	WARNING: This is a generated file.
	If you wish to perform or update localizations, please go to our Localizer website at:

	AddOn: Enchantrix
	Revision: $Id: EnxStrings.lua 4578 2009-12-12 22:32:55Z ccox $
	Version: 5.9.4961 (WhackyWallaby)

		This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
		modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
		as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
		of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

		This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
		but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
		GNU General Public License for more details.

		You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
		along with this program(see GPL.txt); if not, write to the Free Software
		Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

		This AddOn's source code is specifically designed to work with
		World of Warcraft's interpreted AddOn system.
		You have an implicit licence to use this AddOn with these facilities
		since that is its designated purpose as per:

EnchantrixLocalizations = {

	csCZ = {

		-- Section: Command Messages
		["FrmtActClearall"]	= "Mažu všechna data o enchantech";
		["FrmtActClearFail"]	= "Nelze najít předmět: %s";
		["FrmtActClearOk"]	= "Smazána data k předmětu: %s";
		["FrmtActDefault"]	= "Nastavení Enchantrixu '%s' bylo vráceno na základní hodnotu.";
		["FrmtActDefaultAll"]	= "Všechna nastavení Enchantrixu byla vrácena na základní hodnoty.";
		["FrmtActDisable"]	= "Vypnuto zobrazování dat předmětů o: %s";
		["FrmtActEnable"]	= "Zapnuto zobrazování dat předmetů o: %s";
		["FrmtActSet"]	= "Nastavit %s na '%s'";
		["FrmtActUnknown"]	= "Neznámý příkaz: '%s'";
		["FrmtActUnknownLocale"]	= "Zvoleny jazyk ('%s') neni dostupny. Dostupne jsou: ";
		["FrmtPrintin"]	= "Enchantrix bude zpravy zobrazovat v okne: \"%s\"";
		["FrmtUsage"]	= "Pouzivani:";
		["MesgDisable"]	= "Vypinam automaticke spusteni Enchantrix";
		["MesgNotloaded"]	= "Enchantrix neni spusten. Napis /enchantrix a dozvis se vic.";

		-- Section: Command Options
		["CmdClearAll"]	= "vse";
		["OptClear"]	= "([Objekt]|vse)";
		["OptDefault"]	= "(<nastaveni>|vse)";
		["OptFindBidauct"]	= "<stribro>";
		["OptFindBuyauct"]	= "<procent>";
		["OptLocale"]	= "<jazyk>";
		["OptPrintin"]	= "(<frameIndex>[Number]|<frameName>[String])";

		-- Section: Commands
		["CmdClear"]	= "smazat";
		["CmdDefault"]	= "vychozi";
		["CmdDisable"]	= "vypnout";
		["CmdFindBidauct"]	= "bidbroker";
		["CmdFindBidauctShort"]	= "bb";
		["CmdFindBuyauct"]	= "procent-mene";
		["CmdFindBuyauctShort"]	= "pm";
		["CmdHelp"]	= "pomoc";
		["CmdLocale"]	= "jazyk";
		["CmdOff"]	= "vyp";
		["CmdOn"]	= "zap";
		["CmdPrintin"]	= "zobraz-v";
		["CmdToggle"]	= "prepnout";
		["ShowEmbed"]	= "integrace";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerHsp"]	= "urcit-nuc";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerMed"]	= "urcit-stred";
		["ShowGuessBaseline"]	= "urcit-zaklad";
		["ShowTerse"]	= "strucne";
		["ShowValue"]	= "ohodnotit";
		["StatOff"]	= "Nejsou zobrazována žádná Enchant data";
		["StatOn"]	= "Jsou zobrazována vybraná Enchant data";

		-- Section: Config Text
		["GuiLoad"]	= "Spustit Enchantrix";
		["GuiLoad_Always"]	= "vzdy";
		["GuiLoad_Never"]	= "nikdy";

		-- Section: Game Constants
		["ArgSpellname"]	= "Disenchant";
		["PatReagents"]	= "Materiály: (.+)";
		["TextCombat"]	= "Boj";
		["TextGeneral"]	= "Obecne";

		-- Section: Generic Messages
		["FrmtCredit"]	= "(navštiv http://enchantrix.org/ a poděl se o svá data)";
		["FrmtWelcome"]	= "Enchantrix v%s spuštěna";
		["MesgAuctVersion"]	= "Enchantrix potřebuje Auctioneer od verze 3.4. Dokud neprovedeš update své instalace Auctioneer, tvá Enchantrix nebude umět některé věci.";

		-- Section: Help Text
		["GuiClearall"]	= "Smazat všechna data Enchantrix";
		["GuiClearallButton"]	= "Smazat vše";
		["GuiClearallHelp"]	= "Klikni zde a smažou se všechny záznamy Enchantrix pro tento server";
		["GuiClearallNote"]	= "pro tento server a stranu";
		["GuiDefaultAll"]	= "Obnov všechna nastavení Enchantrix na základní hodnoty";
		["GuiDefaultAllButton"]	= "Obnovit vše";
		["GuiDefaultAllHelp"]	= "Klikni zde pro obnoveni vsech nastavení Enchantrix na základní hodnoty. POZOR: Všechny změny nastavení budou ztraceny";
		["GuiDefaultOption"]	= "Obnov toto nastavení";
		["GuiEmbed"]	= "Vkládat informace do nápovědy";
		["GuiLocale"]	= "Nastav jazyk na";
		["GuiMainEnable"]	= "Aktivovat Enchantrix";
		["GuiMainHelp"]	= "Obsahuje nastaveni Enchantrixu, AddOnu zobrazujího v nápovědách informace o zisku při provedení \"Disenchant\" na daný předmět.";
		["GuiOtherHeader"]	= "Dalsi moznosti";
		["GuiOtherHelp"]	= "Ruzne Enchantrix moznosti";
		["GuiPrintin"]	= "Vyber si textove okno";
		["GuiTerse"]	= "Nastavit stručné zobrazení";
		["GuiValuateAverages"]	= "Ohodnocovat podle průměrných hodnot od Auctioneer-a";
		["GuiValuateBaseline"]	= "Ohodnocovat podle vlastních dat";
		["GuiValuateEnable"]	= "Zapnout ohodnocování";
		["GuiValuateHeader"]	= "Ohodnocování";
		["GuiValuateMedian"]	= "Ohodnocovat podle mediánů od Auctioneer-a";
		["HelpClear"]	= "Smazat data k urcenemu objektu (shift - klikem ho vlozite do prikazu, nebo pouzijte urceni \"vse\" nebo \"all\")";
		["HelpDefault"]	= "Vrati urcene Enchantrix nastaveni na vychozi. Take lze pouzit urceni \"vse\" nebo \"all\" pro navrat vsech nastaveni na vychozi.";
		["HelpDisable"]	= "Deaktivuje automaticke zapinani Enchantrixu pri vstupu do hry";
		["HelpEmbed"]	= "Vkládat informace do nápověd(pozor: nektere funkce nejsou v tomto rezimu dostupne)";
		["HelpFindBidauct"]	= "Najde aukce u nichz je odhadovany zisk z \"Disenchant\" o urcenou sumu stribra vyssi nez momentalni naBIDka";
		["HelpFindBuyauct"]	= "Najde aukce u nichz je odhadovany zisk z \"Disenchant\" o urcenou sumu stribra vyssi nez Vykupni cena";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerHsp"]	= "Je-li Ohodnocovani zapnuto a je-li instalovan Auctioneer - zobrazi Ohodnoceni podle Nejvyssi Uspesne Ceny (NUC) odhadovaného zisku z \"Disenchant\". ";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerMedian"]	= "Je-li Ohodnocovani zapnuto a je-li instalovan Auctioneer - zobrazi Ohodnoceni podle mediánu odhadovaného zisku z \"Disenchant\".";
		["HelpGuessBaseline"]	= "Je-li Ohodnocovani zapnuto (a Auctioneer neni zapotrebi) - zobrazi jednoduche Ohodnoceni podle vlastních tabulek odhadovaného zisku z \"Disenchant\".";
		["HelpGuessNoauctioneer"]	= "Ohodnocování NUC nebo mediánem nejsou k dispozici protoze nemas instalovany Auctioneer. ";
		["HelpLoad"]	= "Nastavi spousteni Enchantrix pro tuto postavu";
		["HelpLocale"]	= "Nastavi jazyk Enchantrix zprav";
		["HelpOnoff"]	= "Nastavi zda se maji zobrazovat informace o ocarovani predmetu";
		["HelpPrintin"]	= "Nastavi v kterem okne ma Enchantrix zobrazovat zpravy. Muzete zvolit nazev okna nebo jeho index.";
		["HelpTerse"]	= "Přepínač stručného zobrazení, kdy se ukazuje pouze hodnota \"Disenchant\". Dá se obejít podržením \"Control\".";
		["HelpValue"]	= "Nastavi zda se ma zobrazovat odhadovaný zisk z \"Disenchant\" daného předmětu";

		-- Section: Report Messages
		["FrmtBidbrokerCurbid"]	= "soucBid";
		["FrmtBidbrokerDone"]	= "Prihazovani dokonceno";
		["FrmtBidbrokerHeader"]	= "Nabidky usetri %s stribra na prumerne hodnote odcarovani:";
		["FrmtBidbrokerLine"]	= "%s, Hodnota na: %s, %s: %s, Usetrit: %s, Mene %s, Cas: %s";
		["FrmtBidbrokerMinbid"]	= "minBid";
		["FrmtBidBrokerSkipped"]	= "Celkem %d aukcí vynecháno pro nedostatečný percentuální zisk (%d%%)";
		["FrmtPctlessDone"]	= "Procentuelni snizeni hotovo.";
		["FrmtPctlessHeader"]	= "Vykupy usetri %d%% oproti prumerne hodnote odcarovani:";
		["FrmtPctlessLine"]	= "%s, Hodnota na: %s, Vykup: %s, Usetrit: %s, Mene %s";
		["FrmtPctlessSkipped"]	= "Celkem %d aukcí vynecháno pro nedostatečný peněžní zisk (%s)";

		-- Section: Tooltip Messages
		["FrmtBarkerPrice"]	= "Cena do chatu (%d %% zisk)";
		["FrmtDisinto"]	= "Disenchant získá: ";
		["FrmtFound"]	= "Zaznamenáno, že disenchant na %s získá:";
		["FrmtPriceEach"]	= "(%s za kus)";
		["FrmtSuggestedPrice"]	= "Doporučená cena:";
		["FrmtTotal"]	= "Celkem";
		["FrmtValueAuctHsp"]	= "Prodejní cena získaná Disenchantem (NUC)";
		["FrmtValueAuctMed"]	= "Střední cena získaná Disenchantem (StredniCena)";
		["FrmtValueMarket"]	= "Základní cena získaná Disenchantem (ZakladniCena)";
		["FrmtWarnAuctNotLoaded"]	= "[Auctioneer nebyl nahrán, budu používat uložené ceny]";
		["FrmtWarnNoPrices"]	= "[Ceny nejsou dostupne]";
		["FrmtWarnPriceUnavail"]	= "[Nektere ceny nedostupne]";


	daDK = {

		-- Section: Command Messages
		["FrmtActClearall"]	= "Nulstiller al Enchant data";
		["FrmtActClearFail"]	= "Kan ikke finde item: %s";
		["FrmtActClearOk"]	= "Data nulstillet for item: %s";
		["FrmtActDefault"]	= "Enchantrix's %s indstilling er blevet nulstillet";
		["FrmtActDefaultAll"]	= "Alle Enchantrix indstillinger er blevet gensat til normal";
		["FrmtActDisable"]	= "Viser ikke item's %s data";
		["FrmtActEnable"]	= "Viser item's %s data";
		["FrmtActSet"]	= "Sæt %s til '%s'";
		["FrmtActUnknown"]	= "Ukendt kommando nøgleord: '%s'";
		["FrmtActUnknownLocale"]	= "Sproget du har valgt ('%s') er ukendt. Tilladte sprog er:";
		["FrmtPrintin"]	= "Encantrix's beskeder vil nu vises i \"%s\" chat rammen";
		["FrmtUsage"]	= "Brug:";
		["MesgDisable"]	= "Slår automatisk loading af Enchantrix fra";
		["MesgNotloaded"]	= "Enchantrix er ikke indlæst. Skriv /enchantrix for mere information";

		-- Section: Command Options
		["CmdClearAll"]	= "alt";
		["OptClear"]	= "([Item]alt)";
		["OptDefault"]	= "(<option>|alt)";
		["OptFindBidauct"]	= "<sølv>";
		["OptFindBuyauct"]	= "<procent>";
		["OptLocale"]	= "<sprog>";
		["OptPrintin"]	= "(<index>[Nummer]<rammenavn>[Streng])";

		-- Section: Commands
		["CmdClear"]	= "slet";
		["CmdDefault"]	= "standard";
		["CmdDisable"]	= "deaktiver";
		["CmdFindBidauct"]	= "bidbroker";
		["CmdFindBidauctShort"]	= "bb";
		["CmdFindBuyauct"]	= "procentunder";
		["CmdFindBuyauctShort"]	= "pu";
		["CmdHelp"]	= "hjælp";
		["CmdLocale"]	= "sprog";
		["CmdOff"]	= "fra";
		["CmdOn"]	= "til";
		["CmdPrintin"]	= "skriv-i";
		["CmdToggle"]	= "skift";
		["ConfigUI"]	= "Konfigurer";
		["ShowDELevels"]	= "niveauer";
		["ShowDEMaterials"]	= "materialer";
		["ShowEmbed"]	= "integreret";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerHsp"]	= "evaluer-hsp";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerMed"]	= "evaluer-middel";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerVal"]	= "evaluer-val";
		["ShowGuessBaseline"]	= "evaluer-baseværdi";
		["ShowTerse"]	= "terse";
		["ShowUI"]	= "vis";
		["ShowValue"]	= "Evaluer";
		["StatOff"]	= "Viser ingen enchant data";
		["StatOn"]	= "Viser konfigureret enchant data";

		-- Section: Config Text
		["GuiLoad"]	= "Load Auctioneer";
		["GuiLoad_Always"]	= "altid";
		["GuiLoad_Never"]	= "aldrig";

		-- Section: Game Constants
		["ArgSpellMillingName"]	= "Milling";
		["ArgSpellname"]	= "Disenchant";
		["ArgSpellProspectingName"]	= "Prospecting";
		["Enchanting"]	= "Enchanting";
		["Inscription"]	= "Inscription";
		["Jewelcrafting"]	= "Smykkesmed";
		["PatReagents"]	= "Ingredienser: (.+)";
		["TextCombat"]	= "Kamp";
		["TextGeneral"]	= "Generelt";

		-- Section: Generic Messages
		["FrmtCredit"]	= "Gå til http://enchantrix.org/ for at dele dine data";
		["FrmtWelcome"]	= "Enchantrix v%s læst ind";
		["MesgAuctVersion"]	= "Enchantix kræver Auctioneer version 3.4 eller højere. Nogle muligheder vil være utilgængelige indtil du opdatere din Auctioneer installation.";

		-- Section: Help Text
		["GuiClearall"]	= "Slet alle Enchantrix data";
		["GuiClearallButton"]	= "Slet alt";
		["GuiClearallHelp"]	= "Klik her for at slette alle Enchantrix data for den aktuelle server.";
		["GuiClearallNote"]	= "for den aktuelle server/faktion";
		["GuiDefaultAll"]	= "Nulstil alle Enchantrix valg";
		["GuiDefaultAllButton"]	= "Nulstil alt";
		["GuiDefaultAllHelp"]	= "Klik her for at sætte alle Enchantrix options til deres standard værdi. ADVARSEL. Dette kan IKKE fortrydes.";
		["GuiDefaultOption"]	= "Nulstil denne værdi";
		["GuiDELevels"]	= "Vis disenchant niveau krævet i tooltip";
		["GuiDEMaterials"]	= "Vis disenchant materiale info i tooltip";
		["GuiEmbed"]	= "Vis indlejrede information i spillets tooltip";
		["GuiLocale"]	= "Sæt sprog til";
		["GuiMainEnable"]	= "Aktiver Enchantrix";
		["GuiMainHelp"]	= "Indeholder værdier for Enchantrix et Add-On som viser information om hvad en ting bliver til ved disenchant.";
		["GuiOtherHeader"]	= "Andre valg";
		["GuiOtherHelp"]	= "Diverse Enchantrix valg";
		["GuiPrintin"]	= "Vælg den ønskede meddelelses frame";
		["GuiPrintYieldsInChat"]	= "Vis item yields i chatten";
		["GuiShowCraftReagents"]	= "Vis crafting reagents i tooltips";
		["GuiTerse"]	= "Aktiver kortfattet indstilling";
		["GuiValuateAverages"]	= "Evaluer mod Auctioneer gennemsnit";
		["GuiValuateBaseline"]	= "Evaluer mod standard data";
		["GuiValuateEnable"]	= "Aktiver Evaluering";
		["GuiValuateHeader"]	= "Evaluering";
		["GuiValuateMedian"]	= "Evaluer mod Auctioneer middel";
		["HelpClear"]	= "Slet det valgte item data (du skal shift-klikke item ind i kommandoen). Du kan også angive all for at slette alt.";
		["HelpDefault"]	= "Sæt et Enchantrix valg til dets standard værdi. Du kan også angive all for at sætte alle valg til deres standard værdi.";
		["HelpDisable"]	= "Undlader at loade Enchantrix automatisk næste gang du logger ind.";
		["HelpEmbed"]	= "Indlejrer teksten i spillets egne tooltip (Bemærk: Visse valg kan ikke bruges sammen med dette)";
		["HelpFindBidauct"]	= "Find auktioner hvis potentielle disenchant værdi er et vist sølvbeløb mindre end bud prisen.";
		["HelpFindBuyauct"]	= "Find auktioner hvis potentielle disenchant værdi er vis procent værdi mindre end bud prisen.";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneer5Val"]	= "Hvis valuationen er aktiveret, og du har Auctioneer installeret, vis market prisen af disenchant af et item";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerHsp"]	= "Hvis Evaluer er slået til og du har Auctioneer installeret, vis salgspris (HSP) vurderingen af at disenchante tingen.";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerMedian"]	= "Hvis Evaluer er slået til og du har Auctioneer installeret, vis middel værdien af at disenchante tingen.";
		["HelpGuessBaseline"]	= "Hvis Evaluer er slået til (Auctioneer er ikke nødvendig) vis base værdien af at disenchante ting. Baseret på de indbyggede priser.";
		["HelpGuessNoauctioneer"]	= "Kommandoerne evaluer-hsp og evaluer-middel er ikke tilgængelige fordi du ikke har Auctioneer installeret.";
		["HelpLoad"]	= "Ændre Enchantrix load indstillinger for denne karakter";
		["HelpLocale"]	= "Ændrer sproget som bruges til at vises Enchantrix meddelelser";
		["HelpOnoff"]	= "Skifter mellem om enchant data vises eller ej.";
		["HelpPrintin"]	= "Vælg hvilken ramme Enchantrix viser sine meddelelser i.\nDu kan enten angive navnet eller nummeret.";
		["HelpShowDELevels"]	= "Vælg om det skal vises i tooltip hvilket skill der kræves for at disenchante tingen.";
		["HelpShowDEMaterials"]	= "Vælg om det skal vises i tooltip hvilke materialer man kan få ved at disenchante tingen.";
		["HelpShowUI"]	= "Vis eller gem redigerings panelet.";
		["HelpTerse"]	= "Aktiver/deaktiver kortfattet indstilling. Viser kun disenchant værdi. Kan tilsidesættes ved at holde control-tasten nede.";
		["HelpValue"]	= "Vælg om tingens værdi baseret pà udfaldet af mulige disenchants skal vises.";
		["ModTTShow_Help"]	= "Denne indstilling vil kun vise Enchantrix's ekstra tooltip hvis ALT er trykket ned.";

		-- Section: Report Messages
		["AuctionScanAuctNotInstalled"]	= "Du har ikke installeret Auctioneer. Auctioneer skal være installeret for at udføre en auktions skan.";
		["AuctionScanVersionTooOld"]	= "Du har ikke den korrekte version af Auctioneer installeret. Denne funktion kræver Auctioneer 4.0 eller nyere.";
		["ChatDeletedProfile"]	= "Slettet profil:";
		["ChatDuplicatedProfile"]	= "Kopieret profil til:";
		["ChatResetProfile"]	= "Nulstil alle indstillinger for:";
		["ChatSavedProfile"]	= "Gemt profil:";
		["ChatUsingProfile"]	= "Aktuel profil:";
		["FrmtAutoDeActive"]	= "AutoDisenchant aktiveret";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisabled"]	= "AutoDisenchant inaktiveret";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisenchantCancelled"]	= "Disenchant afbrudt: item ikke fundet";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisenchanting"]	= "Disenchanter %s";
		["FrmtAutoDeIgnorePermanent"]	= "Ignorerer %s permanent";
		["FrmtAutoDeIgnoreSession"]	= "Ignorere %s i denne session";
		["FrmtAutoDeInactive"]	= "AutoDisenchant inaktiv";
		["FrmtAutoDeMilling"]	= "Miller %s";
		["FrmtAutoDeMillingCancelled"]	= "Milling afbrudt: item ikke fundet";
		["FrmtAutoDeProspectCancelled"]	= "Prospect afbrudt: item ikke fundet";
		["FrmtAutoDeProspecting"]	= "Prospecter %s";
		["FrmtBidbrokerCurbid"]	= "BudNu";
		["FrmtBidbrokerDone"]	= "Gennemløb for lave priser udført.";
		["FrmtBidbrokerHeader"]	= "Auktioner som har %s sølv besparelse baseret på gennemsnitlig disenchant værdi. (min %%mindre = %d): ";
		["FrmtBidbrokerLine"]	= "%s, Vurderet til: %s, %s: %s. Besparelse: %s, Under %s, Tid: %s";
		["FrmtBidbrokerMinbid"]	= "BudMin";
		["FrmtBidBrokerSkipped"]	= "Sprang %d auktioner over, pga. for lille profit margin. (%d%%) ";
		["FrmtBidBrokerSkippedBids"]	= "Sprang %d auktioner over pga. eksisterende bud";
		["FrmtPctlessDone"]	= "Procent mindre udført.";
		["FrmtPctlessHeader"]	= "Buyouts som har %d%% besparelse i forhold til gennemsnitlige disenchant værdi:";
		["FrmtPctlessLine"]	= "%s, vurderet til: %s, BO: %s, spar: %d, %s under.";
		["FrmtPctlessSkillSkipped"]	= "Sprang %d auktioner over pga. for lav skill level (%s)";
		["FrmtPctlessSkipped"]	= "Sprang %d auktioner over, pga. for lille profit mulighed. (%s) ";

		-- Section: Tooltip Messages
		["FrmtBarkerPrice"]	= "Udråbspris (%d%% margen)";
		["FrmtDEItemLevels"]	= "Kan disenchantes fra item level %d til %d";
		["FrmtDisinto"]	= "Disenchantes til:";
		["FrmtFound"]	= "Fandt at %s disenchantes til:";
		["FrmtFoundNotDisenchant"]	= "Registrerede at %s ikke kan disenchantes";
		["FrmtInkFrom"]	= "Lavet fra %s";
		["FrmtMillingFound"]	= "Registrerede at %s milles til:";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctHsp"]	= "Milling værdi (HSP)";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctMed"]	= "Milling værdi (Median)";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctVal"]	= "Milling værdi (AucAdv)";
		["FrmtMillingValueMarket"]	= "Milling værdi (Base)";
		["FrmtMillsInto"]	= "Milles til:";
		["FrmtPriceEach"]	= "(%s/stk.)";
		["FrmtProspectFound"]	= "Registrerede at %s prospectes til:";
		["FrmtProspectFrom"]	= "Prospectes fra %s.";
		["FrmtProspectInto"]	= "Prospectes til:";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctHsp"]	= "Prospect værdi (HSP)";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctMed"]	= "Prospect værdi (Median)";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctVal"]	= "Prospect værdi (AucAdv)";
		["FrmtProspectValueMarket"]	= "Prospect værdi (Base)";
		["FrmtSuggestedPrice"]	= "Anbefalet pris:";
		["FrmtTotal"]	= "I alt";
		["FrmtValueAuctHsp"]	= "Disenchant værdi (HSP)";
		["FrmtValueAuctMed"]	= "Disenchant værdi (Median)";
		["FrmtValueAuctVal"]	= "Disenchant værdi (AucAdv)";
		["FrmtValueFixedVal"]	= "Disenchant værdi (Fast sat)";
		["FrmtValueMarket"]	= "Disenchant værdi (Base)";
		["FrmtWarnAuctNotLoaded"]	= "[Auctioneer ikke indlæst, bruger priser fra cachen]";
		["FrmtWarnNoPrices"]	= "[Ingen priser er tilgængelige]";
		["FrmtWarnPriceUnavail"]	= "[Nogle af priserne er ikke tilgængelige]";
		["TooltipMillingLevel"]	= "Milling kræver skill %d";
		["TooltipProspectLevel"]	= "Prospecting kræver skill %d";
		["TooltipShowDisenchantLevel"]	= "Disenchanting kræver skill %d";

		-- Section: User Interface
		["BeanCounterRequired"]	= "BeanCounter er krævet for at bestemme købs grund. Deaktivere AutoDE begrænsning indtil BeanCounter er installeret.";
		["ExportPriceAucAdv"]	= "Eksporter Enchantrix priser til Auctioneer Advanced";
		["GuiActivateProfile"]	= "Aktiver en aktuel profil";
		["GuiAutoDeOptions"]	= "Automatisering\n";
		["GuiAutoDePromptLine1"]	= "Vil du disenchante:\n";
		["GuiAutoDePromptLine3"]	= "Vurderet til %s\n";
		["GuiAutoMillingPromptLine1"]	= "Ønsker du at mille:";
		["GuiAutoProspectPromptLine1"]	= "Ønsker du at prospecte:";
		["GuiBBUnbiddedOnly"]	= "Begræns BidBroker til ting der ikke er budt på";
		["GuiCreateReplaceProfile"]	= "Opret eller erstat en profil";
		["GuiDeleteProfileButton"]	= "Slet";
		["GuiDuplicateProfileButton"]	= "Kopier profil";
		["GuiFixedSettings"]	= "Faste ingrediens priser";
		["GuiGeneralOptions"]	= "Generelle Enchantrix indstillinger";
		["GuiIgnore"]	= "Ignorer\n";
		["GuiItemValueAverage"]	= "Gennemsnit (standard)";
		["GuiMaxBuyout"]	= "Maksimal udkøbspris:";
		["GuiMillingOptions"]	= "Milling indstillinger";
		["GuiMinimapButtonDist"]	= "Distance: %d";
		["GuiMinimapOptions"]	= "Minimap visnings indstillinger";
		["GuiMinimapShowButton"]	= "Vis minimap knap";
		["GuiNewProfileName"]	= "Nyt profil navn:";
		["GuiNo"]	= "Nej\n";
		["GuiPLBBOnlyBelowDESkill"]	= "Vis kun ting der kan disenchantes på nuværende skill";
		["GuiPLBBSettings"]	= "Percentless og Bidbroker indstillinger";
		["GuiProspectingLevels"]	= "Vis krav til prospecting level i tooltip";
		["GuiProspectingOptions"]	= "Prospecting indstillinger";
		["GuiResetProfileButton"]	= "Nulstil";
		["GuiSaveProfileButton"]	= "Gem";
		["GuiTabAuctions"]	= "Auktioner";
		["GuiTabFixed"]	= "Fast pris";
		["GuiTabGeneral"]	= "Generelt";
		["GuiTabMilling"]	= "Milling";
		["GuiTabProfiles"]	= "Profiler";
		["GuiTabProspecting"]	= "Prospecting";
		["GuiYes"]	= "Ja";
		["ModTTShow"]	= "Vis kun ekstra tooltip hvis Alt er trykket ned";


	deDE = {

		-- Section: Command Messages
		["FrmtActClearall"]	= "Lösche alle Entzauberungsdaten";
		["FrmtActClearFail"]	= "Kann Gegenstand %s nicht finden";
		["FrmtActClearOk"]	= "Daten für Gegenstand %s gelöscht";
		["FrmtActDefault"]	= "Die Enchantrix-Option '%s' wurde auf den Standardwert zurückgesetzt.";
		["FrmtActDefaultAll"]	= "Alle Enchantrix-Optionen wurden auf die Standardwerte zurückgesetzt.";
		["FrmtActDisable"]	= "Zeige keine Daten von Gegenstand %s";
		["FrmtActEnable"]	= "Zeige Daten von Gegenstand %s";
		["FrmtActSet"]	= "Setze %s zu '%s'";
		["FrmtActUnknown"]	= "Unbekannter Befehl: '%s'";
		["FrmtActUnknownLocale"]	= "Das angegebene Gebietsschema ('%s') ist unbekannt. Gültige Gebietsschemata sind:";
		["FrmtPrintin"]	= "Die Enchantrix-Meldungen werden nun im Chat-Fenster \"%s\" angezeigt";
		["FrmtUsage"]	= "Syntax:";
		["MesgDisable"]	= "Das automatische Laden von Enchantrix wird deaktiviert";
		["MesgNotloaded"]	= "Enchantrix ist nicht geladen. Geben Sie /enchantrix ein um mehr Informationen zu erhalten.";

