S V U I   By: Munglunch
--[[ GLOBALS ]]--
local _G = _G;
local unpack        = _G.unpack;
local select        = _G.select;
local assert        = _G.assert;
local type          = _G.type;
local error         = _G.error;
local pcall         = _G.pcall;
local print         = _G.print;
local ipairs        = _G.ipairs;
local pairs         = _G.pairs;
local next          = _G.next;
local rawset        = _G.rawset;
local rawget        = _G.rawget;
local tostring      = _G.tostring;
local tonumber      = _G.tonumber;
local getmetatable  = _G.getmetatable;
local setmetatable  = _G.setmetatable;
local tinsert 	 =  _G.tinsert;
local table 	 =  _G.table;
local wipe       =  _G.wipe;
local tsort = table.sort;
local IsAddOnLoaded         = _G.IsAddOnLoaded;
local SV = _G['SVUI']
local L = SV.L;
local _, SVUIOptions = ...;
local SVUILib = Librarian("Registry");
local AceGUI = LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true);
local AceConfig = LibStub("AceConfig-3.0");
local AceConfigDialog = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-1.0");
local AceGUIWidgetLSMlists = AceGUIWidgetLSMlists;
local GameTooltip = GameTooltip;
local GetNumEquipmentSets = GetNumEquipmentSets;
local GetEquipmentSetInfo = GetEquipmentSetInfo;
local sortingFunction = function(arg1, arg2) return arg1 < arg2 end
local GUIWidth = SV.LowRez and 890 or 1090;
local playerRealm = GetRealmName()
local playerName = UnitName("player")
local profileKey = ("%s - %s"):format(playerName, playerRealm)
local DockableAddons = {
	["alDamageMeter"] = L["alDamageMeter"],
	["Skada"] = L["Skada"],
	["Recount"] = L["Recount"],
	["TinyDPS"] = L["TinyDPS"],
	["Omen"] = L["Omen"],
	--["Details"] = L["Details"]

local NONE = _G.NONE;
local GetSpellInfo = _G.GetSpellInfo;
local collectgarbage = _G.collectgarbage;

local allFilterTable, userFilterTable, tempFilterTable = {},{},{};

AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable(SV.NameID, SV.Options);
AceConfigDialog:SetDefaultSize(SV.NameID, GUIWidth, 651);

SVUIOptions.FilterOptionGroups = {};
SVUIOptions.FilterOptionSpells = {};

local function GetLiveDockletsA()
	local test = SV.private.Docks.Embed2;
	local t = {["None"] = L["None"]};
	for n,l in pairs(DockableAddons) do
		if(n:find("Skada") and _G.Skada) then
			for index,window in pairs(_G.Skada:GetWindows()) do
			    local name = window.db.name
			    local key = "SkadaBarWindow"..name
			    if(not test or test ~= key) then
			    	t["SkadaBarWindow"..name] = (key == "Skada") and "Skada - Main" or "Skada - "..name;
		elseif((not test) or (not test:find(n))) then
			if IsAddOnLoaded(n) or IsAddOnLoaded(l) then t[n] = l end
	return t;

local function GetLiveDockletsB()
	local test = SV.private.Docks.Embed1;
	local t = {["None"] = L["None"]};
	for n,l in pairs(DockableAddons) do
		if(n:find("Skada") and _G.Skada) then
			for index,window in pairs(_G.Skada:GetWindows()) do
			    local name = window.db.name
			    local key = "SkadaBarWindow"..name
			    if(not test or test ~= key) then
			    	t["SkadaBarWindow"..name] = (key == "Skada") and "Skada - Main" or "Skada - "..name;
		elseif((not test) or (not test:find(n))) then
			if IsAddOnLoaded(n) or IsAddOnLoaded(l) then t[n] = l end
	return t;
local function RefreshProfileOptions()
	local hasProfile = true;
	local currentProfile = SVUILib:CurrentProfile()
	if(not currentProfile) then
		hasProfile = false
		currentProfile = profileKey
	SV.Options.args.profiles.desc = " |cff66FF33" .. L["current"] .. currentProfile .. "|r";
	local optionGroup = SV.Options.args.profiles.args

	optionGroup.spacer1 = {
		order = 1,
		type = "description",
		name = "|cff66FF33" .. L["current"] .. currentProfile .. "|r",
		width = "full",
	optionGroup.spacer2 = {
		order = 2,
		type = "description",
		name = "",
		width = "full",
	optionGroup.dualSpec = {
		order = 3,
		type = "toggle",
		name = "Dual-Spec Switching",
		get = function() return SVUILib:CheckDualProfile() end,
		set = function(key, value) SVUILib:ToggleDualProfile(value) end,
		width = 'full'
	optionGroup.importdesc = {
		order = 4,
		type = "description",
		name = function()
			if(SVUILib:CheckDualProfile()) then
				return "\n" .. L["Can not Save, Copy or Change while dual spec swapping is enabled"]
				return "\n" .. L["import_desc"]
		width = "full"
	optionGroup.spacer3 = {
		order = 5,
		type = "description",
		name = "",
		width = "full",
	optionGroup.export = {
		name = L["export"],
		desc = L["export_sub"],
		type = "input",
		order = 6,
		get = false,
		set = function(key, value) SVUILib:CloneDatabase(value) SV:SavedPopup() RefreshProfileOptions() end,
		disabled = function()
			local t = SVUILib:CheckProfiles()
			return ((not t) or SVUILib:CheckDualProfile())
	optionGroup.copy = {
		name = L["Copy"],
		desc = L["Copy from another profile. Further changes from other characters using this profile will not affect this one."],
		type = "select",
		order = 7,
		get = function() return currentProfile end,
		set = function(key, value) SV:CopyProfile(value) SV:SavedPopup() RefreshProfileOptions() end,
		disabled = function()
			local t = SVUILib:CheckProfiles()
			return ((not t) or SVUILib:CheckDualProfile())
		values = SVUILib:GetProfiles(),
	optionGroup.import = {
		name = L["Share"],
		desc = L["Share an already existing profile. Changes made by any characters using this profile will be shared."],
		type = "select",
		order = 8,
		get = function() return currentProfile end,
		set = function(key, value) SV:LinkProfile(value) SV:SavedPopup() RefreshProfileOptions() end,
		disabled = function()
			local t = SVUILib:CheckProfiles()
			return ((not t) or SVUILib:CheckDualProfile())
		values = SVUILib:GetProfiles(),
		width = 'fill',
	optionGroup.spacer4 = {
		order = 9,
		type = "description",
		name = "",
		width = "full",
	optionGroup.spacer5 = {
		order = 10,
		type = "description",
		name = L["delete_desc"],
		width = "full",
	optionGroup.delete = {
		order = 11,
		type = "select",
		name = L["delete"],
		desc = L["delete_sub"],
		get = function() return " SELECT ONE" end,
		set = function(key, value) SVUILib:Remove(value) end,
		values = SVUILib:GetProfiles(),
		disabled = function() local t = SVUILib:CheckProfiles() return (not t) end,
		confirm = true,
		confirmText = L["delete_confirm"],
	optionGroup.spacer6 = {
		order = 12,
		type = "description",
		name = "",
		width = "full",
	optionGroup.spacer7 = {
		order = 13,
		type = "description",
		name = L["reset_desc"],
		width = "full",
	optionGroup.reset = {
		order = 14,
		type = "execute",
		name = function() return L["reset"] .. " " .. " |cffFFFF00" .. currentProfile .. "|r" end,
		desc = L["reset_sub"],
		func = function() SV:StaticPopup_Show("RESET_PROFILE_PROMPT") end,
		width = 'full'

