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<h1>File <code>PlayerManager.lua</code></h1>

<table class="function_list">

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:AllowInvites">PM:AllowInvites</a>&nbsp;(player)</td>
	<td class="summary">Allow sending Command invites to player.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:BanUser">PM:BanUser</a>&nbsp;(player)</td>
	<td class="summary">Ban player.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:DenyInvites">PM:DenyInvites</a>&nbsp;(player)</td>
	<td class="summary">Stop sending Command invites to player.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:GetAccess">PM:GetAccess</a>&nbsp;(player)</td>
	<td class="summary">Get the current access level of supplied player.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:GetListMode">PM:GetListMode</a>&nbsp;()</td>
	<td class="summary">Gets the current mode of the list.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:GetOrCreatePlayer">PM:GetOrCreatePlayer</a>&nbsp;(name)</td>
	<td class="summary">Get or create a player.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:GroupAccess">PM:GroupAccess</a>&nbsp;(group, command, allow)</td>
	<td class="summary">Modify the access of a command for a specific group.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:GroupAccessRemove">PM:GroupAccessRemove</a>&nbsp;(group, command)</td>
	<td class="summary">Completely remove a command from a group's access list.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:HasAccess">PM:HasAccess</a>&nbsp;(player, command)</td>
	<td class="summary">Check if player has access to command.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:Init">PM:Init</a>&nbsp;()</td>
	<td class="summary">Initialize the player manager.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:Invite">PM:Invite</a>&nbsp;(player, sender)</td>
	<td class="summary">Invite a player to group.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:IsBNFriend">PM:IsBNFriend</a>&nbsp;(player)</td>
	<td class="summary">Check if supplied player is on the player's BN friends list.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:IsFriend">PM:IsFriend</a>&nbsp;(player)</td>
	<td class="summary">Check if supplied player is on the player's friends list.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:IsInGuild">PM:IsInGuild</a>&nbsp;(player)</td>
	<td class="summary">Check if the supplied player is in the player's guild.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:IsListed">PM:IsListed</a>&nbsp;(command)</td>
	<td class="summary">Check if a certain command is on the blacklist/whitelist.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:Kick">PM:Kick</a>&nbsp;(player, sender)</td>
	<td class="summary">Kick a player from the group.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:List">PM:List</a>&nbsp;(command, list)</td>
	<td class="summary">Set the state of an item on the list.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:ListAdd">PM:ListAdd</a>&nbsp;(command)</td>
	<td class="summary">Add a command to the blacklist/whitelist.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:ListRemove">PM:ListRemove</a>&nbsp;(command)</td>
	<td class="summary">Remove a command from the blacklist/whitelist.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:ListToggle">PM:ListToggle</a>&nbsp;(command)</td>
	<td class="summary">Dynamically add or remove an item from the list.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:LoadSavedVars">PM:LoadSavedVars</a>&nbsp;()</td>
	<td class="summary">Load saved variables.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:PlayerAccess">PM:PlayerAccess</a>&nbsp;(player, command, allow)</td>
	<td class="summary">Modify the access of a command for a specific player.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:PlayerAccessRemove">PM:PlayerAccessRemove</a>&nbsp;(player, command)</td>
	<td class="summary">Completely remove a command from a player's access list.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:PromoteToAssistant">PM:PromoteToAssistant</a>&nbsp;(player)</td>
	<td class="summary">Promote player to assistant.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:PromoteToLeader">PM:PromoteToLeader</a>&nbsp;(player)</td>
	<td class="summary">Promote a player to group leader.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:SetAccessGroup">PM:SetAccessGroup</a>&nbsp;(player, group)</td>
	<td class="summary">Set the access group of supplied player.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:SetAdmin">PM:SetAdmin</a>&nbsp;(player)</td>
	<td class="summary">Give player Admin access.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:SetListMode">PM:SetListMode</a>&nbsp;(mode)</td>
	<td class="summary">Set the mode of the list.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:SetOp">PM:SetOp</a>&nbsp;(player)</td>
	<td class="summary">Give player Op access.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:SetOwner">PM:SetOwner</a>&nbsp;(player)</td>
	<td class="summary">Give player Owner access.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:SetUser">PM:SetUser</a>&nbsp;(player)</td>
	<td class="summary">Give player User access.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:ToggleListMode">PM:ToggleListMode</a>&nbsp;()</td>
	<td class="summary">Toggle the list between being a blacklist and being a whitelist.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#PM:UpdatePlayer">PM:UpdatePlayer</a>&nbsp;(player)</td>
	<td class="summary">Update a player and subsequently save them.</td>