		-- Section: Command Options
		["CmdClearAll"]	= "all";
		["OptClear"]	= "([Gegenstand]|all)";
		["OptDefault"]	= "(<Option>|all)";
		["OptFindBidauct"]	= "<Silber>";
		["OptFindBuyauct"]	= "<Prozent>";
		["OptLocale"]	= "<Sprache>";
		["OptPrintin"]	= "(<Fenster-Index>[Nummer]|<Fenster-Name>[String])";

		-- Section: Commands
		["CmdClear"]	= "clear";
		["CmdDefault"]	= "default";
		["CmdDisable"]	= "disable";
		["CmdFindBidauct"]	= "bidbroker";
		["CmdFindBidauctShort"]	= "bb";
		["CmdFindBuyauct"]	= "percentless";
		["CmdFindBuyauctShort"]	= "pl";
		["CmdHelp"]	= "help";
		["CmdLocale"]	= "locale";
		["CmdOff"]	= "off";
		["CmdOn"]	= "on";
		["CmdPrintin"]	= "print-in";
		["CmdToggle"]	= "toggle";
		["ConfigUI"]	= "config";
		["ShowDELevels"]	= "Fähigkeit";
		["ShowDEMaterials"]	= "Materialien";
		["ShowEmbed"]	= "embed";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerHsp"]	= "valuate-hsp";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerMed"]	= "valuate-median";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerVal"]	= "valuate-val";
		["ShowGuessBaseline"]	= "valuate-baseline";
		["ShowTerse"]	= "kurz";
		["ShowUI"]	= "zeigen";
		["ShowValue"]	= "valuate";
		["StatOff"]	= "Die Anzeige von Entzauberungsdaten wurde deaktiviert";
		["StatOn"]	= "Die Anzeige von Entzauberungsdaten wurde aktiviert";

		-- Section: Config Text
		["GuiLoad"]	= "Enchantrix laden";
		["GuiLoad_Always"]	= "immer";
		["GuiLoad_Never"]	= "nie";

		-- Section: Game Constants
		["ArgSpellMillingName"]	= "Mahlen";
		["ArgSpellname"]	= "Entzaubern";
		["ArgSpellProspectingName"]	= "Sondieren";
		["Enchanting"]	= "Verzauberkunst";
		["Inscription"]	= "Inschriftenkunde";
		["Jewelcrafting"]	= "Juwelenschleifen";
		["PatReagents"]	= "Reagenzien: (.+)";
		["TextCombat"]	= "Kampflog";
		["TextGeneral"]	= "Allgemein";

		-- Section: Generic Messages
		["FrmtCredit"]	= "(besuche http://enchantrix.org/ um deine Entzauberdaten mit anderen zu teilen)";
		["FrmtWelcome"]	= "Enchantrix v%s geladen";
		["MesgAuctVersion"]	= "Enchantrix benötigt Auctioneer Version 4.0 oder höher. Einige Funktionen werden nicht verfügbar sein, bis Sie ihre Auctioneer Version aktualisieren.";

		-- Section: Help Text
		["GuiClearall"]	= "Alle Enchantrix-Daten löschen";
		["GuiClearallButton"]	= "Alles löschen";
		["GuiClearallHelp"]	= "Hier klicken um alle Enchantrix-Daten auf dem aktuellen Realm zu löschen.";
		["GuiClearallNote"]	= "der aktuellen Fraktion auf dem aktuellen Realm";
		["GuiDefaultAll"]	= "Alle Einstellungen zurücksetzen";
		["GuiDefaultAllButton"]	= "Zurücksetzen";
		["GuiDefaultAllHelp"]	= "Hier klicken um alle Enchantrix-Optionen auf ihren Standardwert zu setzen.\nWARNUNG: Dieser Vorgang kann NICHT rückgängig gemacht werden.";
		["GuiDefaultOption"]	= "Zurücksetzen folgender Einstellung";
		["GuiDELevels"]	= "Zeige den notwendigen Entzauberungsskill im Tooltip an";
		["GuiDEMaterials"]	= "Zeige notwendiges Entzauberungsmaterial im Tooltip an";
		["GuiEmbed"]	= "In-Game Tooltip zur Anzeige verwenden";
		["GuiLocale"]	= "Setze das Gebietsschema auf";
		["GuiMainEnable"]	= "Enchantrix aktivieren";
		["GuiMainHelp"]	= "Einstellungen für Enchantrix - ein AddOn, das Informationen über die möglichen Entzauberungen eines Gegenstands als Tooltip anzeigt.";
		["GuiOtherHeader"]	= "Sonstige Optionen";
		["GuiOtherHelp"]	= "Sonstige Enchantrix-Optionen";
		["GuiPrintin"]	= "Fenster für Meldungen auswählen";
		["GuiPrintYieldsInChat"]	= "Zeige Itemerträge im Chat";
		["GuiShowCraftReagents"]	= "Zeige Handwerksreagenzien in den Tooltips";
		["GuiTerse"]	= "Kurzinfo-Modus aktivieren";
		["GuiValuateAverages"]	= "Verkaufspreis anzeigen (Auctioneer Durchschnittswerte)";
		["GuiValuateBaseline"]	= "Verkaufspreis anzeigen (Interne Preisliste)";
		["GuiValuateEnable"]	= "Wertschätzung aktivieren";
		["GuiValuateHeader"]	= "Wertschätzung";
		["GuiValuateMedian"]	= "Ermitteln von Durchschnittspreisen (Auctioneer Median)";
		["HelpClear"]	= "Lösche die Daten des angegebenen Gegenstands (Gegenstände müssen mit Shift-Klick einfügt werden). Mit dem Schlüsselwort \"all\" werden alle Daten gelöscht.";
		["HelpDefault"]	= "Setzt die angegebene Enchantrix-Option auf ihren Standardwert zurück. Mit dem Schlüsselwort \"all\" werden alle Enchantrix-Optionen zurückgesetzt.";
		["HelpDisable"]	= "Verhindert das automatische Laden von Enchantrix beim Login";
		["HelpEmbed"]	= "Zeige den Text im In-Game Tooltip \n(Hinweis: Einige Funktionen stehen dann nicht zur Verfügung)";
		["HelpFindBidauct"]	= "Suche Auktionen deren Entzauberungswert einen bestimmten Betrag (in Silber) unter dem Gebotspreis liegt";
		["HelpFindBuyauct"]	= "Suche Auktionen deren Entzauberungswert einen bestimmten Prozentsatz unter dem Sofortkaufpreis liegt";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneer5Val"]	= "Wenn die Wertschätzung aktiviert und Auctioneer installiert ist, zeige den Marktwert (Auctioneer-Marktwert) für das Entzaubern";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerHsp"]	= "Wenn die Wertschätzung aktiviert und Auctioneer installiert ist, zeige den maximalen Verkaufspreis (Auctioneer-HVP) für das Entzaubern";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerMedian"]	= "Wenn die Wertschätzung aktiviert und Auctioneer installiert ist, zeige den durchschnittlichen Verkaufspreis (Auctioneer-MEDIAN) für das Entzaubern";
		["HelpGuessBaseline"]	= "Wenn die Wertschätzung aktiviert ist, zeige den Marktpreis aus der internen Preisliste (Auctioneer wird nicht benötigt)";
		["HelpGuessNoauctioneer"]	= "Die Befehle \"valuate-hsp\" und \"valuate-median\" sind nicht verfügbar weil Auctioneer nicht installiert ist";
		["HelpLoad"]	= "Ladeverhalten von Enchantrix für diesen Charakter ändern";
		["HelpLocale"]	= "Ändern des Gebietsschemas das zur Anzeige \nvon Enchantrix-Meldungen verwendet wird";
		["HelpOnoff"]	= "Schaltet die Anzeige von Entzauberungsdaten ein oder aus";
		["HelpPrintin"]	= "Auswählen in welchem Fenster die Enchantrix-Meldungen angezeigt werden. Es kann entweder der Fensterindex oder der Fenstername angegeben werden.";
		["HelpShowDELevels"]	= "Auswählen ob der notwendige Verzauberungsskill für das Entzaubern der Items im Tooltip angezeigt werden soll.";
		["HelpShowDEMaterials"]	= "Auswählen ob das mögliche Material aus der Entzauberung der Items im Tooltip angezeigt werden soll.";
		["HelpShowUI"]	= "Anzeigen oder verstecken der Einstellungskonsole.";
		["HelpTerse"]	= "Aktivieren/Deaktivieren des Kurzinfo-Modus, bei dem nur der Entzauberungswert angezeigt wird. Durch drücken der STRG-Taste werden in diesem Modus alle Infos gezeigt.";
		["HelpValue"]	= "Auswählen ob geschätzte Verkaufspreise aufgrund \nder Anteile an möglichen Entzauberungen angezeigt werden";
		["ModTTShow_Help"]	= "Diese Option sorgt dafür, dass der extra tooltip von Enchantrix nur gezeigt wird wenn Alt gedrückt wird.";

		-- Section: Report Messages
		["AuctionScanAuctNotInstalled"]	= "Du hast Auctioneer nicht installiert. Auctioneer muss installiert sein um einen Auktionenscan durchzuführen.";
		["AuctionScanVersionTooOld"]	= "Deine Auctioneerversion ist veraltet, für diese Aktion wird Auctioneer v4.0 oder später benötigt.";
		["ChatDeletedProfile"]	= "Profil gelöscht:";
		["ChatDuplicatedProfile"]	= "Dupliziere Profil nach:";
		["ChatResetProfile"]	= "Einstellungen zurückgesetzt für:";
		["ChatSavedProfile"]	= "Profil gespeichert:";
		["ChatUsingProfile"]	= "Aktuell verwendetes Profil:";
		["FrmtAutoDeActive"]	= "Autom. Entzaubern eingeschaltet";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisabled"]	= "Autom. Entzaubern abgeschaltet";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisenchantCancelled"]	= "Entzaubern abgebrochen: Item nicht gefunden";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisenchanting"]	= "Entzaubere %s";
		["FrmtAutoDeIgnorePermanent"]	= "Ignoriere %s permanent";
		["FrmtAutoDeIgnoreSession"]	= "Ignoriere %s für diese Sitzung";
		["FrmtAutoDeInactive"]	= "Autom. Entzaubern nicht aktiv";
		["FrmtAutoDeMilling"]	= "Mahlen %s";
		["FrmtAutoDeMillingCancelled"]	= "Mahlen abgebroch: Gegenstand nicht gefunden.";
		["FrmtAutoDeProspectCancelled"]	= "Sondieren abgebrochen: item nicht gefunden";
		["FrmtAutoDeProspecting"]	= "Sondieren von %s";
		["FrmtBidbrokerCurbid"]	= "aktGeb";
		["FrmtBidbrokerDone"]	= "Die Auktionssuche (Betrag unter Gebotspreis) ist abgeschlossen.";
		["FrmtBidbrokerHeader"]	= "Auktionen mit %s Silber Einsparung auf den durchschnittlichen Entzauberungswert:";
		["FrmtBidbrokerLine"]	= "%s, Wert bei: %s, %s: %s, Ersparnis: %s, %s weniger, Zeit: %s";
		["FrmtBidbrokerMinbid"]	= "minGeb";
		["FrmtBidBrokerSkipped"]	= "%d Auktionen übersprungen da Gewinnspanne von (%d%%) unterschritten";
		["FrmtBidBrokerSkippedBids"]	= "%d Auktionen übersprungen, da aktuelle Gebote vorliegen";
		["FrmtPctlessDone"]	= "Die Auktionssuche (Prozent unter Sofortkauf) ist abgeschlossen.";
		["FrmtPctlessHeader"]	= "Sofortkauf-Auktionen mit %d%% Einsparung auf durchschnittlichen Entzauberungswert:";
		["FrmtPctlessLine"]	= "%s, Wert bei: %s, SK: %s, Ersparnis: %s, %s weniger";
		["FrmtPctlessSkillSkipped"]	= "%d Auktionen übersprungen, da Fertigkeitslevel von (%s) unterschritten";
		["FrmtPctlessSkipped"]	= "%d Auktionen übersprungen, da Gewinngrenze von (%s) Prozent unterschritten";

		-- Section: Tooltip Messages
		["FrmtBarkerPrice"]	= "Barker Preis (%d%% Gewinn)";
		["FrmtDEItemLevels"]	= "Entzauberbar von Gegenstandslevel %d bis %d";
		["FrmtDisinto"]	= "Mögliche Entzauberung zu:";
		["FrmtFound"]	= "%s wird entzaubert zu:";
		["FrmtFoundNotDisenchant"]	= "%s kann nicht entzaubert werden";
		["FrmtInkFrom"]	= "Hergestellt aus %s";
		["FrmtMillingFound"]	= "%s kann gemahlen werden zu:";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctHsp"]	= "Mahlwert (HVP)";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctMed"]	= "Mahlwert (Median)";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctVal"]	= "Mahlwert (AucAdv)";
		["FrmtMillingValueMarket"]	= "Mahlwert (Marktpreis)";
		["FrmtMillsInto"]	= "Mögliche Mahlung zu:";
		["FrmtPriceEach"]	= "(%s/stk)";
		["FrmtProspectFound"]	= "%s wird sondiert zu:";
		["FrmtProspectFrom"]	= "Sondierbar von %s.";
		["FrmtProspectInto"]	= "Mögliche Sondierung zu:";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctHsp"]	= "Sondierungswert (HVP)";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctMed"]	= "Sondierungswert (Median)";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctVal"]	= "Sondierungswert (AucAdv)";
		["FrmtProspectValueMarket"]	= "Sondierungswert (Marktpreis)";
		["FrmtSuggestedPrice"]	= "vorgeschlagener Preis";
		["FrmtTotal"]	= "Gesamtsumme";
		["FrmtValueAuctHsp"]	= "Entzauberungswert (HVP)";
		["FrmtValueAuctMed"]	= "Entzauberungswert (Median)";
		["FrmtValueAuctVal"]	= "Entzauberungswert (AucAdv)";
		["FrmtValueFixedVal"]	= "Entzauberungswert (Fix)";
		["FrmtValueMarket"]	= "Entzauberungswert (Marktpreis)";
		["FrmtWarnAuctNotLoaded"]	= "[Auctioneer nicht geladen, es werden gespeicherte Preise benutzt]";
		["FrmtWarnNoPrices"]	= "[Keine Preise verfügbar]";
		["FrmtWarnPriceUnavail"]	= "[Einige Preise nicht verfügbar]";
		["TooltipMillingLevel"]	= "Mahlen erfordert Fertigkeit %d";
		["TooltipProspectLevel"]	= "Sondieren erfordert Fertigkeit %d";
		["TooltipShowDisenchantLevel"]	= "Entzaubern erfordert Fertigkeit %d";

		-- Section: User Interface
		["BeanCounterRequired"]	= "BeanCounter ist erforderlich um den Kaufgrund zu entscheiden. Der AutoDE Limit wird ausgeschaltet bis der BeanCounter intalliert ist.";
		["ExportPriceAucAdv"]	= "Exportiere Enchantrix-Preise nach AuctioneerAdvanced";
		["GuiActivateProfile"]	= "Aktiviere ein vorhandenes Profil";
		["GuiAutoDeBoughtForDE"]	= "Nur Gegenstände, die gekauft sind, zum entzaubern.";
		["GuiAutoDeEnable"]	= "Suche nach entzauberbaren Items in Taschen - VORSICHTIG VERWENDEN";
		["GuiAutoDeEpicItems"]	= "Automatisches Entzaubern epischer (violetter) Gegenstände";
		["GuiAutoDeOptions"]	= "Automatisierung";
		["GuiAutoDePromptLine1"]	= "Willst Du dies entzaubern:";
		["GuiAutoDePromptLine3"]	= "Bewertet um %s";
		["GuiAutoDEPurchaseReason"]	= "Gekauft für %s";
		["GuiAutoDeRareItems"]	= "Automatisches Entzaubern rarer (blauer) Gegenstände";
		["GuiAutoDESuggestion"]	= "Vorschlag: %s diesen Gegenstand";
		["GuiAutoMillingPromptLine1"]	= "Willst du dies mahlen:";
		["GuiAutoProspectPromptLine1"]	= "Willst Du dies sondieren:";
		["GuiBBUnbiddedOnly"]	= "Limitiere BidBroker auf Items ohne Gebote";
		["GuiConfigProfiles"]	= "Erstelle, konfiguriere und editiere Profile";
		["GuiCreateReplaceProfile"]	= "Erstelle oder ersetze ein Profil";
		["GuiDefaultBBProfitPercent"]	= "Standardprofitwert für BidBroker in Prozent: %d";
		["GuiDefaultLessHSP"]	= "Standardprozentwert unter HVP: %d";
		["GuiDefaultProfitMargin"]	= "Standard Profitgewinn:";
		["GuiDeleteProfileButton"]	= "Löschen";
		["GuiDuplicateProfileButton"]	= "Kopiere Profil";
		["GuiFixedSettings"]	= "Standard Reagenzpreise";
		["GuiFixedSettingsNote"]	= "Hinweis: Diese Werte werden anstelle vom Auctioneer oder von allen anderen Schätzungsmethoden verwendet, wenn die Checkbox aktiviert wird. Die folgenden Werte werden noch durch die Reagenzgewichtung im vorhergehenden Abschnitt beeinflußt. Um sicher zu stellen, dass die Reagenz genau anhand der unten spezifizierten Menge bewertet wird, muss die Gewichtung im Gewichtungsabschnitt auf 100% eingestellt sein.";
		["GuiGeneralOptions"]	= "Allgemeine Enchantrix Optionen";
		["GuiIgnore"]	= "Ignorieren";
		["GuiItemValueAuc4HSP"]	= "Auc4 HVP";
		["GuiItemValueAuc4Median"]	= "Auc4 Median";
		["GuiItemValueAuc5Appraiser"]	= "AucAdv Appraiser Wert";
		["GuiItemValueAuc5Market"]	= "AucAdv Marktwert";
		["GuiItemValueAverage"]	= "Durchschnitt (Standard)";
		["GuiItemValueBaseline"]	= "Marktgrundwert";
		["GuiItemValueCalc"]	= "Itemwert kalkuliert von";
		["GuiMaxBuyout"]	= "Maximaler Sofortkaufspreis";
		["GuiMillingingValues"]	= "Zeige erwartete Mahlerträge";
		["GuiMillingLevels"]	= "Zeige benötigten Fertigkeitswert für Mahlung im Tooltip";
		["GuiMillingMaterials"]	= "Zeige erwartete Mahlerträge im Tooltip";
		["GuiMillingOptions"]	= "Mahloptionen";
		["GuiMinBBProfitPercent"]	= "Minimaler Profitwert für Bidbroker in Prozent: %d";
		["GuiMinimapButtonAngle"]	= "Buttonposition: %d";
		["GuiMinimapButtonDist"]	= "Distanz: %d";
		["GuiMinimapOptions"]	= "Minimapanzeige Optionen";
		["GuiMinimapShowButton"]	= "Minimapbutton anzeigen";
		["GuiMinLessHSP"]	= "Mindestprozentwert unter HVP: %d";
		["GuiMinProfitMargin"]	= "Minimaler Profitgewinn:";
		["GuiNewProfileName"]	= "Neuer Profilname:";
		["GuiNo"]	= "Nein";
		["GuiPLBBOnlyBelowDESkill"]	= "Zeige nur mit aktueller Fertigkeit entzauberbare Items";
		["GuiPLBBSettings"]	= "Prozentwerte- und BidBrokereinstellungen";
		["GuiProspectingLevels"]	= "Zeige benötigte Fertigkeit für Sondierung im Tooltip";
		["GuiProspectingMaterials"]	= "Zeige erwartete Sondierwerte im Tooltip";
		["GuiProspectingOptions"]	= "Sondierungsoptionen";
		["GuiProspectingValues"]	= "Zeige erwartete Sondierungswerte";
		["GuiResetProfileButton"]	= "Zurücksetzen";
		["GuiSaveProfileButton"]	= "Speichern";
		["GuiShowMatSources"]	= "Zeige Ursprungsmaterialien für Gegenstände erworben durch Entzaubern, Sondieren und Bergbau.";
		["GuiShowMilling"]	= "Zeige Mahlungsdaten für Kräuter";
		["GuiShowProspecting"]	= "Zeige Sondierungsdaten für Erze";
		["GuiTabAuctions"]	= "Auktionen";
		["GuiTabFixed"]	= "Standardwerte";
		["GuiTabGeneral"]	= "Allgemein";
		["GuiTabMilling"]	= "Mahlen";
		["GuiTabProfiles"]	= "Profile";
		["GuiTabProspecting"]	= "Sondieren";
		["GuiTabWeights"]	= "Gewichtung";
		["GuiValueOptions"]	= "Wertanzeigeoptionen";
		["GuiValueShowAuc4HSP"]	= "Zeige Auctioneer HVP-Werte";
		["GuiValueShowAuc4Median"]	= "Zeige Auctioneer Medianwerte";
		["GuiValueShowAuc5Market"]	= "Zeige Auctioneer Marktwert";
		["GuiValueShowBaseline"]	= "Zeige eingebaute Standardgrundwerte";
		["GuiValueShowDEValues"]	= "Zeige erwartete Entzauberungswerte";
		["GuiValueTerse"]	= "Zeige Kurzinfo zu Entzauberungswert";
		["GuiWeighSettingsNote"]	= "Die Gewichtung oben ändert die Schätzung der erhaltenen Reagenz durch die spezifizierte Menge. Im Allgemeinen kann man sie bei 100% lassen, es sei denn, daß sie mehr oder weniger wertvoll sein sollten, wie die Schätzungsmethode die verwendet wird.";
		["GuiWeightSettings"]	= "Reagenzwunsch bei Entzauberung";
		["GuiYes"]	= "Ja";
		["ModTTShow"]	= "Zeige extra tooltip nur wenn Alt gedrückt wird";


	enUS = {

		-- Section: Command Messages
		["FrmtActClearall"]	= "Clearing all enchant data";
		["FrmtActClearFail"]	= "Unable to find item: %s";
		["FrmtActClearOk"]	= "Cleared data for item: %s";
		["FrmtActDefault"]	= "Enchantrix's %s option has been reset to its default setting";
		["FrmtActDefaultAll"]	= "All Enchantrix options have been reset to default settings.";
		["FrmtActDisable"]	= "Not displaying item's %s data";
		["FrmtActEnable"]	= "Displaying item's %s data";
		["FrmtActSet"]	= "Set %s to '%s'";
		["FrmtActUnknown"]	= "Unknown command keyword: '%s'";
		["FrmtActUnknownLocale"]	= "The locale you specified ('%s') is unknown. Valid locales are:";
		["FrmtPrintin"]	= "Enchantrix's messages will now print on the \"%s\" chat frame";
		["FrmtUsage"]	= "Usage:";
		["MesgDisable"]	= "Disabling automatic loading of Enchantrix";
		["MesgNotloaded"]	= "Enchantrix is not loaded. Type /enchantrix for more info.";

		-- Section: Command Options
		["CmdClearAll"]	= "all";
		["OptClear"]	= "([Item]|all)";
		["OptDefault"]	= "(<option>|all)";
		["OptFindBidauct"]	= "<silver>";
		["OptFindBuyauct"]	= "<percent>";
		["OptLocale"]	= "<locale>";
		["OptPrintin"]	= "(<frameIndex>[Number]|<frameName>[String])";

		-- Section: Commands
		["CmdClear"]	= "clear";
		["CmdDefault"]	= "default";
		["CmdDisable"]	= "disable";
		["CmdFindBidauct"]	= "bidbroker";
		["CmdFindBidauctShort"]	= "bb";
		["CmdFindBuyauct"]	= "percentless";
		["CmdFindBuyauctShort"]	= "pl";
		["CmdHelp"]	= "help";
		["CmdLocale"]	= "locale";
		["CmdOff"]	= "off";
		["CmdOn"]	= "on";
		["CmdPrintin"]	= "print-in";
		["CmdToggle"]	= "toggle";
		["ConfigUI"]	= "config";
		["ShowDELevels"]	= "levels";
		["ShowDEMaterials"]	= "materials";
		["ShowEmbed"]	= "embed";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerHsp"]	= "valuate-hsp";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerMed"]	= "valuate-median";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerVal"]	= "valuate-val";
		["ShowGuessBaseline"]	= "valuate-baseline";
		["ShowTerse"]	= "terse";
		["ShowUI"]	= "show";
		["ShowValue"]	= "valuate";
		["StatOff"]	= "Not displaying any enchant data";
		["StatOn"]	= "Displaying configured enchant data";

		-- Section: Config Text
		["GuiLoad"]	= "Load Enchantrix";
		["GuiLoad_Always"]	= "always";
		["GuiLoad_Never"]	= "never";

		-- Section: Game Constants
		["ArgSpellMillingName"]	= "Milling";
		["ArgSpellname"]	= "Disenchant";
		["ArgSpellProspectingName"]	= "Prospecting";
		["Enchanting"]	= "Enchanting";
		["Inscription"]	= "Inscription";
		["Jewelcrafting"]	= "Jewelcrafting";
		["PatReagents"]	= "Reagents: (.+)";
		["TextCombat"]	= "Combat";
		["TextGeneral"]	= "General";

		-- Section: Generic Messages
		["FrmtCredit"]	= "  (go to http://enchantrix.org/ to share your data)";
		["FrmtWelcome"]	= "Enchantrix v%s loaded";
		["MesgAuctVersion"]	= "Enchantrix requires Auctioneer version 4.0 or higher. Some features will be unavailable until you update your Auctioneer installation.";

