",
	["Sunfire Point"] = "阳炎岗哨",
	["Sunfury Hold"] = "日怒堡",
	["Sunfury Spire"] = "日怒之塔",
	["Sungraze Peak"] = "阳痕峰",
	["Sunken Dig Site"] = "沉没的挖掘场",
	["Sunken Temple"] = "沉没的神庙",
	["Sunken Temple Entrance"] = "沉没的神庙入口",
	["Sunreaver Pavilion"] = "夺日者大帐",
	["Sunreaver's Command"] = "夺日者指挥站",
	["Sunreaver's Sanctuary"] = "夺日者圣殿",
	["Sun Rock Retreat"] = "烈日石居",
	["Sunsail Anchorage"] = "阳帆港",
	["Sunsoaked Meadow"] = "沐日草地",
	["Sunsong Ranch"] = "日歌农场",
	["Sunspring Hold"] = "日泉堡",
	["Sunspring Post"] = "日泉岗哨",
	["Sun's Reach Armory"] = "阳湾军械库",
	["Sun's Reach Harbor"] = "阳湾港口",
	["Sun's Reach Sanctum"] = "阳湾圣殿",
	["Sunstone Terrace"] = "太阳之石平台",
	["Sunstrider Isle"] = "逐日岛",
	["Sunsworn Camp"] = "誓日营地",
	["Sunveil Excursion"] = "日纱考察营地",
	["Sunwatcher's Ridge"] = "观日者山岭",
	["Sunwell Plateau"] = "太阳之井高地",
	["Supply Caravan"] = "补给车队",
	["Surge Needle"] = "湍流之针",
	["Surveyors' Outpost"] = "勘测员前哨",
	Surwich = "瑟维奇",
	["Svarnos' Cell"] = "斯瓦诺斯的牢房",
	["Swamplight Cave"] = "泽光洞穴",
	["Swamplight Manor"] = "水光庄园",
	["Swamplight Trail"] = "泽光小径",
	["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "悲伤沼泽",
	["Swamprat Post"] = "沼泽鼠岗哨",
	["Swiftgear Station"] = "飞轮工作站",
	["Swindlegrin's Dig"] = "斯温迪格林挖掘场",
	["Swindle Street"] = "奸商街",
	["Sword's Rest"] = "剑冢",
	Sylvanaar = "希尔瓦纳",
	["Tabetha's Farm"] = "塔贝萨的农场",
	["Taelan's Tower"] = "泰兰之塔",
	["Tahonda Ruins"] = "塔霍达废墟",
	["Tahret Grounds"] = "塔卡赫特平原",
	["Tailoring Emporium"] = "裁缝店",
	["Tailthrasher Basin"] = "鞭尾盆地",
	Talador = "塔拉多",
	["Tal'doren"] = "塔多伦",
	["Talismanic Textiles"] = "避邪纺织店",
	["Tallmug's Camp"] = "高酒盏的营地",
	["Talon Altar"] = "鸦爪祭坛",
	["Talonbranch Glade"] = "刺枝林地",
	["Talonbranch Glade "] = "刺枝林地",
	["Talondeep Pass"] = "石爪小径",
	["Talondeep Vale"] = "石爪山谷",
	["Talon Stand"] = "龙爪丘陵",
	["Talon Watch"] = "鸦爪岗哨",
	Talramas = "塔尔拉玛斯",
	["Talrendis Point"] = "塔伦迪斯营地",
	["Tanaan Channel"] = "塔纳安海峡",
	["Tanaan Coast"] = "塔纳安海岸",
	["Tanaan Jungle"] = "塔纳安丛林",
	["Tanaan Jungle Intro"] = "塔纳安丛林新手区",
	["Tanaan Valley"] = "塔纳安山谷",
	Tanaris = "塔纳利斯",
	["Tanaris Desert"] = "塔纳利斯",
	Tangleheart = "丛林之心",
	["Tanks for Everything"] = "坦克用品店",
	["Tanner Camp"] = "制皮匠营地",
	["Tarren Mill"] = "塔伦米尔",
	["Tar'thog Bridge"] = "塔索格大桥",
	["Tasters' Arena"] = "品酒台",
	["Taunka'le Village"] = "牦牛村",
	["Tavern in the Mists"] = "迷雾酒肆",
	["Tazz'Alaor"] = "塔萨洛尔",
	["Tazz'Alor"] = "塔萨洛尔",
	["Tear Down This Wall!"] = "摧毁城墙!",
	["Teegan's Expedition"] = "缇甘远征军营地",
	["Teeming Burrow"] = "喧嚣地穴",
	Telaar = "塔拉",
	["Telaari Basin"] = "塔拉盆地",
	["Telaari Station"] = "塔拉岗哨",
	["Telaari Tankworks"] = "塔拉坦克工厂",
	["Telaari Worksite"] = "塔拉工地",
	["Tel'athion's Camp"] = "塔希恩的营地",
	Teldrassil = "泰达希尔",
	Telmor = "泰尔莫",
	Telredor = "泰雷多尔",
	["Teluuna Observatory"] = "特鲁纳观星台",
	["[TEMP] Ashran Hidden Cove"] = "[TEMP] Ashran Hidden Cove",
	["Tempest Bridge"] = "风暴之桥",
	["Tempest Keep"] = "风暴要塞",
	["Tempest Keep: The Arcatraz"] = "风暴要塞:禁魔监狱",
	["Tempest Keep - The Arcatraz Entrance"] = "风暴要塞 - 禁魔监狱入口",
	["Tempest Keep: The Botanica"] = "风暴要塞:生态船",
	["Tempest Keep - The Botanica Entrance"] = "风暴要塞 - 生态船入口",
	["Tempest Keep: The Mechanar"] = "风暴要塞:能源舰",
	["Tempest Keep - The Mechanar Entrance"] = "风暴要塞 - 能源舰入口",
	["Tempest's Reach"] = "风暴海崖",
	["[TEMP] JT"] = "[TEMP] JT",
	["Temple City of En'kilah"] = "圣城恩其拉",
	["Temple Hall"] = "神殿大厅",
	["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安其拉神殿",
	["Temple of Arkkoran"] = "亚考兰神殿",
	["Temple of Asaad"] = "阿萨德神殿",
	["Temple of Bethekk"] = "贝瑟克神殿",
	["Temple of Earth"] = "大地神殿",
	["Temple of Elune UNUSED"] = "月神殿",
	["Temple of Five Dawns"] = "五晨寺",
	["Temple of Invention"] = "创世神殿",
	["Temple of Karabor"] = "卡拉波神殿",
	["Temple of Kotmogu"] = "寇魔古寺",
	["Temple of Life"] = "生命神殿",
	["Temple of Order"] = "秩序神殿",
	["Temple of Storms"] = "风暴神殿",
	["Temple of Telhamat"] = "塔哈玛特神殿",
	["Temple of the Forgotten"] = "遗忘神殿",
	["Temple of the Jade Serpent"] = "青龙寺",
	["Temple of the Moon"] = "月神殿",
	["Temple of the Red Crane"] = "朱鹤寺",
	["Temple of the White Tiger"] = "白虎寺",
	["Temple of Uldum"] = "奥丹姆神殿",
	["Temple of Winter"] = "寒冬神殿",
	["Temple of Wisdom"] = "智慧神殿",
	["Temple of Zin-Malor"] = "辛玛洛神殿",
	["Temple Summit"] = "神殿之巅",
	["Tenebrous Cavern"] = "阴暗洞穴",
	["Terokkar Forest"] = "泰罗卡森林",
	["Terokkar Pass"] = "泰罗卡小径",
	["Terokkar Refuge"] = "泰罗卡避难所",
	["Terokkar Wayshrine"] = "泰罗卡路边神龛",
	["Terokk's Rest"] = "泰罗克之墓",
	["Teron'gor's Confrontation"] = "塔隆戈尔的决战",
	["Terrace of Dawn"] = "晨曦平台",
	["Terrace of Endless Spring"] = "永春台",
	["Terrace of Gurthan"] = "格尔桑平台",
	["Terrace of Light"] = "圣光广场",
	["Terrace of Repose"] = "休息区",
	["Terrace of Ten Thunders"] = "十雷台",
	["Terrace of the Augurs"] = "占卜师平台",
	["Terrace of the Makers"] = "造物者圣台",
	["Terrace of the Stars"] = "众星平台",
	["Terrace of the Sun"] = "太阳平台",
	["Terrace of the Tiger"] = "猛虎台",
	["Terrace of the Twin Dragons"] = "双龙台",
	Terrordale = "恐惧谷",
	["Terror Run"] = "恐惧小道",
	["Terror's Cave"] = "魔王洞穴",
	["Terrorweb Tunnel"] = "恶蛛隧道",
	["Terror Wing Path"] = "龙翼小径",
	Test = "Test",
	TESTAzshara = "TESTAzshara",
	Testing = "Testing",
	Testing02 = "Testing02",
	["Testing SubZone A"] = "Testing SubZone A",
	["[Test] Sound Design"] = "[Test] Sound Design",
	["Tethris Aran"] = "塔迪萨兰",
	["Thaelin's Workshop"] = "塞林的车间",
	Thalanaar = "萨兰纳尔",
	["Thalassian Pass"] = "萨拉斯小径",
	["Thalassian Range"] = "萨拉斯山脉",
	["Thal'darah Grove"] = "萨达拉树林",
	["Thal'darah Overlook"] = "萨达拉瞭望台",
	["Thandol Span"] = "萨多尔大桥",
	["Thargad's Camp"] = "萨加德营地",
	["The Abandoned Reach"] = "遗弃海岸",
	["The Abyssal Maw"] = "深渊之喉",
	["The Abyssal Shelf"] = "地狱岩床",
	["The Admiral's Den"] = "将军洞",
	["The Agronomical Apothecary"] = "农艺炼金房",
	["The Alliance Valiants' Ring"] = "联盟勇士赛场",
	["The Altar of Damnation"] = "诅咒祭坛",
	["The Altar of Shadows"] = "暗影祭坛",
	["The Altar of Zul"] = "祖尔祭坛",
	["The Amber Hibernal"] = "琥珀休眠室",
	["The Amber Vault"] = "琥珀穹顶",
	["The Amber Womb"] = "琥珀孵育室",
	["The Ancient Grove"] = "上古树林",
	["The Ancient Lift"] = "上古升降梯",
	["The Ancient Passage"] = "远古之路",
	["The Antechamber"] = "前厅",
	["The Anvil of Conflagration"] = "厄火铁砧",
	["The Anvil of Flame"] = "烈焰铁砧",
	["The Apothecarium"] = "炼金房",
	["The Arachnid Quarter"] = "蜘蛛区",
	["The Arboretum"] = "百木园",
	["The Arcanium"] = "奥法大厅",
	["The Arcanium "] = "奥法大厅",
	["The Arcatraz"] = "禁魔监狱",
	["The Archivum"] = "档案馆",
	["The Argent Stand"] = "银色前沿",
	["The Argent Valiants' Ring"] = "银色勇士赛场",
	["The Argent Vanguard"] = "银色前线基地",
	["The Arsenal Absolute"] = "神兵利器",
	["The Aspirants' Ring"] = "候选者赛场",
	["The Assembly Chamber"] = "集结之厅",
	["The Assembly of Iron"] = "钢铁议会",
	["The Athenaeum"] = "图书馆",
	["The Autumn Plains"] = "秋之原",
	["The Avalanche"] = "雪崩山麓",
	["The Azure Front"] = "碧蓝前线",
	["The Bamboo Wilds"] = "翠竹旷野",
	["The Bank of Dalaran"] = "达拉然银行",
	["The Bank of Silvermoon"] = "银月城银行",
	["The Banquet Hall"] = "宴会厅",
	["The Barrier Hills"] = "壁垒山",
	["The Bastion of Twilight"] = "暮光堡垒",
	["The Battleboar Pen"] = "斗猪围栏",
	["The Battle for Gilneas"] = "吉尔尼斯城",
	["The Battle for Gilneas (Old City Map)"] = "吉尔尼斯之战",
	["The Battle for Mount Hyjal"] = "海加尔山之战",
