local _G, _M = getfenv(0), {}
setfenv(1, setmetatable(_M, {__index=_G}))

CreateFrame('GameTooltip', 'SortBagsTooltip', nil, 'GameTooltipTemplate')

BAG_CONTAINERS = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
BANK_BAG_CONTAINERS = {-1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11}

function _G.SortBags()
	for i = #CONTAINERS, 1, -1 do
		if GetBagSlotFlag(i - 1, LE_BAG_FILTER_FLAG_IGNORE_CLEANUP) then
			tremove(CONTAINERS, i)

function _G.SortBankBags()
	for i = #CONTAINERS, 1, -1 do
		if GetBankBagSlotFlag(i - 1, LE_BAG_FILTER_FLAG_IGNORE_CLEANUP) then
			tremove(CONTAINERS, i)

function _G.GetSortBagsRightToLeft(enabled)
	return SortBagsRightToLeft

function _G.SetSortBagsRightToLeft(enabled)
	_G.SortBagsRightToLeft = enabled and 1 or nil

local function set(...)
	local t = {}
	local n = select('#', ...)
	for i = 1, n do
		t[select(i, ...)] = true
	return t

local function arrayToSet(array)
	local t = {}
	for i = 1, #array do
		t[array[i]] = true
	return t

local function union(...)
	local t = {}
	local n = select('#', ...)
	for i = 1, n do
		for k in pairs(select(i, ...)) do
			t[k] = true
	return t

local SPECIAL = set(5462, 13347, 11511, 38233, 9173)

local KEYS = set(9240, 11511, 17191, 13544, 12324, 16309, 12384, 20402)

local TOOLS = set(6218, 6339, 11130, 11145, 16207, 22461, 22462, 22463, 5060, 7005, 12709, 19727, 5956, 2901, 6219, 10498, 9149, 15846, 6256, 6365, 6366, 6367, 12225, 19022, 25978, 19970, 20815, 20824, 25978)

