local me,ns=...
local hlp=LibStub("LibInit"):GetAddon(me)
local L=hlp:GetLocale()
function hlp:loadHelp()
= GarrisonCommander helps you when choosing the right follower for the right mission =
== General enhancements ==
* Mission panel is movable (position not saved, it's jus to see things, panel is so huge...)
* Success chance extimation shown in mission list (optionally considering only available followers)
* Proposed party button
* each follower can be ignored individually for each mission
* you can ignore maxed followers
* you can ignore busy followers
* you can sort missions
== Tooltip Enhancements ==
* list of additional follower than have useful features for the mission
* both traits (silver lines) and abilities(blue lines) are shown
* every follower line has now the icon for countered trait/ability
* final success chance (optionally considering only available followers)
== Silent mode ==
typing /gac silent in chat will eliminate every chat message from GarrisonCommander
Feature: Fast mode: if you keep the CTRL key pressed while opening the mission table, GC automagically completes pending mission and schedule new ones
Feature: Fast mode works for both Garrison and Shipyard mission
Feature: No longer includes OrderHallCommander: be sure you added it to Curse Client or manually update it
Fix: Mission control was reusing followers
Feature: Option to always fill Oil Rig mission when available
Feature: Blockade Missions are always enabled when needed
Feature: OrderHallCommander 1.0.0
Feature: Mission control added to Shipyard. Send your naval mission with one click!
Feature: Adds reward icons to shipyard missions
Feature: Includes OrderHallCommander
Fix: Non latin languages localization should now work
Fix: Lua error: FollowerPage.lua line 329:    attempt to call global 'kpairs' (a nil value)
Fix: 2.15.6 zip was corrupted, repackaged
Fix: Pushed a new version hoping to trigger Curse packager
Fix: Shipyard equipment buitton were appearing out of follower panel frame and not disappearing with follower panel
Fix: Whem mission were filled, followers were not marked "In party"
Feature: Added equipment button in OrderHall as a workaround for "ACTION BLOCKED". You no longer need drag and drop
Fix: In broker, OrderHall mission are now purple
Fix: Lua error on startup
Fix: Quick mission button was disappearing if not clicked before moving mouse out of it
Fix: Now works with 7.1.0
Feature: Right clicking minimap Icon opens Garrison Report
Feature: Switch to bigscreen can now be canceled
Fix: Troops should now be used more wisely in Class Hall Missions
Fix: Should not raise errors when clicking on followers
Fix: No longer showing "Install an auction addon" even with auction addon installed