--[[ * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 by Adam Hellberg. * * This file is part of Command. * * Command is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Command is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Command. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --]] local L = { ------------------- -- LocaleManager -- ------------------- LOCALE_NOT_LOADED = "The specified locale has not been loaded.", LOCALE_UPDATE = "Set new locale to: %s", LOCALE_PI_ACTIVE = "Player independent locale settings is now active.", LOCALE_PI_INACTIVE = "Player independent locale settings is now inactive.", ------------- -- General -- ------------- YES = "Yes", NO = "No", UNKNOWN = "Unknown", SECONDS = "Second(s)", ------------------ -- WoW Specific -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ONLY translate these if the locale has official support on the client -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE_SOULSTONE = "Use Soulstone", REINCARNATION = "Reincarnation", TWISTING_NETHER = "Twisting Nether", ---------- -- Core -- ---------- ADDON_LOAD = "AddOn loaded! Use /cmd help or !help for help.", SVARS_OUTDATED = "Saved Variables out of date, resetting...", NEWVERSION_NOTICE = "\124cffFF0000A new version of \124cff00FFFF%s\124cffFF0000 is available! \124cffFFFF00Check the site you downloaded from for the updated version.", ENABLED = "AddOn \124cff00FF00enabled\124r.", DISABLED = "AddOn \124cffFF0000disabled\124r.", DEBUGENABLED = "Debugging \124cff00FF00enabled\124r.", DEBUGDISABLED = "Debugging \124cffFF0000disabled\124r.", --------------- -- AddonComm -- --------------- AC_ERR_PREFIX = "[FATAL] Failed to register AddOn prefix %q. Maximum number of prefixes reached on client.", AC_ERR_MSGTYPE = "Invalid message type specified: %s", AC_ERR_MALFORMED_DATA = "Malformed data received from %s. Their AddOn is probably outdated.", AC_ERR_MALFORMED_DATA_SEND = "[AddonComm] Malformed data detected (\"%s\"). Aborting Send...", AC_GROUP_NORESP = "No response from group, running updater...", AC_GROUP_R_UPDATE = "Updated group members, controller: %s", AC_GROUP_LEFT = "Left group, resetting group variables...", AC_GROUP_WAIT = "Waiting for group response...", AC_GROUP_REMOVE = "Detected that %s is no longer in the group, removing and updating group members...", AC_GROUP_SYNC = "Detected group handlers out of date! Sending sync message...", AC_GUILD_NORESP = "No response from guild, running updater...", AC_GUILD_R_UPDATE = "Updated guild members, controller: %s", AC_GUILD_WAIT = "Waiting for guild response...", ----------------- -- ChatManager -- ----------------- CHAT_ERR_CMDCHAR = "Command char has to be of type string.", CHAT_CMDCHAR_SUCCESS = "Successfully set the command char to: %s", CHAT_HANDLE_NOTCONTROLLER = "Not controller instance for \124cff00FFFF%s\124r, aborting.", -------------------- -- CommandManager -- -------------------- CM_ERR_UNKNOWN = "Unknown error occurred, please contact addon author.", CM_ERR_NOTALLOWED = "%s is not allowed to be used, %s.", CM_ERR_NOACCESS = "You do not have permission to use that command, %s. Required access level: %d. Your access level: %d.", CM_ERR_NOTREGGED = "%q is not a registered command.", CM_ERR_NOCMDCHAR = "No command character specified.", CM_ERR_NOCHAT = "This command is not allowed to be used from the chat.", CM_ERR_CHATONLY = "This command can only be used from the chat.", CM_ERR_DISABLED = "This command has been disabled.", CM_ERR_PERMDISABLED = "This command has been permanently disabled.", CM_ERR_TEMPDISABLED = "This command has been temporarily disabled.", CM_NO_HELP = "No help available.", CM_DEFAULT_HELP = "Prints this help message.", CM_DEFAULT_HELPCOMMAND = "Use \"help <command>\" to get help on a specific command.", CM_DEFAULT_CHAT = "Type !commands for a listing of commands available. Type !help <command> for help on a