--[[ File NAME: TitanPanelTemplate.lua DESC: Contains the routines to handle a frame created as a Titan plugin. --]] --[[ API NAME: TitanPanelTemplate overview DESC: See TitanPanelButtonTemplate.xml also. A Titan plugin is a frame created using one of the button types in TitanPanelButtonTemplate.xml which inherits TitanPanelButtonTemplate. The available plugin types are: TitanPanelTextTemplate - A frame that only displays text ("$parentText") TitanPanelIconTemplate - A frame that only displays an icon ("$parentIcon") TitanPanelComboTemplate - A frame that displays an icon then text ("$parentIcon" "$parentText") Most plugins use the combo template. TitanPanelButtonTemplate.xml contains other templates available to be used. TitanOptionsSliderTemplate - A frame that contains the basics of a slider control. See TitanVolume for an example. TitanPanelChildButtonTemplate - A frame that allows a plugin within a plugin. The older version of TitanGold was an example. This may not be used anymore. Each template contains: - a frame to handle a menu invoked by a right mouse click ("$parentRightClickMenu") - default event handlers for <OnLoad> TitanPanelButton_OnLoad(self); </OnLoad> <OnShow> TitanPanelButton_OnShow(self); </OnShow> <OnClick> TitanPanelButton_OnClick(self, button); </OnClick> <OnEnter> TitanPanelButton_OnEnter(self); </OnEnter> <OnLeave> TitanPanelButton_OnLeave(self); </OnLeave> If these events are overridden then the default routine needs to be included! :DESC --]] -- Globals -- Constants local TITAN_PANEL_LABEL_SEPARATOR = " " local TITAN_PANEL_BUTTON_WIDTH_CHANGE_TOLERANCE = 10; local TITAN_PANEL_BUTTON_TYPE_TEXT = 1; local TITAN_PANEL_BUTTON_TYPE_ICON = 2; local TITAN_PANEL_BUTTON_TYPE_COMBO = 3; local TITAN_PANEL_BUTTON_TYPE_CUSTOM = 4; local pluginOnEnter = nil; local TITAN_PANEL_MOVE_ADDON = nil; local TITAN_PANEL_DROPOFF_ADDON = nil; -- Library instances local LibQTip = nil local _G = getfenv(0); local InCombatLockdown = _G.InCombatLockdown; local media = LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0") --[[ local NAME: TitanTooltip_AddTooltipText DESC: Helper to add a line of tooltip text to the tooltip. VAR: text - string OUT: None NOTE: - Append a "\n" to the end if there is not one already there :NOTE --]] local function TitanTooltip_AddTooltipText(text) if ( text ) then -- Append a "\n" to the end if ( string.sub(text, -1, -1) ~= "\n" ) then text = text.."\n"; end -- See if the string is intended for a double column for text1, text2 in string.gmatch(text, "([^\t\n]*)\t?([^\t\n]*)\n") do if ( text2 ~= "" ) then -- Add as double wide GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(text1, text2); elseif ( text1 ~= "" ) then -- Add single column line GameTooltip:AddLine(text1); else -- Assume a blank line GameTooltip:AddLine("\n"); end end end end --[[ local NAME: TitanTooltip_SetOwnerPosition DESC: Set both the parent and the position of GameTooltip for the plugin tooltip. VAR: parent - reference to the frame to attach the tooltip to VAR: anchorPoint - tooltip anchor location (side or corner) to use VAR: relativeToFrame - string name name of the frame, usually the plugin), to attach the tooltip to VAR: relativePoint - parent anchor location (side or corner) to use VAR: xOffset - X offset from the anchor point VAR: yOffset - Y offset from the anchor point VAR: frame - reference to the tooltip OUT: None --]] local function TitanTooltip_SetOwnerPosition(parent, anchorPoint, relativeToFrame, relativePoint, xOffset, yOffset, frame) if not frame then frame = _G["GameTooltip"] end frame:SetOwner(parent, "ANCHOR_NONE"); frame:SetPoint(anchorPoint, relativeToFrame, relativePoint, xOffset, yOffset); -- set alpha (transparency) for the Game Tooltip local red, green, blue = frame:GetBackdropColor(); local red2, green2, blue2 = frame:GetBackdropBorderColor(); local tool_trans = TitanPanelGetVar("TooltipTrans") frame:SetBackdropColor(red,green,blue,tool_trans); frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(red2,green2,blue2,tool_trans); -- set font size for the Game Tooltip if not TitanPanelGetVar("DisableTooltipFont") then