		-- Section: Help Text
		["GuiClearall"]	= "Clear All Enchantrix Data";
		["GuiClearallButton"]	= "Clear All";
		["GuiClearallHelp"]	= "Click here to clear all of Enchantrix data for the current server-realm.";
		["GuiClearallNote"]	= "for the current server-faction";
		["GuiDefaultAll"]	= "Reset All Enchantrix Options";
		["GuiDefaultAllButton"]	= "Reset All";
		["GuiDefaultAllHelp"]	= "Click here to set all Enchantrix options to their default values.\nWARNING: This action is NOT undoable.";
		["GuiDefaultOption"]	= "Reset this setting";
		["GuiDELevels"]	= "Show disenchant level requirements in the tooltip";
		["GuiDEMaterials"]	= "Show disenchant material info in the tooltip";
		["GuiEmbed"]	= "Embed info in in-game tooltip";
		["GuiLocale"]	= "Set locale to";
		["GuiMainEnable"]	= "Enable Enchantrix";
		["GuiMainHelp"]	= "Contains settings for Enchantrix \nan AddOn that displays information in item tooltips pertaining to the results of disenchanting said item.";
		["GuiOtherHeader"]	= "Other Options";
		["GuiOtherHelp"]	= "Miscellaneous Enchantrix Options";
		["GuiPrintin"]	= "Select the desired message frame";
		["GuiPrintYieldsInChat"]	= "Show item yields in chat";
		["GuiShowCraftReagents"]	= "Show crafting reagents in tooltips";
		["GuiTerse"]	= "Enable terse mode";
		["GuiValuateAverages"]	= "Valuate with Auctioneer averages";
		["GuiValuateBaseline"]	= "Valuate with Built-in Data";
		["GuiValuateEnable"]	= "Enable Valuation";
		["GuiValuateHeader"]	= "Valuation";
		["GuiValuateMedian"]	= "Valuate with Auctioneer medians";
		["HelpClear"]	= "Clear the specified item's data (you must shift click insert the item(s) into the command) You may also specify the special keyword \"all\"";
		["HelpDefault"]	= "Set an Enchantrix option to it's default value. You may also specify the special keyword \"all\" to set all Enchantrix options to their default values.";
		["HelpDisable"]	= "Stops enchantrix from automatically loading next time you log in";
		["HelpEmbed"]	= "Embed the text in the original game tooltip (note: certain features are disabled when this is selected)";
		["HelpFindBidauct"]	= "Find auctions whose possible disenchant value is a certain silver amount less than the bid price";
		["HelpFindBuyauct"]	= "Find auctions whose buyout price is a certain percent less than the possible disenchant value (and, optionally, a certain amount less than the disenchant value)";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneer5Val"]	= "If valuation is enabled, and you have Auctioneer installed, display the market value of disenchanting the item.";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerHsp"]	= "If valuation is enabled, and you have Auctioneer installed, display the sellable price (HSP) valuation of disenchanting the item.";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerMedian"]	= "If valuation is enabled, and you have Auctioneer installed, display the median based valuation of disenchanting the item.";
		["HelpGuessBaseline"]	= "If valuation is enabled, (Auctioneer not needed) display the baseline valuation of disenchanting the item, based upon the inbuilt prices.";
		["HelpGuessNoauctioneer"]	= "The valuate-hsp and valuate-median commands are not available because you do not have auctioneer installed";
		["HelpLoad"]	= "Change Enchantrix's load settings for this toon";
		["HelpLocale"]	= "Change the locale that is used to display Enchantrix messages";
		["HelpOnoff"]	= "Turns the enchant data display on and off";
		["HelpPrintin"]	= "Select which frame Enchantix will print out it's messages. You can either specify the frame's name or the frame's index.";
		["HelpShowDELevels"]	= "Select whether to show the enchanting skill needed to disenchant the item in the tooltip.";
		["HelpShowDEMaterials"]	= "Select whether to show the possible materials given by disenchanting the item in the tooltip.";
		["HelpShowUI"]	= "Show or hide the settings panel.";
		["HelpTerse"]	= "Enable/disable terse mode, showing only disenchant value. Can be overridden by holding down the control key.";
		["HelpValue"]	= "Select whether to show item's estimated values based on the proportions of possible disenchants";
		["ModTTShow_Help"]	= "This option will show Enchantrix's extra tooltip only if Alt is pressed.";

		-- Section: Report Messages
		["AuctionScanAuctNotInstalled"]	= "You do not have Auctioneer installed. Auctioneer must be installed to perform an auction scan.";
		["AuctionScanVersionTooOld"]	= "You do not have the correct version of Auctioneer installed, this feature requires Auctioneer v4.0 or later.";
		["ChatDeletedProfile"]	= "Deleted profile: ";
		["ChatDuplicatedProfile"]	= "Duplicated profile to: ";
		["ChatResetProfile"]	= "Reset all settings for: ";
		["ChatSavedProfile"]	= "Saved profile: ";
		["ChatUsingProfile"]	= "Now using profile: ";
		["FrmtAutoDeActive"]	= "AutoDisenchant active";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisabled"]	= "AutoDisenchant disabled";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisenchantCancelled"]	= "Disenchant cancelled: item not found";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisenchanting"]	= "Disenchanting %s";
		["FrmtAutoDeIgnorePermanent"]	= "Ignoring %s permanently";
		["FrmtAutoDeIgnoreSession"]	= "Ignoring %s this session";
		["FrmtAutoDeInactive"]	= "AutoDisenchant inactive";
		["FrmtAutoDeMilling"]	= "Milling %s";
		["FrmtAutoDeMillingCancelled"]	= "Milling cancelled: item not found";
		["FrmtAutoDeProspectCancelled"]	= "Prospect cancelled: item not found";
		["FrmtAutoDeProspecting"]	= "Prospecting %s";
		["FrmtBidbrokerCurbid"]	= "curBid";
		["FrmtBidbrokerDone"]	= "Bid brokering done";
		["FrmtBidbrokerHeader"]	= "Bids having %s silver savings on average disenchant value (min %%less = %d):";
		["FrmtBidbrokerLine"]	= "%s, Valued at: %s, %s: %s, Save: %s, Less %s, Time: %s";
		["FrmtBidbrokerMinbid"]	= "minBid";
		["FrmtBidBrokerSkipped"]	= "Skipped %d auctions due to profit margin cutoff (%d%%)";
		["FrmtBidBrokerSkippedBids"]	= "Skipped %d auctions due to existing bids";
		["FrmtPctlessDone"]	= "Percent less done.";
		["FrmtPctlessHeader"]	= "Buyouts having %d%% savings over average item disenchant value (min savings = %s):";
		["FrmtPctlessLine"]	= "%s, Valued at: %s, BO: %s, Save: %s, Less %s";
		["FrmtPctlessSkillSkipped"]	= "Skipped %d auctions due to skill level cutoff (%s)";
		["FrmtPctlessSkipped"]	= "Skipped %d auctions due to profitability cutoff (%s)";

		-- Section: Tooltip Messages
		["FrmtBarkerPrice"]	= "Barker Price (%d%% margin)";
		["FrmtDEItemLevels"]	= "Disenchantable from item levels %d to %d.";
		["FrmtDisinto"]	= "Disenchants into:";
		["FrmtFound"]	= "Found that %s disenchants into:";
		["FrmtFoundNotDisenchant"]	= "Found that %s is not disenchantable";
		["FrmtInkFrom"]	= "Made from %s";
		["FrmtMillingFound"]	= "Found that %s mills into:";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctHsp"]	= "Milling value (HSP)";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctMed"]	= "Milling value (Median)";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctVal"]	= "Milling value (AucAdv)";
		["FrmtMillingValueMarket"]	= "Milling value (Baseline)";
		["FrmtMillsInto"]	= "Mills into:";
		["FrmtPriceEach"]	= "(%s ea)";
		["FrmtProspectFound"]	= "Found that %s prospects into:";
		["FrmtProspectFrom"]	= "Prospectable from %s.";
		["FrmtProspectInto"]	= "Prospects into:";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctHsp"]	= "Prospect value (HSP)";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctMed"]	= "Prospect value (Median)";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctVal"]	= "Prospect value (AucAdv)";
		["FrmtProspectValueMarket"]	= "Prospect value (Baseline)";
		["FrmtSuggestedPrice"]	= "Suggested price:";
		["FrmtTotal"]	= "Total";
		["FrmtValueAuctHsp"]	= "Disenchant value (HSP)";
		["FrmtValueAuctMed"]	= "Disenchant value (Median)";
		["FrmtValueAuctVal"]	= "Disenchant value (AucAdv)";
		["FrmtValueFixedVal"]	= "Disenchant value (Fixed)";
		["FrmtValueMarket"]	= "Disenchant value (Baseline)";
		["FrmtWarnAuctNotLoaded"]	= "[Auctioneer not loaded, using cached prices]";
		["FrmtWarnNoPrices"]	= "[No prices available]";
		["FrmtWarnPriceUnavail"]	= "[Some prices unavailable]";
		["TooltipMillingLevel"]	= "Milling requires skill %d";
		["TooltipProspectLevel"]	= "Prospecting requires skill %d";
		["TooltipShowDisenchantLevel"]	= "Disenchanting requires skill %d";

		-- Section: User Interface
		["BeanCounterRequired"]	= "BeanCounter is required to determine purchase reason. Disabling AutoDE limit until BeanCounter is installed.";
		["ExportPriceAucAdv"]	= "Export Enchantrix prices to Auctioneer Advanced";
		["GuiActivateProfile"]	= "Activate a current profile";
		["GuiAutoDeBoughtForDE"]	= "Only items purchased for disenchanting";
		["GuiAutoDeEnable"]	= "Watch bags for disenchantable items - USE WITH CARE\n";
		["GuiAutoDeEpicItems"]	= "Auto Disenchant epic (purple) items";
		["GuiAutoDeOptions"]	= "Automation\n";
		["GuiAutoDePromptLine1"]	= "Do you want to disenchant:\n";
		["GuiAutoDePromptLine3"]	= "  Valued at %s\n";
		["GuiAutoDEPurchaseReason"]	= "Bought for %s";
		["GuiAutoDeRareItems"]	= "Auto Disenchant rare (blue) items";
		["GuiAutoDESuggestion"]	= "Suggestion: %s this item";
		["GuiAutoLootDE"]	= "Automatically loot manually disenchanted, prospected, or milled items.";
		["GuiAutoMillingPromptLine1"]	= "Do you want to mill:";
		["GuiAutoProspectPromptLine1"]	= "Do you want to prospect:\n";
		["GuiBBUnbiddedOnly"]	= "Restrict BidBroker to unbidded items only";
		["GuiConfigProfiles"]	= "Setup, configure and edit profiles";
		["GuiCreateReplaceProfile"]	= "Create or replace a profile";
		["GuiDefaultBBProfitPercent"]	= "Default bidbroker profit percentage: %d";
		["GuiDefaultLessHSP"]	= "Default percentage less than HSP: %d";
		["GuiDefaultProfitMargin"]	= "Default Profit Margin:";
		["GuiDeleteProfileButton"]	= "Delete";
		["GuiDuplicateProfileButton"]	= "Copy Profile";
		["GuiFixedSettings"]	= "Fixed reagent prices";
		["GuiFixedSettingsNote"]	= "Note: These values will be used instead of Auctioneer or any other valuation methods if the checkbox is checked.\nThe following values are still affected by the reagent weights in the previous section, so if you want to make sure that the reagent is valued at exactly the specified amount below, then also make sure that it's weight is set to 100% in the weights section.";
		["GuiGeneralOptions"]	= "General Enchantrix options";
		["GuiIgnore"]	= "Ignore\n";
		["GuiItemValueAuc4HSP"]	= "Auc4 HSP";
		["GuiItemValueAuc4Median"]	= "Auc4 Median";
		["GuiItemValueAuc5Appraiser"]	= "AucAdv Appraiser Value";
		["GuiItemValueAuc5Market"]	= "AucAdv Market Value";
		["GuiItemValueAverage"]	= "Average (default)";
		["GuiItemValueBaseline"]	= "Market Baseline";
		["GuiItemValueCalc"]	= "Item value calculated from";
		["GuiMaxBuyout"]	= "Maximum Buyout price:";
		["GuiMillingingValues"]	= "Show estimated milling values";
		["GuiMillingLevels"]	= "Show milling level requirements in the tooltip";
		["GuiMillingMaterials"]	= "Show milling material info in the tooltip";
		["GuiMillingOptions"]	= "Milling Options";
		["GuiMinBBProfitPercent"]	= "Minimum bidbroker profit Percentage: %d";
		["GuiMinimapButtonAngle"]	= "Button angle: %d";
		["GuiMinimapButtonDist"]	= "Distance: %d";
		["GuiMinimapOptions"]	= "Minimap display options";
		["GuiMinimapShowButton"]	= "Display Minimap button";
		["GuiMinLessHSP"]	= "Minimum Percentage less than HSP: %d";
		["GuiMinProfitMargin"]	= "Minimum Profit Margin:";
		["GuiNewProfileName"]	= "New profile name:";
		["GuiNo"]	= "No\n";
		["GuiPLBBOnlyBelowDESkill"]	= "Only show items disenchantable at current skill";
		["GuiPLBBSettings"]	= "Percentless and Bidbroker settings";
		["GuiProspectingLevels"]	= "Show prospecting level requirements in the tooltip";
		["GuiProspectingMaterials"]	= "Show prospecting material info in the tooltip";
		["GuiProspectingOptions"]	= "Prospecting Options";
		["GuiProspectingValues"]	= "Show estimated prospecting values";
		["GuiResetProfileButton"]	= "Reset";
		["GuiSaveProfileButton"]	= "Save";
		["GuiShowMatSources"]	= "Show source material for items obtained by disenchanting, prospecting and milling.";
		["GuiShowMilling"]	= "Show Milling data for herbs";
		["GuiShowProspecting"]	= "Show Prospecting data for ores";
		["GuiTabAuctions"]	= "Auctions";
		["GuiTabFixed"]	= "Fixed Value";
		["GuiTabGeneral"]	= "General";
		["GuiTabMilling"]	= "Milling";
		["GuiTabProfiles"]	= "Profiles";
		["GuiTabProspecting"]	= "Prospecting";
		["GuiTabWeights"]	= "Weights";
		["GuiValueOptions"]	= "Value Display Options";
		["GuiValueShowAuc4HSP"]	= "Show Auctioneer HSP values";
		["GuiValueShowAuc4Median"]	= "Show Auctioneer median values";
		["GuiValueShowAuc5Market"]	= "Show Auctioneer market value";
		["GuiValueShowBaseline"]	= "Show built-in baseline values";
		["GuiValueShowDEValues"]	= "Show estimated disenchant values";
		["GuiValueTerse"]	= "Show terse disenchant value";
		["GuiWeighSettingsNote"]	= "The weights above change the valuation of the given reagent by the specified amount. Generally you will want to leave them at 100% unless you think they should be more or less valuable than the valuation method you are using is saying.";
		["GuiWeightSettings"]	= "Disenchant reagent desirability";
		["GuiYes"]	= "Yes";
		["ModTTShow"]	= "Only show extra tooltip if Alt is pressed.";


	esES = {

		-- Section: Command Messages
		["FrmtActClearall"]	= "Eliminando toda información de encantamientos";
		["FrmtActClearFail"]	= "Imposible encontrar artí­culo: %s";
		["FrmtActClearOk"]	= "Información eliminada para el artí­culo: %s";
		["FrmtActDefault"]	= "La opción %s de Enchantrix ha sido reestablecida a sus ajustes por defecto.";
		["FrmtActDefaultAll"]	= "Todas las opciones de Enchantrix han sido reestablecidas a sus ajustes por defecto.";
		["FrmtActDisable"]	= "Ocultando información del artículo: %s ";
		["FrmtActEnable"]	= "Mostrando información del artí­culo: %s ";
		["FrmtActSet"]	= "%s establecido a '%s'";
		["FrmtActUnknown"]	= "Comando o palabra clave desconocida: '%s'";
		["FrmtActUnknownLocale"]	= "La localización que has especificado ('%s') no es válida. Las localizaciones válidas son:";
		["FrmtPrintin"]	= "Los mensajes de Enchantrix se imprimirán en la ventana de chat \"%s\"";
		["FrmtUsage"]	= "Uso:";
		["MesgDisable"]	= "Desactivando la carga automática de Enchantrix";
		["MesgNotloaded"]	= "Enchantrix no está cargado. Escriba /enchantrix para más información.";

		-- Section: Command Options
		["CmdClearAll"]	= "todo";
		["OptClear"]	= "([Item]|todo)";
		["OptDefault"]	= "(<opción>|todo)";
		["OptFindBidauct"]	= "<dinero>";
		["OptFindBuyauct"]	= "<porcentaje>";
		["OptLocale"]	= "<localización>";
		["OptPrintin"]	= "(<indiceVentana>[Número]|<nombreVentana>[Serie])";

		-- Section: Commands
		["CmdClear"]	= "borrar";
		["CmdDefault"]	= "original";
		["CmdDisable"]	= "deshabilitar";
		["CmdFindBidauct"]	= "corredorofertas";
		["CmdFindBidauctShort"]	= "co";
		["CmdFindBuyauct"]	= "porcientomenos";
		["CmdFindBuyauctShort"]	= "pm";
		["CmdHelp"]	= "ayuda";
		["CmdLocale"]	= "localidad";
		["CmdOff"]	= "apagado";
		["CmdOn"]	= "prendido";
		["CmdPrintin"]	= "imprimir-en";
		["CmdToggle"]	= "invertir";
		["ConfigUI"]	= "configurar";
		["ShowDELevels"]	= "niveles";
		["ShowDEMaterials"]	= "materiales";
		["ShowEmbed"]	= "integrar";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerHsp"]	= "valorizar-pmv";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerMed"]	= "valorizar-mediano";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerVal"]	= "Evaluar-valor";
		["ShowGuessBaseline"]	= "valorizar-referencia";
		["ShowTerse"]	= "conciso";
		["ShowUI"]	= "mostrar";
		["ShowValue"]	= "valorizar";
		["StatOff"]	= "Ocultando toda información de los desencantamientos";
		["StatOn"]	= "Mostrando datos de encantamiento configurados.";

		-- Section: Config Text
		["GuiLoad"]	= "Cargar Enchantrix";
		["GuiLoad_Always"]	= "siempre";
		["GuiLoad_Never"]	= "nunca";

		-- Section: Game Constants
		["ArgSpellMillingName"]	= "Moler";
		["ArgSpellname"]	= "Desencantar";
		["ArgSpellProspectingName"]	= "Prospectar";
		["Enchanting"]	= "Encantamiento";
		["Inscription"]	= "Inscripción";
		["Jewelcrafting"]	= "Joyería";
		["PatReagents"]	= "Componentes:(.+)";
		["TextCombat"]	= "Combate";
		["TextGeneral"]	= "General";

		-- Section: Generic Messages
		["FrmtCredit"]	= "(ve a http://enchantrix.org/ para comparti­r tu información)";
		["FrmtWelcome"]	= "Enchantrix versión %s cargado";
		["MesgAuctVersion"]	= "Enchantrix requiere la versión 3.4 o mayor de Auctioneer. Algunas características no estarán disponibles hasta que actualices tu instalación de Auctioneer.";

		-- Section: Help Text
		["GuiClearall"]	= "Elimina toda la información de Enchantrix";
		["GuiClearallButton"]	= "Eliminar Todo";
		["GuiClearallHelp"]	= "Clic aquí para eliminar toda la información de Enchantrix sobre el reino-facción actual.";
		["GuiClearallNote"]	= "para el reino-facción actual.";
		["GuiDefaultAll"]	= "Reestablece todas las opciones de Enchantrix";
		["GuiDefaultAllButton"]	= "Reestablecer Todo";
		["GuiDefaultAllHelp"]	= "Clic aquí para establecer todas las opciones de Auctioneer a sus valores por defecto. ADVERTENCIA: Esta acción NO es reversible.";
		["GuiDefaultOption"]	= "Reestablece esta opción";
		["GuiDELevels"]	= "Mostrar los requerimientos de nivel de desencanto en la descripción";
		["GuiDEMaterials"]	= "Mostrar informacion de los materiales desencantados en la caja de ayuda";
		["GuiEmbed"]	= "Integra la información en la caja de ayuda";
		["GuiLocale"]	= "Establece la localización a";
		["GuiMainEnable"]	= "Activa Enchantrix";
		["GuiMainHelp"]	= "Contiene ajustes para Enchantrix, un accesorio que muestra información en la caja de ayuda de objetos sobre el desencantamiento del objeto en cuestión.";
		["GuiOtherHeader"]	= "Otras Opciones";
		["GuiOtherHelp"]	= "Otras Opciones de Enchantrix";
		["GuiPrintin"]	= "Selecciona la ventana deseada";
		["GuiPrintYieldsInChat"]	= "Mostrar rendimientos de los items en el chat";
		["GuiShowCraftReagents"]	= "Mostrar creaciones reactivas en ventanas";
		["GuiTerse"]	= "Activa el modo conciso";
		["GuiValuateAverages"]	= "Valora con Promedios de Auctioneer";
		["GuiValuateBaseline"]	= "Valora con la información integrada";
		["GuiValuateEnable"]	= "Activa Valoración";
		["GuiValuateHeader"]	= "Valoración";
		["GuiValuateMedian"]	= "Valora con Promedios de Auctioneer";
		["HelpClear"]	= "Elimina la información sobre el objeto especificado (debes usar clic-mayúsculas para incluir el/los objeto(s) en el comando) También puedes especificar las palabra clave \"todo\"";
		["HelpDefault"]	= "Establece una opción de Enchantrix a su valor por defecto. También puedes especificar la palabra clave especial \"todo\" para establecer todas las opciones de Enchantrix a sus valores por defecto.";
		["HelpDisable"]	= "Impide que Enchantrix se cargue automáticamente la próxima vez que te conectes";
		["HelpEmbed"]	= "Inserta el texto en la caja de ayuda original del juego (nota: algunas características se desactivan cuando esta opción es seleccionada)";
		["HelpFindBidauct"]	= "Encuentra subastas en las que el valor de desencantamiento posible es una cantidad de dinero menor que el precio de puja";
		["HelpFindBuyauct"]	= "Encuentra subastas en las que el precio de compra es un porcentaje menor que el valor de desencantamiento posible (y, opcionalmente, una cantidad menor que el valor de desenctanemiento)";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneer5Val"]	= "Si la valoración está activada y tienes Auctioneer instalado, muestra el valor de mercado del desencantamiento del objeto.";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerHsp"]	= "Si la valoración está activada y tienes Auctioneer instalado, muestra la valoración del precio de venta (PMV) al desencantar el objeto.";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerMedian"]	= "Si la valoración está activada y tienes Auctioneer instalado, muestra la valoración basada en promedios al desencantar el objeto.";
		["HelpGuessBaseline"]	= "Si la valoración está activada (no se necesita Auctioneer) muestra la valoración base al desencantar el objeto, basado en los precios integrados.";
		["HelpGuessNoauctioneer"]	= "Los comandos valorar-pmv y valorar-promedio no están disponibles porque no tienes Auctioneer instalado";
		["HelpLoad"]	= "Cambia las opciones de carga de Enchantrix para este personaje";
		["HelpLocale"]	= "Cambia la localización que es usada para mostrar los mensajes de Enchantrix";
		["HelpOnoff"]	= "Activa y desactiva la visualización de la información de encantamientos";
		["HelpPrintin"]	= "Determina en qué ventana se imprimen los mensajes d eEnchantrix. Puedes especificar el nombre de la ventana o su índice.";
		["HelpShowDELevels"]	= "Seleccione si desea mostrar la habilidad de encantamiento necesaria para desencantar el objeto en forma de mensaje.";
		["HelpShowDEMaterials"]	= "Seleccione si desea mostrar los posibles materiales dados por desencantar un objeto en forma de mensaje.";
		["HelpShowUI"]	= "Mostrar u ocultar el panel de configuración.";
		["HelpTerse"]	= "Activa y desactiva el modo conciso, mostrando solo el valor de los desencantamientos. Puede ser desactivado temporalmente manteniendo pulsada la tecla Control.";
		["HelpValue"]	= "Determina si se muestran los valores de objeto estimados basados en las proporciones de los posibles desencantamientos";
		["ModTTShow_Help"]	= "Con esta opción solo se mostrará el globo de ayuda extra de Enchantrix si Alt está pulsado.";

		-- Section: Report Messages
		["AuctionScanAuctNotInstalled"]	= "No tienes Auctioneer instalado. Auctioneer debe estar installado para escanear la subasta.";
		["AuctionScanVersionTooOld"]	= "No tienes la versión correcta de Auctioneer instalada, esta caracteristica requiere Auctioneer v4.0 o superior.";
		["ChatDeletedProfile"]	= "Eliminado perfil:";
		["ChatDuplicatedProfile"]	= "Duplicado perfil a:";
		["ChatResetProfile"]	= "Reiniciar todas las configuraciones para:";
		["ChatSavedProfile"]	= "Perfil salvado:";
		["ChatUsingProfile"]	= "Usando el perfil:";
		["FrmtAutoDeActive"]	= "AutoDesencantar activo";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisabled"]	= "AutoDesencantar desactivado";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisenchantCancelled"]	= "Desencantar cancelado: no se encuentra el objeto";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisenchanting"]	= "Desencantando %s";
		["FrmtAutoDeIgnorePermanent"]	= "Ignorando %s permanentemente";
		["FrmtAutoDeIgnoreSession"]	= "Ignorando %s durante esta sesión";
		["FrmtAutoDeInactive"]	= "AutoDesencantar inactivo";
		["FrmtAutoDeMilling"]	= "Moliendo %s";
		["FrmtAutoDeMillingCancelled"]	= "Moler cancelado: no se encuentra el objeto";
		["FrmtAutoDeProspectCancelled"]	= "Prospectar cancelado: no se encuentra el objeto";
		["FrmtAutoDeProspecting"]	= "Prospectando %s";
		["FrmtBidbrokerCurbid"]	= "pujaActual";
		["FrmtBidbrokerDone"]	= "Corredor de pujas finalizado";
		["FrmtBidbrokerHeader"]	= "Pujas que tienen un promedio de ahorro de %s de plata en el valor de desencantamiento (min %%menos= %d):";
		["FrmtBidbrokerLine"]	= "%s, Valorado en: %s, %s: %s, Ahorra: %s, Menos %s, Tiempo: %s";
		["FrmtBidbrokerMinbid"]	= "pujaMin";
		["FrmtBidBrokerSkipped"]	= "Saltadas %d subastas que están por debajo del margen de beneficios (%d%%)";
		["FrmtBidBrokerSkippedBids"]	= "Saltado %d subastas debido a las ofertas existentes";
		["FrmtPctlessDone"]	= "Porcentajes menores finalizado.";
		["FrmtPctlessHeader"]	= "Compras que tienen %d%% de ahorro sobre el precio promedio de desencantamiento del artí­culo (ahorro min= %s):";
		["FrmtPctlessLine"]	= "%s, Valorado en: %s, Compra: %s, Ahorra: %s, Menos %s";
		["FrmtPctlessSkillSkipped"]	= "Ignoradas %d subastas por el filtro de nivel (%s)";
		["FrmtPctlessSkipped"]	= "Saltadas %d subastas que están por debajo del margen de beneficios (%s)";

		-- Section: Tooltip Messages
		["FrmtBarkerPrice"]	= "Precio de Pregonero (margen de %d%%)";
		["FrmtDEItemLevels"]	= "Se desencantan de niveles %d a %d del artículo.";
		["FrmtDisinto"]	= "Se desencanta en:";
		["FrmtFound"]	= "Se ha descubierto que %s se desencanta en:";
		["FrmtFoundNotDisenchant"]	= "Descubierto que %s no se puede desencantar";
		["FrmtInkFrom"]	= "Hecho de %s";
		["FrmtMillingFound"]	= "Encontrado que %s se muele en:";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctHsp"]	= "Valor molido (HSP)";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctMed"]	= "Valor molido (Media)";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctVal"]	= "Valor molido (AucAdv)";
		["FrmtMillingValueMarket"]	= "Valor molido (Baseline)";
		["FrmtMillsInto"]	= "Se muele en:";
		["FrmtPriceEach"]	= "(%s c/u)";
		["FrmtProspectFound"]	= "Descubierto que %s se prospecciona para:";
		["FrmtProspectFrom"]	= "Se prospecciona de %s.";
		["FrmtProspectInto"]	= "Se prospecciona en:";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctHsp"]	= "Valor de prospección (HSP)";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctMed"]	= "Valor de prospección (Media)";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctVal"]	= "Valor de prospección (AucAdv)";
		["FrmtProspectValueMarket"]	= "Valor de prospección (Baseline)";
		["FrmtSuggestedPrice"]	= "Precio Sugerido:";
		["FrmtTotal"]	= "Total";
		["FrmtValueAuctHsp"]	= "Valor de desencantamiento (PMV)";
		["FrmtValueAuctMed"]	= "Valor de desencantamiento (Promedio)";
		["FrmtValueAuctVal"]	= "Valor de desencantamiento (AucAdv)";
		["FrmtValueFixedVal"]	= "Valor de desencantamiento (Fijo)";
		["FrmtValueMarket"]	= "Valor de desencantamiento (Referencia)";
		["FrmtWarnAuctNotLoaded"]	= "[Auctioneer no se ha cargado, usando los precios guardados]";
		["FrmtWarnNoPrices"]	= "[No hay precios disponibles]";
		["FrmtWarnPriceUnavail"]	= "[Algunos precios no están disponibles]";
		["TooltipMillingLevel"]	= "Habilidad de moler requerida %d";
		["TooltipProspectLevel"]	= "Habilidad de prospección requerida %d";
		["TooltipShowDisenchantLevel"]	= "Habilidad de desencantamiento requerida %d";

