if not ACP then return end


if (GetLocale() == "zhCN") then

	["*** Enabling <%s> %s your UI ***"] = "*** 启用 <%s>,%s 你的插件 ***",
	["*** Unknown Addon <%s> Required ***"] = "*** 需要未知插件 <%s> ***",
	["ACP: Some protected addons aren't loaded. Reload now?"] = "ACP:部分受保护插件没有被加载。现在重载插件么?",
	["Active Embeds"] = "单独使用",
	["Add to current selection"] = "添加当前选择",
	AddOns = "插件管理",
	["Addon <%s> not valid"] = "无效的插件:<%s>",
	["Addons [%s] Loaded."] = "插件设置[%s]已加载。",
	["Addons [%s] Saved."] = "插件设置[%s]已保存。",
	["Addons [%s] Unloaded."] = "插件设置[%s]已卸载。",
	["Addons [%s] renamed to [%s]."] = "插件设置[%s]已改名为[%s]。",
	Author = "作者",
	Blizzard_AchievementUI = "Blizzard: Achievement",
	Blizzard_AuctionUI = "Blizzard: Auction",
	Blizzard_BarbershopUI = "Blizzard: Barbershop",
	Blizzard_BattlefieldMinimap = "Blizzard: Battlefield Minimap",
	Blizzard_BindingUI = "Blizzard: Binding",
	Blizzard_Calendar = "Blizzard: Calendar",
	Blizzard_CombatLog = "Blizzard: Combat Log",
	Blizzard_CombatText = "Blizzard: Combat Text",
	Blizzard_FeedbackUI = "Blizzard: Feedback",
	Blizzard_GMSurveyUI = "Blizzard: GM Survey",
	Blizzard_GlyphUI = "Blizzard: Glyph",
	Blizzard_GuildBankUI = "Blizzard: GuildBank",
	Blizzard_InspectUI = "Blizzard: Inspect",
	Blizzard_ItemSocketingUI = "Blizzard: Item Socketing",
	Blizzard_MacroUI = "Blizzard: Macro",
	Blizzard_RaidUI = "Blizzard: Raid",
	Blizzard_TalentUI = "Blizzard: Talent",
	Blizzard_TimeManager = "Blizzard: TimeManager",
	Blizzard_TokenUI = "Blizzard: Token",
	Blizzard_TradeSkillUI = "Blizzard: Trade Skill",
	Blizzard_TrainerUI = "Blizzard: Trainer",
	Blizzard_VehicleUI = "Blizzard: Vehicle",
	["Click to enable protect mode. Protected addons will not be disabled"] = "点击启用保护模式。受保护插件不会被禁用。",
	Close = "关闭",
	Default = "默认",
	Dependencies = "依赖",
	["Disable All"] = "全部禁用",
	["Disabled on reloadUI"] = "重载插件后禁用",
	Embeds = "内置",
	["Enable All"] = "全部启用",
	["Enter the new name for [%s]:"] = "输入[%s]的新名字:",
	["LoD Child Enable is now %s"] = "需要时加载的子插件:%s",
	Load = "加载",
	["Loadable OnDemand"] = "需要时加载",
	Loaded = "已加载",
	["Loaded on demand."] = "需要时加载。",
	["Memory Usage"] = "内存占用",
	["No information available."] = "无可用信息。",
	Recursive = "递归",
	["Recursive Enable is now %s"] = "递归加载的插件:%s",
	Reload = "重载",
	["Reload your User Interface?"] = "重载插件?",
	ReloadUI = "重载插件",
	["Remove from current selection"] = "移除当前选择",
	Rename = "重命名",
	Save = "保存",
	["Save the current addon list to [%s]?"] = "保存当前插件设置为[%s]?",
	["Set "] = "配置:",
	Sets = "配置",
	Status = "状态",
	["Use SHIFT to override the current enabling of dependancies behaviour."] = "使用 Shift 键无视目前的递归设定。",
	Version = "版本",
	["when performing a reloadui."] = "重载插件时。",

