local L = ww_localization

ww_trackedStats = {
	ww_statCategories["Physical DPS"],
	ww_statCategories["Individual Enchants"],
	[ww_statCategories["General"]] = {
		"critical strike",
		[ww_statCategories["DPS"]] = {
			ww_statCategories["Enchant/Meta Gem Effects"],
			[ww_statCategories["Enchant/Meta Gem Effects"]] = {
--				"critical damage (percent)",
				"threat reduction (percent)",
		ww_statCategories["Enchant/Meta Gem Effects"],
		[ww_statCategories["Enchant/Meta Gem Effects"]] = {
			"critical effect (percent)",
	[ww_statCategories["Physical DPS"]] = {
		"attack power",
		ww_statCategories["Melee DPS"],
		ww_statCategories["Ranged DPS"],
		ww_statCategories["Enchant/Meta Gem Effects"],
		[ww_statCategories["Melee DPS"]] = {
			"melee critical strike",
			"melee dps",
			"average melee weapon damage",
			"maximum melee weapon damage",
			"melee weapon speed",
			["meleeDamage"] = "ww_triggerFrame",
			ww_statCategories["Enchant/Meta Gem Effects"],
			[ww_statCategories["Enchant/Meta Gem Effects"]] = {
				"attack power against undead",
				"melee damage to beasts",
				"melee damage to elementals",
		[ww_statCategories["Ranged DPS"]] = {
			"ranged attack power",
			"ranged critical strike",
			"ranged dps",
			"ranged haste",
			"ranged hit",
			"average ranged weapon damage",
			"maximum ranged weapon damage",
			"ranged weapon speed",
			["rangedDamage"] = "ww_triggerFrame",
		[ww_statCategories["Enchant/Meta Gem Effects"]] = {
			"chance to increase physical haste",
			"weapon damage (percent)",
			"weapon damage vs undead (percent)",
	[ww_statCategories["Tanking"]] = {
		ww_statCategories["Enchant/Meta Gem Effects"],
		[ww_statCategories["Enchant/Meta Gem Effects"]] = {
			"armor (percent)",
			"armor from items (percent)",
			"average damage dealt on block",
			"block value (percent)",
			"chance to restore health on hit",
			"damage absorption (2% chance)",
			"damage absorption (5% chance)",
			"parry (percent)",
			"spell damage taken reduction (percent)",
			"stamina (percent)",
			"threat (percent)",
	[ww_statCategories["Caster"]] = {
		"spell critical strike",
		"spell power",
		ww_statCategories["Enchant/Meta Gem Effects"],
		[ww_statCategories["DPS"]] = {
			"spell hit",
			"arcane spell damage",
			"fire spell damage",
			"frost spell damage",
			"holy spell damage",
			"nature spell damage",
			"shadow spell damage",
			["harmfulSpell"] = "ww_triggerFrame",
		[ww_statCategories["Healing"]] = {
			ww_statCategories["Enchant/Meta Gem Effects"],
			["helpfulSpell"] = "ww_triggerFrame",
			[ww_statCategories["Enchant/Meta Gem Effects"]] = {
				"chance to restore mana on spellcast",
--				"critical healing (percent)",
				"mana (percent)",
		[ww_statCategories["Enchant/Meta Gem Effects"]] = {
			"chance to increase spell haste",
-- 			"intellect (percent)",
	[ww_statCategories["PVP"]] = {
		"pvp power",
		"pvp resilience",
		"spell penetration",
		ww_statCategories["Enchant/Meta Gem Effects"],
		[ww_statCategories["Enchant/Meta Gem Effects"]] = {
			"chance to stun target",
			"increased stealth",
			"minor run speed",
			"sometimes heal on your crits",
			ww_statCategories["CC Resists/Reductions"],
			[ww_statCategories["CC Resists/Reductions"]] = {
				"disarm duration reduction (percent)",
				"disorient resist chance (percent)",
				"fear duration reduction (percent)",
				"fear resist chance (percent)",
				"silence duration reduction (percent)",
				"snare/root duration reduction (percent)",
				"spell reflect (percent)",