if TitanTooltipScaleSet < 1 then TitanTooltipOrigScale = frame:GetScale(); TitanTooltipScaleSet = TitanTooltipScaleSet + 1; end frame:SetScale(TitanPanelGetVar("TooltipFont")); end end --[[ local NAME: TitanTooltip_SetGameTooltip DESC: Helper to set the tooltip of the given Titan plugin. First check for a custom function. If no function then use the plugin tooltip title and text. VAR: self - frame reference of the plugin OUT: None NOTE: - If a custom function is given pcall (protected call) is used in case the function errors out. Currently the error is allowed to occur silently because it could generate a lot of text to chat. :NOTE --]] local function TitanTooltip_SetGameTooltip(self) if ( self.tooltipCustomFunction ) then --[ local tmp_txt = "" local call_success call_success, -- for pcall tmp_txt = pcall (self.tooltipCustomFunction) --]] -- self.tooltipCustomFunction(); elseif ( self.tooltipTitle ) then GameTooltip:SetText(self.tooltipTitle, HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR.r, HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR.g, HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR.b); if ( self.tooltipText ) then TitanTooltip_AddTooltipText(self.tooltipText); end end GameTooltip:Show(); end --[[ local NAME: TitanTooltip_SetPanelTooltip DESC: Helper to set the screen position of the tooltip of the given Titan plugin. VAR: self - frame reference of the plugin VAR: id - string name of the plugin VAR: frame - reference to the tooltip OUT: None --]] local function TitanTooltip_SetPanelTooltip(self, id, frame) -- sanity checks if not TitanPanelGetVar("ToolTipsShown") or (TitanPanelGetVar("HideTipsInCombat") and InCombatLockdown()) then return end if not self.tooltipCustomFunction and not self.tooltipTitle then return end -- Set GameTooltip local button = TitanUtils_GetButton(id); local scale = TitanPanelGetVar("Scale"); local offscreenX, offscreenY; local i = TitanPanel_GetButtonNumber(id); local bar if TITAN_PANEL_DISPLAY_PREFIX~=nil and TitanUtils_GetWhichBar(id)~=nil then bar = TITAN_PANEL_DISPLAY_PREFIX..TitanUtils_GetWhichBar(id) else bar = "" end local vert = TitanBarData[bar].vert -- Get TOP or BOTTOM for the anchor and relative anchor local rel_pt, pt if vert == TITAN_TOP then pt = "TOP" rel_pt = "BOTTOM" else pt = "BOTTOM" rel_pt = "TOP" end TitanTooltip_SetOwnerPosition(button, pt.."LEFT", button:GetName(), rel_pt.."LEFT", -10, 0, frame) --4 * scale); TitanTooltip_SetGameTooltip(self); -- Adjust GameTooltip position if it's off the screen offscreenX, offscreenY = TitanUtils_GetOffscreen(GameTooltip); if ( offscreenX == -1 ) then TitanTooltip_SetOwnerPosition(button, pt.."LEFT", bar, rel_pt.."LEFT", 0, 0, frame) TitanTooltip_SetGameTooltip(self); elseif ( offscreenX == 1 ) then TitanTooltip_SetOwnerPosition(button, pt.."RIGHT", bar, rel_pt.."RIGHT", 0, 0, frame) TitanTooltip_SetGameTooltip(self); end end --[[ local NAME: TitanPanelButton_SetTooltip DESC: Set the tooltip of the given Titan plugin. VAR: self - frame reference of the plugin VAR: id - string name of the plugin --]] local function TitanPanelButton_SetTooltip(self, id) -- ensure that the 'self' passed is a valid frame reference if not self:GetName() then return end self.tooltipCustomFunction = nil; if (id and TitanUtils_IsPluginRegistered(id)) then local plugin = TitanUtils_GetPlugin(id); if ( plugin.tooltipCustomFunction ) then self.tooltipCustomFunction = plugin.tooltipCustomFunction; TitanTooltip_SetPanelTooltip(self, id); elseif ( plugin.tooltipTitle ) then self.tooltipTitle = plugin.tooltipTitle; local tooltipTextFunc = _G[plugin.tooltipTextFunction]; if ( tooltipTextFunc ) then local tmp_txt = "" local call_success, -- for pcall tmp_txt = pcall (tooltipTextFunc); self.tooltipText = tmp_txt -- self.tooltipText = tooltipTextFunc(); end TitanTooltip_SetPanelTooltip(self, id); end end end --[[ local NAME: TitanPanelButton_IsText DESC: Is the given Titan plugin of type text? VAR: id - string name of the plugin OUT: boolean --]] local function TitanPanelButton_IsText(id) if (TitanPanelButton_GetType(id) == TITAN_PANEL_BUTTON_TYPE_TEXT) then return 