--[[ File NAME: TitanConfig.lua DESC: This file contains routines used by Titan to show and process the Titan options. Titan uses Ace libraries to place the Titan options within the Blizzard option screens. Most routines in this file are local because they create the Titan options. These routines are called first when Titan processes the 'player entering world' event. If an options list (skins, extra, etc) is changed by the user then the Ace table needs to be updated and WoW server informed to 'redraw'. :DESC --]] local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(TITAN_ID, true) local AceConfigDialog = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0") local AceConfigRegistry = LibStub("AceConfigRegistry-3.0") local AceConfig = LibStub("AceConfig-3.0") local TitanSkinToRemove = "None"; local TitanSkinName, TitanSkinPath = "", ""; local TitanGlobalProfile = "" --[[ Use for notes and change log in game. New Release Format Gold - version & date Green - 'header' Highlight - notes. tips. and details --]] local notes = "" do notes = notes ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("Downgrade from 8.x for ANY WoW version:\n") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .."- Titan Panel : Should DELETE Titan either manually or via addon manager.\n" .."- Titan Panel saved variables : Should be fine for Retail; For CLassic (Wrath or Era) should DELETE Titan saved variables either manually or via addon manager.\n" ) ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("Notes:\n") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .."- Changing Titan Scaling : Short bars will move on screen. They should not go off screen. If Short bars move then drag to desired location. You may have to Reset the Short bar or temporarily disable top or bottom bars to drag the Short bar.\n" ) ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("Known Issues:\n") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .."- Titan Bag : Opening bags is still an option until taint issue is resolved.\n" ) end local changes = "" do -- recent change history changes = changes ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("8.0.2 : 2024/01/14\n") ..TitanUtils_GetGreenText("Location : \n") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .."- Fix for ticket #1381, error on opening map when Location is hidden.\n" .."- Refactor to save cycles when user selected no coords on map.\n" ) ..TitanUtils_GetGreenText("Config : \n") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .."- Update many locale / translated strings.\n" ) .."\n\n" ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("8.0.1 : 2024/01/01\n") ..TitanUtils_GetGreenText("Titan : \n") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .."- In right click menu, do not show 'v' if no version found.\n" ) ..TitanUtils_GetGreenText("Clock : \n") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .."- Remove 24 hour checkbox from slider frame.\n" ) ..TitanUtils_GetGreenText("Location : \n") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .."- Classic (Wrath and Era) put coords on bottom of small and large maps, if user selected.\n" ) ..TitanUtils_GetGreenText("Repair All : \n") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .."- Add back option to show / hide most damaged equipped item.\n" .."- New option to show / hide total % and cost.\n" .."- Scan of equipped items rewritten.\n" ) .."\n\n" ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("8.0.0 : 2023/12/23\n") ..TitanUtils_GetGreenText("Titan single release version : \n") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .."- Titan : Combined Retail and Classic versions for maintainability.\n" .." This makes most retail / DF features available in Classic versions.\n" .."- Titan built-in plugins : Merged retail and Classic versions.\n" ) .."\n\n" ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText(" : 2023/11/11\n") ..TitanUtils_GetGreenText("Titan : \n") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .."- Titan : TOC update only.\n" ) .."\n\n" end local function TitanPanel_ScreenAdjustReload() if TitanPanelGetVar("ScreenAdjust") then -- if set then clear it - the screen will adjust TitanPanelBarButton_ToggleScreenAdjust() else -- if NOT set then need a reload - the screen will NOT adjust StaticPopupDialogs["TITAN_RELOAD"] = { text = TitanUtils_GetNormalText(L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_TITLE"]).."\n\n" ..L["TITAN_PANEL_RELOAD"], button1 = ACCEPT, button2 = CANCEL, OnAccept = function(self) TitanPanelToggleVar("ScreenAdjust"); ReloadUI(); end, showAlert = 1, timeout = 0, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = 1 }; StaticPopup_Show("TITAN_RELOAD"); end end local function TitanPanel_AuxScreenAdjustReload() if TitanPanelGetVar("AuxScreenAdjust") then -- if set then clear it - the screen will adjust TitanPanelBarButton_ToggleAuxScreenAdjust() else -- if NOT set then need a reload - the screen will NOT adjust StaticPopupDialogs["TITAN_RELOAD"] = { text = TitanUtils_GetNormalText(L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_TITLE"]).."\n\n" ..L["TITAN_PANEL_RELOAD"], button1 = ACCEPT, button2 = CANCEL, OnAccept = function(self) TitanPanelToggleVar("AuxScreenAdjust"); ReloadUI(); -- TitanPanelBarButton_ToggleAuxScreenAdjust(); end, showAlert = 1, timeout = 0, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = 1 }; StaticPopup_Show("TITAN_RELOAD"); end end TITAN_PANEL_CONFIG = { topic = { About = L["TITAN_PANEL"], top = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_OPTIONS_BARS"], globals = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_OPTIONS_BARS_ALL"], bottom = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_BOTTOM_BARS"], plugins = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_PLUGINS"], profiles = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_PROFILES"], tooltips = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_OPTIONS_SHORT"], scale = L["TITAN_PANEL_UISCALE_MENU_TEXT_SHORT"], trans = L["TITAN_PANEL_TRANS_MENU_TEXT_SHORT"], skins = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_TEXTURE_SETTINGS"], skinscust = L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_OPTIONS_CUSTOM"], extras = L["TITAN_PANEL_EXTRAS_SHORT"], attempts = L["TITAN_PANEL_ATTEMPTS_SHORT"], advanced = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV"], changes = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_CHANGE_HISTORY"], slash = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_SLASH_COMMAND"], help = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_HELP"], adjust = "Frame Adjustment", adjust_classic = "Frame Adjustment - Classic", } } -- Titan local helper funcs local function TitanPanel_GetTitle() return TitanUtils_GetAddOnMetadata(TITAN_ID, "Title") or L["TITAN_PANEL_NA"]; end local function TitanPanel_GetAuthor() return TitanUtils_GetAddOnMetadata(TITAN_ID, "Author") or L["TITAN_PANEL_NA"]; end local function TitanPanel_GetCredits() return TitanUtils_GetAddOnMetadata(TITAN_ID, "X-Credits") or L["TITAN_PANEL_NA"]; end local function TitanPanel_GetCategory() return TitanUtils_GetAddOnMetadata(TITAN_ID, "X-Category") or L["TITAN_PANEL_NA"]; end local function TitanPanel_GetEmail() return TitanUtils_GetAddOnMetadata(TITAN_ID, "X-Email") or L["TITAN_PANEL_NA"]; end local function TitanPanel_GetWebsite() return TitanUtils_GetAddOnMetadata(TITAN_ID, "X-Website") or L["TITAN_PANEL_NA"]; end local function TitanPanel_GetLicense() return TitanUtils_GetAddOnMetadata(TITAN_ID, "X-License") or L["TITAN_PANEL_NA"]; end -- helper functions if TITAN_ID == "TitanClassic" then --[[ local NAME: TitanAdjustPanelScale DESC: Set the Tian bars and plugins to the selected scale then adjust other frames as needed. VAR: scale - the scale the user has selected for Titan OUT: None --]] local function TitanAdjustPanelScale(scale) Titan_AdjustScale() -- Adjust frame positions TitanPanel_AdjustFrames(TITAN_PANEL_PLACE_BOTH, true) end -- helper functions --[[ local NAME: TitanPanel_TicketReload DESC: When the user changes the option to adjust for the Blizz ticket frame the UI must be reloaded. Ask the user if they want to do it now. VAR: None OUT: None --]] local function TitanPanel_TicketReload() StaticPopupDialogs["TITAN_RELOAD"] = { text = TitanUtils_GetNormalText(L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_TITLE"]).."\n\n" ..L["TITAN_PANEL_RELOAD"], button1 = ACCEPT, button2 = CANCEL, OnAccept = function(self) TitanPanelBarButton_ToggleScreenAdjust() ReloadUI(); end, showAlert = 1, timeout = 0, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = 1 }; StaticPopup_Show("TITAN_RELOAD"); end local function TitanPanel_ScreenAdjustReload() if TitanPanelGetVar("ScreenAdjust") then -- if set then clear it - the screen will adjust TitanPanelBarButton_ToggleScreenAdjust() else -- if NOT set then need a reload - the screen will NOT adjust StaticPopupDialogs["TITAN_RELOAD"] = { text = TitanUtils_GetNormalText(L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_TITLE"]).."\n\n" ..L["TITAN_PANEL_RELOAD"], button1 = ACCEPT, button2 = CANCEL, OnAccept = function(self) TitanPanelToggleVar("ScreenAdjust"); ReloadUI(); end, showAlert = 1, timeout = 0, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = 1 }; StaticPopup_Show("TITAN_RELOAD"); end end local function TitanPanel_AuxScreenAdjustReload() if TitanPanelGetVar("AuxScreenAdjust") then -- if set then clear it - the screen will adjust TitanPanelBarButton_ToggleAuxScreenAdjust() else -- if NOT set then need a reload - the screen will NOT adjust StaticPopupDialogs["TITAN_RELOAD"] = { text = TitanUtils_GetNormalText(L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_TITLE"]).."\n\n" ..L["TITAN_PANEL_RELOAD"], button1 = ACCEPT, button2 = CANCEL, OnAccept = function(self) TitanPanelToggleVar("AuxScreenAdjust"); ReloadUI(); -- TitanPanelBarButton_ToggleAuxScreenAdjust(); end, showAlert = 1, timeout = 0, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = 1 }; StaticPopup_Show("TITAN_RELOAD"); end end end --============= Titan Panel entry -- --[[ local NAME: titan_entry DESC: Local table to hold the 'about' Titan info in the options. --]] local titan_entry = { name = TITAN_PANEL_CONFIG.topic.About, desc = L["TITAN_PANEL"], type = "group", args = { confgendesc = { name = "Description", order = 1, type = "group", inline = true, args = { confdesc = { order = 1, type = "description", name = "" .."Titan Panel is an Interface Enhancement addon which allows you to add short display bars to the UI as well as bars to the top and bottom of your game screen." .."\n\n" .."This addon does not interfere with, enhance, or replace any of your actual gameplay within the game. Titan Panel is meant to give you a quick visual point or click-on access to see the data related to your character without having to open other dialog boxes in the game or, in some cases, other addons." .."\n\n" .."Our main program allows you to add bars to the UI as well as the top and bottom of your game screen." .."\n\n" .."Over the years, we have been able to add some other features, but only if they do not interfere with your actual game experience.", cmdHidden = true }, } }, confnotes = { name = "Notes", order = 3, type = "group", inline = true, args = { confversiondesc = { order = 1, type = "description", name = "" ..notes, cmdHidden = true }, } }, confthanks = { name = "Thank You", order = 5, type = "group", inline = true, args = { confversiondesc = { order = 1, type = "description", name = "" .."We would like to thank all of the users of TitanPanel." .."