local _, ns = ...
local oUF = ns.oUF or oUF

if not oUF then return end

local function GetAuras()
	return {
		-- Spell Name			Priority (higher = more priority)
		-- Crowd control
		[GetSpellInfo(33786)] 	= 3, 	-- Cyclone
		[GetSpellInfo(2637)] 	= 3,	-- Hibernate
		[GetSpellInfo(55041)] 	= 3, 	-- Freezing Trap Effect
		[GetSpellInfo(6770)]	= 3, 	-- Sap
		[GetSpellInfo(2094)]	= 3, 	-- Blind
		[GetSpellInfo(5782)]	= 3, 	-- Fear
		[GetSpellInfo(6789)]	= 3,	-- Death Coil Warlock
		[GetSpellInfo(6358)] 	= 3, 	-- Seduction
		[GetSpellInfo(5484)] 	= 3, 	-- Howl of Terror
		[GetSpellInfo(5246)] 	= 3, 	-- Intimidating Shout
		[GetSpellInfo(8122)] 	= 3,	-- Psychic Scream
		[GetSpellInfo(118)] 	= 3,	-- Polymorph
		[GetSpellInfo(28272)] 	= 3,	-- Polymorph pig
		[GetSpellInfo(28271)] 	= 3,	-- Polymorph turtle
		[GetSpellInfo(61305)] 	= 3,	-- Polymorph black cat
		[GetSpellInfo(61025)] 	= 3,	-- Polymorph serpent
		[GetSpellInfo(51514)]	= 3,	-- Hex
		[GetSpellInfo(710)]		= 3,	-- Banish

		-- Roots
		[GetSpellInfo(339)] 	= 3, 	-- Entangling Roots
		[GetSpellInfo(122)]		= 3,	-- Frost Nova
		[GetSpellInfo(16979)] 	= 3, 	-- Feral Charge
		[GetSpellInfo(13809)] 	= 1, 	-- Frost Trap

		-- Stuns and incapacitates
		[GetSpellInfo(5211)] 	= 3, 	-- Bash
		[GetSpellInfo(1833)] 	= 3,	-- Cheap Shot
		[GetSpellInfo(408)] 	= 3, 	-- Kidney Shot
		[GetSpellInfo(1776)]	= 3, 	-- Gouge
		[GetSpellInfo(44572)]	= 3, 	-- Deep Freeze
		[GetSpellInfo(19386)]	= 3, 	-- Wyvern Sting
		[GetSpellInfo(19503)] 	= 3, 	-- Scatter Shot
		[GetSpellInfo(9005)]	= 3, 	-- Pounce
		[GetSpellInfo(22570)]	= 3, 	-- Maim
		[GetSpellInfo(853)]		= 3, 	-- Hammer of Justice
		[GetSpellInfo(20066)] 	= 3, 	-- Repentance
		[GetSpellInfo(46968)] 	= 3, 	-- Shockwave
		[GetSpellInfo(49203)] 	= 3,	-- Hungering Cold
		[GetSpellInfo(47481)]	= 3,	-- Gnaw (dk pet stun)
		[GetSpellInfo(88625)]	= 3,	-- Holy Word: Chastise
		[GetSpellInfo(85388)]	= 3,	-- Warrior stun

		-- Silences
		[GetSpellInfo(18469)] 	= 1,	-- Improved Counterspell
		[GetSpellInfo(15487)] 	= 1, 	-- Silence
		[GetSpellInfo(34490)] 	= 1, 	-- Silencing Shot
		[GetSpellInfo(18425)]	= 1,	-- Improved Kick
		[GetSpellInfo(47476)]	= 1,	-- Strangulate

		-- Disarms
		[GetSpellInfo(676)] 	= 1, 	-- Disarm
		[GetSpellInfo(51722)] 	= 1,	-- Dismantle

		-- Buffs
		[GetSpellInfo(1022)] 	= 1,	-- Blessing of Protection
		[GetSpellInfo(1044)] 	= 1, 	-- Blessing of Freedom
		[GetSpellInfo(2825)] 	= 1, 	-- Bloodlust
		[GetSpellInfo(32182)] 	= 1, 	-- Heroism
		[GetSpellInfo(33206)] 	= 1, 	-- Pain Suppression
		[GetSpellInfo(29166)] 	= 1,	-- Innervate
		[GetSpellInfo(18708)]  	= 1,	-- Fel Domination
		[GetSpellInfo(54428)]	= 1,	-- Divine Plea
		[GetSpellInfo(31821)]	= 1,	-- Aura mastery
		-- [GetSpellInfo(6673)]	= 1,	-- Battle Shout