		-- Section: User Interface
		["BeanCounterRequired"]	= "Se requiere BeanCounter para determinar la razón de compra. AutoDE será desactivado hasta que se instale BeanCounter.";
		["ExportPriceAucAdv"]	= "Exportar precios de Enchantrix a Auctioneer Advanced";
		["GuiActivateProfile"]	= "Activar el perfil actual";
		["GuiAutoDeBoughtForDE"]	= "Solamente artículos comprados para desencantar.";
		["GuiAutoDeEnable"]	= "Monitorizar bolsas por objetos desencantables - USAR CON PRECAUCIÓN¶";
		["GuiAutoDeEpicItems"]	= "Auto desencantar objetos de calidad épica (morados)";
		["GuiAutoDeOptions"]	= "Automatización¶";
		["GuiAutoDePromptLine1"]	= "¿Quieres desencantar:¶";
		["GuiAutoDePromptLine3"]	= "Valorado en %s¶";
		["GuiAutoDEPurchaseReason"]	= "Fue Comprado por %s";
		["GuiAutoDeRareItems"]	= "Auto desencantar objetos de calidad rara (azules)";
		["GuiAutoDESuggestion"]	= "Sugerencia: %s este artículo";
		["GuiAutoMillingPromptLine1"]	= "¿Quieres moler:";
		["GuiAutoProspectPromptLine1"]	= "¿Quieres prospectar:¶";
		["GuiBBUnbiddedOnly"]	= "Restringir BidBroker sólo a los artículos sin puja";
		["GuiConfigProfiles"]	= "Establecer, configurar y editar perfiles.";
		["GuiCreateReplaceProfile"]	= "Crear o reemplazar un perfil";
		["GuiDefaultBBProfitPercent"]	= "porcentaje de beneficio del Bidbroker por defecto: %d";
		["GuiDefaultLessHSP"]	= "Porcentaje menor que HSP por defecto: %d";
		["GuiDefaultProfitMargin"]	= "Margen de beneficio por defecto:";
		["GuiDeleteProfileButton"]	= "Eliminar";
		["GuiDuplicateProfileButton"]	= "Copiar Perfil";
		["GuiFixedSettings"]	= "Precios de reagentes ajustados";
		["GuiFixedSettingsNote"]	= "Nota: estos valores se usaran en lugar de los de Auctioneer o los de otros metodos de valoración si se marca el checkbox.¶\nLos valores siguientes están afectados por los pesos de los reagentes de la sección anterior, por lo que para asegurate de que el valor de los reagentes esta valorado exactamente como se especifica abajo, asegurate que los pesos estan establecidos al 100% en la seccion de pesos.";
		["GuiGeneralOptions"]	= "Opciones generales de Enchantrix";
		["GuiIgnore"]	= "Ignorar¶";
		["GuiItemValueAuc4HSP"]	= "Auc4 HSP";
		["GuiItemValueAuc4Median"]	= "Auc4 Media";
		["GuiItemValueAuc5Appraiser"]	= "AucAdv Valor de Appraiser ";
		["GuiItemValueAuc5Market"]	= "AucAdv Valor de Mercado";
		["GuiItemValueAverage"]	= "Media (predeterminado)";
		["GuiItemValueBaseline"]	= "Linea base de Mercado";
		["GuiItemValueCalc"]	= "Valor del objeto calculado de";
		["GuiMaxBuyout"]	= "Maximo valor de compra inmediata:";
		["GuiMillingingValues"]	= "Muestra valores estimados de moler";
		["GuiMillingLevels"]	= "Muestra requerimientos de nivel para moler en el globo de ayuda.";
		["GuiMillingMaterials"]	= "Muestra información del material de moler en el globo de ayuda.";
		["GuiMillingOptions"]	= "Opciones de Moler";
		["GuiMinBBProfitPercent"]	= "Mínimo porcentaje de beneficio del Bidbroker por defecto: %d";
		["GuiMinimapButtonAngle"]	= "Ángulo del botón: %d";
		["GuiMinimapButtonDist"]	= "Distancia: %d";
		["GuiMinimapOptions"]	= "Opciones de visualización del minimapa";
		["GuiMinimapShowButton"]	= "Mostrar el boton del mini-mapa.";
		["GuiMinLessHSP"]	= "Mínimo porcentage menor que HSP: %d";
		["GuiMinProfitMargin"]	= "Margen mínimo de beneficio:";
		["GuiNewProfileName"]	= "Nuevo nombre de perfil:";
		["GuiNo"]	= "No¶";
		["GuiPLBBOnlyBelowDESkill"]	= "Solo mostrar objetos desencantables al nivel de habilidad actual";
		["GuiPLBBSettings"]	= "Ajusted de Percentless y Bidbroker";
		["GuiProspectingLevels"]	= "Mostrar requerimientos de nivel de prospeccion en información";
		["GuiProspectingMaterials"]	= "Mostrar informacion del material de prospección en la descripción";
		["GuiProspectingOptions"]	= "Opciones de prospectar";
		["GuiProspectingValues"]	= "Mostrar valores de prospección estimados en la descripción";
		["GuiResetProfileButton"]	= "Reiniciar";
		["GuiSaveProfileButton"]	= "Salvar";
		["GuiShowMatSources"]	= "Muestre el material de origen de artículos obtenidos por desencante, prospección, o molidos.";
		["GuiShowMilling"]	= "Mostrar datos de molido para las hierbas";
		["GuiShowProspecting"]	= "Mostrar datos de prospectado para las menas";
		["GuiTabAuctions"]	= "Subastas";
		["GuiTabFixed"]	= "Valor fijo";
		["GuiTabGeneral"]	= "General";
		["GuiTabMilling"]	= "Moler";
		["GuiTabProfiles"]	= "Perfiles";
		["GuiTabProspecting"]	= "Propectar";
		["GuiTabWeights"]	= "Pesos";
		["GuiValueOptions"]	= "Opciones de visualización de valor";
		["GuiValueShowAuc4HSP"]	= "Mostrar valores de HSP del Auctioneer";
		["GuiValueShowAuc4Median"]	= "Mostrar valores medios del Auctioneer";
		["GuiValueShowAuc5Market"]	= "Mostrar valores de mercado del Auctioneer";
		["GuiValueShowBaseline"]	= "Mostrar incorporados valores de línea base";
		["GuiValueShowDEValues"]	= "Mostrar valores de desencantamiento estimados";
		["GuiValueTerse"]	= "Mostrar valores de desencantamiento concisos";
		["GuiWeighSettingsNote"]	= "El cambio de pesos por encima de la valoración de los reactivos dada por el monto determinado. Generalmente usted querrá dejarlos al 100% a menos que usted piense que debe ser más o menos valiosa que el método de valoración que dice que está utilizando.";
		["GuiWeightSettings"]	= "Conveniencia de desencantar reactivo";
		["GuiYes"]	= "Si";
		["ModTTShow"]	= "Solo mostrar el globo de ayuda extra si Alt está pulsado.";


	esMX = {

		-- Section: Command Messages
		["FrmtActClearall"]	= "Borrando toda la información de encantamientos.";
		["FrmtActClearFail"]	= "Imposible encontrar el item: %s";
		["FrmtActClearOk"]	= "Borrada la información del item: %s";
		["FrmtActDefault"]	= "La opción %s de Enchantrix fue devuelta a su valor original.";
		["FrmtActDefaultAll"]	= "Todas las opciones de Enchantrix fueron devueltas a sus valores originales.";
		["FrmtActDisable"]	= "No se mostrará la información del item %s";
		["FrmtActEnable"]	= "Se mostrará la información del item %s";
		["FrmtActSet"]	= "%s establecido a '%s'";
		["FrmtActUnknown"]	= "No se reconoce el commando: '%s'";
		["FrmtActUnknownLocale"]	= "La localización que se especificó ('%s') no es conocida. Las localizaciones validas son:";
		["FrmtPrintin"]	= "Los mensajes de Enchantrix ahora se mostraran en la ventana de chat \"%s\"";
		["FrmtUsage"]	= "Uso:";
		["MesgDisable"]	= "Desabilitando la carga automática de Enchantrix";
		["MesgNotloaded"]	= "Enchantrix no se encuentra cargado. Escriba /enchantrix para mas información.";

		-- Section: Command Options
		["OptFindBidauct"]	= "<plata>";
		["OptFindBuyauct"]	= "<porcentaje>";
		["OptLocale"]	= "<localización>";
		["OptPrintin"]	= "(<indiceDeVentana>[Número]|<nombreDeVentana>[SerieDeCaracteres]";

		-- Section: Commands
		["ConfigUI"]	= "config";
		["ShowDELevels"]	= "levels";
		["ShowDEMaterials"]	= "materiales";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerVal"]	= "valorizar-valor";
		["ShowTerse"]	= "conciso";
		["ShowUI"]	= "mostrar";
		["StatOff"]	= "No se mostrará la información de encantamientos";
		["StatOn"]	= "Se mostrará la información de encantamientos configurada";

		-- Section: Config Text
		["GuiLoad"]	= "Cargar Enchantrix";
		["GuiLoad_Always"]	= "siempre";
		["GuiLoad_Never"]	= "nunca";

		-- Section: Game Constants
		["ArgSpellMillingName"]	= "Moler";
		["ArgSpellname"]	= "Desencantar";
		["ArgSpellProspectingName"]	= "Prospectar";
		["Enchanting"]	= "Encantar";
		["Inscription"]	= "Inscrición";
		["Jewelcrafting"]	= "Joyería";
		["PatReagents"]	= "Reagentes: (.+)";
		["TextCombat"]	= "Combate";
		["TextGeneral"]	= "General";

		-- Section: Generic Messages
		["FrmtCredit"]	= "(dirigete a http://enchantrix.org/ para compartir tu información)";


	frFR = {

		-- Section: Command Messages
		["FrmtActClearall"]	= "Effacement de toutes les données d'enchantement";
		["FrmtActClearFail"]	= "Impossible de trouver l'objet : %s";
		["FrmtActClearOk"]	= "Information effacée pour l'objet : %s";
		["FrmtActDefault"]	= "L'option %s d'Enchantrix a été réinitialisée à sa valeur par défaut";
		["FrmtActDefaultAll"]	= "Toutes les options d'Enchantrix ont été réinitialisées à leurs valeurs par défaut.";
		["FrmtActDisable"]	= "N'affiche pas les données de l'objet %s";
		["FrmtActEnable"]	= "Affichage des données de l'objet %s";
		["FrmtActSet"]	= "Fixe la valeur de %s à '%s'";
		["FrmtActUnknown"]	= "Mot-clé de commande inconnu : '%s'";
		["FrmtActUnknownLocale"]	= "La langue que vous avez spécifiée ('%s') est inconnue. Les langues valides sont :";
		["FrmtPrintin"]	= "Les messages d'Enchantrix seront maintenant affichés dans la fenêtre de dialogue \"%s\"";
		["FrmtUsage"]	= "Syntaxe :";
		["MesgDisable"]	= "Désactivation du chargement automatique d'Enchantrix";
		["MesgNotloaded"]	= "Enchantrix n'est pas chargé. Tapez /enchantrix pour plus d'informations.";

		-- Section: Command Options
		["CmdClearAll"]	= "tout";
		["OptClear"]	= "([Objet]|tout)";
		["OptDefault"]	= "([option]|tout)";
		["OptFindBidauct"]	= "<argent>";
		["OptFindBuyauct"]	= "<pourcent>";
		["OptLocale"]	= "<langue>";
		["OptPrintin"]	= "(<fenetreIndex>[nombre]|<fenetreNom>[Chaine])";

		-- Section: Commands
		["CmdClear"]	= "effacer";
		["CmdDefault"]	= "par défaut";
		["CmdDisable"]	= "désactiver";
		["CmdFindBidauct"]	= "agent-enchere";
		["CmdFindBidauctShort"]	= "ae";
		["CmdFindBuyauct"]	= "sans-pourcentage";
		["CmdFindBuyauctShort"]	= "pl";
		["CmdHelp"]	= "aide";
		["CmdLocale"]	= "langue";
		["CmdOff"]	= "arret";
		["CmdOn"]	= "marche";
		["CmdPrintin"]	= "afficher-dans";
		["CmdToggle"]	= "activer-desactiver";
		["ConfigUI"]	= "configuration";
		["ShowDELevels"]	= "niveaux";
		["ShowDEMaterials"]	= "matériaux";
		["ShowEmbed"]	= "integrer";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerHsp"]	= "evaluer-pvm";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerMed"]	= "evaluer-median";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerVal"]	= "evaluer-val";
		["ShowGuessBaseline"]	= "evaluer-reference";
		["ShowTerse"]	= "concis";
		["ShowUI"]	= "montrer";
		["ShowValue"]	= "evaluer";
		["StatOff"]	= "N'affiche aucune donnée d'enchantement";
		["StatOn"]	= "Affiche les données d'enchantement configurées";

		-- Section: Config Text
		["GuiLoad"]	= "Charger Enchantrix";
		["GuiLoad_Always"]	= "toujours";
		["GuiLoad_Never"]	= "jamais";

		-- Section: Game Constants
		["ArgSpellMillingName"]	= "Mouture";
		["ArgSpellname"]	= "Désenchanter";
		["ArgSpellProspectingName"]	= "Prospection";
		["Enchanting"]	= "Enchantement";
		["Inscription"]	= "Calligraphie";
		["Jewelcrafting"]	= "Joaillerie";
		["PatReagents"]	= "Ingrédients : (.+)";
		["TextCombat"]	= "Combat";
		["TextGeneral"]	= "Général";

		-- Section: Generic Messages
		["FrmtCredit"]	= "(visitez http://enchantrix.org/ pour partager vos données)";
		["FrmtWelcome"]	= "Enchantrix v%s chargé";
		["MesgAuctVersion"]	= "Enchantrix nécessite Auctioneer version 4.0 ou plus. Certaines fonctions seront indisponibles tant que vous ne mettrez pas Auctioneer à jour.";

		-- Section: Help Text
		["GuiClearall"]	= "Réinitialiser toutes les données d'Enchantrix";
		["GuiClearallButton"]	= "Effacer tout";
		["GuiClearallHelp"]	= "Cliquer ici pour réinitialiser toutes les données d'Enchantrix pour le royaume actuel.";
		["GuiClearallNote"]	= "pour la faction actuelle";
		["GuiDefaultAll"]	= "Réinitialiser toutes les options d'Enchantrix";
		["GuiDefaultAllButton"]	= "Tout réinitialiser";
		["GuiDefaultAllHelp"]	= "Cliquer ici pour réinitialiser toutes les options d'Enchantrix.\nATTENTION : Cette opération est irréversible.";
		["GuiDefaultOption"]	= "Réinitialiser ce réglage";
		["GuiDELevels"]	= "Afficher le niveau de désenchantement requis dans la bulle d'aide";
		["GuiDEMaterials"]	= "Afficher les informations de désenchantement de matériaux";
		["GuiEmbed"]	= "Intégrer les infos dans les bulles d'aide originales";
		["GuiLocale"]	= "Changer la langue pour";
		["GuiMainEnable"]	= "Activer Enchantrix";
		["GuiMainHelp"]	= "Contient les règlages d'Enchantrix,\nun AddOn affichant les informations liées au désenchantement.";
		["GuiOtherHeader"]	= "Autres Options";
		["GuiOtherHelp"]	= "Options diverses d'Enchantrix";
		["GuiPrintin"]	= "Choisir la fenêtre de message souhaitée";
		["GuiPrintYieldsInChat"]	= "Afficher les rendements d'objets dans le chat";
		["GuiShowCraftReagents"]	= "Afficher les composants d'enchantements dans la bulle d'aide";
		["GuiTerse"]	= "Active le mode concis";
		["GuiValuateAverages"]	= "Évaluer avec les moyennes d'Auctioneer";
		["GuiValuateBaseline"]	= "Évaluer avec les données intégrées";
		["GuiValuateEnable"]	= "Activer l'évaluation";
		["GuiValuateHeader"]	= "Évaluation";
		["GuiValuateMedian"]	= "Évaluer avec les moyennes d'Auctioneer";
		["HelpClear"]	= "Efface les données de l'objet spécifié (vous devez maj-cliquer le ou les objets dans la ligne de commande) Vous pouvez également spécifier le mot-clef \"tout\"";
		["HelpDefault"]	= "Réinitialise une option d'Enchantrix à sa valeur par défaut. Vous pouvez spécifier le mot-clef \"tout\" pour réinitialiser toutes les options d'Enchantrix.";
		["HelpDisable"]	= "Empêche le chargement automatique d'Enchantrix lors de votre prochaine connexion.";
		["HelpEmbed"]	= "Intègre le texte dans la bulle d'aide originale (remarque : certaines fonctionnalités sont désactivées dans ce cas)";
		["HelpFindBidauct"]	= "Trouver les enchères dont la valeur de désenchantement potentielle est inférieure d'un certain montant en pièces d'argent au prix d'enchère.";
		["HelpFindBuyauct"]	= "Trouver les enchères dont la valeur de désenchantement potentielle est inférieure d'un certain pourcentage au prix d'achat immédiat.";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneer5Val"]	= "Si l'évaluation est activée, et qu'Auctioneer est activé, affiche la valeur de l'objet désenchanté.";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerHsp"]	= "Si l'évaluation est activé et qu'Auctioneer est installé, affiche l'estimation de plus haut prix de vente (HSP) de désenchantement de cet objet.";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerMedian"]	= "Si l'évaluation est activé et qu'Auctioneer est installé, affiche l'évaluation basée sur la moyenne de désenchantement de l'objet.";
		["HelpGuessBaseline"]	= "Si l'évaluation est activée (Auctioneer n'est pas nécessaire), affiche les informations de base de désenchantement, en s'appuyant sur la liste de prix intégrée.";
		["HelpGuessNoauctioneer"]	= "Les commandes \"evaluer-hsp\" et \"evaluer-moyenne\" ne sont pas disponibles car Auctioneer n'est pas installé";
		["HelpLoad"]	= "Change les réglages de chargement d'Enchantrix pour ce personnage";
		["HelpLocale"]	= "Change la langue utilisée pour afficher les messages d'Enchantrix";
		["HelpOnoff"]	= "Active ou désactive les informations d'enchantement";
		["HelpPrintin"]	= "Choisir dans quelle fenêtre Enchantrix affichera ses messages. Vous pouvez spécifier le nom de la fenêtre ou son index.";
		["HelpShowDELevels"]	= "Choisissez si vous voulez afficher la compétence nécessaire pour désenchanter un objet dans l'encadré d'aide.";
		["HelpShowDEMaterials"]	= "Choisir de montrer les matériaux possibles donnés par le désenchantement de l'objet dans la bulle d'aide.";
		["HelpShowUI"]	= "Afficher ou cacher le panneau de configuration.";
		["HelpTerse"]	= "Active ou désactive le mode concis, qui ne montre que les valeurs de désenchantement. Peut être annulé en maintenant la touche Ctrl enfoncée.";
		["HelpValue"]	= "Choisir d'afficher les valeurs estimées basées sur les proportions de désenchantement possible";
		["ModTTShow_Help"]	= "Cette option n'affichera la bulle d'aide d'Enchantrix que si Alt est pressé.";

		-- Section: Report Messages
		["AuctionScanAuctNotInstalled"]	= "Vous n'avez pas installé Auctioneer. Auctioneer doit être installé afin d'effectuer un scannage des enchères.";
		["AuctionScanVersionTooOld"]	= "Vous n'avez pas la bonne version d'Auctioneer installée, cette fonctionnalité requiert Auctioneer v4.0 ou supérieur.";
		["ChatDeletedProfile"]	= "Profil effacé :";
		["ChatDuplicatedProfile"]	= "Profile dupliqué vers :";
		["ChatResetProfile"]	= "Effacer tous les réglages pour :";
		["ChatSavedProfile"]	= "Profil enregistré :";
		["ChatUsingProfile"]	= "Profil en cours :";
		["FrmtAutoDeActive"]	= "AutoDésenchantement activé";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisabled"]	= "AutoDésenchantement desactivé";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisenchantCancelled"]	= "Désenchantement annulé : objet non trouvé";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisenchanting"]	= "Désenchante %s";
		["FrmtAutoDeIgnorePermanent"]	= "Ignorer %s en permanence";
		["FrmtAutoDeIgnoreSession"]	= "Ignorer %s pour cette session";
		["FrmtAutoDeInactive"]	= "AutoDésenchantement inactif";
		["FrmtAutoDeMilling"]	= "Mouture de %s";
		["FrmtAutoDeMillingCancelled"]	= "Mouture annulée : objet introuvable";
		["FrmtAutoDeProspectCancelled"]	= "Prospection annulée : objet introuvable";
		["FrmtAutoDeProspecting"]	= "Prospection de %s";
		["FrmtBidbrokerCurbid"]	= "EnchAct";
		["FrmtBidbrokerDone"]	= "L'agent d'enchères a terminé";
		["FrmtBidbrokerHeader"]	= "Enchères présentant %s pièces d'argent d'économie sur la valeur moyenne de désenchantement (min. %d%% de moins) :";
		["FrmtBidbrokerLine"]	= "%s, Estimé à : %s, %s: %s, Économie de: %s, Moins %s, Temps : %s";
		["FrmtBidbrokerMinbid"]	= "EnchMin";
		["FrmtBidBrokerSkipped"]	= "%d enchères ignorées car marge trop faible (%d%%)";
		["FrmtBidBrokerSkippedBids"]	= "%d enchères ignorées car vous êtes enchérisseur";
		["FrmtPctlessDone"]	= "Pourcentage inférieur terminé.";
		["FrmtPctlessHeader"]	= "Achats immédiats %d%% économisant plus que la valeur moyenne de désenchantement de l'objet (min. %s d'économie) :";
		["FrmtPctlessLine"]	= "%s, Estimé à : %s, AI : %s, Économie de : %s, Moins %s";
		["FrmtPctlessSkillSkipped"]	= "Enchères sautées de %d dues à la coupure de niveau de compétence (%s)";
		["FrmtPctlessSkipped"]	= "%d enchères ignorées en raison de la marge de profit (%s)";

		-- Section: Tooltip Messages
		["FrmtBarkerPrice"]	= "Prix marchand (marge : %d%%)";
		["FrmtDEItemLevels"]	= "En désenchantant articles de niv %d a %d";
		["FrmtDisinto"]	= "Se désenchante en :";
		["FrmtFound"]	= "%s a été désenchanté en :";
		["FrmtFoundNotDisenchant"]	= "%s ne peut pas être désenchanté";
		["FrmtInkFrom"]	= "Fait de %s";
		["FrmtMillingFound"]	= "%s se moud en :";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctHsp"]	= "Valeur de mouture (HSP)";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctMed"]	= "Valeur de mouture (moyenne)";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctVal"]	= "Valeur de mouture (AucAdv)";
		["FrmtMillingValueMarket"]	= "Valeur de mouture (référence)";
		["FrmtMillsInto"]	= "Sert à la fabrication de :";
		["FrmtPriceEach"]	= "(%s l'unité)";
		["FrmtProspectFound"]	= "%s a été prospecté en :";
		["FrmtProspectFrom"]	= "Prospecté dans %s";
		["FrmtProspectInto"]	= "Prospectable en :";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctHsp"]	= "Valeur prospectée (HSP)";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctMed"]	= "Valeur prospectée (moyenne)";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctVal"]	= "Valeur prospectée (AucAdv)";
		["FrmtProspectValueMarket"]	= "Valeur prospectée (référence)";
		["FrmtSuggestedPrice"]	= "Prix suggéré :";
		["FrmtTotal"]	= "Total";
		["FrmtValueAuctHsp"]	= "Valeur désenchantée (HSP)";
		["FrmtValueAuctMed"]	= "Valeur désenchantée (moyenne)";
		["FrmtValueAuctVal"]	= "Valeur désenchantée (AucAdv)";
		["FrmtValueFixedVal"]	= "Valeur désenchantée (fixe)";
		["FrmtValueMarket"]	= "Valeur désenchantée (référence)";
		["FrmtWarnAuctNotLoaded"]	= "[Auctioneer non chargé, utilisation du prix en cache]";
		["FrmtWarnNoPrices"]	= "[Aucun prix disponible]";
		["FrmtWarnPriceUnavail"]	= "[Quelques prix indisponibles]";
		["TooltipMillingLevel"]	= "Mouture requiert la compétence %d";
		["TooltipProspectLevel"]	= "Prospection demande la compétence %d";
		["TooltipShowDisenchantLevel"]	= "Désenchantement demande la compétence %d";

		-- Section: User Interface
		["BeanCounterRequired"]	= "BeanCounter est nécessaire pour tracer la raison d'achat. Désactivation du filtre AutoDE tant que BeanCounter n'est pas installé";
		["ExportPriceAucAdv"]	= "Exporter les prix \"Enchantrix\" vers \"AuctioneerAdvanced\"";
		["GuiActivateProfile"]	= "Activer un profil existant";
		["GuiAutoDeBoughtForDE"]	= "Seulement les articles achetés pour désenchantement";
		["GuiAutoDeEnable"]	= "Chercher pour des objets désenchentables -  A UTILISER AVEC PRÉCAUTION!";
		["GuiAutoDeEpicItems"]	= "Auto Désenchantement des articles épiques (violets)";
		["GuiAutoDeOptions"]	= "Automatisation";
		["GuiAutoDePromptLine1"]	= "Voulez-vous désenchanter :";
		["GuiAutoDePromptLine3"]	= "Évalué à %s";
		["GuiAutoDEPurchaseReason"]	= "Acheté pour %s";
		["GuiAutoDeRareItems"]	= "Désenchantement automatique des articles rares (bleus)";
		["GuiAutoDESuggestion"]	= "Suggestion : %s cet article";
		["GuiAutoMillingPromptLine1"]	= "Voulez vous moudre:";
		["GuiAutoProspectPromptLine1"]	= "Voulez-vous prospecter:";
		["GuiBBUnbiddedOnly"]	= "BidBroker est limité aux objets non-liés seulement";
		["GuiConfigProfiles"]	= "Créer, configurer et éditer des profiles";
		["GuiCreateReplaceProfile"]	= "Créer ou replacer un profile";
		["GuiDefaultBBProfitPercent"]	= "Pourcentage de profit par défaut du bidbroker : %d";
		["GuiDefaultLessHSP"]	= "Pourcentage par défaut moins que HSP : %d";
		["GuiDefaultProfitMargin"]	= "Marge bénéficiaire par défaut :";
		["GuiDeleteProfileButton"]	= "Supprimer";
		["GuiDuplicateProfileButton"]	= "Copier le profile";
		["GuiFixedSettings"]	= "Prix fixe des réactifs";
		["GuiFixedSettingsNote"]	= "Remarque : ces valeurs seront utilisées à la place de celles d'Auctioneer ou de n'importe quelles autres méthodes si cette option est cochée. Toutefois, ces valeurs restent dépendantes du poids des réactifs de la section précédente, donc si vous voulez être certain que ces valeurs fixes soient exactement celles que vous voulez, assurez-vous de mettre 100% dans la section des poids.";
		["GuiGeneralOptions"]	= "Options générales d'Enchantrix";
		["GuiIgnore"]	= "Ignorer";
		["GuiItemValueAuc4HSP"]	= "Auc4 HSP";
		["GuiItemValueAuc4Median"]	= "Auc4 Moyenne";
		["GuiItemValueAuc5Appraiser"]	= "Valeur selon AucAdv Appraiser";
		["GuiItemValueAuc5Market"]	= "Prix du marché selon AucAdv";
		["GuiItemValueAverage"]	= "Moyenne (défaut)";
		["GuiItemValueBaseline"]	= "Prix de base sur le marché";
		["GuiItemValueCalc"]	= "Valeur calculée à partir de";
		["GuiMaxBuyout"]	= "Prix d'achat maximum :";
		["GuiMillingingValues"]	= "Affiche les valeurs estimées de l'objet fabriqué";
		["GuiMillingLevels"]	= "Affiche le niveau requis pour fabriquer l'objet dans l'encadré d'aide";
		["GuiMillingMaterials"]	= "Affiche les matériaux nécessaires à la fabrication de l'objet dans l'encadré d'aide";
		["GuiMillingOptions"]	= "Options de fabrication";
		["GuiMinBBProfitPercent"]	= "Pourcentage de profit minimum du \"bidboker\" : %d";
		["GuiMinimapButtonAngle"]	= "Angle du bouton : %d";
		["GuiMinimapButtonDist"]	= "Distance : %d";
		["GuiMinimapOptions"]	= "Options d'affichage sur la minicarte";
		["GuiMinimapShowButton"]	= "Afficher le bouton de la minicarte";
		["GuiMinLessHSP"]	= "Pourcentage minimum moins que l'HSP : %d";
		["GuiMinProfitMargin"]	= "Marge bénéficiaire minimale :";
		["GuiNewProfileName"]	= "Nom du nouveau profil :";
		["GuiNo"]	= "Non";
		["GuiPLBBOnlyBelowDESkill"]	= "N'afficher que les objets pouvant être désenchantés selon votre niveau actuel d'enchantement";
		["GuiPLBBSettings"]	= "Arrangements de Percentless et de Bidbroker ";
		["GuiProspectingLevels"]	= "Voir le niveau nécessaire de minage dans la bulle d'aide";
		["GuiProspectingMaterials"]	= "Afficher les informations de prospection de matériaux dans la bulle d'aide";
		["GuiProspectingOptions"]	= "Options de prospection";
		["GuiProspectingValues"]	= "Montrer les valeurs de prospection estimées";
		["GuiResetProfileButton"]	= "Réinitialiser";
		["GuiSaveProfileButton"]	= "Enregistrer";
		["GuiShowMatSources"]	= "Information sur la provenance des articles obtenus par désenchantement, prospection ou mouture";
		["GuiShowMilling"]	= "Afficher les données de mouture pour les plantes";
		["GuiShowProspecting"]	= "Afficher les données de prospection pour les minerais";
		["GuiTabAuctions"]	= "Enchères";
		["GuiTabFixed"]	= "Valeur fixe";
		["GuiTabGeneral"]	= "Général";
		["GuiTabMilling"]	= "Mouture";
		["GuiTabProfiles"]	= "Profils";
		["GuiTabProspecting"]	= "Prospection";
		["GuiTabWeights"]	= "Poids";
		["GuiValueOptions"]	= "Option d'affichage du prix";
		["GuiValueShowAuc4HSP"]	= "Montrez les valeurs du commissaire-priseur HSP ";
		["GuiValueShowAuc4Median"]	= "Voir le prix moyen d'Auctioneer";
		["GuiValueShowAuc5Market"]	= "Voir le prix du marché d'Auctioneer";
		["GuiValueShowBaseline"]	= "Montrez les valeurs de ligne de base intégrées ";
		["GuiValueShowDEValues"]	= "Voir la valeur estimée du désenchantement";
		["GuiValueTerse"]	= "L'exposition laconique désabusent la valeur ";
		["GuiWeighSettingsNote"]	= "Le changement ci-dessus de poids l'évaluation du réactif donné par la quantité spécifique. Généralement vous voudrez les laisser à 100% à moins que vous pensiez qu'ils devraient être plus ou moins objet de valeur que la méthode d'évaluation que vous employez indique.";
		["GuiWeightSettings"]	= "réactifs de désenchantement désirés";
		["GuiYes"]	= "Oui";
		["ModTTShow"]	= "Montrer la bulle d'aide uniquement si Alt est pressé";


	itIT = {

		-- Section: Command Messages
		["FrmtActClearall"]	= "Eliminando tutti i dati di enchant";
		["FrmtActClearFail"]	= "Impossibile trovare l'oggetto: %s";
		["FrmtActClearOk"]	= "Eliminati i dati dell'oggetto: %s";
		["FrmtActDefault"]	= "L'opzione %s di Enchantrix e' stata resettata al valore di default";
		["FrmtActDefaultAll"]	= "Tutte le opzioni di Enchantrix sono state resettate al valore di default.";
		["FrmtActDisable"]	= "Non visualizzo i dati dell'oggetto %s";
		["FrmtActEnable"]	= "Visualizzo i dati dell'oggetto %s";
		["FrmtActSet"]	= "Imposta %s a '%s'";
		["FrmtActUnknown"]	= "Comando sconosciuto: '%s'";
		["FrmtActUnknownLocale"]	= "La lingua specificata ('%s') e' sconosciuta. Le lingue valide sono:";
		["FrmtPrintin"]	= "I messaggi di Enchantrix compariranno nella chat \"%s\"";
		["FrmtUsage"]	= "Sintassi:";
		["MesgDisable"]	= "Il caricamento automatico di Enchantrix è disabilitato";
		["MesgNotloaded"]	= "Enchantrix non e' caricato. Digita /enchantrix per maggiori informazioni.";