\n" .."We understand you have many choices on which addons to enhance your World of Warcraft experience." .." Our Mission has always been to provide you with a tool to help add and improve your experience without impeding your enjoyment of the game. ", cmdHidden = true }, } }, confinfodesc = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_ABOUT"], order = 7, type = "group", inline = true, args = { confversiondesc = { order = 1, type = "description", name = "|cffffd700"..L["TITAN_PANEL_ABOUT_VERSION"]..": " .._G["GREEN_FONT_COLOR_CODE"]..TitanPanel_GetVersion(), cmdHidden = true }, confauthordesc = { order = 2, type = "description", name = "|cffffd700"..L["TITAN_PANEL_ABOUT_AUTHOR"]..": " .."|cffff8c00"..TitanPanel_GetAuthor(), cmdHidden = true }, confcreditsdesc = { order = 3, type = "description", name = "|cffffd700"..L["TITAN_PANEL_ABOUT_CREDITS"]..": " .._G["HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR_CODE"]..TitanPanel_GetCredits(), cmdHidden = true }, confcatdesc = { order = 4, type = "description", name = "|cffffd700"..L["TITAN_PANEL_ABOUT_CATEGORY"]..": " .._G["HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR_CODE"]..TitanPanel_GetCategory(), cmdHidden = true }, confemaildesc = { order = 5, type = "description", name = "|cffffd700"..L["TITAN_PANEL_ABOUT_EMAIL"]..": " .._G["HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR_CODE"]..TitanPanel_GetEmail(), cmdHidden = true }, --[[ has not been updated in quite a while... confwebsitedesc = { order = 6, type = "description", name = "|cffffd700"..L["TITAN_PANEL_ABOUT_WEB"]..": " .._G["HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR_CODE"]..TitanPanel_GetWebsite(), cmdHidden = true }, --]] conflicensedesc = { order = 7, type = "description", name = "|cffffd700"..L["TITAN_PANEL_ABOUT_LICENSE"]..": " .._G["HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR_CODE"]..TitanPanel_GetLicense(), cmdHidden = true }, } }, } } ------------- --============= Frame Adjust -- --[[ local NAME: optionsAdjust DESC: Bar control for the main (top) bars: Each bar: - Show - Auto hide - Center text (plugins) Main (top) controls: - Disable screen adjust - allows character frame and minimap to be 'over' the Titan bars - Disable minimap adjust - allows the minimap to be 'over' the Titan bars - Ticket frame adjust - adjusts the Blizz open ticket frame to be under the Titan bar(s) :DESC --]] local optionsAdjust = { name = TITAN_PANEL_CONFIG.topic.adjust, type = "group", args = { } } local function ColorAdjShown(frame_str) local res = "" if TitanAdjustSettings[frame_str].adjust then res = frame_str -- leave as is else res = "|cff808080"..frame_str.._G["FONT_COLOR_CODE_CLOSE"] end return res end --[[ local NAME: TitanUpdateAdj DESC: Allow the user to control each Titan bar. :DESC VAR: None OUT: None --]] local function TitanUpdateAdj(t, pos) local args = t local position = pos -- sort the bar data by their intended order local bar_list = {} local i = 0 for idx, v in pairs (Titan_Panel.AdjList) do i = i + 1 bar_list[i] = v end table.sort(bar_list, function(a, b) return a.frame_name < b.frame_name end) wipe(args) for idx = 1, #bar_list do -- ====== -- Build the frame adjust list in order (left side) -- NOTE: v.name is the 'group' name which is the table passed to callbacks : info[1] local f_name = bar_list[idx].frame_name local v = TitanAdjustSettings[f_name] -- process this frame position = position + 1 args[f_name] = { type = "group", name = ColorAdjShown(f_name), order = position, } -- ====== -- adjust options (right side) args[f_name].args = {} -- .args caused the nesting / right side position = position + 1 -- Title divider args[f_name].args.title = { type = "header", name = bar_list[idx].purpose, order = position, width = "full", } position = position + 1 -- Show toggle args[f_name].args.show = { type = "toggle", width = .75, --"fill", name = USE or "Use", --L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_DISPLAY_BAR"], order = position, get = function(info) local frame_str = info[1] return TitanAdjustSettings[frame_str].adjust end, set = function(info, val) local frame_str = info[1] TitanAdjustSettings[frame_str].adjust = not TitanAdjustSettings[frame_str].adjust TitanPanel_AdjustFrame(frame_str, "Adjust show changed : "..tostring(TitanAdjustSettings[frame_str].adjust)) TitanUpdateAdj(optionsAdjust.args, 1000) end, } -- ====== position = position + 1 -- offset args[f_name].args.offset = { type = "range", width = "full", name = "Vertical Adjustment", --L["TITAN_PANEL_TRANS_MENU_TEXT_SHORT"], order = position, min = -200, max = 0, step = 1, get = function(info) local frame_str = info[1] return TitanAdjustSettings[frame_str].offset end, set = function(info, a) local frame_str = info[1] TitanAdjustSettings[frame_str].offset = a --[[ print("Cfg Adj" .." '"..tostring(frame_str).."'" .." "..tostring(a).."" ) --]] TitanPanel_AdjustFrame(frame_str, "Adjust offset changed : "..tostring(a)) end, } position = position + 1 -- spacer args[f_name].args.colorspacer = { order = position, type = "description", width = "full", name = " ", } end -- Config Tables changed! AceConfigRegistry:NotifyChange("Titan Panel Bars") --[===[ print("Color new:" .." "..tostring(format("%0.1f", r)).."" .." "..tostring(format("%0.1f", g)).."" .." "..tostring(format("%0.1f", b)).."" .." "..tostring(format("%0.1f", a)).."" ) --]===] end local function BuildAdj() TitanUpdateAdj(optionsAdjust.args, 1000) AceConfigRegistry:NotifyChange("Titan Panel Adjust") end ------------- --============= Bars -- --[[ local NAME: optionsBars DESC: Bar control for the main (top) bars: Each bar: - Show - Auto hide - Center text (plugins) Main (top) controls: - Disable screen adjust - allows character frame and minimap to be 'over' the Titan bars - Disable minimap adjust - allows the minimap to be 'over' the Titan bars - Ticket frame adjust - adjusts the Blizz open ticket frame to be under the Titan bar(s) :DESC --]] local optionsBars = { name = TITAN_PANEL_CONFIG.topic.top, type = "group", args = { } } local function ColorShown(bar) local res = bar.locale_name local frame_str = bar.frame_name if TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].show then -- leave as is else res = "|cff808080"..res.._G["FONT_COLOR_CODE_CLOSE"] end return res end --[[ local NAME: TitanUpdateConfigBars DESC: Allow the user to control each Titan bar. :DESC VAR: None OUT: None --]] local function TitanUpdateConfigBars(t, pos) local args = t local position = pos -- sort the bar data by their intended order local bar_list = {} for _,v in pairs (TitanBarData) do bar_list[v.order] = v end table.sort(bar_list, function(a, b) return a.order < b.order end) local label = "Bar" wipe(args) for idx = 1, #bar_list do -- ====== -- Build the bar list in order (left side) -- NOTE: v.name is the 'group' name which is the table passed to callbacks : info[1] local v = bar_list[idx] -- process this bar position = position + 1 args[v.name] = { type = "group", name = ColorShown(v), order = position, } -- ====== -- Build bar options (right side) args[v.name].args = {} -- ,args caused the nesting / right side position = position + 1 -- Title divider args[v.name].args.title = { type = "header", name = v.locale_name, order = position, width = "full", } position = position + 1 -- Show toggle args[v.name].args.show = { type = "toggle", width = .75, --"fill", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_DISPLAY_BAR"], order = position, get = function(info) local frame_str = TitanVariables_GetFrameName(info[1]) return TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].show end, set = function(info, val) local frame_str = TitanVariables_GetFrameName(info[1]) TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].show = not TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].show TitanPanelBarButton_DisplayBarsWanted(info[1].."Show "..tostring(val)) TitanUpdateConfigBars(optionsBars.args, 1000) end, } position = position + 1 -- Auto hide toggle args[v.name].args.autohide = { type = "toggle", width = .75, --"fill", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_AUTOHIDE"], order = position, disabled = (v.hider == nil), get = function(info) local frame_str = TitanVariables_GetFrameName(info[1]) return TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].auto_hide end, set = function(info, val) Titan_AutoHide_ToggleAutoHide(info[1]) -- short bar name end, } position = position + 1 -- Center toggle args[v.name].args.center = { type = "toggle", width = .75, --"fill", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_CENTER_TEXT"], order = position, get = function(info) local frame_str = TitanVariables_GetFrameName(info[1]) return (TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].align == TITAN_PANEL_BUTTONS_ALIGN_CENTER) end, set = function(info) local frame_str = TitanVariables_GetFrameName(info[1]) if (TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].align == TITAN_PANEL_BUTTONS_ALIGN_CENTER ) then TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].align = TITAN_PANEL_BUTTONS_ALIGN_LEFT else TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].align = TITAN_PANEL_BUTTONS_ALIGN_CENTER end -- Justify button position TitanPanelButton_Justify(); end, } position = position + 1 -- Combat hide toggle args[v.name].args.hideincombat = { type = "toggle", width = .75, --"fill", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_HIDE_IN_COMBAT"], order = position, get = function(info) local frame_str = TitanVariables_GetFrameName(info[1]) return TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].hide_in_combat end, set = function(info) local frame_str = TitanVariables_GetFrameName(info[1]) TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].hide_in_combat = not TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].hide_in_combat end, } position = position + 1 -- spacer args[v.name].args.transpacer1 = { order = position, type = "description", width = "full", name = " ", } position = position + 1 -- spacer args[v.name].args.resetposspacer = { order = position, type = "description", width = "full", name = " ", } position = position + 1 -- reset pos args[v.name].args.resetbar = { type = "execute", width = "Full", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_RESET_POSITION"], order = position, disabled = (v.vert == TITAN_TOP or v.vert == TITAN_BOTTOM), func = function(info, arg1) local frame_str = TitanVariables_GetFrameName(info[1]) TitanVariables_SetBarPos(_G[frame_str], true) TitanPanelBarButton_DisplayBarsWanted("Bar reset to default position - "..tostring(info[1])) end, } -- ====== -- Background group position = position + 1 -- background args[v.name].args.back = { type = "header", name = "=== "..BACKGROUND.." ===", order = position, } position = position + 1 -- select background args[v.name].args.settextousebar = { name = "", --L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_GLOBAL_SKIN"], desc = "", --L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_GLOBAL_SKIN_TIP"], order = position, type = "select", width = "full", style = "radio", get = function(info) local frame_str = TitanVariables_GetFrameName(info[1]) return TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].texure end, set = function(info, val) local frame_str = TitanVariables_GetFrameName(info[1]) TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].texure = val TitanPanel_SetBarTexture(frame_str) end, values = { [Titan_Panel.SKIN] = L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_TITLE"], [Titan_Panel.COLOR] = COLOR, }, } position = position + 1 -- Title divider args[v.name].args.skintitle = { type = "header", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_TITLE"], order = position, width = "full", } position = position + 1 -- Skin select args[v.name].args.skinselect = { type = "select", width = "normal", name = "", --v.locale_name, order = position, get = function(info) local frame_str = TitanVariables_GetFrameName(info[1]) return TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].skin.path end, set = function(info,val) local frame_str = TitanVariables_GetFrameName(info[1]) TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].skin.path = val TitanPanel_SetBarTexture(frame_str) if TitanSkinToRemove == TitanPanelGetVar("Texture"..info[1]) then TitanSkinToRemove = "None" end end, values = function(info) local Skinlist = {} local frame_str = TitanVariables_GetFrameName(info[1]) for _, val in pairs (TitanSkins) do if val.path ~= TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].skin.path then -- if val.path ~= TitanPanelGetVar("Texture"..v.name) then Skinlist[val.path] = "|cff19ff19"..val.name.."