local cfg = TipTac_Config;
local modName = "TipTac";
local ignoreConfigUpdate;

-- Options
local activePage = 1;
local frames = {};
local options = {
	-- General
		[0] = "General",
		{ type = "Check", var = "showUnitTip", label = "Enable TipTac Unit Tip Appearance", tip = "Will change the appearance of how unit tips look. Many options in TipTac only work with this setting enabled.\nNOTE: Using this options with a non English client may cause issues!", y = 8 },
		{ type = "Check", var = "showStatus", label = "Show DC, AFK and DND Status", tip = "Will show the <DC>, <AFK> and <DND> status after the player name" },
		{ type = "Check", var = "showGuildRank", label = "Show Player Guild Rank Title", tip = "In addition to the guild name, with this option on, you will also see their guild rank by title" },
		{ type = "Check", var = "showTargetedBy", label = "Show Who Targets the Unit", tip = "When in a raid or party, the tip will show who from your group is targeting the unit", y = 16 },
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "nameType", label = "Name Type", list = { ["Name only"] = "normal", ["Use player titles"] = "title", ["Copy from original tip"] = "original" } },
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "showRealm", label = "Show Unit Realm", list = { ["Do not show realm"] = "none", ["Show realm"] = "show", ["Show (*) instead"] = "asterisk" } },
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "showTarget", label = "Show Unit Target", list = { ["Do not show target"] = "none", ["First line"] = "first", ["Second line"] = "second", ["Last line"] = "last" }, y = 16 },
		{ type = "Text", var = "targetYouText", label = "Targeting You Text" },
	-- Special
		[0] = "Special",
		{ type = "Slider", var = "gttScale", label = "GameTooltip Scale", min = 0.2, max = 4, step = 0.05 },
		{ type = "Slider", var = "updateFreq", label = "Tip Update Frequency", min = 0, max = 5, step = 0.05 },
	-- Colors
		[0] = "Colors",
		{ type = "Color", subType = 2, var = "colSameGuild", label = "Same Guild Color", tip = "To better recognise players from your guild, you can configure the the color of your guild name individually" },
		{ type = "Color", subType = 2, var = "colRace", label = "Race & Creature Type Color", tip = "The color of the race and creature type text" },
		{ type = "Color", subType = 2, var = "colLevel", label = "Neutral Level Color", tip = "Units you cannot attack will have their level text shown in this color", y = 12 },
		{ type = "Check", var = "colorNameByClass", label = "Color Player Names by Class Color", tip = "With this option on, player names are colored by their class color, otherwise they will be colored by reaction" },
		{ type = "Check", var = "classColoredBorder", label = "Color Tip Border by Class Color", tip = "For players, the border color will be colored to match the color of their class", y = 12 },
		{ type = "Check", var = "itemQualityBorder", label = "Show Item Tips with Quality Colored Border", tip = "When enabled and the tip is showing an item, the tip border will have the color of the item's quality\nNOTE: The Hook Special Tips option must be enabled" },
	-- Reactions
		[0] = "Reactions",
		{ type = "Check", var = "reactText", label = "Show the unit's reaction as text", tip = "With this option on, the reaction of the unit will be shown as text on the last line", y = 42 },
		{ type = "Color", subType = 2, var = "colReactText1", label = "Tapped Color" },
		{ type = "Color", subType = 2, var = "colReactText2", label = "Hostile Color" },
		{ type = "Color", subType = 2, var = "colReactText3", label = "Caution Color" },
		{ type = "Color", subType = 2, var = "colReactText4", label = "Neutral Color" },
		{ type = "Color", subType = 2, var = "colReactText5", label = "Friendly NPC or PvP Player Color" },
		{ type = "Color", subType = 2, var = "colReactText6", label = "Friendly Player Color" },
		{ type = "Color", subType = 2, var = "colReactText7", label = "Dead Color" },
	-- BG Color
		[0] = "BG Color",
		{ type = "Check", var = "reactColoredBackdrop", label = "Color backdrop based on the unit's reaction", tip = "If you want the tip's background color to be determined by the unit's reaction towards you, enable this. With the option off, the background color will be the one selected on the 'Backdrop' page" },
		{ type = "Check", var = "reactColoredBorder", label = "Color border based on the unit's reaction", tip = "Same as the above option, just for the border\nNOTE: This option overrides class colored border", y = 20 },
		{ type = "Color", var = "colReactBack1", label = "Tapped Color" },
		{ type = "Color", var = "colReactBack2", label = "Hostile Color" },
