if (GetLocale() == "enUS") or (GetLocale() == "enGB") then
AutoTurnin.L = setmetatable({
	["usage1"]="usage: 'on'/'off' to enable or disable addon",
	["usage2"]="'all'/'list' to handle any quest or just specified in a list",
	["usage3"]="'loot' do not complete quests with a list of rewards or complete it and choose most expensive one of rewards",
	["all"]="ready to handle every quest",
	["list"]="only specified quests will be handled",
	["loottrue"]="addon automatically loots most expensive reward",
	["lootfalse"]="quest with item rewards will not be finished by addon"},
	{__index = function(table, index) return index end})

AutoTurnin.quests = {
-- AV Repetive Quests

-- Alliance AV Quests

-- Horde AV Quests

-- Timbermaw Quests

-- Cenarion

-- Thorium Brotherhood

--[[Burning Crusade]]--
--Lower City



--Cenarion Exp



-- Consortium

-- Halaa

-- Sunwell
["A Charitable Donation"]="",
["Arm the Wards!"]="",
["Ata'mal Armaments"]="",
["Blast the Gateway"]="",
["Blood for Blood"]="",
["Crush the Dawnblade"]="",
["Discovering Your Roots"]="",
["Disrupt the Greengill Coast"]="",
["Distraction at the Dead Scar"]="",
["Don't Stop Now...."]="",
["Erratic Behavior"]="",
["Further Conversions"]="",
["Gaining the Advantage"]="",
["Intercept the Reinforcements"]="",
["Intercepting the Mana Cells"]="",
["Keeping the Enemy at Bay"]="",
["Know Your Ley Lines"]="",
["Maintaining the Sunwell Portal"]="",
["Making Ready"]="",
["Open for Business"]="",
["Rediscovering Your Roots"]="",
["Sunfury Attack Plans"]="",
["Taking the Harbor"]="",
["The Air Strikes Must Continue"]="",
["The Battle for the Sun's Reach Armory"]="",
["The Battle Must Go On"]="",
["The Multiphase Survey"]="",
["The Sanctum Wards"]="",
["Wanted: Sisters of Torment"]="",
["Wanted: The Signet Ring of Prince Kael'thas"]="",
["Your Continued Support"]="",
-- Ogri'la
["Banish More Demons"]="",
["Bomb Them Again!"]="",
["The Relic's Emanation"]="",
["Wrangle More Aether Rays!"]="",
-- Netherdrake
["A Slow Death"]="",
["Disrupting the Twilight Portal"]="",
["Dragons are the Least of Our Problems"]="",
["Nethercite Ore"]="",
["Netherdust Pollen "]="",
["Nethermine Flayer Hide "]="",
["Netherwing Crystals "]="",
["Picking Up The Pieces... "]="",
["The Booterang: A Cure For The Common Worthless Peon"]="",
["The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid"]="",
["The Not-So-Friendly Skies..."]="",
-- Fishing daily
["Bait Bandits"]="",
["Crocolisks in the City"]="",
["Felblood Fillet"]="",
["Shrimpin' Ain't Easy"]="",
["The One That Got Away"]="",
-- Cooking daily
["Revenge is Tasty"]="",
["Soup for the Soul"]="",
["Super Hot Stew"]="",

--[[ WOtLK]]--
-- Kalu'ak
["Planning for the Future"]="",
["Preparing for the Worst"]="",
["The Way to His Heart..."]="",
-- Oracul
["Appeasing the Great Rain Stone"]="",
["Mastery of the Crystals"]="",
["Power of the Great Ones"]="",
["Will of the Titans"]="",
["A Cleansing Song"]="",
["Song of Fecundity"]="",
["Song of Reflection"]="",
["Song of Wind and Water"]="",