	["The Battle for Shattrath"] = "沙塔斯之战",
	["The Battlefront"] = "战斗前线",
	["The Bazaar"] = "花园街市",
	["The Beast Pens"] = "兽栏",
	["The Beer Garden"] = "啤酒花园",
	["The Binding Trench"] = "羁縻壕沟",
	["The Bite"] = "血盆大口海湾",
	["The Black Breach"] = "黑色裂口",
	["The Black Forge"] = "黑色熔炉",
	["The Black Market"] = "黑市",
	["The Black Morass"] = "黑色沼泽",
	["The Black Temple"] = "黑暗神殿",
	["The Black Vault"] = "黑色宝库",
	["The Blackwald"] = "黑瘴林",
	["The Blast Furnace"] = "爆裂熔炉",
	["The Blazing Strand"] = "炽热海岸",
	["The Blazing Way"] = "烈火之路",
	["The Bleeding Altar"] = "血色祭坛",
	["The Bleeding Mountain"] = "血色山脉",
	["The Blighted Pool"] = "枯萎之池",
	["The Blight Line"] = "荒芜边界",
	["The Bloodcursed Reef"] = "血咒暗礁",
	["The Blood Furnace"] = "鲜血熔炉",
	["The Bloodmire"] = "浴血泥潭",
	["The Bloodoath"] = "血誓号",
	["The Blood Trail"] = "鲜血之痕",
	["The Bloodwash"] = "血浪海滩",
	["The Boiling Crustacean"] = "水煮虾蟹",
	["The Bombardment"] = "轰炸场",
	["The Bonefields"] = "埋骨地",
	["The Bone Pile"] = "白骨堆",
	["The Boneslag"] = "骨渣锻炉",
	["The Bones of Nozronn"] = "诺兹隆之骨",
	["The Bone Wastes"] = "白骨荒野",
	["The Boneyard"] = "坟场",
	["The Borean Wall"] = "北风之墙",
	["The Botanica"] = "生态船",
	["The Bradshaw Mill"] = "布莱德肖磨坊",
	["The Breach"] = "突破口",
	["The Breaking Grounds"] = "驯兽场",
	["The Briny Barnacle"] = "咸水藤壶",
	["The Briny Cutter"] = "破浪号",
	["The Briny Muck"] = "盐碱泥滩",
	["The Briny Pinnacle"] = "海洋之巅",
	["The Broken Bluffs"] = "裂崖",
	["The Broken Crater"] = "破碎山口",
	["The Broken Front"] = "破碎前线",
	["The Broken Hall"] = "破坏大厅",
	["The Broken Hills"] = "碎石岭",
	["The Broken Spine"] = "破碎之脊",
	["The Broken Spire"] = "碎岩峰",
	["The Broken Stair"] = "破碎阶梯",
	["The Broken Temple"] = "破碎神殿",
	["The Broodmother's Nest"] = "母龙之巢",
	["The Brood Pit"] = "孵化深渊",
	["The Bulwark"] = "亡灵壁垒",
	["The Burial Fields"] = "埋骨之地",
	["The Burlap Trail"] = "粗麻小径",
	["The Burlap Valley"] = "粗麻山谷",
	["The Burlap Waystation"] = "粗麻驿站",
	["The Burning Corridor"] = "燃烧回廊",
	["The Burning Front"] = "燃烧前线",
	["The Burning Glacier"] = "炽燃冰川",
	["The Butchery"] = "屠宰房",
	["The Cache of Madness"] = "疯狂之缘",
	["The Caller's Chamber"] = "召唤者之厅",
	["The Canals"] = "运河",
	["The Cape of Stranglethorn"] = "荆棘谷海角",
	["The Carrion Fields"] = "腐臭平原",
	["The Catacombs"] = "墓穴",
	["The Cauldron"] = "大熔炉",
	["The Cauldron of Flames"] = "烈焰之坑",
	["The Cave"] = "洞穴",
	["The Celestial Court"] = "天神庭院",
	["The Celestial Planetarium"] = "天文台",
	["The Celestial Vault"] = "天神宝库",
	["The Celestial Watch"] = "观星大厅",
	["The Cemetary"] = "大墓地",
	["The Cerebrillum"] = "脑室",
	["The Charred Vale"] = "焦炭谷",
	["The Chilled Quagmire"] = "冰冷湿地",
	["The Chum Bucket"] = "鱼饵满筐",
	["The Circle of Cinders"] = "燃烬法阵",
	["The Circle of Life"] = "生命法阵",
	["The Circle of Suffering"] = "受难之环",
	["The Clarion Bell"] = "澈明钟",
	["The Clash of Thunder"] = "雷霆角斗场",
	["The Clean Zone"] = "清洁区",
	["The Cleft"] = "大断崖",
	["The Cliffs of Highmaul"] = "悬槌崖",
	["The Clockwerk Run"] = "发条小径",
	["The Clutch"] = "关押所",
	["The Clutches of Shek'zeer"] = "夏柯希尔之巢",
	["The Coil"] = "毒蛇小径",
	["The Coliseum"] = "角斗场",
	["The Coliseum of Light"] = "圣光剧场",
	["The Colossal Forge"] = "巨人熔炉",
	["The Colossal's Fist"] = "巨人之拳",
	["The Comb"] = "蜂巢",
	["The Commons"] = "平民区",
	["The Compost Heap"] = "堆肥场",
	["The Conflagration"] = "战火平原",
	["The Conquest Pit"] = "征服斗兽场",
	["The Conservatory"] = "温室",
	["The Conservatory of Life"] = "生命温室",
	["The Construct Quarter"] = "构造区",
	["The Cooper Residence"] = "桶屋",
	["The Corridors of Ingenuity"] = "发明回廊",
	["The Court of Bones"] = "白骨之庭",
	["The Court of Skulls"] = "颅骨之庭",
	["The Coven"] = "巫师会所",
	["The Coven "] = "巫师会所",
	["The Cracking Plains"] = "龟裂平原",
	["The Creeping Ruin"] = "爬虫废墟",
	["The Crescent Hearth"] = "新月之炉",
	["The Crimson Assembly Hall"] = "赤红议事厅",
	["The Crimson Cathedral"] = "赤色大教堂",
	["The Crimson Dawn"] = "血色黎明号",
	["The Crimson Hall"] = "血色厅堂",
	["The Crimson Reach"] = "红砂海滩",
	["The Crimson Throne"] = "图书馆",
	["The Crimson Treader"] = "深红踏浪者号",
	["The Crimson Veil"] = "红雾号",
	["The Crossroads"] = "十字路口",
	["The Crucible"] = "熔炉",
	["The Crucible of Flame"] = "烈焰熔炉",
	["The Crumbling Waste"] = "碎裂废土",
	["The Cryo-Core"] = "冷却核心",
	["The Crystal Hall"] = "水晶大厅",
	["The Crystal Shore"] = "水晶海岸",
	["The Crystal Vale"] = "水晶谷",
	["The Crystal Vice"] = "水晶裂痕",
	["The Culling of Stratholme"] = "净化斯坦索姆",
	["The Culling of Stratholme Entrance"] = "净化斯坦索姆入口",
	["The Cursed Landing"] = "被诅咒的登陆点",
	["The Cursed Woods"] = "诅咒林地",
	["The Dagger Hills"] = "匕首岭",
	["The Dai-Lo Farmstead"] = "大箩农场",
	["The Damsel's Luck"] = "少女之运号",
	["The Dancing Serpent"] = "龙舞楼",
	["The Dark Approach"] = "黑暗小径",
	["The Dark Defiance"] = "黑暗挑战",
	["The Darkened Bank"] = "暗色河滩",
	["The Dark Hollow"] = "黑暗谷",
	["The Darkmoon Faire"] = "暗月马戏团",
	["The Dark Portal"] = "黑暗之门",
	["The Dark Rookery"] = "黑暗孵化间",
	["The Darkspear Offensive"] = "暗矛攻击阵地",
	["The Darkwood"] = "黑暗森林",
	["The Dark Woods"] = "黑森林",
	["The Dawnchaser"] = "曙光追寻者号",
	["The Dawning Isles"] = "黎明岛",
	["The Dawning Span"] = "晨之桥",
	["The Dawning Square"] = "黎明广场",
	["The Dawning Stair"] = "晨之阶",
	["The Dawning Valley"] = "晨之谷",
	["The Dead Acre"] = "死亡农地",
	["The Dead Field"] = "亡者农场",
	["The Dead Fields"] = "死亡旷野",
	["The Deadmines"] = "死亡矿井",
	["The Dead Mire"] = "死亡泥潭",
	["The Dead Scar"] = "死亡之痕",
	["The Deathforge"] = "死亡熔炉",
	["The Deathknell Graves"] = "丧钟镇墓地",
	["The Decrepit Fields"] = "破败原野",
	["The Decrepit Flow"] = "衰弱之河",
	["The Deeper"] = "深石窟",
	["The Deep Reaches"] = "幽暗曲径",
	["The Deepwild"] = "深渊荒野",
	["The Defiant"] = "挑战号",
	["The Defiled Chapel"] = "被污染的礼拜堂",
	["The Den"] = "大兽穴",
	["The Den of Flame"] = "火焰洞穴",
	["The Dens of Dying"] = "亡者之穴",
	["The Dens of the Dying"] = "亡者之穴",
	["The Descent"] = "下行阶梯",
	["The Descent into Madness"] = "疯狂阶梯",
	["The Desecrated Altar"] = "被亵渎的祭坛",
	["The Destroyed Expedition"] = "覆灭的远征军",
	["The Devil's Terrace"] = "恶魔之台",
	["The Devouring Breach"] = "吞噬裂口",
	["The Domicile"] = "住宅区",
	["The Domicile "] = "住宅区",
	["The Dooker Dome"] = "暴徒末路",
	["The Dor'Danil Barrow Den"] = "朵丹尼尔兽穴",
	["The Dormitory"] = "宿舍",
	["The Draakorium"] = "达克瑞姆",
	["The Drag"] = "暗巷区",
	["The Dragonmurk"] = "黑龙谷",
	["The Dragon Wastes"] = "巨龙废土",
	["The Drain"] = "排水泵",
	["The Dranosh'ar Blockade"] = "德拉诺什尔封锁线",
	["The Drowned Reef"] = "水下暗礁",
	["The Drowned Sacellum"] = "水下庙宇",
	["The Drunken Hozen"] = "醉猴楼",
	["The Dry Hills"] = "无水岭",
	["The Dustbowl"] = "漫尘盆地",
	["The Dust Plains"] = "尘埃平原",
	["The Eastern Earthshrine"] = "东部大地神殿",
	["The Elders' Path"] = "长者之路",
	["The Emerald Summit"] = "翡翠峰",
	["The Emperor's Approach"] = "帝皇之疆",
	["The Emperor's Gate"] = "帝王之门",
	["The Emperor's Reach"] = "帝皇之域",
	["The Emperor's Step"] = "帝皇之阶",
	["The Escape from Durnholde"] = "逃离敦霍尔德",
	["The Escape From Durnholde"] = "逃离敦霍尔德",
	["The Escape from Durnholde Entrance"] = "逃出敦霍尔德入口",
	["The Evanescent Sea"] = "消逝之海",
	["The Eventide"] = "日暮广场",
	["The Everbloom"] = "永茂林地",
	["The Exodar"] = "埃索达",
	["The Eye"] = "风暴要塞",
	["The Eye of Eternity"] = "永恒之眼",
	["The Eye of the Vortex"] = "漩涡之眼",
	["The Fall of Shan Bu"] = "山怖之死",