<table class="table_list">

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#Command.PlayerManager">Command.PlayerManager</a></td>
	<td class="summary">Table containing all PlayerManager methods.</td>



<h2><a name="functions"></a>Functions</h2>
<dl class="function">

<dt><a name="PM:AllowInvites"></a><strong>PM:AllowInvites</strong>&nbsp;(player)</dt>
Allow sending Command invites to player.


	  <code><em>player</em></code>: Player object of the player.


<h3>Return values:</h3>

	<li>String stating the result of the operation, false if error.</li>

	<li>Error message if unsuccessful, nil otherwise. </li>



<dt><a name="PM:BanUser"></a><strong>PM:BanUser</strong>&nbsp;(player)</dt>
Ban player. What this really does is set the access level to "Banned", effectively blocking the player from using any commands. Unless there is a command that requires access level "Banned". (Could be used for appeal commands).


	  <code><em>player</em></code>: Player to modify.


<h3>Return values:</h3>

	<li>String stating the result of the operation, false if error.</li>

	<li>Error message if unsuccessful, nil otherwise. </li>



<dt><a name="PM:DenyInvites"></a><strong>PM:DenyInvites</strong>&nbsp;(player)</dt>
Stop sending Command invites to player.


	  <code><em>player</em></code>: Player object of the player.


<h3>Return values:</h3>

	<li>String stating the result of the operation, false if error.</li>

	<li>Error message if unsuccessful, nil otherwise. </li>



<dt><a name="PM:GetAccess"></a><strong>PM:GetAccess</strong>&nbsp;(player)</dt>
Get the current access level of supplied player.


	  <code><em>player</em></code>: Player to check.


<h3>Return value:</h3>
<ul>Access level of the player. </ul>


<dt><a name="PM:GetListMode"></a><strong>PM:GetListMode</strong>&nbsp;()</dt>
Gets the current mode of the list.

<h3>Return value:</h3>
<ul>List mode, possible values: 0/1, as set by MODE_BLACKLIST and MODE_WHITELIST. </ul>


<dt><a name="PM:GetOrCreatePlayer"></a><strong>PM:GetOrCreatePlayer</strong>&nbsp;(name)</dt>
Get or create a player.


	  <code><em>name</em></code>: Name of player.


<h3>Return value:</h3>
<ul>Player from list of players if exists, otherwise a new player object. </ul>


<dt><a name="PM:GroupAccess"></a><strong>PM:GroupAccess</strong>&nbsp;(group, command, allow)</dt>
Modify the access of a command for a specific group.


	  <code><em>group</em></code>: Name of group to modify.

	  <code><em>command</em></code>: Name of command to allow or deny.

	  <code><em>allow</em></code>: True to allow command, false to deny.


<h3>Return values:</h3>

	<li>String stating the result, or false if error.</li>

	<li>Error message if unsuccessful, otherwise nil. </li>



<dt><a name="PM:GroupAccessRemove"></a><strong>PM:GroupAccessRemove</strong>&nbsp;(group, command)</dt>
Completely remove a command from a group's access list. Removed from both the allow and deny list.


	  <code><em>group</em></code>: Name of group to modify.

	  <code><em>command</em></code>: Name of command to remove.


<h3>Return values:</h3>

	<li>String stating that the command has been removed or false if error.</li>

	<li>Error message is unsuccessful, otherwise nil. </li>



<dt><a name="PM:HasAccess"></a><strong>PM:HasAccess</strong>&nbsp;(player, command)</dt>
Check if player has access to command.


	  <code><em>player</em></code>: Player object of the player to check.

	  <code><em>command</em></code>: Command object of the command to check.


<h3>Return value:</h3>
<ul>True if player has access, false otherwise. </ul>


<dt><a name="PM:Init"></a><strong>PM:Init</strong>&nbsp;()</dt>
Initialize the player manager.


