--[[-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TomTom by Cladhaire <cladhaire@gmail.com> -- -- All Rights Reserved ----------------------------------------------------------------------------]] -- Simple localization table for messages local L = TomTomLocals local ldb = LibStub("LibDataBroker-1.1") local astrolabe = DongleStub("Astrolabe-1.0") local lmd = LibStub("LibMapData-1.0") local addonName, addon = ... local TomTom = addon -- Local definitions local GetCurrentCursorPosition local WorldMap_OnUpdate local Block_OnClick,Block_OnUpdate,Block_OnEnter,Block_OnLeave local Block_OnDragStart,Block_OnDragStop local callbackTbl local RoundCoords local waypoints = {} function TomTom:Initialize(event, addon) self.defaults = { profile = { general = { confirmremoveall = true, announce = false, corpse_arrow = true, }, block = { enable = true, accuracy = 2, bordercolor = {1, 0.8, 0, 0.8}, bgcolor = {0, 0, 0, 0.4}, lock = false, height = 30, width = 100, fontsize = 12, throttle = 0.2, }, mapcoords = { playerenable = true, playeraccuracy = 2, cursorenable = true, cursoraccuracy = 2, throttle = 0.1, }, arrow = { enable = true, goodcolor = {0, 1, 0}, badcolor = {1, 0, 0}, middlecolor = {1, 1, 0}, exactcolor = {0, 1, 0}, arrival = 15, lock = false, noclick = false, showtta = true, showdistance = true, stickycorpse = false, autoqueue = true, menu = true, scale = 1.0, alpha = 1.0, title_width = 0, title_height = 0, title_scale = 1, title_alpha = 1, setclosest = true, closestusecontinent = false, enablePing = false, hideDuringPetBattles = true, }, minimap = { enable = true, otherzone = true, tooltip = true, menu = true, }, worldmap = { enable = true, tooltip = true, otherzone = true, clickcreate = true, menu = true, create_modifier = "C", }, comm = { enable = true, prompt = false, }, persistence = { cleardistance = 10, savewaypoints = true, }, feeds = { coords = false, coords_throttle = 0.3, coords_accuracy = 2, arrow = false, arrow_throttle = 0.1, }, poi = { enable = true, modifier = "C", setClosest = false, arrival = 0, }, }, } self.waydefaults = { global = { converted = { ["*"] = {}, }, }, profile = { ["*"] = {}, }, } self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("TomTomDB", self.defaults, "Default") self.waydb = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("TomTomWaypointsMF", self.waydefaults) self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileChanged", "ReloadOptions") self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileCopied", "ReloadOptions") self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileReset", "ReloadOptions") self.waydb.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileChanged", "ReloadWaypoints") self.waydb.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileCopied", "ReloadWaypoints") self.waydb.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileReset", "ReloadWaypoints") self.tooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "TomTomTooltip", nil, "GameTooltipTemplate") self.tooltip:SetFrameStrata("DIALOG") self.dropdown = CreateFrame("Frame", "TomTomDropdown", nil, "UIDropDownMenuTemplate") -- Both the waypoints and waypointprofile tables are going to contain subtables for each -- of the mapids that might exist. Under these will be a hash of key/waypoint pairs consisting -- of the waypoints for the given map file. self.waypoints = waypoints self.waypointprofile = self.waydb.profile self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD") self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_ADDON") RegisterAddonMessagePrefix("TOMTOM3") -- Watch for pet battle start/end so we can hide/show the arrow self:RegisterEvent("PET_BATTLE_OPENING_START", "ShowHideCrazyArrow") self:RegisterEvent("PET_BATTLE_CLOSE", "ShowHideCrazyArrow") self:ReloadOptions() self:ReloadWaypoints() if self.db.profile.feeds.coords then -- Create a data feed for coordinates local feed_coords = ldb:NewDataObject("TomTom_Coords", { type = "data source", icon = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Map_01", text = "", }) local coordFeedFrame = CreateFrame("Frame") local throttle, counter = self.db.profile.feeds.coords_throttle, 0 function TomTom:_privateupdatecoordthrottle(x) throttle = x end coordFeedFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed) counter = counter + elapsed if counter < throttle then return end counter = 0 local m, f, x, y = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition() if x and y then local opt = TomTom.db.profile.feeds