|r" else Skinlist[val.path] = "|cffffff9a"..val.name.."|r" end end table.sort(Skinlist, function(a, b) return string.lower(TitanSkins[a].name) < string.lower(TitanSkins[b].name) end) return Skinlist end, } position = position + 1 -- spacer args[v.name].args.skinspacer = { order = position, type = "description", width = "5", name = " ", } position = position + 1 -- selected skin args[v.name].args.skinselected = { name = "", image = function(info) local frame_str = TitanVariables_GetFrameName(info[1]) local vert = TitanBarData[frame_str].vert if vert == TITAN_SHORT then vert = TITAN_TOP else -- Use it as is end return TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].skin.path.."TitanPanelBackground"..vert.."0" end, imageWidth = 256, order = position, type = "description", width = .5, --"60", } position = position + 1 -- transparency args[v.name].args.trans = { type = "range", width = "full", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_TRANS_MENU_TEXT_SHORT"], order = position, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, get = function(info) local frame_str = TitanVariables_GetFrameName(info[1]) return TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].skin.alpha end, set = function(info, a) local frame_str = TitanVariables_GetFrameName(info[1]) _G[frame_str]:SetAlpha(a) TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].skin.alpha = a end, } position = position + 1 -- Title divider args[v.name].args.colortitle = { type = "header", name = COLOR, order = position, width = "full", } position = position + 1 -- spacer args[v.name].args.colorspacer = { order = position, type = "description", width = "full", name = " ", } position = position + 1 -- reset pos args[v.name].args.colorselect = { type = "color", width = "Full", name = "Select Bar Color", -- L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_RESET_POSITION"], order = position, -- disabled = (v.vert == TITAN_TOP or v.vert == TITAN_BOTTOM), hasAlpha = true, get = function(info) local frame_str = TitanVariables_GetFrameName(info[1]) local color = TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].color return color.r, color.g, color.b, color.alpha end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) local frame_str = TitanVariables_GetFrameName(info[1]) TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].color.r = r TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].color.g = g TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].color.b = b TitanBarDataVars[frame_str].color.alpha = a TitanPanel_SetBarTexture(frame_str) end, } end -- Config Tables changed! AceConfigRegistry:NotifyChange("Titan Panel Bars") --[===[ print("Color new:" .." "..tostring(format("%0.1f", r)).."" .." "..tostring(format("%0.1f", g)).."" .." "..tostring(format("%0.1f", b)).."" .." "..tostring(format("%0.1f", a)).."" ) --]===] end local function BuildBars() TitanUpdateConfigBars(optionsBars.args, 1000) AceConfigRegistry:NotifyChange("Titan Panel Bars") end ------------- --============= Bars - All local optionsGlobals = { name = TITAN_PANEL_CONFIG.topic.globals, type = "group", args = { confdesc = { order = 10, width = "full", type = "header", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_GLOBAL_SKIN_TITLE"], }, setskinuseglobal = { name = "", --L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_GLOBAL_SKIN"], desc = "", --L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_GLOBAL_SKIN_TIP"], order = 15, type = "select", width = "full", style = "radio", get = function() return TitanBarDataVars["Global"].texure end, set = function(_, v) TitanBarDataVars["Global"].texure = v for idx, val in pairs (TitanBarData) do TitanPanel_SetBarTexture(idx) end end, values = { [Titan_Panel.SKIN] = L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_TITLE"], [Titan_Panel.COLOR] = COLOR, [Titan_Panel.NONE] = NONE, }, }, confskindesc = { order = 20, width = "full", type = "description", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_TITLE"], }, setskinglobal = { order = 21, type = "select", width = "30", name = " ", --L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_LIST_TITLE"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_SET_DESC"], get = function() return TitanBarDataVars["Global"].skin.path end, set = function(_,v) TitanBarDataVars["Global"].skin.path = v --TitanPanelSetVar("TexturePath", v); if TitanBarDataVars["Global"].texure == Titan_Panel.SKIN then for idx, val in pairs (TitanBarData) do TitanPanel_SetBarTexture(idx) end end end, values = function() local Skinlist = {} local v; for _,v in pairs (TitanSkins) do if v.path ~= TitanBarDataVars["Global"].skin.path then --TitanPanelGetVar("TexturePath") then Skinlist[v.path] = "|cff19ff19"..v.name.."|r" else Skinlist[v.path] = "|cffffff9a"..v.name.."|r" end end table.sort(Skinlist, function(a, b) return string.lower(TitanSkins[a].name) < string.lower(TitanSkins[b].name) end) return Skinlist end, }, show_skin_top_desc = { type = "description", name = "", order = 30, width = "10", }, show_skin_global_top = { type = "description", name = "", image = function() return TitanBarDataVars["Global"].skin.path.."TitanPanelBackgroundTop0" -- return TitanPanelGetVar("TexturePath").."TitanPanelBackgroundTop0" end, imageWidth = 256, order = 31, width = "60", }, confcolorspacer = { -- spacer order = 50, type = "description", width = "full", name = " ", }, confcolordesc = { order = 51, width = "full", type = "description", name = COLOR, }, show_skin_color_picker = { type = "color", width = "Full", name = "Select Bar Color", -- L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_RESET_POSITION"], order = 55, -- disabled = (v.vert == TITAN_TOP or v.vert == TITAN_BOTTOM), hasAlpha = true, get = function() local color = TitanBarDataVars["Global"].color return color.r, color.g, color.b, color.alpha end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) --[===[ print("Color new:" .." "..tostring(format("%0.1f", r)).."" .." "..tostring(format("%0.1f", g)).."" .." "..tostring(format("%0.1f", b)).."" .." "..tostring(format("%0.1f", a)).."" ) --]===] TitanBarDataVars["Global"].color.r = r TitanBarDataVars["Global"].color.g = g TitanBarDataVars["Global"].color.b = b TitanBarDataVars["Global"].color.alpha = a if TitanBarDataVars["Global"].texure == Titan_Panel.COLOR then for idx, val in pairs (TitanBarData) do TitanPanel_SetBarTexture(idx) end end end, }, hidecombatspacer = { -- spacer order = 100, type = "description", width = "full", name = " ", }, confcombatdesc = { order = 101, width = "full", type = "header", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_COMMAND"], }, setcombatuseglobal = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_HIDE_IN_COMBAT"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_HIDE_IN_COMBAT_DESC"], order = 105, type = "toggle", width = "full", get = function() return TitanPanelGetVar("HideBarsInCombat") end, set = function() TitanPanelToggleVar("HideBarsInCombat"); end, }, arenaspacer = { -- spacer order = 200, type = "description", width = "full", name = " ", }, confarenadesc = { order = 201, width = "full", type = "header", name = BATTLEGROUND.." / "..ARENA, }, setarenauseglobal = { name = HIDE.." "..L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_TOP_BARS"] .." - "..BATTLEGROUND.." / "..ARENA , desc = "Hide" .." "..TitanBarData[TitanVariables_GetFrameName("Bar")].locale_name .." and" .." "..TitanBarData[TitanVariables_GetFrameName("Bar2")].locale_name .." in "..BATTLEGROUND.." / "..ARENA, order = 205, type = "toggle", width = "full", disabled = (TITAN_ID == "TitanClassic"), get = function() return TitanPanelGetVar("HideBarsInPVP") end, set = function() TitanPanelToggleVar("HideBarsInPVP") TitanPanelBarButton_DisplayBarsWanted("HideBarsInPVP" .." "..tostring(TitanPanelGetVar("HideBarsInPVP"))) end, }, topbarspacer = { -- spacer order = 300, type = "description", width = "full", name = " ", }, conftopbardesc = { order = 301, width = "full", type = "header", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_TOP_BARS"], }, settopbar = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_DISABLE_PUSH"] , desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_DISABLE_PUSH"], order = 305, type = "toggle", width = "full", disabled = (TITAN_ID == "Titan"), get = function() return TitanPanelGetVar("ScreenAdjust") end, set = function() TitanPanel_ScreenAdjustReload() end, }, bottombarspacer = { -- spacer order = 400, type = "description", width = "full", name = " ", }, confbottombardesc = { order = 401, width = "full", type = "header", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_BOTTOM_BARS"], }, setbottombar = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_DISABLE_PUSH"] , desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_DISABLE_PUSH"], order = 405, type = "toggle", width = "full", disabled = (TITAN_ID == "Titan"), get = function() return TitanPanelGetVar("AuxScreenAdjust") end, set = function() TitanPanel_AuxScreenAdjustReload() end, }, } } ------------- --============= Plugins --[[ local NAME: optionsAddons DESC: This is the table shell. The plugin controls will be added by another routine. --]] local optionsAddons = { name = TITAN_PANEL_CONFIG.topic.plugins, --"Titan "..L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_PLUGINS"], type = "group", args = {} } local function ColorVisible(id, name) local res = "?" if TitanPanel_IsPluginShown(id) then res = (name or "") else res = "|cff808080"..name.._G["FONT_COLOR_CODE_CLOSE"] end return res end --[[ local NAME: TitanUpdateConfigAddons DESC: Allow the user to control each plugin registered to Titan. Controls honored from the plugin .registry: - Show - Show label text - Right side - Show icon - Show text Position: - Shift left one plugin position on the bar - Shift right one plugin position on the bar - The shift is on the same bar - The shift will not move a plugin from one side to the other Bar: - Drop down so the user can pick