function SVUIOptions:SetToFontConfig(font)
	font = font or "Default";
	AceConfigDialog:SelectGroup(SV.NameID, "Fonts", "fontGroup", font);

local function GetUserFilterList()
	userFilterTable[""] = NONE;
	for filter in pairs(SV.db.Filters.Custom) do
		userFilterTable[filter] = filter
	return userFilterTable

local function GetAllFilterList()
	allFilterTable[""] = NONE;
	for filter in pairs(SV.db.Filters) do
		if(filter == 'Raid') then
			allFilterTable[filter] = "Consolidated"
		elseif(filter ~= 'Custom') then
			allFilterTable[filter] = filter
	for filter in pairs(SV.db.Filters.Custom) do
		allFilterTable[filter] = filter
	return allFilterTable

function SVUIOptions:SetFilterOptions(filterType, selectedSpell)
	local FILTER
	if(SV.db.Filters.Custom[filterType]) then
		FILTER = SV.db.Filters.Custom[filterType]
		FILTER = SV.db.Filters[filterType]
	if((not filterType) or (filterType == "") or (not FILTER)) then
		SV.Options.args.Filters.args.filterGroup = nil;
		SV.Options.args.Filters.args.spellGroup = nil;
	if(not self.FilterOptionGroups[filterType]) then
		self.FilterOptionGroups[filterType] = self.FilterOptionGroups['_NEW'](filterType);
	SV.Options.args.Filters.args.filterGroup = self.FilterOptionGroups[filterType](selectedSpell)
	if(not self.FilterOptionSpells[filterType]) then
		self.FilterOptionSpells[filterType] = self.FilterOptionSpells['_NEW'](filterType);
	SV.Options.args.Filters.args.spellGroup = self.FilterOptionSpells[filterType](selectedSpell);

function SVUIOptions:SetToFilterConfig(newFilter)
	local filter = newFilter or "BuffWatch";
	_G.LibStub("AceConfigDialog-1.0"):SelectGroup(SV.NameID, "Filters");

local generalFonts = {
	["default"] = {
		order = 1,
		name = "Default",
		desc = "Standard font for the majority of uses."
	["dialog"] = {
		order = 2,
		name = "Dialog",
		desc = "Font used in places that story text appears. (ie.. quest text)"
	["combat"] = {
		order = 3,
		name = "Combat",
		desc = "Scrolling combat text font."
	["alert"] = {
		order = 4,
		name = "Alerts",
		desc = "Font used for on-screen message alerts."
	["zone"] = {
		order = 5,
		name = "Zone Text",
		desc = "Font used for zone names. Shown when changing zones."
	["title"] = {
		order = 6,
		name = "Titles",
		desc = "Font used to display various titles."
	["header"] = {
		order = 7,
		name = "Frame Headers",
		desc = "Font used to large names at the top of some frames."
	["caps"] = {
		order = 8,
		name = "Caps",
		desc = "Font typically used for things like tabs and fitted headers."
local numberFonts = {
	["number"] = {
		order = 1,
		name = "Numbers (Regular)",
		desc = "Font used to display most numeric values."
	["number_big"] = {
		order = 2,
		name = "Numbers (Large)",
		desc = "Font used to display larger numeric values."
	["aura"]   = {
		order = 3,
		name = "Auras",
		desc = "Aura counts and timers use this font."
local lootFonts = {
	["lootdialog"] = {
		order = 1,
		name = "Loot Frame Dialog",
		desc = "Default font used in the loot frame"
    ["lootnumber"] = {
		order = 2,
		name = "Loot Frame Numbers",
		desc = "Font used in the loot frame to display numeric values."
	["rolldialog"] = {
		order = 3,
		name = "Roll Frame Dialog",
		desc = "Default font used in the loot-roll frame"
    ["rollnumber"] = {
		order = 4,
		name = "Roll Frame Numbers",
		desc = "Font used in the loot-roll frame to display numeric values."
local miscFonts = {
	["data"] = {
		order = 1,
		name = "Docked Stats",
		desc = "Font used by the bottom and top data docks."
	["narrator"] = {
		order = 2,
		name = "Narratives",
		desc = "Font used for things like the 'Meanwhile' tag."
	["pixel"] = {
		order = 3,
		name = "Pixel",
		desc = "Tiniest fonts."

SV.Options.args.primary = {
	type = "group",
	order = 1,
	name = L["Main"],
	get = function(j) return SV.db[j[#j]] end,
	set = function(j, value) SV.db[j[#j]] = value end,
	args = {
		introGroup1 = {
			order = 1,
			name = "",
			type = "description",
			width = "full",
			image = function() return SV.SplashImage, 256, 128 end,
		introGroup2 = {
			order = 2,
			name = L["Here are a few basic quick-change options to possibly save you some time."],
			type = "description",
			width = "full",
			fontSize = "large",
		quickGroup1 = {
			order = 3,
			name = "",
			type = "group",
			width = "full",
			guiInline = true,
			args = {
				Install = {
					order = 1,
					width = "full",
					type = "execute",
					name = L["Install"],
					desc = L["Run the installation process."],
					func = function() SV.Setup:Install() SV:ToggleConfig() end
				Themes = {
					order = 2,
					width = "full",
					type = "execute",
					name = L["Themes"],
					desc = L["Select an available theme."],
					func = function() SV.Setup:SelectTheme() SV:ToggleConfig() end
				Backdrops = {
					order = 3,
					width = "full",
					type = "execute",
					name = L["Backdrops"],
					desc = L["Change all backdrop art randomly."],
					func = function() SV.Setup:RandomBackdrops() end
				ToggleAnchors = {
					order = 4,
					width = "full",
					type = "execute",
					name = L["Move Frames"],
					desc = L["Unlock various elements of the UI to be repositioned."],
					func = function() SV:MoveAnchors() end
				ResetMoveables = {
					order = 5,
					width = "full",
					type = "execute",
					name = L["Reset SVUI Anchors"],
					desc = L["Reset all movable frames to their original positions."],
					func = function() SV:StaticPopup_Show("RESETLAYOUT_CHECK") end
				ResetDraggables = {
					order = 6,
					width = "full",
					type = "execute",
					name = L["Reset Blizzard Anchors"],
					desc = L["Reset all draggable Blizzard frames to their original positions."],
					func = function() SV:StaticPopup_Show("RESETBLIZZARD_CHECK") end