feed_coords.text = string.format("%s", RoundCoords(x, y, opt.coords_accuracy)) end end) end end -- Some utility functions that can pack/unpack data from a waypoint -- Returns a hashable 'key' for a given waypoint consisting of the -- map, floor, x, y and the waypoints title. This isn't truly -- unique, but should be close enough to determine duplicates, etc. function TomTom:GetKey(waypoint) local m,f,x,y = unpack(waypoint) return self:GetKeyArgs(m, f, x, y, waypoint.title) end function TomTom:GetKeyArgs(m, f, x, y, title) if not f then local floors = astrolabe:GetNumFloors(m) f = floors == 0 and 0 or 1 end -- Fudge the x/y values so they avoid precision/printf issues local x = x * 10000 local y = y * 10000 local key = string.format("%d:%d:%s:%s:%s", m, f, x*10e4, y*10e4, tostring(title)) return key end -- Returns the player's current coordinates without flipping the map or -- causing any other weirdness. This can and will cause the coordinates to be -- weird if you zoom the map out to your parent, but there is no way to -- recover this without changing/setting the map zoom. Deal with it =) function TomTom:GetCurrentCoords() local x, y = GetPlayerMapPosition("player"); if x and y and x > 0 and y > 0 then return x, y end end function TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition() return astrolabe:GetUnitPosition("player", true) end function TomTom:ReloadOptions() -- This handles the reloading of all options self.profile = self.db.profile self:ShowHideWorldCoords() self:ShowHideCoordBlock() self:ShowHideCrazyArrow() self:EnableDisablePOIIntegration() end function TomTom:ClearAllWaypoints() for mapId, entries in pairs(waypoints) do for key, waypoint in pairs(entries) do -- The waypoint IS the UID now self:ClearWaypoint(waypoint) end end end function TomTom:ResetWaypointOptions() local minimap = self.profile.minimap.enable local world = self.profile.worldmap.enable local cleardistance = self.profile.persistence.cleardistance local arrivaldistance = self.profile.arrow.arrival for map, data in pairs(self.waypointprofile) do for key, waypoint in pairs(data) do waypoint.minimap = minimap waypoint.world = sorld waypoint.cleardistance = cleardistance waypoint.arrivaldistance = arrivaldistance end end end function TomTom:ReloadWaypoints() self:ClearAllWaypoints() waypoints = {} self.waypoints = waypoints self.waypointprofile = self.waydb.profile local cm, cf, cx, cy = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition() for mapId,data in pairs(self.waypointprofile) do local same = mapId == cm local minimap = self.profile.minimap.enable and (self.profile.minimap.otherzone or same) local world = self.profile.worldmap.enable and (self.profile.worldmap.otherzone or same) for key,waypoint in pairs(data) do local m,f,x,y = unpack(waypoint) local title = waypoint.title -- Set up default options local options = { desc = title, title = title, persistent = waypoint.persistent, minimap = minimap, world = world, callbacks = nil, silent = true, } -- Override options with what is stored in the profile for k,v in pairs(waypoint) do if type(k) == "string" then if k ~= "callbacks" then -- we can never import callbacks, so ditch them options[k] = v end end end self:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, options) end end end function TomTom:UpdateCoordFeedThrottle() self:_privateupdatecoordthrottle(self.db.profile.feeds.coords_throttle) end -- Hook some global functions so we know when the world map size changes local mapSizedUp = not (WORLDMAP_SETTINGS.size == WORLDMAP_WINDOWED_SIZE); hooksecurefunc("WorldMap_ToggleSizeUp", function() mapSizedUp = true TomTom:ShowHideWorldCoords() end) hooksecurefunc("WorldMap_ToggleSizeDown", function() mapSizedUp = false TomTom:ShowHideWorldCoords() end) function TomTom:ShowHideWorldCoords() -- Bail out if we're not supposed to be showing this frame if self.profile.mapcoords.playerenable or self.db.profile.mapcoords.cursorenable then -- Create the frame if it doesn't exist if not TomTomWorldFrame then TomTomWorldFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, WorldMapFrame) TomTomWorldFrame.Player = TomTomWorldFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontHighlightSmall") TomTomWorldFrame.Cursor = TomTomWorldFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontHighlightSmall") TomTomWorldFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", WorldMap_OnUpdate) end TomTomWorldFrame.Player:ClearAllPoints() TomTomWorldFrame.Cursor:ClearAllPoints() if mapSizedUp then