		-- Section: Command Options
		["CmdClearAll"]	= "tutto";
		["OptClear"]	= "([item]|tutto)";
		["OptDefault"]	= "(<opzione>|tutto)";
		["OptFindBidauct"]	= "<denaro>";
		["OptFindBuyauct"]	= "<percento>";
		["OptLocale"]	= "<lingua>";
		["OptPrintin"]	= "(<frameIndex>[Numero]|<frameName>[Stringa])";

		-- Section: Commands
		["CmdClear"]	= "cancella";
		["CmdDefault"]	= "default";
		["CmdDisable"]	= "disabilita";
		["CmdFindBidauct"]	= "bidbroker";
		["CmdFindBidauctShort"]	= "bb";
		["CmdFindBuyauct"]	= "percentomeno";
		["CmdFindBuyauctShort"]	= "pm";
		["CmdHelp"]	= "aiuto";
		["CmdLocale"]	= "lingua";
		["CmdOff"]	= "fuori di";
		["CmdOn"]	= "abilitato";
		["CmdPrintin"]	= "stampa-in";
		["CmdToggle"]	= "inverti";
		["ShowEmbed"]	= "integra";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerHsp"]	= "valuta-hsp";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerMed"]	= "valuta-mediana";
		["ShowGuessBaseline"]	= "valuta-base";
		["ShowTerse"]	= "conciso";
		["ShowValue"]	= "valuta";
		["StatOff"]	= "Visualizzazione dei dati di enchant disabilitata";
		["StatOn"]	= "Visualizzazione dei dati di enchant configurati";

		-- Section: Config Text
		["GuiLoad"]	= "Carica Enchantrix";
		["GuiLoad_Always"]	= "sempre";
		["GuiLoad_Never"]	= "mai";

		-- Section: Game Constants
		["ArgSpellname"]	= "Disincanta";
		["Inscription"]	= "Iscrizionista";
		["Jewelcrafting"]	= "Gioielliere";
		["PatReagents"]	= "Reagente:(.+)";
		["TextCombat"]	= "Combattimento";
		["TextGeneral"]	= "Generico";

		-- Section: Generic Messages
		["FrmtCredit"]	= "(vai su http://enchantrix.org/ per condividere i tuoi dati) ";
		["FrmtWelcome"]	= "Enchantrix v%s caricato";
		["MesgAuctVersion"]	= "Enchantrix richiede Auctioneer versione 3.4 o superiore. Alcune funzionalità non saranno disponibili finché Auctioneer non verrà aggiornato.";

		-- Section: Help Text
		["GuiClearall"]	= "Soul dust\n";
		["GuiClearallButton"]	= "Cancella tutto";
		["GuiClearallHelp"]	= "Clicca qui per eliminare tutti i dati di Enchantrix per il server/realm corrente";
		["GuiClearallNote"]	= "per il corrente server/fazione";
		["GuiDefaultAll"]	= "Ripristina tutte le opzioni di Enchantrix";
		["GuiDefaultAllButton"]	= "Ripristina tutto";
		["GuiDefaultAllHelp"]	= "Clicca qui per resettare tutte le opzioni di Enchantrix. ATTENZIONE: Questa azione non è reversibile.";
		["GuiDefaultOption"]	= "Ripristina questa opzione";
		["GuiEmbed"]	= "Aggiungi le informazioni al tooltip";
		["GuiLocale"]	= "Imposta la lingua a";
		["GuiMainEnable"]	= "Abilita Enchantrix";
		["GuiMainHelp"]	= "Contiene le opzioni di Enchantrix, un AddOn che mostra nel tooltip informazioni relative al disenchant dell'oggetto selezionato";
		["GuiOtherHeader"]	= "Altre opzioni";
		["GuiOtherHelp"]	= "Opzioni aggiuntive di Enchantrix";
		["GuiPrintin"]	= "Seleziona la finestra di chat desiderata";
		["GuiTerse"]	= "Abilita modo conciso";
		["GuiValuateAverages"]	= "Valuta con le medie di Auctioneer";
		["GuiValuateBaseline"]	= "Valuta con i dati di base";
		["GuiValuateEnable"]	= "Abilita la valutazione";
		["GuiValuateHeader"]	= "Valutazione";
		["GuiValuateMedian"]	= "Valuta con le mediane di Auctioneer";
		["HelpClear"]	= "Cancella i dati sull'oggetto specificato (devi inserire l'oggetto nella linea di comando usando shift-click). Puoi anche specificare il comando speciale \"tutto\"";
		["HelpDefault"]	= "Imposta un'opzione di Enchantrix al suo valore di default. Puoi inoltre specificare la parola chiave \"tutto\" per impostare tutte le opzioni di Enchantrix ai loro valori di default.";
		["HelpDisable"]	= "Impedisci che Enchantrix sia caricato automaticamente la prossima volta che entri nel gioco.";
		["HelpEmbed"]	= "Integra il testo nel tooltip originale del gioco. (nota: alcune caratteristiche vengono disabilitate quando si seleziona questa opzione)";
		["HelpFindBidauct"]	= "Trova gli oggetti con il valore possibile di disenchant  inferiore di un importo specificato all'offerta fatta in asta (bid)";
		["HelpFindBuyauct"]	= "Trova glioggetti con il valore possibile di disenchant inferiore di una data percentuale all'offerta fatta in asta (bid)";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerHsp"]	= "Se la valutazione è attivata, e tu hai Auctioneer installato, mostra la valutazione massima del prezzo di vendita dell'oggetto disincantato.";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerMedian"]	= "Se la valutazione è attivata, e tu hai Auctioneer installato, mostra la valutazione mediana dell'oggetto disincantato.";
		["HelpGuessBaseline"]	= "Se la valutazione è abilitata (Auctioneer non è necessario), visualizza il prezzo di base per il disenchant dell'oggetto (dai dati interni)";
		["HelpGuessNoauctioneer"]	= "I comandi valuate-hsp e valuate-median non sono disponibili perchè non hai auctioneer installato.";
		["HelpLoad"]	= "Cambia le impostazioni di caricamento di Enchantrix per questo personaggio";
		["HelpLocale"]	= "Cambia la lingua con la quale vuoi che Enchantrix comunichi";
		["HelpOnoff"]	= "Abilita o disabilita le informazioni sull'incantesimo";
		["HelpPrintin"]	= "Seleziona in quale finestra di chat verranno mandati i messaggi di Enchantrix. Puoi specificare il nome del frame oppure l'indice.";
		["HelpTerse"]	= "Abilita/disabilita il modo conciso, facendo vedre solo il valore disenchant. Può essere cambiato tenendo premuto il tasto control.";
		["HelpValue"]	= "Seleziona per visualizzare il valore stimato dell'oggetto in base alla proporzione dei disincantamenti possibili";

		-- Section: Report Messages
		["FrmtBidbrokerCurbid"]	= "curBid";
		["FrmtBidbrokerDone"]	= "Bid brokering terminato";
		["FrmtBidbrokerHeader"]	= "Bid che hanno %s silver di meno del valore medio di disenchant:";
		["FrmtBidbrokerLine"]	= "%s, Valutato: %s, %s: %s, Risparmia: %s, Meno %s, Tempo: %s";
		["FrmtBidbrokerMinbid"]	= "minBid";
		["FrmtBidBrokerSkipped"]	= "Saltate le aste %d a causa del superamento del limite del margine di profitto (%d%%)";
		["FrmtPctlessDone"]	= "Percentomeno completato";
		["FrmtPctlessHeader"]	= "Buyout che hanno un risparmio di %s sul prezzo medio di disincantamento: ";
		["FrmtPctlessLine"]	= "%s, Valutato: %s, BO: %s, Risparmio: %s, Meno %s ";
		["FrmtPctlessSkipped"]	= "Saltate le aste %d per un taglio del profitto (%s)";

		-- Section: Tooltip Messages
		["FrmtBarkerPrice"]	= "Prezzo imbonitore (margine %d%%)";
		["FrmtDisinto"]	= "Si disincanta in:";
		["FrmtFound"]	= "%s si disincanta in: ";
		["FrmtPriceEach"]	= "(%s ognuno)";
		["FrmtSuggestedPrice"]	= "Prezzo suggerito:";
		["FrmtTotal"]	= "Totale";
		["FrmtValueAuctHsp"]	= "Valore di disincantamento(HSP)";
		["FrmtValueAuctMed"]	= "Valore di disincantamento (Medio)";
		["FrmtValueMarket"]	= "Valore di disincantamento (Base)";
		["FrmtWarnAuctNotLoaded"]	= "[Auctioneer non caricato, uso i prezzi nascosti]";
		["FrmtWarnNoPrices"]	= "[Prezzi non disponibili]";
		["FrmtWarnPriceUnavail"]	= "[Alcuni prezzi non disponibili]";

		-- Section: User Interface
		["GuiYes"]	= "Si";


	koKR = {

		-- Section: Command Messages
		["FrmtActClearall"]	= "모든 마법부여 데이터를 삭제합니다.";
		["FrmtActClearFail"]	= "아이템을 찾을 수 없음: %s";
		["FrmtActClearOk"]	= "아이템 데이터 삭제: %s ";
		["FrmtActDefault"]	= "Enchantrix의 %s 설정이 초기화 되었습니다.";
		["FrmtActDefaultAll"]	= "모든 Enchantrix 설정이 초기화 되었습니다.";
		["FrmtActDisable"]	= "아이템의 %s 데이터를 표시하지 않습니다.";
		["FrmtActEnable"]	= "아이템의 %s 데이터를 표시합니다.";
		["FrmtActSet"]	= "%s를 '%s'|1으로;로; 설정합니다.";
		["FrmtActUnknown"]	= "알 수 없는 명령어: '%s'";
		["FrmtActUnknownLocale"]	= "('%s|1')은;')는; 알 수 없는 지역입니다. 올바른 지역 설정은 다음과 같습니다:";
		["FrmtPrintin"]	= "Enchantrix의 메세지는 \"%s\" 채팅창에 출력됩니다.";
		["FrmtUsage"]	= "사용법:";
		["MesgDisable"]	= "Enchantrix를 자동 로딩하지 않습니다.";
		["MesgNotloaded"]	= "Enchantrix가 로드되지 않았습니다. /enchantrix 를 입력하시면 더 많은 정보를 보실 수 있습니다.";

		-- Section: Command Options
		["CmdClearAll"]	= "모두";
		["OptClear"]	= "([아이템]|모두)";
		["OptDefault"]	= "(<설정>|모두)";
		["OptFindBidauct"]	= "<실버>";
		["OptFindBuyauct"]	= "<퍼센트>";
		["OptLocale"]	= "<지역>";
		["OptPrintin"]	= "(<창번호>[번호]|<창이름>[문자열])";

		-- Section: Commands
		["CmdClear"]	= "삭제";
		["CmdDefault"]	= "기본값";
		["CmdDisable"]	= "비활성화";
		["CmdFindBidauct"]	= "입찰중개인";
		["CmdFindBidauctShort"]	= "bb";
		["CmdFindBuyauct"]	= "이하확률";
		["CmdFindBuyauctShort"]	= "pl ";
		["CmdHelp"]	= "도움말";
		["CmdLocale"]	= "지역";
		["CmdOff"]	= "끔";
		["CmdOn"]	= "켬";
		["CmdPrintin"]	= "출력하는곳";
		["CmdToggle"]	= "전환";
		["ConfigUI"]	= "설정";
		["ShowDELevels"]	= "레벨";
		["ShowDEMaterials"]	= "재료";
		["ShowEmbed"]	= "내장";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerHsp"]	= "평가된 HSP";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerMed"]	= "평가된 중앙값";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerVal"]	= "평가된 값";
		["ShowGuessBaseline"]	= "평가된 기본값";
		["ShowTerse"]	= "간결";
		["ShowUI"]	= "표시";
		["ShowValue"]	= "평가";
		["StatOff"]	= "어떤 마법부여자료도 표시하지 않음";
		["StatOn"]	= "설정된 마법부여자료 표시";

		-- Section: Config Text
		["GuiLoad"]	= "Enchantrix 로드";
		["GuiLoad_Always"]	= "항상";
		["GuiLoad_Never"]	= "사용안함";

		-- Section: Game Constants
		["ArgSpellMillingName"]	= "제분";
		["ArgSpellname"]	= "마력 추출";
		["ArgSpellProspectingName"]	= "보석 추출";
		["Enchanting"]	= "마법부여";
		["Inscription"]	= "주문각인";
		["Jewelcrafting"]	= "보석세공";
		["PatReagents"]	= "재료: (.+)";
		["TextCombat"]	= "전투";
		["TextGeneral"]	= "일반";

		-- Section: Generic Messages
		["FrmtCredit"]	= "(당신의 데이터를 공유하려면 http://enchantrix.org/ 에 방문하십시오.)";
		["FrmtWelcome"]	= "Enchantrix v%s 로딩완료";
		["MesgAuctVersion"]	= "Enchantrix는 Auctioneer 버전 3.4 이상이 필요합니다. 여러분이 새로운 Auctioneer를 설치하기전까지 몇가지 기능을 사용할 수 없습니다.";

		-- Section: Help Text
		["GuiClearall"]	= "모든 Enchantrix 데이터 삭제";
		["GuiClearallButton"]	= "모두 삭제";
		["GuiClearallHelp"]	= "클릭하면 현재 서버의 Enchantrix 자료가 모두 삭제됩니다.";
		["GuiClearallNote"]	= "현재 서버-진영";
		["GuiDefaultAll"]	= "모든 Enchantrix 옵션 초기화";
		["GuiDefaultAllButton"]	= "모두 초기화";
		["GuiDefaultAllHelp"]	= "클릭하면 Enchantrix의 설정을 기본값으로 돌립니다. 경고: 이 작업은 되돌릴 수 없습니다.";
		["GuiDefaultOption"]	= "이 설정 초기화";
		["GuiDELevels"]	= "툴팁에 마력추출에 필요한 레벨을 보여줍니다.";
		["GuiDEMaterials"]	= "툴팁에 마력추출 재료 정보를 보여줍니다.";
		["GuiEmbed"]	= "정보를 기본 툴팁에 포함";
		["GuiLocale"]	= "지역설정";
		["GuiMainEnable"]	= "Enchantrix 활성화";
		["GuiMainHelp"]	= "아이템에 대한 마력추출의 결과와 관련된 정보를 툴팁에 표시해주는 애드온인 Enchantrix에 관한 설정을 포함합니다.";
		["GuiOtherHeader"]	= "기타 설정";
		["GuiOtherHelp"]	= "기타 Enchantrix 설정";
		["GuiPrintin"]	= "원하는 메시지 프레임을 선택";
		["GuiPrintYieldsInChat"]	= "이득을 채팅창에 표시";
		["GuiShowCraftReagents"]	= "툴팁에 제작 재료 보이기";
		["GuiTerse"]	= "간결 모드 사용";
		["GuiValuateAverages"]	= "Auctioneer 평균으로 평가";
		["GuiValuateBaseline"]	= "내장된 자료를 이용해 평가";
		["GuiValuateEnable"]	= "평가 활성화";
		["GuiValuateHeader"]	= "평가";
		["GuiValuateMedian"]	= "Autctioneer 중앙값으로 평가";
		["HelpClear"]	= "지정된 아이템의 데이타를 삭제합니다.(이때 아이템지정은 Shift-click 으로 명령어창에 넣어야합니다.) 모든 아이템데이타를 삭제하기 위해 \"모두\" 를 사용할 수 있습니다.";
		["HelpDefault"]	= "Enchantrix의 옵션을 기본값으로 설정합니다. 모든 Enchantrix 설정을 기본값으로 하시려면 \"모두\" 를 사용할 수 있습니다.";
		["HelpDisable"]	= "다음 로그인시 자동으로 Enchantrix를 로드하지 않음";
		["HelpEmbed"]	= "내용을 기본 게임 툴팁에 포함(이 설정이 선택되면, 일부 기능을 사용할수 없습니다.)";
		["HelpFindBidauct"]	= "가능한 마력추출 가격이 입찰가 보다 낮은 경매품 찾기";
		["HelpFindBuyauct"]	= "가능한 마력추출 가격이 즉시 구입가보다 낮은 경매품 찾기";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneer5Val"]	= "만약 평가가 활성화 되어있고 Auctioneer가 설치되어 있다면 아이템 마력추출의 시장가격을 보여줍니다.";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerHsp"]	= "만약 평가가 활성화 되어있고 Auctioneer가 설치되어 있다면, 아이템을 마력추출시 가치의 최고판매가능가격(HSP)이 표시됩니다.";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerMedian"]	= "만약 평가가 활성화 되었으면, 그리고 Auctioneer가 설치되어 있으면, 아이템을 마력추출시 가치의 중앙값이 표시됩니다.";
		["HelpGuessBaseline"]	= "만약 평가가 활성화 되었으면, (Autctionner는 필요하지 않습니다) 아이템을 마력추출시 가치의 기본값이 표시됩니다.";
		["HelpGuessNoauctioneer"]	= "Auctioneer가 설치되어 있지 않아서 평가된 HSP, 평가된 중앙값 명령어를 사용할 수 없습니다.";
		["HelpLoad"]	= "이 케릭터의 Enchantrix 로드 설정 변경";
		["HelpLocale"]	= "Enchantrix가 메시지를 표시하기위해 사용하는 언어 변경";
		["HelpOnoff"]	= "Enchantrix자료 표시 켬/끔";
		["HelpPrintin"]	= "Enchantrix가 메시지를 출력할 프레임 선택. 프레임의 이름이나, 번호를 사용할 수 있습니다.";
		["HelpShowDELevels"]	= "아이템을 마력추출하는데 필요한 마법부여 숙련을 툴팁에 표시할지를 선택합니다.";
		["HelpShowDEMaterials"]	= "아이템을 마력추출해서 받을 수 있는 마법재료를 툴팁에 표시할지를 선택합니다.";
		["HelpShowUI"]	= "설정창을 보이거나 숨깁니다.";
		["HelpTerse"]	= "마력추출 가격만 보이도록하는 간결 모드 사용/사용안함. 컨트롤 키를 눌러서 겹쳐쓸 수 있음.";
		["HelpValue"]	= "가능한 마력추출 비율에 근거한 아이템의 평가값 보기 여부 선택";
		["ModTTShow_Help"]	= "이 옵션은 Alt키를 눌렀을 때만 Enchantrix의 별도 툴팁을 보여줍니다.";

		-- Section: Report Messages
		["AuctionScanAuctNotInstalled"]	= "Auctioneer가 설치되어 있지 않습니다. 경매 검색을 수행하려면 Auctioneer가 설치되어 있어야 합니다.";
		["AuctionScanVersionTooOld"]	= "설치된 Auctioneer의 버젼이 맞지 않습니다. 이 기능을 이용하려면 Auctioneer 4.0 이상이 필요합니다.";
		["ChatDeletedProfile"]	= "프로파일 삭제 : ";
		["ChatDuplicatedProfile"]	= "프로필 복제:";
		["ChatResetProfile"]	= "모든 설정값 삭제 : ";
		["ChatSavedProfile"]	= "저장된 프로파일 : ";
		["ChatUsingProfile"]	= "사용중인 프로파일 : ";
		["FrmtAutoDeActive"]	= "자동 마력추출 활성화";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisabled"]	= "자동 마력추출 비활성화";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisenchantCancelled"]	= "마력추출이 취소되었습니다 : 아이템을 찾을 수 없습니다.";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisenchanting"]	= "%s를 마력추출합니다.";
		["FrmtAutoDeIgnorePermanent"]	= "%s를 영원히 무시합니다.";
		["FrmtAutoDeIgnoreSession"]	= "%s를 이번 접속동안만 무시합니다.";
		["FrmtAutoDeInactive"]	= "자동 마력추출 비활성화";
		["FrmtAutoDeMilling"]	= "%s를 제분합니다.";
		["FrmtAutoDeMillingCancelled"]	= "제분 취소 : 아이템을 찾을 수 없습니다.";
		["FrmtAutoDeProspectCancelled"]	= "보석추출 취소 : 아이템을 찾을 수 없습니다.";
		["FrmtAutoDeProspecting"]	= "%s를 보석추출합니다.";
		["FrmtBidbrokerCurbid"]	= "현재 입찰";
		["FrmtBidbrokerDone"]	= "입찰 중개 완료";
		["FrmtBidbrokerHeader"]	= "입찰이 평균 마력추출 가격에서 %S 실버 절약되었습니다. (최소 %%less = %d):";
		["FrmtBidbrokerLine"]	= "%s, 가격: %s, %s: %s, 감소: %s, %s 이하, 시간: %s";
		["FrmtBidbrokerMinbid"]	= "최소 입찰";
		["FrmtBidBrokerSkipped"]	= "%d개의 경매품이 마진(%d%%)을 위해 건너뛰어짐";
		["FrmtBidBrokerSkippedBids"]	= "입찰값이 존재하여 %d개의 경매를 건너뛰었습니다.";
		["FrmtPctlessDone"]	= "%% 덜 됨.";
		["FrmtPctlessHeader"]	= "즉시 구입가격이 평균 마력추출 가격상에서 %d%% 절약되었습니다.:";
		["FrmtPctlessLine"]	= "%s, 가격: %s, BO: %s, 감소: %s, %s 이하";
		["FrmtPctlessSkillSkipped"]	= "%d개의 경매품이 전문기술숙련(%s) 때문에 건너뛰어짐";
		["FrmtPctlessSkipped"]	= "%d개의 경매품이 수익성(%s)을 위해 건너뛰어짐";

		-- Section: Tooltip Messages
		["FrmtBarkerPrice"]	= "가격 알림 (%d%% 마진)";
		["FrmtDisinto"]	= "마력 추출:";
		["FrmtFound"]	= "%s|1이;가; 마력 추출되는 아이템: ";
		["FrmtFoundNotDisenchant"]	= "%s는 마력 추출이 불가능한 아이템입니다.";
		["FrmtMillingFound"]	= "%s|1이;가; 제분되는 아이템: ";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctHsp"]	= "제분 가격(HSP)";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctMed"]	= "제분 가격(중앙값)";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctVal"]	= "제분 가격(경매장값)";
		["FrmtMillingValueMarket"]	= "제분 가격(기준값)";
		["FrmtMillsInto"]	= "제분:";
		["FrmtPriceEach"]	= "(%s 개)";
		["FrmtProspectFound"]	= "%s|1이;가; 보석 추출되는 아이템: ";
		["FrmtProspectInto"]	= "보석 추출:";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctHsp"]	= "보석 추출 가격 (HSP)";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctMed"]	= "보석 추출 가격 (중앙값)";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctVal"]	= "보석 추출 가격 (경매장값)";
		["FrmtProspectValueMarket"]	= "보석 추출 가격 (기본가)";
		["FrmtSuggestedPrice"]	= "제안 가격:";
		["FrmtTotal"]	= "총";
		["FrmtValueAuctHsp"]	= "마력추출 가격 (HSP)";
		["FrmtValueAuctMed"]	= "마력추출 가격 (중앙값)";
		["FrmtValueAuctVal"]	= "마력추출 가격(경매장값)";
		["FrmtValueFixedVal"]	= "마력추출 가격(Fixed)";
		["FrmtValueMarket"]	= "마력추출 가격 (기준값)";
		["FrmtWarnAuctNotLoaded"]	= "[Auctioneer가 실행되지 않아서 저장된 가격을 사용합니다.]";
		["FrmtWarnNoPrices"]	= "[가능한 가격 없음]";
		["FrmtWarnPriceUnavail"]	= "[일부 가격을 사용할 수 없음]";
		["TooltipMillingLevel"]	= "제분 요구 숙련도 %d";
		["TooltipProspectLevel"]	= "보석 추출 요구 숙련도 %d";
		["TooltipShowDisenchantLevel"]	= "마력추출 요구 숙련도 %d";

