--[[-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TomTom - A navigational assistant for World of Warcraft -- -- CrazyTaxi: A crazy-taxi style arrow used for waypoint navigation. -- concept taken from MapNotes2 (Thanks to Mery for the idea, along -- with the artwork.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------]] local sformat = string.format local L = TomTomLocals local ldb = LibStub("LibDataBroker-1.1") local function ColorGradient(perc, ...) local num = select("#", ...) local hexes = type(select(1, ...)) == "string" if perc == 1 then return select(num-2, ...), select(num-1, ...), select(num, ...) end num = num / 3 local segment, relperc = math.modf(perc*(num-1)) local r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2 r1, g1, b1 = select((segment*3)+1, ...), select((segment*3)+2, ...), select((segment*3)+3, ...) r2, g2, b2 = select((segment*3)+4, ...), select((segment*3)+5, ...), select((segment*3)+6, ...) if not r2 or not g2 or not b2 then return r1, g1, b1 else return r1 + (r2-r1)*relperc, g1 + (g2-g1)*relperc, b1 + (b2-b1)*relperc end end local twopi = math.pi * 2 local wayframe = CreateFrame("Button", "TomTomCrazyArrow", UIParent) wayframe:SetHeight(42) wayframe:SetWidth(56) wayframe:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, 0) wayframe:EnableMouse(true) wayframe:SetMovable(true) wayframe:Hide() -- Frame used to control the scaling of the title and friends local titleframe = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, wayframe) wayframe.title = titleframe:CreateFontString("OVERLAY", nil, "GameFontHighlightSmall") wayframe.status = titleframe:CreateFontString("OVERLAY", nil, "GameFontNormalSmall") wayframe.tta = titleframe:CreateFontString("OVERLAY", nil, "GameFontNormalSmall") wayframe.title:SetPoint("TOP", wayframe, "BOTTOM", 0, 0) wayframe.status:SetPoint("TOP", wayframe.title, "BOTTOM", 0, 0) wayframe.tta:SetPoint("TOP", wayframe.status, "BOTTOM", 0, 0) local function OnDragStart(self, button) if not TomTom.db.profile.arrow.lock then self:StartMoving() end end local function OnDragStop(self, button) self:StopMovingOrSizing() end local function OnEvent(self, event, ...) if event == "ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA" and TomTom.profile.arrow.enable then self:Show() end end wayframe:SetScript("OnDragStart", OnDragStart) wayframe:SetScript("OnDragStop", OnDragStop) wayframe:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton") wayframe:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA") wayframe:SetScript("OnEvent", OnEvent) wayframe.arrow = wayframe:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY") wayframe.arrow:SetTexture("Interface\\Addons\\TomTom\\Images\\Arrow") wayframe.arrow:SetAllPoints() local active_point, arrive_distance, showDownArrow, point_title function TomTom:SetCrazyArrow(uid, dist, title) active_point = uid arrive_distance = dist point_title = title if self.profile.arrow.enable then wayframe.title:SetText(title or L["Unknown waypoint"]) wayframe:Show() end end function TomTom:IsCrazyArrowEmpty() return not active_point end local status = wayframe.status local tta = wayframe.tta local arrow = wayframe.arrow local count = 0 local last_distance = 0 local tta_throttle = 0 local speed = 0 local speed_count = 0 local function OnUpdate(self, elapsed) if not active_point then self:Hide() return end local dist,x,y = TomTom:GetDistanceToWaypoint(active_point) -- The only time we cannot calculate the distance is when the waypoint -- is on another continent, or we are in an instance if not dist then if not TomTom:IsValidWaypoint(active_point) then active_point = nil -- Change the crazy arrow to point at the closest waypoint if TomTom.profile.arrow.setclosest then TomTom:SetClosestWaypoint() return end end self:Hide() return end status:SetText(sformat(L["%d yards"], dist)) local cell -- Showing the arrival arrow? if dist <= arrive_distance then if not showDownArrow then arrow:SetHeight(70) arrow:SetWidth(53) arrow:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\TomTom\\Images\\Arrow-UP") arrow:SetVertexColor(unpack(TomTom.db.profile.arrow.goodcolor)) showDownArrow = true end count = count + 1 if count >= 55 then count = 0 end local cell = count local column = cell % 9 local row = floor(cell / 9) local xstart = (column * 53) / 512 local ystart = (row * 70) / 512 local xend = ((column + 1) * 53) / 512 local yend = ((row + 1) * 70) / 512 arrow:SetTexCoord(xstart,xend,ystart,yend) else if showDownArrow then arrow:SetHeight(56) arrow:SetWidth(42) arrow:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\TomTom\\Images\\Arrow") showDownArrow = false end local angle = TomTom:GetDirectionToWaypoint(active_point) local player = GetPlayerFacing() angle = angle - player local perc = math.abs((math.pi - math.abs(angle)) / math.pi) local gr,gg,gb = unpack(TomTom.db.profile.arrow.goodcolor) local mr,mg,mb = unpack(TomTom.db.profile.arrow.middlecolor) local br,bg,bb = unpack(TomTom.db.profile.arrow.badcolor) local r,g,b = ColorGradient(perc, br, bg, bb, mr, mg, mb, gr, gg, gb) -- If we're 98% heading in the right direction, then use the exact -- color instead of the gradient. This allows us to distinguish 'good' -- from 'on target'. Thanks to Gregor_Curse for the suggestion. if perc > 0.98 then r,g,b = unpack(TomTom.db.profile.arrow.exactcolor) end arrow:SetVertexColor(r,g,b) local cell = floor(angle / twopi * 108 + 0.5) % 108 local column = cell % 9 local row = floor(cell / 9) local xstart = (column * 56) / 512 local ystart = (row * 42) / 512 local xend = ((column + 1) * 56) / 512 local yend = ((row + 1) * 42) / 512 arrow:SetTexCoord(xstart,xend,ystart,yend) end -- Calculate the TTA every second (%01d:%02d) tta_throttle = tta_throttle + elapsed if tta_throttle >= 1.0 then -- Calculate the speed in yards per sec at which we're moving local current_speed = (last_distance - dist) / tta_throttle if last_distance == 0 then current_speed = 0 end if speed_count < 2 then speed = (speed + current_speed) / 2 speed_count = speed_count + 1 else speed_count = 0 speed = current_speed end if speed > 0 then local eta = math.abs(dist / speed) tta:SetFormattedText("%s:%02d", math.floor(eta / 60), math.floor(eta % 60)) else tta:SetText("***") end last_distance = dist tta_throttle = 0 end end function TomTom:ShowHideCrazyArrow() if self.profile.arrow.enable then wayframe:Show() if self.profile.arrow.noclick then wayframe:EnableMouse(false) else wayframe:EnableMouse(true) end -- Set the scale and alpha wayframe:SetScale(TomTom.db.profile.arrow.scale) wayframe:SetAlpha(TomTom.db.profile.arrow.alpha) local width = TomTom.db.profile.arrow.title_width local height = TomTom.db.profile.arrow.title_height local scale = TomTom.db.profile.arrow.title_scale wayframe.title:SetWidth(width) wayframe.title:SetHeight(height) titleframe:SetScale(scale) titleframe:SetAlpha(TomTom.db.profile.arrow.title_alpha) if self.profile.arrow.showdistance then wayframe.status:Show() wayframe.tta:ClearAllPoints() wayframe.tta:SetPoint("TOP", wayframe.status, "BOTTOM", 0, 0) else wayframe.status:Hide() wayframe.tta:ClearAllPoints() wayframe.tta:SetPoint("TOP", wayframe, "BOTTOM", 0, 0) end if self.profile.arrow.showtta then tta:Show() else tta:Hide() end else wayframe:Hide() end end wayframe:SetScript("OnUpdate", OnUpdate) --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dropdown -------------------------------------------------------------------------]]-- local dropdown_info = { -- Define level one elements here [1] = { { -- Title text = L["TomTom Waypoint Arrow"], isTitle = 1, }, { -- Clear waypoint from crazy arrow text = L["Clear waypoint from crazy arrow"], func = function() local prior = active_point active_point = nil if TomTom.profile.arrow.setclosest then local uid = TomTom:GetClosestWaypoint() if uid and uid ~= prior then TomTom:SetClosestWaypoint() return end end end, }, { -- Remove a waypoint text = L["Remove waypoint"], func = function() local uid = active_point TomTom:RemoveWaypoint(uid) end, }, { -- Remove all waypoints from this zone text = L["Remove all waypoints from this zone"], func = function() local uid = active_point local data = uid local mapId = data[1] for key, waypoint in pairs(TomTom.waypoints[mapId]) do TomTom:RemoveWaypoint(waypoint) end end, }, { -- Remove all waypoints text = L["Remove all waypoints"], func = function() if TomTom.db.profile.general.confirmremoveall then StaticPopup_Show("TOMTOM_REMOVE_ALL_CONFIRM") else StaticPopupDialogs["TOMTOM_REMOVE_ALL_CONFIRM"].OnAccept() return end end, }, } } local function init_dropdown(self, level) -- Make sure level is set to 1, if not supplied level = level or 1 -- Get the current level from the info table local info = dropdown_info[level] -- If a value has been set, try to find it at the current level if level > 1 and UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE then if info[UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE] then info = info[UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE] end end -- Add the buttons to the menu for idx,entry in ipairs(info) do if type(entry.checked) == "function" then -- Make this button dynamic local new = {} for k,v in pairs(entry) do new[k] = v end new.checked = new.checked() entry = new end UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(entry, level) end end local function WayFrame_OnClick(self, button) if active_point then if TomTom.db.profile.arrow.menu then UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(TomTom.dropdown, init_dropdown) ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, TomTom.dropdown, "cursor", 0, 0) end end end