TomTomWorldFrame.Player:SetPoint("RIGHT", WorldMapPositioningGuide, "BOTTOM", -15, 15) TomTomWorldFrame.Cursor:SetPoint("LEFT", WorldMapPositioningGuide, "BOTTOM", 15, 15) else TomTomWorldFrame.Player:SetPoint("LEFT", WorldMapPositioningGuide, "BOTTOMLEFT", 25, 16) TomTomWorldFrame.Cursor:SetPoint("LEFT", WorldMapPositioningGuide, "BOTTOMLEFT", 140, 16) end TomTomWorldFrame.Player:Hide() TomTomWorldFrame.Cursor:Hide() if self.profile.mapcoords.playerenable then TomTomWorldFrame.Player:Show() end if self.profile.mapcoords.cursorenable then TomTomWorldFrame.Cursor:Show() end -- Show the frame TomTomWorldFrame:Show() elseif TomTomWorldFrame then TomTomWorldFrame:Hide() end end function TomTom:ShowHideCoordBlock() -- Bail out if we're not supposed to be showing this frame if self.profile.block.enable then -- Create the frame if it doesn't exist if not TomTomBlock then -- Create the coordinate display TomTomBlock = CreateFrame("Button", "TomTomBlock", UIParent) TomTomBlock:SetWidth(120) TomTomBlock:SetHeight(32) TomTomBlock:SetToplevel(1) TomTomBlock:SetFrameStrata("LOW") TomTomBlock:SetMovable(true) TomTomBlock:EnableMouse(true) TomTomBlock:SetClampedToScreen() TomTomBlock:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton") TomTomBlock:RegisterForClicks("RightButtonUp") TomTomBlock:SetPoint("TOP", Minimap, "BOTTOM", -20, -10) TomTomBlock.Text = TomTomBlock:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal") TomTomBlock.Text:SetJustifyH("CENTER") TomTomBlock.Text:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, 0) TomTomBlock:SetBackdrop({ bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground", edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border", edgeSize = 16, insets = {left = 4, right = 4, top = 4, bottom = 4}, }) TomTomBlock:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,0.4) TomTomBlock:SetBackdropBorderColor(1,0.8,0,0.8) -- Set behavior scripts TomTomBlock:SetScript("OnUpdate", Block_OnUpdate) TomTomBlock:SetScript("OnClick", Block_OnClick) TomTomBlock:SetScript("OnEnter", Block_OnEnter) TomTomBlock:SetScript("OnLeave", Block_OnLeave) TomTomBlock:SetScript("OnDragStop", Block_OnDragStop) TomTomBlock:SetScript("OnDragStart", Block_OnDragStart) end -- Show the frame TomTomBlock:Show() local opt = self.profile.block -- Update the backdrop color, and border color TomTomBlock:SetBackdropColor(unpack(opt.bgcolor)) TomTomBlock:SetBackdropBorderColor(unpack(opt.bordercolor)) -- Update the height and width TomTomBlock:SetHeight(opt.height) TomTomBlock:SetWidth(opt.width) -- Update the font size local font,height = TomTomBlock.Text:GetFont() TomTomBlock.Text:SetFont(font, opt.fontsize, select(3, TomTomBlock.Text:GetFont())) elseif TomTomBlock then TomTomBlock:Hide() end end -- Hook the WorldMap OnClick local world_click_verify = { ["A"] = function() return IsAltKeyDown() end, ["C"] = function() return IsControlKeyDown() end, ["S"] = function() return IsShiftKeyDown() end, } local origScript = WorldMapButton_OnClick WorldMapButton_OnClick = function(self, ...) local mouseButton, button = ... if mouseButton == "RightButton" then -- Check for all the modifiers that are currently set for mod in TomTom.db.profile.worldmap.create_modifier:gmatch("[ACS]") do if not world_click_verify[mod] or not world_click_verify[mod]() then return origScript and origScript(self, ...) or true end end local m,f = GetCurrentMapAreaID() local x,y = GetCurrentCursorPosition() if not m or m == WORLDMAP_COSMIC_ID then return origScript and origScript(self, ...) or true end local uid = TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m,f,x,y) else return origScript and origScript(self, ...) or true end end if WorldMapButton:GetScript("OnMouseUp") == origScript then WorldMapButton:SetScript("OnMouseUp", WorldMapButton_OnClick) end local function WaypointCallback(event, arg1, arg2, arg3) if event == "OnDistanceArrive" then TomTom:ClearWaypoint(arg1) elseif event == "OnTooltipShown" then local tooltip = arg1 if arg3 then tooltip:SetText(L["TomTom waypoint"]) tooltip:AddLine(string.format(L["%s yards away"], math.floor(arg2)), 1, 1 ,1) tooltip:Show() else tooltip.lines[2]:SetFormattedText(L["%s yards away"], math.floor(arg2), 1, 1, 1) end end end --[[------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dropdown menu code -------------------------------------------------------------------]]-- StaticPopupDialogs["TOMTOM_REMOVE_ALL_CONFIRM"] = { preferredIndex = 3, text = L["Are you sure you would like to remove ALL TomTom waypoints?"], button1 = L["Yes"], button2 = L["No"], OnAccept = function() TomTom.waydb:ResetProfile() TomTom:ReloadWaypoints() end, timeout = 30, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = 1, } local dropdown_info = { -- Define level one elements here [1] = { { -- Title text = L["Waypoint Options"], isTitle = 1, }, { -- set as crazy arrow text = L["Set as waypoint arrow"], func = function() local uid = TomTom.dropdown.uid local data = uid TomTom:SetCrazyArrow(uid, TomTom.profile.arrow.arrival, data.title or L["TomTom waypoint"]) end, }, { -- Send waypoint text = L["Send waypoint to"], hasArrow = true, value = "send", }, { -- Remove waypoint text = L["Remove waypoint"], func = function() local uid = TomTom.dropdown.uid local data = uid TomTom:RemoveWaypoint(uid) --TomTom:PrintF("Removing waypoint %0.2f, %0.2f in %s", data.x, data.y, data.zone) end, }, { -- Remove all waypoints from this zone text = L["Remove all waypoints from this zone"], func = function() local uid = TomTom.dropdown.uid local data = uid local mapId = data[1] for key, waypoint in pairs(waypoints[mapId]) do TomTom:RemoveWaypoint(waypoint) end end, }, { -- Remove ALL waypoints text = L["Remove all waypoints"], func = function() if TomTom.db.profile.general.confirmremoveall then StaticPopup_Show("TOMTOM_REMOVE_ALL_CONFIRM") else StaticPopupDialogs["TOMTOM_REMOVE_ALL_CONFIRM"].OnAccept() return end end, }, { -- Save this waypoint text = L["Save this waypoint between sessions"], checked = function() return TomTom:UIDIsSaved(TomTom.dropdown.uid) end, func = function() -- Add/remove it from the SV file local uid = TomTom.dropdown.uid local data = waypoints[uid] if data then local key = TomTom:GetKey(data) local mapId = data[1] if mapId then if UIDIsSavedTomTom.waypointprofile[mapId][key] then TomTom.waypointprofile[mapId][key] = nil else TomTom.waypointprofile[mapId][key] = data end end end end, }, }, [2] = { send = { { -- Title text = L["Waypoint communication"], isTitle = true, }, { -- Party text = L["Send to party"], func = function() TomTom:SendWaypoint(TomTom.dropdown.uid, "PARTY") end }, { -- Raid text = L["Send to raid"], func = function() TomTom:SendWaypoint(TomTom.dropdown.uid, "RAID") end }, { -- Battleground text = L["Send to battleground"], func = function() TomTom:SendWaypoint(TomTom.dropdown.uid, "BATTLEGROUND") end }, { -- Guild text = L["Send to guild"], func = function() TomTom:SendWaypoint(TomTom.dropdown.uid, "GUILD") end }, }, }, } local function init_dropdown(self, level) -- Make sure level is set to 1, if not supplied level = level or 1 -- Get the current level from the info table local info = dropdown_info[level] -- If a value has been set, try to find it at the current level if level > 1 and UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE then if info[UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE] then info = info[UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE] end end -- Add the buttons to the menu for idx,entry in ipairs(info) do if type(entry.checked) == "function" then -- Make this button dynamic local new = {} for k,v in pairs(entry) do new[k] = v end new.checked = new.checked() entry = new else entry.checked = nil end UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(entry, level) end end function TomTom:InitializeDropdown(uid) self.dropdown.uid = uid UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(self.dropdown, init_dropdown) end function TomTom:UIDIsSaved(uid) local data = uid if data then local key = TomTom:GetKey(data) local mapId = data[1] if data then return not not TomTom.waypointprofile[mapId][key] end end return false end function TomTom:SendWaypoint(uid, channel) local data = uid local m, f, x, y = unpack(data) local msg = string.format("%d:%d:%f:%f:%s", m, f, x, y, data.title or "") SendAddonMessage("TOMTOM3", msg, channel) end function TomTom:CHAT_MSG_ADDON(event, prefix, data, channel, sender) if prefix ~= "TOMTOM3" then return end if sender == UnitName("player") then return end local m,f,x,y,title = string.split(":", data) if not title:match("%S") then title = string.format(L["Waypoint from %s"], sender) end m = tonumber(m) f = tonumber(f) x = tonumber(x) y = tonumber(y) local zoneName = lmd:MapLocalize(m) self:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, {title = title}) local msg = string.format(L["|cffffff78TomTom|r: Added '%s' (sent from %s) to zone %s"], title, sender, zoneName) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg) end --[[------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Define