local CLASSES = {
	-- soul
		containers = {22243, 22244, 21340, 21341, 21342, 21872},
		items = set(6265),
	-- arrow
		containers = {2101, 5439, 7278, 11362, 3573, 3605, 7371, 8217, 2662, 19319, 18714, 29143, 29144, 34105, 34100},
		items = set(2512, 2514, 2515, 3029, 3030, 3031, 3464, 9399, 10579, 11285, 12654, 18042, 19316, 24412, 24417, 28053, 28056, 30319, 30611, 31737, 31949, 32760, 33803, 34581),
	-- bullet
		containers = {2102, 5441, 7279, 11363, 3574, 3604, 7372, 8218, 2663, 19320, 29118, 34106, 34099},
		items = set(2516, 2519, 3033, 3465, 4960, 5568, 8067, 8068, 8069, 10512, 10513, 11284, 11630, 13377, 15997, 19317, 23772, 23773, 28060, 28061, 30612, 31735, 32761, 32882, 32883, 34582),
	-- ench
		containers = {22246, 22248, 22249, 22249, 21858},
		items = arrayToSet({6218, 6222, 6339, 6342, 6343, 6344, 6345, 6346, 6347, 6348, 6349, 6375, 6376, 6377, 10938, 10939, 10940, 10978, 10998, 11038, 11039, 11081, 11082, 11083, 11084, 11098, 11101, 11130, 11134, 11135, 11137, 11138, 11139, 11145, 11150, 11151, 11152, 11163, 11164, 11165, 11166, 11167, 11168, 11174, 11175, 11176, 11177, 11178, 11202, 11203, 11204, 11205, 11206, 11207, 11208, 11223, 11224, 11225, 11226, 11813, 14343, 14344, 16202, 16203, 16204, 16207, 16214, 16215, 16216, 16217, 16218, 16219, 16220, 16221, 16222, 16223, 16224, 16242, 16243, 16244, 16245, 16246, 16247, 16248, 16249, 16250, 16251, 16252, 16253, 16254, 16255, 17725, 18259, 18260, 19444, 19445, 19446, 19447, 19448, 19449, 20725, 20726, 20727, 20728, 20729, 20730, 20731, 20732, 20733, 20734, 20735, 20736, 20752, 20753, 20754, 20755, 20756, 20757, 20758, 22392, 22445, 22446, 22447, 22448, 22449, 22450, 22461, 22462, 22463, 22530, 22531, 22532, 22533, 22534, 22535, 22536, 22537, 22538, 22539, 22540, 22541, 22542, 22543, 22544, 22545, 22546, 22547, 22548, 22551, 22552, 22553, 22554, 22555, 22556, 22557, 22558, 22559, 22560, 22561, 22562, 22563, 22564, 22565, 24000, 24003, 25848, 25849, 28270, 28271, 28272, 28273, 28274, 28276, 28277, 28279, 28280, 28281, 28282, 33148, 33149, 33150, 33151, 33152, 33153, 33165, 33307, 34872, 35297, 35298, 35299, 35498, 35500, 35756, 186683, 7081, 12810, 7068, 7972, 12808, 7067, 7075, 7076, 7077, 7078, 7080, 7082, 12803}),
	-- herb
		containers = {22250, 22251, 22252, 38225},
		items = arrayToSet({765, 785, 1401, 2263, 2447, 2449, 2450, 2452, 2453, 3355, 3356, 3357, 3358, 3369, 3818, 3819, 3820, 3821, 4625, 5013, 5056, 5168, 8831, 8836, 8838, 8839, 8845, 8846, 11018, 11020, 11022, 11024, 11040, 11514, 11951, 11952, 13463, 13464, 13465, 13466, 13467, 13468, 16205, 16208, 17034, 17035, 17036, 17037, 17038, 17760, 18297, 19727, 22094, 22147, 22710, 22785, 22786, 22787, 22788, 22789, 22790, 22791, 22792, 22793, 22794, 22795, 22797, 23329, 23501, 23788, 24245, 24246, 24401, 31300, 32468, 34465, 8153, 10286, 19726}),
	-- mining
		containers = {29540, 30746},
		items = arrayToSet({756, 778, 1819, 1893, 1959, 2770, 2771, 2772, 2775, 2776, 2835, 2836, 2838, 2840, 2841, 2842, 2901, 3575, 3576, 3577, 3858, 3859, 3860, 3861, 6037, 7911, 7912, 10620, 11370, 11371, 12359, 12360, 12365, 12655, 17771, 18562, 20723, 22202, 22203, 23424, 23425, 23426, 23427, 23445, 23446, 23447, 23448, 23449, 23573, 32464, 35128, 5956, 24186, 24188, 24190, 24234, 24235, 24242, 24243}),
	-- leather
		containers = {34482, 34490},