				"stun duration reduction (percent)",
				"stun resist chance (percent)",
	[ww_statCategories["Miscellaneous"]] = {
		"mount speed (percent)",
		[ww_statCategories["Resistances"]] = {
			"arcane resistance",
			"fire resistance",
			"frost resistance",
-- 			"holy resistance",
			"nature resistance",
			"shadow resistance",
		[ww_statCategories["Professions"]] = {
	[ww_statCategories["Individual Enchants"]] = {
		"black magic",
		"blade ward",
		"blood draining",
		"dancing steel",
		"darkglow embroidery",
		"elemental force",
		"elemental slayer",
		"fiery blaze",
		"fiery weapon",
		"ghost iron shield spike",
		"giant slayer",
		"gnomish x-ray scope",
		"goblin glider",
		"icy chill",
		"incendiary fireworks launcher",
		"jade spirit",
		"lightweave embroidery",
		"lord blastington's scope of doom",
		"mirror scope",
		"phase fingers",
		"power torrent",
		"pyrium shield spike",
		"river's song",
		"rune of cinderglacier",
		"rune of razorice",
		"rune of the fallen crusader",
		"swordguard embroidery",
		"synapse springs",
		"unholy weapon",
		"watergliding jets",

if ww_stackingEquipEffects then
	ww_triggerTypes = {"meleeDamage", "rangedDamage", "harmfulSpell", "helpfulSpell"}

ww_keyDetectors = {
	"Left Shift",
	"Right Shift",
	"Left Control",
	"Right Control",
	"Left Alt",
	"Right Alt",
	["Always"] = function() return true end,
	["Never"] = function() return false end,
	["Left Shift"] = IsLeftShiftKeyDown,
	["Right Shift"] = IsRightShiftKeyDown,
	["Shift"] = IsShiftKeyDown,
	["Left Alt"] = IsLeftAltKeyDown,
	["Right Alt"] = IsRightAltKeyDown,
	["Alt"] = IsAltKeyDown,
	["Left Control"] = IsLeftControlKeyDown,
	["Right Control"] = IsRightControlKeyDown,
	["Control"] = IsControlKeyDown,

ww_classNameOptions = {
	"Other Classes",

ww_defaultVars = {
	dataMajorVersion = 2,
	dataMinorVersion = 5,
	weightsList = {
			ww_specNames["Frost DW"],
			ww_specNames["Unholy DW"],
			[ww_specNames["Blood"]] = {
				["mastery"] = 1.2,
				["dodge"] = 1,
				["parry"] = 1,
				["stamina"] = 0.65,
				["expertise"] = 0.4,
				["strength"] = 0.284,
				["hit"] = 0.2,
				["armor"] = 0.153,
				triggers = {
					meleeDamage = true,
			[ww_specNames["Frost"]] = {
				["melee dps"] = 10.09,
				["strength"] = 2.83,
				["hit"] = 2.26,
				["expertise"] = 1.75,
				["haste"] = 1.4,
				["mastery"] = 1.37,
				["critical strike"] = 1.34,
				["attack power"] = 1,
				triggers = {
					meleeDamage = true,
			[ww_specNames["Frost DW"]] = {
				["melee dps"] = (6.69 + 4.12) / 2,
				["strength"] = 3.08,
				["hit"] = 2.14,
				["haste"] = 1.58,
				["expertise"] = 1.51,
				["mastery"] = 1.33,
				["attack power"] = 1.12,
				["critical strike"] = 1.09,
				triggers = {
					meleeDamage = true,
			[ww_specNames["Unholy"]] = {
				["melee dps"] = 5.91,
				["strength"] = 3.24,
				["hit"] = 2.67,
				["haste"] = 1.64,
				["mastery"] = 1.33,
				["critical strike"] = 1.26,
				["expertise"] = 0.98,
				["attack power"] = 0.82,
				triggers = {
					meleeDamage = true,
			[ww_specNames["Unholy DW"]] = {
				["melee dps"] = (3.5 + 3.2) / 2,
				["strength"] = 3.1,
				["hit"] = 1.1,
				["haste"] = 1.01,
				["mastery"] = 0.9,
				["expertise"] = 0.82,
				["attack power"] = 0.79,
				["critical strike"] = 0.76,
				triggers = {
					meleeDamage = true,
		["DRUID"] = {
			ww_specNames["Feral DPS"],
			ww_specNames["Feral Tank"],
			[ww_specNames["Balance"]] = {
				["intellect"] = 2.97,
				["hit"] = 2.4,
				["spirit"] = 2.4,
				["spell power"] = 2.3,