the bar the plugin is to be shown on. - The list contains only the bars the user has selected to be shown. - The user can not move a plugin to a hidden bar to 'hide' it. The user should ensure "Show Plugin" is unchecked. :DESC VAR: None OUT: None --]] local function TitanUpdateConfigAddons() local args = optionsAddons.args local plug_in = nil local plug_version = "" wipe(args) for idx, value in pairs(TitanPluginsIndex) do plug_in = TitanUtils_GetPlugin(TitanPluginsIndex[idx]) if plug_in then if plug_in.version then plug_version = TitanUtils_GetGreenText(" ("..plug_in.version..")") else plug_version = "" end args[plug_in.id] = { type = "group", name = ColorVisible(plug_in.id, plug_in.menuText or ""), order = idx, args = { name = { type = "header", name = ((plug_in.menuText or "")..plug_version), order = 1, }, show = { type = "toggle", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_SHOW"], order = 3, get = function(info) return (TitanPanel_IsPluginShown(info[1])) end, set = function(info, v) local name = info[1] if v then -- Show / add local bar = (TitanGetVar(name, "ForceBar") or TitanUtils_PickBar()) TitanUtils_AddButtonOnBar(bar, name) else -- Hide / remove TitanPanel_RemoveButton(name) end TitanUpdateConfigAddons() end, }, } } --ShowIcon if plug_in.controlVariables and plug_in.controlVariables.ShowIcon then args[plug_in.id].args.icon = { type = "toggle", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_SHOW_ICON"], order = 4, get = function(info) return (TitanGetVar(info[1], "ShowIcon")) end, set = function(info, v) TitanToggleVar(info[1], "ShowIcon"); TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(info[1]) end, } end --ShowLabel if plug_in.controlVariables and plug_in.controlVariables.ShowLabelText then args[plug_in.id].args.label = { type = "toggle", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_SHOW_LABEL_TEXT"], order = 5, get = function(info) return (TitanGetVar(info[1], "ShowLabelText")) end, set = function(info, v) TitanToggleVar(info[1], "ShowLabelText"); TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(info[1]) end, } end --ShowRegularText (LDB data sources only atm) if plug_in.controlVariables and plug_in.controlVariables.ShowRegularText then args[plug_in.id].args.regular_text = { type = "toggle", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_SHOW_PLUGIN_TEXT"], order = 6, get = function(info) return (TitanGetVar(info[1], "ShowRegularText")) end, set = function(info, v) TitanToggleVar(info[1], "ShowRegularText"); TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(info[1]) end, } end --ShowColoredText if plug_in.controlVariables and plug_in.controlVariables.ShowColoredText then args[plug_in.id].args.color_text = { type = "toggle", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_SHOW_COLORED_TEXT"], order = 7, get = function(info) return (TitanGetVar(info[1], "ShowColoredText")) end, set = function(info, v) TitanToggleVar(info[1], "ShowColoredText"); TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(info[1]) end, } end -- Right-side plugin if plug_in.controlVariables and plug_in.controlVariables.DisplayOnRightSide then args[plug_in.id].args.right_side = { type = "toggle", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_LDB_SIDE"], order = 8, get = function(info) return (TitanGetVar(info[1], "DisplayOnRightSide")) end, set = function(info, v) local bar = TitanUtils_GetWhichBar(info[1]) TitanToggleVar(info[1], "DisplayOnRightSide"); TitanPanel_RemoveButton(info[1]); TitanUtils_AddButtonOnBar(bar, info[1]); TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(info[1]) end, } end -- Shift R / L args[plug_in.id].args.plugin_position = { order = 50, type = "header", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_POSITION"], } args[plug_in.id].args.shift_left = { type = "execute", name = "< "..L["TITAN_PANEL_SHIFT_LEFT"].." ", order = 51, func = function(info, arg1) local name = info[1] if TitanPanel_IsPluginShown(name) then TitanUtils_ShiftButtonOnBarLeft(name) end end, } args[plug_in.id].args.shift_right = { type = "execute", name = "> "..L["TITAN_PANEL_SHIFT_RIGHT"], order = 52, func = function(info, arg1) local name = info[1] if TitanPanel_IsPluginShown(info[1]) then TitanUtils_ShiftButtonOnBarRight(name) end end, } args[plug_in.id].args.space_50_1 = { order = 53, type = "header", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_BAR"], } if not TitanVarExists(plug_in.id, "ForceBar") then args[plug_in.id].args.top_bottom = { order = 54, type = "select", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_BAR"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_DISPLAY_ON_BAR"], get = function(info) return TitanUtils_GetWhichBar(info[1]) end, set = function(info,v) local name = info[1] if TitanPanel_IsPluginShown(name) then TitanUtils_AddButtonOnBar(v, name) end end, values = function() local Locationlist = {} local v for idx,v in pairs (TitanBarData) do if TitanBarDataVars[idx].show then -- if TitanPanelGetVar(TitanBarData[idx].name.."_Show") then Locationlist[TitanBarData[idx].name] = TitanBarData[idx].locale_name end end return Locationlist end, } else args[plug_in.id].args.top_bottom = { order = 54, type = "description", name = TitanUtils_GetGoldText(L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_BAR_ALWAYS"].." "..TitanGetVar(plug_in.id, "ForceBar")), cmdHidden = true, } end args[plug_in.id].args.space_50_2 = { order = 59, type = "description", name = " ", cmdHidden = true, } -- Notes, if available args[plug_in.id].args.custom_notes = { order = 60, type = "header", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_NOTES_PLUGIN"], } if plug_in.notes then args[plug_in.id].args.notes = { type = "description", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_NOTES"], order = 61, name = "" .._G["GREEN_FONT_COLOR_CODE"]..plug_in.notes.."|r", cmdHidden = true, } else args[plug_in.id].args.notes = { type = "description", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_NOTES"], order = 61, name = _G["GREEN_FONT_COLOR_CODE"]..L["TITAN_PANEL_NONE"].."|r", cmdHidden = true, } end -- -- Custom Labels 1 - 4 local num_labels = tonumber(TitanGetVar(plug_in.id, "NumLabelsSeen") or 1) if num_labels >= 1 then args[plug_in.id].args.custom_labels = { order = 70, type = "header", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_LABEL"], } args[plug_in.id].args.custom_label_show = { type = "toggle", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_LABEL_SHOW"].." 1", order = 71, get = function(info) return (TitanGetVar(info[1], "CustomLabelTextShow") or false) end, set = function(info, v) TitanToggleVar(info[1], "CustomLabelTextShow"); TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(info[1]) end, } args[plug_in.id].args.custom_label_text = { order = 72, name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_CUSTOM"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_CUSTOM_DESC"], type = "input", width = "full", get = function(info) return (TitanGetVar(info[1], "CustomLabelText") or "") end, set = function(info,v) TitanSetVar(info[1], "CustomLabelText", v); TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(info[1]) end, } end if num_labels >= 2 then args[plug_in.id].args.custom_label2_show = { type = "toggle", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_LABEL_SHOW"].." 2", order = 73, get = function(info) return (TitanGetVar(info[1], "CustomLabel2TextShow") or false) end, set = function(info, v) TitanToggleVar(info[1], "CustomLabel2TextShow"); TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(info[1]) end, } args[plug_in.id].args.custom_label2_text = { order = 74, name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_CUSTOM"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_CUSTOM_DESC"], type = "input", width = "full", get = function(info) return (TitanGetVar(info[1], "CustomLabel2Text") or "") end, set = function(info,v) TitanSetVar(info[1], "CustomLabel2Text", v); TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(info[1]) end, } end if num_labels >= 3 then args[plug_in.id].args.custom_label3_show = { type = "toggle", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_LABEL_SHOW"].." 3", order = 75, get = function(info) return (TitanGetVar(info[1], "CustomLabel3TextShow") or false) end, set = function(info, v) TitanToggleVar(info[1], "CustomLabel3TextShow"); TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(info[1]) end, } args[plug_in.id].args.custom_label3_text = { order = 76, name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_CUSTOM"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_CUSTOM_DESC"], type = "input", width = "full", get = function(info) return (TitanGetVar(info[1], "CustomLabel3Text") or "") end, set = function(info,v) TitanSetVar(info[1], "CustomLabel3Text", v); TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(info[1]) end, } end if num_labels >= 4 then args[plug_in.id].args.custom_label4_show = { type = "toggle", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_LABEL_SHOW"].." 4", order = 77, get = function(info) return (TitanGetVar(info[1], "CustomLabel4TextShow") or false) end, set = function(info, v) TitanToggleVar(info[1], "CustomLabel4TextShow"); TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(info[1]) end, } args[plug_in.id].args.custom_label4_text = { order = 78, name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_CUSTOM"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_CUSTOM_DESC"], type = "input", width = "full", get = function(info) return (TitanGetVar(info[1], "CustomLabel4Text") or "") end, set = function(info,v) TitanSetVar(info[1], "CustomLabel4Text", v); TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(info[1]) end, } end end end -- Config Tables changed! AceConfigRegistry:NotifyChange("Titan Panel Addon Control") end ------------- --============= Profiles --[[ local NAME: optionsChars DESC: This is the table shell. The toon info will be added by another routine. --]] local optionsChars = { name = TITAN_PANEL_CONFIG.topic.profiles, --"Titan "..L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_PROFILES"], type = "group", args = {} } --[[ local NAME: TitanUpdateChars DESC: Allow the user to delete toon data (just not the one they are logged into). VAR: None OUT: None NOTE: - Users can delete toons but the saved variable data is still stored by Titan. - The old toon data can be removed by the user. - This routine is called to 'redraw' the list as a user deletes toon data. - A message is sent to chat that the plugin data has been deleted. :NOTE --]] local function TitanUpdateChars() local players = {}; -- Rip through the players (with server name) to sort them for index, id in pairs(TitanSettings.Players) do table.insert(players, index); end -- set up the options for the user local args = optionsChars.args local plug_in = nil wipe(args) args["desc"] = { order = 1, type = "description", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_CHARS_DESC"].."\n", cmdHidden = true, } args["custom_header"] = { order = 10, type = "header", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_PROFILE_CUSTOM"].."\n", cmdHidden = true, } args["custom_save"] = { order = 11, type = "execute", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_SAVE_SETTINGS"].."