-- enUS / enGB / default localization file
_, BrokerGarbage = ...

BrokerGarbage.locale = {
	label = "Junk, be gone!",

	-- Chat Messages
	sellAndRepair = "Sold trash for %1$s, repaired for %2$s. Change: %3$s.",
	repair = "Repaired for %s.",
	sell = "Sold trash for %s.",

	addedTo_exclude = "%s has been added to the Keep List.",
	addedTo_forceVendorPrice = "%s will only have its vendor price considered.",
	addedTo_include = "%s has been added to the Junk List.",
	addedTo_autoSellList = "%s will be automatically sold when at a merchant.",
	itemAlreadyOnList = "%s is already on this list!",
	limitSet = "%s has been assigned a limit of %d.",
	itemDeleted = "%1$sx%2$d has been deleted.",
	couldNotRepair = "Could not repair because you don't have enough money. You need %s.",

	listsUpdatedPleaseCheck = "Your lists have been updated. Please have a look at your settings and check if they fit your needs.",
	slashCommandHelp = [[The following commands are available:
/garbage |cffc0c0c0config|r opens the options panel.
/garbage |cffc0c0c0format |cffc0c0ffformatstring|r lets you customize the LDB display text, |cffc0c0c0 format reset|r resets it.
/garbage |cffc0c0c0limit |cffc0c0ffitemLink/ID count|r sets a limit for the given item on the current character.
/garbage |cffc0c0c0globallimit |cffc0c0ffitemLink/ID count|r sets a limit for all characters.
/garbage |cffc0c0c0value |cffc0c0ffvalueInCopper|r sets the minimum value for items to be looted (Loot Manager needed).]],
	minValueSet = "Items with a value less than %s will not be looted anymore.",

	GlobalSetting = "\n|cffffff9aThis setting is global.",

	-- Tooltip
	headerRightClick = "Right-Click for options",
	headerShiftClick = "SHIFT-Click: Destroy",
	headerCtrlClick = "CTRL-Click: Keep",
	moneyLost = "Money Lost:",
	moneyEarned = "Money Earned:",
	noItems = "No items to delete.",
	increaseTreshold = "Increase quality treshold",

	categoriesHeading = "Categories",
	LPTNotLoaded = "LibPeriodicTable not loaded",

	autoSellTooltip = "Sell Items for %s",
	reportNothingToSell = "Nothing to sell!",

	-- Statistics Frame
	StatisticsHeading = "Statistics",
	ResetStatistic = "|cffffffffClick|r to reset this statistic.\n|cFFff0000Warning: This cannot be undone.",

	MemoryUsageTitle = "Memory Usage (kB)",
	CollectMemoryUsageTooltip = "|cffffffffClick|r to start the Blizzard's garbage collection.",

	GlobalStatisticsHeading = "Account wide statistics:",
	AverageSellValueTitle = "Average sell value",
	AverageSellValueTooltip = "The average value an item earned you. Calculated as Money Earned/Items Sold.",
	AverageDropValueTitle = "Average drop value",
	AverageDropValueTooltip = "The average value of dropped/deleted items. Calculated as Money Lost/Items Dropped.",
	GlobalMoneyEarnedTitle = "Total amount earned",
	GlobalMoneyLostTitle = "Total amount lost",
	GlobalItemsSoldTitle = "Items sold",
	ItemsDroppedTitle = "Items dropped",

	LocalStatisticsHeading = "This character's (%s) statistics:",
	StatisticsLocalAmountEarned = "Amount earned",
	StatisticsLocalAmountLost = "Amount lost",

	ResetAllText = "Reset All",
	ResetAllTooltip = "|cffffffffClick|r here to reset all character specific statistics. |cffffffffSHIFT-Click|r to clear all global statistics.",

	AuctionAddon = "Auction addon",
	AuctionAddonTooltip = "Broker_Garbage will take auction values from this addon. If none is listed, you may still have auction values available by an addon that Broker_Garbage doesn't know.",
	unknown = "Unknown",	-- refers to auction addon
	na = "Not Available",