SV.Options.args.Core = {
	type = "group",
	order = 2,
	name = L['General Options'],
	childGroups = "tab",
	get = function(key) return SV.db[key[#key]] end,
	set = function(key, value) SV.db[key[#key]] = value end,
	args = {}

SV.Options.args.Core.args.mostCommon = {
	type = "group",
	order = 1,
	name = "Most Common",
	guiInline = true,
	args = {
		LoginMessage = {
			order = 1,
			type = 'toggle',
			name = L['Login Messages'],
			get = function(j)return SV.db.general.loginmessage end,
			set = function(j,value)SV.db.general.loginmessage = value end
		LoginCredits = {
			order = 2,
			type = 'toggle',
			name = L['Login Credits'],
			get = function(j)return SV.db.general.logincredits end,
			set = function(j,value)SV.db.general.logincredits = value end
		useDraggable = {
			order = 3,
			type = "toggle",
			name = L["Enable Draggable"],
			desc = L["Allow many default Blizzard frames to be draggable"],
			get = function(j)return SV.db.general.useDraggable end,
			set = function(j,value)SV.db.general.useDraggable = value; SV:StaticPopup_Show("RL_CLIENT") end
		saveDraggable = {
			order = 4,
			type = "toggle",
			name = L["Save Draggable"],
			desc = L["Save the positions of draggable frames when they are moved. NOTE: THIS WILL OVERRIDE BLIZZARD FRAME SNAPPING!"],
			get = function(j)return SV.db.general.saveDraggable end,
			set = function(j,value)SV.db.general.saveDraggable = value; SV:StaticPopup_Show("RL_CLIENT") end
		cooldownText = {
			order = 5,
			type = "toggle",
			name = L['Cooldown Text'],
			desc = L["Display cooldown text on anything with the cooldown spiral."],
			get = function(j)return SV.db.general.cooldown end,
			set = function(j,value)SV.db.general.cooldown = value; SV:StaticPopup_Show("RL_CLIENT")end
		texture = {
			order = 6,
			type = "group",
			name = L["Textures"],
			guiInline = true,
			get = function(key)
				return SV.media.shared.background[key[#key]].file
			set = function(key, value)
				SV.media.shared.background[key[#key]].file = value
			args = {
				pattern = {
					type = "select",
					dialogControl = 'LSM30_Background',
					order = 1,
					name = L["Primary Texture"],
					values = AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.background
				premium = {
					type = "select",
					dialogControl = 'LSM30_Background',
					order = 1,
					name = L["Secondary Texture"],
					values = AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.background
		colors = {
			order = 7,
			type = "group",
			name = L["Colors"],
			guiInline = true,
			args = {
				customClassColor = {
					type = "toggle",
					order = 1,
					name = L["Use Custom Class Colors"],
					desc = L["Use the enhanced class colors provided by SVUI"],
					get = function(key) return SV.db.general.customClassColor end,
					set = function(key, value) SV.db.general.customClassColor = value; SV:StaticPopup_Show("RL_CLIENT") end,
				default = {
					type = "color",
					order = 2,
					name = L["Default Color"],
					desc = L["Main color used by most UI elements. (ex: Backdrop Color)"],
					hasAlpha = true,
					get = function(key)
						local color = SV.media.color.default
						return color[1],color[2],color[3],color[4]
					set = function(key, rValue, gValue, bValue, aValue)
						SV.media.color.default = {rValue, gValue, bValue, aValue}
				special = {
					type = "color",
					order = 3,
					name = L["Accent Color"],
					desc = L["Color used in various frame accents.  (ex: Dressing Room Backdrop Color)"],
					hasAlpha = true,
					get = function(key)
						local color = SV.media.color.special
						return color[1],color[2],color[3],color[4]
					set = function(key, rValue, gValue, bValue, aValue)
						SV.media.color.special = {rValue, gValue, bValue, aValue}
						SV.media.color.specialdark = {(rValue * 0.75), (gValue * 0.75), (bValue * 0.75), aValue}
				resetbutton = {
					type = "execute",
					order = 4,
					name = L["Restore Defaults"],
					func = function()
						SV.media.color.default = {0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 1};
						SV.media.color.special = {0.4, 0.32, 0.2, 1};
		loot = {
			order = 8,
			type = "toggle",
			name = L['Loot Frame'],
			desc = L['Enable/Disable the loot frame.'],
			get = function()return SV.db.general.loot end,
			set = function(j,value)SV.db.general.loot = value;SV:StaticPopup_Show("RL_CLIENT")end
		lootRoll = {
			order = 9,
			type = "toggle",
			name = L['Loot Roll'],
			desc = L['Enable/Disable the loot roll frame.'],
			get = function()return SV.db.general.lootRoll end,
			set = function(j,value)SV.db.general.lootRoll = value;SV:StaticPopup_Show("RL_CLIENT")end
		lootRollWidth = {
			order = 10,
			type = 'range',
			width = "full",
			name = L["Roll Frame Width"],
			min = 100,
			max = 328,
			step = 1,
			get = function()return SV.db.general.lootRollWidth end,
			set = function(a,b) SV.db.general.lootRollWidth = b; end,
		lootRollHeight = {
			order = 11,
			type = 'range',
			width = "full",
			name = L["Roll Frame Height"],
			min = 14,
			max = 58,
			step = 1,
			get = function()return SV.db.general.lootRollHeight end,
			set = function(a,b) SV.db.general.lootRollHeight = b; end,

