local E, L, V, P, G = unpack(ElvUI);
local CFO = E:GetModule('CharacterFrameOptions')

local function configTable()
	E.Options.args.sle.args.characterframeoptions = {
		type = 'group',
		name = L["Armory Mode"],
		order = 6,
		childGroups = 'tab',
		args = {
			intro = {
				order = -1,
				type = 'description',
				--Temp Description until things are implemented later
				name = L['The character frame and inspect frame have been redone and are still very much in beta.  Some fields are disabled because the options are not fully implemented and working just yet.  They will be re-enabled in future releases once we fix the issues.'],
			characterframe = {
				order = 2,
				type = 'group',
				name = L['Character Frame'],
				args = {
					header = {
						order = 1,
						type = "header",
						name = L["Character Frame Options"],
					intro = {
						order = 2,
						type = 'description',
						name = L['CFO_DESC'],
					enable = {
						order = 3,
						type = "toggle",
						name = L["Enable"],
						desc = L["Enable/Disable Character Frame Options"],
						get = function(info) return E.private.sle.characterframeoptions.enable end,
						set = function(info, value) E.private.sle.characterframeoptions.enable = value; E:StaticPopup_Show("PRIVATE_RL") end
					decoration = {
						type = "group",
						name = L["Decoration"],
						order = 55,
						disabled = function() return not E.private.sle.characterframeoptions.enable end,
						args = {
							normalgradient = {
								order = 1,
								type = 'toggle',
								disabled = true,
								name = L["Show Equipment Gradients"],
								desc = L["Show gradient effect for all equipment slots."],
								get = function(info) return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.shownormalgradient end,
								set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.shownormalgradient = value; CFO:ChangeGradiantVisibility(); end,
							errorgradient = {
								order = 2,
								type = 'toggle',
								disabled = true,
								name = L["Show Error Gradients"],
								desc = L["Highlights equipment slot if an error has been found."],
								disabled = function() return not E.private.sle.characterframeoptions.enable or not E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.shownormalgradient end,
								get = function(info) return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.showerrorgradient end,
								set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.showerrorgradient = value; CFO:ArmoryFrame_DataSetting(); end,
							bgimage = {
								order = 3,
								type = 'toggle',
								name = L["Show Background Image"],
								get = function(info) return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.showimage end,
								set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.showimage = value; CFO:UpdateCharacterBG(); end,
							dropdown = {
								type = 'select',
								name = L['Background picture'],
								order = 4,
								disabled = function() return not E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.showimage end,
								values = {
									['SPACE'] = 'Space',
									['HORDE'] = FACTION_HORDE,
									['CUSTOM'] = L["Custom"],
									["EMPIRE"] = "The Empire",
									["CASTLE"] = "Castle",
								get = function() return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.image.dropdown end,
								set = function(_, value)
									E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.image.dropdown = value; CFO:UpdateCharacterBG();

