_____/\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\________/\\\__/\\\________/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_       #
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S U P E R - V I L L A I N - U I   By: Munglunch                              #
--[[ GLOBALS ]]--
local _G = _G;
local unpack 	 =  _G.unpack;
local pairs 	 =  _G.pairs;
local tinsert 	 =  _G.tinsert;
local table 	 =  _G.table;
local tsort = table.sort;
local SuperVillain, L = unpack(SVUI);
local MOD = SuperVillain.SVLaborer
SuperVillain.Options.args.SVLaborer = {
	type = 'group',
	name = L['Laborer'],
	get = function(key)return SuperVillain.db.SVLaborer[key[#key]]end,
	set = function(key, value)MOD:ChangeDBVar(value, key[#key]) end,
	args = {
		intro = {
			order = 1,
			type = 'description',
			name = L["Options for laborer modes"]
		enable = {
			type = "toggle",
			order = 2,
			name = L['Enable'],
			desc = L['Enable/Disable the Laborer dock.'],
			get = function(key)return SuperVillain.db.SVLaborer[key[#key]]end,
			set = function(key, value)SuperVillain.db.SVLaborer.enable = value;SuperVillain:StaticPopup_Show("RL_CLIENT")end
		fontSize = {
			order = 3,
			name = L["Font Size"],
			desc = L["Set the font size of the log window."],
			type = "range",
			min = 6,
			max = 22,
			step = 1,
			set = function(j,value)MOD:ChangeDBVar(value,j[#j]);MOD:UpdateLogWindow()end
		fishing = {
			order = 4,
			type = "group",
			name = L["Fishing Mode Settings"],
			guiInline = true,
			args = {
				autoequip = {
					type = "toggle",
					order = 1,
					name = L['AutoEquip'],
					desc = L['Enable/Disable automatically equipping fishing gear.'],
					get = function(key)return SuperVillain.db.SVLaborer.fishing[key[#key]]end,
					set = function(key, value)MOD:ChangeDBVar(value, key[#key], "fishing")end
		cooking = {
			order = 5,
			type = "group",
			name = L["Cooking Mode Settings"],
			guiInline = true,
			args = {
				autoequip = {
					type = "toggle",
					order = 1,
					name = L['AutoEquip'],
					desc = L['Enable/Disable automatically equipping cooking gear.'],
					get = function(key)return SuperVillain.db.SVLaborer.cooking[key[#key]]end,
					set = function(key, value)MOD:ChangeDBVar(value, key[#key], "cooking")end
		farming = {
			order = 6,
			type = "group",
			name = L["Farming Mode Settings"],
			guiInline = true,
			get = function(key)return SuperVillain.db.SVLaborer.farming[key[#key]]end,
			set = function(key, value)SuperVillain.db.SVLaborer.farming[key[#key]] = value end,
			args = {
				buttonsize = {
					type = 'range',
					name = L['Button Size'],
					desc = L['The size of the action buttons.'],
					min = 15,
					max = 60,
					step = 1,
					order = 1,
					set = function(key, value)
						MOD:ChangeDBVar(value, key[#key],"farming");
				buttonspacing = {
					type = 'range',
					name = L['Button Spacing'],
					desc = L['The spacing between buttons.'],
					min = 1,
					max = 10,
					step = 1,
					order = 2,
					set = function(key, value)
						MOD:ChangeDBVar(value, key[#key],"farming");
				onlyactive = {
					order = 3,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L['Only active buttons'],
					desc = L['Only show the buttons for the seeds, portals, tools you have in your bags.'],
					set = function(key, value)
						MOD:ChangeDBVar(value, key[#key],"farming");
				droptools = {
					order = 4,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L['Drop '],
					desc = L['Automatically drop tools from your bags when leaving the farming area.'],
				toolbardirection = {
					order = 5,
					type = 'select',
					name = L['Bar Direction'],
					desc = L['The direction of the bar buttons (Horizontal or Vertical).'],
					set = function(key, value)MOD:ChangeDBVar(value, key[#key],"farming");MOD:RefreshFarmingTools()end,
					values = {
							['VERTICAL'] = L['Vertical'], ['HORIZONTAL'] = L['Horizontal']