		{ type = "Color", var = "colReactBack3", label = "Caution Color" },
		{ type = "Color", var = "colReactBack4", label = "Neutral Color" },
		{ type = "Color", var = "colReactBack5", label = "Friendly NPC or PvP Player Color" },
		{ type = "Color", var = "colReactBack6", label = "Friendly Player Color" },
		{ type = "Color", var = "colReactBack7", label = "Dead Color" },
	-- Backdrop
		[0] = "Backdrop",
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "tipBackdropBG", label = "Background Texture", media = "background" },
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "tipBackdropEdge", label = "Border Texture", media = "border", y = 8 },
		{ type = "Slider", var = "backdropEdgeSize", label = "Backdrop Edge Size", min = 0, max = 64, step = 0.5 },
		{ type = "Slider", var = "backdropInsets", label = "Backdrop Insets", min = -20, max = 20, step = 0.5, y = 18 },
		{ type = "Color", var = "tipColor", label = "Tip Background Color" },
		{ type = "Color", var = "tipBorderColor", label = "Tip Border Color", y = 10 },
		{ type = "Check", var = "gradientTip", label = "Show Gradient Tip", tip = "Display a small gradient area at the top of the tip to add a minor 3D effect to it. If you have an addon like Skinner, you may wish to disable this to avoid conflicts", y = 6 },
		{ type = "Color", var = "gradientColor", label = "Gradient Color", tip = "Select the base color for the gradient" },
	-- Font
		[0] = "Font",
		{ type = "Check", var = "modifyFonts", label = "Modify the GameTooltip Font Templates", tip = "For TipTac to change the GameTooltip font templates, and thus all tooltips in the User Interface, you have to enable this option.\nNOTE: If you have an addon such as ClearFont, it might conflict with this option.", y = 12 },
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "fontFace", label = "Font Face", media = "font" },
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "fontFlags", label = "Font Flags", list = TipTacDropDowns.FontFlags },
		{ type = "Slider", var = "fontSize", label = "Font Size", min = 6, max = 29, step = 1 },
	-- Classify
		[0] = "Classify",
		{ type = "Text", var = "classification_normal", label = "Normal" },
		{ type = "Text", var = "classification_elite", label = "Elite" },
		{ type = "Text", var = "classification_worldboss", label = "Boss" },
		{ type = "Text", var = "classification_rare", label = "Rare" },
		{ type = "Text", var = "classification_rareelite", label = "Rare Elite" },
	-- Fading
		[0] = "Fading",
		{ type = "Check", var = "overrideFade", label = "Override Default GameTooltip Fade", tip = "Overrides the default fadeout function of the GameTooltip. If you are seeing problems regarding fadeout, please disable.", y = 16 },
		{ type = "Slider", var = "preFadeTime", label = "Prefade Time", min = 0, max = 5, step = 0.05 },
		{ type = "Slider", var = "fadeTime", label = "Fadeout Time", min = 0, max = 5, step = 0.05, y = 16 },
		{ type = "Check", var = "hideWorldTips", label = "Instantly Hide World Frame Tips", tip = "This option will make tips which appear from objects in the world disappear instantly when you take the mouse off the object. Examples such as mailboxes, herbs or veins.\nNOTE: Does not work for all world objects." },
	-- Bars
		[0] = "Bars",
		{ type = "Check", var = "hideDefaultBar", label = "Hide the Default Health Bar", tip = "Check this to hide the default health bar" },
		{ type = "Check", var = "healthBar", label = "Show Health Bar", tip = "Will show a health bar of the unit." },
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "healthBarText", label = "Health Bar Text", list = TipTacDropDowns.BarTextFormat, y = -2 },
		{ type = "Check", var = "healthBarClassColor", label = "Class Colored Health Bar", tip = "This options colors the health bar in the same color as the player class", y = 6 },
		{ type = "Color", var = "healthBarColor", label = "Health Bar Color", tip = "The color of the health bar. Has no effect for players with the option above enabled", y = 10 },
		{ type = "Check", var = "manaBar", label = "Show Mana Bar", tip = "If the unit has mana, a mana bar will be shown." },
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "manaBarText", label = "Mana Bar Text", list = TipTacDropDowns.BarTextFormat },
		{ type = "Color", var = "manaBarColor", label = "Mana Bar Color", tip = "The color of the mana bar", y = 10 },
		{ type = "Check", var = "powerBar", label = "Show Energy, Rage, Runic Power or Focus Bar", tip = "If the unit uses either energy, rage, runic power or focus, a bar for that will be shown." },
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "powerBarText", label = "Power Bar Text", list = TipTacDropDowns.BarTextFormat },
	-- Bars Misc