wayframe:RegisterForClicks("RightButtonUp") wayframe:SetScript("OnClick", WayFrame_OnClick) local function getCoords(column, row) local xstart = (column * 56) / 512 local ystart = (row * 42) / 512 local xend = ((column + 1) * 56) / 512 local yend = ((row + 1) * 42) / 512 return xstart, xend, ystart, yend end local texcoords = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t, k) local col,row = k:match("(%d+):(%d+)") col,row = tonumber(col), tonumber(row) local obj = {getCoords(col, row)} rawset(t, k, obj) return obj end}) wayframe:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED") local function wayframe_OnEvent(self, event, arg1, ...) if arg1 == "TomTom" then if TomTom.db.profile.feeds.arrow then -- Create a data feed for coordinates local feed_crazy = ldb:NewDataObject("TomTom_CrazyArrow", { type = "data source", icon = "Interface\\Addons\\TomTom\\Images\\Arrow", staticIcon = "Interface\\Addons\\TomTom\\Images\\StaticArrow", text = "Crazy", iconR = 0.2, iconG = 1.0, iconB = 0.2, iconCoords = texcoords["1:1"], OnTooltipShow = function(tooltip) local dist = TomTom:GetDistanceToWaypoint(active_point) if dist then tooltip:AddLine(point_title or L["Unknown waypoint"]) tooltip:AddLine(sformat(L["%d yards"], dist), 1, 1, 1) end end, OnClick = WayFrame_OnClick, }) local crazyFeedFrame = CreateFrame("Frame") local throttle = TomTom.db.profile.feeds.arrow_throttle local counter = 0 function TomTom:UpdateArrowFeedThrottle() throttle = TomTom.db.profile.feeds.arrow_throttle end crazyFeedFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed) counter = counter + elapsed if counter < throttle then return end counter = 0 local angle = TomTom:GetDirectionToWaypoint(active_point) local player = GetPlayerFacing() if not angle or not player then feed_crazy.iconCoords = texcoords["1:1"] feed_crazy.iconR = 0.2 feed_crazy.iconG = 1.0 feed_crazy.iconB = 0.2 feed_crazy.text = "No waypoint" return end angle = angle - player local perc = math.abs((math.pi - math.abs(angle)) / math.pi) local gr,gg,gb = unpack(TomTom.db.profile.arrow.goodcolor) local mr,mg,mb = unpack(TomTom.db.profile.arrow.middlecolor) local br,bg,bb = unpack(TomTom.db.profile.arrow.badcolor) local r,g,b = ColorGradient(perc, br, bg, bb, mr, mg, mb, gr, gg, gb) feed_crazy.iconR = r feed_crazy.iconG = g feed_crazy.iconB = b local cell = floor(angle / twopi * 108 + 0.5) % 108 local column = cell % 9 local row = floor(cell / 9) local key = column .. ":" .. row feed_crazy.iconCoords = texcoords[key] feed_crazy.text = point_title or L["Unknown waypoint"] end) end end end wayframe:SetScript("OnEvent", wayframe_OnEvent) --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- API for manual control of Crazy Arrow -- -- This allow for an addon to specify their own control of the waypoint -- arrow without needing to tip-toe around the API. It may not integrate -- properly, but in general it should work. -- -- Example Usage: -- -- if not TomTom:CrazyArrowIsHijacked() then -- TomTom:HijackCrazyArrow(function(self, elapsed) -- -- Random angle -- local angle = math.random(math.pi * 2) -- TomTom:SetCrazyArrowDirection(angle) -- -- Random color -- local r = math.random(100) / 100 -- local g = math.random(100) / 100 -- local b = math.random(100) / 100 -- TomTom:SetCrazyArrowColor(r, g, b) -- -- Titles -- TomTom:SetCrazyArrowTitle("Hijacked arrow", "Hijacked", "You will never arrive") -- end) -- end -- -- -- At some point later -- TomTom:ReleaseCrazyArrow() -------------------------------------------------------------------------]]-- -- Set the direction of the crazy arrow without taking the player's facing -- into consideration. This can be accomplished by subtracting -- GetPlayerFacing() from the angle before passing it in. function TomTom:SetCrazyArrowDirection(angle) local cell = floor(angle / twopi * 108 + 0.5) % 108 local column = cell % 9 local row = floor(cell / 9) local key = column .. ":" .. row arrow:SetTexCoord(unpack(texcoords[key])) end -- Convenience function to set the color of the crazy arrow function TomTom:SetCrazyArrowColor(r, g, b, a) arrow:SetVertexColor(r, g, b, a) end -- Convenience function to set the title/status and time to arrival text -- of the crazy arrow. function TomTom:SetCrazyArrowTitle(title, status, tta) wayframe.title:SetText(title) wayframe.status:SetText(status) wayframe.tta:SetText(tta) end -- Function to actually hijack the crazy arrow by replacing the OnUpdate script function TomTom:HijackCrazyArrow(onupdate) wayframe:SetScript("OnUpdate", onupdate) wayframe.hijacked = true wayframe:Show() end -- Releases the crazy arrow by restoring the original OnUpdate script function TomTom:ReleaseCrazyArrow() wayframe:SetScript("OnUpdate", OnUpdate) wayframe.hijacked = false end -- Returns whether or not the crazy arrow is currently hijacked function TomTom:CrazyArrowIsHijacked() return wayframe.hijacked end