		-- Section: User Interface
		["ExportPriceAucAdv"]	= "Enchantrix 가격을 AuctioneerAdvanced로 보냅니다.";
		["GuiActivateProfile"]	= "현재 프로필 활성화";
		["GuiAutoDeEnable"]	= "가방에서 마력추출할 아이템을 찾습니다. - \"주의해서 사용하세요.\"";
		["GuiAutoDeOptions"]	= "자동설정";
		["GuiAutoDePromptLine1"]	= "마력추출하겠습니까? : ";
		["GuiAutoDePromptLine3"]	= "가치 : %s";
		["GuiAutoMillingPromptLine1"]	= "제분 하겠습니까:";
		["GuiAutoProspectPromptLine1"]	= "보석추출하겠습니까: ";
		["GuiBBUnbiddedOnly"]	= "입찰이 없는 아이템으로 BidBroker를 한정합니다.";
		["GuiConfigProfiles"]	= "설정 및 프로파일 수정";
		["GuiCreateReplaceProfile"]	= "프로파일 생성 또는 갱신";
		["GuiDefaultBBProfitPercent"]	= "기본 중개 수익률: %d";
		["GuiDefaultLessHSP"]	= "HSP보다 작은 기본%: %d";
		["GuiDefaultProfitMargin"]	= "기본 이윤: ";
		["GuiDeleteProfileButton"]	= "삭제";
		["GuiDuplicateProfileButton"]	= "프로필 복사";
		["GuiFixedSettings"]	= "고정된 재료 가격";
		["GuiFixedSettingsNote"]	= "설명: 아래의 값들이 체크 되었을 경우에는 Auctioneer나 다른 가격 결정 요소 대신에 사용됩니다.¶ The following values are still affected by the reagent weights in the previous section, so if you want to make sure that the reagent is valued at exactly the specified amount below, then also make sure that it's weight is set to 100% in the weights section. ";
		["GuiGeneralOptions"]	= "일반 Enchantrix 설정";
		["GuiIgnore"]	= "무시¶";
		["GuiItemValueAuc4HSP"]	= "Auc4 HSP";
		["GuiItemValueAuc4Median"]	= "Auc4 중간값";
		["GuiItemValueAuc5Appraiser"]	= "AucAdv 감정값";
		["GuiItemValueAuc5Market"]	= "AucAdv 시장 가격";
		["GuiItemValueAverage"]	= "평균 (기본값)";
		["GuiItemValueBaseline"]	= "시장 기준";
		["GuiItemValueCalc"]	= "다음으로부터 아이템 가치가 산정되었습니다:";
		["GuiMaxBuyout"]	= "즉시 구매 최대가 :";
		["GuiMillingingValues"]	= "제분시 예상 가치를 보여줍니다.";
		["GuiMillingLevels"]	= "제분 레벨제한을 툴팁에 보여줍니다.";
		["GuiMillingMaterials"]	= "제분 재료 정보를 툴팁에 보여줍니다.";
		["GuiMillingOptions"]	= "제분 옵션";
		["GuiMinBBProfitPercent"]	= "최소 중개 수익률: %d";
		["GuiMinimapButtonAngle"]	= "버튼 위치 : %d";
		["GuiMinimapButtonDist"]	= "거리 : %d";
		["GuiMinimapOptions"]	= "미니맵 표시 설정";
		["GuiMinimapShowButton"]	= "미니맵 버튼을 표시합니다.";
		["GuiMinLessHSP"]	= "HSP보다 작은 최소 %: %d";
		["GuiMinProfitMargin"]	= "최소 이윤 : ";
		["GuiNewProfileName"]	= "새로운 프로파일 이름:";
		["GuiNo"]	= "아니오¶";
		["GuiPLBBOnlyBelowDESkill"]	= "현재 기술레벨로 마력추출이 가능한 아이템만 보이기";
		["GuiPLBBSettings"]	= "%, 중개 설정";
		["GuiProspectingLevels"]	= "보석추출 레벨제한을 툴팁에 보여줍니다.";
		["GuiProspectingMaterials"]	= "보석추출 재료 정보를 툴팁에 보여줍니다.";
		["GuiProspectingOptions"]	= "보석 추출 설정";
		["GuiProspectingValues"]	= "보석 추출의 예상 가치를 보여줍니다.";
		["GuiResetProfileButton"]	= "초기화";
		["GuiSaveProfileButton"]	= "저장";
		["GuiShowMilling"]	= "약초에 대한 제분 데이터를 보여줍니다.";
		["GuiShowProspecting"]	= "광석에 대한 보석 추출 데이터를 보여줍니다.";
		["GuiTabAuctions"]	= "경매";
		["GuiTabFixed"]	= "고정 가치";
		["GuiTabGeneral"]	= "일반";
		["GuiTabMilling"]	= "제분";
		["GuiTabProfiles"]	= "프로파일";
		["GuiTabProspecting"]	= "보석 추출";
		["GuiTabWeights"]	= "가중치";
		["GuiValueOptions"]	= "가치 표시 설정";
		["GuiValueShowAuc4HSP"]	= "Auctioneer HSP 값을 보여줍니다.";
		["GuiValueShowAuc4Median"]	= "Auctioneer 중간값을 보여줍니다.";
		["GuiValueShowAuc5Market"]	= "Auctioneer 시장 가치를 보여줍니다.";
		["GuiValueShowBaseline"]	= "내장 기준 가치를 보여줍니다.";
		["GuiValueShowDEValues"]	= "마력 추출시 예상 가치를 보여줍니다.";
		["GuiValueTerse"]	= "간략한 마력 추출 가치를 보여줍니다.";
		["GuiWeighSettingsNote"]	= "위의 가중치는 명시된 양만큼 주어진 재료의 가치계산을 변경합니다. 더 혹은 덜 가치있다고 판단하지 않는 한, 일반적으로 100%로 두는 것이 좋습니다.";
		["GuiWeightSettings"]	= "올바른 재료 마력추출";
		["GuiYes"]	= "예";
		["ModTTShow"]	= "Alt 키를 눌렀을 때만 별도의 툴팁을 보여줍니다.";


	nlNL = {

		-- Section: Command Messages
		["FrmtActClearall"]	= "Wissen van alle enchant gegevens";
		["FrmtActClearFail"]	= "Kan item niet vinden: %s";
		["FrmtActClearOk"]	= "Data gewist voor item: %s";
		["FrmtActDefault"]	= "Enchantrix' %s optie is teruggezet naar standaard instelling";
		["FrmtActDefaultAll"]	= "Alle Enchantrix opties zijn teruggezet naar standaard instelling.";
		["FrmtActDisable"]	= "Item's %s gegevens worden niet weergegeven";
		["FrmtActEnable"]	= "Item's %s gegevens worden weergegeven";
		["FrmtActSet"]	= "Stel %s naar '%s' in";
		["FrmtActUnknown"]	= "Onbekende opdracht: '%s'";
		["FrmtActUnknownLocale"]	= "De opgegeven taal ('%s') is onbekend. Geldige talen zijn:";
		["FrmtPrintin"]	= "Berichten van Enchantrix worden nu weergegeven op de \"%s\" chat frame";
		["FrmtUsage"]	= "Gebruik:";
		["MesgDisable"]	= "Uitschakelen automatisch laden van Enchantrix";
		["MesgNotloaded"]	= "Enchantrix is niet geladen. Type /enchantrix voor meer info.";

		-- Section: Command Options
		["OptFindBidauct"]	= "<zilver>";
		["OptFindBuyauct"]	= "<procent>";
		["OptLocale"]	= "<taal>";
		["OptPrintin"]	= "(<frameIndex>[Nummer]|<frameNaam>[Tekst])";

		-- Section: Commands
		["ConfigUI"]	= "config";
		["ShowDELevels"]	= "levels";
		["ShowDEMaterials"]	= "materialen";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerVal"]	= "waardeer-waarde";
		["ShowTerse"]	= "Beknopt";
		["ShowUI"]	= "toon";
		["StatOff"]	= "Enchant gegevens worden niet getoond";
		["StatOn"]	= "De geconfigureerde enchant gegevens worden getoond";

		-- Section: Config Text
		["GuiLoad"]	= "Laden van Enchantrix";
		["GuiLoad_Always"]	= "altijd";
		["GuiLoad_Never"]	= "nooit";

		-- Section: Game Constants
		["ArgSpellMillingName"]	= "Milling";
		["ArgSpellname"]	= "Disenchant";
		["ArgSpellProspectingName"]	= "Prospecting";
		["Enchanting"]	= "Enchanting";
		["Inscription"]	= "Inscription";
		["Jewelcrafting"]	= "Jewelcrafting";
		["PatReagents"]	= "Reagents: (.+)";
		["TextCombat"]	= "Combat";
		["TextGeneral"]	= "General";

		-- Section: Generic Messages
		["FrmtCredit"]	= "(ga naar http://enchantrix.org/ om uw data te delen)";
		["FrmtWelcome"]	= "Enchantrix v%s geladen";
		["MesgAuctVersion"]	= "Enchantrix heeft Auctioneer versie 3.4 of hoger nodig. Sommige functionaliteiten zijn niet beschikbaar totdat Auctioneer is geupgrade.";

		-- Section: Help Text
		["GuiClearall"]	= "Alle Enchantrix Data opschonen";
		["GuiClearallButton"]	= "Alles opschonen";
		["GuiClearallHelp"]	= "Klik hier om alle enchantrix data van de huidige Server/Realm op te schonen.";
		["GuiClearallNote"]	= "voor de huidige Server-factie";
		["GuiDefaultAll"]	= "Herstel alle Enchantrix Opties";
		["GuiDefaultAllButton"]	= "Herstel Alles";
		["GuiDefaultAllHelp"]	= "Klik hier om alle standaard waardes van de Enchantrix opties te laden. LET OP: Deze actie kan NIET ongedaan worde n gemaakt.";
		["GuiDefaultOption"]	= "Herstel deze instelling";
		["GuiDELevels"]	= "Toon benodigde disenchant level in de tooltip";
		["GuiDEMaterials"]	= "Toon disenchant materiaalinformatie in de tooltip";
		["GuiEmbed"]	= "Voeg informatie toe aan in-game tooltip";
		["GuiLocale"]	= "Verander taal naar";
		["GuiMainEnable"]	= "Enchantrix activeren";
		["GuiMainHelp"]	= "Bevat instellingen voor Enchantrix, een AddOn die mogelijke uitkomsten bij het disenchanten van een item weergeeft in een tooltip.";
		["GuiOtherHeader"]	= "Andere opties";
		["GuiOtherHelp"]	= "Verschillende Enchantrix opties";
		["GuiPrintin"]	= "Selecteer het gewenste berichtenscherm";
		["GuiPrintYieldsInChat"]	= "Toon itemopbrengsten in chat venster";
		["GuiShowCraftReagents"]	= "Toon maak-benodigdheden in tooltips";
		["GuiTerse"]	= "Activeer Beknopte Mode";
		["GuiValuateAverages"]	= "Taxatie met Auctioneer gemiddelden";
		["GuiValuateBaseline"]	= "Taxatie met Standaard Data";
		["GuiValuateEnable"]	= "Activeer Taxatie";
		["GuiValuateHeader"]	= "Taxatie";
		["GuiValuateMedian"]	= "Taxeer met Auctioneer gemiddelden";
		["HelpClear"]	= "Verwijder de gegevens van het geselecteerde item (je moet met shift-click de items in je commando invoeren) Je kunt ook het speciale keyword \"all\" opgeven";

		-- Section: Report Messages
		["FrmtBidbrokerCurbid"]	= "HuidigBod";
		["FrmtBidbrokerDone"]	= "Een regelend bod gedaan";
		["FrmtBidbrokerHeader"]	= "Een bod bespaart %s zilver op de gemiddelde disenchant waarde:";
		["FrmtBidbrokerLine"]	= "%s, Waarde van %s, %s: %s, Bespaard: %s, Minder %s, Tijd: %s";
		["FrmtBidbrokerMinbid"]	= "MinimaleBod";
		["FrmtPctlessDone"]	= "Percentage minder gedaan.";
		["FrmtPctlessHeader"]	= "Opkoop waarde bespaard %d%% op de gemiddelde disenchant waarde:";
		["FrmtPctlessLine"]	= "%s, Geschat op %s, BO: %s, Bespaar: %s, Minder %s";

		-- Section: Tooltip Messages
		["FrmtBarkerPrice"]	= "Omroep Prijs (%d%% marge)";
		["FrmtDisinto"]	= "Gedisenchant in:";
		["FrmtFound"]	= "Gevonden dat %s wordt gedisenchant in:";
		["FrmtPriceEach"]	= "Prijs per item";
		["FrmtSuggestedPrice"]	= "Voorstel Prijs:";
		["FrmtTotal"]	= "Totaal";
		["FrmtValueAuctHsp"]	= "Disenchant Waarde";
		["FrmtValueAuctMed"]	= "Disenchant Waarde (Gemiddeld)";
		["FrmtValueMarket"]	= "Disenchant Waarde";
		["FrmtWarnAuctNotLoaded"]	= "Auctioneer niet geladen. Opgeslagen waardes worden gebruikt.";
		["FrmtWarnNoPrices"]	= "Geen prijs beschikbaar ";
		["FrmtWarnPriceUnavail"]	= "Sommige prijzen niet beschikbaar";


	plPL = {

		-- Section: Command Messages
		["FrmtActClearall"]	= "Limpando todos os dados sobre encantamento";
		["FrmtActClearFail"]	= "Incapaz de localizar o item: %s";
		["FrmtActClearOk"]	= "Limpando os dados para o item: %s";
		["FrmtActDefault"]	= "A opção %s Enchantrix foi resetada para as configuraçaõ padrão";
		["FrmtActDefaultAll"]	= "Todas as opções do Enchantrix foram resetadas para as opções padrões";
		["FrmtActDisable"]	= "Não indicando os dados do item %s";
		["FrmtActEnable"]	= "Indicando os dados do item %s";
		["FrmtActSet"]	= "Por %s para '%s'";
		["FrmtActUnknown"]	= "Comando desconhecido :'%s' ";
		["FrmtActUnknownLocale"]	= "O local que voce especificou ('%s') ´s desconhecida. Os locais validos são:";
		["FrmtPrintin"]	= "As mensagens do Enchantrix serão mostradas no \"%s\" do quadro do chat";
		["FrmtUsage"]	= "Uso:";


	ptPT = {

		-- Section: Command Messages
		["FrmtActClearall"]	= "A limpar toda a informação de enchanting";
		["FrmtActClearFail"]	= "Impossível encontrar objecto: %s";
		["FrmtActClearOk"]	= "Informação eliminada do objecto: %s";
		["FrmtActDefault"]	= "%s do Enchantrix voltaram às definições padrão";
		["FrmtActDefaultAll"]	= "Todas as opções Enchantrix revertidas para o normal.";
		["FrmtActDisable"]	= "Não está a ser mostrada informação do objecto %s";
		["FrmtActEnable"]	= "Está a ser mostrada informação do objecto %s";
		["FrmtActSet"]	= "Definir %s para '%s'";
		["FrmtActUnknown"]	= "Comando de palavra-chave desconhecido: '%s'";
		["FrmtActUnknownLocale"]	= "A localização dada ('%s') nao foi encontrada. Localizações válidas são:";
		["FrmtPrintin"]	= "Mensagens do Enchantrix vão ser mostradas no chat \"%s\"";
		["FrmtUsage"]	= "Uso:";
		["MesgDisable"]	= "A desactivar o carregamento automático do Enchantrix";
		["MesgNotloaded"]	= "Enchantrix não está carregado.  Escreva /enchantrix para mais informações.";

		-- Section: Command Options
		["CmdClearAll"]	= "todos";
		["OptClear"]	= "[Objecto]|todos";
		["OptDefault"]	= "(<opção>|todos)";
		["OptFindBidauct"]	= "<prata>";
		["OptFindBuyauct"]	= "<percentagem>";
		["OptLocale"]	= "<local>";
		["OptPrintin"]	= "(<frameIndex>[Número]<frameName>[Corda])";

		-- Section: Commands
		["CmdClear"]	= "apagar";
		["CmdDefault"]	= "por defeito";
		["CmdDisable"]	= "desactivar";
		["CmdHelp"]	= "ajuda";
		["CmdLocale"]	= "localização";
		["CmdOff"]	= "desligado";
		["CmdOn"]	= "ligado";
		["CmdPrintin"]	= "imprimir em";
		["CmdToggle"]	= "alternar";
		["ConfigUI"]	= "configuração";
		["ShowDELevels"]	= "níveis";
		["ShowDEMaterials"]	= "materiais";
		["ShowEmbed"]	= "embebido";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerMed"]	= "valor médio";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerVal"]	= "valor estimado";
		["ShowGuessBaseline"]	= "valor base";
		["ShowTerse"]	= "breve";
		["ShowUI"]	= "ver";
		["ShowValue"]	= "avaliar";
		["StatOff"]	= "Informação do encantamento escondida";
		["StatOn"]	= "Informação configurada do encantamento ligada";

		-- Section: Config Text
		["GuiLoad"]	= "A carregar Enchantrix";
		["GuiLoad_Always"]	= "sempre";
		["GuiLoad_Never"]	= "nunca";

		-- Section: Game Constants
		["ArgSpellMillingName"]	= "Maceração";
		["ArgSpellname"]	= "Desencantar";
		["ArgSpellProspectingName"]	= "Pesquisador";
		["Enchanting"]	= "Encantar";
		["Inscription"]	= "Inscrição";
		["Jewelcrafting"]	= "Joalharia";
		["PatReagents"]	= "Reagentes: (.+)";
		["TextCombat"]	= "Combate";
		["TextGeneral"]	= "Geral";

		-- Section: Generic Messages
		["FrmtCredit"]	= "(vai a http://enchantrix.org para partilhares a tua informação)";
		["FrmtWelcome"]	= "Enchantrix v%s carregado";
		["MesgAuctVersion"]	= "Enchantrix requer a versão 3.4 do Auctioneer ou mais elevado. Algumas características serão desligadas até que você actualize sua instalação do Auctioneer. ";

		-- Section: Help Text
		["GuiClearall"]	= "Limpar toda a informação do Enchantrix";
		["GuiClearallButton"]	= "Limpar tudo";
		["GuiClearallHelp"]	= "Carrega aqui para limpar toda a informação do Enchantrix do servidor actual.";
		["GuiClearallNote"]	= "para o servidor/facção actual";
		["GuiDefaultAll"]	= "Limpar todas as opções do Enchantrix";
		["GuiDefaultAllButton"]	= "Limpar tudo";
		["GuiDefaultAllHelp"]	= "Clique aqui para voltar às definições padrão do Enchantrix. ATENÇÃO: Esta acção NÃO é reversível.";
		["GuiDefaultOption"]	= "Limpar esta definição";
		["GuiDELevels"]	= "Mostrar requerimentos de nivel na janela de ajuda.";
		["GuiDEMaterials"]	= "Mostrar informação dos materiais na janela de ajuda.";
		["GuiEmbed"]	= "Informação embebida na janela de ajuda do jogo";
		["GuiLocale"]	= "Definir localização para";
		["GuiMainEnable"]	= "Activar Enchantrix";
		["GuiMainHelp"]	= "Contém definições para o Enchantrix, um AddOn que mostra informação na tooltip dos objectos com possíveis resultados de desencantamento do dito objecto.";
		["GuiOtherHeader"]	= "Outras Opções";
		["GuiOtherHelp"]	= "Outras Opções do Enchantrix";
		["GuiPrintin"]	= "Seleccionar a expressão desejada da mensagem";
		["GuiPrintYieldsInChat"]	= "Mostrar ganhos dos objectos no chat.";
		["GuiShowCraftReagents"]	= "Mostar reagentes de profissão in dicas";
		["GuiTerse"]	= "Ligar modo breve";
		["GuiValuateAverages"]	= "Validar com as médias Auctioneer";
		["GuiValuateBaseline"]	= "Validar com a Data Padrão";
		["GuiValuateEnable"]	= "Activar Validação";
		["GuiValuateHeader"]	= "Validação";
		["GuiValuateMedian"]	= "Validar com os Números Médios Auctioneer";
		["HelpClear"]	= "Limpar a informação específica de um objecto (tem de carregar shift+click o objecto no comando) Também podes especificar a palavra especial \"Todos\"";
		["HelpDefault"]	= "Aplicar uma opção do Enchantrix para o seu Padrão. Também podes especificar a palavra especial \"Todos\" para por todos as opções Padrão.";
		["HelpDisable"]	= "Proíbir o Enchantrix de se ligar da próxima vez que entrar no jogo";
		["HelpEmbed"]	= "Encaixar o texto no tooltip original do jogo (nota: determinadas características são desligadas quando esta opção é selecionada)";
		["HelpFindBidauct"]	= "Encontrar os leilões cujo possível valor do desencanto é uma determinada quantidade de prata menos do que o preço de oferta";
		["HelpFindBuyauct"]	= "Encontrar os auctions cujo possível valor de desencanto é um determinado por cento menos do que o preço compra directa";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneer5Val"]	= "Se a evaluação está ligada, e o Auctioneer está instalado, mostra o valor de mercado de desencantar o objecto.";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerHsp"]	= "Se a validação estiver permitida, e você tiver o Auctioneer instalado, indicar o preço de venda (HSP) de disencanto do artigo. ";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerMedian"]	= "Se a validação estiver permitida, e você tiver o Auctioneer instalado, indicar o valor baseado mediano de disencanto do artigo. ";
		["HelpGuessBaseline"]	= "Se a validação for permitida, (Auctioneer não necessitado) indicar o valor da linha de base de disencanto do artigo, baseado nos preços inbutidos. ";
		["HelpGuessNoauctioneer"]	= "Se a validação for permitida, (Auctioneer não necessitado) indicar o valor da linha de base de disencanto do artigo, baseado nos preços inbutidos";
		["HelpLoad"]	= "Mudar as opções de carregamento para este personagem";
		["HelpLocale"]	= "Mudar a localização que é usada para mostrar as mensagens do Enchantrix";
		["HelpOnoff"]	= "Liga e Desliga a exposição de dados do Enchant";
		["HelpPrintin"]	= "Selecionar em que janela o Enchantrix irá imprimir as suas mensagens. Poderás expecificar o nome da janela ou o inicio da janela.";
		["HelpShowDELevels"]	= "Selecciona se deve mostrar o nivel necessário de encantamento para desencantar o objecto, na janela de ajuda.";
		["HelpShowDEMaterials"]	= "Selecciona se deve mostrar os materiais possiveis de obter, desencantando o item, na janela de ajuda.";
		["HelpShowUI"]	= "Mostrar ou esconder o painel de configuração.";
		["HelpTerse"]	= "Ligar/Desligar o modo breve, mostrando somente o valor de desencantamento. Pode ser forçado segurando na tecla Ctrl.";
		["HelpValue"]	= "Seleccionar se quer ver os valores estimados baseados em proporções dos possiveis desencantos.";
		["ModTTShow_Help"]	= "Esta opção vai mostar dicas extras no Enchantrix somente se ALT tiver sido pressionado.";

		-- Section: Report Messages
		["AuctionScanAuctNotInstalled"]	= "O Auctioneer não está instalado. Para efectuar a pesquisa dos leilões o Auctioneer tem que ser instalado.";
		["AuctionScanVersionTooOld"]	= "Versão incorrecta do Auctioneer instalado, esta funcionalidade requer o Auctioneer v4.0 or superior.";
		["ChatDeletedProfile"]	= "Perfil apagado:";
		["ChatDuplicatedProfile"]	= "Duplicar perfil para:";
		["ChatResetProfile"]	= "Limpar todas as configurações para:";
		["ChatSavedProfile"]	= "Perfil guardado:";
		["ChatUsingProfile"]	= "Utilizando o perfil:";
		["FrmtAutoDeActive"]	= "Desencantamento automático activo";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisabled"]	= "Desencantamento automático desactivado";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisenchantCancelled"]	= "Desencantamento cancelado: objecto não encontrado";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisenchanting"]	= "Desencantando %s";
		["FrmtAutoDeIgnorePermanent"]	= "Ignorando %s permanentemente";
		["FrmtAutoDeIgnoreSession"]	= "Ignorando %s esta sessão";
		["FrmtAutoDeInactive"]	= "Desencantamento automático inactivo";
		["FrmtAutoDeMilling"]	= "Maceração %s";
		["FrmtAutoDeMillingCancelled"]	= "Maceração cancelada: item não encontrado";
		["FrmtAutoDeProspectCancelled"]	= "Pesquisa cancelada: item não encontrado";
		["FrmtBidbrokerCurbid"]	= "Ofcur";
		["FrmtBidbrokerDone"]	= "Oferta do corrector feita";
		["FrmtBidbrokerHeader"]	= "As ofertas que têm as economias de prata de %s na média do valor disencanto:";
		["FrmtBidbrokerLine"]	= "%s, Avaliado em: %s, %s: %s, Excepto: %s, Menos %s, Tempo: %s";
		["FrmtBidbrokerMinbid"]	= "Ofmin";
		["FrmtPctlessDone"]	= "Percentagem menos feito";
		["FrmtPctlessHeader"]	= "As Compras Directas que têm excesso do artigo médio das economias de %d%% do valor do desencanto: ";
		["FrmtPctlessLine"]	= "%s, Avaliado em: %s, BO: %s, Excepto: %s, Menos %s ";

		-- Section: Tooltip Messages
		["FrmtBarkerPrice"]	= "Preço de Vendedor (%d%% margem)";
		["FrmtDisinto"]	= "Desencanta em:";
		["FrmtFound"]	= "Observado que %s desencanta em: ";
		["FrmtPriceEach"]	= "(%s cada)";
		["FrmtSuggestedPrice"]	= "Preço sugerido:";
		["FrmtTotal"]	= "Total";
		["FrmtValueAuctHsp"]	= "Valor do Desencanto (MPV)";
		["FrmtValueAuctMed"]	= "Valor do Desencanto (Números médios)";
		["FrmtValueMarket"]	= "Valor de Disencanto (Referência)";
		["FrmtWarnAuctNotLoaded"]	= "[Auctioneer não carregado, usando preços em cache]";
		["FrmtWarnNoPrices"]	= "[Nenhuns Preços Disponiveis]";
		["FrmtWarnPriceUnavail"]	= "[Alguns preços indisponiveis]";


	ruRU = {

		-- Section: Command Messages
		["FrmtActClearall"]	= "Очищает всю информацию о зачаровывании";
		["FrmtActClearFail"]	= "Невозможно найти предмет: %s";
		["FrmtActClearOk"]	= "Очищена информация о предмете: %s";
		["FrmtActDefault"]	= "Опция %s Enchantrix'а была сброшена на уст.по умолчанию";
		["FrmtActDefaultAll"]	= "Все опции Enchantrix'а были сброшены на уст.по умолчанию\n";
		["FrmtActDisable"]	= "Не показывать данные по вещи %s";
		["FrmtActEnable"]	= "Показывать данные по вещи %s\n";
		["FrmtActSet"]	= "Установите %s до '%s'\n";
		["FrmtActUnknown"]	= "Неизвестная команда: '%s'\n";
		["FrmtActUnknownLocale"]	= "Указанная локаль ('%s') неизвестна. Действительные локали:\n";
		["FrmtPrintin"]	= "Сообщения Encantrix'а теперь будут печататься в чате \"%s\"\n";
		["FrmtUsage"]	= "Использование:\n";
		["MesgDisable"]	= "Отключить автоматическую загрузку Enchantrix'а\n";
		["MesgNotloaded"]	= "Enchantrix не загружен. Напечатайте /enchantrix для большей информации.\n";

		-- Section: Command Options
		["CmdClearAll"]	= "все\n";
		["OptClear"]	= "([Item]|all) ";
		["OptDefault"]	= "(<option>|all) ";
		["OptFindBidauct"]	= "<silver> ";
		["OptFindBuyauct"]	= "<percent> ";
		["OptLocale"]	= "<locale> ";
		["OptPrintin"]	= "(<frameIndex>[Number]|<frameName>[String]) ";

		-- Section: Commands
		["CmdClear"]	= "Очистить";
		["CmdDefault"]	= "Стандартные";
		["CmdDisable"]	= "выведите из строя\n";
		["CmdFindBidauct"]	= "bidbroker ";
		["CmdFindBidauctShort"]	= "bb ";
		["CmdFindBuyauct"]	= "percentless ";
		["CmdFindBuyauctShort"]	= "pl ";
		["CmdHelp"]	= "помощь\n";
		["CmdOff"]	= "off";
		["CmdOn"]	= "на\n";
		["CmdPrintin"]	= "print-in ";
		["CmdToggle"]	= "переключить";
		["ConfigUI"]	= "настройка";
		["ShowDELevels"]	= "уровни";
		["ShowDEMaterials"]	= "материалы";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerVal"]	= "оценить";
		["ShowTerse"]	= "сжатый";
		["ShowUI"]	= "показать";
		["StatOff"]	= "Не показывать данные зачаровывания";
		["StatOn"]	= "Показывать сконфигурированные данные по зачаровыванию ";