\n", func = function(info, v) TitanPanel_SaveCustomProfile() TitanUpdateChars() -- rebuild the toons end, } args["sp_1"] = { type = "description", name = "", cmdHidden = true, order = 12, } args["global_header"] = { order = 20, type = "header", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_GLOBAL"], cmdHidden = true, } args["global_use"] = { order = 21, type = "toggle", width = "full", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_GLOBAL_USE"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_GLOBAL_USE_DESC"], get = function() return TitanAllGetVar("GlobalProfileUse") end, set = function() TitanUtils_SetGlobalProfile(not TitanAllGetVar("GlobalProfileUse"), nil) TitanUpdateChars() -- rebuild the toons AceConfigRegistry:NotifyChange("Titan Panel Addon Chars") end, } args["global_name"] = { order = 22, type = "description", width = "full", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_GLOBAL_PROFILE"]..": "..TitanUtils_GetGoldText(TitanAllGetVar("GlobalProfileName") or "?"), } args["sp_20"] = { type = "description", name = "", cmdHidden = true, order = 23, } args["profile_header"] = { order = 30, type = "header", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_PROFILES"].."\n", cmdHidden = true } for idx, value in pairs(players) do local name = (players[idx] or "?") local s, e, ident, server, player local fancy_name = "" local disallow = false disallow = -- looks weird but we need to force a true or Ace complains ((name == TitanSettings.Player) or ((name == TitanAllGetVar("GlobalProfileName")) and (TitanAllGetVar("GlobalProfileUse"))) ) and true or false if name then -- color code the name -- - gold for normal profiles -- - green for custom profiles player, server = TitanUtils_ParseName(name) -- handle custom profiles here if server == TITAN_CUSTOM_PROFILE_POSTFIX then fancy_name = TitanUtils_GetGreenText((name or "?")) else fancy_name = TitanUtils_GetGoldText((name or "?")) end -- end color code args[name] = { type = "group", name = fancy_name, desc = "", order = 40, args = { name = { type = "header", name = TitanUtils_GetGoldText(name or "?"), cmdHidden = true, order = 10, }, sp_1 = { type = "description", name = "", cmdHidden = true, order = 11, }, optionload = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_LOAD_SETTINGS"], order = 20, type = "execute", width = "full", func = function(info, v) TitanVariables_UseSettings(info[1], TITAN_PROFILE_USE) end, -- does not make sense to load current character profile or global profile disabled = disallow, }, sp_20 = { type = "description", name = "", cmdHidden = true, order = 21, }, optionreset = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_DELETE_SETTINGS"], order = 30, type = "execute", width = "full", func = function(info, v) TitanSettings.Players[info[1]] = nil -- delete the config entry TitanPrint( L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_PROFILE"] ..info[1] ..L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_PROFILE_DELETED"] , "info") if name == TitanAllGetVar("GlobalProfileName") then TitanAllSetVar("GlobalProfileName", TITAN_PROFILE_NONE) end TitanUpdateChars() -- rebuild the toons AceConfigRegistry:NotifyChange("Titan Panel Addon Chars") end, -- can not delete current character profile or global profile disabled = disallow, }, sp_30 = { type = "description", name = "", cmdHidden = true, order = 31, }, sp_31 = { type = "description", name = "", cmdHidden = true, order = 32, }, global_header = { order = 40, type = "header", name = "Global", --L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_VERSION_SHOWN"], cmdHidden = true, }, use_as_global = { order = 41, type = "toggle", width = "full", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_GLOBAL_USE_AS"], get = function() return TitanPanelGetVar("GlobalProfileName") == name end, set = function() if TitanPanelGetVar("GlobalProfileName") == name then -- Was unchecked so clear the saved var TitanAllSetVar("GlobalProfileName", TITAN_PROFILE_NONE) else -- Was checked so set the saved var TitanAllSetVar("GlobalProfileName", name) end if TitanAllGetVar("GlobalProfileUse") then -- Use whatever toon the user picked, if not use current toon if TitanAllGetVar("GlobalProfileName") == TITAN_PROFILE_NONE then TitanAllSetVar("GlobalProfileName", TitanSettings.Player) end TitanVariables_UseSettings(TitanAllGetVar("GlobalProfileName"), TITAN_PROFILE_USE) TitanPrint( L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_PROFILE"] ..":"..(TitanAllGetVar("GlobalProfileName") or "?") ..": "..L["TITAN_PANEL_GLOBAL_RESET_PART"].."..." , "info") else -- end TitanUpdateChars() AceConfigRegistry:NotifyChange("Titan Panel Addon Chars") end, -- can not uncheck current global profile disabled = disallow, }, sp_40 = { type = "description", name = "", cmdHidden = true, order = 42, }, }, } end end -- tell the options screen there is a new list AceConfigRegistry:NotifyChange("Titan Panel Addon Chars") end ------------- --============= Tooltips and Frames --[[ local NAME: optionsFrames DESC: Show the general Tian options that hte user can change: Tooltips: - Hide in combat - Show (or not) Frames (bars): - Lock buttons (plugins) - do not allow plugins to be moved via drag & drop. Shift left / right is still allowwed. - Show plugin versions - show the version in the tooltips Actions: - Force LDB laucnhers to right side - This will move all converted LDB plugins of type launcher to the right side of the Titan bar. - Refresh plugins - This can be used when a plugin has not updated its text. It may allow a plugin to show if it is not visible but the user has selected show. - Reset Titan to default - used when the user wants to reset Titan options to a fresh install state. No plugins are removed by this. :DESC --]] local optionsFrames = { name = TITAN_PANEL_CONFIG.topic.tooltips, --L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_OPTIONS"], type = "group", args = { confdesc2 = { order = 200, type = "header", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_OPTIONS_TOOLTIPS"], }, optiontooltip = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_TOOLTIPS_SHOWN"], -- desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_TOOLTIPS_SHOWN"], order = 201, type = "toggle", width = "full", get = function() return TitanPanelGetVar("ToolTipsShown") end, set = function() TitanPanelToggleVar("ToolTipsShown"); end, }, optiontooltipcombat = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_TOOLTIPS_SHOWN_IN_COMBAT"], -- desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_TOOLTIPS_SHOWN_IN_COMBAT"], order = 210, type = "toggle", width = "full", get = function() return TitanPanelGetVar("HideTipsInCombat") end, set = function() TitanPanelToggleVar("HideTipsInCombat"); end, }, conftooltipdesc = { name = "Tooltip Modifier", type = "group", inline = true, order = 220, args = { confdesc = { order = 110, type = "description", name = "", cmdHidden = true, }, advname = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_TOOLTIP_MOD"], desc = "", -- L[""], order = 120, type = "toggle", width = "full", get = function() return TitanAllGetVar("UseTooltipModifer") end, set = function(_, a) TitanAllSetVar("UseTooltipModifer", a); end, }, tooltipmod = { name = "", type = "group", inline = true, order = 140, args = { alt_key = { name = _G["ALT_KEY_TEXT"], desc = _G["ALT_KEY"], order = 110, type = "toggle", --width = "full", get = function() return TitanAllGetVar("TooltipModiferAlt") end, set = function(_, a) TitanAllSetVar("TooltipModiferAlt", a); end, }, ctrl_key = { name = _G["CTRL_KEY_TEXT"], desc = _G["CTRL_KEY"], order = 120, type = "toggle", --width = "full", get = function() return TitanAllGetVar("TooltipModiferCtrl") end, set = function(_, a) TitanAllSetVar("TooltipModiferCtrl", a); end, }, shift_key = { name = _G["SHIFT_KEY_TEXT"], desc = _G["SHIFT_KEY"], order = 130, type = "toggle", --width = "full", get = function() return TitanAllGetVar("TooltipModiferShift") end, set = function(_, a) TitanAllSetVar("TooltipModiferShift", a); end, }, }, }, }, }, confdesc = { order = 300, type = "header", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_OPTIONS_FRAMES"], }, optionlock = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_LOCK_BUTTONS"], order = 301, type = "toggle", width = "full", get = function() return TitanPanelGetVar("LockButtons") end, set = function() TitanPanelToggleVar("LockButtons") end, }, optionversions = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_VERSION_SHOWN"], order = 302, type = "toggle", width = "full", get = function() return TitanPanelGetVar("VersionShown") end, set = function() TitanPanelToggleVar("VersionShown") end, }, autohidelock = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_AUTOHIDE_IN_COMBAT"], order = 303, type = "toggle", width = "full", get = function() return TitanPanelGetVar("LockAutoHideInCombat") end, set = function() TitanPanelToggleVar("LockAutoHideInCombat") end, }, space_400_1 = { order = 400, type = "description", name = " ", cmdHidden = true, }, optionlaunchers = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_LDB_FORCE_LAUNCHER"], order = 401, type = "execute", width = "full", func = function() TitanPanelBarButton_ForceLDBLaunchersRight() end, }, space_500_1 = { order = 500, type = "description", name = " ", cmdHidden = true, }, pluginreset = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_PLUGIN_RESET"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_PLUGIN_RESET_DESC"], order = 501, type = "execute", width = "full", func = function() TitanPanel_InitPanelButtons() end, }, space_600_1 = { order = 600, type = "description", name = " ", cmdHidden = true, }, optionreset = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_RESET"].." " .._G["GREEN_FONT_COLOR_CODE"] ..L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_RELOADUI"], order = 601, type = "execute", width = "full", func = function() TitanPanel_ResetToDefault() end, } } } ------------- --============= Scale and Font --[[ local NAME: optionsUIScale DESC: Local table to hold the Titan options that allow a user to adjust: - UI scale - Titan scale for bars - Spacing between Titan plugins (right side) - Spacing between Titan icons (left side) - Titan tooltip font scale (bar and plugins) - Toggle the tooltip font scale (allow Titan or Blizz to control) - Set Titan font (bar and plugins) - Set Titan font size - Set Titan bar strata (tells Blizz which frames could go over Titan bar (and plugins) :DESC --]] local optionsUIScale = { name = TITAN_PANEL_CONFIG.topic.scale, --L["TITAN_PANEL_UISCALE_MENU_TEXT"], type = "group", args = { confdesc = { order = 1, type = "description", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_UISCALE_MENU_DESC"].."