specific command.", CM_DEFAULT_END = "End of help message.", CM_HELP_HELP = "Gets help about the addon or a specific command.", CM_HELP_USAGE = "Usage: help <command>", CM_COMMANDS_HELP = "Print all registered commands.", CM_VERSION_HELP = "Print the version of Command.", CM_VERSION = "%s", CM_SET_HELP = "Control the settings of Command.", CM_SET_USAGE = "Usage: set cmdchar|deathmanager|summonmanager|invitemanager|duelmanager", CM_SET_DM_ISENABLED = "DeathManager is enabled.", CM_SET_DM_ISDISABLED = "DeathManager is disabled.", CM_SET_DM_USAGE = "Usage: set deathmanager [enable|disable|toggle|enableress|disableress|toggleress|enablerel|disablerel|togglerel]", CM_SET_SM_ISENABLED = "SummonManager is enabled.", CM_SET_SM_ISDISABLED = "SummonManager is disabled.", CM_SET_SM_DELAY_CURRENT = "The current delay for summon announcements is %s.", CM_SET_SM_DELAY_USAGE = "Usage: set sm delay <delay>", CM_SET_SM_USAGE = "Usage: set sm [enable|disable|toggle|delay]", CM_SET_IM_ISENABLED = "InviteManager is enabled.", CM_SET_IM_ISDISABLED = "InviteManager is disabled.", CM_SET_IM_GROUP_DELAY_CURRENT = "Group announce delay is set to %d second(s).", CM_SET_IM_GROUP_DELAY_USAGE = "Usage: set im groupdelay [delay]", CM_SET_IM_GUILD_DELAY_CURRENT = "Guild announce delay is set to %d second(s).", CM_SET_IM_GUILD_DELAY_USAGE = "Usage: set im guilddelay [delay]", CM_SET_IM_USAGE = "Usage: set im [enable|disable|toggle|groupenable|groupdisable|grouptoggle|groupenableannounce|groupdisableannounce|grouptoggleannounce|groupdelay|groupdisabledelay|guildenable|guilddisable|guildtoggle|guildenableannounce|guilddisableannounce|guildtoggleannounce|guildenableoverride|guilddisableoverride|guildtoggleoverride|guilddelay|guilddisabledelay]", CM_SET_CDM_ISENABLED = "DuelManager is enabled.", CM_SET_CDM_ISDISABLED = "DuelManager is disabled.", CM_SET_CDM_DELAY_CURRENT = "Announce delay is set to %d second(s).", CM_SET_CDM_DELAY_USAGE = "Usage: set duelmanager delay [delay]", CM_SET_CDM_USAGE = "Usage: set duelmanager [enable|disable|toggle|enableannounce|disableannounce|toggleannounce|delay]", CM_SET_CRM_ISENABLED = "RoleManager is enabled.", CM_SET_CRM_ISDISABLED = "RoleManager is disabled.", CM_SET_CRM_DELAY_CURRENT = "Announce delay is set to %s.", CM_SET_CRM_DELAY_USAGE = "Usage: set rm delay [delay]", CM_SET_CRM_USAGE = "Usage: set rm [enable|disable|toggle|enableannounce|disableannounce|toggleannounce|setdelay]", CM_LOCALE_HELP = "Change locale settings.", CM_LOCALE_USAGE ="Usage: locale [set|reset|usemaster|playerindependent]", CM_LOCALE_CURRENT = "Current locale: %s.", CM_LOCALE_SET_USAGE = "Usage: locale set <locale>", CM_MYLOCALE_HELP = "Let's users set their own locale.", CM_MYLOCALE_SET = "Successfully set your locale to %s.", CM_LOCK_HELP = "Lock a player.", CM_UNLOCK_HELP = "Unlock a player.", CM_GETACCESS_HELP = "Get the access level of a user.", CM_GETACCESS_STRING = "%s's access is %d (%s)", CM_SETACCESS_HELP = "Set the access level of a user.", CM_SETACCESS_USAGE = "Usage: setaccess [player] <group>", CM_OWNER_HELP = "Promote a player to owner rank.", CM_ADMIN_HELP = "Promote a player to admin rank.", CM_ADMIN_USAGE = "Usage: admin <name>", CM_OP_HELP = "Promote a player to op rank.", CM_USER_HELP = "Promote a player to user rank.", CM_BAN_HELP = "Ban a player.", CM_BAN_USAGE = "Usage: ban <name>", CM_AUTH_HELP = "Add/Remove/Enable/Disable auths.", CM_AUTH_USAGE = "Usage: auth add|remove|enable|disable <target>", CM_AUTH_ADDUSAGE = "Usage: auth add <target> <level> [password]", CM_AUTH_ERR_SELF = "Cannot modify myself in auth list.", CM_AUTHME_HELP = "Authenticates the sender if the correct pass is specified.", CM_AUTHME_USAGE = "Usage: authme <password>", CM_ACCEPTINVITE_HELP = "Accepts a pending group invite.", CM_DECLINEINVITE_HELP = "Declines a pending group invite.", CM_ACCEPTGUILDINVITE_HELP = "Accepts a pending guild