		-- Section: Config Text
		["GuiLoad"]	= "Загрузить Enchantrix ";
		["GuiLoad_Always"]	= "всегда";
		["GuiLoad_Never"]	= "никогда";

		-- Section: Game Constants
		["ArgSpellMillingName"]	= "Измельчение";
		["ArgSpellname"]	= "Распыление";
		["ArgSpellProspectingName"]	= "Просеивание";
		["Enchanting"]	= "Наложение чар";
		["Inscription"]	= "Начертание";
		["Jewelcrafting"]	= "Ювелирное дело";
		["PatReagents"]	= "Реагенты: (.+) ";
		["TextCombat"]	= "Бой";
		["TextGeneral"]	= "Основной";

		-- Section: Generic Messages
		["FrmtCredit"]	= "(на http://enchantrix.org/ можно поделиться собранной аддоном информацией)";
		["FrmtWelcome"]	= "Enchantrix v%s загружен";
		["MesgAuctVersion"]	= "Для работы Enchantrix требуется аддон Auctioneer версии 4.0 или выше. Некоторые возможности будут недоступны, пока вы не обновите Auctioneer.";

		-- Section: Help Text
		["GuiClearall"]	= "Очистить все данные Enchantrix";
		["GuiClearallButton"]	= "Очистить всё";
		["GuiClearallHelp"]	= "Нажмите сюда, чтобы очистить все данные Enchantrix для текущего сервера.";
		["GuiClearallNote"]	= "для текущих сервера-фракции";
		["GuiDefaultAll"]	= "Сбросить все настройки Enchantrix";
		["GuiDefaultAllButton"]	= "Сбросить всё";
		["GuiDefaultAllHelp"]	= "Нажмите сюда для возврата всех настроек Enchantrix к их первоначальным значениям. ВНИМАНИЕ: Это действие НЕЛЬЗЯ ОТМЕНИТЬ.";
		["GuiDefaultOption"]	= "Сбросить данный параметр";
		["GuiDELevels"]	= "Показать в подсказке уровень зачарования, необходимый для распыления предмета";
		["GuiDEMaterials"]	= "Показать, на какие материалы в среднем распыляется предмет";
		["GuiEmbed"]	= "Внедрить информацию в игровую подсказку";
		["GuiLocale"]	= "Сменить локаль на";
		["GuiMainEnable"]	= "Включить Enchantrix";
		["GuiMainHelp"]	= "Содержит настройки для Enchantrix, аддона, который показывает во всплывающей подсказке предмета информацию о возможных результатах его разбиения.";
		["GuiOtherHeader"]	= "Другие настройки";
		["GuiOtherHelp"]	= "Различные настройки Enchantrix ";
		["GuiPrintin"]	= "Выбирает желаемое окно сообщений";
		["GuiPrintYieldsInChat"]	= "Показать добычу из вещей в чате";
		["GuiShowCraftReagents"]	= "Показать скрафченные реагенты во всплывающей подсказке предмета";
		["GuiTerse"]	= "Включить сжатый режим";
		["GuiValuateAverages"]	= "Оценивать по средним ценам Auctioneer-а";
		["GuiValuateBaseline"]	= "Оценивать по встроенным данным";
		["GuiValuateEnable"]	= "Разрешить оценку";
		["GuiValuateHeader"]	= "Оценка";
		["GuiValuateMedian"]	= "Оценивать с медианными значениями Auctioneer";
		["HelpClear"]	= "Очистить данные для определённого предмета (\"Shift+щелчок\" для вставки предмета в команду). Вы также можете использовать специальное ключевое слово \"all\".";
		["HelpDefault"]	= "Установить опцию к значению по умолчанию. Вы также можете использовать специальное ключевое слово \"all\" для установки всех настроек Enchantrix'а к их значениям по умолчанию.";
		["HelpDisable"]	= "Не загружать enchantrix в следующий раз, когда Вы войдете в игру.";
		["HelpEmbed"]	= "Отображать текст в верхней подсказке. (Некоторые возможности будут отключены).";
		["HelpFindBidauct"]	= "Поиск аукционов, возможная стоимость которых после разбиения на заданное количество серебряных монет ниже стоимости ставки.";
		["HelpFindBuyauct"]	= "Поиск аукционов, чьи цены выкупа равны определённому проценту, меньшему, чем возможная ценность разбиения (и опционально - определённому количеству, меньшему, чем ценность разбиения).";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneer5Val"]	= "Если определение стоимости включено и Аукционер установлен, то отображаются рыночные цены на разбиение предмета.";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerHsp"]	= "Если определение стоимости включено и Аукционер установлен, то отображается оценка цены продажи (HSP) для разбиваемого предмета.";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerMedian"]	= "Если оценка разрешена, и вы установили Auctioneer, то отображается средняя цена разбиения предмета.";
		["HelpGuessBaseline"]	= "Если определение стоимости включено (установленный Аукционер не нужен), то отображает базовую стоимость разбиваемого предмета, основанную на встроенных ценах.";
		["HelpGuessNoauctioneer"]	= "Команды для оценки не доступны, так как у Вас не установлен Аукционер.";
		["HelpLoad"]	= "изменить настройки Enchantrix-а, загрузив их с этого профиля";
		["HelpLocale"]	= "Изменить локаль, которая используется для отображения сообщений Enchantrix'а.";
		["HelpOnoff"]	= "Включает и отключает отображение данных зачаровывания.";
		["HelpPrintin"]	= "Выбор, как окно Enchantix-а будет выводить сообщения. Вы можете настроить название рамки или индекс.";
		["HelpShowDELevels"]	= "Определяет, отображать ли в подсказке уровень скила зачаровывания, необходимый для распыления предмета.";
		["HelpShowDEMaterials"]	= "Определяет, показывать ли возможные материалы распыления во всплывающей подсказке предмета.";
		["HelpShowUI"]	= "Показать или спрятать панель настроек.";
		["HelpTerse"]	= "Включение/выключение сжатого режима, показывающего только стоимость распыления. Может быть временно отключен путём удержания клавиши \"Ctrl\".";
		["HelpValue"]	= "Выбирает отображать или нет оценённую стоимость предмета, основанную на соотношениях возможного распыления.";
		["ModTTShow_Help"]	= "Эта установка покажет экстра-тултип Enchantrix только если нажат ALT";

		-- Section: Report Messages
		["AuctionScanAuctNotInstalled"]	= "Вы не установили Auctioneer. Auctioner должен быть установлен для того, чтобы сканировать аукцион.";
		["AuctionScanVersionTooOld"]	= "У Вас не установлена правильная версия Auctioneer, эта функция требует Auctioneer версии 4.0 или выше.";
		["ChatDeletedProfile"]	= "Профиль удалён:";
		["ChatDuplicatedProfile"]	= "Дублировать профиль в:";
		["ChatResetProfile"]	= "Сброшены настройки профиля ";
		["ChatSavedProfile"]	= "Сохранен профиль ";
		["ChatUsingProfile"]	= "Используется профиль ";
		["FrmtAutoDeActive"]	= "Автоматическое распыление включено";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisabled"]	= "Автоматическое распыление отключено";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisenchantCancelled"]	= "Распыление отменено: предмет не найден";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisenchanting"]	= "Распыление %s";
		["FrmtAutoDeIgnorePermanent"]	= "%s игнорируется постоянно";
		["FrmtAutoDeIgnoreSession"]	= "%s игнорируется в течение сессии";
		["FrmtAutoDeInactive"]	= "Автоматическое распыление неактивно";
		["FrmtAutoDeMilling"]	= "Измельченно %s ";
		["FrmtAutoDeMillingCancelled"]	= "Измельчение оконченно: предмет не найден";
		["FrmtAutoDeProspectCancelled"]	= "Просеивание отменено: предмет не найден.";
		["FrmtAutoDeProspecting"]	= "Просеивание %s";
		["FrmtBidbrokerCurbid"]	= "текСтавка";
		["FrmtBidbrokerDone"]	= "Ставка перебита";
		["FrmtBidbrokerHeader"]	= "Предлагает наличие %s экономии серебра в средней цене разбиения (min %%less = %d):";
		["FrmtBidbrokerLine"]	= "%s, Оценено как: %s, %s: %s, Экономия: %s, Less %s, Время: %s";
		["FrmtBidbrokerMinbid"]	= "минСтавка";
		["FrmtBidBrokerSkipped"]	= "Пропущенные %d аукционы из-за сокращения размера прибыли (%d%%)";
		["FrmtBidBrokerSkippedBids"]	= "Пропущенные %d аукционы из-за наличия ставок на них";
		["FrmtPctlessDone"]	= "Менее сделанный процент.";
		["FrmtPctlessHeader"]	= "Покупки имеющие %d%% экономии над средней ценой разбиения (min сбережения = %s):";
		["FrmtPctlessLine"]	= "%s, Оценено: %s, БО: %s, Экономия: %s, Меньше %s";
		["FrmtPctlessSkillSkipped"]	= "Пропущено %d аукцион(а\ов) из-за недостаточного уровня навыка (%s)";
		["FrmtPctlessSkipped"]	= "Пропущено %d аукцион(а\ов) из-за сокращения прибыльности (%s)";

		-- Section: Tooltip Messages
		["FrmtBarkerPrice"]	= "Barker цена (%d%% прибыль) ";
		["FrmtDEItemLevels"]	= "Дизэнчантить с уровня предмета %d до %d.";
		["FrmtDisinto"]	= "Распыляется в:";
		["FrmtFound"]	= "Обнаружено, что %s распыляется в:";
		["FrmtFoundNotDisenchant"]	= "Обнаружено, что %s не распыляется";
		["FrmtInkFrom"]	= "Сделано %s";
		["FrmtMillingFound"]	= "Найденны эти %s измельчения в:";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctHsp"]	= "Цена измельчения (HSP)";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctMed"]	= "Цена измельчения (Среднее)";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctVal"]	= "Цена измельчения (АукСовет)";
		["FrmtMillingValueMarket"]	= "Цена измельчения (Базовая стоимость)";
		["FrmtMillsInto"]	= "Измельчается в:";
		["FrmtPriceEach"]	= "(%s за шт.)";
		["FrmtProspectFound"]	= "Обнаружено, что %s просеивается в:";
		["FrmtProspectFrom"]	= "Перспективный для %s.";
		["FrmtProspectInto"]	= "Просеивается в: ";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctHsp"]	= "Цена просеивания (HSP)";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctMed"]	= "Цена просеивания (среднее)";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctVal"]	= "Цена просеивания (АукСовет)";
		["FrmtProspectValueMarket"]	= "Цена просеивания (база)";
		["FrmtSuggestedPrice"]	= "Рекомендуемая цена:";
		["FrmtTotal"]	= "Итого";
		["FrmtValueAuctHsp"]	= "Цена распыления (HSP) ";
		["FrmtValueAuctMed"]	= "Цена распыления (среднее) ";
		["FrmtValueAuctVal"]	= "Цена распыления (АукСовет) ";
		["FrmtValueFixedVal"]	= "Цена распыления (Фиксир) ";
		["FrmtValueMarket"]	= "Цена распыления (Основная)";
		["FrmtWarnAuctNotLoaded"]	= "[Auctioneer не загружен, использую полученные ранее данные]";
		["FrmtWarnNoPrices"]	= "[Цены неизвестны]";
		["FrmtWarnPriceUnavail"]	= "[Некоторые цены неизвестны]";
		["TooltipMillingLevel"]	= "Для измельчения необходим уровень навыка %d";
		["TooltipProspectLevel"]	= "Для просеивания необходим уровень навыка %d";
		["TooltipShowDisenchantLevel"]	= "Для распыления необходим уровень навыка %d";

		-- Section: User Interface
		["BeanCounterRequired"]	= "Для включения автоматического распыления предметов нужно установить аддон BeanCounter. С помощью этого аддона можно отследить, был ли куплен предмет специально для распыления, что позволит автоматизировать процедуру.";
		["ExportPriceAucAdv"]	= "Экспорт цен Enchantrix в Auctioneer Advanced";
		["GuiActivateProfile"]	= "Включить выбранный профиль";
		["GuiAutoDeBoughtForDE"]	= "Только предметы, купленные для распыления";
		["GuiAutoDeEnable"]	= "Поиск распыляемых предметов в сумках (Автораспыление - использовать с осторожностью!)";
		["GuiAutoDeEpicItems"]	= "Автораспыление превосходных предметов (\"эпиков\")";
		["GuiAutoDeOptions"]	= "Автоматизация";
		["GuiAutoDePromptLine1"]	= "Вы хотите распылить:";
		["GuiAutoDePromptLine3"]	= "Оценено:";
		["GuiAutoDEPurchaseReason"]	= "Куплен за %s";
		["GuiAutoDeRareItems"]	= "Автораспыление редких (\"синих\") предметов";
		["GuiAutoDESuggestion"]	= "Предложение: %s за эту вещь";
		["GuiAutoMillingPromptLine1"]	= "Вы хотите измельчить:";
		["GuiAutoProspectPromptLine1"]	= "Вы хотите просеять:";
		["GuiBBUnbiddedOnly"]	= "Ограничить (BidBroker) только на вещи без ставок";
		["GuiConfigProfiles"]	= "Создание и редактирование профилей";
		["GuiCreateReplaceProfile"]	= "Создать или заменить профиль";
		["GuiDefaultBBProfitPercent"]	= "Процент Bidbroker'а по умолчанию: %d";
		["GuiDefaultLessHSP"]	= "Процент по умолчанию HSP: %d";
		["GuiDefaultProfitMargin"]	= "Размер типовой прибыли:";
		["GuiDeleteProfileButton"]	= "Удалить";
		["GuiDuplicateProfileButton"]	= "Копировать";
		["GuiFixedSettings"]	= "Фиксированные цены на реагенты";
		["GuiFixedSettingsNote"]	= "Если галочка перед реагентом включена, то указанная стоимость будет использована вместо любых других цен (например, полученных из Auctioneer'а). На эту стоимость влияет калибровка ценности реагентов (производится в соответствующем разделе настроек). Поэтому, чтобы стоимость реагента совпадала с введенным значением, убедитесь, что в разделе калибровки напротив реагента стоит 100%.";
		["GuiGeneralOptions"]	= "Общие настройки";
		["GuiIgnore"]	= "Игнорировать";
		["GuiItemValueAuc4HSP"]	= "HSP для Аук";
		["GuiItemValueAuc4Median"]	= "Средняя для Аук";
		["GuiItemValueAuc5Appraiser"]	= "Значение оценщика (Appraiser) для АукСовет";
		["GuiItemValueAuc5Market"]	= "Рыночная цена для АукСовет ";
		["GuiItemValueAverage"]	= "Среднее (по умолчанию)";
		["GuiItemValueBaseline"]	= "Базовая на рынке";
		["GuiItemValueCalc"]	= "Цена предмета рассчитывается от";
		["GuiMaxBuyout"]	= "Максимальная цена выкупа";
		["GuiMillingingValues"]	= "Показывать предполагаемые цены измельчения";
		["GuiMillingLevels"]	= "Показывать требования к уровню измельчения в подсказке";
		["GuiMillingMaterials"]	= "Показывать материалы измельчения в подсказке";
		["GuiMillingOptions"]	= "Опции измельчения";
		["GuiMinBBProfitPercent"]	= "Минимальный процент для ставки при перебивании на аукционе:";
		["GuiMinimapButtonAngle"]	= "Положение кнопки: %d";
		["GuiMinimapButtonDist"]	= "Расстояние: %d";
		["GuiMinimapOptions"]	= "Кнопка на мини-карте";
		["GuiMinimapShowButton"]	= "Отображать кнопку";
		["GuiMinLessHSP"]	= "Минимальный процент меньше HSP: %d";
		["GuiMinProfitMargin"]	= "Размер минимальной прибыли:";
		["GuiNewProfileName"]	= "Имя нового профиля";
		["GuiNo"]	= "Нет";
		["GuiPLBBOnlyBelowDESkill"]	= "Показывать только вещи, распыляемые на текущем уровне навыка";
		["GuiPLBBSettings"]	= "Проценты и настройки ставок";
		["GuiProspectingLevels"]	= "Показывать требования к уровню просеивания в подсказке";
		["GuiProspectingMaterials"]	= "Показывать материалы просеивания в подсказке";
		["GuiProspectingOptions"]	= "Опции просеивания";
		["GuiProspectingValues"]	= "Показывать предполагаемые цены просеивания";
		["GuiResetProfileButton"]	= "Сбросить";
		["GuiSaveProfileButton"]	= "Сохранить";
		["GuiShowMatSources"]	= "Показать материал получаемый из вещей при распылении, просеивании и измельчении.";
		["GuiShowMilling"]	= "Показывать данные измельчения для трав";
		["GuiShowProspecting"]	= "Показывать данные просеивания для руды";
		["GuiTabAuctions"]	= "Аукционы";
		["GuiTabFixed"]	= "Фиксированная цена";
		["GuiTabGeneral"]	= "Главная";
		["GuiTabMilling"]	= "Измельчение";
		["GuiTabProfiles"]	= "Профили";
		["GuiTabProspecting"]	= "Просеивание";
		["GuiTabWeights"]	= "Вес";
		["GuiValueOptions"]	= "Настройки показа цены";
		["GuiValueShowAuc4HSP"]	= "Показывать HSP Аукционера для цены";
		["GuiValueShowAuc4Median"]	= "Показывать среднюю цену аукционера";
		["GuiValueShowAuc5Market"]	= "Показывать рыночную цену аукционера";
		["GuiValueShowBaseline"]	= "Показывать базовые цены";
		["GuiValueShowDEValues"]	= "Показывать предполагаемые цены распыления";
		["GuiValueTerse"]	= "Показывать сжатую цену распыления";
		["GuiWeighSettingsNote"]	= "Вес измененой оценки предоставленного реагента указанным количеством. В общем вы захотите их в 100%, если бы знали, что они должны быть приблизительно равны, чем метод оценки, который вы используете.";
		["GuiWeightSettings"]	= "Желательный реагент при распылении";
		["GuiYes"]	= "Да";
		["ModTTShow"]	= "Показывать дополнительную подсказку только при нажатии Alt";


	trTR = {

		-- Section: Command Messages
		["FrmtActClearall"]	= "Tüm enchant verilerini siliyor";
		["FrmtActClearFail"]	= "Cisim bulunamadı: %s";
		["FrmtActClearOk"]	= "Verileri silinen cisim: %s";
		["FrmtActDefault"]	= "Enchantrix'in %s seçeneği varsayılan haline döndürüldü.";
		["FrmtActDefaultAll"]	= "Tüm Enchantrix seçenekleri varsayılan hallerine döndürüldü.";
		["FrmtActDisable"]	= "Cismin %s verisi gösterilmiyor";
		["FrmtActEnable"]	= "Cismin %s verisi gösteriliyor";
		["FrmtActSet"]	= "%s yi '%s' ye ayarla";
		["FrmtActUnknown"]	= "Bilinmeyen komut anahtar kelimesi: '%s' ";

		-- Section: Commands
		["CmdDisable"]	= "iptal";


	zhCN = {

		-- Section: Command Messages
		["FrmtActClearall"]	= "清除全部附魔数据。";
		["FrmtActClearFail"]	= "无法找到物品:%s。";
		["FrmtActClearOk"]	= "物品:%s的数据已清除。";
		["FrmtActDefault"]	= "附魔助手的%s选项已重置为默认值。";
		["FrmtActDefaultAll"]	= "所有附魔助手选项已重置为默认值。";
		["FrmtActDisable"]	= "不显示物品的%s数据。";
		["FrmtActEnable"]	= "显示物品的%s数据。";
		["FrmtActSet"]	= "设置%s为'%s'。";
		["FrmtActUnknown"]	= "未知命令关键字:'%s'。";
		["FrmtActUnknownLocale"]	= "你输入的地域代码('%s')未知。有效的地域代码为:";
		["FrmtPrintin"]	= "附魔助手信息现在将显示在\"%s\"对话框。";
		["FrmtUsage"]	= "用途:";
		["MesgDisable"]	= "禁用自动加载附魔助手。";
		["MesgNotloaded"]	= "附魔助手没有加载。键入/enchantrix以获取更多信息。";

		-- Section: Command Options
		["CmdClearAll"]	= "all全部";
		["OptClear"]	= "([物品]|all全部)";
		["OptDefault"]	= "(<选项>|all全部)";
		["OptFindBidauct"]	= "<银币>";
		["OptFindBuyauct"]	= "<比率>";
		["OptLocale"]	= "<地域代码>";
		["OptPrintin"]	= "(<窗口标签>[数字]|<窗口名称>[字符串])";

		-- Section: Commands
		["CmdClear"]	= "clear清除";
		["CmdDefault"]	= "default默认";
		["CmdDisable"]	= "disable禁用";
		["CmdFindBidauct"]	= "bidbroker出价代理";
		["CmdFindBidauctShort"]	= "bb(出价代理的缩写)";
		["CmdFindBuyauct"]	= "percentless比率差额";
		["CmdFindBuyauctShort"]	= "pl(比率差额的缩写)";
		["CmdHelp"]	= "help帮助";
		["CmdLocale"]	= "locale地域代码";
		["CmdOff"]	= "off关";
		["CmdOn"]	= "on开";
		["CmdPrintin"]	= "print-in输出于";
		["CmdToggle"]	= "toggle开关转换";
		["ConfigUI"]	= "config设置";
		["ShowDELevels"]	= "levels等级";
		["ShowDEMaterials"]	= "materials材料";
		["ShowEmbed"]	= "embed嵌入";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerHsp"]	= "valuate-hsp估价-最高";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerMed"]	= "valuate-median估价-中值";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerVal"]	= "valuate-val";
		["ShowGuessBaseline"]	= "valuate-baseline估价-基准";
		["ShowTerse"]	= "terse简洁";
		["ShowUI"]	= "show显示";
		["ShowValue"]	= "valuate估价";
		["StatOff"]	= "不显示任何分解数据";
		["StatOn"]	= "显示设定的分解数据";

		-- Section: Config Text
		["GuiLoad"]	= "加载附魔助手。";
		["GuiLoad_Always"]	= "总是";
		["GuiLoad_Never"]	= "从不";

		-- Section: Game Constants
		["ArgSpellMillingName"]	= "研磨";
		["ArgSpellname"]	= "分解";
		["ArgSpellProspectingName"]	= "选矿";
		["Enchanting"]	= "附魔";
		["Inscription"]	= "铭文";
		["Jewelcrafting"]	= "珠宝加工";
		["PatReagents"]	= "材料:(.+)";
		["TextCombat"]	= "战斗";
		["TextGeneral"]	= "普通";

		-- Section: Generic Messages
		["FrmtCredit"]	= "(去http://enchantrix.org/网站共享数据)";
		["FrmtWelcome"]	= "附魔助手(Enchantrix) v%s 已加载!";
		["MesgAuctVersion"]	= "Enchantrix需要Auctioneer版本4.0或更高。某些特性会失效请升级你的Auctioneer";

		-- Section: Help Text
		["GuiClearall"]	= "清除全部附魔助手数据。";
		["GuiClearallButton"]	= "全部清除";
		["GuiClearallHelp"]	= "点此清除对于当前服务器-阵营的全部附魔助手数据。";
		["GuiClearallNote"]	= "对于当前服务器-阵营";
		["GuiDefaultAll"]	= "重置全部附魔助手设置。";
		["GuiDefaultAllButton"]	= "全部重置";
		["GuiDefaultAllHelp"]	= "点此重置全部附魔助手选项为默认值。警告:此操作无法还原。";
		["GuiDefaultOption"]	= "重置该设置";
		["GuiDELevels"]	= "在提示中显示分解需要的等级";
		["GuiDEMaterials"]	= "在提示中显示分解材料信息";
		["GuiEmbed"]	= "信息显示在游戏默认提示中。";
		["GuiLocale"]	= "设置地域代码为";
		["GuiMainEnable"]	= "启用附魔助手。";
		["GuiMainHelp"]	= "包含插件 - 附魔助手的设置。它用于显示物品分解产物信息。";
		["GuiOtherHeader"]	= "其他选项";
		["GuiOtherHelp"]	= "附魔助手杂项";
		["GuiPrintin"]	= "选择期望的讯息窗口。";
		["GuiPrintYieldsInChat"]	= "于聊天框显示物品收益";
		["GuiShowCraftReagents"]	= "于提示框显示制作物品所需的材料";
		["GuiTerse"]	= "开启简洁模式";
		["GuiValuateAverages"]	= "以拍卖助手平均价进行估价。";
		["GuiValuateBaseline"]	= "以内置数据估价。";
		["GuiValuateEnable"]	= "启用估价。";
		["GuiValuateHeader"]	= "估价";
		["GuiValuateMedian"]	= "以拍卖助手中位数价进行估价。";
		["HelpClear"]	= "清除指定物品的数据(必须Shift+点击将物品插入命令)。你也可以指定特定关键字\"all\"。";
		["HelpDefault"]	= "设置某个附魔助手选项为默认值。你也可以输入特定关键字\"all\" 来设置所有附魔助手选项为默认值。";
		["HelpDisable"]	= "阻止附魔助手下一次登录时自动加载。";
		["HelpEmbed"]	= "嵌入文字到原游戏提示中(提示:某些特性在该模式下禁用)。";
		["HelpFindBidauct"]	= "找到拍卖品其可能分解价值低于竞拍价一定银币额。";
		["HelpFindBuyauct"]	= "找到拍卖品其可能分解价值低于一口价一定比率。";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneer5Val"]	= "开启估价并且拍卖助手开启,就显示物品分解的市场价。";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerHsp"]	= "如果启用估价,并且安装了拍卖行助手(Auctioneer),显示对于物品分解的曾售价格(最高价)。";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerMedian"]	= "如果启用估价,并且安装了拍卖助手(Auctioneer),显示基于物品分解估价的中位数。";
		["HelpGuessBaseline"]	= "如果启用估价,显示对于物品分解的基准估价,基于系统内置价格(不需要拍卖助手Auctioneer)。";
		["HelpGuessNoauctioneer"]	= "价格评估上限与价格评估中位数命令不能使用是因为没有安装拍卖助手。";
		["HelpLoad"]	= "改变附魔助手的加载设置。";
		["HelpLocale"]	= "更改附魔助手显示讯息的地域代码。";
		["HelpOnoff"]	= "打开/关闭附魔数据的显示。";
		["HelpPrintin"]	= "选择附魔助手使用哪个窗口来显示输出讯息。你可以指定窗口名称或索引。";
		["HelpShowDELevels"]	= "在提示中选择是否显示分解物品需要的附魔技能。";
		["HelpShowDEMaterials"]	= "在提示中选择否是显示分解物品产生材料。";
		["HelpShowUI"]	= "显示或隐藏设置面板。";
		["HelpTerse"]	= "开启/关闭简洁模式,只显示分解价值。能持续忽略控制键。";
		["HelpValue"]	= "选择是否显示物品基于可能分解几率的预计价值。";
		["ModTTShow_Help"]	= "启用本选项将会使附魔助手的额外提示窗只在ALT按下时才显示。";

		-- Section: Report Messages
		["AuctionScanAuctNotInstalled"]	= "你没有安装拍卖助手。拍卖助手必须安装并执行一次扫描。";
		["AuctionScanVersionTooOld"]	= "你没有正确安装拍卖助手。此特性需要拍卖助手4.0以上。";
		["ChatDeletedProfile"]	= "删除配置:";
		["ChatDuplicatedProfile"]	= "复制配置到:";
		["ChatResetProfile"]	= "重置所有设置:";
		["ChatSavedProfile"]	= "保存配置:";
		["ChatUsingProfile"]	= "现在使用配置:";
		["FrmtAutoDeActive"]	= "自动分解-激活";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisabled"]	= "自动分解-关闭";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisenchantCancelled"]	= "分解已取消:物品没找到";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisenchanting"]	= "分解 %s";
		["FrmtAutoDeIgnorePermanent"]	= "忽视 %s 永久";
		["FrmtAutoDeIgnoreSession"]	= "忽视 %s 本次连接";
		["FrmtAutoDeInactive"]	= "自动分解-无效";
		["FrmtAutoDeMilling"]	= "%s 研磨中";
		["FrmtAutoDeMillingCancelled"]	= "研磨已取消:找不到物品";
		["FrmtAutoDeProspectCancelled"]	= "预估已取消:物品未发现";
		["FrmtAutoDeProspecting"]	= "预估%s";
		["FrmtBidbrokerCurbid"]	= "目前的拍卖价";
		["FrmtBidbrokerDone"]	= "交易价代理完成";
		["FrmtBidbrokerHeader"]	= "比平均分解价值节省%s出价(最少%%差额= %d):";
		["FrmtBidbrokerLine"]	= "%s,估价:%s,%s:%s,节省:%s,差额%s,次数:%s";
		["FrmtBidbrokerMinbid"]	= "最低拍卖价";
		["FrmtBidBrokerSkipped"]	= "所需利润率不足(%d%%),跳过%d拍卖";
		["FrmtBidBrokerSkippedBids"]	= "所需出价不足,跳过%d拍卖";
		["FrmtPctlessDone"]	= "比率差额完成。";
		["FrmtPctlessHeader"]	= "节省超过平均物品分解价值%d%%一口价(最少节省 = %s):";
		["FrmtPctlessLine"]	= "%s,估价:%s,一口价:%s,节省:%s,差额%s";
		["FrmtPctlessSkillSkipped"]	= "所需技能等级不够(%s),跳过%d拍卖\n";
		["FrmtPctlessSkipped"]	= "所需收益率不足(%s),跳过%d拍卖";