							custom = {
								order = 5,
								type = 'input',
								width = 'full',
								name = L["Texture"],
								desc = L["Set the texture to use in this frame. Requirements are the same as the chat textures."],
								disabled = function() return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.image.dropdown ~= "CUSTOM" or not E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.showimage end,
								get = function() return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.image.custom end,
								set = function(info, value)
									E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.image.custom = value;
					itemlevel = {
						type = "group",
						order = 66,
						disabled = function() return not E.private.sle.characterframeoptions.enable end,
						args = {
							show = {
								order = 3,
								type = "toggle",
								disabled = true,
								name = L["Show Item Level"],
								get = function(info) return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemlevel.show end,
								set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemlevel.show = value; CFO:ArmoryFrame_DataSetting(); end,
							fontGroup = {
								order = 5,
								type = 'group',
								disabled = true,
								guiInline = true,
								name = L['Font'],
								args = {
									font = {
										type = "select", dialogControl = 'LSM30_Font',
										order = 1,
										name = L["Font"],
										desc = L["The font that the item level will use."],
										values = AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.font,
										get = function(info) return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemlevel.font end,
										set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemlevel.font = value; CFO:ArmoryFrame_DataSetting(); end,
									fontSize = {
										order = 2,
										name = L["Font Size"],
										desc = L["Set the font size that the item level will use."],
										type = "range",
										min = 6, max = 22, step = 1,
										get = function(info) return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemlevel.fontSize end,
										set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemlevel.fontSize = value; CFO:ArmoryFrame_DataSetting(); end,
									fontOutline = {
										order = 3,
										name = L["Font Outline"],
										desc = L["Set the font outline that the item level will use."],
										type = "select",
										values = {
											['NONE'] = L['None'],
											['OUTLINE'] = 'OUTLINE',
											['MONOCHROME'] = 'MONOCHROME',
										get = function(info) return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemlevel.fontOutline end,
										set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemlevel.fontOutline = value; CFO:ArmoryFrame_DataSetting(); end,
					itemdurabilty = {
						type = "group",
						name = DURABILITY,
						order = 77,
						disabled = function() return not E.private.sle.characterframeoptions.enable end,
						args = {
							show = {
								order = 3,
								type = "toggle",
								disabled = true,
								name = L["Show Durability"],
								get = function(info) return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemdurability.show end,
								set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemdurability.show = value; CFO:ArmoryFrame_DataSetting(); end,
							fontGroup = {
								order = 5,
								type = 'group',
								disabled = true,
								guiInline = true,
								name = L['Font'],
								args = {
									font = {
										type = "select", dialogControl = 'LSM30_Font',
										order = 1,
										name = L["Font"],
										desc = L["The font that the item durability will use."],
										values = AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.font,
										get = function(info) return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemdurability.font end,
										set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemdurability.font = value; CFO:ArmoryFrame_DataSetting(); end,
									fontSize = {
										order = 2,
										name = L["Font Size"],
										desc = L["Set the font size that the item durability will use."],
										type = "range",
										min = 6, max = 22, step = 1,
										get = function(info) return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemdurability.fontSize end,
										set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemdurability.fontSize = value; CFO:ArmoryFrame_DataSetting(); end,
									fontOutline = {
										order = 3,
										name = L["Font Outline"],
										desc = L["Set the font outline that the item durability will use."],
										type = "select",
										values = {
											['NONE'] = L['None'],
											['OUTLINE'] = 'OUTLINE',
											['MONOCHROME'] = 'MONOCHROME',
										get = function(info) return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemdurability.fontOutline end,
										set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemdurability.fontOutline = value; CFO:ArmoryFrame_DataSetting(); end,
					itemenchant = {
						type = "group",
						name = L["Enchanting"],
						order = 88,
						disabled = function() return not E.private.sle.characterframeoptions.enable end,
						args = {
							show = {
								order = 1,
								type = "toggle",
								disabled = true,
								name = L["Show Enchants"],
								desc = L["Show the enchantment effect near the enchanted item"],
								get = function(info) return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemenchant.show end,
								set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemenchant.show = value; CFO:ArmoryFrame_DataSetting(); end,
							mouseover = {
								order = 2,
								type = "toggle",
								disabled = true,
								name = L['Mouse Over'],
								desc = L["Show the enchantment effect near the enchanted item (not the item itself) when mousing over."],
								disabled = function() return not E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemenchant.show or not E.private.sle.characterframeoptions.enable end,
								get = function(info) return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemenchant.mouseover end,
								set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemenchant.mouseover = value; CFO:ArmoryFrame_DataSetting(); end,
							showwarning = {
								order = 3,
								type = "toggle",
								disabled = true,
								name = L["Show Warning"],
								get = function(info) return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemenchant.showwarning end,
								set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemenchant.showwarning = value; CFO:ArmoryFrame_DataSetting(); end,
							warningsize = {
								order = 4,
								name = L["Warning Size"],
								desc = L["Set the icon size that the warning notification will use."],
								type = "range",
								disabled = true,
								min = 8, max = 18, step = 1,
								get = function(info) return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemenchant.warningSize end,
								set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemenchant.warningSize = value; CFO:ResizeErrorIcon(); end,
							fontGroup = {
								order = 5,
								type = 'group',
								disabled = true,
								guiInline = true,
								name = L['Font'],
								args = {
									font = {
										type = "select", dialogControl = 'LSM30_Font',
										order = 1,
										name = L["Font"],
										desc = L["The font that the enchant notification will use."],
										values = AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.font,
										get = function(info) return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemenchant.font end,
										set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemenchant.font = value; CFO:ArmoryFrame_DataSetting(); end,
									fontSize = {
										order = 2,
										name = L["Font Size"],
										desc = L["Set the font size that the enchant notification will use."],
										type = "range",
										min = 6, max = 22, step = 1,
										get = function(info) return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemenchant.fontSize end,
										set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemenchant.fontSize = value; CFO:ArmoryFrame_DataSetting(); end,
									fontOutline = {
										order = 3,
										name = L["Font Outline"],
										desc = L["Set the font outline that the enchant notification will use."],
										type = "select",
										values = {
											['NONE'] = L['None'],
											['OUTLINE'] = 'OUTLINE',
											['MONOCHROME'] = 'MONOCHROME',
										get = function(info) return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemenchant.fontOutline end,
										set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemenchant.fontOutline = value; CFO:ArmoryFrame_DataSetting(); end,
					itemgem = {
						type = "group",
						name = L["Gem Sockets"],
						order = 99,
						disabled = function() return not E.private.sle.characterframeoptions.enable end,
						args = {
							show = {
								order = 1,
								type = "toggle",
								disabled = true,
								name = L["Show Gems"],
								desc = L["Show gem slots near the item"],
								get = function(info) return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemgem.show end,
								set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemgem.show = value; CFO:ArmoryFrame_DataSetting(); end,
							showwarning = {
								order = 2,
								type = "toggle",
								disabled = true,
								name = L["Show Warning"],
								get = function(info) return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemgem.showwarning end,
								set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemgem.showwarning = value; CFO:ArmoryFrame_DataSetting(); end,
							warningsize = {
								order = 3,
								name = L["Warning Size"],
								desc = L["Set the icon size that the warning notification will use."],
								type = "range",
								disabled = true,
								min = 8, max = 18, step = 1,
								get = function(info) return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemgem.warningSize end,
								set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemgem.warningSize = value; CFO:ResizeErrorIcon(); end,
							socketsize = {
								order = 4,
								name = L["Socket Size"],
								desc = L["Set the size of sockets to show."],
								type = "range",
								disabled = true,
								min = 10, max = 18, step = 1,
								get = function(info) return E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemgem.socketSize end,
								set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.characterframeoptions.itemgem.socketSize = value; CFO:ResizeErrorIcon(); end,
			inspectframe = {
				order = 2,
				type = 'group',
				name = L['Inspect Frame'],
				args = {
					header = {
						order = 1,
						type = "header",
						name = L["Inspect Frame Options"],
					intro = {
						order = 2,
						type = 'description',
						name = L['IFO_DESC'],
					enable = {
						order = 3,
						type = "toggle",
						name = L["Enable"],
						desc = L["Enable/Disable Inspect Frame Options"],
						get = function(info) return E.private.sle.inspectframeoptions.enable end,
						set = function(info, value) E.private.sle.inspectframeoptions.enable = value; E:StaticPopup_Show("PRIVATE_RL") end

table.insert(E.SLEConfigs, configTable)