SV.Options.args.Core.args.Extras = {
	type = "group",
	order = 2,
	name = "Extras",
	guiInline = true,
	get = function(a)return SV.db["Extras"][a[#a]]end,
	set = function(a,b)SV:ChangeDBVar(b,a[#a]); end,
	args = {
		common = {
			order = 1,
			type = "group",
			name = L["General"],
			guiInline = true,
			args = {
				threatbar = {
					order = 1,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L["Threat Thermometer"],
					desc = L["Enable/disable the custom SVUI threat meter"],
					get = function(j)return SV.db["Extras"].threatbar end,
					set = function(j,value)SV.db["Extras"].threatbar = value; SV:StaticPopup_Show("RL_CLIENT") end
				woot = {
					order = 2,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L["Say Thanks"],
					desc = L["Thank someone when they cast specific spells on you. Typically resurrections"],
					get = function(j)return SV.db["Extras"].woot end,
					set = function(j,value)SV.db["Extras"].woot = value;SV:ToggleReactions()end
				pvpinterrupt = {
					order = 3,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L["Report PVP Actions"],
					desc = L["Announce your interrupts, as well as when you have been sapped!"],
					get = function(j)return SV.db["Extras"].pvpinterrupt end,
					set = function(j,value)SV.db["Extras"].pvpinterrupt = value;SV:ToggleReactions()end
				lookwhaticando = {
					order = 4,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L["Report Spells"],
					desc = L["Announce various helpful spells cast by players in your party/raid"],
					get = function(j)return SV.db["Extras"].lookwhaticando end,
					set = function(j,value)SV.db["Extras"].lookwhaticando = value;SV:ToggleReactions()end
				sharingiscaring = {
					order = 5,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L["Report Shareables"],
					desc = L["Announce when someone in your party/raid has laid a feast or repair bot"],
					get = function(j)return SV.db["Extras"].sharingiscaring end,
					set = function(j,value)SV.db["Extras"].sharingiscaring = value;SV:ToggleReactions()end
				reactionChat = {
					order = 6,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L["Report in Chat"],
					desc = L["Announcements will be sent to group chat channels"],
					get = function(j)return SV.db["Extras"].reactionChat end,
					set = function(j,value)SV.db["Extras"].reactionChat = value;SV:ToggleReactions()end
				reactionEmote = {
					order = 7,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L["Auto Emotes"],
					desc = L["Some announcements are accompanied by player emotes."],
					get = function(j)return SV.db["Extras"].reactionEmote end,
					set = function(j,value)SV.db["Extras"].reactionEmote = value;SV:ToggleReactions()end
		automations = {
			order = 2,
			type = "group",
			name = L["Automations"],
			guiInline = true,
			args = {
				intro = {
					order = 1,
					type = "description",
					name = L["Adjust the behavior of the many automations."]
				automationGroup1 = {
					order = 2,
					type = "group",
					guiInline = true,
					name = L["Task Minions"],
					desc = L['Minions that can make certain tasks easier by handling them automatically.'],
					args = {
						mailOpener = {
							order = 1,
							type = 'toggle',
							name = L["Enable Mail Helper"],
							get = function(j) return SV.db["Extras"].mailOpener end,
							set = function(j,value) SV.db["Extras"].mailOpener = value; SV:ToggleMailMinions() end
						autoAcceptInvite = {
							order = 2,
							name = L['Accept Invites'],
							desc = L['Automatically accept invites from guild/friends.'],
							type = 'toggle',
							get = function(j) return SV.db["Extras"].autoAcceptInvite end,
							set = function(j,value) SV.db["Extras"].autoAcceptInvite = value end
						vendorGrays = {
							order = 3,
							name = L['Vendor Grays'],
							desc = L['Automatically vendor gray items when visiting a vendor.'],
							type = 'toggle',
							get = function(j) return SV.db["Extras"].vendorGrays end,
							set = function(j,value) SV.db["Extras"].vendorGrays = value end
						pvpautorelease = {
							order = 4,
							type = "toggle",
							name = L['PvP Autorelease'],
							desc = L['Automatically release body when killed inside a battleground.'],
							get = function(j) return SV.db["Extras"].pvpautorelease end,
							set = function(j,value) SV.db["Extras"].pvpautorelease = value; SV:StaticPopup_Show("RL_CLIENT") end
						autorepchange = {
							order = 5,
							type = "toggle",
							name = L['Track Reputation'],
							desc = L['Automatically change your watched faction on the reputation bar to the faction you got reputation points for.'],
							get = function(j)return SV.db["Extras"].autorepchange end,
							set = function(j,value)SV.db["Extras"].autorepchange = value end
						skipcinematics = {
							order = 6,
							type = "toggle",
							name = L['Skip Cinematics'],
							desc = L['Automatically skip any cinematic sequences.'],
							get = function(j)return SV.db["Extras"].skipcinematics end,
							set = function(j,value) SV.db["Extras"].skipcinematics = value; SV:StaticPopup_Show("RL_CLIENT") end
						autoRepair = {
							order = 7,
							name = L['Auto Repair'],
							desc = L['Automatically repair using the following method when visiting a merchant.'],
							type = 'select',
							values = {
								['NONE'] = NONE,
								['GUILD'] = GUILD,
								['PLAYER'] = PLAYER
							get = function(j)return SV.db["Extras"].autoRepair end,
							set = function(j,value)SV.db["Extras"].autoRepair = value end
				automationGroup2 = {
					order = 3,
					type = "group",
					guiInline = true,
					name = L["Looting Minions"],
					desc = L['Minions that can make looting easier by rolling automatically.'],
					get = function(key) return SV.db.Extras[key[#key]] end,
					set = function(key,value) SV.db.Extras[key[#key]] = value; SV.Events:Trigger("LOOTING_UPVALUES_UPDATED"); end,
					disabled = function() return not SV.db.general.lootRoll end,
					args = {
						autoRoll = {
							order = 1,
							name = L['Auto Greed'],
							desc = L['Automatically select greed on loot rolls.'],
							type = 'toggle',
						autoRollDisenchant = {
							order = 2,
							name = L['Auto Disenchant'],
							desc = L['"Auto Greed" will select disenchant (when available).'],
							type = 'toggle',
						autoRollMaxLevel = {
							order = 3,
							name = L['Only Max Level'],
							desc = L['When set, "Auto Greed" will only operate if you are at max player level.'],
							type = 'toggle',
						autoRollSoulbound = {
							order = 4,
							name = L['Allow Soulbound'],
							desc = L['When set, "Auto Greed" will include items that are BoP.'],
							type = 'toggle',
						autoRollQuality = {
							order = 5,
							name = L['Max Quality'],
							desc = L['Set the highest item quality that "Auto Greed" will activate on.'],
							type = 'select',
							values = {
								['2'] = ITEM_QUALITY2_DESC,
								['3'] = ITEM_QUALITY3_DESC,
								['4'] = ITEM_QUALITY4_DESC
				automationGroup3 = {
					order = 4,
					type = "group",
					guiInline = true,
					name = L["Quest Minions"],
					desc = L['Minions that can make questing easier by automatically accepting/completing quests.'],
					args = {
						autoquestaccept = {
							order = 1,
							type = "toggle",
							name = L['Accept Quests'],
							desc = L['Automatically accepts quests as they are presented to you.'],
							get = function(j)return SV.db["Extras"].autoquestaccept end,
							set = function(j,value) SV.db["Extras"].autoquestaccept = value end
						autoquestcomplete = {
							order = 2,
							type = "toggle",
							name = L['Complete Quests'],
							desc = L['Automatically complete quests when possible.'],
							get = function(j)return SV.db["Extras"].autoquestcomplete end,
							set = function(j,value)SV.db["Extras"].autoquestcomplete = value end
						autoquestreward = {
							order = 3,
							type = "toggle",
							name = L['Select Quest Reward'],
							desc = L['Automatically select the quest reward with the highest vendor sell value.'],
							get = function(j)return SV.db["Extras"].autoquestreward end,
							set = function(j,value)SV.db["Extras"].autoquestreward = value end
						autodailyquests = {
							order = 4,
							type = "toggle",
							name = L['Only Automate Dailies'],
							desc = L['Force the auto accept functions to only respond to daily quests. NOTE: This does not apply to daily heroics for some reason.'],
							get = function(j)return SV.db["Extras"].autodailyquests end,
							set = function(j,value)SV.db["Extras"].autodailyquests = value end
						autopvpquests = {
							order = 5,
							type = "toggle",
							name = L['Accept PVP Quests'],
							get = function(j)return SV.db["Extras"].autopvpquests end,
							set = function(j,value)SV.db["Extras"].autopvpquests = value end
		FunStuff = {
			type = "group",
			order = 12,
			name = L["Fun Stuff"],
			guiInline = true,
			args = {
				drunk = {
					order = 1,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L["Drunk Mode"],
					get = function(j)return SV.db.FunStuff.drunk end,
					set = function(j,value) SV.db.FunStuff.drunk = value; SV.Drunk:Toggle() end,
				NPC = {
					order = 2,
					type = 'toggle',
					width = "full",
					name = L["Gossip/Quest/Merchant Models"],
					get = function(j)return SV.db.FunStuff.NPC end,
					set = function(j,value) SV.db.FunStuff.NPC = value; end,
				comix = {
					order = 3,
					type = 'select',
					name = L["Comic Popups"],
					desc = '"All Popups" will include non-comic styles (ie.. TOASTY!)',
					get = function(j)return SV.db.FunStuff.comix end,
					set = function(j,value) SV.db.FunStuff.comix = value; SV.Comix:Toggle() end,
					values = {
						['NONE'] = NONE,
						['1'] = 'All Popups',
						['2'] = 'Comic Style Only',
				afk = {
					order = 4,
					type = 'select',
					name = L["AFK Screen"],
					get = function(j)return SV.db.FunStuff.afk end,
					set = function(j,value) SV.db.FunStuff.afk = value; SV.AFK:Toggle() end,
					values = {
						['NONE'] = NONE,
						['1'] = 'Fully Enabled',
						['2'] = 'Enabled (No Spinning)',
				gamemenu = {
					order = 5,
					type = 'select',
					name = L["Game Menu"],
					get = function(j)return SV.db.FunStuff.gamemenu end,
					set = function(j,value) SV.db.FunStuff.gamemenu = value; SV:StaticPopup_Show("RL_CLIENT") end,
					values = {
						['NONE'] = NONE,
						['1'] = 'You + Henchman',
						['2'] = 'You x2',

