-- ************************************************************************** -- * TitanBag.lua -- * -- * By: TitanMod, Dark Imakuni, Adsertor and the Titan Panel Development Team -- ************************************************************************** -- ******************************** Constants ******************************* local _G = getfenv(0); local TITAN_BAG_ID = "Bag"; local TITAN_BAG_THRESHOLD_TABLE = { Values = { 0.5, 0.75, 0.9 }, Colors = { HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR, NORMAL_FONT_COLOR, ORANGE_FONT_COLOR, RED_FONT_COLOR }, } local updateTable = {TITAN_BAG_ID, TITAN_PANEL_UPDATE_BUTTON}; -- ******************************** Variables ******************************* local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("TitanClassic", true) local AceTimer = LibStub("AceTimer-3.0") local BagTimer -- ******************************** Functions ******************************* --[[ -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : IsAmmoPouch(name) -- DESC : Test to see if bag is an ammo pouch -- VARS : name = item name -- ************************************************************************** --]] local function IsAmmoPouch(name) local bagType = "" local color = {r=1,g=1,b=1}; -- WHITE if (name) then for index, value in pairs(L["TITAN_BAG_AMMO_POUCH_NAMES"]) do if (string.find(name, value)) then bagType = "AMMO"; color = {r=1,g=1,b=1}; -- WHITE end end end return bagType, color end --[[ -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : IsShardBag(name) -- DESC : Test to see if bag is a shard bag -- VARS : name = item name -- ************************************************************************** --]] local function IsShardBag(name) local bagType = "" local color = {r=1,g=1,b=1}; -- WHITE if (name) then for index, value in pairs(L["TITAN_BAG_SHARD_BAG_NAMES"]) do if (string.find(name, value)) then bagType = "SHARD"; color = {r=1,g=1,b=1}; -- WHITE return bagType, color; end end end return bagType, color end --[[ -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : IsProfBag(name) -- DESC : Test to see if bag is a profession bag -- VARS : name = item name -- ************************************************************************** --]] local function IsProfBag(name) local bagType = "" local color = {r=1,g=1,b=1}; -- WHITE -- each if returns if bag name is found, cleaner but could be confusing if (name) then for index, value in pairs(L["TITAN_BAG_PROF_BAG_ENCHANTING"]) do if (string.find(name, value, 1, true)) then bagType = "ENCHANTING"; color = {r=0,g=0,b=1}; -- BLUE return bagType, color; end end for index, value in pairs(L["TITAN_BAG_PROF_BAG_ENGINEERING"]) do if (string.find(name, value, 1, true)) then bagType = "ENGINEERING"; color = {r=1,g=0.49,b=0.04}; -- ORANGE return bagType, color; end end for index, value in pairs(L["TITAN_BAG_PROF_BAG_HERBALISM"]) do if (string.find(name, value, 1, true)) then bagType = "HERBALISM"; color = {r=0,g=1,b=0}; -- GREEN return bagType, color; end end for index, value in pairs(L["TITAN_BAG_PROF_BAG_INSCRIPTION"]) do if (string.find(name, value, 1, true)) then bagType = "INSCRIPTION"; color = {r=0.58,g=0.51,b=0.79}; -- PURPLE return bagType, color; end end for index, value in pairs(L["TITAN_BAG_PROF_BAG_JEWELCRAFTING"]) do if (string.find(name, value, 1, true)) then bagType = "JEWELCRAFTING"; color = {r=1,g=0,b=0}; -- RED return bagType, color; end end for index, value in pairs(L["TITAN_BAG_PROF_BAG_LEATHERWORKING"]) do if (string.find(name, value, 1, true)) then bagType = "LEATHERWORKING"; color = {r=0.78,g=0.61,b=0.43}; -- TAN return bagType, color; end end for index, value in pairs(L["TITAN_BAG_PROF_BAG_MINING"]) do if (string.find(name, value, 1, true)) then bagType = "MINING"; color = {r=1,g=1,b=1}; -- WHITE return bagType, color; end end for index, value in pairs(L["TITAN_BAG_PROF_BAG_FISHING"]) do if (string.find(name, value, 1, true)) then bagType = "FISHING"; color = {r=0.41,g=0.8,b=0.94}; -- LIGHT_BLUE return bagType, color; end end for index, value in pairs(L["TITAN_BAG_PROF_BAG_COOKING"]) do if (string.find(name, value, 1, true)) then bagType = "COOKING"; color = {r=0.96,g=0.55,b=0.73}; -- PINK return bagType, color; end end end return bagType, color end --[[ -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : CountMe(name) -- DESC : Test to see if bag should be counted -- VARS : name = item name -- ************************************************************************** --]] local function CountMe(bag) -- defaults as if bag does not exist local name = (GetBagName(bag) or "") local size = (GetContainerNumSlots(bag) or 