				["haste"] = 2.15,
				["mastery"] = 1.45,
				["critical strike"] = 0.87,
				triggers = {
					harmfulSpell = true,
			[ww_specNames["Feral DPS"]] = {
				["melee dps"] = 6.604,
				["agility"] = 3.775,
				["strength"] = 1.445,
				["attack power"] = 1.376,
				["critical strike"] = 1.291,
				["haste"] = 1.291,
				["mastery"] = 1.291,
				["expertise"] = 1.24,
				["hit"] = 1.24,
				triggers = {
					meleeDamage = true,
			[ww_specNames["Feral Tank"]] = {
				["agility"] = 1,
				["dodge"] = 0.88,
				["armor"] = 0.71,
				["mastery"] = 0.48,
				["stamina"] = 0.31,
				["expertise"] = 0.3,
				["critical strike"] = 0.28,
				["hit"] = 0.15,
				["strength"] = 0.126,
				["attack power"] = 0.12,
				["haste"] = 0.04,
				triggers = {
					meleeDamage = true,
			[ww_specNames["Restoration"]] = {
				["intellect"] = 100,
				["spell power"] = 85,
				["spirit"] = 75,
				["haste"] = 65,
				["mastery"] = 60,
				["critical strike"] = 50,
				triggers = {
					helpfulSpell = true,
		["HUNTER"] = {
			ww_specNames["Beast Mastery"],
			[ww_specNames["Beast Mastery"]] = {
				["ranged dps"] = 5.03,
				["agility"] = 3.17,
				["hit"] = 2.58,
				["critical strike"] = 2.31,
				["haste"] = 1.37,
				["attack power"] = 1.2,
				["mastery"] = 0.73,
				triggers = {
					rangedDamage = true,
			[ww_specNames["Marksmanship"]] = {
				["ranged weapon speed"] = 11.78,
				["ranged dps"] = 7.68,
				["agility"] = 3.72,
				["hit"] = 3.49,
				["critical strike"] = 1.66,
				["haste"] = 1.61,
				["mastery"] = 1.38,
				["attack power"] = 1.19,
				triggers = {
					rangedDamage = true,
			[ww_specNames["Survival"]] = {
				["ranged weapon speed"] = 7.63,
				["ranged dps"] = 5.33,
				["agility"] = 3.33,
				["hit"] = 2.66,
				["haste"] = 1.5,
				["attack power"] = 1.04,
				["critical strike"] = 1.02,
				["mastery"] = 0.95,
				triggers = {
					rangedDamage = true,
		["MAGE"] = {
			[ww_specNames["Arcane"]] = {
				["intellect"] = 5.16,
				["hit"] = 3.21,
				["spell power"] = 2.8,
				["mastery"] = 1.4,
				["critical strike"] = 1.34,
				["haste"] = 1.28,
				triggers = {
					harmfulSpell = true,
			[ww_specNames["Fire"]] = {
				["intellect"] = 3.43,
				["hit"] = 2.72,
				["spell power"] = 2.57,
				["haste"] = 1.59,
				["critical strike"] = 1.55,
				["mastery"] = 1.3,
				triggers = {
					harmfulSpell = true,
			[ww_specNames["Frost"]] = {
				["intellect"] = 3.68,
				["hit"] = 3.08,
				["spell power"] = 2.66,
				["critical strike"] = 1.97,
				["haste"] = 1.61,
				["mastery"] = 1.43,
				triggers = {
					harmfulSpell = true,
		["MONK"] = {
			ww_specNames["Brewmaster DW"],
			ww_specNames["Windwalker DW"],
			[ww_specNames["Brewmaster"]] = {
				["agility"] = 1.3,
				["expertise"] = 0.85,
				["hit"] = 0.85,
				["haste"] = 0.8,
				["critical strike"] = 0.7,
				["parry"] = 0.65,
				["armor"] = 0.6,
				["dodge"] = 0.55,
				["attack power"] = 0.45,
				["mastery"] = 0.4,
				["stamina"] = 0.35,
				triggers = {
					meleeDamage = true,
			[ww_specNames["Brewmaster DW"]] = {
				["agility"] = 1.3,
				["expertise"] = 0.85,
				["hit"] = 0.85,
				["haste"] = 0.8,
				["critical strike"] = 0.7,
				["parry"] = 0.65,
				["armor"] = 0.6,
				["dodge"] = 0.55,
				["attack power"] = 0.45,
				["mastery"] = 0.4,
				["stamina"] = 0.35,
				triggers = {
					meleeDamage = true,
			[ww_specNames["Mistweaver"]] = {
				["intellect"] = 1,
				["spell power"] = 0.85,
				["spirit"] = 0.75,
				["haste"] = 0.6,
				["critical strike"] = 0.5,
