-- AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY <_NPCScan.Tools/Tools/UpdateTamableIDs.lua>!
select( 2, ... ).TamableIDs = {
	[ 47386 ] = 161; -- "Ainamiss the Hive Queen" from Tanaris
	[ 32481 ] = 493; -- "Aotona" from Sholazar Basin
	[ 14222 ] = true; -- "Araga"
	[ 5349 ] = 121; -- "Arash-ethis" from Feralas
	[ 38453 ] = 490; -- "Arcturis" from Grizzly Hills
	[ 45380 ] = 35; -- "Ashtail" from Loch Modan
	[ 5834 ] = true; -- "Azzere the Skyblade"
	[ 2753 ] = 17; -- "Barnabus" from Badlands
	[ 10356 ] = 20; -- "Bayne" from Tirisfal Glades
	[ 14280 ] = 24; -- "Big Samras" from Hillsbrad Foothills
	[ 1130 ] = 27; -- "Bjarn" from Dun Morogh
	[ 4425 ] = 761; -- "Blind Hunter" from Razorfen Kraul
	[ 2850 ] = 17; -- "Broken Tooth" from Badlands
	[ 616 ] = 36; -- "Chatter" from Redridge Mountains
	[ 8301 ] = 19; -- "Clack the Reaver" from Blasted Lands
	[ 6582 ] = 201; -- "Clutchmother Zavas" from Un'Goro Crater
	[ 14223 ] = true; -- "Cranky Benj"
	[ 14279 ] = 24; -- "Creepthess" from Hillsbrad Foothills
	[ 18241 ] = 101; -- "Crusty" from Desolace
	[ 4380 ] = 141; -- "Darkmist Widow" from Dustwallow Marsh
	[ 14232 ] = 141; -- "Dart" from Dustwallow Marsh
	[ 5823 ] = 4; -- "Death Flayer" from Durotar
	[ 14339 ] = 182; -- "Death Howl" from Felwood
	[ 10077 ] = 29; -- "Deathmaw" from Burning Steppes
	[ 5865 ] = 11; -- "Dishu" from Northern Barrens
	[ 14430 ] = 41; -- "Duskstalker" from Teldrassil
	[ 8207 ] = 161; -- "Emberwing" from Tanaris
	[ 50051 ] = 614; -- "Ghostcrawler" from Abyssal Depths
	[ 14228 ] = 101; -- "Giggler" from Desolace
	[ 33776 ] = 496; -- "Gondria" from Zul'Drak
	[ 12431 ] = 21; -- "Gorefang" from Silverpine Forest
	[ 17144 ] = 477; -- "Goretooth" from Nagrand
	[ 2476 ] = 35; -- "Gosh-Haldir" from Loch Modan
	[ 14472 ] = 261; -- "Gretheer" from Silithus
	[ 14477 ] = 261; -- "Grubthor" from Silithus
	[ 8303 ] = 19; -- "Grunter" from Blasted Lands
	[ 8205 ] = 161; -- "Haarka the Ravenous" from Tanaris
	[ 47387 ] = 161; -- "Harakiss the Infestor" from Tanaris
	[ 14234 ] = 141; -- "Hayoc" from Dustwallow Marsh
	[ 5828 ] = 11; -- "Humar the Pridelord" from Northern Barrens
	[ 8213 ] = 26; -- "Ironback" from The Hinterlands
	[ 49822 ] = 640; -- "Jadefang" from Deepholm
	[ 50138 ] = 700; -- "Karoma" from Twilight Highlands
	[ 32485 ] = 493; -- "King Krush" from Sholazar Basin
	[ 6584 ] = 201; -- "King Mosh" from Un'Goro Crater
	[ 14476 ] = 261; -- "Krellack" from Silithus
	[ 12433 ] = 21; -- "Krethis the Shadowspinner" from Silverpine Forest
	[ 14491 ] = 689; -- "Kurmokk" from Stranglethorn Vale
	[ 14473 ] = 261; -- "Lapress" from Silithus
	[ 1112 ] = 40; -- "Leech Widow" from Wetlands
	[ 32517 ] = 493; -- "Loque'nahak" from Sholazar Basin
