local A, L = ...

--check if the button template addon and the action button config theme is available
if not rButtonTemplate_Zork_ActionButtonConfig then
  print(A,"rButtonTemplate_Zork_ActionButtonConfig not found","styling not possible")
  print(A,"styling buttons using rButtonTemplate_Zork_ActionButtonConfig")

local copyTable = rLib.CopyTable

-- Solt Button Style Config

--load the default button theme
local soltButtonConfig = copyTable(rButtonTemplate_Zork_ActionButtonConfig)
soltButtonConfig.backdrop.edgeSize = 1
soltButtonConfig.backdrop.insets = {left=0,right=0,top=0,bottom=0}
soltButtonConfig.backdrop.points = {{"TOPLEFT",0,0},{"BOTTOMRIGHT",0,0}}
soltButtonConfig.border.alpha = 0
soltButtonConfig.normalTexture.file = ""

L.dragFrames        = {}
L.addonName         = A
L.addonColor        = "ff1a9fc0"
L.addonShortcut     = "rbag"
L.F                 = {}
L.C                 = {}

-- rBag Global

rBag = {}
rBag.addonName = A

local mediapath = rLib.mediapath

-- Configs
L.C.icon = {
    size = 36,
    spacing = 4,
    columns = 12,

L.C.sort     = {
    enabled = true,
    sortToBottom = false,

L.C.font     = mediapath .. "expressway.ttf"
L.C.showQuest = true
L.C.flashNew  = true
L.C.showItemLevel = true

L.C.backdrop = {
    bgFile               = "Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8x8",
    bgColor              = {0.08, 0.08, 0.1, 0.92},
    edgeFile             = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",
    edgeColor            = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.6},
    tile                 = false,
    tileEdge             = false,
    tileSize             = 16,
    edgeSize             = 3,
    inset                = 3,
    insets               = {left = 3, right = 3, top = 3, bottom = 3}

L.C.bag = {
    point        = {"BOTTOMRIGHT", UIParent, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -34, 48},
    extraHeight  = 26,

L.C.bank = {
    point        = {"BOTTOMLEFT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", 34, 48},
    extraHeight  = 40,

L.C.button = soltButtonConfig