1; end end --[[ Titan NAME: TitanPanelButton_IsIcon DESC: Is the given Titan plugin of type icon? VAR: id - string name of the plugin OUT: boolean --]] function TitanPanelButton_IsIcon(id) if (TitanPanelButton_GetType(id) == TITAN_PANEL_BUTTON_TYPE_ICON) then return 1; end end --[[ local NAME: TitanPanelButton_IsCombo DESC: Is the given Titan plugin of type combo? VAR: id - string name of the plugin OUT: boolean --]] local function TitanPanelButton_IsCombo(id) if (TitanPanelButton_GetType(id) == TITAN_PANEL_BUTTON_TYPE_COMBO) then return 1; end end --[[ local NAME: TitanPanelButton_IsCustom DESC: Is the given Titan plugin of type custom? VAR: id - string name of the plugin OUT: boolean --]] local function TitanPanelButton_IsCustom(id) if (TitanPanelButton_GetType(id) == TITAN_PANEL_BUTTON_TYPE_CUSTOM) then return 1; end end --[[ local NAME: TitanPanelButton_OnDragStart DESC: Handle the OnDragStart event of the given Titan plugin. VAR: self - frame reference of the plugin VAR: ChildButton - boolean OUT: None NOTE: - Do nothing if the user has locked plugins or if in combat. - Set the .isMoving of the plugin (frame) so other routine can check it. - Set TITAN_PANEL_MOVING so any Titan routine will know a 'drag & drop' is in progress. - Set TITAN_PANEL_MOVE_ADDON so sanity checks can be done on the 'drop'. :NOTE --]] local function TitanPanelButton_OnDragStart(self, ChildButton) if TitanPanelGetVar("LockButtons") or InCombatLockdown() then return end local frname = self; if ChildButton then frname = self:GetParent(); end -- Clear button positions or we'll grab the button and all buttons 'after' local i,j; for i, j in pairs(TitanPanelSettings.Buttons) do local pluginid = _G["TitanPanel"..TitanPanelSettings.Buttons[i].."Button"]; if pluginid then pluginid:ClearAllPoints() end end -- Start the drag; close any tooltips and open control frames frname:StartMoving(); frname.isMoving = true; TitanUtils_CloseAllControlFrames(); TitanPanelRightClickMenu_Close(); if AceLibrary then if AceLibrary:HasInstance("Dewdrop-2.0") then AceLibrary("Dewdrop-2.0"):Close() end if AceLibrary:HasInstance("Tablet-2.0") then AceLibrary("Tablet-2.0"):Close() end end GameTooltip:Hide(); -- LibQTip-1.0 support code LibQTip = LibStub("LibQTip-1.0", true) if LibQTip then local key, tip for key, tip in LibQTip:IterateTooltips() do if tip then local _, relativeTo = tip:GetPoint() if relativeTo and relativeTo:GetName() == self:GetName() then tip:Hide() break end end end end -- /LibQTip-1.0 support code -- Hold the plugin id so we can do checks on the drop TITAN_PANEL_MOVE_ADDON = TitanUtils_GetButtonID(self:GetName()); if ChildButton then TITAN_PANEL_MOVE_ADDON = TitanUtils_GetButtonID(self:GetParent():GetName()); end -- Tell Titan that a drag & drop is in process TITAN_PANEL_MOVING = 1; -- Store the OnEnter handler so the tooltip does not show - or other oddities pluginOnEnter = self:GetScript("OnEnter") self:SetScript("OnEnter", nil) end --[[ local NAME: TitanPanelButton_OnDragStop DESC: Handle the OnDragStop event of the given Titan plugin. VAR: self - frame reference of the plugin VAR: ChildButton - boolean OUT: None NOTE: - Clear the .isMoving of the plugin (frame). - Clear TITAN_PANEL_MOVING. - Clear TITAN_PANEL_MOVE_ADDON. :NOTE --]] local function TitanPanelButton_OnDragStop(self, ChildButton) if TitanPanelGetVar("LockButtons") then return end local ok_to_move = true local nonmovableFrom = false; local nonmovableTo = false; local frname = self; if ChildButton then frname = self:GetParent(); end if TITAN_PANEL_MOVING == 1 then frname:StopMovingOrSizing(); frname.isMoving = false; TITAN_PANEL_MOVING = 0; -- See if the plugin is supposed to stay on the bar it is on if TitanGetVar(TITAN_PANEL_MOVE_ADDON, "ForceBar") then ok_to_move = false end -- eventually there could be several reasons to not allow -- the plugin to move if ok_to_move then local i,j; for i, j in pairs(TitanPanelSettings.Buttons) do local pluginid = _G["TitanPanel"..TitanPanelSettings.Buttons[i].."Button"]; if (pluginid and MouseIsOver(pluginid)) and frname ~= pluginid then TITAN_PANEL_DROPOFF_ADDON = TitanPanelSettings.Buttons[i]; end end -- switching sides is not allowed nonmovableFrom = TitanUtils_ToRight(TITAN_PANEL_MOVE_ADDON) nonmovableTo = TitanUtils_ToRight(TITAN_PANEL_DROPOFF_ADDON) if nonmovableTo ~= nonmovableFrom then TITAN_PANEL_DROPOFF_ADDON = nil; end if TITAN_PANEL_DROPOFF_ADDON == nil then -- See if the plugin was dropped on a bar rather than -- another plugin. local bar local tbar = nil -- Find which bar it was dropped on for idx,v in pairs(TitanBarData) do bar = idx if (bar and MouseIsOver(_G[bar])) then tbar = bar end end if tbar then TitanPanel_RemoveButton(TITAN_PANEL_MOVE_ADDON) TitanUtils_AddButtonOnBar(TitanBarData[tbar].name, TITAN_PANEL_MOVE_ADDON) else -- not sure what the user did... end else -- plugin was dropped on another plugin - swap (for now) local dropoff = TitanUtils_GetCurrentIndex(TitanPanelSettings.Buttons ,TITAN_PANEL_DROPOFF_ADDON); local pickup = TitanUtils_GetCurrentIndex(TitanPanelSettings.Buttons ,TITAN_PANEL_MOVE_ADDON); local dropoffbar = TitanUtils_GetWhichBar(TITAN_PANEL_DROPOFF_ADDON); local pickupbar = TitanUtils_GetWhichBar(TITAN_PANEL_MOVE_ADDON); if dropoff ~= nil and dropoff ~= "" then -- TODO: Change to 'insert' rather than swap TitanPanelSettings.Buttons[dropoff] = TITAN_PANEL_MOVE_ADDON; TitanPanelSettings.Location[dropoff] = dropoffbar; TitanPanelSettings.Buttons[pickup] = TITAN_PANEL_DROPOFF_ADDON; TitanPanelSettings.Location[pickup] = pickupbar; end end end -- This is important! The start drag cleared the button positions so -- the buttons need to be put back properly. TitanPanel_InitPanelButtons(); TITAN_PANEL_MOVE_ADDON = nil; TITAN_PANEL_DROPOFF_ADDON = nil; -- Restore the OnEnter script handler if pluginOnEnter then self:SetScript("OnEnter", pluginOnEnter) end pluginOnEnter = nil; end end --[[ local NAME: TitanTooltip_SetOwnerPosition DESC: Set both the parent and the position of GameTooltip for the plugin tooltip. VAR: parent - reference to the frame to attach the tooltip to VAR: anchorPoint - tooltip anchor location (side or corner) to use VAR: relativeToFrame - string name name of the frame, usually the plugin), to attach the tooltip to VAR: relativePoint - parent anchor location (side or corner) to use VAR: xOffset - X offset from the anchor point VAR: yOffset - Y offset from the anchor point VAR: frame - reference to the tooltip OUT: None --]] local function TitanTooltip_SetOwnerPosition(parent, anchorPoint, relativeToFrame, relativePoint, xOffset, yOffset, frame) if not frame then frame = _G["GameTooltip"] end frame:SetOwner(parent, "ANCHOR_NONE"); frame:SetPoint(anchorPoint, relativeToFrame, relativePoint, xOffset, yOffset); -- set alpha (transparency) for the Game Tooltip local red, green, blue = frame:GetBackdropColor(); local red2, green2, blue2 = frame:GetBackdropBorderColor(); local tool_trans = TitanPanelGetVar("TooltipTrans") frame:SetBackdropColor(red,green,blue,tool_trans); frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(red2,green2,blue2,tool_trans); -- set font size for the Game Tooltip if not TitanPanelGetVar("DisableTooltipFont") then if TitanTooltipScaleSet < 1 then TitanTooltipOrigScale = frame:GetScale(); TitanTooltipScaleSet = TitanTooltipScaleSet + 1; end frame:SetScale(TitanPanelGetVar("TooltipFont")); end end --[[ API NAME: TitanOptionSlider_TooltipText DESC: Set the color of the tooltip text to normal (white) with the value in green. VAR: text - the label for value VAR: value - the value OUT: string - encoded color string of text and value --]] function TitanOptionSlider_TooltipText(text, value) return text .. GREEN_FONT_COLOR_CODE .. value .. FONT_COLOR_CODE_CLOSE; end --[[ API NAME: TitanPanelButton_OnLoad DESC: Handle the OnLoad event of the requested Titan plugin. Ensure the plugin is set to be registered. VAR: isChildButton - boolean NOTE: - This is called from the Titan plugin frame in the OnLoad event - usually as the frame is created. - This starts the plugin registration process. See TitanUtils for more details on plugin registration. - The plugin registration is a two step process because not all addons create Titan plugins in the frame create. The