	[ 14268 ] = 35; -- "Lord Condar" from Loch Modan
	[ 521 ] = 34; -- "Lupos" from Duskwood
	[ 50154 ] = 720; -- "Madexx" from Uldum
	[ 51401 ] = 720; -- "Madexx" from Uldum
	[ 51402 ] = 720; -- "Madexx" from Uldum
	[ 51403 ] = 720; -- "Madexx" from Uldum
	[ 51404 ] = 720; -- "Madexx" from Uldum
	[ 3068 ] = 9; -- "Mazzranache" from Mulgore
	[ 10644 ] = 43; -- "Mist Howler" from Ashenvale
	[ 14344 ] = 182; -- "Mongress" from Felwood
	[ 471 ] = 30; -- "Mother Fang" from Elwynn Forest
	[ 8208 ] = 161; -- "Murderous Blisterpaw" from Tanaris
	[ 574 ] = 34; -- "Naraxis" from Duskwood
	[ 45402 ] = 35; -- "Nix" from Loch Modan
	[ 20932 ] = 479; -- "Nuramoc" from Netherstorm
	[ 8211 ] = 26; -- "Old Cliff Jumper" from The Hinterlands
	[ 5352 ] = 121; -- "Old Grizzlegut" from Feralas
	[ 12432 ] = 21; -- "Old Vicejaw" from Silverpine Forest
	[ 14343 ] = 182; -- "Olm the Wise" from Felwood
	[ 14237 ] = 141; -- "Oozeworm" from Dustwallow Marsh
	[ 5350 ] = 121; -- "Qirot" from Feralas
	[ 10200 ] = 281; -- "Rak'shiri" from Winterspring
	[ 8300 ] = 19; -- "Ravage" from Blasted Lands
	[ 1140 ] = 40; -- "Razormaw Matriarch" from Wetlands
	[ 8277 ] = 28; -- "Rekk'tilac" from Searing Gorge
	[ 10357 ] = 20; -- "Ressan the Needler" from Tirisfal Glades
	[ 14233 ] = 141; -- "Ripscale" from Dustwallow Marsh
	[ 16181 ] = true; -- "Rokad the Ravager"
	[ 50159 ] = 700; -- "Sambas" from Twilight Highlands
	[ 39183 ] = 161; -- "Scorpitar" from Tanaris
	[ 3581 ] = 301; -- "Sewer Beast" from Stormwind City
	[ 2175 ] = 42; -- "Shadowclaw" from Darkshore
	[ 14266 ] = 35; -- "Shanda the Spinner" from Loch Modan
	[ 4132 ] = 61; -- "Silithid Ravager" from Thousand Needles
	[ 35189 ] = 495; -- "Skoll" from The Storm Peaks
	[ 39185 ] = 161; -- "Slaverjaw" from Tanaris
	[ 5356 ] = 121; -- "Snarler" from Feralas
	[ 5829 ] = 11; -- "Snort the Heckler" from Northern Barrens
	[ 8204 ] = 161; -- "Soriid the Devourer" from Tanaris
	[ 8299 ] = 19; -- "Spiteflayer" from Blasted Lands
	[ 10359 ] = 20; -- "Sri'skulk" from Tirisfal Glades
	[ 2172 ] = 42; -- "Strider Clutchmother" from Darkshore
	[ 5842 ] = 11; -- "Takk the Leaper" from Northern Barrens
	[ 32475 ] = 496; -- "Terror Spinner" from Zul'Drak
	[ 50058 ] = 606; -- "Terrorpene" from Mount Hyjal
	[ 8660 ] = 181; -- "The Evalcharr" from Azshara
	[ 5807 ] = 9; -- "The Rake" from Mulgore
	[ 11497 ] = 121; -- "The Razza" from Feralas
	[ 1132 ] = 27; -- "Timber" from Dun Morogh
	[ 6585 ] = 201; -- "Uhk'loc" from Un'Goro Crater
	[ 12037 ] = 43; -- "Ursol'lok" from Ashenvale
	[ 5937 ] = true; -- "Vile Sting"
	[ 462 ] = 39; -- "Vultros" from Westfall
	[ 2931 ] = 17; -- "Zaricotl" from Badlands
	[ 14474 ] = 261; -- "Zora" from Silithus