-- oUF_SimpleConfig: debuffs for oUF_RaidDebuffs
-- rawoil, 2021
-- all data from tukui

-- Variables

local A, L = ...

local Debuffs = {}
local Priority = function(priorityOverride) return {["enable"] = true, ["priority"] = priorityOverride or 0, ["stackThreshold"] = 0} end

Debuffs["PvE"] = {
    ["type"] = "Whitelist",
    ["spells"] = {

    -- Pre-Patch --

        -- Onyxia's Lair
            [18431] = Priority(2), --Bellowing Roar
        -- Molten Core
            [19703] = Priority(2), --Lucifron's Curse
            [19408] = Priority(2), --Panic
            [19716] = Priority(2), --Gehennas' Curse
            [20277] = Priority(2), --Fist of Ragnaros
            [20475] = Priority(6), --Living Bomb
            [19695] = Priority(6), --Inferno
            [19659] = Priority(2), --Ignite Mana
            [19714] = Priority(2), --Deaden Magic
            [19713] = Priority(2), --Shazzrah's Curse
        -- Blackwing's Lair
            [23023] = Priority(2), --Conflagration
            [18173] = Priority(2), --Burning Adrenaline
            [24573] = Priority(2), --Mortal Strike
            [23340] = Priority(2), --Shadow of Ebonroc
            [23170] = Priority(2), --Brood Affliction: Bronze
            [22687] = Priority(2), --Veil of Shadow
        -- Zul'Gurub
            [23860] = Priority(2), --Holy Fire
            [22884] = Priority(2), --Psychic Scream
            [23918] = Priority(2), --Sonic Burst
            [24111] = Priority(2), --Corrosive Poison
            [21060] = Priority(2), --Blind
            [24328] = Priority(2), --Corrupted Blood
            [16856] = Priority(2), --Mortal Strike
            [24664] = Priority(2), --Sleep
            [17172] = Priority(2), --Hex
            [24306] = Priority(2), --Delusions of Jin'do
            [24099] = Priority(2), --Poison Bolt Volley
        -- Ahn'Qiraj Ruins
            [25646] = Priority(2), --Mortal Wound
            [25471] = Priority(2), --Attack Order
            [96] = Priority(2), --Dismember
            [25725] = Priority(2), --Paralyze
            [25189] = Priority(2), --Enveloping Winds
        -- Ahn'Qiraj Temple
            [785] = Priority(2), --True Fulfillment
            [26580] = Priority(2), --Fear
            [26050] = Priority(2), --Acid Spit
            [26180] = Priority(2), --Wyvern Sting
            [26053] = Priority(2), --Noxious Poison
            [26613] = Priority(2), --Unbalancing Strike
            [26029] = Priority(2), --Dark Glare
        -- Naxxramas
            [28732] = Priority(2), --Widow's Embrace
            [28622] = Priority(2), --Web Wrap
            [28169] = Priority(2), --Mutating Injection
            [29213] = Priority(2), --Curse of the Plaguebringer
            [28835] = Priority(2), --Mark of Zeliek
            [27808] = Priority(2), --Frost Blast
            [28410] = Priority(2), --Chains of Kel'Thuzad
            [27819] = Priority(2), --Detonate Mana