local function GetGearSetList()
	local t = {["none"] = L["No Change"]}
	for i = 1, GetNumEquipmentSets() do
		local name = GetEquipmentSetInfo(i)
		if name then
			t[name] = name
	tsort(t, sortingFunction)
	return t

SV.Options.args.Core.args.Gear = {
	order = 3,
	type = 'group',
	name = "Gear",
	guiInline = true,
	get = function(key) return SV.db.Gear[key[#key]]end,
	set = function(key, value) SV.db.Gear[key[#key]] = value; SV:UpdateGearInfo() end,
	args = {
		intro = {
			order = 1,
			type = 'description',
			name = function()
				if(GetNumEquipmentSets()==0) then
					return ("%s\n|cffFF0000Must create an equipment set to use some of these features|r"):format(L["EQUIPMENT_DESC"])
					return L["EQUIPMENT_DESC"]
		specialization = {
			order = 2,
			type = "group",
			name = L["Specialization"],
			guiInline = true,
			disabled = function() return GetNumEquipmentSets() == 0 end,
			args = {
				enable = {
					type = "toggle",
					order = 1,
					name = L["Enable"],
					desc = L["Enable/Disable auto swapping gear sets when switching specializations."],
					get = function(key) return SV.db.Gear.specialization.enable end,
					set = function(key, value) SV.db.Gear.specialization.enable = value; SV:UpdateGearInfo() end
				primary = {
					type = "select",
					order = 2,
					name = L["Primary Gear Set"],
					desc = L["Choose the equipment set to use for your primary specialization."],
					disabled = function() return not SV.db.Gear.specialization.enable end,
					values = GetGearSetList(),
					get = function(e) return SV.db.Gear.specialization.primary end,
					set = function(e,value) SV.db.Gear.specialization.primary = value; SV:UpdateGearInfo() end
				secondary = {
					type = "select",
					order = 3,
					name = L["Secondary Gear Set"],
					desc = L["Choose the equipment set to use for your secondary specialization."],
					disabled = function() return not SV.db.Gear.specialization.enable end,
					values = GetGearSetList(),
					get = function(e) return SV.db.Gear.specialization.secondary end,
					set = function(e,value) SV.db.Gear.specialization.secondary = value; SV:UpdateGearInfo() end
		battleground = {
			order = 3,
			type = "group",
			name = L["Battleground"],
			guiInline = true,
			disabled = function()return GetNumEquipmentSets() == 0 end,
			args = {
				enable = {
					type = "toggle",
					order = 1,
					name = L["Enable"],
					desc = L["Enable/Disable auto swapping gear sets in battlegrounds."],
					get = function(e) return SV.db.Gear.battleground.enable end,
					set = function(e,value) SV.db.Gear.battleground.enable = value; SV:UpdateGearInfo() end
				equipmentset = {
					type = "select",
					order = 2,
					name = L["Battleground Gear Set"],
					desc = L["Choose the equipment set to use when you enter a battleground or arena."],
					disabled = function() return not SV.db.Gear.battleground.enable end,
					values = GetGearSetList(),
					get = function(e) return SV.db.Gear.battleground.equipmentset end,
					set = function(e,value) SV.db.Gear.battleground.equipmentset = value; SV:UpdateGearInfo() end
		intro2 = {
			type = "description",
			name = L["DURABILITY_DESC"],
			order = 4
		durability = {
			type = "group",
			name = DURABILITY,
			guiInline = true,
			order = 5,
			get = function(e)return SV.db.Gear.durability[e[#e]]end,
			set = function(e,value)SV.db.Gear.durability[e[#e]] = value; SV:UpdateGearInfo() end,
			args = {
				enable = {
					type = "toggle",
					order = 1,
					name = L["Enable"],
					desc = L["Enable/Disable the display of durability information on the character screen."]
				onlydamaged = {
					type = "toggle",
					order = 2,
					name = L["Damaged Only"],
					desc = L["Only show durability information for items that are damaged."],
					disabled = function()return not SV.db.Gear.durability.enable end
		intro3 = {
			type = "description",
			name = L["ITEMLEVEL_DESC"],
			order = 6
		itemlevels = {
			type = "group",
			guiInline = true,
			order = 7,
			args = {
				characterItemLevel = {
					type = "toggle",
					order = 1,
					name = L["Character Screen iLevels"],
					desc = L["Enable/Disable the display of item levels on the character screen."],
					get = function(e)return SV.db.Gear.labels.characterItemLevel end,
					set = function(e,value)SV.db.Gear.labels.characterItemLevel = value; SV:UpdateGearInfo() end,
				inventoryItemLevel = {
					type = "toggle",
					order = 2,
					name = L["Inventory iLevels"],
					desc = L["Enable/Disable the display of item levels in your bags (or bank)."],
					get = function(e)return SV.db.Gear.labels.inventoryItemLevel end,
					set = function(e,value)SV.db.Gear.labels.inventoryItemLevel = value; SV:UpdateGearInfo() end,
		setNames = {
			type = "group",
			name = L["Set Labels"],
			guiInline = true,
			order = 8,
			args = {
				inventoryGearSet = {
					type = "toggle",
					order = 1,
					name = L["Equipment Set Overlay"],
					desc = L["Show the associated equipment sets for the items in your bags (or bank)."],
					get = function(e)return SV.db.Gear.labels.inventoryGearSet end,
					set = function(e,value)SV.db.Gear.labels.inventoryGearSet = value; SV:UpdateGearInfo() end,