<dt><a name="PM:Invite"></a><strong>PM:Invite</strong>&nbsp;(player, sender)</dt>
Invite a player to group. Also sends a message to the invited player about the event.


	  <code><em>player</em></code>: Player object of player to invite.

	  <code><em>sender</em></code>: Player object of the inviting player.


<h3>Return values:</h3>

	<li>String stating the result of the invite, false if error.</li>

	<li>Error message if unsuccessful, nil otherwise. </li>



<dt><a name="PM:IsBNFriend"></a><strong>PM:IsBNFriend</strong>&nbsp;(player)</dt>
Check if supplied player is on the player's BN friends list. Note: If the BN friend is currently offline while his character is online, this will return false regardless. Which means, BN friends that are disconnected from Battle.Net but still in the group are treated as normal users.


	  <code><em>player</em></code>: Player object of the player to check.


<h3>Return value:</h3>
<ul>True if BN friend, false otherwise. </ul>


<dt><a name="PM:IsFriend"></a><strong>PM:IsFriend</strong>&nbsp;(player)</dt>
Check if supplied player is on the player's friends list.


	  <code><em>player</em></code>: Player object of the player to check.


<h3>Return value:</h3>
<ul>True if friend, false otherwise. </ul>


<dt><a name="PM:IsInGuild"></a><strong>PM:IsInGuild</strong>&nbsp;(player)</dt>
Check if the supplied player is in the player's guild.


	  <code><em>player</em></code>: Player object of the player to check.


<h3>Return value:</h3>
<ul>True if in guild, false otherwise. </ul>


<dt><a name="PM:IsListed"></a><strong>PM:IsListed</strong>&nbsp;(command)</dt>
Check if a certain command is on the blacklist/whitelist.


	  <code><em>command</em></code>: Name of command to check.



<dt><a name="PM:Kick"></a><strong>PM:Kick</strong>&nbsp;(player, sender)</dt>
Kick a player from the group.


	  <code><em>player</em></code>: Player object of the player to kick.

	  <code><em>sender</em></code>: Player object of the player who requested the kick.


<h3>Return values:</h3>

	<li>String stating the result of the kick, false if error.</li>

	<li>Error message if unsuccessful, nil otherwise. </li>



<dt><a name="PM:List"></a><strong>PM:List</strong>&nbsp;(command, list)</dt>
Set the state of an item on the list.


	  <code><em>command</em></code>: Command name to modify.

	  <code><em>list</em></code>: True to list it, false to not list it.



<dt><a name="PM:ListAdd"></a><strong>PM:ListAdd</strong>&nbsp;(command)</dt>
Add a command to the blacklist/whitelist.


	  <code><em>command</em></code>: Name of command to add.


<h3>Return value:</h3>
<ul>String stating that the command was added. </ul>


<dt><a name="PM:ListRemove"></a><strong>PM:ListRemove</strong>&nbsp;(command)</dt>
Remove a command from the blacklist/whitelist.


	  <code><em>command</em></code>: Name of command to remove.


<h3>Return value:</h3>
<ul>String stating that the command was removed. </ul>


<dt><a name="PM:ListToggle"></a><strong>PM:ListToggle</strong>&nbsp;(command)</dt>
Dynamically add or remove an item from the list.


	  <code><em>command</em></code>: Name of command to list.



<dt><a name="PM:LoadSavedVars"></a><strong>PM:LoadSavedVars</strong>&nbsp;()</dt>
Load saved variables.


<dt><a name="PM:PlayerAccess"></a><strong>PM:PlayerAccess</strong>&nbsp;(player, command, allow)</dt>
Modify the access of a command for a specific player.


	  <code><em>player</em></code>: Player object of the player to modify.

	  <code><em>command</em></code>: Name of command to allow or deny.

	  <code><em>allow</em></code>: True to allow command, false to deny.


<h3>Return values:</h3>

	<li>String stating the result, or false if error.</li>

	<li>Error message if unsuccessful, otherwise nil. </li>



<dt><a name="PM:PlayerAccessRemove"></a><strong>PM:PlayerAccessRemove</strong>&nbsp;(player, command)</dt>
Completely remove a command from a player's access list. Removes from both the allow and deny list.