invite.", CM_DECLINEGUILDINVITE_HELP = "Declines a pending guild invite.", CM_INVITE_HELP = "Invite a player to group.", CM_INVITEME_HELP = "Player who issued the command will be invited to group.", CM_DENYINVITE_HELP = "Player issuing this command will no longer be sent invites from this AddOn.", CM_ALLOWINVITE_HELP = "Player issuing this command will receive invites sent from this AddOn.", CM_KICK_HELP = "Kick a player from group with optional reason (Requires confirmation).", CM_KICK_USAGE = "Usage: kick <player> [reason]", CM_KINGME_HELP = "Player issuing this command will be promoted to group leader.", CM_OPME_HELP = "Player issuing this command will be promoted to raid assistant.", CM_DEOPME_HELP = "Player issuing this command will be demoted from assistant status.", CM_LEADER_HELP = "Promote a player to group leader.", CM_LEADER_USAGE = "Usage: leader <name>", CM_PROMOTE_HELP = "Promote a player to raid assistant.", CM_PROMOTE_USAGE = "Usage: promote <name>", CM_DEMOTE_HELP = "Demote a player from assistant status.", CM_DEMOTE_USAGE = "Usage: demote <name>", CM_QUEUE_HELP = "Enter the LFG queue for the specified category.", CM_QUEUE_USAGE = "Usage: queue <type>", CM_QUEUE_INVALID = "No such dungeon type: %q.", CM_LEAVELFG_HELP = "Leave the LFG queue.", CM_LEAVELFG_FAIL = "Not queued by command, unable to cancel.", CM_ACCEPTLFG_HELP = "Causes you to accept the LFG invite.", CM_ACCEPTLFG_FAIL = "Not currently queued by command.", CM_ACCEPTLFG_NOEXIST = "There is currently no LFG proposal to accept.", CM_CONVERT_HELP = "Convert group to party or raid.", CM_CONVERT_USAGE = "Usage: convert party||raid", CM_CONVERT_LFG = "LFG groups cannot be converted.", CM_CONVERT_NOGROUP = "Cannot convert if not in a group.", CM_CONVERT_NOLEAD = "Cannot convert group, not leader.", CM_CONVERT_PARTY = "Converted raid to party.", CM_CONVERT_PARTYFAIL = "Group is already a party.", CM_CONVERT_RAID = "Converted party to raid.", CM_CONVERT_RAIDFAIL = "Group is already a raid.", CM_CONVERT_INVALID = "Invalid group type, only \"party\" or \"raid\" allowed.", CM_LIST_HELP = "Toggle status of a command on the blacklist/whitelist.", CM_LIST_USAGE = "Usage: list <command>", CM_LISTMODE_HELP = "Toggle list between being a blacklist and being a whitelist.", CM_GROUPALLOW_HELP = "Allow a group to use a specific command.", CM_GROUPALLOW_USAGE = "Usage: groupallow <group> <command>", CM_GROUPDENY_HELP = "Deny a group to use a specific command.", CM_GROUPDENY_USAGE = "Usage: groupdeny <group> <command>", CM_RESETGROUPACCESS_HELP = "Reset the group's access to a specific command.", CM_RESETGROUPACCESS_USAGE = "Usage: resetgroupaccess <group> <command>", CM_USERALLOW_HELP = "Allow a user to use a specific command.", CM_USERALLOW_USAGE = "Usage: userallow <player> <command>", CM_USERDENY_HELP = "Deny a user to use a specific command.", CM_USERDENY_USAGE = "Usage: userdeny <player> <command>", CM_RESETUSERACCESS_HELP = "Reset the user's access to a specific command.", CM_RESETUSERACCESS_USAGE = "Usage: resetuseraccess <player> <command>", CM_TOGGLE_HELP = "Toggle AddOn on and off.", CM_TOGGLEDEBUG_HELP = "Toggle debugging mode on and off.", CM_READYCHECK_HELP = "Respond to ready check or initiate a new one.", CM_READYCHECK_USAGE = "Usage: rc [accept|decline]", CM_LOOT_HELP = "Provides various loot functions.", CM_LOOT_USAGE = "Usage: loot type||threshold||master||pass", CM_LOOT_LFG = "Cannot use loot command in LFG group.", CM_LOOT_NOMETHOD = "No loot method specified.", CM_LOOT_NOTHRESHOLD = "No loot threshold specified.", CM_LOOT_NOMASTER = "No master looter specified.", CM_ROLL_HELP = "Provides tools for managing or starting/stopping rolls.", CM_ROLL_USAGE = "Usage: roll [start||stop||pass||time||do||set]", CM_ROLL_START_USAGE = "Usage: roll start <[time] [item]>", CM_ROLL_SET_USAGE = "Usage: roll set min||max||time <amount>", CM_RAIDWARNING_HELP = "Sends