callback functions -------------------------------------------------------------------]]-- local function _minimap_onclick(event, uid, self, button) if TomTom.db.profile.minimap.menu then TomTom:InitializeDropdown(uid) ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, TomTom.dropdown, "cursor", 0, 0) end end local function _world_onclick(event, uid, self, button) if TomTom.db.profile.worldmap.menu then TomTom:InitializeDropdown(uid) ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, TomTom.dropdown, "cursor", 0, 0) end end local function _both_tooltip_show(event, tooltip, uid, dist) local data = uid tooltip:SetText(data.title or L["TomTom waypoint"]) if dist and tonumber(dist) then tooltip:AddLine(string.format(L["%s yards away"], math.floor(dist)), 1, 1, 1) else tooltip:AddLine(L["Unknown distance"]) end local m,f,x,y = unpack(data) local zoneName = lmd:MapLocalize(m) tooltip:AddLine(string.format(L["%s (%.2f, %.2f)"], zoneName, x*100, y*100), 0.7, 0.7, 0.7) tooltip:Show() end local function _minimap_tooltip_show(event, tooltip, uid, dist) if not TomTom.db.profile.minimap.tooltip then tooltip:Hide() return end return _both_tooltip_show(event, tooltip, uid, dist) end local function _world_tooltip_show(event, tooltip, uid, dist) if not TomTom.db.profile.worldmap.tooltip then tooltip:Hide() return end return _both_tooltip_show(event, tooltip, uid, dist) end local function _both_tooltip_update(event, tooltip, uid, dist) if dist and tonumber(dist) then tooltip.lines[2]:SetFormattedText(L["%s yards away"], math.floor(dist), 1, 1, 1) else tooltip.lines[2]:SetText(L["Unknown distance"]) end end local function _both_clear_distance(event, uid, range, distance, lastdistance) -- Only clear the waypoint if we weren't inside it when it was set if lastdistance and not UnitOnTaxi("player") then TomTom:RemoveWaypoint(uid) end end local function _both_ping_arrival(event, uid, range, distance, lastdistance) if TomTom.profile.arrow.enablePing then PlaySoundFile("Interface\\AddOns\\TomTom\\Media\\ping.mp3") end end local function _remove(event, uid) local data = uid local key = TomTom:GetKey(data) local mapId = data[1] local sv = TomTom.waypointprofile[mapId] if sv and sv[key] then sv[key] = nil end -- Remove this entry from the waypoints table if waypoints[mapId] then waypoints[mapId][key] = nil end end local function noop() end function TomTom:RemoveWaypoint(uid) local data = uid self:ClearWaypoint(uid) local key = TomTom:GetKey(data) local mapId = data[1] local sv = TomTom.waypointprofile[mapId] if sv and sv[key] then sv[key] = nil end -- Remove this entry from the waypoints table if waypoints[mapId] then waypoints[mapId][key] = nil end end -- TODO: Make this not suck function TomTom:AddWaypoint(x, y, desc, persistent, minimap, world, silent) local c,z = GetCurrentMapContinent(), GetCurrentMapZone() if not c or not z or c < 1 then --self:Print("Cannot find a valid zone to place the coordinates") return end return self:AddZWaypoint(c, z, x, y, desc, persistent, minimap, world, nil, silent) end function TomTom:AddZWaypoint(c, z, x, y, desc, persistent, minimap, world, callbacks, silent, crazy) -- Convert the c,z,x,y tuple to m,f,x,y and pass the work off to AddMFWaypoint() local mapId, floor = astrolabe:GetMapID(c, z) if not mapId then return end return self:AddMFWaypoint(mapId, floor, x/100, y/100, { title = desc, persistent = persistent, minimap = minimap, world = world, callbacks = callbacks, silent = silent, crazy = crazy, }) end -- Return a set of default callbacks that can be used by addons to provide -- more detailed functionality without losing the tooltip and onclick -- functionality. -- -- Options that are used in this 'opts' table in this function: -- * cleardistance - When the player is this far from the waypoint, the -- waypoint will be removed. -- * arrivaldistance - When the player is within this radius of the waypoint, -- the crazy arrow will change to the 'downwards' arrow, indicating that -- the player has arrived. function TomTom:DefaultCallbacks(opts) opts = opts or {} local callbacks = { minimap = { onclick = _minimap_onclick, tooltip_show = _minimap_tooltip_show, tooltip_update = _both_tooltip_update, }, world = { onclick = _world_onclick, tooltip_show = _world_tooltip_show, tooltip_update = _both_tooltip_show, }, distance = { }, } local cleardistance = self.profile.persistence.cleardistance local arrivaldistance = self.profile.arrow.arrival -- Allow both of these to be overriden by options if