	["The Farstrider Lodge"] = "旅行者营地",
	["The Feeding Pits"] = "饲料洞",
	["The Fel Pits"] = "魔能熔池",
	["The Fertile Copse"] = "丰饶树林",
	["The Fertile Ground"] = "丰饶之地",
	["The Fetid Pool"] = "恶臭之池",
	["The Filthy Animal"] = "肮脏的野兽",
	["The Firehawk"] = "炎鹰号",
	["The Five Sisters"] = "五姝林",
	["The Flamewake"] = "烈焰之痕",
	["The Fleshwerks"] = "缝合场",
	["The Flood Plains"] = "洪荒平原",
	["The Fold"] = "皱石岗",
	["The Foothill Caverns"] = "丘陵洞穴",
	["The Foot of Lei Shen"] = "雷神之基",
	["The Foot Steppes"] = "山底平原",
	["The Forbidden Jungle"] = "禁忌之林",
	["The Forbidding Sea"] = "禁忌之海",
	["The Forest of Shadows"] = "阴影森林",
	["The Forge"] = "熔炉",
	["The Forge Grounds"] = "熔炼场",
	["The Forge of Souls"] = "灵魂洪炉",
	["The Forge of Souls Entrance"] = "灵魂洪炉入口",
	["The Forge of Supplication"] = "哀求熔炉",
	["The Forge of Wills"] = "意志熔炉",
	["The Forgotten Caves"] = "被遗忘的洞穴",
	["The Forgotten Coast"] = "被遗忘的海岸",
	["The Forgotten Overlook"] = "遗忘峭壁",
	["The Forgotten Pool"] = "遗忘之池",
	["The Forgotten Pools"] = "遗忘之池",
	["The Forgotten Shore"] = "遗忘海岸",
	["The Forlorn Cavern"] = "荒弃的洞穴",
	["The Forlorn Mine"] = "荒弃矿洞",
	["The Forsaken Front"] = "被遗忘者先锋军",
	["The Foul Pool"] = "污淤之池",
	["The Frigid Tomb"] = "严寒墓穴",
	["The Frost Queen's Lair"] = "冰霜女王的巢穴",
	["The Frostwing Halls"] = "霜翼大厅",
	["The Frozen Glade"] = "冰雪林地",
	["The Frozen Halls"] = "冰封大殿",
	["The Frozen Mine"] = "冰霜矿洞",
	["The Frozen Sea"] = "冰冻之海",
	["The Frozen Throne"] = "冰封王座",
	["The Fungal Vale"] = "蘑菇谷",
	["The Furnace"] = "熔炉",
	["The Gaping Chasm"] = "大裂口",
	["The Gatehouse"] = "门房",
	["The Gatehouse "] = "门房",
	["The Gate of Unending Cycles"] = "无尽轮回之门",
	["The Gates of Tanaan"] = "塔纳安之门",
	["The Gauntlet"] = "街巷",
	["The Geyser Fields"] = "喷泉平原",
	["The Ghastly Confines"] = "阴森鬼域",
	["The Gilded Foyer"] = "镶金殿",
	["The Gilded Gate"] = "镀金之门",
	["The Gilding Stream"] = "金辉溪",
	["The Glimmering Pillar"] = "光芒之柱",
	["The Gloomspire"] = "深黯峰",
	["The Golden Gateway"] = "金色大门",
	["The Golden Hall"] = "金色大厅",
	["The Golden Lantern"] = "金色神灯",
	["The Golden Pagoda"] = "鎏金亭",
	["The Golden Plains"] = "金色平原",
	["The Golden Rose"] = "金玫瑰",
	["The Golden Stair"] = "金色阶梯",
	["The Golden Terrace"] = "金色平台",
	["The Gong of Hope"] = "希望之锣",
	["The Gorthenon"] = "迦台农神殿",
	["The Grand Ballroom"] = "舞厅",
	["The Grand Vestibule"] = "大门廊",
	["The Great Anvil"] = "大铁砧",
	["The Great Arena"] = "大竞技场",
	["The Great Divide"] = "大裂谷",
	["The Great Fissure"] = "大裂隙",
	["The Great Forge"] = "大锻炉",
	["The Great Gate"] = "莫高雷巨门",
	["The Great Lift"] = "升降梯",
	["The Great Lift [UNUSED]"] = "升降梯",
	["The Great Ossuary"] = "尸骨储藏所",
	["The Great Sea"] = "无尽之海",
	["The Great Tree"] = "符印巨树",
	["The Great Wheel"] = "大水车",
	["The Green Belt"] = "绿带草地",
	["The Greymane Wall"] = "格雷迈恩之墙",
	["The Grim Guzzler"] = "黑铁酒吧",
	["The Grimrail"] = "恐轨号",
	["The Grinding Quarry"] = "碾石场",
	["The Grizzled Den"] = "灰色洞穴",
	["The Grummle Bazaar"] = "土地精集市",
	["The Guardhouse"] = "警卫室",
	["The Guest Chambers"] = "会客间",
	["The Gullet"] = "咽喉洞",
	["The Halfhill Market"] = "半山市集",
	["The Half Shell"] = "半壳龟",
	["The Hall of Blood"] = "鲜血大厅",
	["The Hall of Gears"] = "齿轮大厅",
	["The Hall of Lights"] = "珍宝陈列室",
	["The Hall of Respite"] = "安息大厅",
	["The Hall of Statues"] = "雕像大厅",
	["The Hall of the Serpent"] = "翔龙大厅",
	["The Hall of Tiles"] = "砖瓦大厅",
	["The Halls of Reanimation"] = "复活大厅",
	["The Halls of Winter"] = "寒冬大厅",
	["The Hand of Gul'dan"] = "古尔丹之手",
	["The Harborage"] = "避难营",
	["The Hatchery"] = "孵化场",
	["The Headland"] = "山头营地",
	["The Headlands"] = "大海岬",
	["The Heap"] = "机甲废场",
	["The Heartland"] = "汇风岭",
	["The Heart of Acherus"] = "阿彻鲁斯之心",
	["The Heart of Jade"] = "青玉之心",
	["The Hidden Clutch"] = "隐藏的龙巢",
	["The Hidden Grove"] = "隐秘小林",
	["The Hidden Hollow"] = "隐蔽山洞",
	["The Hidden Passage"] = "隐秘小径",
	["The Hidden Reach"] = "密径",
	["The Hidden Reef"] = "藏帆暗礁",
	["The High Path"] = "高原小径",
	["The High Road"] = "高地之路",
	["The High Seat"] = "王座厅",
	["The Hinterlands"] = "辛特兰",
	["The Hoard"] = "步兵武器库",
	["The Hole"] = "矿渣洞",
	["The Horde Valiants' Ring"] = "部落勇士赛场",
	["The Horrid March"] = "恐惧先遣站",
	["The Horsemen's Assembly"] = "骑士议会厅",
	["The Howling Crag"] = "啸风峭壁",
	["The Howling Hollow"] = "凛风洞窟",
	["The Howling Oak"] = "风嚎橡树",
	["The Howling Vale"] = "狼嚎谷",
	["The Hunter's Hall"] = "猎手大厅",
	["The Hunter's Reach"] = "猎人用品店",
	["The Hushed Bank"] = "寂静河岸",
	["The Icy Depths"] = "寒冰深渊",
	["The Immortal Coil"] = "永不沉没号",
	["The Imperator's Favor"] = "元首之赐",
	["The Imperial Exchange"] = "帝皇商站",
	["The Imperial Granary"] = "帝皇粮仓",
	["The Imperial Mercantile"] = "皇家贸易区",
	["The Imperial Seat"] = "帝王之座",
	["The Incursion"] = "先遣营地",
	["The Infectis Scar"] = "魔刃之痕",
	["The Inferno"] = "炼狱火海",
	["The Inner Sanctum"] = "内部圣殿",
	["The Inner Spire"] = "内层尖塔",
	["The Intrepid"] = "无畏号",
	["The Inventor's Library"] = "创世者的图书馆",
	["The Iron Approach"] = "铁港入口",
	["The Iron Crucible"] = "钢铁熔炉",
	["The Iron Hall"] = "钢铁大厅",
	["The Iron Reaper"] = "铁之收割者",
	["The Iron Tower"] = "钢铁高塔",
	["The Iron Wharf"] = "钢铁码头",
	["The Isle of Spears"] = "长矛岛",
	["The Ivar Patch"] = "伊瓦南瓜田",
	["The Jade Forest"] = "翡翠林",
	["The Jade Vaults"] = "青龙宝库",
	["The Jansen Stead"] = "贾森农场",
	["The Keggary"] = "烈酒窖",
	["The Kennel"] = "狗舍",
	["The Krasari Ruins"] = "卡桑利废墟",
	["The Krazzworks"] = "卡拉兹工坊",
	["The Laboratory"] = "实验室",
	["The Lady Mehley"] = "梅蕾女士号",
	["The Lagoon"] = "环礁湖",
	["The Laughing Stand"] = "欢笑之台",
	["The Lazy Turnip"] = "懒惰的芜菁",
	["The Legerdemain Lounge"] = "魔术旅馆",
	["The Legion Front"] = "军团前线",
	["Thelgen Rock"] = "瑟根石",
	["The Librarium"] = "图书馆",
	["The Library"] = "图书馆",
	["The Lifebinder's Cell"] = "生命缚誓者的牢笼",
	["The Lifeblood Pillar"] = "源血之柱",
	["The Lightless Reaches"] = "湮光海谷",
	["The Lion's Redoubt"] = "狮王庇护所",
	["The Living Grove"] = "活木林",
	["The Living Wood"] = "生命森林",
	["The LMS Mark II"] = "LMS-II型地铁",
	["The Loch"] = "洛克湖",
	["The Long Wash"] = "长桥码头",
	["The Lost Fleet"] = "失落的舰队",
	["The Lost Fold"] = "损坏的兽笼",
	["The Lost Isles"] = "失落群岛",
	["The Lost Lands"] = "迷失之地",
	["The Lost Passage"] = "失落小径",
	["The Low Path"] = "山谷小径",
	Thelsamar = "塞尔萨玛",
	["The Lucky Traveller"] = "好运旅行者",
	["The Lyceum"] = "讲学厅",
	["The Maclure Vineyards"] = "马科伦农场",
	["The Maelstrom"] = "大漩涡",
	["The Maker's Overlook"] = "造物者悬台",
	["The Makers' Overlook"] = "造物者悬台",
	["The Makers' Perch"] = "造物者之座",
	["The Maker's Rise"] = "造物主之阶",
	["The Maker's Terrace"] = "造物者遗迹",
	["The Manufactory"] = "制造厂",
	["The Marris Stead"] = "玛瑞斯农场",
	["The Marshlands"] = "沼泽地",
	["The Masonary"] = "石匠区",
	["The Masters' Cavern"] = "剑圣洞穴",
	["The Master's Cellar"] = "麦迪文的酒窖",
	["The Master's Glaive"] = "主宰之剑",
	["The Maul"] = "巨槌竞技场",
	["The Maul UNUSED"] = "The Maul UNUSED",
	["The Maw of Madness"] = "疯狂之喉",
	["The Mechanar"] = "能源舰",
	["The Menagerie"] = "兽栏",
	["The Menders' Stead"] = "治愈者营地",
	["The Merchant Coast"] = "商旅海岸",
	["The Militant Mystic"] = "好战的秘法师",
	["The Military Quarter"] = "军事区",
	["The Military Ward"] = "军事区",
	["The Mind's Eye"] = "心灵之眼",
	["The Mirror of Dawn"] = "黎明之镜",
	["The Mirror of Twilight"] = "暮色之镜",