a raid warning.", CM_RAIDWARNING_USAGE = "Usage: raidwarning <message>", CM_RAIDWARNING_NORAID = "Cannot send raid warning when not in a raid group.", CM_RAIDWARNING_NOPRIV = "Cannot send raid warning: Not raid leader or assistant.", CM_RAIDWARNING_SENT = "Sent raid warning.", CM_DUNGEONMODE_HELP = "Set the dungeon difficulty.", CM_DUNGEONMODE_USAGE = "Usage: dungeondifficulty <difficulty>", CM_RAIDMODE_HELP = "Set the raid difficulty.", CM_RAIDMODE_USAGE = "Usage: raiddifficulty <difficulty>", CM_RELEASE_HELP = "Player will release corpse.", CM_RESURRECT_HELP = "Player will accept pending resurrect request.", CM_ACCEPTSUMMON_HELP = "Player will accept a pending summon request.", CM_DECLINESUMMON_HELP = "Player will decline a pending summon request.", CM_ACCEPTDUEL_HELP = "Accepts a pending duel request.", CM_DECLINEDUEL_HELP = "Declines a pending duel request or cancels an active duel.", CM_STARTDUEL_HELP = "Challenges another player to a duel.", CM_STARTDUEL_USAGE = "Usage: startduel <target>", CM_ROLE_HELP = "Provides various commands for controlling role assignment.", CM_ROLE_USAGE = "Usage: role start|set|confirm", CM_ROLE_CURRENT = "My current role is %s.", CM_ROLE_SET_USAGE = "Usage: role set tank|healer|dps", CM_ROLE_CONFIRM_USAGE = "Usage: role confirm [tank|healer|dps]", CM_FOLLOW_HELP = "Starts following the specified player (or sender if no player specified).", CM_FOLLOW_STARTED = "Started following %s!", CM_FOLLOW_SELF = "I cannot follow myself.", ------------ -- Events -- ------------ E_LFGPROPOSAL = "Group has been found, type !accept to make me accept the invite.", E_LFGFAIL = "LFG failed, use !queue <type> to requeue.", E_READYCHECK = "%s issued a ready check, type !rc accept to make me accept it or !rc deny to deny it.", ------------------ -- EventHandler -- ------------------ EH_REGISTERED = "%q registered.", ------------ -- Logger -- ------------ LOGGER_ERR_UNDEFINED = "Undefined logger level passed (%q)", LOGGER_PREFIX_MAIN = "\124cff00FF00[%s]\124r", LOGGER_PREFIX_DEBUG = " \124cffBBBBFFDebug\124r", LOGGER_PREFIX_NORMAL = "", LOGGER_PREFIX_WARNING = " \124cffFFFF00Warning\124r", LOGGER_PREFIX_ERROR = " \124cffFF0000ERROR\124r", ----------------- -- LootManager -- ----------------- LOOT_METHOD_GROUP = "Group Loot", LOOT_METHOD_FFA = "Free For All", LOOT_METHOD_MASTER = "Master Looter", LOOT_METHOD_NEEDGREED = "Need Before Greed", LOOT_METHOD_ROUNDROBIN = "Round Robin", LOOT_THRESHOLD_UNCOMMON = "Uncommon", LOOT_THRESHOLD_RARE = "Rare", LOOT_THRESHOLD_EPIC = "Epic", LOOT_THRESHOLD_LEGENDARY = "Legendary", LOOT_THRESHOLD_ARTIFACT = "Artifact", LOOT_THRESHOLD_HEIRLOOM = "Heirloom", LOOT_THRESHOLD_UNKNOWN = "Unknown", LOOT_MASTER_NOEXIST = "%q is not in the group and cannot be set as the master looter.", LOOT_SM_NOLEAD = "Unable to change loot method, not group leader.", LOOT_SM_DUPE = "The loot method is already set to %s!", LOOT_SM_SUCCESS = "Successfully set the loot method to %s!", LOOT_SM_SUCCESSMASTER = "Successfully set the loot method to %s (%s)!", LOOT_SLM_NOLEAD = "Unable to change master looter, not group leader.", LOOT_SLM_METHOD = "Cannot set master looter when loot method is set to %s.", LOOT_SLM_SPECIFY = "Master looter not specified.", LOOT_SLM_SUCCESS = "Successfully set %s as the master looter!", LOOT_ST_NOLEAD = "Unable to change loot threshold, not group leader.", LOOT_ST_INVALID = "Invalid loot threshold specified, please specify a loot threshold between 2 and 7 (inclusive).", LOOT_ST_SUCCESS = "Successfully set the loot threshold to %s!", LOOT_SP_PASS = "%s is now passing on loot.", LOOT_SP_ROLL = "%s is not passing on loot.", ------------------- -- PlayerManager -- ------------------- PM_ERR_NOCOMMAND = "No command specified.", PM_ERR_LOCKED = "Target player is locked and cannot be modified.", PM_ERR_NOTINGROUP = "%s is not in the group.", PM_MATCH_INVITEACCEPTED_PARTY = "(%w+) joins the party.", PM_MATCH_INVITEACCEPTED_RAID = "(%w+) has joined the raid group.", PM_MATCH_INVITEDECLINED = "(%w+) declines your group invitation.", PM_MATCH_INGROUP = "(%w+) is already in a group.", PM_ACCESS_ALLOWED = "%q is now allowed for %s.", PM_ACCESS_DENIED = "%q is now denied for %s.", PM_KICK_REASON = "%s has been kicked on %s's request. (Reason: %s)", PM_KICK = "%s has been kicked on %s's request.", PM_KICK_NOTIFY = "%s was kicked on your request.", PM_KICK_TARGET = "You have ben kicked out of the group by %s.", PM_KICK_DENIED = "%s's request to kick %s has been denied.", PM_KICK_POPUP = "%s wants to kick %s. Confirm?", PM_KICK_SELF = "Cannot kick myself.", PM_KICK_FRIEND = "Cannot kick my friend.", PM_KICK_DEFAULTREASON = "%s used !kick command.", PM_KICK_WAIT = "Awaiting confirmation to kick %s...", PM_KICK_NOPRIV = "Unable to kick %s from group. Not group leader or assistant.", PM_KICK_TARGETASSIST = "Unable to kick %s, assistants cannot kick other assistants from group.", PM_PLAYER_CREATE = "Created player %q (%s) with default settings.", PM_PLAYER_UPDATE = "Updated player %q (%s).", PM_GA_REMOVED = "%q removed from group %s.", PM_GA_EXISTSALLOW = "%q already has that command on the allow list.", PM_GA_EXISTSDENY = "%q already has that command on the deny list.", PM_PA_REMOVED = "%q removed from %s.", PM_PA_EXISTSALLOW = "%s already has that command on the allow list.", PM_PA_EXISTSDENY = "%s already has that command on the deny list.", PM_LOCKED = "Player %s has been locked.", PM_UNLOCKED = "Player %s has been unlocked", PM_SAG_SELF = "Cannot modify my own access level.", PM_SAG_NOEXIST = "No such access group: %q", PM_SAG_SET = "Set the access level of %q to %d (%s).", PM_INVITE_SELF = "Cannot invite myself to group.", PM_INVITE_INGROUP = "%s is already in the group.", PM_INVITE_FULL = "The group is already full.", PM_INVITE_LFG = "Cannot invite players to an LFG group.", PM_INVITE_ACTIVE = "%s already has an active invite.", PM_INVITE_DECLINED = "%s has declined the group invite.", PM_INVITE_INOTHERGROUP = "%s is already in a group.", PM_INVITE_NOTIFYTARGET = "Invited you to the group.", PM_INVITE_NOTIFY = "%s invited you to the group, %s. Whisper !blockinvites to block these invites.", PM_INVITE_SUCCESS = "Invited %s to group.", PM_INVITE_BLOCKED = "%s does not wish to be invited.", PM_INVITE_NOPRIV = "Unable to invite %s to group. Not group leader or assistant.", PM_DI_BLOCKING = "You are now blocking invites, whisper !allowinvites to receive them again.", PM_DI_SUCCESS = "%s is no longer receiving invites.", PM_DI_FAIL = "You are already blocking invites.", PM_AI_ALLOWING = "You are now allowing invites, whisper !blockinvites to block them.", PM_AI_SUCCESS = "%s is now receiving invites.", PM_AI_FAIL = "You are already allowing invites.", PM_LEADER_SELF = "Cannot promote myself to leader.", PM_LEADER_DUPE = "%s is already leader.", PM_LEADER_SUCCESS = "Promoted %s to group leader.", PM_LEADER_NOPRIV = "Cannot promote %s to group leader, insufficient permissions.", PM_ASSIST_SELF = "Cannot promote myself to assistant.", PM_ASSIST_DUPE = "%s is already assistant.", PM_ASSIST_NORAID = "Cannot promote to assistant when not in a raid.", PM_ASSIST_SUCCESS = "Promoted %s to assistant.", PM_ASSIST_NOPRIV = "Cannot promote %s to assistant, insufficient permissions.", PM_DEMOTE_SELF = "Cannot demote myself.", PM_DEMOTE_INVALID = "%s is not an assistant, can only demote assistants.", PM_DEMOTE_NORAID = "Cannot demote when not in a raid.", PM_DEMOTE_SUCCESS = "Demoted %s.", PM_DEMOTE_NOPRIV = "Cannot demote %s, insufficient permissions.", PM_LIST_ADDWHITE = "Added %s to whitelist.", PM_LIST_ADDBLACK = "Added %s to blacklist.", PM_LIST_REMOVEWHITE = "Removed %s from whitelist.", PM_LIST_REMOVEBLACK = "Removed %s from blacklist.", PM_LIST_SETWHITE = "Now using list as whitelist.", PM_LIST_SETBLACK = "Now