SV.Options.args.Core.args.errors = {
	order = 4,
	type = "group",
	name = L["Error Handling"],
	guiInline = true,
	args = {
		filterErrors = {
			order = 1,
			name = L["Filter Errors"],
			desc = L["Choose specific errors from the list below to hide/ignore"],
			type = "toggle",
			get = function(key)return SV.db.general.filterErrors end,
			set = function(key,value)SV.db.general.filterErrors = value; SV:UpdateErrorFilters() end
		hideErrorFrame = {
			order = 2,
			name = L["Combat Hide All"],
			desc = L["Hides all errors regardless of filtering while in combat."],
			type = "toggle",
			disabled = function() return not SV.db.general.filterErrors end,
			get = function(key) return SV.db.general.hideErrorFrame end,
			set = function(key,value)SV.db.general.hideErrorFrame = value; SV:UpdateErrorFilters() end
		filterGroup = {
			order = 3,
			type = "group",
			guiInline = true,
			name = L["Filters"],
			disabled = function() return not SV.db.general.filterErrors end,
			args = {}

SV.Options.args.Screen = {
	type = 'group',
	name = 'Screen',
	order = 3,
	get = function(a)return SV.db.screen[a[#a]] end,
	set = function(a,b) SV.db.screen[a[#a]] = b; end,
	args = {
		commonGroup = {
			order = 1,
			type = 'group',
			name = L['Basic Options'],
			guiInline = true,
			args = {
				autoScale = {
					order = 1,
					name = L["Auto Scale"],
					desc = L["Automatically scale the User Interface based on your screen resolution"],
					type = "toggle",
					get = function(j)return SV.db.screen.autoScale end,
					set = function(j,value)
						SV.db.screen.autoScale = value;
						if(value) then
							SV.db.screen.scaleAdjust = 0.64;
				multiMonitor = {
					order = 2,
					name = L["Multi Monitor"],
					desc = L["Adjust UI dimensions to accomodate for multiple monitor setups"],
					type = "toggle",
					get = function(j)return SV.db.screen.multiMonitor end,
					set = function(j,value) SV.db.screen.multiMonitor = value; SV:StaticPopup_Show("RL_CLIENT") end
		advancedGroup = {
			order = 2,
			type = 'group',
			name = L['Advanced Options'],
			guiInline = true,
			args = {
				advanced = {
					order = 1,
					name = L["Enable"],
					desc = L["These settings are for advanced users only!"],
					type = "toggle",
					get = function(j)return SV.db.screen.advanced end,
					set = function(j,value) SV.db.screen.advanced = value; SV:StaticPopup_Show("RL_CLIENT"); end
				forcedWidth = {
					order = 2,
					name = L["Forced Width"],
					desc = function() return L["Setting your resolution height here will bypass all evaluated measurements. Current: "] .. SV.db.screen.forcedWidth; end,
					type = "input",
					disabled = function() return not SV.db.screen.advanced end,
					get = function(key) return SV.db.screen.forcedWidth end,
					set = function(key, value)
						local w = tonumber(value);
						if(not w) then
							SV:AddonMessage(L["Value must be a number"])
						elseif(w < 800) then
							SV:AddonMessage(L["Less than 800 is not allowed"])
							SV.db.screen.forcedWidth = w;
				forcedHeight = {
					order = 3,
					name = L["Forced Height"],
					desc = function() return L["Setting your resolution height here will bypass all evaluated measurements. Current: "] .. SV.db.screen.forcedHeight; end,
					type = "input",
					disabled = function() return not SV.db.screen.advanced end,
					get = function(key) return SV.db.screen.forcedHeight end,
					set = function(key, value)
						local h = tonumber(value);
						if(not h) then
							SV:AddonMessage(L["Value must be a number"])
						elseif(h < 600) then
							SV:AddonMessage(L["Less than 600 is not allowed"])
							SV.db.screen.forcedHeight = h;
				scaleAdjust = {
					order = 4,
					name = L["Base Scale"],
					desc = L["You can use this to adjust the base value applied to scale calculations."],
					type = "range",
					width = 'full',
					min = 0.25,
					max = 1,
					step = 0.01,
					disabled = function() return not SV.db.screen.advanced end,
					get = function(j)return SV.db.screen.scaleAdjust end,
					set = function(j,value)
						SV.db.screen.scaleAdjust = value;
						if(value ~= 0.64) then
							SV.db.screen.autoScale = false;
SV.Options.args.Fonts = {
	order = 4,
	type = "group",
	name = L['Fonts'],
	childGroups = "tab",
	args = {
		fontGroup = {
			order = 1,
			type = 'group',
			name = L['Font Options'],
			childGroups = "tree",
			args = {}
SV.Options.args.Dock = {
	type = "group",
	order = 5,
	name = SV.Dock.TitleID,
	args = {
  	intro = {
			order = 1,
			type = "description",
			name = "Configure the various frame docks around the screen"
		generalGroup = {
			order = 2,
			type = "group",
			name = "General",
			guiInline = true,
			get = function(key)return SV.db.Dock[key[#key]];end,
			set = function(key,value)
			args = {
				bottomPanel = {
					order = 1,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L['Bottom Panel'],
					desc = L['Display a border across the bottom of the screen.'],
					get = function(j) return SV.db.Dock.bottomPanel end,
					set = function(key,value) SV.Dock:ChangeDBVar(value,key[#key]); end
				topPanel = {
					order = 2,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L['Top Panel'],
					desc = L['Display a border across the top of the screen.'],
					get = function(j) return SV.db.Dock.topPanel end,
					set = function(key,value) SV.Dock:ChangeDBVar(value,key[#key]); end
				buttonSize = {
					order = 3,
					type = "range",
					name = L["Dock Button Size"],
					desc = L["PANEL_DESC"],
					min = 20,
					max = 80,
					step = 1,
					width = "full",
					get = function()return SV.db.Dock.buttonSize;end,
					set = function(key,value)
		dataGroup = {
			order = 2,
			type = "group",
			name = "Reports (Data Texts)",
			guiInline = true,
			get = function(key)return SV.db.Reports[key[#key]];end,
			set = function(key,value)
			args = {
				time24 = {
					order = 1,
					type = "toggle",
					name = L["24-Hour Time"],
					desc = L["Toggle 24-hour mode for the time datatext."],
				localtime = {
					order = 2,
					type = "toggle",
					name = L["Local Time"],
					desc = L["If not set to true then the server time will be displayed instead."]
				battleground = {
					order = 3,
					type = "toggle",
					name = L["Battleground Texts"],
					desc = L["When inside a battleground display personal scoreboard information on the main datatext bars."]
				backdrop = {
					order = 4,
					name = "Data Backgrounds",
					desc = L["Display background textures on docked data texts"],
					type = "toggle",
					set = function(key, value) SV.Reports:ChangeDBVar(value, key[#key]); SV.Reports:UpdateAllReports() end,
				shortGold = {
					order = 5,
					type = "toggle",
					name = L["Shortened Gold Text"],