				["mastery"] = 0.4,
				triggers = {
					helpfulSpell = true,
			[ww_specNames["Windwalker"]] = {
				["melee dps"] = 5.2,
				["hit"] = 3.4,
				["agility"] = 3,
				["expertise"] = 2.5,
				["critical strike"] = 1.6,
				["haste"] = 1.4,
				["strength"] = 1.16,
				["attack power"] = 1.1,
				["mastery"] = 0.9,
				triggers = {
					meleeDamage = true,
			[ww_specNames["Windwalker DW"]] = {
				["melee dps"] = 5.2,
				["hit"] = 3.4,
				["agility"] = 3,
				["expertise"] = 2.5,
				["critical strike"] = 1.6,
				["haste"] = 1.4,
				["strength"] = 1.16,
				["attack power"] = 1.1,
				["mastery"] = 0.9,
				triggers = {
					meleeDamage = true,
		["PALADIN"] = {
			[ww_specNames["Holy"]] = {
				["intellect"] = 100,
				["spell power"] = 80,
				["spirit"] = 75,
				["haste"] = 40,
				["critical strike"] = 35,
				["mastery"] = 30,
				triggers = {
					helpfulSpell = true,
			[ww_specNames["Protection"]] = {
				["dodge"] = 1.23,
				["parry"] = 1.23,
				["mastery"] = 1,
				["stamina"] = 0.6,
				["strength"] = 0.349,
				["armor"] = 0.155,
				["expertise"] = 0.1,
				["hit"] = 0.05,
				triggers = {
					meleeDamage = true,
			[ww_specNames["Retribution"]] = {
				["melee weapon speed"] = 18.848,
				["melee dps"] = 9,
				["strength"] = 2.33,
				["hit"] = 1.55 + 0.22,
				["expertise"] = 1.3,
				["mastery"] = 1.13,
				["attack power"] = 1,
				["critical strike"] = 0.98,
				["haste"] = 0.79,
				triggers = {
					harmfulSpell = true,
					meleeDamage = true,
		["PRIEST"] = {
			[ww_specNames["Discipline"]] = {
				["intellect"] = 100,
				["spirit"] = 80,
				["spell power"] = 75,
				["mastery"] = 60,
				["haste"] = 50,
				["critical strike"] = 40,
				triggers = {
					helpfulSpell = true,
			[ww_specNames["Holy"]] = {
				["intellect"] = 100,
				["spirit"] = 80,
				["haste"] = 75,
				["spell power"] = 75,
				["mastery"] = 70,
				["critical strike"] = 50,
				triggers = {
					helpfulSpell = true,
			[ww_specNames["Shadow"]] = {
				["intellect"] = 3.54,
				["spell power"] = 2.72,
				["haste"] = 2,
				["hit"] = 1.92,
				["spirit"] = 1.92,
				["mastery"] = 1.84,
				["critical strike"] = 1.67,
				triggers = {
					harmfulSpell = true,
		["ROGUE"] = {
			[ww_specNames["Assassination"]] = {
				["agility"] = 2.6,
				["melee dps"] = (3.36 + 1.04) / 2,
				["hit"] = 1.1 + 0.65,
				["mastery"] = 1.3,
				["haste"] = 1.2,
				["expertise"] = 1.1,
				["attack power"] = 1,
				["critical strike"] = 0.9,
				triggers = {
					meleeDamage = true,
			[ww_specNames["Combat"]] = {
				["melee dps"] = (4.97 + 1.15) / 2,
				["agility"] = 2.7,
				["hit"] = 1.65 + 0.3,
				["expertise"] = 1.65,
				["haste"] = 1.5,
				["mastery"] = 1.2,
				["attack power"] = 1,
				["critical strike"] = 0.9,
				["melee weapon speed"] = (4 + -9) / 2,
				triggers = {
					meleeDamage = true,
			[ww_specNames["Subtlety"]] = {
				["agility"] = 3.6,
				["melee dps"] = (4 + 1) / 2,
				["hit"] = 1.15 + 0.25,
				["haste"] = 1.35,
				["attack power"] = 1.26,
				["expertise"] = 1.15,
				["critical strike"] = 1.1,
				["mastery"] = 0.9,
				triggers = {
					meleeDamage = true,
		["SHAMAN"] = {
			[ww_specNames["Elemental"]] = {
				["intellect"] = 2.9,
				["spell power"] = 2.32,
				["hit"] = 1.74,
				["spirit"] = 1.74,
				["haste"] = 1.6,
				["mastery"] = 1.33,
				["critical strike"] = 1.02,
				triggers = {
					harmfulSpell = true,
			[ww_specNames["Enhancement"]] = {
				["melee dps"] = (4.34 + 3.96) / 2,
				["agility"] = 3.51,