using list as blacklist.", ------------------ -- DeathManager -- ------------------ DM_ERR_NOTDEAD = "I am not dead.", DM_ENABLED = "DeathManager has been enabled.", DM_DISABLED = "DeathManager has been disabled.", DM_RELEASE_ENABLED = "DeathManager (Release) has been enabled.", DM_RELEASE_DISABLED = "DeathManager (Release) has been disabled.", DM_RESURRECT_ENABLED = "DeathManager (Resurrect) has been enabled.", DM_RESURRECT_DISABLED = "DeathManager (Resurrect) has been disabled.", DM_ONDEATH = "I have died! Type !release to make me release spirit.", DM_ONDEATH_SOULSTONE = "Died with active soulstone, type !ress to make me ress!", DM_ONDEATH_REINCARNATE = "Died with reincarnate off cooldown, type !ress to make me ress!", DM_ONDEATH_CARD = "Died with proc from Twisted Nether active, type !ress to make me ress!", DM_ONRESS = "I have received a ress from %s! Type !ress to make me accept it.", DM_RELEASE_NOTDEAD = "I am not dead or have already released.", DM_RELEASED = "Released corpse!", DM_RESURRECT_NOTACTIVE = "I have no pending resurrection request or it has expired.", DM_RESURRECTED = "Successfully resurrected!", DM_RESURRECTED_SOULSTONE = "Resurrected with soulstone!", DM_RESURRECTED_REINCARNATE = "Resurrected with reincarnate!", DM_RESURRECTED_CARD = "Resurrected with Darkmoon Card: Twisting Nether proc!", DM_RESURRECTED_PLAYER = "Accepted resurrect from %s!", ------------------- -- SummonManager -- ------------------- SM_ERR_NOSUMMON = "I do not have an active summon request or it has expired.", SM_ENABLED = "Summon Manager has been enabled!", SM_DISABLED = "Summon Manager has been disabled!", SM_ONSUMMON = "I have received a summon to %s from %s, expires in %s! Type !acceptsummon or !declinesummon to make me accept or decline the request.", SM_ACCEPTED = "Accepted summon request from %s!", SM_DECLINED = "Declined summon request from %s!", SM_SETDELAY_SUCCESS = "Summon announce delay successfully set to %s!", SM_SETDELAY_INSTANT = "Summons will now announce instantly when received.", ------------------- -- InviteManager -- ------------------- IM_GUILD_CONFIRM_OVERRIDE_POPUP = "Enabling this will render users able to issue !acceptguild even if you have reputation with a former guild, in which case you lose that reputation.\nAre you sure you want to enable this setting?", IM_ENABLED = "InviteManager has been enabled!", IM_DISABLED = "InviteManager has been disabled!", IM_GROUP_ENABLED = "InviteManager (Group) has been enabled!", IM_GROUP_DISABLED = "InviteManager (Group) has been disabled!", IM_GROUPANNOUNCE_ENABLED = "Group invite announcement has been enabled!", IM_GROUPANNOUNCE_DISABLED = "Group invite announcement has been disabled!", IM_GROUPDELAY_NUM = "Group announce delay must be a number.", IM_GROUPDELAY_OUTOFRANGE = "Group announce delay must be between 0 and %d seconds.", IM_GROUPDELAY_SET = "Group announce delay set to %d second(s)!", IM_GROUPDELAY_DISABLED = "Group announce delay disabled, announcement will now be sent instantly!", IM_GUILD_ENABLED = "InviteManager (Guild) has been enabled!", IM_GUILD_DISABLED = "InviteManager (Guild) has been disabled!", IM_GUILDANNOUNCE_ENABLED = "Guild invite announcement has been enabled!", IM_GUILDANNOUNCE_DISABLED = "Guild invite announcement has been disabled!", IM_GUILDOVERRIDE_PENDING = "The guild override setting is currently being modified, please finish modifying it before issuing this command again.", IM_GUILDOVERRIDE_WAITING = "Waiting for user input on guild override setting popup...", IM_GUILDOVERRIDE_ENABLED = "Guild override has been enabled, users will now be able to issue !acceptguildinvite even if you have reputation with a former guild. !! USE WITH CARE !!", IM_GUILDOVERRIDE_DISABLED = "Guild override has been disabled, users will no longer be able to issue !acceptguildinvite if you have reputation with a former guild.", IM_GUILDDELAY_NUM = "Guild