Titan feature of converting LDB addons to Titan plugins is an example. :NOTE --]] function TitanPanelButton_OnLoad(self, isChildButton) -- Used by plugins TitanUtils_PluginToRegister(self, isChildButton) end --[[ API NAME: TitanPanelPluginHandle_OnUpdate DESC: A method to refresh the display of a Titan plugin. VAR: table - the frame of the plugin VAR: oldarg - nil or command NOTE: - This is used by some plugins. It is not used within Titan. - The expected usage is either: 1) Table contains {<plugin id>, <update command>} 2) table = <plugin id> and oldarg = <update command> - oldarg - nil or command 1 = refresh button 2 = refresh tooltip 3 = refresh button and tooltip :NOTE --]] function TitanPanelPluginHandle_OnUpdate(table, oldarg) -- Used by plugins local id, updateType = nil, nil -- set the id and updateType -- old method if table and type(table) == "string" and oldarg then id = table updateType = oldarg end -- new method if table and type(table) == "table" then if table[1] then id = table[1] end if table[2] then updateType = table[2] end end -- id is required if id then if updateType == TITAN_PANEL_UPDATE_BUTTON or updateType == TITAN_PANEL_UPDATE_ALL then TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(id) end if (updateType == TITAN_PANEL_UPDATE_TOOLTIP or updateType == TITAN_PANEL_UPDATE_ALL) and MouseIsOver(_G["TitanPanel"..id.."Button"]) then if TitanPanelRightClickMenu_IsVisible() or TITAN_PANEL_MOVING == 1 then return end TitanPanelButton_SetTooltip(_G["TitanPanel"..id.."Button"], id) end end end --[[ API NAME: TitanPanelDetectPluginMethod DESC: Poorly named routine that sets the OnDragStart & OnDragStop scripts of a Titan plugin. VAR: id - the string name of the plugin VAR: isChildButton - boolean --]] function TitanPanelDetectPluginMethod(id, isChildButton) -- Ensure the id is not nil if not id then return end local TitanPluginframe = _G["TitanPanel"..id.."Button"]; if isChildButton then TitanPluginframe = _G[id]; end -- Ensure the frame is valid if not TitanPluginframe and TitanPluginframe:GetName() then return end -- sanity check... -- Set the OnDragStart script TitanPluginframe:SetScript("OnDragStart", function(self) if not IsShiftKeyDown() and not IsControlKeyDown() and not IsAltKeyDown() then if isChildButton then TitanPanelButton_OnDragStart(self, true); else TitanPanelButton_OnDragStart(self); end end end) -- Set the OnDragStop script TitanPluginframe:SetScript("OnDragStop", function(self) if isChildButton then TitanPanelButton_OnDragStop(self, true) else TitanPanelButton_OnDragStop(self); end end) end --[[ API NAME: TitanPanelButton_OnShow DESC: Handle the OnShow event of the requested Titan plugin. VAR:self - frame reference of the plugin --]] function TitanPanelButton_OnShow(self) -- Used by plugins local id = nil; -- ensure that the 'self' passed is a valid frame reference if self and self:GetName() then id = TitanUtils_GetButtonID(self:GetName()); end -- ensure that id is a valid Titan plugin if (id) then TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(id, 1); end end --[[ API NAME: TitanPanelButton_OnClick DESC: Handle the OnClick mouse event of the requested Titan plugin. VAR: self - frame reference of the plugin VAR: button - mouse button that was clicked VAR: isChildButton - boolean NOTE: - Only the left and right mouse buttons are handled by Titan. :NOTE --]] function TitanPanelButton_OnClick(self, button, isChildButton) -- Used by plugins local id -- ensure that the 'self' passed is a valid frame reference if self and self:GetName() then id = TitanUtils_Ternary(isChildButton, TitanUtils_GetParentButtonID(self:GetName()), TitanUtils_GetButtonID(self:GetName())); end if id then local controlFrame = TitanUtils_GetControlFrame(id); local rightClickMenu = _G["TitanPanelRightClickMenu"]; if (button == "LeftButton") then local isControlFrameShown; if (not controlFrame) then isControlFrameShown = false; elseif (controlFrame:IsVisible()) then isControlFrameShown = false; else isControlFrameShown = true; end TitanUtils_CloseAllControlFrames(); TitanPanelRightClickMenu_Close(); local position = TitanUtils_GetWhichBar(id) local