opts.cleardistance then cleardistance = opts.cleardistance end if opts.arrivaldistance then arrivaldistance = opts.arrivaldistance end if cleardistance == arrivaldistance then callbacks.distance[cleardistance] = function(...) _both_clear_distance(...); _both_ping_arrival(...); end else if cleardistance > 0 then callbacks.distance[cleardistance] = _both_clear_distance end if arrivaldistance > 0 then callbacks.distance[arrivaldistance] = _both_ping_arrival end end return callbacks end function TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, opts) opts = opts or {} -- Default values if opts.persistent == nil then opts.persistent = self.profile.persistence.savewaypoints end if opts.minimap == nil then opts.minimap = self.profile.minimap.enable end if opts.world == nil then opts.world = self.profile.worldmap.enable end if opts.crazy == nil then opts.crazy = self.profile.arrow.autoqueue end if opts.cleardistance == nil then opts.cleardistance = self.profile.persistence.cleardistance end if opts.arrivaldistance == nil then opts.arrivaldistance = self.profile.arrow.arrival end if not opts.callbacks then opts.callbacks = TomTom:DefaultCallbacks(opts) end local zoneName = lmd:MapLocalize(m) -- Get the default map floor, if necessary if not f then if not astrolabe:GetMapInfo(m) then -- guess the floor f = 0 else local floors = astrolabe:GetNumFloors(m) f = floors == 0 and 0 or 1 end end -- Ensure there isn't already a waypoint at this location local key = self:GetKey({m, f, x, y, title = opts.title}) if waypoints[m] and waypoints[m][key] then return waypoints[m][key] end -- uid is the 'new waypoint' called this for historical reasons local uid = {m, f, x, y, title = opts.title} -- Copy over any options, so we have em for k,v in pairs(opts) do if not uid[k] then uid[k] = v end end -- No need to convert x and y because they're already 0-1 instead of 0-100 self:SetWaypoint(uid, opts.callbacks, opts.minimap, opts.world) if opts.crazy then self:SetCrazyArrow(uid, opts.arrivaldistance, opts.title) end waypoints[m] = waypoints[m] or {} waypoints[m][key] = uid -- If this is a persistent waypoint, then add it to the waypoints table if opts.persistent then self.waypointprofile[m][key] = uid end if not opts.silent and self.profile.general.announce then local ctxt = RoundCoords(x, y, 2) local desc = opts.title and opts.title or "" local sep = opts.title and " - " or "" local msg = string.format(L["|cffffff78TomTom:|r Added a waypoint (%s%s%s) in %s"], desc, sep, ctxt, zoneName) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg) end return uid end -- Check to see if a given uid/waypoint is actually set somewhere function TomTom:IsValidWaypoint(waypoint) local m = waypoint[1] local key = self:GetKey(waypoint) if waypoints[m] and waypoints[m][key] then return true else return false end end function TomTom:WaypointMFExists(m, f, x, y, desc) local key = self:GetKeyArgs(m, f, x, y, desc) if waypoints[m] and waypoints[m][key] then return true else return false end end function TomTom:WaypointExists(c, z, x, y, desc) local m, f = astrolabe:GetMapID(c, z) return self:WaypointMFExists(m, f, x, y, desc) end function TomTom:SetCustomWaypoint(c,z,x,y,callback,minimap,world,silent) return self:AddZWaypoint(c, z, x, y, nil, false, minimap, world, callback, silent) end function TomTom:SetCustomMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, opts) opts.persistent = false return self:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, opts) end do -- Code courtesy ckknight function GetCurrentCursorPosition() local x, y = GetCursorPosition() local left, top = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetLeft(), WorldMapDetailFrame:GetTop() local width = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetWidth() local height = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetHeight() local scale = WorldMapDetailFrame:GetEffectiveScale() local cx = (x/scale - left) / width local cy = (top - y/scale) / height if cx < 0 or cx > 1 or cy < 0 or cy > 1 then return nil, nil end return cx, cy end local coord_fmt = "%%.%df, %%.