\n", cmdHidden = true }, uiscale = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_UISCALE_CONTROL_TITLE_UI"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_UISCALE_SLIDER_DESC"], order = 2, type = "range", width = "full", min = 0.64, max = 1, step = 0.01, get = function() return UIParent:GetScale() end, set = function(_, a) SetCVar("useUiScale", 1); SetCVar("uiScale", a, "uiScale"); end, }, panelscale = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_UISCALE_CONTROL_TITLE_PANEL"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_UISCALE_PANEL_SLIDER_DESC"], order = 3, type = "range", width = "full", min = 0.75, max = 1.25, step = 0.01, get = function() return TitanPanelGetVar("Scale") end, set = function(_, a) TitanPanelSetVar("Scale", a) -- TitanPanel_SetScale() TitanPanel_InitPanelBarButton("Config scale change "..a) end, disabled = function() if InCombatLockdown() then return true else return false end end, }, buttonspacing = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_UISCALE_CONTROL_TITLE_BUTTON"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_UISCALE_BUTTON_SLIDER_DESC"], order = 4, type = "range", width = "full", min = 5, max = 80, step = 1, get = function() return TitanPanelGetVar("ButtonSpacing") end, set = function(_, a) TitanPanelSetVar("ButtonSpacing", a); TitanPanel_InitPanelButtons(); end, }, iconspacing = { -- right side plugins name = L["TITAN_PANEL_UISCALE_CONTROL_TITLE_ICON"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_UISCALE_ICON_SLIDER_DESC"], order = 5, type = "range", width = "full", min = 0, max = 20, step = 1, get = function() return TitanPanelGetVar("IconSpacing") end, set = function(_, a) TitanPanelSetVar("IconSpacing", a); TitanPanel_InitPanelButtons(); end, }, spacer01 = { type = "description", name = "\n\n", imageHeight = 0, order = 10, width = "full", }, tooltipdesc = { order = 20, width = "full", type = "header", name = "Tooltip", --L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_GLOBAL_SKIN_TITLE"], }, tooltipfont = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_UISCALE_CONTROL_TOOLTIP_TOOLTIPFONT"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_UISCALE_TOOLTIP_SLIDER_DESC"], order = 21, type = "range", width = "full", min = 0.5, max = 1.3, step = 0.01, get = function() return TitanPanelGetVar("TooltipFont") end, set = function(_, a) TitanPanelSetVar("TooltipFont", a); end, }, tooltipfontdisable = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_UISCALE_TOOLTIP_DISABLE_TEXT"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_UISCALE_DISABLE_TOOLTIP_DESC"], order = 22, type = "toggle", width = "full", get = function() return TitanPanelGetVar("DisableTooltipFont") end, set = function() TitanPanelToggleVar("DisableTooltipFont"); end, }, fontdesc = { order = 30, width = "full", type = "header", name = "Font", --L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_GLOBAL_SKIN_TITLE"], }, fontselection = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_LSM_FONTS"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_LSM_FONTS_DESC"], order = 31, type = "select", width = "40", dialogControl = "LSM30_Font", get = function() return TitanPanelGetVar("FontName") end, set = function(_, v) TitanPanelSetVar("FontName", v) TitanSetPanelFont(v, TitanPanelGetVar("FontSize")) end, values = AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.font, }, fontspacer = { order = 32, type = "description", width = "20", name = " ", }, fontsize = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_FONT_SIZE"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_FONT_SIZE_DESC"], order = 33, type = "range", width = "40", min = 7, max = 15, step = 1, get = function() return TitanPanelGetVar("FontSize") end, set = function(_, v) TitanPanelSetVar("FontSize", v); TitanSetPanelFont(TitanPanelGetVar("FontName"), v) end, }, paneldesc = { order = 40, width = "full", type = "header", name = "Strata", --L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_GLOBAL_SKIN_TITLE"], }, panelstrata = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_FRAME_STRATA"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_FRAME_STRATA_DESC"], order = 41, type = "select", get = function() return TitanPanelGetVar("FrameStrata") end, set = function(_, v) TitanPanelSetVar("FrameStrata", v) TitanVariables_SetPanelStrata(v) end, values = { ["BACKGROUND"] = "BACKGROUND", ["LOW"] = "LOW", ["MEDIUM"] = "MEDIUM", ["HIGH"] = "HIGH", ["DIALOG"] = "DIALOG", ["FULLSCREEN"] = "FULLSCREEN", }, }, panelstrataorder = { order = 42, type = "description", name = "Order of Strata\n" .."- BACKGROUND\n" .."- LOW - default\n" .."- MEDIUM\n" .."- HIGH\n" .."- DIALOG\n" .."- FULLSCREEN\n", cmdHidden = true }, } } ------------- --============= Skins --[[ local NAME: optionsSkins DESC: Local table to hold the Titan skins options. Shows default Titan and any custom skins the user has added. --]] local optionsSkins = { name = TITAN_PANEL_CONFIG.topic.skins, type = "group", args = { } } local function Show_Skins(t, position) --[[ table.sort(TitanSkins, function(a, b) return string.lower(TitanSkins[a].name) < string.lower(TitanSkins[b].name) end) --]] local skin = "Skin" for idx, v in pairs (TitanSkins) do position = position + 1 -- spacer t[skin..position] = { type = "header", name = "", order = position, width = "full", } position = position + 1 -- Name of skin (col 1) t[skin..position] = { type = "description", name = "|cff19ff19"..v.name.."|r", order = position, width = "30", } position = position + 1 -- Top image (col 2) t[skin..position] = { type = "description", name = "", image = v.path.."TitanPanelBackgroundTop0", imageWidth = 256, order = position, width = "50", } position = position + 1 -- spacer t[skin..position] = { type = "description", name = "", imageHeight = 0, order = position, width = "full", } position = position + 1 -- Bottom (col 1) t[skin..position] = { type = "description", name = "", order = position, width = "30", } position = position + 1 -- Bottom image (col 2) t[skin..position] = { type = "description", name = "", image = v.path.."TitanPanelBackgroundBottom0", imageWidth = 256, order = position, width = "50", } position = position + 1 -- final spacer - bottom of config t[skin..position] = { type = "description", name = "", imageHeight = 0, order = position, width = "full", } end position = position + 1 -- final spacer - bottom of config t[skin..position] = { type = "description", name = "", order = position, width = "full", } end local function BuildSkins() optionsSkins.args = {} Show_Skins(optionsSkins.args, 100) -- the current list of skins with images AceConfigRegistry:NotifyChange("Titan Panel Skin Control") end --============= Skins - Custom --[[ local NAME: TitanPanel_AddNewSkin DESC: Add each skin to the options list. If the user had added custom skins these will be shown as well. VAR: skinname - the file name to use VAR: skinpath - the file path to use OUT: None NOTE: - Blizz *does not allow* LUA to access the user file system dynamically so the skins have to be input by hand. Titan can not search for available skins in the Artwork folder. - On the flip side a user can add a custom skin to the Titan saved variables then later delete the skin from the file system. This will not cause an error when the user tries to use (show) that skin but Titan will show a 'blank' skin. :NOTE --]] local function TitanPanel_AddNewSkin(skinname, skinpath) -- name and path must be provided if not skinname or not skinpath then return end -- name cannot be empty or "None", path cannot be empty if skinname == "" or skinname == L["TITAN_PANEL_NONE"] or skinpath == "" then return end -- Assume the skin is already in the Titan saved variables list local found for _,i in pairs(TitanSkins) do if i.name == skinname or i.path == skinpath then found = true break end end -- The skin is new so add it to the Titan saved variables list if not found then table.insert(TitanSkins, {name = skinname, path = skinpath }) end BuildSkins() end --[[ local NAME: optionsSkinsCustom DESC: Local table to hold the Titan custom skins options that allow a user to add or delete skins. - You may not remove the currently used skin - or the default one - or a Titan default skin (it would only come back...) :DESC --]] local optionsSkinsCustom = { name = TITAN_PANEL_CONFIG.topic.skinscust, --L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_TITLE_CUSTOM"], type = "group", args = { confdesc = { order = 1, type = "description", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_MAIN_DESC"].."\n", cmdHidden = true }, nulloption1 = { order = 5, type = "description", name = " ", cmdHidden = true }, addskinheader = { order = 10, type = "header", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_NEW_HEADER"], }, newskinname = { order = 11, name = L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_NAME_TITLE"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_NAME_DESC"], type = "input", width = "full", get = function() return TitanSkinName end, set = function(_,v) TitanSkinName = v end, }, newskinpath = { order = 12, name = L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_PATH_TITLE"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_PATH_DESC"], type = "input", width = "full", get = function() return TitanSkinPath end, set = function(_,v) TitanSkinPath = TitanSkinsCustomPath..v..TitanSkinsPathEnd end, }, addnewskin = { order = 13, name = L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_ADD_HEADER"], type = "execute", desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_ADD_DESC"], func = function() if TitanSkinName ~= "" and TitanSkinPath ~= "" then TitanPanel_AddNewSkin(TitanSkinName, TitanSkinPath) TitanSkinName = "" TitanSkinPath = "" -- Config Tables changed! AceConfigRegistry:NotifyChange("Titan Panel Skin Custom") end end, }, nulloption2 = { order = 14, type = "description", name = " ", cmdHidden = true }, removeskinheader = { order = 20, type = "header", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_REMOVE_HEADER"], }, removeskinlist = { order = 21, type = "select", width = "full", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_REMOVE_HEADER"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_REMOVE_DESC"], get = function() return TitanSkinToRemove end, set = function(_,v) TitanSkinToRemove = v end, values = function() local Skinlist = {} local v; for _,v in pairs (TitanSkins) do if v.path ~= TitanPanelGetVar("TexturePath") and v.path ~= "Interface\\AddOns\\Titan\\Artwork\\" and v.titan ~= true then Skinlist[v.path] = "|cff19ff19"..v.name.."|r" end if v.path == TitanSkinToRemove then Skinlist[v.path] = "|cffffff9a"..v.name.."|r" end end if TitanSkinToRemove ~= "None" then Skinlist["None"] = "|cff19ff19"..L["TITAN_PANEL_NONE"].."|r" else Skinlist["None"] = "|cffffff9a"..L["TITAN_PANEL_NONE"].."|r" end table.sort(Skinlist, function(a, b) return string.lower(TitanSkins[a].name) < string.lower(TitanSkins[b].name) end) return Skinlist end, }, removeskin = { order = 22, type = "execute", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_REMOVE_BUTTON"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_REMOVE_BUTTON_DESC"], func = function() if TitanSkinToRemove == "None" then return end local k, v; for k, v in pairs (TitanSkins) do if v.path == TitanSkinToRemove then table.remove(TitanSkins, k) TitanSkinToRemove = "None" -- Config Tables changed! AceConfigRegistry:NotifyChange("Titan Panel Skin Custom") break end end end, }, nulloption4 = { order = 24, type = "description", name = " ", cmdHidden = true }, resetskinhdear = { order = 200, type = "header", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_RESET_HEADER"], }, defaultskins = { order = 201, name = L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_RESET_DEFAULTS_TITLE"], type = "execute", desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_RESET_DEFAULTS_DESC"], func = function() TitanSkins = TitanSkinsDefault; BuildSkins() end, }, notes_delete = { order = 999, type = "description", name = "\n\n"..L["TITAN_PANEL_SKINS_REMOVE_NOTES"].."