	["The Misty Strand"] = "迷雾海岸",
	["The Molsen Farm"] = "摩尔森农场",
	["The Molten Bridge"] = "熔火之桥",
	["The Molten Core"] = "熔火之心",
	["The Molten Fields"] = "熔火旷野",
	["The Molten Flow"] = "熔火激流",
	["The Molten Span"] = "熔岩之桥",
	["The Mor'shan Rampart"] = "莫尔杉农场",
	["The Mor'Shan Ramparts"] = "莫尔杉农场",
	["The Mosslight Pillar"] = "苔光之柱",
	["The Mountain Den"] = "山岭兽穴",
	["The Murder Pens"] = "谋杀者围栏",
	["The Mystic Ward"] = "秘法区",
	["The Necrotic Vault"] = "死灵穹顶",
	["The Nexus"] = "魔枢",
	["The Nexus Entrance"] = "魔枢入口",
	["The Nightmare Scar"] = "噩梦之痕",
	["The Nightmarsh"] = "暗夜沼泽",
	["The North Coast"] = "北部海岸",
	["The North Sea"] = "北海",
	["The Nosebleeds"] = "诺斯布利兹",
	["The Noxious Glade"] = "剧毒林地",
	["The Noxious Hollow"] = "毒气洞穴",
	["The Noxious Lair"] = "腐化之巢",
	["The Noxious Pass"] = "剧毒小径",
	["The Oblivion"] = "湮灭号",
	["The Observation Ring"] = "观测场",
	["The Obsidian Sanctum"] = "黑曜石圣殿",
	["The Oculus"] = "魔环",
	["The Oculus Entrance"] = "魔环入口",
	["The Old Barracks"] = "旧兵营",
	["The Old Dormitory"] = "旧宿舍",
	["The Old Port Authority"] = "港务局",
	["The Opera Hall"] = "歌剧院",
	["The Oracle Glade"] = "神谕林地",
	["The Orchid Pond - NOT USED"] = "The Orchid Pond - NOT USED",
	["The Outer Ring"] = "外环",
	["The Overgrowth"] = "蔓生绿洲",
	["The Overlook"] = "眺望台",
	["The Overlook Cliffs"] = "望海崖",
	["The Overlook Inn"] = "观山酒馆",
	["The Ox Gate"] = "玄牛关",
	["The Pale Cove"] = "苍白海湾",
	["The Pale Roost"] = "苍白栖地",
	["The Park"] = "花园",
	["The Path of Anguish"] = "苦痛之路",
	["The Path of Conquest"] = "征服之路",
	["The Path of Corruption"] = "腐蚀小径",
	["The Path of Glory"] = "荣耀之路",
	["The Path of Iron"] = "铁铸之路",
	["The Path of the Lifewarden"] = "生命守卫者之路",
	["The Path of Victors"] = "凯旋之路",
	["The Phoenix Hall"] = "凤凰大厅",
	["The Pilgrim's Road"] = "朝圣之路",
	["The Pillar of Ash"] = "灰烬之柱",
	["The Pipe"] = "管道",
	["The Pit"] = "黑石矿坑",
	["The Pit of Criminals"] = "罪恶之池",
	["The Pit of Fiends"] = "邪魔之坑",
	["The Pit of Narjun"] = "纳尔苏深渊",
	["The Pit of Refuse"] = "抛弃之池",
	["The Pit of Sacrifice"] = "牺牲之池",
	["The Pit of Scales"] = "邪鳞地穴",
	["The Pit of the Fang"] = "利齿之坑",
	["The Pits"] = "深渊矿坑",
	["The Plague Quarter"] = "瘟疫区",
	["The Plagueworks"] = "天灾工厂",
	["The Pool of Ask'ar"] = "阿斯卡之池",
	["The Pools of Vision"] = "预见之池",
	["The Pools of VisionUNUSED"] = "The Pools of VisionUNUSED",
	["The Prison of Yogg-Saron"] = "尤格-萨隆的监狱",
	["The Proving Grounds"] = "实验场",
	["The Purple Parlor"] = "紫色天台",
	["The Quagmire"] = "泥潭沼泽",
	["The Quaking Fields"] = "地震旷野",
	["The Queen's Reprisal"] = "女王的复仇号",
	["The Raging Chasm"] = "地怒裂口",
	Theramore = "塞拉摩",
	["Theramore Isle"] = "塞拉摩岛",
	["Theramore's Fall"] = "塞拉摩的沦陷",
	["Theramore's Fall (A)"] = "塞拉摩的沦陷",
	["Theramore's Fall (H)"] = "塞拉摩的沦陷",
	["Theramore's Fall Phase"] = "Theramore's Fall Phase",
	["The Rangers' Lodge"] = "游侠小屋",
	["Therazane's Throne"] = "塞拉赞恩的王座",
	["The Red Reaches"] = "赤色海岸",
	["The Refectory"] = "餐厅",
	["The Regrowth"] = "复苏之地",
	["The Reliquary"] = "神圣遗物学会",
	["The Repository"] = "藏书馆",
	["The Reservoir"] = "蓄水池",
	["The Restless Front"] = "不眠前线",
	["The Ridge of Ancient Flame"] = "上古烈焰群山",
	["The Rift"] = "裂隙",
	["The Ring of Balance"] = "平衡之环",
	["The Ring of Blood"] = "鲜血竞技场",
	["The Ring of Champions"] = "冠军赛场",
	["The Ring of Inner Focus"] = "心灵专注之环",
	["The Ring of Trials"] = "试炼竞技场",
	["The Ring of Valor"] = "勇气竞技场",
	["The Riptide"] = "斩浪号",
	["The Riverblade Den"] = "河刃之巢",
	["Thermal Vents"] = "散热口",
	["The Roiling Gardens"] = "异生花园",
	["The Rolling Gardens"] = "异生花园",
	["The Rolling Plains"] = "草海平原",
	["The Rookery"] = "孵化间",
	["The Rotting Orchard"] = "烂果园",
	["The Rows"] = "阡陌",
	["The Royal Exchange"] = "皇家贸易区",
	["The Ruby Sanctum"] = "红玉圣殿",
	["The Ruined Reaches"] = "废墟海岸",
	["The Ruins of Kel'Theril"] = "凯斯利尔废墟",
	["The Ruins of Ordil'Aran"] = "奥迪拉兰废墟",
	["The Ruins of Stardust"] = "星尘废墟",
	["The Rumble Cage"] = "加基森竞技场",
	["The Rustmaul Dig Site"] = "锈锤挖掘场",
	["The Rusty Cylinder"] = "锈蚀之筒",
	["The Sacred Grove"] = "元素圣谷",
	["The Salty Sailor Tavern"] = "水手之家旅店",
	["The Sanctum"] = "密室",
	["The Sanctum of Blood"] = "鲜血秘室",
	["The Savage Coast"] = "野人海岸",
	["The Savage Crag"] = "蛮荒峭壁",
	["The Savage Glen"] = "蛮人谷",
	["The Savage Thicket"] = "蛮荒树林",
	["The Scalding Chasm"] = "火烟海沟",
	["The Scalding Pools"] = "滚烫熔池",
	["The Scarab Dais"] = "甲虫之台",
	["The Scarab Wall"] = "甲虫之墙",
	["The Scarlet Basilica"] = "血色十字军教堂",
	["The Scarlet Bastion"] = "血色十字军堡垒",
	["The Scorched Grove"] = "焦痕谷",
	["The Scorched Plain"] = "焦痕平原",
	["The Scrap Field"] = "废料场",
	["The Scrapyard"] = "废料场",
	["The Screaming Hall"] = "尖啸大厅",
	["The Screaming Reaches"] = "尖啸河滩",
	["The Screeching Canyon"] = "尖啸峡谷",
	["The Scribe of Stormwind"] = "暴风城铭文设计店",
	["The Scribes' Sacellum"] = "铭文师的殿堂",
	["The Scrollkeeper's Sanctum"] = "藏卷人密室",
	["The Scullery"] = "厨房",
	["The Scullery "] = "厨房",
	["The Seabolt"] = "海箭号",
	["The Seabreach Flow"] = "碎浪河",
	["The Sealed Hall"] = "封印大厅",
	["The Sea of Cinders"] = "灰烬之海",
	["The Sea Reaver's Run"] = "破海者航道",
	["The Searing Gateway"] = "灼热大门",
	["The Sea Wolf"] = "海狼号",
	["The Secret Aerie"] = "秘密鹰巢",
	["The Secret Ingredient"] = "秘密配方",
	["The Secret Lab"] = "秘密实验室",
	["The Secrets of Ragefire"] = "怒焰之谜",
	["The Seer's Library"] = "先知的图书馆",
	["The Sepulcher"] = "瑟伯切尔",
	["The Severed Span"] = "断桥",
	["The Sewer"] = "下水道",
	["The Shadow Rise"] = "暗影高地",
	["The Shadow Stair"] = "暗影阶梯",
	["The Shadow Throne"] = "暗影王座",
	["The Shadow Tower"] = "暗影之塔",
	["The Shadow Vault"] = "暗影拱顶",
	["The Shady Nook"] = "林荫小径",
	["The Shaper's Terrace"] = "塑造者之台",
	["The Shattered Front"] = "破碎前线",
	["The Shattered Halls"] = "破碎大厅",
	["The Shattered Strand"] = "破碎海岸",
	["The Shattered Tower"] = "破碎高塔",
	["The Shattered Walkway"] = "破碎通道",
	["The Sheltered Den"] = "蔽日巢穴",
	["The Shepherd's Gate"] = "牧羊人之门",
	["The Shifting Mire"] = "流沙泥潭",
	["The Shimmering Deep"] = "闪光深渊",
	["The Shimmering Flats"] = "闪光平原",
	["The Shimmer Moor"] = "荧光林地",
	["The Shining Strand"] = "闪光湖岸",
	["The Shrine of Aessina"] = "艾森娜神殿",
	["The Shrine of Eldretharr"] = "艾德雷斯神殿",
	["The Siegeworks"] = "军工厂",
	["The Silent Sanctuary"] = "缄默圣地",
	["The Silken Pillow"] = "丝滑之枕",
	["The Silkwood"] = "丝木林",
	["The Silver Blade"] = "银锋号",
	["The Silver Enclave"] = "银色领地",
	["The Singing Grove"] = "轻歌之林",
	["The Singing Pools"] = "咏之池",
	["The Sin'loren"] = "辛洛雷号",
	["The Skeletal Reef"] = "骸骨珊瑚礁",
	["The Skittering Dark"] = "粘丝洞",
	["The Skull Warren"] = "颅骨密径",
	["The Skunkworks"] = "研发部",
	["The Skybreaker"] = "破天号",
	["The Skyfire"] = "天火号",
	["The Skyreach Pillar"] = "通天之柱",
	["The Slag Forge"] = "炉渣熔炉",
	["The Slag Pit"] = "熔渣之池",
	["The Slaughtered Lamb"] = "已宰的羔羊",
	["The Slaughter House"] = "屠宰房",
	["The Slave Pens"] = "奴隶围栏",
	["The Slave Pits"] = "奴隶营",
	["The Slick"] = "覆油海",
	["The Slithering Scar"] = "巨痕谷",
	["The Slough of Dispair"] = "绝望泥沼",
	["The Sludge Fen"] = "淤泥沼泽",
	["The Sludge Fields"] = "药渣农场",
	["The Sludgewerks"] = "油污潭",
	["The Solarium"] = "日晷台",
	["The Solar Vigil"] = "观日台",
	["The Soul Engine"] = "灵魂引擎",
	["The Southern Isles"] = "南部岛屿",
	["The Southern Wall"] = "南部城墙",