%df" function RoundCoords(x,y,prec) local fmt = coord_fmt:format(prec, prec) return fmt:format(x*100, y*100) end local coord_throttle = 0 function WorldMap_OnUpdate(self, elapsed) coord_throttle = coord_throttle + elapsed if coord_throttle <= TomTom.profile.mapcoords.throttle then return end coord_throttle = 0 local x,y = TomTom:GetCurrentCoords() local opt = TomTom.db.profile if not x or not y then self.Player:SetText("Player: ---") else self.Player:SetFormattedText("Player: %s", RoundCoords(x, y, opt.mapcoords.playeraccuracy)) end local cX, cY = GetCurrentCursorPosition() if not cX or not cY then self.Cursor:SetText("Cursor: ---") else self.Cursor:SetFormattedText("Cursor: %s", RoundCoords(cX, cY, opt.mapcoords.cursoraccuracy)) end end end do local bcounter = 0 function Block_OnUpdate(self, elapsed) bcounter = bcounter + elapsed if bcounter > TomTom.profile.block.throttle then bcounter = bcounter - TomTom.profile.block.throttle local x,y = TomTom:GetCurrentCoords() local opt = TomTom.db.profile if not x or not y then local blank = ("-"):rep(8) self.Text:SetText(blank) else self.Text:SetFormattedText("%s", RoundCoords(x, y, opt.block.accuracy)) end end end function Block_OnDragStart(self, button, down) if not TomTom.db.profile.block.lock then self:StartMoving() end end function Block_OnDragStop(self, button, down) self:StopMovingOrSizing() end function Block_OnClick(self, button, down) local m,f,x,y = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition() local zoneName = lmd:MapLocalize(m,f) local desc = string.format("%s: %.2f, %.2f", zoneName, x*100, y*100) TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x, y, { title = desc, }) end end function TomTom:DebugListWaypoints() local m,f,x,y = self:GetCurrentPlayerPosition() local ctxt = RoundCoords(x, y, 2) local czone = lmd:MapLocalize(m) self:Printf(L["You are at (%s) in '%s' (map: %d, floor: %d)"], ctxt, czone or "UNKNOWN", m, f) if waypoints[m] then for key, wp in pairs(waypoints[m]) do local ctxt = RoundCoords(wp[3], wp[4], 2) local desc = wp.title and wp.title or L["Unknown waypoint"] local indent = " " self:Printf(L["%s%s - %s (map: %d, floor: %d)"], indent, desc, ctxt, wp[1], wp[2]) end else local indent = " " self:Printf(L["%sNo waypoints in this zone"], indent) end end local function usage() ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78TomTom |r/way |cffffff78Usage:|r"]) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/way <x> <y> [desc]|r - Adds a waypoint at x,y with descrtiption desc"]) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/way <zone> <x> <y> [desc]|r - Adds a waypoint at x,y in zone with description desc"]) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/way reset all|r - Resets all waypoints"]) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/way reset <zone>|r - Resets all waypoints in zone"]) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["|cffffff78/way list|r - Lists active waypoints in current zone"]) end function TomTom:GetClosestWaypoint() local m,f,x,y = self:GetCurrentPlayerPosition() local c = lmd:GetContinentFromMap(m) local closest_waypoint = nil local closest_dist = nil if not self.profile.arrow.closestusecontinent then -- Simple search within this zone if waypoints[m] then for key, waypoint in pairs(waypoints[m]) do local dist, x, y = TomTom:GetDistanceToWaypoint(waypoint) if (dist and closest_dist == nil) or (dist and dist < closest_dist) then closest_dist = dist closest_waypoint = waypoint end end end else -- Search all waypoints on this continent for map, waypoints in pairs(waypoints) do if c == lmd:GetContinentFromMap(map) then for key, waypoint in pairs(waypoints) do local dist, x, y = TomTom:GetDistanceToWaypoint(waypoint) if (dist and closest_dist == nil) or (dist and dist < closest_dist) then closest_dist = dist closest_waypoint = waypoint end end end end end if closest_dist then return closest_waypoint end end function TomTom:SetClosestWaypoint() local uid = self:GetClosestWaypoint() if uid then local data = uid TomTom:SetCrazyArrow(uid, TomTom.profile.arrow.arrival, data.title) end end SLASH_TOMTOM_CLOSEST_WAYPOINT1 = "/cway" SLASH_TOMTOM_CLOSEST_WAYPOINT2 = "/closestway" SlashCmdList["TOMTOM_CLOSEST_WAYPOINT"] = function(msg) TomTom:SetClosestWaypoint() end SLASH_TOMTOM_WAYBACK1 = "/wayb" SLASH_TOMTOM_WAYBACK2 = "/wayback" SlashCmdList["TOMTOM_WAYBACK"] = function(msg) local backm,backf,backx,backy = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition() TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(backm, backf, backx, backy, { title = L["Wayback"], }) end SLASH_TOMTOM_WAY1 = "/way" SLASH_TOMTOM_WAY2 = "/tway" SLASH_TOMTOM_WAY3 = "/tomtomway" local nameToMapId = {} local mapIds = lmd:GetAllMapIDs() for idx, mapId in ipairs(mapIds) do local mapName = lmd:MapLocalize(mapId) nameToMapId[mapName] = mapId end local wrongseparator = "(%d)" .. (tonumber("1.1") and "," or ".") .. "(%d)" local rightseparator = "%1" .. (tonumber("1.1") and "." or ",") .. "%2" -- Make comparison only lowercase letters and numbers local function lowergsub(s) return s:lower():gsub("^[%a%d]", "") end SlashCmdList["TOMTOM_WAY"] = function(msg) msg = msg:gsub("(%d)[%.,] (%d)", "%1 %2"):gsub(wrongseparator, rightseparator) local tokens = {} for token in msg:gmatch("%S+") do table.insert(tokens, token) end -- Lower the first token local ltoken = tokens[1] and tokens[1]:lower() if ltoken == "list" then TomTom:DebugListWaypoints() return elseif ltoken == "reset" then local ltoken2 = tokens[2] and tokens[2]:lower() if ltoken2 == "all" then if TomTom.db.profile.general.confirmremoveall then StaticPopup_Show("TOMTOM_REMOVE_ALL_CONFIRM") else StaticPopupDialogs["TOMTOM_REMOVE_ALL_CONFIRM"].OnAccept() return end elseif tokens[2] then -- Reset the named zone local zone = table.concat(tokens, " ", 2) -- Find a fuzzy match for the zone local matches = {} local lzone = lowergsub(zone) for name, mapId in pairs(nameToMapId) do local lname = lowergsub(name) if lname == lzone then -- We have an exact match matches = {name} break elseif lname:match(lzone) then table.insert(matches, name) end end if #matches > 5 then local msg = string.format(L["Found %d possible matches for zone %s. Please be more specific"], #matches, zone) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg) return elseif #matches > 1 then table.sort(matches) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(string.format(L["Found multiple matches for zone '%s'. Did you mean: %s"], zone, table.concat(matches, ", "))) return elseif #matches == 0 then local msg = string.format(L["Could not find any matches for zone %s."], zone) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg) return end local zoneName = matches[1] local mapId = nameToMapId[zoneName] local numRemoved = 0 if waypoints[mapId] then for key, uid in pairs(waypoints[mapId]) do TomTom:RemoveWaypoint(uid) numRemoved = numRemoved + 1 end ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["Removed %d waypoints from %s"]:format(numRemoved, zoneName)) else ChatFrame1:AddMessage(L["There were no waypoints to remove in %s"]:format(zoneName)) end end elseif tokens[1] and not tonumber(tokens[1]) then -- Example: /way Elwynn Forest 34.2 50.7 Party in the forest! -- tokens[1] = Elwynn -- tokens[2] = Forest -- tokens[3] = 34.2 -- tokens[4] = 50.7 -- tokens[5] = Party -- ... -- -- Find the first numeric token local zoneEnd for idx = 1, #tokens do local token = tokens[idx] if tonumber(token) then -- We've encountered a number, so the zone name must have -- ended at the prior token zoneEnd = idx - 1 break end end if not zoneEnd then usage() return end -- This is a waypoint set, with a zone before the coords local zone = table.concat(tokens, " ", 1, zoneEnd) local x,y,desc = select(zoneEnd + 1, unpack(tokens)) if desc then desc = table.concat(tokens, " ", zoneEnd + 3) end -- Find a fuzzy match for the zone local matches = {} local lzone = lowergsub(zone) for name,mapId in pairs(nameToMapId) do local lname = lowergsub(name) if lname == lzone then -- We have an exact match matches = {name} break elseif lname:match(lzone) then table.insert(matches, name) end end if #matches > 5 then local msg = string.format(L["Found %d possible matches for zone %s. Please be more specific"], #matches, zone) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg) return elseif #matches > 1 then local msg = string.format(L["Found multiple matches for zone '%s'. Did you mean: %s"], zone, table.concat(matches, ", ")) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg) return elseif #matches == 0 then local msg = string.format(L["Could not find any matches for zone %s."], zone) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg) return end -- There was only one match, so proceed local zoneName = matches[1] local mapId = nameToMapId[zoneName] x = x and tonumber(x) y = y and tonumber(y) if not x or not y then return usage() end x = tonumber(x) y = tonumber(y) TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(mapId, nil, x/100, y/100, { title = desc, }) elseif tonumber(tokens[1]) then -- A vanilla set command local x,y,desc = unpack(tokens) if not x or not tonumber(x) then return usage() elseif not y or not tonumber(y) then return usage() end if desc then desc = table.concat(tokens, " ", 3) end x = tonumber(x) y = tonumber(y) local m, f = TomTom:GetCurrentPlayerPosition() if m and x and y then TomTom:AddMFWaypoint(m, f, x/100, y/100, { title = desc }) end else return usage() end end