\n", cmdHidden = true }, } } ------------- --============= Extras --[[ local NAME: optionsExtras DESC: This is the table shell. The plugin info will be added by another routine. --]] local optionsExtras = { name = TITAN_PANEL_CONFIG.topic.extras, --L["TITAN_PANEL_EXTRAS"], type = "group", args = {} } --[[ local NAME: TitanUpdateAddonAttempts DESC: Show plugins that are not registered (loaded) but have config data. The data can be deleted by the user. VAR: None OUT: None NOTE: - As users change the plugins they use the old ones still have saved variable data stored by Titan. - The old plugin data can be removed by the user when they will not longer use that plugin. - This routine is called to 'redraw' the list as a user deletes data. - A message is sent to chat that the plugin data has been deleted. :NOTE --]] local function TitanUpdateExtras() local args = optionsExtras.args local plug_in = nil wipe(args) args["desc"] = { order = 1, type = "description", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_EXTRAS_DESC"].."\n", cmdHidden = true } for idx, value in pairs(TitanPluginExtras) do if TitanPluginExtras[idx] then local num = TitanPluginExtras[idx].num local name = TitanPluginExtras[idx].id args[name] = { type = "group", name = TitanUtils_GetGoldText(tostring(num)..": "..(name or "?")), order = idx, args = { name = { type = "description", name = TitanUtils_GetGoldText(name or "?"), cmdHidden = true, order = 10, }, optionreset = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_EXTRAS_DELETE_BUTTON"], order = 15, type = "execute", width = "full", func = function(info, v) TitanPluginSettings[info[1]] = nil -- delete the config entry TitanPrint( " '"..info[1].."' "..L["TITAN_PANEL_EXTRAS_DELETE_MSG"] , "info") TitanVariables_ExtraPluginSettings() -- rebuild the list TitanUpdateExtras() -- rebuild the options config AceConfigRegistry:NotifyChange("Titan Panel Addon Extras") -- tell Ace to redraw end, }, } } end end AceConfigRegistry:NotifyChange("Titan Panel Addon Extras") end ------------- --============= Attempts --[[ local NAME: optionsAddonAttempts DESC: This is the table shell. The plugin info will be added by another routine. --]] local optionsAddonAttempts = { name = TITAN_PANEL_CONFIG.topic.attempts, --L["TITAN_PANEL_ATTEMPTS"], type = "group", args = {} } --[[ local NAME: TitanUpdateAddonAttempts DESC: Show the each plugin that attempted to register with Titan. This can be used by plugin developers as the create / update plugins (Titan or LDB). It can also be used by user to attempt to figure out why a plugin is not shown or to report an issue to Titan. VAR: None OUT: None NOTE: - This is called after the plugins are registered in the 'player entering world' event. It can be called again as plugins registered. - Any plugins that attempted to register (no child frames though) are shown. See the Titan Utils section for more details on plugin registration. - This option page is for display only. The user can take not action. :NOTE --]] local function TitanUpdateAddonAttempts() local args = optionsAddonAttempts.args local plug_in = nil wipe(args) args["desc"] = { order = 0, type = "description", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_ATTEMPTS_DESC"], cmdHidden = true } for idx, value in pairs(TitanPluginToBeRegistered) do if TitanPluginToBeRegistered[idx] then local num = tostring(idx) local button = TitanPluginToBeRegistered[idx].button local name = (TitanPluginToBeRegistered[idx].name or "?") local reason = TitanPluginToBeRegistered[idx].status local issue = TitanPluginToBeRegistered[idx].issue local notes = TitanPluginToBeRegistered[idx].notes or "" local category = TitanPluginToBeRegistered[idx].category local ptype = TitanPluginToBeRegistered[idx].plugin_type local btype = TitanPanelButton_GetType(idx) local title = TitanPluginToBeRegistered[idx].name local isChild = TitanPluginToBeRegistered[idx].isChild and true or false if reason ~= TITAN_REGISTERED then title = TitanUtils_GetRedText(title) issue = TitanUtils_GetRedText(issue) end if isChild then -- Do not show. A child is part of (within) another plugin -- showing it here would be confusing to the 'normal' user. -- A plugin in author would know to look at the -- TitanPluginToBeRegistered array directly. else args[num] = { type = "group", name = title, order = idx, args = { name ={ type = "description", name = TitanUtils_GetGoldText("")..name, cmdHidden = true, order = 1, }, reason = { type = "description", name = TitanUtils_GetGoldText(L["TITAN_PANEL_ATTEMPTS_STATUS"]..": ")..reason, cmdHidden = true, order = 2, }, issue = { type = "description", name = TitanUtils_GetGoldText(L["TITAN_PANEL_ATTEMPTS_ISSUE"]..": \n")..issue, cmdHidden = true, order = 3, }, notes = { type = "description", name = TitanUtils_GetGoldText(L["TITAN_PANEL_ATTEMPTS_NOTES"]..": \n")..notes, cmdHidden = true, order = 4, }, sp_1 = { type = "description", name = "", cmdHidden = true, order = 5, }, category = { type = "description", name = TitanUtils_GetGoldText(L["TITAN_PANEL_ATTEMPTS_CATEGORY"]..": ")..category, cmdHidden = true, order = 10, }, ptype = { type = "description", name = TitanUtils_GetGoldText(L["TITAN_PANEL_ATTEMPTS_TYPE"]..": ")..ptype, --.." "..btype, cmdHidden = true, order = 11, }, button = { type = "description", name = TitanUtils_GetGoldText(L["TITAN_PANEL_ATTEMPTS_BUTTON"]..": ")..button, cmdHidden = true, order = 12, }, num_val = { type = "description", name = TitanUtils_GetGoldText(L["TITAN_PANEL_ATTEMPTS_TABLE"]..": ")..num, cmdHidden = true, order = 13, }, } } end end end -- Config Tables changed! AceConfigRegistry:NotifyChange(L["TITAN_PANEL"]) end ------------- --============= Advanced local conftimerdesc = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_TIMER"], type = "group", inline = true, order = 1, args = { confdesc = { order = 10, type = "description", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_TIMER_DESC"], cmdHidden = true }, advtimerpew = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_PEW"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_PEW_DESC"], order = 20, type = "range", width = "full", min = 1, max = 10, step = 0.5, get = function() return TitanAllGetVar("TimerPEW") end, set = function(_, a) TitanAllSetVar("TimerPEW", a); TitanTimers["EnterWorld"].delay = a end, }, advtimervehicle = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_VEHICLE"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_VEHICLE_DESC"], order = 50, type = "range", width = "full", min = 1, max = 10, step = 0.5, get = function() return TitanAllGetVar("TimerVehicle") end, set = function(_, a) TitanAllSetVar("TimerVehicle", a); TitanTimers["Vehicle"].delay = a end, }, }, } local confbuffdesc = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_BUFF"], type = "group", inline = true, order = 2, args = { confbuffdesc = { order = 110, type = "description", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_BUFF_DESC"], cmdHidden = true }, advbuffadj = { name = "Buff", --L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_PEW"], desc = "", -- L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_PEW_DESC"], order = 120, type = "range", width = "full", min = -100, max = 100, step = 1, get = function() return TitanPanelGetVar("BuffIconVerticalAdj") end, set = function(_, a) TitanPanelSetVar("BuffIconVerticalAdj", a); -- Adjust frame positions TitanPanel_AdjustFrames(true, "BuffIconVerticalAdj") end, }, }, } --[[ local NAME: optionsAdvanced DESC: Set the table to allow the user to control advanced features. Controls: - Entering world timer - some users need Titan to wait longer whenever the splash / loading screen is shown before adjusting frames and (re)setting data. - Vehicle timer - some users need Titan to wait longer whenever entering or leaving a vehicle before adjusting frames. :DESC --]] local optionsAdvanced = { name = TITAN_PANEL_CONFIG.topic.advanced, --L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV"], type = "group", args = { confoutputdesc = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_OUTPUT"], type = "group", inline = true, order = 3, args = { confdesc = { order = 110, type = "description", name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_OUTPUT_DESC"], cmdHidden = true }, advname = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_NAME"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_NAME_DESC"], order = 120, type = "toggle", width = "full", get = function() return not TitanAllGetVar("Silenced") end, -- yes, we did it to ourselves... set = function(_, a) TitanAllSetVar("Silenced", not a); end, }, advplugins = { name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_PLUGINS"], desc = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV_PLUGINS_DESC"], order = 120, type = "toggle", width = "full", get = function() return TitanAllGetVar("Registered") end, set = function(_, a) TitanAllSetVar("Registered", a); end, }, }, }, }, } local function BuildAdv() if TITAN_ID == "TitanClassic" then optionsAdvanced.args.conftimerdesc = conftimerdesc optionsAdvanced.args.confbuffdesc = confbuffdesc else -- Do not need end AceConfigRegistry:NotifyChange("Titan Panel Advanced") end ------------- --============= Change History --[[ local NAME: Recent change history DESC: Show change history of releases :DESC --]] local changeHistory = { name = TITAN_PANEL_CONFIG.topic.changes, --L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_ADV"], type = "group", args = { confchanges = { order = 7, name = " ", --CHANGES_COLON, type = "group", inline = true, args = { confversiondesc = { order = 1, type = "description", name = ""..changes, cmdHidden = true }, } }, }, } --============= / Command --[[ local NAME: slash command help DESC: Show detailed help for slash commands :DESC --]] local slashHelp = { name = TITAN_PANEL_CONFIG.topic.slash, type = "group", args = { confslash = { name = (HELP or "Help"), order = 3, type = "group", inline = true, args = { confversiondesc = { order = 1, type = "description", name = "" ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("reset\n") ..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_0"].."\n" ..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_1"].."\n" ..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_2"].."\n" ..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_3"].."\n" ..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_4"].."\n" ..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_RESET_5"].."\n" .."\n" ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("gui\n") ..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_GUI_0"].."\n" ..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_GUI_1"].."\n" ..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_GUI_2"].."\n" ..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_GUI_3"].."\n" .."\n" ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("profile\n") ..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_PROFILE_0"].."\n" ..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_PROFILE_1"].."\n" ..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_PROFILE_2"].."\n" ..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_PROFILE_3"].."\n" .."\n" ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("silent\n") ..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_SILENT_0"].."\n" ..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_SILENT_1"].."\n" .."\n" ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("orderhall\n") ..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_ORDERHALL_0"].."