		[0] = "Bars Look",
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "barFontFace", label = "Font Face", media = "font" },
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "barFontFlags", label = "Font Flags", list = TipTacDropDowns.FontFlags },
		{ type = "Slider", var = "barFontSize", label = "Font Size", min = 6, max = 29, step = 1, y = 36 },
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "barTexture", label = "Bar Texture", media = "statusbar" },
		{ type = "Slider", var = "barHeight", label = "Bar Height", min = 1, max = 50, step = 1 },
	-- Auras
		[0] = "Auras",
		{ type = "Check", var = "aurasAtBottom", label = "Put Aura Icons at the Bottom Instead of Top", tip = "Puts the aura icons at the bottom of the tip instead of the default top", y = 12 },
		{ type = "Check", var = "showBuffs", label = "Show Unit Buffs", tip = "Show buffs of the unit" },
		{ type = "Check", var = "showDebuffs", label = "Show Unit Debuffs", tip = "Show debuffs of the unit", y = 12 },
		{ type = "Check", var = "selfAurasOnly", label = "Only Show Auras Coming from You", tip = "This will filter out and only display auras you cast yourself", y = 12 },
		{ type = "Slider", var = "auraSize", label = "Aura Icon Dimension", min = 8, max = 60, step = 1 },
		{ type = "Slider", var = "auraMaxRows", label = "Max Aura Rows", min = 1, max = 8, step = 1, y = 8 },
		{ type = "Check", var = "showAuraCooldown", label = "Show Cooldown Models", tip = "With this option on, you will see a visual progress of the time left on the buff" },
	-- Icon
		[0] = "Icon",
		{ type = "Check", var = "iconRaid", label = "Show Raid Icon", tip = "Shows the raid icon next to the tip" },
		{ type = "Check", var = "iconFaction", label = "Show Faction Icon", tip = "Shows the faction icon next to the tip" },
		{ type = "Check", var = "iconCombat", label = "Show Combat Icon", tip = "Shows a combat icon next to the tip, if the unit is in combat", y = 12 },
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "iconAnchor", label = "Icon Anchor", list = TipTacDropDowns.AnchorPos },
		{ type = "Slider", var = "iconSize", label = "Icon Dimension", min = 8, max = 60, step = 1 },
	-- Anchors
		[0] = "Anchors",
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "anchorWorldUnitType", label = "World Unit Type", list = TipTacDropDowns.AnchorType },
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "anchorWorldUnitPoint", label = "World Unit Point", list = TipTacDropDowns.AnchorPos, y = 14 },
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "anchorWorldTipType", label = "World Tip Type", list = TipTacDropDowns.AnchorType },
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "anchorWorldTipPoint", label = "World Tip Point", list = TipTacDropDowns.AnchorPos, y = 14 },
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "anchorFrameUnitType", label = "Frame Unit Type", list = TipTacDropDowns.AnchorType },
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "anchorFrameUnitPoint", label = "Frame Unit Point", list = TipTacDropDowns.AnchorPos, y = 14 },
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "anchorFrameTipType", label = "Frame Tip Type", list = TipTacDropDowns.AnchorType },
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "anchorFrameTipPoint", label = "Frame Tip Point", list = TipTacDropDowns.AnchorPos, y = 14 },
	-- Mouse
		[0] = "Mouse",
		{ type = "Slider", var = "mouseOffsetX", label = "Mouse Anchor X Offset", min = -200, max = 200, step = 1 },
		{ type = "Slider", var = "mouseOffsetY", label = "Mouse Anchor Y Offset", min = -200, max = 200, step = 1 },
	-- Combat
		[0] = "Combat",
		{ type = "Check", var = "hideAllTipsInCombat", label = "Hide All Unit Tips in Combat", tip = "In combat, this option will prevent any unit tips from showing" },
		{ type = "Check", var = "hideUFTipsInCombat", label = "Hide Unit Tips for Unit Frames in Combat", tip = "When you are in combat, this option will prevent tips from showing when you have the mouse over a unit frame", y = 8 },
		{ type = "Check", var = "showHiddenTipsOnShift", label = "Still Show Hidden Tips when Holding Shift", tip = "When you have this option checked, and one of the above options, you can still force the tip to show, by holding down shift" },
--		{ type = "DropDown", var = "hideCombatTip", label = "Hide Tips in Combat For", list = { ["Unit Frames"] = "uf", ["All Tips"] = "all", ["No Tips"] = "none" } },
	-- Layouts
		[0] = "Layouts",
		{ type = "DropDown", label = "Layout Template", init = TipTacDropDowns.LoadLayout_Init, y = 20 },
--		{ type = "Text", label = "Save Layout", func = nil },
--		{ type = "DropDown", label = "Delete Layout", init = TipTacDropDowns.DeleteLayout_Init },