	-- Basic Options Frame
	BasicOptionsTitle = "Basic Options",
	BasicOptionsText = "Don't want to auto-sell/repair? Hold Shift (depending on your settings) when adressing the merchant!",

	GroupBehavior = "Behavior",
	GroupTresholds = "Tresholds",
	GroupDisplay = "Display",
	GroupTooltip = "Tooltip",

	autoSellTitle = "Auto Sell",
	autoSellText = "Check to have Broker_Garbage automatically sell your gray and junk items.",

	showAutoSellIconTitle = "Show Merchant Icon",
	showAutoSellIconText = "Check to show an icon to manually auto-sell when at a vendor.",

	showNothingToSellTitle = "'Nothing to sell'",
	showNothingToSellText = "Check to get a chat message when at a merchant but there is nothing to sell.",

	autoRepairTitle = "Auto Repair",
	autoRepairText = "Check to automatically repair when at a vendor.",

	autoRepairGuildTitle = "No Guild Repair",
	autoRepairGuildText = "Check to never repair using guild funds.",

	showLostTitle = "Show Money Lost",
	showLostText = "Check to show the character's lost money on the tooltip",

	showSourceTitle = "Show Price Source",
	showSourceText = "Check to show the last column in the tooltip, displaying the item value source.",

	showEarnedTitle = "Show Money Earned",
	showEarnedText = "Check to show the character's earned money (by selling junk items).",

	dropQualityTitle = "Drop Quality",
	dropQualityText = "Select up to which treshold items may be listed as deletable. Default: Poor",

	moneyFormatTitle = "Money Format",
	moneyFormatText = "Change the way money is being displayed.",

	maxItemsTitle = "Max. Items",
	maxItemsText = "Set how many lines you would like to have displayed in the tooltip. Default: 9",

	maxHeightTitle = "Max. Height",
	maxHeightText = "Set the height of the tooltip. Default: 220",

	sellNotUsableTitle = "Sell Unusable Gear",
	sellNotUsableText = "Check this to have Broker_Garbage sell all soulbound gear that you cannot wear.\n(Only applies to BoP items and if not an enchanter)",

	SNUMaxQualityTitle = "Sell Quality",
	SNUMaxQualityText = "Select the maximum item quality to sell when 'Sell Unusable Gear' is checked.",

	enchanterTitle = "Enchanter",
	enchanterTooltip = "Check this if you have/know an enchanter. When checked, Broker_Garbage will use disenchant values for disenchantable items, which are usually higher than vendor prices.",

	DKTitle = "Temporary disable key",
	DKTooltip = "Set a key to temporarily disable BrokerGarbage.",
	disableKeys = {
		["None"] = "None",
		["SHIFT"] = "SHIFT",
		["ALT"] = "ALT",
		["CTRL"] = "CTRL",

	LDBDisplayTextTitle = "LDB Display texts",
	LDBDisplayTextTooltip = "Set the text to display in the LDB plugin.",
	LDBNoJunkTextTooltip = "Set the text to display when no junk was found.",
	ResetToDefault = "Reset to default value.",
	LDBDisplayTextHelpTooltip = [[Format string help:
[itemname] - item link
[itemcount] - item count
[itemvalue] - item value
[freeslots] - free bag slots
[totalslots] - total bag slots
[junkvalue] - total autosell value
[bagspacecolor]...[endcolor] to colorize]],

	-- List Options Panel
	LOTitle = "Lists",
	LOSubTitle = [[If you need help click the "?"-tab.

|cffffd200Junk|r: Items on this list can be thrown away if needed.
|cffffd200Keep|r: Items on this list will never be deleted.
|cffffd200Vendor Price|r: Items only use vendor values. (always global)
|cffffd200Sell|r: Items on this list will be sold when at a merchant.]],

	defaultListsText = "Default Lists",
	defaultListsTooltip = "|cffffffffClick|r to manually create default local list entries.\n |cffffffffShift-Click|r to also create default global lists.", -- changed