	["The South Sea"] = "南海",
	["The Sparkling Crawl"] = "耀晶幽径",
	["The Spark of Imagination"] = "思想火花",
	["The Spawning Glen"] = "孢殖林",
	["The Spire"] = "冰冠之塔",
	["The Splintered Path"] = "碎石小径",
	["The Spring Road"] = "春之路",
	["The Stadium"] = "竞赛场",
	["The Stagnant Oasis"] = "死水绿洲",
	["The Staidridge"] = "顽石岭",
	["The Stair of Destiny"] = "命运阶梯",
	["The Stair of Doom"] = "末日阶梯",
	["The Starchaser"] = "逐星者号",
	["The Star's Bazaar"] = "星辰集市",
	["The Steam Pools"] = "蒸汽之池",
	["The Steamvault"] = "蒸汽地窟",
	["The Steppe of Life"] = "生命草原",
	["The Steps of Fate"] = "天命阶梯",
	["The Stinging Trail"] = "刺芒小径",
	["The Stockade"] = "监狱",
	["The Stockpile"] = "物资储藏点",
	["The Stonecore"] = "巨石之核",
	["The Stonecore Entrance"] = "巨石之核入口",
	["The Stonefield Farm"] = "斯通菲尔德农场",
	["The Stones of Prophecy"] = "预言之石",
	["The Stone Vault"] = "石窖",
	["The Storehouse"] = "仓库",
	["The Stormbreaker"] = "斩雷号",
	["The Stormbridge"] = "风暴之桥",
	["The Storm Foundry"] = "风暴铸造场",
	["The Storm Peaks"] = "风暴峭壁",
	["The Stormspire"] = "风暴尖塔",
	["The Stormwright's Shelf"] = "雷暴台地",
	["The Sulfic Refuge"] = "硫磺避难所",
	["The Summer Fields"] = "仲夏原",
	["The Summer Terrace"] = "夏之台",
	["The Sundered Shard"] = "崩裂碎片",
	["The Sundering"] = "地陷裂口",
	["The Sun Forge"] = "太阳熔炉",
	["The Sunken Ring"] = "沉降之环",
	["The Sunset Brewgarden"] = "落日酒坊",
	["The Sunset Shore"] = "夕阳海岸",
	["The Sunspire"] = "太阳之塔",
	["The Suntouched Pillar"] = "日灼之柱",
	["The Sunwell"] = "太阳之井",
	["The Swarming Pillar"] = "虫群之柱",
	["The Swollen Vault"] = "浮华宝库",
	["The Tainted Forest"] = "腐烂森林",
	["The Tainted Scar"] = "腐烂之痕",
	["The Talondeep Path"] = "石爪小径",
	["The Talon Den"] = "猛禽洞穴",
	["The Tannery"] = "制革厂",
	["The Tasting Room"] = "品酒间",
	["The Tempest Rift"] = "风暴裂隙",
	["The Temple Gardens"] = "神殿花园",
	["The Temple Gardens UNUSED"] = "神庙花园",
	["The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"] = "阿塔哈卡神庙",
	["The Temple of the Jade Serpent"] = "青龙寺",
	["The Terrestrial Watchtower"] = "大地瞭望塔",
	["The Thorn Pits"] = "荆棘陷坑",
	["The Thornsnarl"] = "纠棘荒地",
	["The Threads of Fate"] = "命运丝线",
	["The Threshold"] = "起源界限",
	["The Throne of Flame"] = "烈焰王座",
	["The Thunder Forge"] = "雷霆熔炉",
	["The Thunder Forges"] = "雷霆熔炉",
	["The Thundering Run"] = "雷霆小径",
	["The Thundering Spire"] = "雷鸣之塔",
	["The Thunderspire"] = "雷霆之塔",
	["The Thunderwood"] = "雷木林",
	["The Tidebreaker"] = "破潮者号",
	["The Tidus Stair"] = "提度斯阶梯",
	["The Tiger's Peak"] = "虎踞峰",
	["The Timeless Shore"] = "永恒海岸",
	["The Torjari Pit"] = "托加尼洼地",
	["The Tower of Arathor"] = "阿拉索之塔",
	["The Toxic Airfield"] = "剧毒机场",
	["The Trail of Devastation"] = "毁灭的试炼",
	["The Tranquil Grove"] = "宁静林地",
	["The Transitus Stair"] = "永生之阶",
	["The Trapper's Enclave"] = "诱捕者营地",
	["The Trial of Faith"] = "信仰试炼场",
	["The Tribunal of Ages"] = "远古法庭",
	["The Tundrid Hills"] = "冻土岭",
	["The Twilight Breach"] = "暮光裂口",
	["The Twilight Caverns"] = "暮光之穴",
	["The Twilight Citadel"] = "暮光堡垒",
	["The Twilight Enclave"] = "暮光教区",
	["The Twilight Gate"] = "暮光之门",
	["The Twilight Gauntlet"] = "暮光试炼营",
	["The Twilight Ridge"] = "暮光岭",
	["The Twilight Rivulet"] = "暮色小溪",
	["The Twilight Withering"] = "暮光凋零法阵",
	["The Twin Colossals"] = "双塔山",
	["The Twisted Glade"] = "扭曲之林",
	["The Twisted Warren"] = "扭曲密径",
	["The Two Fisted Brew"] = "阴阳酒楼",
	["The Unbound Thicket"] = "自由之林",
	["The Underbelly"] = "屠宰场",
	["The Underbog"] = "幽暗沼泽",
	["The Underbough"] = "地下繁枝",
	["The Undercroft"] = "墓室",
	["The Undergrowth"] = "灌木林地",
	["The Underhalls"] = "地下大厅",
	["The Underpale"] = "苍白地穴",
	["The Undershell"] = "海底巨蚌",
	["The Uplands"] = "高地",
	["The Upside-down Sinners"] = "倒吊深渊",
	["The Valley of Fallen Heroes"] = "陨落英雄之谷",
	["The Valley of Lost Hope"] = "失落希望之谷",
	["The Vault of Lights"] = "光明穹顶",
	["The Vector Coil"] = "矢量感应器",
	["The Veiled Cleft"] = "迷雾裂隙",
	["The Veiled Sea"] = "迷雾之海",
	["The Veiled Stair"] = "雾纱栈道",
	["The Venture Co. Mine"] = "风险投资公司矿洞",
	["The Verdant Fields"] = "青草平原",
	["The Verdant Mire"] = "碧影湿地",
	["The Verdant Thicket"] = "葱郁林地",
	["The Verne"] = "凡尔纳号",
	["The Verne - Bridge"] = "凡尔纳 - 舰桥",
	["The Verne - Entryway"] = "凡尔纳号入口",
	["The Vibrant Glade"] = "活力之林",
	["The Vice"] = "罪恶谷",
	["The Vicious Vale"] = "恶花谷",
	["The Viewing Room"] = "观察室",
	["The Vile Reef"] = "暗礁海",
	["The Violet Bluff"] = "紫罗兰断崖",
	["The Violet Citadel"] = "紫罗兰城堡",
	["The Violet Citadel Spire"] = "紫罗兰塔",
	["The Violet Gate"] = "紫罗兰之门",
	["The Violet Hold"] = "紫罗兰监狱",
	["The Violet Spire"] = "紫罗兰高塔",
	["The Violet Tower"] = "紫罗兰之塔",
	["The Vortex Fields"] = "漩涡平原",
	["The Vortex Pinnacle"] = "旋云之巅",
	["The Vortex Pinnacle Entrance"] = "旋云之巅入口",
	["The Wailing Caverns"] = "哀嚎洞穴",
	["The Wailing Ziggurat"] = "悲叹通灵塔",
	["The Waking Halls"] = "苏醒之厅",
	["The Wandering Isle"] = "迷踪岛",
	["The Warlord's Garrison"] = "督军要塞",
	["The Warlord's Terrace"] = "督军的平台",
	["The Warp Fields"] = "迁跃平原",
	["The Warp Piston"] = "跳跃引擎",
	["The Wavecrest"] = "浪巅号",
	["The Weathered Nook"] = "老屋",
	["The Weeping Cave"] = "哭泣之洞",
	["The Western Earthshrine"] = "西部大地神殿",
	["The Westrift"] = "西部裂谷",
	["The Whelping Downs"] = "雏龙丘陵",
	["The Whipple Estate"] = "维普尔庄园",
	["The Wicked Coil"] = "邪恶之旋",
	["The Wicked Grotto"] = "邪恶洞穴",
	["The Wicked Tunnels"] = "邪恶通道",
	["The Widening Deep"] = "地渊谷",
	["The Widow's Clutch"] = "寡妇之巢",
	["The Widow's Wail"] = "蛛泣洞穴",
	["The Wild Plains"] = "莽林平原",
	["The Wild Shore"] = "蛮荒海岸",
	["The Winding Halls"] = "曲径大厅",
	["The Windrunner"] = "风行者号",
	["The Windspire"] = "风之塔",
	["The Wollerton Stead"] = "沃勒顿农场",
	["The Wonderworks"] = "奇妙玩具店",
	["The Wood of Staves"] = "禅杖林",
	["The Workshop"] = "车间",
	["The World Tree"] = "世界之树",
	["The Writhing Deep"] = "痛苦深渊",
	["The Writhing Haunt"] = "嚎哭鬼屋",
	["The Writhing Mire"] = "蜿蜒泥沼",
	["The Yaungol Advance"] = "野牛人前线",
	["The Yorgen Farmstead"] = "约根农场",
	["The Zandalari Vanguard"] = "赞达拉先锋军驻地",
	["The Zoram Strand"] = "佐拉姆海岸",
	["Thieves Camp"] = "盗贼营地",
	["Thirsty Alley"] = "渴酒谷",
	["Thistlefur Hold"] = "蓟皮要塞",
	["Thistlefur Village"] = "蓟皮村",
	["Thistleshrub Valley"] = "灌木谷",
	["Thondroril River"] = "索多里尔河",
	["Thoradin's Wall"] = "索拉丁之墙",
	["Thorium Advance"] = "瑟银前哨",
	["Thorium Point"] = "瑟银哨塔",
	["Thor Modan"] = "索尔莫丹",
	["Thornfang Hill"] = "棘牙岭",
	["Thorn Hill"] = "荆棘岭",
	["Thornmantle's Hideout"] = "刺鬃藏身处",
	["Thorson's Post"] = "索尔森的岗哨",
	["Thorvald's Camp"] = "托尔瓦德的营地",
	["Thousand Needles"] = "千针石林",
	Thrallmar = "萨尔玛",
	["Thrallmar Mine"] = "萨尔玛矿洞",
	["Three-Breeze Terrace"] = "三息台",
	["Three Corners"] = "三角路口",
	["Throm'var"] = "索姆瓦尔",
	["Throm'Var"] = "索姆瓦尔",
	["Throm'var Landing"] = "索姆瓦尔海岸",
	["Throne of Ancient Conquerors"] = "上古征服者王座",
	["Throne of Kil'jaeden"] = "基尔加丹王座",
	["Throne of Neptulon"] = "耐普图隆的王座",
	["Throne of Stonemaul"] = "石槌王座",
	["Throne of the Apocalypse"] = "末世王座",
	["Throne of the Damned"] = "诅咒王座",
	["Throne of the Elements"] = "元素王座",
	["Throne of the Four Winds"] = "风神王座",
	["Throne of the Imperator"] = "元首王座",
	["Throne of the Tides"] = "潮汐王座",
	["Throne of the Tides Entrance"] = "潮汐王座入口",
	["Throne of the Witch Lord"] = "巫师领主王座",
