--[[ IDE
    This file is NOT to be included in the TOC file!
    This is intended to be used for IDE Intellisense.

    Tools used:
    Visual Studio Code - https://code.visualstudio.com/
    Other IDEs accept Lua Language Server, see if your prefered IDE will accept LLS

    Lua Language Server (LLS) - https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=sumneko.lua
    WoW API - LLS extension - https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ketho.wow-api

    This file is to remove errors and warnings thrown by the tools used.
    It declares variables and tables :
    - That are not readily available to the IDE
    - That are declared via indirection as the drop down lib is
    - When Lua 'best practice' parser is stricter than Lua is
    - When Titan is checking for an addon the user may or may not have loaded

    Titan may contain IDE annotations.
    These are ---@<tag> to help the parser understand the intent of the code.

    Some Titan files may contain lines beginning with
    These remove LLS errors where
    - Titan is handling Classic versions that use deprecated routines
    - Possibly the WoW extension is out of date or the Blizz documentation is wrong

    Note the diagnostic could be by line, file, or workspace / project.

--====== Frames from Titan Template XML
TitanPanelButtonTemplate = {}
TitanPanelChildButtonTemplate = {}
TitanPanelTextTemplate = {}
TitanPanelIconTemplate = {}
TitanPanelComboTemplate = {}
TitanOptionsSliderTemplate = {}
TitanPanelTooltip = {}
TitanPanelBarButtonHiderTemplate = {}
TitanPanelBarButton = {}
Titan_Bar__Display_Template = {}

--====== Frames from Titan XML
TitanPanelTopAnchor = {}
TitanPanelBottomAnchor = {}

--====== Frames from Titan plugins created in XML or in Titan code
TitanPanelAmmoButton = {}

TitanRepairTooltip = {}

TitanPanelLocationButton = {}
TitanMapPlayerLocation = {}
TitanMapCursorLocation = {}

TitanPanelLootTypeFrame = {}
TitanPanelLootTypeButton = {}
TitanPanelLootTypeMainWindow = {}
TitanPanelLootTypeFrameClearButton = {}
TitanPanelLootTypeFrameAnnounceButton = {}
TitanPanelLootTypeFrameNotRolledButton = {}
TitanPanelLootTypeFrameRollButton = {}
TitanPanelLootTypeFramePassButton = {}
RollTrackerRollText = {}
TitanPanelLootTypeFrameStatusText = {}
TitanPanelLootTypeFrameHelperButton = {}
TitanPanelLootTypeMainWindowTitle = {}

TitanPanelPerfControlFrame = {}

TitanPanelMasterVolumeControlSlider = {}
TitanPanelAmbienceVolumeControlSlider = {}
TitanPanelDialogVolumeControlSlider = {}
TitanPanelSoundVolumeControlSlider = {}
TitanPanelMusicVolumeControlSlider = {}

TitanPanelXPButton = {}
TitanPanelXPButtonIcon = {}

--====== Libs that may exist or adjusting for libs
AceLibrary = {}
Tablet20Frame = {}
---@class AceAddon

AceHook = {}
-- @param obj string | function The object or frame to unhook from
-- @param method function The name of the method, function or script to unhook from.
function AceHook:IsHooked(obj, method)
    -- Ace does a parameter shift if obj is a string
    -- But the param does not reflect this...

--====== WoW localized globals
HELP = ""

--====== WoW frames
PetActionBarFrame = {}
StanceBarFrame = {}
PossessBarFrame = {}
MinimapBorderTop = {}
MinimapZoneTextButton = {}
MiniMapWorldMapButton = {}
VideoOptionsFrame = {}

---@class FrameSizeBorder

--====== WoW tables or routines
FCF_UpdateDockPosition = {}
TargetFrame_Update = {}
VideoOptionsFrameOkay_OnClick = {}

--====== Convince IDE we know what we are doing
-- Lua allows table updates but the IDE complains about 'injecting' a field it does not know about.
-- Adding a function or variable to a frame in this case.

-- LDB
---@class Frame
---@field TitanLDBSetOwnerPosition function Anchor tooltip
---@field TitanLDBSetTooltip function Fill tooltip
---@field TitanLDBHandleScripts function Set frame scripts
---@field TitanLDBTextUpdate function Update plugin text
---@field TitanLDBIconUpdate function Update plugin icon
---@field TitanLDBCreateObject function Create plugin
---@field TitanCreatedBy string
---@field TitanType string
---@field TitanName string
---@field TitanAction string
---@field bar_name string
---@field registry table LDB or any plugin

--====== WoW Drop down menu

---@class LibUIDropDownMenu-4.0
---@field UIDropDownMenu_InitializeHelper function
---@field Create_UIDropDownMenu function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_Initialize function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_SetInitializeFunction function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_SetDisplayMode function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_RefreshDropDownSize function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_StartCounting function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_StopCounting function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_CreateFrames function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_AddSeparator function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_AddSpace function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_AddButton function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_CheckAddCustomFrame function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_RegisterCustomFrame function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_GetMaxButtonWidth function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_GetButtonWidth function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_Refresh function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_RefreshAll function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_SetIconImage function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedName function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedName function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedID function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedValue function
---@field HideDropDownMenu function
---@field ToggleDropDownMenu function
---@field CloseDropDownMenus function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_SetButtonWidth function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_SetText function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_GetText function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_ClearAll function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_JustifyText function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_SetAnchor function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_GetCurrentDropDown function
---@field UIDropDownMenuButton_GetChecked function
---@field UIDropDownMenuButton_GetName function
---@field UIDropDownMenuButton_OpenColorPicker function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_DisableButton function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_EnableButton function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_SetButtonText function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_SetButtonNotClickable function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_SetButtonClickable function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_DisableDropDown function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_EnableDropDown function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_IsEnabled function
---@field UIDropDownMenu_GetValue function
---@field OpenColorPicker function
---@field ColorPicker_GetPreviousValues function