-- TipTacTalents Support
if (TipTacTalents) then
	options[#options + 1] = {
		[0] = "Talents",
		{ type = "Check", var = "showTalents", label = "Enable TipTacTalents", tip = "This options makes the tip show the talents of other players", y = 12 },
		{ type = "DropDown", var = "talentFormat", label = "Talent Format", list = { ["Elemental (57/14/00)"] = 1, ["Elemental"] = 2, ["57/14/00"] = 3,}, y = 8 },
		{ type = "Slider", var = "talentCacheSize", label = "Talent Cache Size", min = 0, max = 50, step = 1 },

--                                          Initialize Frame                                          --

local f = CreateFrame("Frame",modName.."Options",UIParent);

f:SetBackdrop({ bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground", edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border", tile = 1, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 16, insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 3, bottom = 3 } });
f:SetScript("OnShow",function() f:BuildCategoryPage(); end);

f.outline = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,f);
f.outline:SetBackdrop({ bgFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background", edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border", tile = 1, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 16, insets = { left = 4, right = 4, top = 4, bottom = 4 } });

f:SetScript("OnMouseDown",function() f:StartMoving() end);
f:SetScript("OnMouseUp",function() f:StopMovingOrSizing(); cfg.optionsLeft = f:GetLeft(); cfg.optionsBottom = f:GetBottom(); end);

if (cfg.optionsLeft) and (cfg.optionsBottom) then

f.header = f:CreateFontString(nil,"ARTWORK","GameFontHighlight");
f.header:SetText(modName.." Options");

f.vers = f:CreateFontString(nil,"ARTWORK","GameFontNormal");

local function Reset_OnClick(self)
	for index, tbl in ipairs(options[activePage]) do
		if (tbl.var) then
			cfg[tbl.var] = nil;

f.btnAnchor = CreateFrame("Button",nil,f,"UIPanelButtonTemplate");
f.btnAnchor:SetScript("OnClick",function() if (TipTac:IsVisible()) then TipTac:Hide(); else TipTac:Show(); end end);

f.btnReset = CreateFrame("Button",nil,f,"UIPanelButtonTemplate");

f.btnClose = CreateFrame("Button",nil,f,"UIPanelButtonTemplate");
f.btnClose:SetScript("OnClick",function() f:Hide(); end);

UISpecialFrames[#UISpecialFrames + 1] = f:GetName();

--                                        Options Category List                                       --

local listButtons = {};

local function List_OnClick(self,button)
	activePage = self.index;

local buttonWidth = (f.outline:GetWidth() - 8);
local function MakeListEntry()
	local b = CreateFrame("Button",nil,f.outline);
	b.text = b:CreateFontString(nil,"ARTWORK","GameFontNormal");
	listButtons[#listButtons + 1] = b;
	return b;

local button;
for index, table in ipairs(options) do
	button = listButtons[index] or MakeListEntry();
	button.index = index;
	if (index == 1) then
		button:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",listButtons[index - 1],"BOTTOMLEFT");

--                                        Build Option Category                                       --

local function ChangeSettingFunc(self,var,value)
	if (not ignoreConfigUpdate) then
		cfg[var] = value;

local factory = AzOptionsFactory:New(f,nil,ChangeSettingFunc);

-- Build Page
function f:BuildCategoryPage()
	local frame;
	local yOffset = -38;
	-- Loop Through Options
	ignoreConfigUpdate = 1;
	for index, option in ipairs(options[activePage]) do
		-- Init & Setup the Frame
		frame = factory:GetObject(option.type);
		frame.option = option;
		-- slider
		if (option.type == "Slider") then
		-- check
		elseif (option.type == "Check") then
			frame:SetHitRectInsets(0,frame.text:GetWidth() * -1,0,0);
		-- color
		elseif (option.type == "Color") then
			frame:SetHitRectInsets(0,frame.text:GetWidth() * -1,0,0);
			if (option.subType == 2) then
				frame.color[1], frame.color[2], frame.color[3], frame.color[4] = factory:HexStringToRGBA(cfg[option.var]);
				frame.color[1], frame.color[2], frame.color[3], frame.color[4] = unpack(cfg[option.var]);
			frame.texture:SetVertexColor(frame.color[1],frame.color[2],frame.color[3],frame.color[4] or 1);
		-- dropdown
		elseif (option.type == "DropDown") then
			frame.InitFunc = (option.init or option.media and TipTacDropDowns.SharedMediaLib_Init or TipTacDropDowns.Default_Init);
		-- text
		elseif (option.type == "Text") then
		-- Anchor the Frame
		frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",f.outline,"TOPRIGHT",factory.objectOffsetX[option.type] + (option.x or 0),yOffset);
		yOffset = (yOffset - frame:GetHeight() - factory.objectOffsetY[option.type] - (option.y or 0));
		-- Show
	-- End Update
	ignoreConfigUpdate = nil;