	LOTabTitleInclude = "Junk",
	LOTabTitleExclude = "Keep",
	LOTabTitleVendorPrice = "Vendor Price",
	LOTabTitleAutoSell = "Sell",

	LOIncludeAutoSellText = "Sell Junk List items",
	LOIncludeAutoSellTooltip = "Check this to automatically sell items on your include list when at a merchant. Items without a value will be ignored.",

	listsBestUse = [[|cffffd200List Examples|r
Don't forget to use the standard lists! They provide a great example.
First, put any items you don't want to lose on your |cffffd200Keep List|r. Make good use of categories (see below)! If the LootManager is active it will alwas try to loot these items.
|cffAAAAAAe.g. class reagents, flasks|r
Items which may be thrown away any time belong on the |cffffd200Junk List|r.
|cffAAAAAAe.g. summoned food & drink, argent lance|r
In case you encounter highly overrated items, put them on your |cffffd200Vendor Price List|r. They will only have their vendor value used instead of auction or disenchant values.
|cffAAAAAAe.g. fish oil|r
Put items on your |cffffd200Sell List|r that should be sold when visiting a merchant.
|cffAAAAAAe.g. water as a warrior, cheese|r]],

	iconButtonsUse = [[|cffffd200Item Buttons|r
For any item you'll either see its icon, a gear if it's a category or a question mark in case the server doesn't know this item.
In the top left of each button you'll see a "G" (or not). If it's there, the item is on your |cffffd200global list|r meaning this rule is effective for every character.
Items on your Junk List may also have a |cffffd200limit|r. This will be shown as a small number in the lower right corner. By using the |cffffd200mousewheel|r on this button you can change this number. Limited items will only be dropped/destroyed if you have more than their limit indicates.]],

	actionButtonsUse = [[|cffffd200Action Buttons|r
Below this window you'll see five buttons and a search bar.
|TInterface\Icons\Spell_ChargePositive:18|t |cffffd200Plus|r: Use this to add items to the currently shown list. Simply drag/drop them onto the plus. To add a |cffffd200category|r, right-click the plus and then choose a category.
|cffAAAAAAe.g. "Tradeskill > Recipe", "Misc > Key"|r
|TInterface\Icons\Spell_ChargeNegative:18|t |cffffd200Minus|r: Mark items on the list (by clicking them). When you click the minus, they will be removed from this list.
|TInterface\Icons\INV_Misc_GroupLooking:18|t |cffffd200Local|r: Marked items will be put on your local list, meaning the rule is only active for the current character.
|TInterface\Icons\INV_Misc_GroupNeedMore:18|t |cffffd200Global|r: Same as local, only this time items will be put on your global list. Those rules are active for all your characters.
|TInterface\Buttons\UI-GroupLoot-Pass-UP:18|t |cffffd200Empty|r: Click this button to remove any character specific (local) items from it. Shift-click empties any account wide (global) rules. |cffff0000Use with caution!|r]],

	LOPlus = "Add items to this list by |cffffffffdragging|r/ |cffffffffdropping|r them onto this button.\n|cffffffffRight-click|r to add categories!",
	LOMinus = "Choose items to be removed from the list, then |cffffffffclick|r here.",
	LODemote = "|cffffffffClick|r to have any marked items used as character specific rules.",
	LOPromote = "|cffffffffClick|r to use any marked item as account wide rule.",
	LOEmptyList = "|cffff0000Caution!|r\n|cffffffffClick|r to empty any local entries on this list.\n"..
		"|cffffffffShift-Click|r to empty any global entries.",
	search = "Search...",

	-- LibPeriodicTable category testing
	PTCategoryTest = "Category Test",
	PTCategoryTestExplanation = "Simply select a category below and it will display all items in your inventory that match this category.\nCategory information is provided by LibPeriodicTable.",
	PTCategoryTestDropdownTitle = "Category to check",
	PTCategoryTestDropdownText = "Choose a category string",