
-- oUF_SimpleConfig: target
-- zork, 2016

-- Variables

local A, L = ...

-- Target Config

L.C.target = {
  enabled = true,
  size = {265,26},
  point = {"LEFT",UIParent,"CENTER",130,-210},
  scale = 1*L.C.globalscale,
  --fader via OnShow
  fader = {
    fadeInAlpha = 1,
    fadeInDuration = 0.3,
    fadeInSmooth = "OUT",
    fadeOutAlpha = 0,
    fadeOutDuration = 0.9,
    fadeOutSmooth = "OUT",
    fadeOutDelay = 0,
    trigger = "OnShow",
  healthbar = {
    --health and absorb bar cannot be disabled, they match the size of the frame
    colorTapping = true,
    colorDisconnected = true,
    colorClass = true,
    colorReaction = true,
    colorHealth = true,
    colorThreat = true,
    colorThreatInvers = true,
    frequentUpdates = true,
    name = {
      enabled = true,
      points = {
      size = 16,
      tag = "[oUF_SimpleConfig:classification][name]|r",
    health = {
      enabled = true,
      point = {"RIGHT",-2,0},
      size = 16,
      tag = "[oUF_Simple:health]",
      font = L.C.fonts.expressway,
    debuffHighlight = true,
  powerbar = {
    enabled = true,
    size = {265,5},
    point = {"TOP","BOTTOM",0,-4}, --if no relativeTo is given the frame base will be the relativeTo reference
    colorPower = true,
    power = {
      font = L.C.fonts.expressway,
  raidmark = {
    enabled = true,
    size = {18,18},
    point = {"CENTER","TOP",0,0},
  castbar = {
    enabled = true,
    size = {265,26},
    point = {"BOTTOM","TOP",0,14},
    name = {
      enabled = true,
      points = {
      --font = STANDARD_TEXT_FONT,
      size = 16,
      --outline = "",--OUTLINE",
      --align = "CENTER",
      --noshadow = true,
    icon = {
      enabled = true,
      size = {26,26},
      point = {"RIGHT","LEFT",-6,0},
  buffs = {
    enabled = true,
    point = {"BOTTOMLEFT","RIGHT",5,5},
    num = 32,
    cols = 8,
    size = 22,
    spacing = 5,
    initialAnchor = "BOTTOMLEFT",
    growthX = "RIGHT",
    growthY = "UP",
    disableCooldown = true,
  debuffs = {
    enabled = true,
    point = {"TOPLEFT","RIGHT",5,-5},
    num = 40,
    cols = 8,
    size = 22,
    spacing = 5,
    initialAnchor = "TOPLEFT",
    growthX = "RIGHT",
    growthY = "DOWN",
    disableCooldown = false,