0) local bagType = "" local color = {r=1,g=1,b=1} -- WHITE local used = 0 if name ~= "" then -- a bag is in the slot for slot = 1, size do if (GetContainerItemInfo(bag, slot)) then used = used + 1; end end -- check for a special storage bag if (TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "CountAmmoPouchSlots") and bagType == "") then bagType, color = IsAmmoPouch(name) end if (TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "CountShardBagSlots") and bagType == "") then bagType, color = IsShardBag(name) end if (TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "CountProfBagSlots") and bagType == "") then bagType, color = IsProfBag(name) end if (bagType == "") then bagType = "NORMAL" end end return {size = size, used = used, bagType = bagType, name = name, color = color} end --]] -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelBagButton_OnLoad() -- DESC : Registers the plugin upon it loading -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelBagButton_OnLoad(self) self.registry = { id = TITAN_BAG_ID, category = "Built-ins", version = TITAN_VERSION, menuText = L["TITAN_BAG_MENU_TEXT"], buttonTextFunction = "TitanPanelBagButton_GetButtonText", tooltipTitle = L["TITAN_BAG_TOOLTIP"], tooltipTextFunction = "TitanPanelBagButton_GetTooltipText", icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\TitanClassicBag\\TitanClassicBag", iconWidth = 16, controlVariables = { ShowIcon = true, ShowLabelText = true, ShowRegularText = false, ShowColoredText = true, DisplayOnRightSide = false }, savedVariables = { ShowUsedSlots = 1, ShowDetailedInfo = false, CountAmmoPouchSlots = false, CountShardBagSlots = false, CountProfBagSlots = false, ShowIcon = 1, ShowLabelText = 1, ShowColoredText = 1, } }; self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD"); end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelBagButton_OnEvent() -- DESC : Parse events registered to plugin and act on them -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelBagButton_OnEvent(self, event, ...) if (event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") and (not self:IsEventRegistered("BAG_UPDATE")) then self:RegisterEvent("BAG_UPDATE"); end if event == "BAG_UPDATE" then -- Create only when the event is active self:SetScript("OnUpdate", TitanPanelBagButton_OnUpdate) end end function TitanPanelBagButton_OnUpdate(self) -- update the button TitanPanelPluginHandle_OnUpdate(updateTable) -- remove until the next bag event self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil) end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelBagButton_OnClick(button) -- DESC : Opens all bags on a LeftClick -- VARS : button = value of action -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelBagButton_OnClick(self, button) if (button == "LeftButton") then ToggleAllBags(); end end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelBagButton_GetButtonText(id) -- DESC : Calculate bag space logic then display data on button -- VARS : id = button ID -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelBagButton_GetButtonText(id) local button, id = TitanUtils_GetButton(id, true); local totalBagSlots, usedBagSlots, availableBagSlots, bag, bagText, bagRichText, color; local totalProfBagSlots = {0,0,0,0,0}; local usedProfBagSlots = {0,0,0,0,0}; local availableProfBagSlots = {0,0,0,0,0}; local bagRichTextProf = {"","","","",""}; local bagInfo = {} totalBagSlots = 0; usedBagSlots = 0; bagRichText = "" for bag = 0, 4 do local info = CountMe(bag) if info.bagType == "" then -- no bag in slot elseif info.bagType == "NORMAL" then usedBagSlots = usedBagSlots + info.used totalBagSlots = totalBagSlots + info.size else -- process special storage bag totalProfBagSlots[bag+1] = info.size usedProfBagSlots[bag+1] = info.used availableProfBagSlots[bag+1] = info.size - info.used -- prepare text for the special bag if (TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "ShowUsedSlots")) then bagText = " [" .. format(L["TITAN_BAG_FORMAT"], usedProfBagSlots[bag+1], totalProfBagSlots[bag+1]) .. "]"; else bagText = " [" .. format(L["TITAN_BAG_FORMAT"], availableProfBagSlots[bag+1], totalProfBagSlots[bag+1]) .. "]"; end if ( TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "ShowColoredText") ) then bagRichTextProf[bag+1] = TitanUtils_GetColoredText(bagText, info.color); else bagRichTextProf[bag+1] = TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(bagText); end end end -- process normal bags as one set availableBagSlots = totalBagSlots - usedBagSlots; if (TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "ShowUsedSlots")) then bagText = format(L["TITAN_BAG_FORMAT"], usedBagSlots, totalBagSlots); else bagText = format(L["TITAN_BAG_FORMAT"], availableBagSlots, totalBagSlots); end if ( TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "ShowColoredText") ) then color = TitanUtils_GetThresholdColor(TITAN_BAG_THRESHOLD_TABLE, usedBagSlots / totalBagSlots); bagRichText = TitanUtils_GetColoredText(bagText, color); else bagRichText = TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(bagText); end bagRichText = bagRichText..bagRichTextProf[1]..bagRichTextProf[2]..bagRichTextProf[3]..bagRichTextProf[4]..bagRichTextProf[5]; return L["TITAN_BAG_BUTTON_LABEL"], bagRichText; end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelBagButton_GetTooltipText() -- DESC : Display tooltip text -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelBagButton_GetTooltipText() local totalSlots, usedSlots, availableSlots; local returnstring = ""; if TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "ShowDetailedInfo") then returnstring = "\n"; if TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "ShowUsedSlots") then returnstring = returnstring..TitanUtils_GetNormalText(L["TITAN_BAG_MENU_TEXT"]) ..":\t"..TitanUtils_GetNormalText(L["TITAN_BAG_USED_SLOTS"])..":\n"; else returnstring = returnstring..TitanUtils_GetNormalText(L["TITAN_BAG_MENU_TEXT"]) ..":\t"..TitanUtils_GetNormalText(L["TITAN_BAG_FREE_SLOTS"])..":\n"; end for bag = 0, 4 do totalSlots = GetContainerNumSlots(bag) or 0; availableSlots = GetContainerNumFreeSlots(bag) or 0; usedSlots = totalSlots - availableSlots; local itemlink = bag > 0 and GetInventoryItemLink("player", ContainerIDToInventoryID(bag)) or TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(L["TITAN_BAG_BACKPACK"]).. FONT_COLOR_CODE_CLOSE; if itemlink then itemlink = string.gsub( itemlink, "%[", "" ); itemlink = string.gsub( itemlink, "%]", "" ); end if bag > 0 and not GetInventoryItemLink("player", ContainerIDToInventoryID(bag)) then itemlink = nil; end local bagText, bagRichText, color; if (TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "ShowUsedSlots")) then bagText = format(L["TITAN_BAG_FORMAT"], usedSlots, totalSlots); else bagText = format(L["TITAN_BAG_FORMAT"], availableSlots, totalSlots); end if ( TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "ShowColoredText") ) then if totalSlots == 0 then color = TitanUtils_GetThresholdColor(TITAN_BAG_THRESHOLD_TABLE, 1 ); else color = TitanUtils_GetThresholdColor(TITAN_BAG_THRESHOLD_TABLE, usedSlots / totalSlots); end bagRichText = TitanUtils_GetColoredText(bagText, color); else bagRichText = TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(bagText); end if itemlink then returnstring = returnstring..itemlink.."\t"..bagRichText.."\n"; end end returnstring = returnstring.."\n"; end return returnstring..TitanUtils_GetGreenText(L["TITAN_BAG_TOOLTIP_HINTS"]); end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelRightClickMenu_PrepareBagMenu() -- DESC : Display rightclick menu options -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelRightClickMenu_PrepareBagMenu() local info -- level 2 if _G["L_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL"] == 2 then if _G["L_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE"] == "Options" then TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddTitle(L["TITAN_PANEL_OPTIONS"], _G["L_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL"]) info = {}; info.text = L["TITAN_BAG_MENU_SHOW_USED_SLOTS"]; info.func = TitanPanelBagButton_ShowUsedSlots; info.checked = TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "ShowUsedSlots"); L_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, _G["L_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL"]); info = {}; info.text = L["TITAN_BAG_MENU_SHOW_AVAILABLE_SLOTS"]; info.func = TitanPanelBagButton_ShowAvailableSlots; info.checked = TitanUtils_Toggle(TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "ShowUsedSlots")); L_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, _G["L_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL"]); info = {}; info.text = L["TITAN_BAG_MENU_SHOW_DETAILED"]; info.func = TitanPanelBagButton_ShowDetailedInfo; info.checked = TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "ShowDetailedInfo"); L_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, _G["L_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL"]); end --[[ if _G["UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE"] == "IgnoreCont" then TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddTitle(L["TITAN_BAG_MENU_IGNORE_SLOTS"], _G["UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL"]) info = {}; info.text = L["TITAN_BAG_MENU_IGNORE_PROF_BAGS_SLOTS"]; info.func = TitanPanelBagButton_ToggleIgnoreProfBagSlots; info.checked = TitanUtils_Toggle(TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "CountProfBagSlots")); UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, _G["UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL"]); end --]] return end -- level 1 TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddTitle(TitanPlugins[TITAN_BAG_ID].menuText); info = {}; info.notCheckable = true info.text = L["TITAN_PANEL_OPTIONS"]; info.value = "Options" info.hasArrow = 1; L_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info); --[[ info = {}; info.notCheckable = true info.text = L["TITAN_BAG_MENU_IGNORE_SLOTS"]; info.value = "IgnoreCont" info.hasArrow = 1; UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info); --]] TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddSpacer(); info = {}; info.text = L["TITAN_BAG_MENU_IGNORE_AMMO_POUCH_SLOTS"]; info.func = TitanPanelBagButton_ToggleIgnoreAmmoPouchSlots; info.checked = TitanUtils_Toggle(TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "CountAmmoPouchSlots")); L_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, _G["L_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL"]); info = {}; info.text = L["TITAN_BAG_MENU_IGNORE_SHARD_BAGS_SLOTS"]; info.func = TitanPanelBagButton_ToggleIgnoreShardBagSlots; info.checked = TitanUtils_Toggle(TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "CountShardBagSlots")); L_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, _G["L_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL"]); info = {}; info.text = L["TITAN_BAG_MENU_IGNORE_PROF_BAGS_SLOTS"]; info.func = TitanPanelBagButton_ToggleIgnoreProfBagSlots; info.checked = TitanUtils_Toggle(TitanGetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "CountProfBagSlots")); L_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, _G["L_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL"]); TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddSpacer(); TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddToggleIcon(TITAN_BAG_ID); TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddToggleLabelText(TITAN_BAG_ID); TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddToggleColoredText(TITAN_BAG_ID); TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddSpacer(); TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddCommand(L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_HIDE"], TITAN_BAG_ID, TITAN_PANEL_MENU_FUNC_HIDE); end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelBagButton_ShowUsedSlots() -- DESC : Set option to show used slots -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelBagButton_ShowUsedSlots() TitanSetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "ShowUsedSlots", 1); TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(TITAN_BAG_ID); end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelBagButton_ShowAvailableSlots() -- DESC : Set option to show available slots -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelBagButton_ShowAvailableSlots() TitanSetVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "ShowUsedSlots", nil); TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(TITAN_BAG_ID); end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelBagButton_ToggleIgnoreAmmoPouchSlots() -- DESC : Set option to count ammo pouch slots -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelBagButton_ToggleIgnoreAmmoPouchSlots() TitanToggleVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "CountAmmoPouchSlots"); TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(TITAN_BAG_ID); end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelBagButton_ToggleIgnoreShardBagSlots() -- DESC : Set option to count shard bag slots -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelBagButton_ToggleIgnoreShardBagSlots() TitanToggleVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "CountShardBagSlots"); TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(TITAN_BAG_ID); end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelBagButton_ToggleIgnoreProfBagSlots() -- DESC : Set option to count profession bag slots -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelBagButton_ToggleIgnoreProfBagSlots() TitanToggleVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "CountProfBagSlots"); TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(TITAN_BAG_ID); end function TitanPanelBagButton_ShowDetailedInfo() TitanToggleVar(TITAN_BAG_ID, "ShowDetailedInfo"); end