--[[ File NAME: TitanVariables.lua DESC: This file contains the routines to initialize, get, and set the basic data structures used by Titan. It also sets the global variables and constants used by Titan. TitanSettings, TitanSkins, ServerTimeOffsets, ServerHourFormat are the structures saved to disk (listed in toc). TitanSettings: is the table that holds the Titan variables by character and the plugins used by that character. TitanSkins: is the table that holds the list of Titan and custom skins available to the user. It is assumed that the skins are in the proper folder on the hard drive. Blizzard does not allow addons to access the disk. ServerTimeOffsets and ServerHourFormat: are the tables that hold the user selected hour offset and display format per realm (server). :DESC --]] local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(TITAN_ID, true) local _G = getfenv(0); local media = LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0") -- Global variables Titan__InitializedPEW = nil Titan__Initialized_Settings = nil TITAN_AT = "@" TitanAll = nil; TitanSettings = nil; TitanPlayerSettings = nil TitanPluginSettings = nil; -- Used by plugins TitanPanelSettings = nil; TITAN_PANEL_UPDATE_BUTTON = 1; TITAN_PANEL_UPDATE_TOOLTIP = 2; TITAN_PANEL_UPDATE_ALL = 3; TitanTooltipOrigScale = 1; TitanTooltipScaleSet = 0; -- Set Titan Version var for backwards compatibility TITAN_VERSION = GetAddOnMetadata(TITAN_ID, "Version") or L["TITAN_NA"] -- Various constants TITAN_PANEL_PLACE_TOP = 1; TITAN_PANEL_PLACE_BOTTOM = 2; TITAN_PANEL_PLACE_BOTH = 3; TITAN_PANEL_MOVING = 0; TITAN_WOW_SCREEN_TOP = 768 TITAN_WOW_SCREEN_BOT = 0 TITAN_TOP = "Top" TITAN_BOTTOM = "Bottom" TITAN_RIGHT = "Right" TITAN_LEFT = "Left" TITAN_PANEL_BUTTONS_ALIGN_LEFT = 1; TITAN_PANEL_BUTTONS_ALIGN_CENTER = 2; TITAN_PANEL_CONTROL = "TitanPanelBarButton" -- New bar vars TITAN_PANEL_BAR_HEIGHT = 24 TITAN_PANEL_BAR_TEXTURE_HEIGHT = 30 TITAN_PANEL_AUTOHIDE_PREFIX = "TitanPanelAutoHide_" TITAN_PANEL_AUTOHIDE_SUFFIX = "Button" TITAN_PANEL_HIDE_PREFIX = "Titan_Bar__Hider_" TITAN_PANEL_DISPLAY_PREFIX = "Titan_Bar__Display_" TITAN_PANEL_DISPLAY_MENU = "Menu_" --TITAN_PANEL_DISPLAY_ID = "Id_" TITAN_PANEL_BACKGROUND_PREFIX = "TitanPanelBackground_" TITAN_PANEL_TEXT = "Text" TITAN_PANEL_BUTTON_TEXT = "Button"..TITAN_PANEL_TEXT TITAN_PANEL_CONSTANTS = { FONT_SIZE = 10, FONT_NAME = "Friz Quadrata TT" } if (GetLocale() == "ruRU") then -- Special fix for Russian - "Friz Quadrata TT" does not seem to work TITAN_PANEL_CONSTANTS.FONT_NAME = "Arial Narrow" end local TPC = TITAN_PANEL_CONSTANTS -- shortcut TITAN_CUSTOM_PROFILE_POSTFIX = "TitanCustomProfile" TITAN_PROFILE_NONE = "<>" TITAN_PROFILE_RESET = "<RESET>" TITAN_PROFILE_USE = "<USE>" TITAN_PROFILE_INIT = "<INIT>" AUTOHIDE_PREFIX = "TitanPanelAutoHide_" AUTOHIDE_SUFFIX = "Button" TITAN_PANEL_BUTTONS_PLUGIN_CATEGORY = {"Built-ins","General","Combat","Information","Interface","Profession"} --[[ Titan NAME: Titan bar overview DESC: -- 3 buttons are used to create a Titan bar: -- the 'display' button, -- the 'hider', -- and the 'auto hide' plugin. -- The display is where the plugins are displayed. -- The hider is used if auto hide is requested. This button will cause the display to show when the mouse is enters. -- The auto hide is the plugin that shows the auto hide 'pin'. :DESC --]] --[[ Titan NAME: TitanBarOrder table DESC: The values must match the 'name' in the TitanBarData table!!! The values specify the order the options should be ordered in the options pulldown. :DESC --]] TitanBarOrder = {"Bar", "Bar2", "AuxBar2", "AuxBar"} --[[ Titan NAME: TitanBarData table. DESC: The index must match the 'button' names in the TitanPanel.xml!!! The table holds: the name of each Titan bar (in the index) the short name of the bar whether the bar is on top or bottom the order they should be in top to bottom show / hide give the values for the cooresponding SetPoint The short name is used to build names of the various saved variables, frames, and buttons used by Titan. :DESC -]] TitanBarData = { [TITAN_PANEL_DISPLAY_PREFIX.."Bar"] = { locale_name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_TOP"], name = "Bar", vert = TITAN_TOP, order = 1, hider = TITAN_PANEL_HIDE_PREFIX.."Bar", auto_hide_plugin = AUTOHIDE_PREFIX.."Bar"..AUTOHIDE_SUFFIX, plugin_y_offset = 1, show = { top = {pt="TOPLEFT", rel_fr="UIParent", rel_pt="TOPLEFT", x=0, y=0}, bot = {pt="BOTTOMRIGHT", rel_fr="UIParent", rel_pt="TOPRIGHT", x=0, y=-TITAN_PANEL_BAR_HEIGHT} }, hide = { top = {pt="TOPLEFT", rel_fr="UIParent", rel_pt="TOPLEFT", x=0, y=TITAN_PANEL_BAR_HEIGHT*2}, bot = {pt="BOTTOMRIGHT", rel_fr="UIParent", rel_pt="TOPRIGHT", x=0, y=TITAN_PANEL_BAR_HEIGHT*2} } }, [TITAN_PANEL_DISPLAY_PREFIX.."Bar2"] = { locale_name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_TOP2"], name = "Bar2", vert = TITAN_TOP, order = 2, hider = TITAN_PANEL_HIDE_PREFIX.."Bar2", auto_hide_plugin = AUTOHIDE_PREFIX.."Bar2"..AUTOHIDE_SUFFIX, plugin_y_offset = 1, show = { top = {pt="TOPLEFT", rel_fr="UIParent", rel_pt="TOPLEFT", x=0, y=-TITAN_PANEL_BAR_HEIGHT}, bot = {pt="BOTTOMRIGHT", rel_fr="UIParent", rel_pt="TOPRIGHT", x=0, y=-TITAN_PANEL_BAR_HEIGHT*2} }, hide = { top = {pt="TOPLEFT", rel_fr="UIParent", rel_pt="TOPLEFT", x=0, y=TITAN_PANEL_BAR_HEIGHT*2}, bot = {pt="BOTTOMRIGHT", rel_fr="UIParent", rel_pt="TOPRIGHT", x=0, y=TITAN_PANEL_BAR_HEIGHT*2} } }, -- no idea why -1 is needed for the bottom... seems anchoring to bottom is off a pixel [TITAN_PANEL_DISPLAY_PREFIX.."AuxBar2"] = { locale_name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_BOTTOM2"], name = "AuxBar2", vert = TITAN_BOTTOM, order = 3, hider = TITAN_PANEL_HIDE_PREFIX.."AuxBar2", auto_hide_plugin = AUTOHIDE_PREFIX.."AuxBar2"..AUTOHIDE_SUFFIX, plugin_y_offset = 1, show = { top = {pt="TOPRIGHT", rel_fr="UIParent", rel_pt="BOTTOMRIGHT", x=0, y=TITAN_PANEL_BAR_HEIGHT*2-1}, bot = {pt="BOTTOMLEFT", rel_fr="UIParent", rel_pt="BOTTOMLEFT", x=0, y=TITAN_PANEL_BAR_HEIGHT-1} }, hide = { top = {pt="TOPRIGHT", rel_fr="UIParent", rel_pt="BOTTOMRIGHT", x=0, y=-TITAN_PANEL_BAR_HEIGHT*2}, bot = {pt="BOTTOMLEFT", rel_fr="UIParent", rel_pt="BOTTOMLEFT", x=0, y=-TITAN_PANEL_BAR_HEIGHT*2} } }, [TITAN_PANEL_DISPLAY_PREFIX.."AuxBar"] = { locale_name = L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_BOTTOM"], name = "AuxBar", vert = TITAN_BOTTOM, order = 4, hider = TITAN_PANEL_HIDE_PREFIX.."AuxBar", auto_hide_plugin = AUTOHIDE_PREFIX.."AuxBar"..AUTOHIDE_SUFFIX, plugin_y_offset = 1, show = { top = {pt="TOPRIGHT", rel_fr="UIParent", rel_pt="BOTTOMRIGHT", x=0, y=TITAN_PANEL_BAR_HEIGHT-1}, bot = {pt="BOTTOMLEFT", rel_fr="UIParent", rel_pt="BOTTOMLEFT", x=0, y=0-1} }, hide = { top = {pt="TOPRIGHT", rel_fr="UIParent", rel_pt="BOTTOMRIGHT", x=0, y=-TITAN_PANEL_BAR_HEIGHT*2}, bot = {pt="BOTTOMLEFT", rel_fr="UIParent", rel_pt="BOTTOMLEFT", x=0, y=-TITAN_PANEL_BAR_HEIGHT*2} } }, } -- Timers used within Titan TitanTimers = {} --[[ Titan NAME: AutoHideData table. DESC: The index must match the hider 'button' names in the TitanPanel.xml!!! The table holds: the name of each hider bar (in the index) the short name of the hider bar whether the hider bar is on top or bottom :DESC --]] AutoHideData = { -- This has to follow the convention for plugins... [AUTOHIDE_PREFIX.."Bar"..AUTOHIDE_SUFFIX] = {name = "Bar", vert = TITAN_TOP}, [AUTOHIDE_PREFIX.."Bar2"..AUTOHIDE_SUFFIX] = {name = "Bar2", vert = TITAN_TOP}, [AUTOHIDE_PREFIX.."AuxBar2"..AUTOHIDE_SUFFIX] = {name = "AuxBar2", vert = TITAN_BOTTOM}, [AUTOHIDE_PREFIX.."AuxBar"..AUTOHIDE_SUFFIX] = {name = "AuxBar", vert = TITAN_BOTTOM}, } --[[ Titan TitanPluginToBeRegistered table holds each plugin that is requesting to be a plugin. TitanPluginToBeRegisteredNum is the number of plugins that have requested. Each plugin in the table will be updated with the status of the registration and will be available in the Titan Attempted option. --]] TitanPluginToBeRegistered = {} TitanPluginToBeRegisteredNum = 0 TitanPluginRegisteredNum = 0 --TitanPluginAttempted = {} --TitanPluginAttemptedNum = 0 --[[ Titan TitanPluginExtras table holds the plugin data for plugins that are in saved variables but not loaded on the current character. TitanPluginExtrasNum is the number of plugins not loaded. --]] TitanPluginExtras = {} TitanPluginExtrasNum = 0 -- Global to hold where the Titan menu orginated from... TitanPanel_DropMenu = nil local Default_Plugins = { {id = "Location", loc = "Bar"}, {id = "XP", loc = "Bar"}, {id = "Gold", loc = "Bar"}, {id = "Clock", loc = "Bar"}, {id = "Volume", loc = "Bar"}, {id = "AutoHide_Bar", loc = "Bar"}, {id = "Bag", loc = "Bar"}, {id = "Repair", loc = "Bar"}, } --[[ Titan TITAN_PANEL_SAVED_VARIABLES table holds the Titan Panel Default SavedVars. --]] TITAN_PANEL_SAVED_VARIABLES = { Buttons = {}, Location = {}, TexturePath = "Interface\\AddOns\\TitanClassic\\Artwork\\", Transparency = 0.7, AuxTransparency = 0.7, Scale = 1, ButtonSpacing = 20, IconSpacing = 0, TooltipTrans = 1, TooltipFont = 1, DisableTooltipFont = 1, FontName = TPC.FONT_NAME, FrameStrata = "LOW", FontSize = TPC.FONT_SIZE, ScreenAdjust = false, LogAdjust = false, MinimapAdjust = false, BagAdjust = 1, TicketAdjust = 1, Position = 1, ButtonAlign = 1, AuxScreenAdjust = false, LockButtons = false, LockAutoHideInCombat = false, VersionShown = 1, ToolTipsShown = 1, HideTipsInCombat = false, -- for the independent bars Bar_Show = true, Bar_Hide = false, Bar_Align = TITAN_PANEL_BUTTONS_ALIGN_LEFT, Bar_Transparency = 0.7, Bar2_Show = false, Bar2_Hide = false, Bar2_Transparency = 0.7, Bar2_Align = TITAN_PANEL_BUTTONS_ALIGN_LEFT, AuxBar_Show = false, AuxBar_Hide = false, AuxBar_Transparency = 0.7, AuxBar_Align = TITAN_PANEL_BUTTONS_ALIGN_LEFT, AuxBar2_Show = false, AuxBar2_Hide = false, AuxBar2_Transparency = 0.7, AuxBar2_Align = TITAN_PANEL_BUTTONS_ALIGN_LEFT, MainMenuBarXAdj = 0, }; --[[ Titan TITAN_ALL_SAVED_VARIABLES table holds the Titan Panel Global SavedVars. --]] TITAN_ALL_SAVED_VARIABLES = { -- for timers in seconds TimerPEW = 4, TimerDualSpec = 2, TimerLDB = 2, TimerAdjust = 1, TimerVehicle = 1, -- Global profile GlobalProfileUse = false, GlobalProfileName = TITAN_PROFILE_NONE, -- Silent Load Silenced = false, -- OrderHallCommandBar Status --OrderHall = true, }; -- The skins released with Titan TitanSkinsDefaultPath = "Interface\\AddOns\\TitanClassic\\Artwork\\" TitanSkinsCustomPath = TitanSkinsDefaultPath.."Custom\\" TitanSkinsPathEnd = "\\" TitanSkinsDefault = { { name = "Titan Default", titan=true, path = TitanSkinsDefaultPath}, { name = "AllBlack", titan=true, path = TitanSkinsCustomPath.."AllBlack Skin"..TitanSkinsPathEnd}, { name = "BlackPlusOne", titan=true, path = TitanSkinsCustomPath.."BlackPlusOne Skin"..TitanSkinsPathEnd}, { name = "Christmas", titan=true, path = TitanSkinsCustomPath.."Christmas Skin"..TitanSkinsPathEnd}, { name = "Charcoal Metal", titan=true, path = TitanSkinsCustomPath.."Charcoal Metal"..TitanSkinsPathEnd}, { name = "Crusader", titan=true, path = TitanSkinsCustomPath.."Crusader Skin"..TitanSkinsPathEnd}, { name = "Cursed Orange", titan=true, path = TitanSkinsCustomPath.."Cursed Orange Skin"..TitanSkinsPathEnd}, { name = "Dark Wood", titan=true, path = TitanSkinsCustomPath.."Dark Wood Skin"..TitanSkinsPathEnd}, { name = "Deep Cave", titan=true, path = TitanSkinsCustomPath.."Deep Cave Skin"..TitanSkinsPathEnd}, { name = "Elfwood", titan=true, path = TitanSkinsCustomPath.."Elfwood Skin"..TitanSkinsPathEnd}, { name = "Engineer", titan=true, path = TitanSkinsCustomPath.."Engineer Skin"..TitanSkinsPathEnd}, { name = "Frozen Metal", titan=true, path = TitanSkinsCustomPath.."Frozen Metal Skin"..TitanSkinsPathEnd}, { name = "Graphic", titan=true, path = TitanSkinsCustomPath.."Graphic Skin"..TitanSkinsPathEnd}, { name = "Graveyard", titan=true, path = TitanSkinsCustomPath.."Graveyard Skin"..TitanSkinsPathEnd}, { name = "Hidden Leaf", titan=true, path = TitanSkinsCustomPath.."Hidden Leaf Skin"..TitanSkinsPathEnd}, { name = "Holy Warrior", titan=true, path = TitanSkinsCustomPath.."Holy Warrior Skin"..TitanSkinsPathEnd}, { name = "Nightlife", titan=true, path = TitanSkinsCustomPath.."Nightlife Skin"..TitanSkinsPathEnd}, { name = "Orgrimmar", titan=true, path = TitanSkinsCustomPath.."Orgrimmar Skin"..TitanSkinsPathEnd}, { name = "Plate", titan=true, path = TitanSkinsCustomPath.."Plate Skin"..TitanSkinsPathEnd}, { name = "Tribal", titan=true, path = TitanSkinsCustomPath.."Tribal Skin"..TitanSkinsPathEnd}, { name = "X-Perl", titan=true, path = TitanSkinsCustomPath.."X-Perl"..TitanSkinsPathEnd}, }; TitanSkins = {} -- trim version if it exists local fullversion = GetAddOnMetadata(TITAN_ID, "Version") if fullversion then local pos = string.find(fullversion, " -", 1, true); if pos then TITAN_VERSION = string.sub(fullversion,1,pos-1); end end --[[ local NAME: TitanRegisterExtra DESC: Add the saved variable data of an unloaded plugin to the 'extra' list in case the user wants to delete the data via Tian Extras option. VAR: id - the name of the plugin (string) OUT: None --]] local function TitanRegisterExtra(id) TitanPluginExtrasNum = TitanPluginExtrasNum + 1 TitanPluginExtras[TitanPluginExtrasNum] = {num=TitanPluginExtrasNum, id = (id or "?"), } end -- routines to sync toon data local function CleanupProfile () if TitanPanelSettings and TitanPanelSettings["Buttons"] then -- Hide the current set of plugins to prevent overlap (creates a very messy bar!) for index, id in pairs(TitanPanelSettings["Buttons"]) do local currentButton = TitanUtils_GetButton(TitanPanelSettings["Buttons"][index]); -- safeguard if currentButton then currentButton:Hide(); end end end TitanPanelRightClickMenu_Close(); end --[[ local NAME: TitanVariables_SyncRegisterSavedVariables DESC: Helper routine to sync two sets of toon data - Titan settings and loaded plugins. VAR: registeredVariables - current loaded data (destination) VAR: savedVariables - data to compare with (source) OUT: None --]] local function TitanVariables_SyncRegisterSavedVariables(registeredVariables, savedVariables) if (registeredVariables and savedVariables) then -- Init registeredVariables for index, value in pairs(registeredVariables) do if (not TitanUtils_TableContainsIndex(savedVariables, index)) then savedVariables[index] = value; end end -- Remove out-of-date savedVariables for index, value in pairs(savedVariables) do if (not TitanUtils_TableContainsIndex(registeredVariables, index)) then savedVariables[index] = nil; end end end end --[[ local NAME: Plugin_settings DESC: Give the curent profile the default plugins - if they are registered. VAR: reset - boolean OUT: None NOTE: - It is assumed this is a plugin wipe of the given profile. - Use the default Titan plugin list to display on the given bar. - These will be saved on exit or reload in the given profile. :NOTE --]] local function Plugin_settings(reset) local plugin_list = {} if reset then -- use the default install list plugin_list = Default_Plugins else -- use the current profile plugin_list = TitanPanelSettings.Buttons end -- Init each and every default plugin for idx, default_plugin in pairs(plugin_list) do local id = default_plugin.id local loc = default_plugin.loc local plugin = TitanUtils_GetPlugin(id) --TitanDebug("Plugin: "..(id or "?").." "..(plugin and "T" or "F")) -- See if plugin is registered if (plugin) then --TitanDebug("__Plugin: "..(id or "?").." "..(loc or "?")) -- Synchronize registered and saved variables TitanVariables_SyncRegisterSavedVariables( plugin.savedVariables, TitanPluginSettings[id]) TitanUtils_AddButtonOnBar(loc, id) TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(id) end end end --[[ local NAME: TitanVariables_PluginSettingsInit DESC: Give the curent profile the default plugins - if they are registered. VAR: None OUT: None NOTE: - The saved variables of the given profile will be used. - These will be saved on exit or reload in the given profile. - The saved display list will be used but only the registered plugins will be displayed. - The plugins that are not registered will NOT be removed from the saved list. This allows different a single saved display list to be used for toons that have different plugins enabled. :NOTE --]] local function TitanVariables_PluginSettingsInit() -- Loop through the user's displayed plugins and see what is -- actually registered for idx, display_plugin in pairs(TitanPanelSettings.Buttons) do local id = display_plugin local plugin = TitanUtils_GetPlugin(id) -- See if plugin is registered if (plugin) then -- Synchronize registered and saved variables TitanVariables_SyncRegisterSavedVariables( plugin.savedVariables, TitanPluginSettings[id]) -- Button will be updated later else -- Do not display this plugin. -- Do NOT remove the button from the displayed list. -- This is an old 'feature' that people like... end end end --[[ local NAME: TitanVariables_SyncSkins DESC: Routine to sync two sets of skins data - Titan defaults and Titan saved vars. VAR: None OUT: None NOTE: - It is assumed that the