    -- Phase 1 --

    -- Karazhan
        -- Trash
            [29679] = Priority(4), -- Bad Poetry
            [29505] = Priority(3), -- Banshee Shriek
            [32441] = Priority(4), -- Brittle Bones
            [29690] = Priority(5), -- Drunken Skull Crack
            [29321] = Priority(4), -- Fear
            [29935] = Priority(4), -- Gaping Maw
            [29670] = Priority(5), -- Ice Tomb
            [29491] = Priority(4), -- Impending Betrayal
            [41580] = Priority(3), -- Net
            [29676] = Priority(5), -- Rolling Pin
            [29490] = Priority(5), -- Seduction
            [29684] = Priority(5), -- Shield Slam
            [29300] = Priority(5), -- Sonic Blast
            [29900] = Priority(5), -- Unstable Magic (Good Debuff)
        -- Attumen the Huntsman
            [29833] = Priority(3), -- Intangible Presence
            [29711] = Priority(4), -- Knockdown
        -- Moroes
            [34694] = Priority(4), -- Blind
            [37066] = Priority(5), -- Garrote
            [29425] = Priority(4), -- Gouge
            [13005] = Priority(3), -- Hammer of Justice (Baron Rafe Dreuger)
            [29572] = Priority(3), -- Mortal Strike (Lord Robin Daris)
        -- Maiden of Virtue
            [29522] = Priority(3), -- Holy Fire
            [29511] = Priority(4), -- Repentance
        -- Animal Bosses
        -- Hyakiss the Lurker
            [29901] = Priority(3), -- Acidic Fang
            [29896] = Priority(4), -- Hyakiss' Web
        -- Rokad the Ravager
            [29906] = Priority(3), -- Ravage
        -- Shadikith the Glider
            [29903] = Priority(4), -- Dive
            [29904] = Priority(3), -- Sonic Burst
        -- Opera Event (Wizard of Oz)
            [31042] = Priority(5), -- Shred Armor
            [31046] = Priority(4), -- Brain Bash
        -- Opera Event (The Big Bad Wolf)
            [30753] = Priority(5), -- Red Riding Hood
            [30752] = Priority(3), -- Terrifying Howl
            [30761] = Priority(4), -- Wide Swipe
        -- Opera Event (Romulo and Julianne)
            [30890] = Priority(3), -- Blinding Passion
            [30822] = Priority(4), -- Poisoned Thrust
            [30889] = Priority(5), -- Powerful Attraction
        -- The Curator
        -- Shade of Aran
            [29991] = Priority(5), -- Chains of Ice
            [29954] = Priority(3), -- Frostbolt
            [30035] = Priority(4), -- Mass Slow
            [29990] = Priority(5), -- Slow
        -- Terestian Illhoof
            [30053] = Priority(3), -- Amplify Flames
            [30115] = Priority(4), -- Sacrifice
        -- Netherspite
            [37063] = Priority(3), -- Void Zone
        -- Chess Event
        -- Prince Malchezaar
            [39095] = Priority(3), -- Amplify Damage
            [30843] = Priority(5), -- Enfeeble
            [30854] = Priority(4), -- Shadow Word: Pain (Tank)
            [30898] = Priority(4), -- Shadow Word: Pain (Raid)
            [30901] = Priority(3), -- Sunder Armor
        -- Nightbane
            [36922] = Priority(5), -- Bellowing Roar
            [30129] = Priority(6), -- Charred Earth
            [30130] = Priority(3), -- Distracting Ash
            [37098] = Priority(5), -- Rain of Bones
            [30127] = Priority(4), -- Searing Cinders
            [30210] = Priority(3), -- Smoldering Breath
            [25653] = Priority(3), -- Tail Sweep
    -- Gruul's Lair
        -- Trash
            [22884] = Priority(4), -- Psychic Scream
        -- High King Maulgar
        -- Blindeye the Seer
        -- Kiggler the Crazed
            [33175] = Priority(3), -- Arcane Shock
            [33173] = Priority(5), -- Greater Polymorph
        -- Krosh Firehand
            [33061] = Priority(3), -- Blast Wave
        -- Olm the Summoner
            [33129] = Priority(4), -- Dark Decay
            [33130] = Priority(5), -- Death Coil
        -- High King Maulgar
            [16508] = Priority(5), -- Intimidating Roar
        -- Gruul the Dragonkiller
            [36240] = Priority(4), -- Cave In
    -- Magtheridon's Lair
        -- Trash
            [34437] = Priority(4), -- Death Coil
            [34435] = Priority(3), -- Rain of Fire
            [34439] = Priority(5), -- Unstable Affliction
        -- Magtheridon
            [30410] = Priority(3), -- Shadow Grasp