				spacer1 = {
					order = 6,
					name = "",
					type = "description",
					width = "full",
				dockCenterWidth = {
					order = 7,
					type = 'range',
					name = L['Stat Panel Width'],
					desc = L["PANEL_DESC"],
					min = 400,
					max = 1800,
					step = 1,
					width = "full",
					get = function()return SV.db.Dock.dockCenterWidth; end,
					set = function(key,value)
				spacer2 = {
					order = 8,
					name = "",
					type = "description",
					width = "full",
				buttonSize = {
					order = 9,
					type = "range",
					name = L["Dock Button Size"],
					desc = L["PANEL_DESC"],
					min = 20,
					max = 80,
					step = 1,
					width = "full",
					get = function()return SV.db.Dock.buttonSize;end,
					set = function(key,value)
		leftDockGroup = {
			order = 3,
			type = "group",
			name = L["Left Dock"],
			guiInline = true,
			args = {
				leftDockBackdrop = {
					order = 1,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L['Left Dock Backdrop'],
					desc = L['Display a backdrop behind the left-side dock.'],
					get = function(j)return SV.db.Dock.leftDockBackdrop end,
					set = function(key,value)
				dockLeftHeight = {
					order = 2,
					type = "range",
					name = L["Left Dock Height"],
					desc = L["PANEL_DESC"],
					min = 150,
					max = 600,
					step = 1,
					width = "full",
					get = function()return SV.db.Dock.dockLeftHeight;end,
					set = function(key,value)
						if(SV.Chat) then
				dockLeftWidth = {
					order = 3,
					type = "range",
					name = L["Left Dock Width"],
					desc = L["PANEL_DESC"],
					min = 150,
					max = 700,
					step = 1,
					width = "full",
					get = function()return SV.db.Dock.dockLeftWidth;end,
					set = function(key,value)
						if(SV.Chat) then
		rightDockGroup = {
			order = 4,
			type = "group",
			name = L["Right Dock"],
			guiInline = true,
			args = {
				rightDockBackdrop = {
					order = 1,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L['Right Dock Backdrop'],
					desc = L['Display a backdrop behind the right-side dock.'],
					get = function(j)return SV.db.Dock.rightDockBackdrop end,
					set = function(key,value)
						SV.Dock:ChangeDBVar(value, key[#key]);
				dockRightHeight = {
					order = 2,
					type = "range",
					name = L["Right Dock Height"],
					desc = L["PANEL_DESC"],
					min = 150,
					max = 600,
					step = 1,
					width = "full",
					get = function()return SV.db.Dock.dockRightHeight;end,
					set = function(key,value)
						if(SV.Chat) then
				dockRightWidth = {
					order = 3,
					type = "range",
					name = L["Right Dock Width"],
					desc = L["PANEL_DESC"],
					min = 150,
					max = 700,
					step = 1,
					width = "full",
					get = function()return SV.db.Dock.dockRightWidth;end,
					set = function(key,value)
						if(SV.Chat) then
						if(SV.Inventory) then
							if(SV.Inventory.BankFrame) then
		toolsGroup = {
			order = 5,
			type = "group",
			name = L["Dock Tools"],
			guiInline = true,
			get = function(key) return SV.db.Dock.dockTools[key[#key]] end,
			set = function(key,value) SV.Dock:ChangeDBVar(value, key[#key], "dockTools"); SV:StaticPopup_Show("RL_CLIENT"); end,
			args = {
				garrison = {
					order = 1,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L['Garrison Utility'],
					desc = L['Left click for landing, right click to use Garrison hearth.'],
				leader = {
					order = 2,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L['Raid Leader'],
					desc = L['Quick launch menu of raid leader tools.'],
				primary = {
					order = 3,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L['Primary Profession'],
					desc = L['Quick launch of your primary profession window'],
				secondary = {
					order = 4,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L['Secondary Profession'],
					desc = L['Quick launch of your secondary profession window'],
				firstAid = {
					order = 5,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L['First Aid'],
					desc = L['Quick launch of your first aid window'],
				cooking = {
					order = 6,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L['Cooking'],
					desc = L['Quick launch of your cooking window'],
				archaeology = {
					order = 7,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L['Archaeology'],
					desc = L['Quick launch of your archaeology window'],
				hearth = {
					order = 8,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L['Hearth Tool'],
					desc = L['Left click to use your hearthstone, right click for various class-based options.'],
				specswap = {
					order = 9,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L['Spec Swap'],
					desc = L['Click to simply swap specs (out of combat).'],
				breakstuff = {
					order = 10,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L['Break Stuff'],
					desc = L['This tool, when available and enabled, will allow you to single click items in your bags for certain abilities. [Milling, Prospecting, Disenchanting, Lockpicking or use a Skeleton Key]'],
				power = {
					order = 11,
					type = 'toggle',
					name = L['Power Button'],
					desc = L['This tool gives you one-click access to logging out, reloading the UI and exiting the game]'],
		reportGroup1 = {
			order = 6,
			type = "group",
			name = L["Bottom Stats: Left"],
			guiInline = true,
			args = {}
		reportGroup2 = {
			order = 7,
			type = "group",
			name = L["Bottom Stats: Right"],
			guiInline = true,
			args = {}
		reportGroup3 = {
			order = 8,
			type = "group",
			name = L["Top Stats: Left"],
			guiInline = true,
			args = {}
		reportGroup4 = {
			order = 9,
			type = "group",
			name = L["Top Stats: Right"],
			guiInline = true,
			args = {}
		AddonDocklets = {
			order = 10,
			type = "group",
			name = L["Docked Addons"],
			guiInline = true,
			args = {
				DockletMain = {
					type = "select",
					order = 1,
					name = "Primary Docklet",
					desc = "Select an addon to occupy the primary docklet window",
					values = function() return GetLiveDockletsA() end,
					get = function() return SV.private.Docks.Embed1 end,
					set = function(a,value) SV.private.Docks.Embed1 = value; if(SV.Skins) then SV.Skins:RegisterAddonDocklets() end end,
				DockletSplit = {
					type = "select",
					order = 2,
					name = "Secondary Docklet",
					desc = "Select another addon",
					--disabled = function() return (SV.private.Docks.Embed1 == "None") end,
					values = function() return GetLiveDockletsB() end,
					get = function() return SV.private.Docks.Embed2 end,
					set = function(a,value) SV.private.Docks.Embed2 = value; if(SV.Skins) then SV.Skins:RegisterAddonDocklets() end end,
SV.Options.args.Filters = {
	type = "group",
	name = L["Aura Filters"],
	order = 9996,
	args = {}