	["Throne of Thunder"] = "雷电王座",
	["Throne of Tides"] = "潮汐王座",
	["Thrym's End"] = "塞穆之末",
	["Thunder Axe Fortress"] = "雷斧堡垒",
	Thunderbluff = "雷霆崖",
	["Thunder Bluff"] = "雷霆崖",
	["Thunder Bluff UNUSED"] = "雷霆崖",
	["Thunderbrew Distillery"] = "雷酒酿制厂",
	["Thunder Cleft"] = "雷霆裂口",
	Thunderfall = "落雷谷",
	["Thunder Falls"] = "雷霆瀑布",
	["Thunderfoot Farm"] = "雷脚农田",
	["Thunderfoot Fields"] = "雷脚农场",
	["Thunderfoot Inn"] = "雷脚酒馆",
	["Thunderfoot Ranch"] = "雷脚牧场",
	["Thunder Hold"] = "雷霆要塞",
	["Thunderhorn Water Well"] = "雷角水井",
	["Thundering Overlook"] = "雷鸣峭壁",
	["Thunder Island Alliance Hub"] = "紫罗兰高地",
	["Thunder King Horde Hub"] = "寻晨者海角",
	["Thunder King's Citadel"] = "雷电堡",
	["Thunderlord Stronghold"] = "雷神要塞",
	Thundermar = "桑德玛尔",
	["Thundermar Ruins"] = "桑德玛尔废墟",
	["Thunder Pass"] = "雷霆小径",
	["Thunderpaw Overlook"] = "雷掌台",
	["Thunderpaw Refuge"] = "雷掌阁",
	["Thunder Peak"] = "雷鸣峰",
	["Thunder Ridge"] = "雷霆山",
	["Thunder's Call"] = "雷电的呼唤",
	["Thunderstrike Mountain"] = "落雷山",
	["Thunk's Abode"] = "桑克的住所",
	["Thuron's Livery"] = "苏伦的养殖场",
	["Tian Monastery"] = "天禅院",
	["Tidefury Cove"] = "狂潮湾",
	["Tides' Hollow"] = "海潮洞窟",
	["Tideview Thicket"] = "观海听涛林",
	["Tigers' Wood"] = "猛虎林",
	["Timbermaw Hold"] = "木喉要塞",
	["Timbermaw Post"] = "木喉岗哨",
	["Timeless Isle"] = "永恒岛",
	["Time-Lost Glade"] = "迷时林地",
	["Time-Lost Waters"] = "迷时之海",
	["Tinkers' Court"] = "工匠议会",
	["Tinker Town"] = "侏儒区",
	["Tiragarde Keep"] = "提拉加德城堡",
	["Tirisfal Glades"] = "提瑞斯法林地",
	["Tirth's Haunt"] = "提尔希的法阵",
	["Tkashi Ruins"] = "伽什废墟",
	["Tol Barad"] = "托尔巴拉德",
	["Tol Barad Peninsula"] = "托尔巴拉德半岛",
	["Tol'Vir Arena"] = "托维尔竞技场",
	["Tol'viron Arena"] = "托维尔隆竞技场",
	["Tol'Viron Arena"] = "托维尔隆竞技场",
	["Tomb of Conquerors"] = "征服者陵墓",
	["Tomb of Lights"] = "圣光之墓",
	["Tomb of Secrets"] = "隐秘古陵",
	["Tomb of Shadows"] = "暗影古陵",
	["Tomb of Souls"] = "幽魂陵墓",
	["Tomb of the Ancients"] = "远古墓穴",
	["Tomb of the Earthrager"] = "地怒者的陵墓",
	["Tomb of the Lost Kings"] = "失落王者之墓",
	["Tomb of the Sun King"] = "太阳王陵墓",
	["Tomb of the Watchers"] = "观察者的陵墓",
	["Tombs of the Precursors"] = "先贤陵墓",
	["Tome of the Unrepentant"] = "无悔者之书",
	["Tome of the Unrepentant "] = "无悔者之书",
	["Tor'goroth's Tooth"] = "托格洛斯之牙",
	["Tor'kren Farm"] = "托克伦农场",
	["Torp's Farm"] = "托普的农场",
	["Torseg's Rest"] = "托塞格的营地",
	["Tor'Watha"] = "托尔瓦萨",
	["Toryl Estate"] = "托尔里公馆",
	["Toshley's Station"] = "托什雷的基地",
	["To the Skies!"] = "直冲云霄!",
	["To The Skies!"] = "直冲云霄!",
	["Tower of Althalaxx"] = "奥萨拉克斯之塔",
	["Tower of Azora"] = "阿祖拉之塔",
	["Tower of Eldara"] = "埃达拉之塔",
	["Tower of Elements"] = "元素高塔",
	["Tower of Estulan"] = "埃斯图兰之塔",
	["Tower of Ilgalar"] = "伊尔加拉之塔",
	["Tower of the Damned"] = "诅咒之塔",
	["Tower of War"] = "战争高塔",
	["Tower Point"] = "哨塔高地",
	["Tower Watch"] = "瞭望塔",
	["Town Hall"] = "议政厅",
	["Town-In-A-Box"] = "胶囊镇",
	["Townlong Steppes"] = "螳螂高原",
	["Town Square"] = "城镇广场",
	["Trade District"] = "贸易区",
	["Trade Quarter"] = "贸易区",
	["Trader's Tier"] = "贸易阶梯",
	["Tradesmen's Terrace"] = "贸易区",
	["Tradesmen's Terrace UNUSED"] = "贸易区",
	["Trading Post"] = "货栈",
	["Train Depot"] = "地铁站",
	["Training Grounds"] = "训练场",
	["Training Quarters"] = "训练大厅",
	["Traitor's Cove"] = "叛徒湾",
	["Trak's Rise"] = "塔拉克高地",
	["Tranquil Coast"] = "静谧湾岸",
	["Tranquil Court"] = "静谧庭院",
	["Tranquil Gardens Cemetery"] = "静谧花园墓场",
	["Tranquil Grotto"] = "宁静神龛",
	Tranquillien = "塔奎林",
	["Tranquil Shore"] = "静谧海岸",
	["Tranquil Wash"] = "静谧海滩",
	Transborea = "横贯冰原",
	["Transitus Shield"] = "Transitus Shield, Coldarra (NOT USED)",
	Transport = "传送",
	["Transport: Alliance Gunship"] = "交通工具:联盟炮艇",
	["Transport: Alliance Gunship (IGB)"] = "Transport: Alliance Gunship (IGB)",
	["Transport: Horde Gunship"] = "交通工具:部落炮艇",
	["Transport: Horde Gunship (IGB)"] = "Transport: Horde Gunship (IGB)",
	["Transport: Menethil <-> Valgarde"] = "Transport: Menethil <-> Valgarde",
	["Transport: Onyxia/Nefarian Elevator"] = "运输工具:奥尼克西亚/奈法利安电梯",
	["Trasnport: The Mighty Wind (Icecrown Citadel Raid)"] = "Trasnport: The Mighty Wind (Icecrown Citadel Raid)",
	["Trelleum Mine"] = "特雷卢姆矿井",
	["Tremblade's Vanguard"] = "泰布雷德前线基地",
	["Trial of Fire"] = "火焰试炼场",
	["Trial of Frost"] = "冰霜试炼场",
	["Trial of Shadow"] = "暗影试炼场",
	["Trial of the Champion"] = "冠军的试炼",
	["Trial of the Champion Entrance"] = "冠军的试炼入口",
	["Trial of the Crusader"] = "十字军的试炼",
	["Trickling Passage"] = "滴酒道",
	["Trogma's Claim"] = "托格玛洞穴",
	["Trollbane Hall"] = "托尔贝恩大厅",
	["Troll War Camp Outskirts"] = "巨魔战争营地外围",
	["Trophy Hall"] = "战利品陈列厅",
	["Troves of the Thunder King"] = "雷电之王的藏宝库",
	["Trueshot Point"] = "强击哨站",
	["Tsavo'ka's Den"] = "查沃卡的巢穴",
	["Tuluman's Landing"] = "图鲁曼的营地",
	["Turgall's Den"] = "图格尔的巢穴",
	["Turtle Beach"] = "海龟沙滩",
	["Turtle Ship Phase 01"] = "Turtle Ship Phase 01",
	["Turtle Ship Phase 02"] = "Turtle Ship Phase 02",
	["Tu Shen Burial Ground"] = "徒圣陵园",
	["Tushui Landing"] = "土水派登陆点",
	Tuurem = "图雷姆",
	["Twilight Aerie"] = "暮光之巢",
	["Twilight Altar of Storms"] = "暮光风暴祭坛",
	["Twilight Base Camp"] = "暮光营地",
	["Twilight Bulwark"] = "暮光壁垒",
	["Twilight Camp"] = "暮光营地",
	["Twilight Command Post"] = "暮光封锁线",
	["Twilight Crossing"] = "暮光路口",
	["Twilight Forge"] = "暮光铸炉",
	["Twilight Glade"] = "暮光林地",
	["Twilight Grove"] = "黎明森林",
	["Twilight Highlands"] = "暮光高地",
	["Twilight Highlands Dragonmaw Phase"] = "暮光高地龙喉位面",
	["Twilight Highlands Phased Entrance"] = "暮光高地位面入口",
	["Twilight Highlands Zeppelin 1"] = "暮光高地飞艇1",
	["Twilight Highlands Zeppelin 2"] = "暮光高地飞艇2",
	["Twilight Outpost"] = "暮光前哨站",
	["Twilight Overlook"] = "暮光瞭望台",
	["Twilight Post"] = "暮光岗哨",
	["Twilight Precipice"] = "暮光绝壁",
	["Twilight Shore"] = "暮光海滩",
	["Twilight's Run"] = "暮光小径",
	["Twilight Terrace"] = "暮光平台",
	["Twilight Vale"] = "暮光谷",
	["Twinbraid's Patrol"] = "双辫将军的巡逻岗",
	["Twin Peaks"] = "双子峰",
	["Twin Shores"] = "双子海岸",
	["Twinspire Keep"] = "双塔堡垒",
	["Twinspire Keep Interior"] = "双塔堡垒内部",
	["Twin Spire Ruins"] = "双塔废墟",
	["Twisting Nether"] = "扭曲虚空",
	["Tyr's Hand"] = "提尔之手",
	["Tyr's Hand Abbey"] = "提尔之手修道院",
	["Tyr's Terrace"] = "提尔之台",
	["Ufrang's Hall"] = "乌弗朗之厅",
	Uldaman = "奥达曼",
	["Uldaman Entrance"] = "奥达曼入口",
	Uldis = "奥迪斯",
	Ulduar = "奥杜尔",
	["Ulduar Raid - Interior - Insertion Point"] = "Ulduar Raid - Interior - Insertion Point",
	["Ulduar Raid - Iron Concourse"] = "Ulduar Raid - Iron Concourse",
	Uldum = "奥丹姆",
	["Uldum Phased Entrance"] = "奥丹姆入口位面",
	["Uldum Phase Oasis"] = "奥丹姆绿洲位面",
	["Uldum - Phase Wrecked Camp"] = "奥丹姆——失事营地位面",
	Umbrafen = "黯影沼泽",
	["Umbrafen Lake"] = "暗泽湖",
	["Umbrafen Point"] = "暗泽海角",
	["Umbrafen Village"] = "暗泽村",
	["Umbral Halls"] = "暗影大厅",
	["Uncharted Sea"] = "神秘海域",
	Undercity = "幽暗城",
	["Underhold Nexus"] = "地下枢纽",
	["Underlight Canyon"] = "光渊海峡",
	["Underlight Mines"] = "幽光矿洞",
	["Unearthed Grounds"] = "不毛之地",
	["Unga Ingoo"] = "盎迦猴岛",
	["Un'Goro Crater"] = "安戈洛环形山",
	["Unu'pe"] = "乌努比",
	Unused2 = "Unused2",
	Unused3 = "Unused3",
	["UNUSED Alterac Valley"] = "UNUSED Alterac Valley",
	["[UNUSED]Hidey-Hole"] = "藏身处",
	["Unused Ironcladcove"] = "铁甲山谷",
	["Unused Ironclad Cove 003"] = "Unused Ironclad Cove 003",