list in Titan defaults or as input from the user are in the Titan skins folder. Blizz does not allow LUA to read the hard drive directly. :NOTE --]] local function TitanVariables_SyncSkins() if (TitanSkinsDefault and TitanSkins) then local skins = {} -- insert all the Titan defaults for idx, v in pairs(TitanSkinsDefault) do table.insert (skins, TitanSkinsDefault[idx]) -- table.sort(skins, function(a, b) -- return string.lower(skins[a] and skins[a].name or "") -- < string.lower(skins[b] and skins[b].name or "") -- end) end -- search through the saved vars and compare against the defaults local found = nil for index, value in pairs(TitanSkins) do found = nil -- See if the skin is a default one for idx, v in pairs(TitanSkinsDefault) do if TitanSkinsDefault[idx].name == TitanSkins[index].name then found = idx end end if found then -- already inserted else -- could be user placed or old Titan if TitanSkins[index].titan then -- old Titan skin - let it drop else -- assume it is a user installed skin table.insert (skins, TitanSkins[index]) -- table.sort(skins, function(a, b) -- return string.lower(skins[a] and skins[a].name or "") -- < string.lower(skins[b] and skins[b].name or "") -- end) end end end return skins end end --[[ local NAME: Sync_panel_settings DESC: Routine to sync TitanPanelSettings - defaults to saved vars. VAR: Setting - table to use as the default OUT: None --]] local function Sync_panel_settings(settings) -- Synchronize registered and saved variables --TitanDebug("Sync_1: "..(settings.FontName or "?")) TitanVariables_SyncRegisterSavedVariables(settings, TitanPanelSettings) --TitanDebug("Sync_2: "..(TitanPanelSettings.FontName or "?")) end --[[ local NAME: Set_Timers DESC: Routine to reset / sync Titan settings. VAR: None OUT: None --]] local function Set_Timers(reset) -- Titan is loaded so set the timers we want to use TitanTimers = { ["EnterWorld"] = {obj = "PEW", callback = TitanPanel_AdjustFrames, delay = 4,}, ["DualSpec"] = {obj = "SpecSwitch", callback = TitanPanel_AdjustFrames, delay = 2,}, ["LDBRefresh"] = {obj = "LDB", callback = TitanLDBRefreshButton, delay = 2,}, ["Adjust"] = {obj = "MoveAdj", callback = TitanPanel_AdjustFrames, delay = 1,}, ["Vehicle"] = {obj = "Vehicle", callback = TitanPanel_AdjustFrames, delay = 1,}, } if reset then TitanAllSetVar("TimerPEW", TitanTimers["EnterWorld"].delay) TitanAllSetVar("TimerDualSpec", TitanTimers["DualSpec"].delay) TitanAllSetVar("TimerLDB", TitanTimers["LDBRefresh"].delay) TitanAllSetVar("TimerAdjust", TitanTimers["Adjust"].delay) TitanAllSetVar("TimerVehicle", TitanTimers["Vehicle"].delay) else TitanTimers["EnterWorld"].delay = TitanAllGetVar("TimerPEW") TitanTimers["DualSpec"].delay = TitanAllGetVar("TimerDualSpec") TitanTimers["LDBRefresh"].delay = TitanAllGetVar("TimerLDB") TitanTimers["Adjust"].delay = TitanAllGetVar("TimerAdjust") TitanTimers["Vehicle"].delay = TitanAllGetVar("TimerVehicle") end end --[[ Titan NAME: TitanVariables_SyncPluginSettings DESC: Routine to sync plugin datas - current loaded (lua file) to any plugin saved vars (last save to disk). VAR: None OUT: None --]] function TitanVariables_SyncPluginSettings() -- one plugin uses this -- Init each and every plugin for id, plugin in pairs(TitanPlugins) do if (plugin and plugin.savedVariables) then -- Init savedVariables table if (not TitanPluginSettings[id]) then TitanPluginSettings[id] = {}; end -- Synchronize registered and saved variables TitanVariables_SyncRegisterSavedVariables( plugin.savedVariables, TitanPluginSettings[id]); else -- Remove plugin savedVariables table if there's one if (TitanPluginSettings[id]) then TitanPluginSettings[id] = nil; end end end end --[[ Titan NAME: TitanVariables_ExtraPluginSettings DESC: Routine to mark plugin data that is not loaded (no lua file) but has plugin saved vars (last save to disk). VAR: None OUT: None NOTE: This data is made available in case the user wants to delete the data via Tian Extras option. :NOTE --]] function TitanVariables_ExtraPluginSettings() TitanPluginExtrasNum = 0 TitanPluginExtras = {} -- Get the saved plugins that are not loaded for id, plugin in pairs(TitanPluginSettings) do if (id and TitanUtils_IsPluginRegistered(id)) then else TitanRegisterExtra(id) end end end --[[ Titan NAME: TitanVariables_InitTitanSettings DESC: Ensure TitanSettings (one of the saved vars in the toc) exists and set the Titan version. VAR: None OUT: None NOTE: - Called when Titan is loaded (ADDON_LOADED event) :NOTE --]] function TitanVariables_InitTitanSettings() if (TitanSettings) then -- all is good else TitanSettings = {} end -- check for player list per issue #745 if TitanSettings.Players then -- all is good else -- Create the table so profile(s) can be added TitanSettings.Players = {} end --[[ TitanDumpPlayerList() --]] Sync_panel_settings(TITAN_PANEL_SAVED_VARIABLES) if (TitanAll) then else TitanAll = {}; end TitanVariables_SyncRegisterSavedVariables(TITAN_ALL_SAVED_VARIABLES, TitanAll) TitanSettings.Version = TITAN_VERSION; end --[[ local NAME: Init_player_settings DESC: Use the Titan settings, the plugin settings, the 'extras' data of the given profile. Create the "to" profile if it does not exist. VAR: from_profile - nil or profile to switch from (string) VAR: to_profile - the toon to use (string) OUT: None NOTE: - Called at PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD event after we know Titan has registered plugins. - There are 3 actions: USE, RESET, and INIT - USE: From: the user chosen profile To: Player or Global profile - RESET: From: Titan defaults To: Player or Global profile - INIT: From: saved variables of that profile To: Player or Global profile :NOTE --]] local function Init_player_settings(from_profile, to_profile, action) local old_player = {} local old_panel = {} local old_plugins = {} local reset = (action == TITAN_PROFILE_RESET) --[[ TitanDebug("_UseSettings " .."from: "..(from_profile or "?").." " .."to_profile: "..(to_profile or "?").." " .."action: "..action.." " ) --]] CleanupProfile () -- hide currently shown plugins -- Ensure the requested profile is at least an empty stub if (not TitanSettings.Players[to_profile]) or reset then TitanSettings.Players[to_profile] = {} TitanSettings.Players[to_profile].Plugins = {} TitanSettings.Players[to_profile].Panel = {} TitanSettings.Players[to_profile].Panel.Buttons = {} TitanSettings.Players[to_profile].Panel.Location = {} TitanPlayerSettings = {} TitanPlayerSettings["Plugins"] = {} TitanPlayerSettings["Panel"] = {} TitanPlayerSettings["Register"] = {} end -- Set global variables TitanPlayerSettings = TitanSettings.Players[to_profile]; TitanPluginSettings = TitanPlayerSettings["Plugins"]; TitanPanelSettings = TitanPlayerSettings["Panel"]; Sync_panel_settings(TITAN_PANEL_SAVED_VARIABLES); if action == TITAN_PROFILE_RESET then -- default is global profile OFF TitanAll = {} TitanVariables_SyncRegisterSavedVariables(TITAN_ALL_SAVED_VARIABLES, TitanAll) elseif action == TITAN_PROFILE_INIT then -- elseif action == TITAN_PROFILE_USE then -- The requested profile at least exists so we can copy to it -- Copy from the from_profile to profile - not anything in saved vars if from_profile and TitanSettings.Players[from_profile] then old_player = TitanSettings.Players[from_profile] else end if old_player and old_player["Panel"] then old_panel = old_player["Panel"] end if old_player and old_player["Plugins"] then old_plugins = old_player["Plugins"] end -- Copy the panel settings for index, id in pairs(old_panel) do TitanPanelSetVar(index, old_panel[index]); end -- Copy the plugin settings for plugin, i in pairs(old_plugins) do for var, id in pairs(old_plugins[plugin]) do TitanSetVar(plugin, var, old_plugins[plugin][var]) end end end if (TitanPlayerSettings) then -- Synchronize plugin settings with plugins that were registered TitanVariables_SyncPluginSettings() -- Display the plugins the user selected AND are registered if reset then Plugin_settings(reset) else TitanVariables_PluginSettingsInit() end TitanVariables_ExtraPluginSettings() end TitanSkins = TitanVariables_SyncSkins() Set_Timers(reset) -- for debug if a user needs to send in the Titan saved vars TitanPlayerSettings["Register"] = {} TitanPanelRegister = TitanPlayerSettings["Register"] TitanSettings.Profile = to_profile end --[[ API NAME: TitanGetVar DESC: Get the value of the requested plugin variable. VAR: id - the plugin name (string) VAR: var - the name (string) of the variable OUT: None NOTE: - 'var' is from the plugin <button>.registry.savedVariables table as created in the plugin lua. :NOTE --]] function TitanGetVar(id, var) if (id and var and TitanPluginSettings and TitanPluginSettings[id]) then -- compatibility check if TitanPluginSettings[id][var] == "Titan Nil" then TitanPluginSettings[id][var] = false end return TitanPluginSettings[id][var]; --return TitanUtils_Ternary(TitanPluginSettings[id][var] == false, nil, TitanPluginSettings[id][var]); end end --[[ API NAME: TitanVarExists DESC: Determine if requested plugin variable exists. VAR: id - the plugin name (string) VAR: var - the name (string) of the variable OUT: None NOTE: - 'var' is from the plugin <button>.registry.savedVariables table as created in the plugin lua. - This checks existence NOT false! :NOTE --]] function TitanVarExists(id, var) -- We need to check for existance not true! -- If the value is nil then it will not exist... if (id and var and TitanPluginSettings and TitanPluginSettings[id] and (TitanPluginSettings[id][var] or TitanPluginSettings[id][var] == false) ) then return true else return false end end --[[ API NAME: TitanSetVar DESC: Get the value of the requested plugin variable to the given value. VAR: id - the plugin name (string) VAR: var - the name (string) of the variable VAR: value - new value of var OUT: None NOTE: - 'var' is from the plugin <button>.registry.savedVariables table as created in the plugin lua. :NOTE --]] function TitanSetVar(id, var, value) if (id and var and TitanPluginSettings and TitanPluginSettings[id]) then TitanPluginSettings[id][var] = TitanUtils_Ternary(value, value, false); end end --[[ API NAME: TitanToggleVar DESC: Toggle the value of the requested plugin variable. This assumes var value represents a boolean VAR: id - the plugin name (string) VAR: var - the name (string) of the variable OUT: None NOTE: - Boolean in this case could be true / false or non zero / zero or nil. :NOTE --]] function TitanToggleVar(id, var) if (id and var and TitanPluginSettings and TitanPluginSettings[id]) then TitanSetVar(id, var, TitanUtils_Toggle(TitanGetVar(id, var))); end end --[[ API NAME: TitanPanelGetVar DESC: Get the value of the requested Titan variable. VAR: var - the name (string) of the variable OUT: value of the requested Titan variable NOTE: - 'var' is from the TitanPanelSettings[var]. :NOTE --]] function TitanPanelGetVar(var) if (var and TitanPanelSettings) then if TitanPanelSettings[var] == "Titan Nil" then TitanPanelSettings[var] = false end return TitanUtils_Ternary(TitanPanelSettings[var] == false, nil, TitanPanelSettings[var]); end end --[[ API NAME: TitanPanelSetVar DESC: Set the value of the requested Titan variable. VAR: var - the name (string) of the variable VAR: value - new value of var OUT: None NOTE: - 'var' is from the TitanPanelSettings[var]. :NOTE --]] function TitanPanelSetVar(var, value) if (var and TitanPanelSettings) then TitanPanelSettings[var] = TitanUtils_Ternary(value, value, false); end end --[[ API NAME: TitanPanelToggleVar DESC: Toggle the value of the requested Titan variable. This assumes var value represents a boolean VAR: var - the name (string) of the variable OUT: None NOTE: - Boolean in this case could be true / false or non zero / zero or nil. :NOTE --]] function TitanPanelToggleVar(var) if (var and TitanPanelSettings) then TitanPanelSetVar(var, TitanUtils_Toggle(TitanPanelGetVar(var))); end end --[[ API NAME: TitanAllGetVar DESC: Get the value of the requested Titan global variable. VAR: var - the name (string) of the variable OUT: None NOTE: - 'var' is from the TitanAll[var]. :NOTE --]] function TitanAllGetVar(var) if (var and TitanAll) then if TitanAll[var] == "Titan Nil" then TitanAll[var] = false end return TitanUtils_Ternary(TitanAll[var] == false, nil, TitanAll[var]); end end --[[ API NAME: TitanAllSetVar DESC: Set the value of the requested Titan global variable. VAR: var - the name (string) of the variable VAR: value - new value of var OUT: None NOTE: - 'var' is from the TitanPanelSettings[var]. :NOTE --]] function TitanAllSetVar(var, value) if (var and TitanAll) then TitanAll[var] = TitanUtils_Ternary(value, value, false); end end --[[ API NAME: TitanAllToggleVar DESC: Toggle the value of the requested Titan global variable. This assumes