--[[ Cataclysm]]--
-- Firelands Invasion
["A Bitter Pill"]="",
["Aggressive Growth"]="",
["Between the Trees"]="",
["Breach in the Defenses"]="",
["Burn Victims"]="",
["Bye Bye Burdy"]="",
["Call the Flock"]="",
["Caught Unawares"]="",
["Echoes of Nemesis"]="",
["Enduring the Heat"]="",
["Fandral's Methods"]="",
["Fire Flowers"]="",
["Fire in the Skies"]="",
["Flamewakers of the Molten Flow"]="",
["Hostile Elements"]="",
["Hounds of Shannox"]="",
["How Hot"]="",
["Into the Depths"]="",
["Into the Fire"]="",
["Little Lasher"]="",
["Living Obsidium"]="",
["Mother's Malice"]="",
["Nature's Blessing"]="",
["Need... Water... Badly..."]="",
["Peaked Interest"]="",
["Perfecting Your Howl"]="",
["Punting Season"]="",
["Rage Against the Flames"]="",
["Releasing the Pressure"]="",
["Relieving the Pain"]="",
["Singed Wings"]="",
["Solar Core Destruction"]="",
["Some Like It Hot"]="",
["Starting Young"]="",
["Steal Magmolias"]="",
["Strike at the Heart"]="",
["Supplies for the Other Side"]="",
["Territorial Birds"]="",
["The Bigger They Are"]="",
["The Call of the Pack"]="",
["The Dogs of War"]="",
["The Flame Spider Queen"]="",
["The Forlorn Spire"]="",
["The Harder They Fall"]="",
["The Power of Malorne"]="",
["The Protectors of Hyjal"]="",
["The Sanctuary Must Not Fall"]="",
["The Wardens are Watching"]="",
["Those Bears Up There"]="",
["Through the Gates of Hell"]="",
["Traitors Return"]="",
["Treating the Wounds"]="",
["Wicked Webs"]="",
["Wings Aflame"]="",
["Wisp Away"]="",

-- Tol Barad Peninsula
["A Huge Problem"]="",
["A Sticky Task"]="",
["Bombs Away!"]="",
["Boosting Morale"]="",
["Captain P. Harris"]="",
["Claiming The Keep"]="",
["Clearing the Depths"]="",
["Cursed Shackles"]="",
["Finish The Job"]="",
["First Lieutenant Connor"]="",
["Food From Below"]="",
["Learning From The Past"]="",
["Leave No Weapon Behind"]="",
["Magnets, How Do They Work?"]="",
["Not The Friendliest Town"]="",
["Prison Revolt"]="",
["Rattling Their Cages"]="",
["Salvaging the Remains"]="",
["Shark Tank"]="",
["Swamp Bait"]="",
["Taking the Overlook Back"]="",
["Teach A Man To Fish.... Or Steal"]="",
["The Forgotten"]="",
["The Imprisoned Archmage"]="",
["The Leftovers"]="",
["The Warden"]="",
["Thinning the Brood"]="",
["Victory in Tol Barad"]="",
["Walk A Mile In Their Shoes"]="",
["WANTED: Foreman Wellson"]="",
["Watch Out For Splinters!"]="",
-- Therazane
["Beneath the Surface"]="",
["Fear of Boring"]="",
["Fungal Fury"]="",
["Glop, Son of Glop"]="",
["Lost In The Deeps"]="",
["Soft Rock"]="",
["The Restless Brood"]="",
["Through Persistence"]="",
["Underground Economy"]="",
["Fire From the Sky"]="",
["Thieving Little Pluckers"]="",
--Wildhammer Clan
["Beer Run"]="",
["Fight Like a Wildhammer"]="",
["Keeping the Dragonmaw at Bay"]="",
["Never Leave a Dinner Behind"]="",
["Warlord Halthar is Back"]="",
--Dragonmaw Clan
["Another Maw to Feed"]="",
["Bring Down the High Shaman"]="",
["Crushing the Wildhammer"]="",
["Hook 'em High"]="",
["Total War"]="",