	["UNUSED Stonewrought Pass"] = "石坝小径",
	["Unused The Deadmines 002"] = "Unused The Deadmines 002",
	["UNUSEDThe Marris Stead"] = "UNUSEDThe Marris Stead",
	["Unyielding Garrison"] = "坚韧军营",
	["Upper Blackrock Spire"] = "黑石塔上层",
	["Upper Silvermarsh"] = "上层银沼",
	["Upper Sumprushes"] = "上激流潭",
	["Upper Veil Shil'ak"] = "上层夏尔克鸦巢",
	["Ursoc's Den"] = "乌索克之巢",
	Ursolan = "乌索兰",
	["Utgarde Catacombs"] = "乌特加德墓穴",
	["Utgarde Keep"] = "乌特加德城堡",
	["Utgarde Keep Entrance"] = "乌特加德城堡入口",
	["Utgarde Pinnacle"] = "乌特加德之巅",
	["Utgarde Pinnacle Entrance"] = "乌特加德之巅入口",
	["Uther's Tomb"] = "乌瑟尔之墓",
	["Valaar's Berth"] = "瓦拉尔港口",
	["Vale of Eternal Blossoms"] = "锦绣谷",
	["Valgan's Field"] = "瓦尔甘农场",
	Valgarde = "瓦加德",
	["Valgarde Port"] = "瓦加德港口",
	Valhalas = "瓦哈拉斯",
	["Valiance Keep"] = "无畏要塞",
	["Valiance Landing Camp"] = "无畏远征军营地",
	["Valiant Rest"] = "勇士之眠",
	Valkyrion = "瓦基里安",
	["Valley of Ancient Winters"] = "上古寒冬山谷",
	["Valley of Ashes"] = "燃灰谷",
	["Valley of Bones"] = "白骨之谷",
	["Valley of Destruction"] = "毁灭谷",
	["Valley of Echoes"] = "回音谷",
	["Valley of Emperors"] = "皇帝谷",
	["Valley of Fangs"] = "巨牙谷",
	["Valley of Heroes"] = "英雄谷",
	["Valley Of Heroes"] = "英雄谷",
	["Valley of Heroes UNUSED"] = "英雄谷",
	["Valley of Honor"] = "荣誉谷",
	["Valley of Kings"] = "国王谷",
	["Valley of Power"] = "能量谷",
	["Valley Of Power - Scenario"] = "能量谷 - 场景战役",
	["Valley of Spears"] = "长矛谷",
	["Valley of Spirits"] = "精神谷",
	["Valley of Strength"] = "力量谷",
	["Valley of the Bloodfuries"] = "血怒峡谷",
	["Valley of the Four Winds"] = "四风谷",
	["Valley of the Watchers"] = "观察者之谷",
	["Valley of Trials"] = "试炼谷",
	["Valley of Wisdom"] = "智慧谷",
	Valormok = "瓦罗莫克",
	["Valor's Edge"] = "无畏界限号",
	["Valor's Rest"] = "勇士之墓",
	["Valorwind Lake"] = "瓦罗温湖",
	["Vanguard Infirmary"] = "前线基地医护所",
	["Vanndir Encampment"] = "范迪尔营地",
	["Vargoth's Retreat"] = "瓦格斯的居所",
	["Vashj'elan Spawning Pool"] = "瓦丝耶兰孵化池",
	["Vashj'ir"] = "瓦丝琪尔",
	["Vashj'ir - Alliance End"] = "瓦丝琪尔 - Alliance End",
	["Vashj'ir - Alliance Start"] = "瓦丝琪尔 - Alliance Start",
	["Vashj'ir Sub - Alliance"] = "瓦丝琪尔水下——联盟",
	["Vashj'ir Sub - Alliance circling Abyssal Maw"] = "瓦丝琪尔水下——联盟深渊之喉外环",
	["Vashj'ir Sub - Horde"] = "瓦丝琪尔水下——部落",
	["Vashj'ir Sub - Horde - Circling Abyssal Maw"] = "瓦丝琪尔水下——部落深渊之喉外环",
	["Vault of Archavon"] = "阿尔卡冯的宝库",
	["Vault of Ironforge"] = "铁炉堡银行",
	["Vault of Kings Past"] = "古王陵墓",
	["Vault of the Ravenian"] = "拉文尼亚的灵堂",
	["Vault of the Shadowflame"] = "暗影烈焰穹顶",
	["Vault of the Titan"] = "泰坦地窟",
	["Vault of Y'Shaarj"] = "亚煞极地窟",
	["Veil Akraz"] = "阿卡拉兹鸦巢",
	["Veil Ala'rak"] = "奥拉克鸦巢",
	["Veil Harr'ik"] = "哈雷克鸦巢",
	["Veil Lashh"] = "拉什鸦巢",
	["Veil Lithic"] = "蕾希鸦巢",
	["Veil Reskk"] = "里斯克鸦巢",
	["Veil Rhaze"] = "哈兹鸦巢",
	["Veil Ruuan"] = "卢安鸦巢",
	["Veil Sethekk"] = "塞泰克鸦巢",
	["Veil Shadar"] = "沙达尔鸦巢",
	["Veil Shalas"] = "沙拉斯鸦巢",
	["Veil Shienor"] = "西诺鸦巢",
	["Veil Skith"] = "基斯鸦巢",
	["Veil Terokk"] = "泰罗克鸦巢",
	["Veil Vekh"] = "维克鸦巢",
	["Veil Zekk"] = "泽克鸦巢",
	["Vekhaar Stand"] = "维克哈营地",
	["Velaani's Arcane Goods"] = "维兰尼的魔法用品店",
	["Vendetta Point"] = "世仇哨站",
	["Vengeance Landing"] = "复仇港",
	["Vengeance Landing Inn"] = "复仇港旅店",
	["Vengeance Landing Inn, Howling Fjord"] = "复仇港旅店",
	["Vengeance Lift"] = "复仇升降梯",
	["Vengeance Pass"] = "复仇小径",
	["Vengeance Wake"] = "复仇觉醒号",
	["Venomous Ledge"] = "毒水崖",
	Venomspite = "怨毒镇",
	["Venomsting Pits"] = "毒刺蝎巢",
	["Venomweb Vale"] = "毒蛛峡谷",
	["Venture Bay"] = "风险湾",
	["Venture Co. Base Camp"] = "风险投资公司营地",
	["Venture Co. Operations Center"] = "风险投资公司工作中心",
	["Verdant Belt"] = "翠绿草场",
	["Verdant Grove"] = "青翠林地",
	["Verdant Highlands"] = "青草高地",
	["Verdantis Pass"] = "沃丹提斯小径",
	["Verdantis River"] = "沃丹提斯河",
	["Veridian Point"] = "绿龙尖岬",
	["Verlok Stand"] = "维罗克岩台",
	["Vermillion Redoubt"] = "朱红庇护所",
	["Verming Tunnels Micro"] = "小型兔妖隧道",
	["Verrall Delta"] = "瓦拉尔三角洲",
	["Verrall River"] = "瓦拉尔河",
	["Victor's Point"] = "胜利者岗哨",
	["Vile Cavern"] = "污秽洞穴",
	["Vileprey Village"] = "邪猎村",
	["Vim'gol's Circle"] = "维姆高尔的法阵",
	["Vindicator's Rest"] = "守备官营地",
	["Violet Citadel Balcony"] = "紫罗兰城堡阳台",
	["Violet Hold"] = "紫罗兰监狱",
	["Violet Hold Entrance"] = "紫罗兰监狱入口",
	["Violet Rise"] = "紫罗兰高地",
	["Violet Stand"] = "紫罗兰哨站",
	["Virmen Grotto"] = "兔妖洞",
	["Virmen Nest"] = "兔妖巢",
	["Vir'naal Dam"] = "维尔纳尔水坝",
	["Vir'naal Lake"] = "维尔纳尔湖",
	["Vir'naal Oasis"] = "维尔纳尔绿洲",
	["Vir'naal River"] = "维尔纳尔河",
	["Vir'naal River Delta"] = "维尔纳尔三角洲",
	["Void Ridge"] = "虚空山脉",
	["Voidwind Plateau"] = "虚风高原",
	["Volcanoth's Lair"] = "沃卡洛斯的巢穴",
	["Voldrin's Hold"] = "沃德林之拥号",
	Voldrune = "沃德伦",
	["Voldrune Dwelling"] = "沃德伦民居",
	["Vol'jin's Arsenal"] = "沃金的军械库",
	["Vol'jin's Pride"] = "沃金之傲",
	["Vol'jin's Pride Worksite"] = "沃金之傲工地",
	["Volrath's Advance"] = "沃拉斯前哨站",
	Voltarus = "沃尔塔鲁斯",
	["Vordrassil Pass"] = "沃达希尔小径",
	["Vordrassil's Heart"] = "沃达希尔之心",
	["Vordrassil's Limb"] = "沃达希尔之臂",
	["Vordrassil's Tears"] = "沃达希尔之泪",
	["Vortex Pinnacle"] = "漩涡峰",
	["Vortex Summit"] = "漩涡峰",
	["Vul'Gol Ogre Mound"] = "沃古尔食人魔山",
	["Vyletongue Seat"] = "维利塔恩之座",
	["Wahl Cottage"] = "薇儿小屋",
	["Wailing Caverns"] = "哀嚎洞穴",
	["Walk of Elders"] = "长者步道",
	["Waning Crescent"] = "蚀月洞穴",
	["Warbringer's Ring"] = "战争使者之环",
	["Warchief's Lookout"] = "酋长瞭望台",
	["Warcraft Heroes"] = "魔兽争霸群雄",
	["Warden's Cage"] = "守望者牢笼",
	["Warden's Chambers"] = "典狱官之厅",
	["Warden's Vigil"] = "典狱官岗哨",
	["Warlock Area"] = "术士区域",
	["Warmaul Hill"] = "战槌山",
	["War Mill"] = "战争工坊",
	["Warpwood Quarter"] = "扭木广场",
	["War Quarter"] = "军事区",
	["Warrior's Terrace"] = "战士区",
	["Warrior's Terrace UNUSED"] = "Warrior's Terrace UNUSED",
	["War Room"] = "指挥室",
	Warship = "战船",
	["Warsong Camp"] = "战歌营地",
	["Warsong Farms Outpost"] = "战歌农场哨站",
	["Warsong Flag Room"] = "战歌军旗室",
	["Warsong Granary"] = "战歌粮仓",
	["Warsong Gulch"] = "战歌峡谷",
	["Warsong Hold"] = "战歌要塞",
	["Warsong Jetty"] = "战歌防波堤",
	["Warsong Labor Camp"] = "战歌劳工营地",
	["Warsong Lookout"] = "战歌岗哨",
	["Warsong Lumber Camp"] = "战歌伐木营地",
	["Warsong Lumber Mill"] = "战歌伐木场",
	["Warsong Slaughterhouse"] = "战歌屠宰场",
	Warspear = "战争之矛",
	["Warspear Barracks"] = "战争之矛兵营",
	["Warspear Base"] = "战争之矛营地",
	["Warspear Detention Cell"] = "战争之矛拘禁室",
	["Warspear Hold"] = "战争之矛堡垒",
	["Warspear Infirmary"] = "战争之矛医护所",
	["Warspear Keep"] = "战争之矛要塞",
	["Warspear Outpost"] = "战争之矛岗哨",
	["Watcher's Den"] = "监视者巢穴",
	["Watcher's Sanctum"] = "监视者秘所",
	["Watchers' Terrace"] = "守望平台",
	["Waterspeaker's Sanctuary"] = "水语者圣所",
	["Waterspring Field"] = "清泉平原",
	Waterworks = "磨坊",
	["Wavestrider Beach"] = "破浪海滩",
	Waxwood = "红烛林",
	["Wayfarer's Rest"] = "旅者的梦乡",
	Waygate = "界门",
	["Wayne's Refuge"] = "韦恩的避难所",
	["Weazel's Crater"] = "维吉尔之坑",
	["Webwinder Hollow"] = "蛛网盆地",
	["Webwinder Path"] = "蛛网小径",
	["Weeping Quarry"] = "哭泣采掘场",
	["Well of Eternity"] = "永恒之井",
	["Well of the Forgotten"] = "遗忘之井",
	["Wellson Shipyard"] = "维尔松船坞",
	["Wellspring Hovel"] = "清泉小屋",
	["Wellspring Lake"] = "涌泉湖",
	["Wellspring River"] = "涌泉河",
	["Westbrook Garrison"] = "西泉要塞",
	["Western Bridge"] = "西部桥梁",
	["Western Plaguelands"] = "西瘟疫之地",
	["Western Strand"] = "西部海岸",
	["Western Transept"] = "西侧耳堂",