    -- Phase 2 --

    -- Serpentshrine Cavern
        -- Trash
            [38634] = Priority(3), -- Arcane Lightning
            [39032] = Priority(4), -- Initial Infection
            [38572] = Priority(3), -- Mortal Cleave
            [38635] = Priority(3), -- Rain of Fire
            [39042] = Priority(5), -- Rampent Infection
            [39044] = Priority(4), -- Serpentshrine Parasite
            [38591] = Priority(4), -- Shatter Armor
            [38491] = Priority(3), -- Silence
        -- Hydross the Unstable
            [38246] = Priority(3), -- Vile Sludge
            [38235] = Priority(4), -- Water Tomb
        -- The Lurker Below
        -- Morogrim Tidewalker
            [38049] = Priority(4), -- Watery Grave
            [37850] = Priority(4), -- Watery Grave
        -- Fathom-Lord Karathress
            [39261] = Priority(3), -- Gusting Winds
            [29436] = Priority(4), -- Leeching Throw
        -- Leotheras the Blind
            [37675] = Priority(3), -- Chaos Blast
            [37749] = Priority(5), -- Consuming Madness
            [37676] = Priority(4), -- Insidious Whisper
            [37641] = Priority(3), -- Whirlwind
        -- Lady Vashj
            [38316] = Priority(3), -- Entangle
            [38280] = Priority(5), -- Static Charge
    -- Tempest Keep: The Eye
        -- Trash
            [37133] = Priority(4), -- Arcane Buffet
            [37132] = Priority(3), -- Arcane Shock
            [37122] = Priority(5), -- Domination
            [37135] = Priority(5), -- Domination
            [37120] = Priority(4), -- Fragmentation Bomb
            [13005] = Priority(3), -- Hammer of Justice
            [39077] = Priority(3), -- Hammer of Justice
            [37279] = Priority(3), -- Rain of Fire
            [37123] = Priority(4), -- Saw Blade
            [37118] = Priority(5), -- Shell Shock
            [37160] = Priority(3), -- Silence
        -- Al'ar
            [35410] = Priority(4), -- Melt Armor
        -- Void Reaver
        -- High Astromancer Solarian
            [34322] = Priority(4), -- Psychic Scream
            [42783] = Priority(5), -- Wrath of the Astromancer (Patch 2.2.0)
        -- Kael'thas Sunstrider
            [36965] = Priority(4), -- Rend
            [30225] = Priority(4), -- Silence
            [44863] = Priority(5), -- Bellowing Roar
            [37018] = Priority(4), -- Conflagration
            [37027] = Priority(5), -- Remote Toy
            [36991] = Priority(4), -- Rend
            [36797] = Priority(5), -- Mind Control

    -- Phase 3 --

    -- The Battle for Mount Hyjal
        -- Rage Winterchill
        -- Anetheron
        -- Kaz'rogal
        -- Azgalor
        -- Archimonde
    -- Black Temple
        -- High Warlord Naj'entus
        -- Supremus
        -- Shade of Akama
        -- Teron Gorefiend
        -- Gurtogg Bloodboil
        -- Reliquary of Souls
        -- Mother Shahraz
        -- Illidari Council
        -- Illidan Stormrage

    -- Phase 4 --

    -- Zul'Aman
        -- Nalorakk
        -- Jan'alai
        -- Akil'zon
        -- Halazzi
        -- Hexxlord Jin'Zakk
        -- Zul'jin

    -- Phase 5 --

    -- Sunwell Plateau
        -- Kalecgos
        -- Sathrovarr
        -- Brutallus
        -- Felmyst
        -- Alythess
        -- Sacrolash
        -- M'uru
        -- Kil'Jaeden