		-- Section: Tooltip Messages
		["FrmtBarkerPrice"]	= "Barker价格(%d%% 最低利润)";
		["FrmtDEItemLevels"]	= "可自物品等级 %d 到 %d 中的物品分解后获得。";
		["FrmtDisinto"]	= "可分解为:";
		["FrmtFound"]	= "发现%s可分解为:";
		["FrmtFoundNotDisenchant"]	= "发现%s不可分解";
		["FrmtInkFrom"]	= "从 %s 制成";
		["FrmtMillingFound"]	= "%s 可研磨成:";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctHsp"]	= "研磨价值(HSP)";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctMed"]	= "研磨价值(中位数)";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctVal"]	= "研磨价值(AucAdv)";
		["FrmtMillingValueMarket"]	= "研磨价值(基准)";
		["FrmtMillsInto"]	= "研磨为:";
		["FrmtPriceEach"]	= "(每件%s)";
		["FrmtProspectFound"]	= "发现%s可选矿为:";
		["FrmtProspectFrom"]	= "可自 %s 探勘后取得。";
		["FrmtProspectInto"]	= "选矿为:";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctHsp"]	= "选矿价值(HSP)";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctMed"]	= "选矿价值(中位数)";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctVal"]	= "选矿价值(AucAdv)";
		["FrmtProspectValueMarket"]	= "选矿价值(基准)";
		["FrmtSuggestedPrice"]	= "建议价格:";
		["FrmtTotal"]	= "合计";
		["FrmtValueAuctHsp"]	= "分解价值(最高)";
		["FrmtValueAuctMed"]	= "分解价值(中位数)";
		["FrmtValueAuctVal"]	= "分解价值(AucAdv)";
		["FrmtValueFixedVal"]	= "分解价值(Fixed)";
		["FrmtValueMarket"]	= "分解价值(基准)";
		["FrmtWarnAuctNotLoaded"]	= "[拍卖助手未加载,使用缓存中的价格]";
		["FrmtWarnNoPrices"]	= "[无价格信息]";
		["FrmtWarnPriceUnavail"]	= "[某些价格信息不可用]";
		["TooltipMillingLevel"]	= "研磨必要技能%d";
		["TooltipProspectLevel"]	= "选矿必要技能%d";
		["TooltipShowDisenchantLevel"]	= "分解必要技能%d";

		-- Section: User Interface
		["BeanCounterRequired"]	= "必须安装 BeanCounter 才能决定收益因子。 关闭 AutoDE 限制直到安装了 BeanCounter。";
		["ExportPriceAucAdv"]	= "将Enchantrix的价格信息导出到AuctioneerAdvanced";
		["GuiActivateProfile"]	= "激活当前配置";
		["GuiAutoDeBoughtForDE"]	= "只为了分解而购买的物品";
		["GuiAutoDeEnable"]	= "监视背包的可分解物品-小心使用";
		["GuiAutoDeEpicItems"]	= "自动分解史诗(紫)物品";
		["GuiAutoDeOptions"]	= "自动";
		["GuiAutoDePromptLine1"]	= "确认要分解:";
		["GuiAutoDePromptLine3"]	= "贵重的%s";
		["GuiAutoDEPurchaseReason"]	= "%s 已购入";
		["GuiAutoDeRareItems"]	= "自动分解稀有(蓝)物品";
		["GuiAutoDESuggestion"]	= "建议:%s 此物品";
		["GuiAutoMillingPromptLine1"]	= "您正要研磨:";
		["GuiAutoProspectPromptLine1"]	= "确认要选矿:";
		["GuiBBUnbiddedOnly"]	= "仅代理无人出价的物品";
		["GuiConfigProfiles"]	= "设置或编辑配置";
		["GuiCreateReplaceProfile"]	= "创建或替换配置";
		["GuiDefaultBBProfitPercent"]	= "默认代理收益率:%d";
		["GuiDefaultLessHSP"]	= "默认最高售价差额率:%d";
		["GuiDefaultProfitMargin"]	= "默认利润率:";
		["GuiDeleteProfileButton"]	= "删除";
		["GuiDuplicateProfileButton"]	= "复制配置";
		["GuiFixedSettings"]	= "修复药剂价格";
		["GuiFixedSettingsNote"]	= "注意:如果选中复选框,如下价格将用来替代Auctioneer或其他估价方法.\n下列价格仍然会被之前的反应物比重所影响,所以如果你想确保反应物被精确标价,确保在比重区将比重设为100%.";
		["GuiGeneralOptions"]	= "常规附魔助手选项";
		["GuiIgnore"]	= "忽略";
		["GuiItemValueAuc4HSP"]	= "Auc最高售价";
		["GuiItemValueAuc4Median"]	= "Auc中位数";
		["GuiItemValueAuc5Appraiser"]	= "AucAdv评估者价格";
		["GuiItemValueAuc5Market"]	= "AucAdv市场价";
		["GuiItemValueAverage"]	= "均价(默认)";
		["GuiItemValueBaseline"]	= "市场基准";
		["GuiItemValueCalc"]	= "计算物品价格";
		["GuiMaxBuyout"]	= "最大一口价:";
		["GuiMillingingValues"]	= "显示预估研磨价格";
		["GuiMillingLevels"]	= "于提示中显示研磨技能需求";
		["GuiMillingMaterials"]	= "于提示中显示研磨所需材料信息";
		["GuiMillingOptions"]	= "研磨选项";
		["GuiMinBBProfitPercent"]	= "最低代理收益率:%d";
		["GuiMinimapButtonAngle"]	= "按钮位置:%d";
		["GuiMinimapButtonDist"]	= "间隔:%d";
		["GuiMinimapOptions"]	= "小地图显示选项";
		["GuiMinimapShowButton"]	= "显示小地图按钮";
		["GuiMinLessHSP"]	= "最低最高售价差额率:%d";
		["GuiMinProfitMargin"]	= "最低利润率:";
		["GuiNewProfileName"]	= "新配置文件名:";
		["GuiNo"]	= "否";
		["GuiPLBBOnlyBelowDESkill"]	= "仅显示当前技能可分解物品";
		["GuiPLBBSettings"]	= "差额率与代理设置";
		["GuiProspectingLevels"]	= "于提示中显示选矿技能需求";
		["GuiProspectingMaterials"]	= "于提示中显示选矿材料信息";
		["GuiProspectingOptions"]	= "选矿选项";
		["GuiProspectingValues"]	= "显示预估选矿价值";
		["GuiResetProfileButton"]	= "重置";
		["GuiSaveProfileButton"]	= "保存";
		["GuiShowMatSources"]	= "显示自分解、探勘及研磨物品时取得的各原始物料信息。";
		["GuiShowMilling"]	= "显示草药的研磨信息";
		["GuiShowProspecting"]	= "显示矿石的选矿信息";
		["GuiTabAuctions"]	= "拍卖";
		["GuiTabFixed"]	= "自定义价格";
		["GuiTabGeneral"]	= "常规";
		["GuiTabMilling"]	= "研磨";
		["GuiTabProfiles"]	= "配置文件";
		["GuiTabProspecting"]	= "选矿";
		["GuiTabWeights"]	= "比重";
		["GuiValueOptions"]	= "价值显示选项";
		["GuiValueShowAuc4HSP"]	= "显示拍卖助手最高可售价格";
		["GuiValueShowAuc4Median"]	= "显示拍卖助手中位数";
		["GuiValueShowAuc5Market"]	= "显示拍卖助手市场价";
		["GuiValueShowBaseline"]	= "显示内置基准值";
		["GuiValueShowDEValues"]	= "显示估计分解价";
		["GuiValueTerse"]	= "简洁显示分解价";
		["GuiWeighSettingsNote"]	= "上述比重值根据特定的数量改变该原材料数量。 您通常将想要留下他们在100%,除非您认为他们比您使用应该或多或少是贵重物品的估价方法认为。";
		["GuiWeightSettings"]	= "分解材料需求度";
		["GuiYes"]	= "是";
		["ModTTShow"]	= "只在按下ALT显示额外的提示。";


	zhTW = {

		-- Section: Command Messages
		["FrmtActClearall"]	= "清除所有附魔資料";
		["FrmtActClearFail"]	= "無法找到物品:%s";
		["FrmtActClearOk"]	= "清除物品資料:%s ";
		["FrmtActDefault"]	= "Enchantrix 的 %s 設定已經重設為預設值";
		["FrmtActDefaultAll"]	= "所有 Enchantrix 的設定已經重設為預設值";
		["FrmtActDisable"]	= "不要顯示物品的 %s 資料";
		["FrmtActEnable"]	= "顯示物品的 %s 資料";
		["FrmtActSet"]	= "設定 %s 為 '%s' ";
		["FrmtActUnknown"]	= "未知的命令關鍵字:'%s'";
		["FrmtActUnknownLocale"]	= "找不到您選擇的語言('%s')。可用的語言有:";
		["FrmtPrintin"]	= "Encantrix 的訊息將會顯示在 \"%s\" 聊天框架";
		["FrmtUsage"]	= "使用法:";
		["MesgDisable"]	= "關閉Enchantrix的自動載入功能";
		["MesgNotloaded"]	= "Enchantrix尚未載入,輸入 /enchantrix 取得說明。";

		-- Section: Command Options
		["CmdClearAll"]	= "all";
		["OptClear"]	= "([Item]|all)";
		["OptDefault"]	= "(<option>|all)";
		["OptFindBidauct"]	= "<silver>";
		["OptFindBuyauct"]	= "<percent>";
		["OptLocale"]	= "<locale>";
		["OptPrintin"]	= "(<frameIndex>[Number]|<frameName>[String])";

		-- Section: Commands
		["CmdClear"]	= "clear";
		["CmdDefault"]	= "default";
		["CmdDisable"]	= "disable";
		["CmdFindBidauct"]	= "bidbroker";
		["CmdFindBidauctShort"]	= "bb";
		["CmdFindBuyauct"]	= "percentless";
		["CmdFindBuyauctShort"]	= "pl";
		["CmdHelp"]	= "幫助";
		["CmdLocale"]	= "locale";
		["CmdOff"]	= "off";
		["CmdOn"]	= "on";
		["CmdPrintin"]	= "print-in";
		["CmdToggle"]	= "toggle";
		["ConfigUI"]	= "config";
		["ShowDELevels"]	= "levels";
		["ShowDEMaterials"]	= "materials";
		["ShowEmbed"]	= "embed";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerHsp"]	= "valuate-hsp";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerMed"]	= "valuate-median";
		["ShowGuessAuctioneerVal"]	= "valuate-val ";
		["ShowGuessBaseline"]	= "valuate-baseline";
		["ShowTerse"]	= "terse";
		["ShowUI"]	= "show";
		["ShowValue"]	= "valuate";
		["StatOff"]	= "不顯示任何附魔資料";
		["StatOn"]	= "顯示已設置好的附魔資料中";

		-- Section: Config Text
		["GuiLoad"]	= "載入Enchantrix";
		["GuiLoad_Always"]	= "always";
		["GuiLoad_Never"]	= "never";

		-- Section: Game Constants
		["ArgSpellMillingName"]	= "研磨";
		["ArgSpellname"]	= "分解";
		["ArgSpellProspectingName"]	= "勘探";
		["Enchanting"]	= "附魔";
		["Inscription"]	= "銘文學";
		["Jewelcrafting"]	= "珠寶設計";
		["PatReagents"]	= "材料: (.+) ";
		["TextCombat"]	= "戰鬥記錄";
		["TextGeneral"]	= "綜合";

		-- Section: Generic Messages
		["FrmtCredit"]	= " (請至 http://enchantrix.org/ 以分享您的資料) ";
		["FrmtWelcome"]	= "Enchantrix v%s 已載入";
		["MesgAuctVersion"]	= "Enchantrix 需要 Auctioneer v4.0 或更新的版本。部份功能在您未更新您的Auctioneer前無法使用。";

		-- Section: Help Text
		["GuiClearall"]	= "清除所有附魔資料";
		["GuiClearallButton"]	= "清除全部";
		["GuiClearallHelp"]	= "點擊此處,清除目前伺服器之所有附魔資料";
		["GuiClearallNote"]	= "目前的伺服器";
		["GuiDefaultAll"]	= "重置所有Enchantrix選項";
		["GuiDefaultAllButton"]	= "重設所有設定";
		["GuiDefaultAllHelp"]	= "點擊這裡以重設所有Enchantrix的選項回預設值。警告:這個動作是無法還原的。";
		["GuiDefaultOption"]	= "重設這個設定";
		["GuiDELevels"]	= "在提示窗中顯示分解需要的等級";
		["GuiDEMaterials"]	= "在提示窗中顯示分解材料資料";
		["GuiEmbed"]	= "將資訊嵌入遊戲提示窗中";
		["GuiLocale"]	= "設定語言為";
		["GuiMainEnable"]	= "啟動 Enchantrix";
		["GuiMainHelp"]	= "把附魔資訊嵌入遊戲資訊窗";
		["GuiOtherHeader"]	= "其他選項";
		["GuiOtherHelp"]	= "其他 Enchantrix 雜項設定";
		["GuiPrintin"]	= "選擇嵌入的訊息框架";
		["GuiPrintYieldsInChat"]	= "在聊天視窗顯示物品產出的結果";
		["GuiShowCraftReagents"]	= "在提示窗顯示製作時所需要的道具";
		["GuiTerse"]	= "啟用精簡模式";
		["GuiValuateAverages"]	= "拍賣評估";
		["GuiValuateBaseline"]	= "嵌入拍賣資料";
		["GuiValuateEnable"]	= "啟用評估系統";
		["GuiValuateHeader"]	= "估價";
		["GuiValuateMedian"]	= "評估拍賣平均價值";
		["HelpClear"]	= "清除指定物品的數據(必須Shift+點擊將物品插入命令)。你也可以指定特定關鍵字\"all\"。";
		["HelpDefault"]	= "設置某個附魔助手選項為預設值。你也可以輸入特定關鍵字\"all\"來重置所有附魔助手的選項到其預設值。";
		["HelpDisable"]	= "停止附魔助手在下一次登錄遊戲時自動載入。";
		["HelpEmbed"]	= "嵌入文字到原遊戲提示中(提示:部分功能在該模式下無法使用)。";
		["HelpFindBidauct"]	= "找到分解價值可能低於競拍價一定銀幣額的拍賣品。";
		["HelpFindBuyauct"]	= "找到分解價值可能低於直接購買價一定比率的拍賣品。";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneer5Val"]	= "開啟估價功能並且有安裝拍賣助手,就顯示物品分解的市場價。";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerHsp"]	= "如果啟用估價功能,並且安裝了拍賣助手(Auctioneer),顯示對於物品分解的可售價格(最高價)。";
		["HelpGuessAuctioneerMedian"]	= "如果啟用估價功能,並且安裝了拍賣助手(Auctioneer),顯示基於物品分解估價的中位數。";
		["HelpGuessBaseline"]	= "如果啟用估價功能,顯示對於物品分解的基準估價,基於系統內置價格(不需要拍賣助手Auctioneer)。";
		["HelpGuessNoauctioneer"]	= "價格評估上限與價格評估中位數命令不能使用是由於沒有安裝拍賣助手 Auctioneer。";
		["HelpLoad"]	= "改變附魔助手的載入設置。";
		["HelpLocale"]	= "改變用來顯示Enchantrix訊息的語言";
		["HelpOnoff"]	= "附魔資料開啟或關閉";
		["HelpPrintin"]	= "選擇Enchantrix訊息顯示的框架。你可以輸入框架名字或者是框架索引值。";
		["HelpShowDELevels"]	= "在提示中選擇是否顯示分解物品需要的附魔技能等級。";
		["HelpShowDEMaterials"]	= "在提示中選擇否是顯示分解物品產生材料資訊。";
		["HelpShowUI"]	= "顯示或隱藏設置面板。";
		["HelpTerse"]	= "開啟/關閉 簡略模式,只顯示分解價值。按住Ctrl鍵將無視此設定。";
		["HelpValue"]	= "選擇是否顯示物品基於可能分解機率的預估價值。";
		["ModTTShow_Help"]	= "啟用本選項將會使附魔助手的額外提示窗只在ALT按下時才顯示。";

		-- Section: Report Messages
		["AuctionScanAuctNotInstalled"]	= "你沒有安裝拍賣助手(Auctioneer)。拍賣助手必須安裝並執行一次掃描。";
		["AuctionScanVersionTooOld"]	= "你沒有正確安裝拍賣助手(Auctioneer)。此功能需要拍賣助手4.0(Auctioneer v4.0)版以上。";
		["ChatDeletedProfile"]	= "刪除使用者設定檔:";
		["ChatDuplicatedProfile"]	= "複製使用者設定檔到:";
		["ChatResetProfile"]	= "重置所有設定值:";
		["ChatSavedProfile"]	= "儲存使用者設定檔:";
		["ChatUsingProfile"]	= "正在使用者設定檔:";
		["FrmtAutoDeActive"]	= "啟用自動分解(AutoDisenchant)功能";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisabled"]	= "停用自動分解(AutoDisenchant)功能";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisenchantCancelled"]	= "分解動作已取消:找不到物品";
		["FrmtAutoDeDisenchanting"]	= "%s 分解中";
		["FrmtAutoDeIgnorePermanent"]	= "永久忽略 %s";
		["FrmtAutoDeIgnoreSession"]	= "這一次忽略 %s";
		["FrmtAutoDeInactive"]	= "暫停自動分解(AutoDisenchant)功能";
		["FrmtAutoDeMilling"]	= "%s 研磨中";
		["FrmtAutoDeMillingCancelled"]	= "研磨動作已取消:找不到物品";
		["FrmtAutoDeProspectCancelled"]	= "探勘動作已取消:找不到物品";
		["FrmtAutoDeProspecting"]	= "%s 探勘中";
		["FrmtBidbrokerCurbid"]	= "目前的拍賣價";
		["FrmtBidbrokerDone"]	= "交易價代理完成";
		["FrmtBidbrokerHeader"]	= "%s 個拍賣物的價值比預估平均分解價值 (min %%less = %d)還低的拍賣:";
		["FrmtBidbrokerLine"]	= "%s,估價:%s,%s:%s,節省:%s,差額 %s,次數:%s";
		["FrmtBidbrokerMinbid"]	= "最低拍賣價";
		["FrmtBidBrokerSkipped"]	= "所需利潤率不足(%d%%),跳過%d個拍賣物";
		["FrmtBidBrokerSkippedBids"]	= "所需出價不足,跳過%d個拍賣物";
		["FrmtPctlessDone"]	= "比率差額完成";
		["FrmtPctlessHeader"]	= "%s 個拍賣物的直接購買價格比預估平均分解價值 (min %%less = %d) 還低的拍賣:";
		["FrmtPctlessLine"]	= "%s,估價:%s,直接購買價:%s,節省:%s,差額 %s";
		["FrmtPctlessSkillSkipped"]	= "所需技能等級不夠(%s),跳過%d個拍賣物";
		["FrmtPctlessSkipped"]	= "所需收益率不足(%s),跳過%d個拍賣物";

		-- Section: Tooltip Messages
		["FrmtBarkerPrice"]	= "Barker 價格 (%d%% 保證金) ";
		["FrmtDEItemLevels"]	= "可自物品等級 %d 到 %d 中的物品分解後獲得。";
		["FrmtDisinto"]	= "分解成:";
		["FrmtFound"]	= "%s 可分解成:";
		["FrmtFoundNotDisenchant"]	= "%s 不可分解";
		["FrmtInkFrom"]	= "從 %s 製成";
		["FrmtMillingFound"]	= "%s 可研磨成:";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctHsp"]	= "研磨價值(HSP) ";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctMed"]	= "研磨價值(Median)";
		["FrmtMillingValueAuctVal"]	= "研磨價值(AucAdv)";
		["FrmtMillingValueMarket"]	= "研磨價值(Baseline)";
		["FrmtMillsInto"]	= "研磨出:";
		["FrmtPriceEach"]	= "(%s 每個) ";
		["FrmtProspectFound"]	= "%s 已勘探出:";
		["FrmtProspectFrom"]	= "可自 %s 探勘後取得。";
		["FrmtProspectInto"]	= "勘探出:";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctHsp"]	= "勘探價值(HSP) ";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctMed"]	= "勘探價值(Median)";
		["FrmtProspectValueAuctVal"]	= "勘探價值(AucAdv)";
		["FrmtProspectValueMarket"]	= "勘探價值(Baseline)";
		["FrmtSuggestedPrice"]	= "建議價格:";
		["FrmtTotal"]	= "總共";
		["FrmtValueAuctHsp"]	= "分解價值(HSP)";
		["FrmtValueAuctMed"]	= "分解價值(Median)";
		["FrmtValueAuctVal"]	= "分解價值(AucAdv)";
		["FrmtValueFixedVal"]	= "分解價格(固定)";
		["FrmtValueMarket"]	= "分解價值(Baseline)";
		["FrmtWarnAuctNotLoaded"]	= "[Auctioneer未載入,使用快取區的價格資料]";
		["FrmtWarnNoPrices"]	= "[無有效價格]";
		["FrmtWarnPriceUnavail"]	= "[部分價格無效]";
		["TooltipMillingLevel"]	= "研磨需要技能 %d";
		["TooltipProspectLevel"]	= "勘探需要技能 %d";
		["TooltipShowDisenchantLevel"]	= "分解需要技能 %d";

		-- Section: User Interface
		["BeanCounterRequired"]	= "必須安裝 BeanCounter 才能決定收益因子。 關閉 AutoDE 限制直到安裝了 BeanCounter。";
		["ExportPriceAucAdv"]	= "匯出 Enchantrix 價格資訊到 Auctioneer Advanced";
		["GuiActivateProfile"]	= "啟用目前記錄檔";
		["GuiAutoDeBoughtForDE"]	= "只為了分解而購買的物品";
		["GuiAutoDeEnable"]	= "監看背包中可分解的物品 - 小心使用\n";
		["GuiAutoDeEpicItems"]	= "自動分解史詩(紫)物品";
		["GuiAutoDeOptions"]	= "自動化";
		["GuiAutoDePromptLine1"]	= "您正要分解:\n";
		["GuiAutoDePromptLine3"]	= "%s 的價格\n";
		["GuiAutoDEPurchaseReason"]	= "%s 已購入";
		["GuiAutoDeRareItems"]	= "自動分解稀有(藍)物品";
		["GuiAutoDESuggestion"]	= "建議:%s 此物品";
		["GuiAutoMillingPromptLine1"]	= "您正要研磨:";
		["GuiAutoProspectPromptLine1"]	= "你正要勘探:";
		["GuiBBUnbiddedOnly"]	= "僅代理無人出價的物品";
		["GuiConfigProfiles"]	= "設定或編輯記錄檔";
		["GuiCreateReplaceProfile"]	= "新建或替換記錄檔";
		["GuiDefaultBBProfitPercent"]	= "預設代理收益率:%d";
		["GuiDefaultLessHSP"]	= "預設最高售價差額率:%d";
		["GuiDefaultProfitMargin"]	= "預設利潤率:";
		["GuiDeleteProfileButton"]	= "刪除";
		["GuiDuplicateProfileButton"]	= "複製設定檔";
		["GuiFixedSettings"]	= "固定材料價格";
		["GuiFixedSettingsNote"]	= "注意:如果選中核取方塊,以下價格將用來替代Auctioneer或其他估價方法.\n下列價格仍然會被之前設定的附魔材料比重值所影響,所以如果你想確保附魔材料被精確標價,確保在比重值設定區將比重值設為100%.\n";
		["GuiGeneralOptions"]	= "一般附魔助手選項";
		["GuiIgnore"]	= "忽略\n";
		["GuiItemValueAuc4HSP"]	= "Auc最高售價";
		["GuiItemValueAuc4Median"]	= "Auc中位數";
		["GuiItemValueAuc5Appraiser"]	= "AucAdv 估價助手價值";
		["GuiItemValueAuc5Market"]	= "AucAdv 市場價";
		["GuiItemValueAverage"]	= "均價(預設)";
		["GuiItemValueBaseline"]	= "市場基準";
		["GuiItemValueCalc"]	= "計算物品價格";
		["GuiMaxBuyout"]	= "最大直購價:";
		["GuiMillingingValues"]	= "顯示估計的研磨價值";
		["GuiMillingLevels"]	= "在提示訊息中顯示研磨等級需求";
		["GuiMillingMaterials"]	= "在提示訊息中顯示研磨結果資訊";
		["GuiMillingOptions"]	= "研磨選項";
		["GuiMinBBProfitPercent"]	= "最低代理收益率:%d";
		["GuiMinimapButtonAngle"]	= "按鈕位置:%d";
		["GuiMinimapButtonDist"]	= "間隔:%d";
		["GuiMinimapOptions"]	= "小地圖顯示選項";
		["GuiMinimapShowButton"]	= "顯示小地圖按鈕";
		["GuiMinLessHSP"]	= "最低最高售價差額率:%d";
		["GuiMinProfitMargin"]	= "最低利潤率:";
		["GuiNewProfileName"]	= "新使用者設定檔名稱:";
		["GuiNo"]	= "否\n";
		["GuiPLBBOnlyBelowDESkill"]	= "僅顯示目前技能等級可分解的物品";
		["GuiPLBBSettings"]	= "差額率與代理設定";
		["GuiProspectingLevels"]	= "在提示訊息中顯示勘探等級需求";
		["GuiProspectingMaterials"]	= "在提示訊息中顯示勘探結果資訊";
		["GuiProspectingOptions"]	= "勘探選項";
		["GuiProspectingValues"]	= "顯示估計的勘探價值";
		["GuiResetProfileButton"]	= "重置";
		["GuiSaveProfileButton"]	= "儲存";
		["GuiShowMatSources"]	= "顯示自分解、探勘及研磨物品時取得的各原始物料資訊。";
		["GuiShowMilling"]	= "顯示草藥研磨資料";
		["GuiShowProspecting"]	= "顯示礦物勘探資料";
		["GuiTabAuctions"]	= "拍賣";
		["GuiTabFixed"]	= "固定價值";
		["GuiTabGeneral"]	= "一般";
		["GuiTabMilling"]	= "研磨";
		["GuiTabProfiles"]	= "使用者設定檔";
		["GuiTabProspecting"]	= "勘探";
		["GuiTabWeights"]	= "比重";
		["GuiValueOptions"]	= "價值顯示選項";
		["GuiValueShowAuc4HSP"]	= "顯示拍賣助手最高可售價格";
		["GuiValueShowAuc4Median"]	= "顯示拍賣助手中位數";
		["GuiValueShowAuc5Market"]	= "顯示拍賣助手市場價";
		["GuiValueShowBaseline"]	= "顯示內置基準值";
		["GuiValueShowDEValues"]	= "顯示估計分解價";
		["GuiValueTerse"]	= "簡潔顯示分解價";
		["GuiWeighSettingsNote"]	= "此比重值設定將改變各附魔材料物的估計比重。通常您會想要保持在100%,除非您認為它們應該比您目前使用的估價價值來得更多或更少。";
		["GuiWeightSettings"]	= "分解材料需求度";
		["GuiYes"]	= "確定";
		["ModTTShow"]	= "只在按下ALT時顯示額外的提示窗。";