local listIndex = 1;
local filterGroup = SV.Options.args.Core.args.errors.args.filterGroup.args;
for errorName, state in pairs(SV.db.general.errorFilters) do
	filterGroup[errorName] = {
		order = listIndex,
		type = 'toggle',
		name = errorName,
		width = 'full',
		get = function(key) return SV.db.general.errorFilters[errorName]; end,
		set = function(key,value) SV.db.general.errorFilters[errorName] = value; SV:UpdateErrorFilters() end
	listIndex = listIndex + 1

local statValues = {[""] = "None"};
for name, _ in pairs(SV.Reports.Plugins) do
	statValues[name] = name;

for panelIndex, panelPositions in pairs(SV.db.REPORT_SLOTS) do
	local panelName = 'reportGroup' .. panelIndex;
	local optionTable = SV.Options.args.Dock.args;
	if(optionTable[panelName] and type(panelPositions) == "table") then
		for i = 1, #panelPositions do
			local slotName = 'Slot' .. i;
			optionTable[panelName].args[slotName] = {
				order = i,
				type = 'select',
				name = 'Slot '..i,
				values = statValues,
				get = function(key) return SV.db.REPORT_SLOTS[panelIndex][i] end,
				set = function(key, value) SV.db.REPORT_SLOTS[panelIndex][i] = value; SV.Reports:UpdateAllReports() end

SV:GenerateFontOptionGroup("General", 1, "The most commonly used fonts. Changing these will require reloading the UI.", generalFonts)
SV:GenerateFontOptionGroup("Numeric", 2, "These fonts are used for many number values.", numberFonts)
SV:GenerateFontOptionGroup("Loot", 3, "Fonts used in loot frames.", lootFonts)
SV:GenerateFontOptionGroup("Misc", 4, "Fonts used in various places including the docks.", miscFonts)


SVUIOptions.FilterOptionGroups['_NEW'] = function(filterType)
	return function()
		if(SV.db.Filters.Custom[filterType]) then
			FILTER = SV.db.Filters.Custom[filterType]
			FILTER = SV.db.Filters[filterType]
		if(FILTER) then
			RESULT = {
				type = "group",
				name = filterType,
				guiInline = true,
				order = 4,
				args = {
					alertAction = {
						order = 1,
						name = "",
						type = "description",
						get = function(key) return "" end,
					addSpell = {
						order = 2,
						name = L["Add Spell"],
						desc = L["Add a spell to the filter. You can add by name, or ID (number). If the spell is in your spellbook or on an actionbar then you can drag and drop it here."],
						type = "input",
						get = function(key) RESULT.args.alertAction.name = ""; return "" end,
						set = function(key, value)
							local spellID = tonumber(value);
							if(not spellID) then
								spellID = select(7, GetSpellInfo(value))
							RESULT.args.alertAction.name = "";
							if((not spellID) or (not GetSpellInfo(spellID))) then
								SV:AddonMessage(L["Spell Not Found"])
								RESULT.args.alertAction.name = '|cffFF0000'..L["Spell Not Found"]..'|r';
							elseif(not FILTER[value]) then
								FILTER[value] = {['enable'] = true, ['id'] = spellID, ['priority'] = 0}
					removeSpell = {
						order = 3,
						name = L["Remove Spell"],
						desc = L["Remove a spell from the filter."],
						type = "select",
						disabled = function()
							local EMPTY = true;
							for g in pairs(FILTER) do
								EMPTY = false;
							return EMPTY
						values = function()
							for id, filterData in pairs(FILTER) do
								if(type(id) == 'string' and filterData.id) then
									local auraName = GetSpellInfo(filterData.id)
									if(auraName) then
										tempFilterTable[id] = auraName
							return tempFilterTable
						get = function(key) return "" end,
						set = function(key, value)
							if(FILTER[value]) then
								if(FILTER[value].isDefault) then
									FILTER[value].enable = false;
									SV:AddonMessage(L["You may not remove a spell from a default filter that is not customly added. Setting spell to false instead."])
									FILTER[value] = nil
		return RESULT;

SVUIOptions.FilterOptionSpells['_NEW'] = function(filterType)
	return function()
		if(SV.db.Filters.Custom[filterType]) then
			FILTER = SV.db.Filters.Custom[filterType]
			FILTER = SV.db.Filters[filterType]
		if(FILTER) then
			RESULT = {
				type = "group",
				name = filterType .. " - " .. L["Spells"],
				order = 5,
				guiInline = true,
				args = {}
			local hasSpells = false;
			for id, filterData in pairs(FILTER) do
				local auraName = GetSpellInfo(filterData.id)
				if(auraName) then
					RESULT.args[auraName] = {
						name = auraName,
						type = "toggle",
						get = function()
							return FILTER[id].enable
						set = function(key, value)
							FILTER[id].enable = value;
					hasSpells = true
			if(not hasSpells) then
				RESULT.args.alertAction = {
					order = 1,
					name = '|cffFF0000'..L["No Spells"]..'|r',
					type = "description",
					get = function(key) return "" end,
		return RESULT;

SV.Options.args.Filters.args.createFilter = {
	order = 1,
	name = L["Create Filter"],
	desc = L["Create a custom filter."],
	type = "input",
	get = function(key) return "" end,
	set = function(key, value)
		if(not value or (value and value == '')) then
			SV:AddonMessage(L["Not a usable filter name"])
		elseif(SV.db.Filters.Custom[value]) then
			SV:AddonMessage(L["Filter already exists"])
			SV.db.Filters.Custom[value] = {};

SV.Options.args.Filters.args.deleteFilter = {
	type = "select",
	order = 2,
	name = L["Delete Filter"],
	desc = L["Delete a custom filter."],
	get = function(key) return "" end,
	set = function(key, value)
		SV.db.Filters.Custom[value] = nil;
		SV.Options.args.Filters.args.filterGroup = nil
	values = GetUserFilterList()

SV.Options.args.Filters.args.selectFilter = {
	order = 3,
	type = "select",
	name = L["Select Filter"],
	get = function(key) return CURRENT_FILTER_TYPE end,
	set = function(key, value) SVUIOptions:SetFilterOptions(value) end,
	values = GetAllFilterList()

SV.OptionsLoaded = true;