Debuffs["PvP"] = {
    ["type"] = "Whitelist",
    ["spells"] = {
    -- Druid
        [5211] = Priority(3), -- Bash
        [16922] = Priority(3), -- Celestial Focus
        [33786] = Priority(3), -- Cyclone
        [339] = Priority(2), -- Entangling Roots
        [19975] = Priority(2), -- Entangling Roots (Nature's Grasp)
        [45334] = Priority(2), -- Feral Charge Effect
        [2637] = Priority(3), -- Hibernate
        [22570] = Priority(3), -- Maim
        [9005] = Priority(3), -- Pounce
    -- Hunter
        [19306] = Priority(2), -- Counterattack
        [19185] = Priority(2), -- Entrapment
        [3355] = Priority(3), -- Freezing Trap
        [2637] = Priority(3), -- Hibernate
        [19410] = Priority(3), -- Improved Concussive Shot
        [19229] = Priority(2), -- Improved Wing Clip
        [24394] = Priority(3), -- Intimidation
        [19503] = Priority(3), -- Scatter Shot
        [34490] = Priority(3), -- Silencing Shot
        [4167] = Priority(2), -- Web (Pet)
        [19386] = Priority(3), -- Wyvern Sting
    -- Mage
        [31661] = Priority(3), -- Dragon's Breath
        [33395] = Priority(2), -- Freeze (Water Elemental)
        [12494] = Priority(2), -- Frostbite
        [122] = Priority(2), -- Frost Nova
        [12355] = Priority(3), -- Impact
        [118] = Priority(3), -- Polymorph
        [28272] = Priority(3), -- Polymorph: Pig
        [28271] = Priority(3), -- Polymorph: Turtle
        [18469] = Priority(3), -- Silenced - Improved Counterspell
    -- Paladin
        [853] = Priority(3), -- Hammer of Justice
        [20066] = Priority(3), -- Repentance
        [20170] = Priority(3), -- Stun (Seal of Justice Proc)
        [10326] = Priority(3), -- Turn Evil
        [2878] = Priority(3), -- Turn Undead
    -- Priest
        [15269] = Priority(3), -- Blackout
        [44041] = Priority(3), -- Chastise
        [605] = Priority(3), -- Mind Control
        [8122] = Priority(3), -- Psychic Scream
        [9484] = Priority(3), -- Shackle Undead
        [15487] = Priority(3), -- Silence
    -- Rogue
        [2094] = Priority(3), -- Blind
        [1833] = Priority(3), -- Cheap Shot
        [32747] = Priority(3), -- Deadly Throw Interrupt
        [1330] = Priority(3), -- Garrote - Silence
        [1776] = Priority(3), -- Gouge
        [408] = Priority(3), -- Kidney Shot
        [14251] = Priority(3), -- Riposte
        [6770] = Priority(3), -- Sap
        [18425] = Priority(3), -- Silenced - Improved Kick
    -- Warlock
        [6789] = Priority(3), -- Death Coil
        [5782] = Priority(3), -- Fear
        [5484] = Priority(3), -- Howl of Terror
        [30153] = Priority(3), -- Intercept Stun (Felguard)
        [18093] = Priority(3), -- Pyroclasm
        [6358] = Priority(3), -- Seduction (Succubus)
        [30283] = Priority(3), -- Shadowfury
        [24259] = Priority(3), -- Spell Lock (Felhunter)
    -- Warrior
        [7922] = Priority(3), -- Charge Stun
        [12809] = Priority(3), -- Concussion Blow
        [676] = Priority(3), -- Disarm
        [23694] = Priority(2), -- Improved Hamstring
        [5246] = Priority(3), -- Intimidating Shout
        [20253] = Priority(3), -- Intercept Stun
        [12798] = Priority(3), -- Revenge Stun
        [18498] = Priority(3), -- Shield Bash - Silenced
    -- Racial
        [28730]  = Priority(3), -- Arcane Torrent
        [20549] = Priority(3), -- War Stomp
    -- Others
        [5530] = Priority(3), -- Mace Specialization

L.C.debuffs = Debuffs