	  <code><em>player</em></code>: Player object of the player to modify.

	  <code><em>command</em></code>: Name of command to remove.


<h3>Return values:</h3>

	<li>String stating that the command has been removed or false if error.</li>

	<li>Error message is unsuccessful, otherwise nil. </li>



<dt><a name="PM:PromoteToAssistant"></a><strong>PM:PromoteToAssistant</strong>&nbsp;(player)</dt>
Promote player to assistant.


	  <code><em>player</em></code>: Player object of the player to promote.


<h3>Return values:</h3>

	<li>String stating the result of the promotion, false if error.</li>

	<li>Error message if unsuccessful, nil otherwise. </li>



<dt><a name="PM:PromoteToLeader"></a><strong>PM:PromoteToLeader</strong>&nbsp;(player)</dt>
Promote a player to group leader.


	  <code><em>player</em></code>: Player object of the player to promote.


<h3>Return values:</h3>

	<li>String stating the result of the promotion, false if error.</li>

	<li>Error message if unsuccessful, nil otherwise. </li>



<dt><a name="PM:SetAccessGroup"></a><strong>PM:SetAccessGroup</strong>&nbsp;(player, group)</dt>
Set the access group of supplied player.


	  <code><em>player</em></code>: Player to modify.

	  <code><em>group</em></code>: Group name to set the player to.


<h3>Return values:</h3>

	<li>String stating the result of the operation, false if error.</li>

	<li>Error message if unsuccessful, nil otherwise. </li>



<dt><a name="PM:SetAdmin"></a><strong>PM:SetAdmin</strong>&nbsp;(player)</dt>
Give player Admin access.


	  <code><em>player</em></code>: Player to modify.


<h3>Return values:</h3>

	<li>String stating the result of the operation, false if error.</li>

	<li>Error message if unsuccessful, nil otherwise. </li>



<dt><a name="PM:SetListMode"></a><strong>PM:SetListMode</strong>&nbsp;(mode)</dt>
Set the mode of the list.


	  <code><em>mode</em></code>: Mode to change to, MODE_WHITELIST for whitelist and MODE_BLACKLIST for blacklist.


<h3>Return value:</h3>
<ul>String stating what mode the list is in. </ul>


<dt><a name="PM:SetOp"></a><strong>PM:SetOp</strong>&nbsp;(player)</dt>
Give player Op access.


	  <code><em>player</em></code>: Player to modify.


<h3>Return values:</h3>

	<li>String stating the result of the operation, false if error.</li>

	<li>Error message if unsuccessful, nil otherwise. </li>



<dt><a name="PM:SetOwner"></a><strong>PM:SetOwner</strong>&nbsp;(player)</dt>
Give player Owner access.


	  <code><em>player</em></code>: Player to modify.


<h3>Return values:</h3>

	<li>String stating the result of the operation, false if error.</li>

	<li>Error message if unsuccessful, nil otherwise. </li>



<dt><a name="PM:SetUser"></a><strong>PM:SetUser</strong>&nbsp;(player)</dt>
Give player User access.


	  <code><em>player</em></code>: Player to modify.


<h3>Return values:</h3>

	<li>String stating the result of the operation, false if error.</li>

	<li>Error message if unsuccessful, nil otherwise. </li>



<dt><a name="PM:ToggleListMode"></a><strong>PM:ToggleListMode</strong>&nbsp;()</dt>
Toggle the list between being a blacklist and being a whitelist.

<h3>Return value:</h3>
<ul>String stating what mode the list is in. </ul>


<dt><a name="PM:UpdatePlayer"></a><strong>PM:UpdatePlayer</strong>&nbsp;(player)</dt>
Update a player and subsequently save them.


	  <code><em>player</em></code>: Player object to update.




<h2><a name="tables"></a>Tables</h2>
<dl class="table">

<dt><a name="Command.PlayerManager"></a><strong>Command.PlayerManager</strong></dt>
<dd>Table containing all PlayerManager methods. This is referenced "PM" in PlayerManager.lua.<br /><br />


	  <code><em>Access</em></code>: Table containing all available access groups.




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