		-- Turtling abilities
		[GetSpellInfo(871)]		= 1,	-- Shield Wall
		[GetSpellInfo(48707)]	= 1,	-- Anti-Magic Shell
		[GetSpellInfo(31224)]	= 1,	-- Cloak of Shadows
		[GetSpellInfo(19263)]	= 1,	-- Deterrence

		-- Immunities
		[GetSpellInfo(34692)] 	= 2, 	-- The Beast Within
		[GetSpellInfo(45438)] 	= 2, 	-- Ice Block
		[GetSpellInfo(642)] 	= 2,	-- Divine Shield

		-- Rogue stuffs
		[GetSpellInfo(74001)] 	= 2,	-- Combat Readiness
		[GetSpellInfo(5277)] 	= 2,	-- Evasion
		[GetSpellInfo(31224)]	= 2,	-- Cloak of Shadows
		[GetSpellInfo(51713)]	= 1,	-- Shadow Dance
		[GetSpellInfo(51632)]	= 1,	-- Find Weakness
		[GetSpellInfo(1856)]	= 1,	-- Vanish

		[GetSpellInfo(52127)]		= 1, -- Water Shield
		[GetSpellInfo(324)]			= 1, -- Water Shield
		[GetSpellInfo(974)]			= 1, -- Earth Shield

local FormatTime = function(s)
	local day, hour, minute = 86400, 3600, 60
	if s >= day then
		return format("%dd", ceil(s / day))
	elseif s >= hour then
		return format("%dh", ceil(s / hour))
	elseif s >= minute then
		return format("%dm", ceil(s / minute))
	elseif s >= minute / 12 then
		return floor(s)
	return format("%.1f", s)

local function Update(self, event, unit)

	if self.unit ~= unit  then return end

	local auraList = GetAuras()
	local priority = 0
	local auraName, auraIcon, auraExpTime, auraCount
	local index = 1

	while ( true ) do
		local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable = UnitAura(unit, index, "HELPFUL")
		if ( not name ) then break end

		if ( auraList[name] and auraList[name] >= priority ) then
			priority = auraList[name]
			auraName = name
			auraIcon = icon
			auraExpTime = expirationTime
			auraCount = count

		index = index+1

	index = 1

	while ( true ) do
		local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable = UnitAura(unit, index, "HARMFUL")
		if ( not name ) then break end

		if ( auraList[name] and auraList[name] >= priority ) then
			priority = auraList[name]
			auraName = name
			auraIcon = icon
			auraExpTime = expirationTime
			auraCount = count

		index = index+1

	if ( auraName ) and ((auraExpTime-GetTime()) > 0) then -- If an aura is found, display it and set the time left!
		self.AuraTracker.timeleft = (auraExpTime-GetTime())
		self.AuraTracker.active = true
		self.AuraTracker.count = auraCount
	elseif ( not auraName ) or ((auraExpTime-GetTime()) < 0) then -- No aura found and one is shown? Kill it since it's no longer active!
		self.AuraTracker.Time = false
		self.AuraTracker.active = false
		self.AuraTracker.count = nil

	if self.AuraTracker.active == true and self.AuraTracker.Timer then
		self.AuraTracker:SetScript("OnUpdate", function (self, elapsed)
			self.timeleft = self.timeleft - elapsed

			if (self.timeleft <= 0) then
				if self.Timer then self.Timer:SetText("") end
				if self.Count then self.Count:SetText("") end
				if self.Timer then self.Timer:SetText(FormatTime(self.timeleft)) end
				if self.Count then self.Count:SetText(self.count) end
		self.AuraTracker:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)

local function Enable(self)
	-- if we're not highlighting this unit return
	if not self.AuraTracker then return end

	-- make sure aura scanning is active for this self
	self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA", Update)

	return true

local function Disable(self)
	if self.AuraTracker then
		self:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_AURA", Update)

oUF:AddElement('AuraTracker', Update, Enable, Disable)