scale = TitanPanelGetVar("Scale"); if (isControlFrameShown) then local buttonCenter = (self:GetLeft() + self:GetRight()) / 2 * scale; local controlFrameRight = buttonCenter + controlFrame:GetWidth() / 2; local y_off = TITAN_PANEL_BAR_HEIGHT * scale if ( position == TITAN_PANEL_PLACE_TOP ) then controlFrame:ClearAllPoints(); controlFrame:SetPoint("TOP", "UIParent", "TOPLEFT", buttonCenter, -y_off); -- Adjust control frame position if it's off the screen local offscreenX, offscreenY = TitanUtils_GetOffscreen(controlFrame); if ( offscreenX == -1 ) then controlFrame:ClearAllPoints(); controlFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "UIParent", "TOPLEFT", 0, -y_off); elseif ( offscreenX == 1 ) then controlFrame:ClearAllPoints(); controlFrame:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", "UIParent", "TOPRIGHT", 0, -y_off); end else controlFrame:ClearAllPoints(); controlFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOM", "UIParent", "BOTTOMLEFT", buttonCenter, y_off); -- Adjust control frame position if it's off the screen local offscreenX, offscreenY = TitanUtils_GetOffscreen(controlFrame); if ( offscreenX == -1 ) then controlFrame:ClearAllPoints(); controlFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", "UIParent", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, y_off); elseif ( offscreenX == 1 ) then controlFrame:ClearAllPoints(); controlFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", "UIParent", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, y_off); end end controlFrame:Show(); end elseif (button == "RightButton") then TitanUtils_CloseAllControlFrames(); -- Show RightClickMenu anyway TitanPanelRightClickMenu_Close(); TitanPanelRightClickMenu_Toggle(self, isChildButton); end GameTooltip:Hide(); end end --[[ API NAME: TitanPanelButton_OnEnter DESC: Handle the OnEnter cursor event of the requested Titan plugin. VAR: self - frame reference of the plugin VAR: isChildButton - boolean NOTE: - The cursor has moved over the plugin so show the plugin tooltip. - Save same hassle by doing nothing if the tooltip is already shown or if the cursor is moving. - If the "is moving" is set the user is dragging this plugin around so do nothing here. :NOTE --]] function TitanPanelButton_OnEnter(self, isChildButton) -- Used by plugins local id = nil; -- ensure that the 'self' passed is a valid frame reference if self and self:GetName() then id = TitanUtils_Ternary(isChildButton, TitanUtils_GetParentButtonID(self:GetName()), TitanUtils_GetButtonID(self:GetName())); end if (id) then local controlFrame = TitanUtils_GetControlFrame(id); if (controlFrame and controlFrame:IsVisible()) then return; elseif (TitanPanelRightClickMenu_IsVisible()) then return; else if TITAN_PANEL_MOVING == 0 then TitanPanelButton_SetTooltip(self, id); end if self.isMoving then GameTooltip:Hide(); end end end end --[[ API NAME: TitanPanelButton_OnLeave DESC: Handle the OnLeave cursor event of the requested Titan plugin. VAR: self - frame reference of the plugin VAR: isChildButton - boolean NOTE: - The cursor has moved off the plugin so hide the plugin tooltip. :NOTE --]] function TitanPanelButton_OnLeave(self, isChildButton) local id = nil; -- ensure that the 'self' passed is a valid frame reference if self and self:GetName() then id = TitanUtils_Ternary(isChildButton, TitanUtils_GetParentButtonID(self:GetName()), TitanUtils_GetButtonID(self:GetName())); end if (id) then GameTooltip:Hide(); end if not TitanPanelGetVar("DisableTooltipFont") then -- reset original Tooltip Scale GameTooltip:SetScale(TitanTooltipOrigScale); TitanTooltipScaleSet = 0; end end -- local routines for Update Button --[[ local NAME: TitanPanelButton_SetButtonText DESC: Set / update the text of the given Titan plugin. VAR: id - string name of the plugin NOTE: - The plugin is expected to tell Titan what routine is to be called in <self>.registry.buttonTextFunction. - The text routine is called in protected mode (pcall) to ensure the Titan main routines still run. :NOTE --]] local format_with_label = { [0] = "" } for idx = 1, 4 do format_with_label[idx] = "%s%s" .. (TITAN_PANEL_LABEL_SEPARATOR .. "%s%s"):rep(idx - 1) end local function TitanPanelButton_SetButtonText(id) if not (id and TitanUtils_IsPluginRegistered(id)) then return end local buttonTextFunction = _G[TitanUtils_GetPlugin(id).buttonTextFunction]; if not buttonTextFunction then return end local button = TitanUtils_GetButton(id); local buttonText = _G[button:GetName()..TITAN_PANEL_TEXT]; local newfont = media:Fetch("font", TitanPanelGetVar("FontName")) if newfont then buttonText:SetFont(newfont, TitanPanelGetVar("FontSize")) end -- We'll be paranoid here and call the button text in protected mode. -- In case the button text fails it will not take Titan with it... local call_success, -- for pcall label1, value1, label2, value2, label3, value3, label4, value4 = pcall(buttonTextFunction, id) if not call_success then buttonText:SetText("<?>") return end if label1 and not (label2 or label3 or label4 or value1 or value2 or value3 or value4) then buttonText:SetText(label1) return end local show_label = TitanGetVar(id, "ShowLabelText") local values = 0 if label1 or value1 then values = 1 if not show_label then label1 = "" end if label2 or value2 then values = 2 if not show_label then label2 = "" end if label3 or value3 then values = 3 if not show_label then label3 = "" end if label4 or value4 then values = 4 if not show_label then label4 = "" end end end end end buttonText:SetFormattedText(format_with_label[values], label1 or "", value1 or "", label2 or "", value2 or "", label3 or "", value3 or "", label4 or "", value4 or "" ) end --[[ local NAME: TitanPanelButton_SetTextButtonWidth DESC: Set the text width of the given Titan plugin that is text only. VAR: id - string name of the plugin VAR: setButtonWidth - new width NOTE: - Titan uses a tolerance setting to prevent endless updating of the text width. :NOTE --]] local function TitanPanelButton_SetTextButtonWidth(id, setButtonWidth) if (id) then local button = TitanUtils_GetButton(id); local text = _G[button:GetName()..TITAN_PANEL_TEXT]; if ( setButtonWidth or button:GetWidth() == 0 or button:GetWidth() - text:GetWidth() > TITAN_PANEL_BUTTON_WIDTH_CHANGE_TOLERANCE or button:GetWidth() - text:GetWidth() < -TITAN_PANEL_BUTTON_WIDTH_CHANGE_TOLERANCE ) then button:SetWidth(text:GetWidth()); TitanPanelButton_Justify(); end end end --[[ local NAME: TitanPanelButton_SetIconButtonWidth DESC: Set the icon width of the given Titan plugin that is icon only. VAR: id - string name of the plugin NOTE: - The plugin is expected to tell Titan what the icon width is in <self>.registry.iconButtonWidth. :NOTE --]] local function TitanPanelButton_SetIconButtonWidth(id) if (id) then local button = TitanUtils_GetButton(id); if ( TitanUtils_GetPlugin(id).iconButtonWidth ) then button:SetWidth(TitanUtils_GetPlugin(id).iconButtonWidth); end end end --[[ local NAME: TitanPanelButton_SetComboButtonWidth DESC: Set the icon width of the given Titan plugin that is a combo - icon & text. VAR: id - string name of the plugin VAR: setButtonWidth - new width NOTE: - The plugin is expected to tell Titan what the icon width is in <self>.registry.iconButtonWidth. :NOTE --]] local function TitanPanelButton_SetComboButtonWidth(id, setButtonWidth) if (id) then local button = TitanUtils_GetButton(id) if not button then return end -- sanity check local text = _G[button:GetName()..TITAN_PANEL_TEXT]; local icon = _G[button:GetName().."Icon"]; local iconWidth, iconButtonWidth, newButtonWidth; -- Get icon button width iconButtonWidth = 0; if ( TitanUtils_GetPlugin(id).iconButtonWidth ) then iconButtonWidth = TitanUtils_GetPlugin(id).iconButtonWidth; elseif ( icon:GetWidth() ) then iconButtonWidth = icon:GetWidth(); end if ( TitanGetVar(id, "ShowIcon") and ( iconButtonWidth ~= 0 ) ) then icon:Show(); text:ClearAllPoints(); text:SetPoint("LEFT", icon:GetName(), "RIGHT", 2, 1); newButtonWidth = text:GetWidth() + iconButtonWidth; else icon:Hide(); text:ClearAllPoints(); text:SetPoint("LEFT", button:GetName(), "LEFT", 0, 1); newButtonWidth = text:GetWidth(); end if ( setButtonWidth or button:GetWidth() == 0 or button:GetWidth() - newButtonWidth > TITAN_PANEL_BUTTON_WIDTH_CHANGE_TOLERANCE or button:GetWidth() - newButtonWidth < -TITAN_PANEL_BUTTON_WIDTH_CHANGE_TOLERANCE ) then button:SetWidth(newButtonWidth); TitanPanelButton_Justify(); end end end --[[ API NAME: TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton DESC: Update the display of the given Titan plugin. VAR: id - string name of the plugin VAR: setButtonWidth - new width --]] function TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(id, setButtonWidth) -- Used by plugins local button, id = TitanUtils_GetButton(id); local plugin = TitanUtils_GetPlugin(id) -- safeguard to avoid errors if not TitanUtils_IsPluginRegistered(id) then return end if ( TitanPanelButton_IsText(id) ) then -- Update textButton TitanPanelButton_SetButtonText(id); TitanPanelButton_SetTextButtonWidth(id, setButtonWidth); elseif ( TitanPanelButton_IsIcon(id) ) then -- Update iconButton TitanPanelButton_SetButtonIcon(id, (plugin.iconCoords or nil), (plugin.iconR or nil),(plugin.iconG or nil),(plugin.iconB or nil) ); TitanPanelButton_SetIconButtonWidth(id); elseif ( TitanPanelButton_IsCombo(id) ) then -- Update comboButton TitanPanelButton_SetButtonText(id); TitanPanelButton_SetButtonIcon(id, (plugin.iconCoords or nil), (plugin.iconR or nil),(plugin.iconG or nil),(plugin.iconB or nil) ); TitanPanelButton_SetComboButtonWidth(id, setButtonWidth); end end --[[ API NAME: TitanPanelButton_UpdateTooltip DESC: Update the tooltip of the given Titan plugin. VAR: self - frame reference of the plugin --]] function TitanPanelButton_UpdateTooltip(self) -- Used by plugins if not self then return end if (GameTooltip:IsOwned(self)) then local id = TitanUtils_GetButtonID(self:GetName()); TitanPanelButton_SetTooltip(self, id); end end --[[ API NAME: TitanPanelButton_SetButtonIcon DESC: Set the icon of the given Titan plugin. VAR: id - string name of the plugin VAR: iconCoords - if given, this is the placing of the icon within the plugin VAR: iconR - if given, this is the Red (RBG) setting of the icon VAR: iconG - if given, this is the Green (RBG) setting of the icon VAR: iconB - if given, this is the Blue (RBG) setting of the icon --]] function TitanPanelButton_SetButtonIcon(id, iconCoords, iconR, iconG, iconB) if (id and TitanUtils_IsPluginRegistered(id)) then local button = TitanUtils_GetButton(id); local icon = _G[button:GetName().."Icon"]; local iconTexture = TitanUtils_GetPlugin(id).icon; local iconWidth = TitanUtils_GetPlugin(id).iconWidth; if (iconTexture) and icon then icon:SetTexture(iconTexture); end if (iconWidth) and icon then icon:SetWidth(iconWidth); end -- support for iconCoords, iconR, iconG, iconB attributes if iconCoords and icon then icon:SetTexCoord(unpack(iconCoords)) end if iconR and iconG and iconB and icon then icon:SetVertexColor(iconR, iconG, iconB) end end end --[[ Titan NAME: TitanPanelButton_GetType DESC: Get the type of the given Titan plugin. VAR: id - string name of the plugin OUT: type - The type of the plugin (text, icon, combo (default)) NOTE: - This assumes that the developer is playing nice and is using the Titan templates as is... :NOTE --]] function TitanPanelButton_GetType(id) -- id is required if (not id) then return; end local button = TitanUtils_GetButton(id); local type; if button then local text = _G[button:GetName()..TITAN_PANEL_TEXT]; local icon = _G[button:GetName().."Icon"]; if (text and icon) then type = TITAN_PANEL_BUTTON_TYPE_COMBO; elseif (text and not icon) then type = TITAN_PANEL_BUTTON_TYPE_TEXT; elseif (not text and icon) then type = TITAN_PANEL_BUTTON_TYPE_ICON; elseif (not text and not icon) then type = TITAN_PANEL_BUTTON_TYPE_CUSTOM; end else type = TITAN_PANEL_BUTTON_TYPE_COMBO; end return type; end --[[ Titan NAME: TitanOptionsSliderTemplate_OnLoad DESC: Loads the Backdrop for TitanOptionsSliderTemplate with new 9.0 API VAR: self - The frame --]] function TitanOptionsSliderTemplate_OnLoad(self) self:SetBackdrop({ bgFile="Interface\\Buttons\\UI-SliderBar-Background", edgeFile="Interface\\Buttons\\UI-SliderBar-Border", tile = true, insets = { left = 6, right = 6, top = 3, bottom = 3, }, tileSize = 8, edgeSize = 8, }) end