\n" ..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_ORDERHALL_1"].."\n" .."\n" ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("help\n") ..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_HELP_0"].."\n" ..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_HELP_1"].."\n" .."\n" ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("all\n") ..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_ALL_0"].."\n" ..L["TITAN_PANEL_SLASH_ALL_1"].."\n" .."", cmdHidden = true }, } }, }, } ------------- --============= / Help local help_text = "" do -- set help_text help_text = "" ..TitanUtils_GetGreenText("Plugins: \n") ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("Show / Hide Plugins :") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .." Use one of the methods below:\n" .."- Open the right-click Bar menu; find the plugin in a category then click to toggle Show on the plugin.\n" .."- Open Titan Configuration > Plugins then select the plugin by name then toggle Show. Uuse the Bar dropdown to select the Bar the plugin should be on.\n" ) ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("Moving Plugins :") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .." Use one of the methods below:\n" .."- Open the right-click Bar menu of the Bar you want the plugin on; find the plugin in a category then toggle Show. If plugin is already shown on another Bar then toggle again to have it appear in this Bar.\n" .."- Drag and drop on another bar or on the same bar.\n" .."- Drag and drop on another plugin to swap the plugins.\n" .."- Open Titan Configuration > Plugins then toggle Show. Use the Bar dropdown and Right / Left buttons to place the plugin as desired.\n" ) .."\n\n" ..TitanUtils_GetGreenText("Short Bars: \n") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .."Short bars are 10 shorter Titan bars that the user can place and change width.\n" .."- Short bars are independent. They may be used with or without the full width Titan bars.\n" .."- Titan does not restrict plugins to fit within the visible width (background). Using Configuration, plugins can be assigned well beyond the visible side. This may be desirable for some users.\n" .."- Setting a plugin to right-side will use the visible right side (background); and may overlap with left or center aligned plugins.\n" ) ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("Enable :\n") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .."- Open Configuration > Bars to enable and change Bar options.\n" .."- The default position is the top center under the full width bars. They will be stacked to not overlap.\n" ) ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("Change Size :\n") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .."- Change width by 1 : Use Shift + mouse wheel.\n" .."- Change width by 10: Use Shift + Ctrl + mouse wheel.\n" .."- WIll not go beyond right side of screen.\n" ) ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("Move :\n") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .."- Use Shift + left mouse on Bar, not plugins, and drag.\n" .."- When dragging, best to place your mouse over the left side padding before moving or changing width.\n" .."- When dragging stops, if the Short Bar is beyond the screen edge the Short Bar should 'snap' to the edge.\n" ) ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("Reset :\n") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .." In case a Short bar gets messed up, use Config > Bar > <Pick the Bar> then click Reset Position to place it at original position and width.\n" ) ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("Skin :\n") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .."- Can select Skin per Short bar BUT only the 'top' skin is used; some skins have a different top & bottom.\n" ) ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("Limitations :\n") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .."- Min width : Left side padding plus one icon width.\n" .."- Max width : Screen width.\n" .."- There is no 'snap together' or grid for placing Short Bars.\n" .."\n" ) ..TitanUtils_GetGreenText("All Bars: \n") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .."- Bar Right click menu shows the name of the Bar in the menu title. Same name in configuration options.\n" .."- Hide any Titan bar by using the Bar Right click menu then click Hide.\n" ) ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("Skins :\n") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .."- Select per Titan bar.\n" .."- Select a skin for all Titan bars. This does NOT change the individual Titan bar skin settings.\n" ) ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("Hide in Combat :\n") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .."- Select per Titan bar.\n" .."- Hide all Titan bars during combat. This does NOT change the individual Titan bar hide in combat settings.\n" ) ..TitanUtils_GetGoldText("Bar Order (English) :") ..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText("" .." Configuration > Bars shows localized Bar names.\n" .."- Top : Always top of screen\n" .."- Top 2 : Always under Top Bar\n" .."- Bottom 2 : Always above Bottom Bar\n" .."- Bottom : Always bottom of screen\n" .."- Short 01 - 10 : User placed\n" ) .."\n\n" end --[[ local NAME: helpBars DESC: Help for the Titan Panel user :DESC --]] local helpBars = { name = TITAN_PANEL_CONFIG.topic.help, type = "group", args = { confgendesc = { name = "Help", order = 1, type = "group", inline = true, args = { confdesc = { order = 1, type = "description", name = help_text, cmdHidden = true }, } }, } } ------------- ------------- --[[ Titan NAME: TitanUpdateConfig DESC: This routine will handle the requests to update the various data items in Titan options screens. VAR: None OUT: None NOTE: - This is called after the plugins are registered in the 'player entering world' event. It can be called again as more plugins are registered. :NOTE --]] function TitanUpdateConfig(action) if action == "init" then -- Update the tables for the latest lists TitanUpdateConfigAddons() TitanUpdateAddonAttempts() TitanUpdateExtras() TitanUpdateChars() BuildSkins() BuildBars() BuildAdj() BuildAdv() end if action == "nuke" then local nuked = { name = "Titan could not initialize properly.", --L["TITAN_PANEL_DEBUG"], type = "group", args = {} } TitanPrint("-- Clearing Titan options...", "warning") -- Use the same group as below!! -- AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Main", nuked) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Bars", nuked) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Globals", nuked) -- AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Aux Bars", nuked) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Frames", nuked) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Transparency Control", nuked) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Panel Control", nuked) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Skin Control", nuked) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Skin Custom", nuked) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Addon Control", nuked) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Addon Attempts", nuked) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Addon Extras", nuked) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Addon Chars", nuked) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Addon Advanced", nuked) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Addon Changes", nuked) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Addon Slash", nuked) end end --[[ Register the options tables with Ace then register the options with Blizz so the user can use them. --]] -- Add Blizzard Configuration Panels --[[ The first param needs to used for the 'add to options' The second param must be the table Ace will use to create the user options --]] AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Main", titan_entry) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Bars", optionsBars) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Globals", optionsGlobals) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Adjust", optionsAdjust) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Frames", optionsFrames) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Panel Control", optionsUIScale) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Skin Control", optionsSkins) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Skin Custom", optionsSkinsCustom) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Addon Control", optionsAddons) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Addon Attempts", optionsAddonAttempts) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Addon Extras", optionsExtras) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Addon Chars", optionsChars) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Addon Advanced", optionsAdvanced) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Addon Changes", changeHistory) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Addon Slash", slashHelp) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("Titan Panel Help", helpBars) --]] -- Set the main options pages --[[ The first param must be the same as the cooresponding 'Ace register' The second param should be the same as the .name of the cooresponding table that was registered, if not, any 'open' may fail. --]] --AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Titan Panel Main", L["TITAN_PANEL"]) AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Titan Panel Main", titan_entry.name) AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Titan Panel Bars", optionsBars.name, titan_entry.name) AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Titan Panel Globals", optionsGlobals.name, titan_entry.name) AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Titan Panel Adjust", optionsAdjust.name, titan_entry.name) AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Titan Panel Addon Control", optionsAddons.name, titan_entry.name) AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Titan Panel Addon Chars", optionsChars.name, titan_entry.name) AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Titan Panel Frames", optionsFrames.name, titan_entry.name) AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Titan Panel Panel Control", optionsUIScale.name, titan_entry.name) AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Titan Panel Skin Control", optionsSkins.name, titan_entry.name) AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Titan Panel Skin Custom", optionsSkinsCustom.name, titan_entry.name) AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Titan Panel Addon Extras", optionsExtras.name, titan_entry.name) AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Titan Panel Addon Attempts", optionsAddonAttempts.name, titan_entry.name) AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Titan Panel Addon Advanced", optionsAdvanced.name, titan_entry.name) AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Titan Panel Addon Changes", changeHistory.name, titan_entry.name) AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Titan Panel Addon Slash", slashHelp.name, titan_entry.name) AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("Titan Panel Help", helpBars.name, titan_entry.name)