				["hit"] = 2.15 + 1.3,
				["expertise"] = 2.15,
				["mastery"] = 1.73,
				["strength"] = 1.41,
				["attack power"] = 1.33,
				["critical strike"] = 1.26,
				["spell power"] = 1.06,
				["haste"] = 1.03,
				triggers = {
					harmfulSpell = true,
					meleeDamage = true,
			[ww_specNames["Restoration"]] = {
				["intellect"] = 100,
				["spirit"] = 90,
				["spell power"] = 75,
				["haste"] = 60,
				["mastery"] = 55,
				["critical strike"] = 40,
				triggers = {
					helpfulSpell = true,
		["WARLOCK"] = {
			[ww_specNames["Affliction"]] = {
				["intellect"] = 3.11,
				["spell power"] = 2.64,
				["hit"] = 1.65,
				["haste"] = 1.4,
				["critical strike"] = 1.15,
				["mastery"] = 1.15,
				triggers = {
					harmfulSpell = true,
			[ww_specNames["Demonology"]] = {
				["intellect"] = 3,
				["hit"] = 2.39,
				["spell power"] = 2.39,
				["haste"] = 1.5,
				["mastery"] = 1.38,
				["critical strike"] = 1.16,
				triggers = {
					harmfulSpell = true,
			[ww_specNames["Destruction"]] = {
				["intellect"] = 3.01,
				["spell power"] = 2.35,
				["haste"] = 1.54,
				["hit"] = 1.51,
				["critical strike"] = 1.21,
				["mastery"] = 0.75,
				triggers = {
					harmfulSpell = true,
		["WARRIOR"] = {
			ww_specNames["Fury TG"],
			[ww_specNames["Arms"]] = {
				["melee dps"] = 10.57,
				["strength"] = 2.02,
				["hit"] = 2,
				["expertise"] = 1.46,
				["critical strike"] = 1.34,
				["mastery"] = 0.9,
				["attack power"] = 0.88,
				["haste"] = 0.8,
				triggers = {
					meleeDamage = true,
			[ww_specNames["Fury"]] = {
				["melee dps"] = (5.21 + 3) / 2,
				["strength"] = 3.25,
				["hit"] = 3.2,
				["expertise"] = 2.29,
				["critical strike"] = 2.02,
				["attack power"] = 1.45,
				["haste"] = 1.33,
				["mastery"] = 1.24,
				triggers = {
					meleeDamage = true,
			[ww_specNames["Fury TG"]] = {
				["melee dps"] = (5.91 + 2.7) / 2,
				["strength"] = 2.98,
				["expertise"] = 2.47,
				["hit"] = 2.47,
				["critical strike"] = 1.98,
				["mastery"] = 1.57,
				["haste"] = 1.37,
				["attack power"] = 1.36,
				triggers = {
					meleeDamage = true,
			[ww_specNames["Protection"]] = {
				["parry"] = 1.54,
				["dodge"] = 1.496,
				["mastery"] = 1,
				["stamina"] = 0.6,
				["strength"] = 0.437,
				["armor"] = 0.155,
				["expertise"] = 0.1,
				["hit"] = 0.05,
				triggers = {
					meleeDamage = true,
	options = {
		calculation = {
			useEffectUptimeRatio = 0.8,
		enchants = {
			considerBoa = true,
			considerRep = "High enough",
			considerProfessions = "High enough",
			sources = {
				["Crafted"] = true,
				["PVP-Vendor"] = false,
				["Quest"] = false,
				["Vendor"] = true,
		gems = {
			breakSocketColors = true,
			neverBreakSocketColors = false,
			qualityLimit = 10,
			sources = {
				["Crafted"] = true,
				["Drop"] = false,
				["Procced"] = true,
				["PVP-Vendor"] = false,
				["Quest"] = false,
				["Vendor"] = true,
			types = {
				["Jewelcrafter-Only"] = false,
				["Normal"] = true,
				["Unique-Equipped"] = false,
		tooltip = {
			hideHints = false,
			normalizeWeights = true,
			showAlternateEnhancements = "Alt",
			showClassNames = "Other Classes",
			showDebugInfo = "Never",
			showDifferences = true,
			showEnhancements = "Control",
			showEnhancementStats = "Always",
			showEnhancementsWhen = "Non-ideal applied",
			showIdealWeights = "Shift",
			showWeights = "Always",
			showZeroScores = false,

ww_defaultCharVars = {
	dataMajorVersion = 1,
	dataMinorVersion = 0,
	activeWeights = {},