announce delay must be a number.", IM_GUILDDELAY_OUTOFRANGE = "Guild announce delay must be between 0 and %d seconds.", IM_GUILDDElAY_SET = "Guild announce delay set to %d second(s)!", IM_GUILDDELAY_DISABLED = "Guild announce delay disabled, announcement will now be sent instantly!", IM_GROUP_ANNOUNCE = "Type !accept to make me accept the group invite or !decline to decline it!", IM_GUILD_ANNOUNCE = "Type !acceptguildinvite to make me accept the guild invite or !declineguildinvite to declie it!", IM_GROUP_NOINVITE = "I do not have an active group invite.", IM_GROUP_ACCEPTED = "Accepted group invite!", IM_GROUP_DECLINED = "Declined group invite.", IM_GUILD_NOINVITE = "I do not have an active guild invite.", IM_GUILD_HASREP = "Unable to auto-accept guild invite, I still have reputation with my former guild that would be lost.", IM_GUILD_ACCEPTED = "Accepted guild invite!", IM_GUILD_DECLINED = "Declined guild invite.", ----------------- -- DuelManager -- ----------------- CDM_ERR_NODUEL = "I do not currently have an active duel request.", CDM_ANNOUNCE = "Type !acceptduel to make me accept the duel request or !decline duel to decline it!", CDM_ACCEPETED = "Accepted duel request!", CDM_DECLINED = "Declined duel request.", CDM_CANCELLED = "Cancelled active duel (if any).", CDM_CHALLENGED = "Sent a duel request to %s!", CDM_ENABLED = "DuelManager has been enabled!", CDM_DISABLED = "DuelManager has been disabled.", CDM_ANNOUNCE_ENABLED = "DuelManager announce has been enabled!", CDM_ANNOUNCE_DISABLED = "DuelManager announce has been disabled.", CDM_DELAY_NUM = "Delay has to be a number.", CDM_DELAY_OUTOFRANGE = "Delay has to be between 0 and %d seconds.", CDM_DELAY_SET = "Announce delay set to %d second(s)!", CDM_DELAY_DISABLED = "Announce delay has been disabled, will now announce immediately.", ----------------- -- RoleManager -- ----------------- CRM_ENABLED = "RoleManager enabled.", CRM_DISABLED = "RoleManager disabled.", CRM_TANK = "Tank", CRM_HEALER = "Healer", CRM_DAMAGE = "DPS", CRM_UNDEFINED = "Undefined", CRM_ANNOUNCE_HASROLE = "Role check started! Confirm my current role (%s) with !role confirm or set a new one with !role confirm tank|healer|dps", CRM_ANNOUNCE_NOROLE = "Role check started! Set my role with !role confirm tank|healer|dps", CRM_SET_INVALID = "I cannot fulfill the role of %s, please specify another role.", CRM_SET_SUCCESS = "Successfully set my role to %s!", CRM_CONFIRM_NOROLE = "No role set, confirmation needed with role confirm tank|healer|dps", CRM_START_ACTIVE = "A role check is already pending, please wait until it has ended.", CRM_START_NOPRIV = "Unable to start role check, not leader or assistant.", CRM_START_NOGROUP = "Role checks can only be started when in a group.", CRM_STARTDELAY_SUCCESS = "RoleManager announce delay set to %s!", CRM_STARTDELAY_INSTANT = "RoleManager now announces instantly.", ----------------------- -- ReadyCheckManager -- ----------------------- RCM_INACTIVE = "No ready check is currently running.", RCM_RESPONDED = "I have already responded to the ready check.", RCM_ENABLED = "ReadyCheckManager has been enabled.", RCM_DISABLED = "ReadyCheckManager has been disabled.", RCM_ANNOUNCE = "%s has started a ready check! Type !rc accept to make me accept or !rc deny to deny it.", RCM_ACCEPTED = "Accepted the ready check!", RCM_DECLINED = "Declined the ready check!", RCM_START_ISSUED = "%s has started a ready check!", RCM_START_NOPRIV = "Unable to start ready check, not leader or assistant.", RCM_ANNOUNCE_ENABLED = "ReadyCheckManager will now announce received ready checks.", RCM_ANNOUNCE_DISABLED = "ReadyCheckManager will no longer announce recevied ready checks.", RCM_SETDELAY_SUCCESS = "ReadyCheckManager announce delay set to %d second(s)!", RCM_SETDELAY_INSTANT = "ReadyCheckManager will now announce instantly!", ----------------- -- AuthManager -- ----------------- AM_ERR_NOEXISTS = "%q does not exist in the auth list.", AM_ERR_USEREXISTS = "%q is already in the auth list, please authenticate with authme.", AM_ERR_DISABLED = "%q is disabled in the auth list.", AM_ERR_NOLEVEL = "No access level specified.", AM_ERR_AUTHED = "%q is already authenticated!", AM_AUTH_ERR_INVALIDPASS = "Invalid password.", AM_AUTH_SUCCESS = "%q successfully authenticated for access level %d!", AM_ADD_SUCCESS = "Added %q to auth list for access level %d, password: %s. Authenticate with !authme.", AM_ADD_WHISPER = "Added you to the auth list for access level %d, password: %s. Authenticate with !authme.", AM_REMOVE_SUCCESS = "Removed %q from auth list.", AM_ENABLE_SUCCESS = "Enabled %q for authentication.", AM_DISABLE_SUCCESS = "Disabled %q from authenticating.", ---------------- -- GroupTools -- ---------------- GT_DUNGEON_NORMAL = "Normal", GT_DUNGEON_HEROIC = "Heroic", GT_DUNGEON_CHALLENGE = "Challenge", GT_RAID_N10 = "Normal (10)", GT_RAID_N25 = "Normal (25)", GT_RAID_H10 = "Heroic (10)", GT_RAID_H25 = "Heroic (25)", GT_DIFF_INVALID = "%q is not a valid difficulty.", GT_DD_DUPE = "Dungeon difficulty is already set to %s.", GT_DD_SUCCESS = "Successfully set the dungeon difficulty to %s!", GT_RD_DUPE = "Raid difficulty is already set to %s.", GT_RD_SUCCESS = "Successfully set raid difficulty to %s!", ------------------ -- QueueManager -- ------------------ QM_QUEUE_START = "Starting queue for %s, please select your role(s)... Type !cancel to cancel.", QM_CANCEL = "Left the LFG queue.", QM_ACCEPT = "Accepted LFG invite.", QM_ANNOUNCE_QUEUEING = "Now queueing for %s, type !cancel to cancel.", QM_ANNOUNCE_ROLECANCEL = "Role Check cancelled.", QM_ANNOUNCE_LFGCANCEL = "LFG cancelled.", ----------------- -- RollManager -- ----------------- RM_ERR_INVALIDAMOUNT = "Invalid amount passed: %s.", RM_ERR_NOTRUNNING = "No roll is currently in progress.", RM_ERR_INVALIDROLL = "%s specified too high or too low roll region, not including their roll.", RM_MATCH = "(%w+) rolls (%d+) %((%d+)-(%d+)%)", RM_ROLLEXISTS = "%s has already rolled! (%d)", RM_ROLLPROGRESS = "%d/%d players have rolled!", RM_UPDATE_TIMELEFT = "%d seconds left to roll!", RM_SET_MINFAIL = "Minimum roll number cannot be higher than maximum roll number!", RM_SET_MINSUCCESS = "Successfully set minimum roll number to %d!", RM_SET_MAXFAIL = "Maximum roll number cannot be lower than minimum roll number!", RM_SET_MAXSUCCESS = "Successfully set maximum roll number to %d!", RM_SET_TIMEFAIL = "Amount must be larger than zero (0).", RM_SET_TIMESUCCESS = "Successfully set default roll time to %d!", RM_START_RUNNING = "A roll is already in progress, wait for it to complete or use roll stop.", RM_START_SENDER = "Could not identify sender: %s. Aborting roll...", RM_START_MEMBERS = "Could not start roll, not enough group members!", RM_START_SUCCESS = "%s started a roll, ends in %d seconds! Type /roll %d %d. Type !roll pass to pass.", RM_START_SUCCESSITEM = "%s started a roll for %s, ends in %d seconds! Type /roll %d %d. Type !roll pass to pass.", RM_STOP_SUCCESS = "Roll has been stopped.", RM_DO_SUCCESS = "Done! Executed RandomRoll(%d, %d)", RM_PASS_SUCCESS = "%s has passed on the roll.", RM_TIME_LEFT = "%d seconds remaining!", RM_ANNOUNCE_EXPIRE = "Roll time expired! Results...", RM_ANNOUNCE_FINISH = "Everyone has rolled! Results...", RM_ANNOUNCE_EMPTY = "Noone rolled, there is no winner!", RM_ANNOUNCE_PASS = "Everyone passed on the roll, there is no winner!", RM_ANNOUNCE_PASSITEM = "Everyone passed on the roll, there is no winner for %s!", RM_ANNOUNCE_WIN = "The winner is: %s! With a roll of %d.", RM_ANNOUNCE_WINITEM = "The winner is: %s! With a roll of %d for %s.", RM_ANNOUNCE_MULTIPLE = "There are multiple winners:", RM_ANNOUNCE_MULTIPLEITEM = "There are multiple winners for %s:", RM_ANNOUNCE_WINNER = "%s with a roll of %d." } Command.LocaleManager:Register("nlNL", L)