var value represents a boolean VAR: var - the name (string) of the variable OUT: None NOTE: - Boolean in this case could be true / false or non zero / zero or nil. :NOTE --]] function TitanAllToggleVar(var) if (var and TitanAll) then TitanAllSetVar(var, TitanUtils_Toggle(TitanAllGetVar(var))); end end --[[ API NAME: TitanVariables_GetPanelStrata DESC: Return the strata and the next highest strata of the given value VAR: value - the name (string) of the strata to look up OUT: string - Next highest strata OUT: string - passed in strata --]] function TitanVariables_GetPanelStrata(value) -- obligatory check if not value then value = "DIALOG" end local index; local indexpos = 5 -- DIALOG local StrataTypes = {"BACKGROUND", "LOW", "MEDIUM", "HIGH", "DIALOG", "FULLSCREEN", "FULLSCREEN_DIALOG"} for index in ipairs(StrataTypes) do if value == StrataTypes[index] then indexpos = index break end end return StrataTypes[indexpos + 1], StrataTypes[indexpos] end --[[ API NAME: TitanVariables_SetPanelStrata DESC: Set the Titan bars to the given strata and the plugins to the next highest strata. VAR: value - strata name (string) OUT: None --]] function TitanVariables_SetPanelStrata(value) local plugins, bars = TitanVariables_GetPanelStrata(value) local idx, v -- Set all the Titan bars for idx,v in pairs (TitanBarData) do local bar_name = TITAN_PANEL_DISPLAY_PREFIX..TitanBarData[idx].name _G[bar_name]:SetFrameStrata(bars) end -- Set all the registered plugins for idx, v in pairs(TitanPluginsIndex) do local button = TitanUtils_GetButton(v); button:SetFrameStrata(plugins) end end --[[ Titan NAME: TitanVariables_UseSettings DESC: Set the Titan variables and plugin variables to the passed in profile. VAR: profile - profile to use for this toon : <name>@<server> OUT: None NOTE: - Called from the Titan right click menu - profile is compared as 'lower' so the case of profile does not matter :NOTE --]] function TitanVariables_UseSettings(profile, action) --[[ TitanDebug("_UseSettings " .."profile: "..(profile or "?").." " .."action: "..action.." " ) --]] -- sanity checks to ensure the base tables are set if (TitanSettings) then -- all is good else TitanSettings = {} end -- check for player list per issue #745 if TitanSettings.Players then -- all is good else -- Create the table so profile(s) can be added TitanSettings.Players = {} end if (TitanAll) then -- all is good else TitanAll = {}; end TitanVariables_SyncRegisterSavedVariables(TITAN_ALL_SAVED_VARIABLES, TitanAll) TitanSettings.Version = TITAN_VERSION; local from_profile = nil if action == TITAN_PROFILE_USE then -- Grab the old profile currently in use from_profile = profile or nil end local _ = nil local glob, name, player, server = TitanUtils_GetGlobalProfile() -- Get the profile according to the user settings if glob then profile = name -- Use global toon else profile, _, _ = TitanUtils_GetPlayer() -- Use current toon end -- Find the profile in a case insensitive manner local new_profile = "" profile = string.lower(profile) for index, id in pairs(TitanSettings.Players) do if profile == string.lower(index) then new_profile = index end end if new_profile == "" then -- Assume we need the current player new_profile = TitanUtils_GetPlayer() --TitanSettings.Player -- And it needs to be created action = TITAN_PROFILE_RESET end -- Now that we know what profile to use - act on the data Init_player_settings(from_profile, new_profile, action) -- set strata in case it has changed TitanVariables_SetPanelStrata(TitanPanelGetVar("FrameStrata")) -- show the new profile TitanPanel_InitPanelBarButton(); TitanPanel_InitPanelButtons(); end -- decrecated routines --[[ function TitanGetVarTable(id, var, position) if (id and var and TitanPluginSettings and TitanPluginSettings[id]) then -- compatibility check if TitanPluginSettings[id][var][position] == "Titan Nil" then TitanPluginSettings[id][var][position] = false end return TitanUtils_Ternary(TitanPluginSettings[id][var][position] == false, nil, TitanPluginSettings[id][var][position]); end end function TitanSetVarTable(id, var, position, value) if (id and var and TitanPluginSettings and TitanPluginSettings[id]) then TitanPluginSettings[id][var][position] = TitanUtils_Ternary(value, value, false); end end --]]