	Westersea = "西部之海",
	Westfall = "西部荒野",
	["Westfall Brigade"] = "月溪旅",
	["Westfall Brigade Encampment"] = "月溪旅营地",
	["Westfall Lighthouse"] = "西部荒野灯塔",
	["West Garrison"] = "西区兵营",
	["Westguard Inn"] = "西部卫戍要塞旅店",
	["Westguard Keep"] = "西部卫戍要塞",
	["Westguard Turret"] = "西部卫戍要塞塔楼",
	["West Pavilion"] = "西部帐篷",
	["West Pillar"] = "西部石柱",
	["West Point Station"] = "西部哨站",
	["West Point Tower"] = "西点哨塔",
	["Westreach Summit"] = "西岸峰",
	["West Sanctum"] = "西部圣殿",
	["Westspark Workshop"] = "西部火花车间",
	["West Spear Tower"] = "西部长矛塔楼",
	["West Spire"] = "西部尖塔",
	["Westwind Lift"] = "西风升降梯",
	["Westwind Refugee Camp"] = "西风避难营",
	["Westwind Rest"] = "西风之息",
	Wetlands = "湿地",
	Wheelhouse = "水车房",
	["Whelgar's Excavation Site"] = "维尔加挖掘场",
	["Whelgar's Retreat"] = "维尔加居所",
	["Whispercloud Rise"] = "语云山",
	["Whisper Gulch"] = "低语峡谷",
	["Whispering Forest"] = "耳语森林",
	["Whispering Gardens"] = "耳语花园",
	["Whispering Hollows"] = "幽咽谷",
	["Whispering Inlet"] = "低语海口",
	["Whispering Shore"] = "耳语海岸",
	["Whispering Stones"] = "低语之石",
	["Whispershade Hollow"] = "影语谷",
	["Whisperwind Grove"] = "语风林地",
	["Whistling Grove"] = "呼啸林地",
	["Whitebeard's Encampment"] = "白须营地",
	["Whitepetal Lake"] = "琼花湖",
	["White Pine Trading Post"] = "白松商栈",
	["Whitereach Post"] = "白沙岗哨",
	["Wildbend River"] = "急弯河",
	["Wildervar Mine"] = "维德瓦矿洞",
	["Wildflame Point"] = "野火哨站",
	["Wildgrowth Mangal"] = "蛮藤谷",
	["Wildhammer Flag Room"] = "蛮锤军旗室",
	["Wildhammer Keep"] = "蛮锤城堡",
	["Wildhammer Stronghold"] = "蛮锤要塞",
	["Wildheart Point"] = "野性之心哨站",
	["Wildmane Water Well"] = "蛮鬃水井",
	["Wild Overlook"] = "荒野瞭望台",
	["Wildpaw Cavern"] = "蛮爪洞穴",
	["Wildpaw Ridge"] = "蛮爪岭",
	["Wilds' Edge Inn"] = "荒野之崖酒馆",
	["Wild Shore"] = "蛮荒海岸",
	["Wildvine Marsh"] = "野藤沼泽",
	["Wildwind Lake"] = "狂风湖",
	["Wildwind Path"] = "狂风小径",
	["Wildwind Peak"] = "狂风山",
	["Wildwood Wash"] = "荒林洼地",
	["Windbreak Canyon"] = "风裂峡谷",
	["Windfury Ridge"] = "风怒山",
	["Windroc Bay"] = "风鹏湾",
	["Windrunner's Overlook"] = "风行者观察站",
	["Windrunner Spire"] = "风行者之塔",
	["Windrunner Village"] = "风行村",
	["Winds' Edge"] = "风之崖",
	["Windshear Crag"] = "狂风峭壁",
	["Windshear Heights"] = "风剪高地",
	["Windshear Hold"] = "风剪要塞",
	["Windshear Mine"] = "狂风矿洞",
	["Windshear Valley"] = "风剪山谷",
	["Windspire Bridge"] = "风塔桥",
	["Windswept Terrace"] = "啸风平台",
	["Windward Ascent"] = "临风高地",
	["Windward Isle"] = "临风岛",
	["Windy Bluffs"] = "狂风崖",
	["Windyreed Pass"] = "风茅小径",
	["Windyreed Village"] = "风茅村",
	["Winterax Hold"] = "冰斧要塞",
	["Winterbough Glade"] = "冬花林地",
	["Winterfall Village"] = "寒水村",
	["Winterfin Caverns"] = "冬鳞洞穴",
	["Winterfin Retreat"] = "冬鳞避难所",
	["Winterfin Village"] = "冬鳞村",
	["Wintergarde Crypt"] = "暮冬地穴",
	["Wintergarde Keep"] = "暮冬要塞",
	["Wintergarde Mausoleum"] = "暮冬陵园",
	["Wintergarde Mine"] = "暮冬矿洞",
	Wintergrasp = "冬拥湖",
	["Wintergrasp Fortress"] = "冬拥堡垒",
	["Wintergrasp River"] = "冬拥河",
	["Winterhoof Water Well"] = "冰蹄水井",
	["Winter's Blossom"] = "冬花营",
	["Winter's Breath Lake"] = "冬息湖",
	["Winter's Edge Tower"] = "冬缘塔楼",
	["Winter's Heart"] = "寒冬之心",
	Winterspring = "冬泉谷",
	["Winter's Terrace"] = "寒冬大厅",
	["Witch Hill"] = "女巫岭",
	["Witch's Sanctum"] = "巫女密室",
	["Witherbark Caverns"] = "枯木洞穴",
	["Witherbark Village"] = "枯木村",
	["Withering Thicket"] = "枯萎林地",
	["Witherwind Pass"] = "灭风小径",
	["Wizard Row"] = "巫师街",
	["Wizard's Sanctum"] = "巫师圣殿",
	["Wolf's Run"] = "狼神小径",
	["Wolf's Stand"] = "霜狼阵地",
	["Woodpaw Den"] = "木爪巢穴",
	["Woodpaw Hills"] = "木爪岭",
	["Wood's End Cabin"] = "林中小屋",
	["Woods of the Lost"] = "失落林地",
	["Wor'gol"] = "沃高尔",
	["Worgskin's Camp"] = "沃格斯金的营地",
	Workshop = "车间",
	["Workshop Entrance"] = "车间入口",
	["World's End Tavern"] = "天涯旅店",
	["Wor'var"] = "沃尔瓦",
	["Wor'var Corral"] = "沃尔瓦兽栏",
	["Wor'var Tankworks"] = "沃尔瓦坦克工厂",
	["Wor'var Worksite"] = "沃尔瓦工地",
	["Wrathscale Lair"] = "怒鳞巢穴",
	["Wrathscale Point"] = "怒鳞岗哨",
	["Wreckage of the Silver Dawning"] = "银色清晨号的船骸",
	["Wrecked Caravan"] = "失事的车队",
	["Wreck of Hellscream's Fist"] = "地狱咆哮之拳的残骸",
	["Wreck of the Mist-Hopper"] = "雾海飞跃者的残骸",
	["Wreck of the Mother Lode"] = "矿脉号残骸",
	["Wreck of the Skyseeker"] = "寻天号船骸",
	["Wreck of the Vanguard"] = "先锋号船骸",
	["Writhing Mound"] = "痛苦之丘",
	Writhingwood = "盘绕古木",
	["Wrynn Artillery Tower"] = "乌瑞恩炮塔",
	["Wu-Song Village"] = "武松村",
	Wyrmbog = "巨龙沼泽",
	["Wyrmbreaker's Rookery"] = "碎龙者的孵化间",
	["Wyrmrest Summit"] = "龙眠神殿顶层",
	["Wyrmrest Temple"] = "龙眠神殿",
	["Wyrmrest Temple - bottom to middle"] = "Wyrmrest Temple - bottom to middle, Dragonblight - Begin",
	["Wyrmrest Temple - bottom to top"] = "Wyrmrest Temple - bottom to top, Dragonblight - End",
	["Wyrmrest Temple - middle to bottom"] = "Wyrmrest Temple - middle to bottom, Dragonblight - Begin",
	["Wyrmrest Temple - middle to top"] = "Wyrmrest Temple - middle to top, Dragonblight - Begin",
	["Wyrmrest Temple - top to bottom"] = "Wyrmrest Temple - top to bottom, Dragonblight - End",
	["Wyrmrest Temple - top to middle"] = "Wyrmrest Temple - top to middle, Dragonblight - End",
	["Wyrms' Bend"] = "巨龙曲径",
	["Wyrmscar Island"] = "龙痕岛",
	["Wyrmskull Bridge"] = "龙颅之桥",
	["Wyrmskull Tunnel"] = "龙颅小径",
	["Wyrmskull Village"] = "龙颅村",
	["X-2 Pincer"] = "扳钳X-2号",
	Xavian = "萨维亚",
	["Xeri'tac's Burrow"] = "艾里塔克地穴 ",
	["Yan-Zhe River"] = "炎子江",
	["Yeti Mountain Basecamp"] = "雪人山营地",
	["Yinying Village"] = "银影村",
	Ymirheim = "伊米海姆",
	["Ymiron's Seat"] = "伊米隆之座",
	["Yojamba Isle"] = "尤亚姆巴岛",
	["Yowler's Den"] = "犹勒之巢",
	["Yrel's Watch"] = "伊瑞尔的哨所",
	["Zabra'jin"] = "萨布拉金",
	["Zaetar's Choice"] = "扎尔塔的选择",
	["Zaetar's Grave"] = "扎尔塔之墓",
	["Zalashji's Den"] = "萨拉辛之穴",
	["Zalazane's Fall"] = "扎拉赞恩之墓",
	["Zane's Eye Crater"] = "赞恩之眼",
	Zangarmarsh = "赞加沼泽",
	Zangarra = "赞加拉",
	["Zangar Ridge"] = "赞加山",
	["Zangar Sea"] = "赞加海",
	["Zangar Shore"] = "赞加海岸",
	["Zan'vess"] = "扎尼维斯",
	["Za'Tual"] = "赞图尔",
	["Zeb'Halak"] = "塞布哈拉克",
	["Zeb'Nowa"] = "塞布努瓦",
	["Zeb'Sora"] = "塞布索雷",
	["Zeb'Tela"] = "塞布提拉",
	["Zeb'tula"] = "赞布图拉",
	["Zeb'Watha"] = "塞布瓦萨",
	["Zellek's Hut"] = "塞尔利克小屋",
	["Zeppelin Crash"] = "飞艇坠毁点",
	Zeramas = "泽尔拉玛斯",
	["Zeth'Gor"] = "塞斯高",
	["Zhu Province"] = "朱家界",
	["Zhu's Descent"] = "朱家洼地",
	["Zhu's Watch"] = "朱家堡",
	["Ziata'jai Ruins"] = "赞塔加废墟",
	["Zim'Abwa"] = "希姆埃巴",
	["Zim'bo's Hideout"] = "希姆波的藏身处",
	["Zim'Rhuk"] = "希姆鲁克",
	["Zim'Torga"] = "希姆托加",
	["Zol'Heb"] = "佐尔赫布",
	["Zol'Maz Stronghold"] = "佐尔玛兹要塞",
	["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = "佐拉姆加前哨站",
	["Zorkra's Fall"] = "佐卡拉之陨",
	["Zouchin Province"] = "卓金界",
	["Zouchin Strand"] = "卓金海滩",
	["Zouchin Village"] = "卓金村",
	["Zul'Aman"] = "祖阿曼",
	["Zul'Drak"] = "祖达克",
	["Zul'Farrak"] = "祖尔法拉克",
	["Zul'Farrak Entrance"] = "祖尔法拉克入口",
	["Zul'Gurub"] = "祖尔格拉布",
	["Zul'Mashar"] = "祖玛沙尔",
	["Zun'watha"] = "祖瓦沙",
	["Zuuldaia Ruins"] = "祖丹亚废墟",
	["zzOld - Explosion Town [NOT TEMP NAME]"] = "zzOld - Explosion Town [NOT TEMP NAME]",
	["zzOld - Gorgrond Garrison Area"] = "zzOld - Gorgrond Garrison Area",
	["zzOld - Imperial Road"] = "zzOld - Imperial Road",
	["zzOld - Sundered Pass"] = "zzOld - Sundered Pass",
	["zzOld - Tankworks"] = "zzOld - Tankworks",