		items = arrayToSet({783, 2304, 2313, 2318, 2319, 2320, 2321, 2324, 2325, 2406, 2407, 2408, 2409, 2604, 2605, 2934, 3182, 3824, 4096, 4231, 4232, 4233, 4234, 4235, 4236, 4265, 4289, 4291, 4293, 4294, 4295, 4296, 4297, 4298, 4299, 4300, 4301, 4304, 4337, 4340, 4341, 4342, 4461, 5082, 5083, 5116, 5373, 5637, 5784, 5785, 5786, 5787, 5788, 5789, 5972, 5973, 5974, 6260, 6261, 6470, 6471, 6474, 6475, 6476, 6710, 7005, 7070, 7071, 7286, 7287, 7288, 7289, 7290, 7360, 7361, 7362, 7363, 7364, 7392, 7428, 7449, 7450, 7451, 7452, 7453, 7613, 8146, 8150, 8151, 8154, 8165, 8167, 8168, 8169, 8170, 8171, 8172, 8173, 8343, 8368, 8384, 8385, 8386, 8387, 8388, 8389, 8390, 8395, 8397, 8398, 8399, 8400, 8401, 8402, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408, 8409, 10290, 11512, 12607, 12709, 12731, 12753, 13287, 13288, 14341, 14635, 15407, 15408, 15409, 15410, 15412, 15414, 15415, 15416, 15417, 15419, 15420, 15422, 15423, 15564, 15725, 15726, 15727, 15728, 15729, 15730, 15731, 15732, 15733, 15734, 15735, 15737, 15738, 15739, 15740, 15741, 15742, 15743, 15744, 15745, 15746, 15747, 15748, 15749, 15751, 15752, 15753, 15754, 15755, 15756, 15757, 15758, 15759, 15760, 15761, 15762, 15763, 15764, 15765, 15768, 15769, 15770, 15771, 15772, 15773, 15774, 15775, 15776, 15777, 15779, 15781, 17012, 17022, 17023, 17025, 17056, 17722, 17967, 17968, 18239, 18240, 18251, 18252, 18512, 18514, 18515, 18516, 18517, 18518, 18519, 18662, 18731, 18949, 19326, 19327, 19328, 19329, 19330, 19331, 19332, 19333, 19767, 19768, 19769, 19770, 19771, 19772, 19773, 19901, 20253, 20254, 20381, 20382, 20498, 20499, 20500, 20501, 20506, 20507, 20508, 20509, 20510, 20511, 20576, 21548, 21887, 22692, 22694, 22695, 22696, 22697, 22698, 22769, 22770, 22771, 23793, 25649, 25650, 25651, 25652, 25699, 25700, 25707, 25708, 25720, 25721, 25722, 25725, 25726, 25728, 25729, 25730, 25731, 25732, 25733, 25734, 25735, 25736, 25737, 25738, 25739, 25740, 25741, 25742, 25743, 29213, 29214, 29215, 29217, 29218, 29219, 29483, 29485, 29486, 29487, 29488, 29528, 29529, 29530, 29531, 29532, 29533, 29534, 29535, 29536, 29539, 29547, 29548, 29664, 29669, 29672, 29673, 29674, 29675, 29677, 29682, 29684, 29689, 29691, 29693, 29698, 29700, 29701, 29702, 29703, 29704, 29713, 29714, 29717, 29718, 29719, 29720, 29721, 29722, 29723, 29724, 29725, 29726, 29727, 29728, 29729, 29730, 29731, 29732, 29733, 29734, 30183, 30301, 30302, 30303, 30304, 30305, 30306, 30307, 30308, 30444, 31361, 31362, 32428, 32429, 32430, 32431, 32432, 32433, 32434, 32435, 32436, 32470, 32744, 32745, 32746, 32747, 32748, 32749, 32750, 32751, 33124, 33205, 34172, 34173, 34174, 34175, 34200, 34201, 34207, 34218, 34262, 34330, 34491, 34664, 35212, 35213, 35214, 35215, 35216, 35217, 35218, 35219, 35300, 35301, 35302, 35303, 35517, 35519, 35520, 35521, 35523, 35524, 35527, 35528, 35539, 35540, 35541, 35542, 35545, 35546, 35549, 35550, 185848, 185849, 185850, 185851, 185852, 185922, 185923, 185924, 185925, 185926, 187048, 187049, 8153, 7081, 12810, 15846, 19726, 7067, 7075, 7076, 7077, 7078, 7080, 7082, 12803}),
	-- gems
		containers = {24270, 30747},
		items = arrayToSet({774, 818, 1206, 1210, 1529, 1705, 3864, 5498, 5500, 5513, 5514, 7909, 7910, 7971, 8007, 8008, 11382, 11754, 12361, 12363, 12364, 12799, 12800, 13926, 18335, 19774, 20815, 20824, 21929, 22044, 22459, 22460, 23077, 23079, 23094, 23095, 23096, 23097, 23098, 23099, 23100, 23101, 23103, 23104, 23105, 23106, 23107, 23108, 23109, 23110, 23111, 23112, 23113, 23114, 23115, 23116, 23117, 23118, 23119, 23120, 23121, 23158, 23234, 23364, 23366, 23436, 23437, 23438, 23439, 23440, 23441, 24027, 24028, 24029, 24030, 24031, 24032, 24033, 24035, 24036, 24037, 24039, 24047, 24048, 24050, 24051, 24052, 24053, 24054, 24055, 24056, 24057, 24058, 24059, 24060, 24061, 24062, 24065, 24066, 24067, 24478, 24479, 25867, 25868, 25890, 25893, 25894, 25895, 25896, 25897, 25898, 25899, 25901, 27679, 27774, 27777, 27785, 27786, 27809, 27811, 27812, 27820, 27863, 27864, 28117, 28118, 28119, 28120, 28122, 28123, 28290, 28360, 28361, 28362, 28363, 28458, 28459, 28460, 28461, 28462, 28463, 28464, 28465, 28466, 28467, 28468, 28469, 28470, 28556, 28557, 28595, 30546, 30547, 30548, 30549, 30550, 30551, 30552, 30553, 30554, 30555, 30556, 30558, 30559, 30560, 30563, 30564, 30565, 30566, 30571, 30572, 30573, 30574, 30575, 30581, 30582, 30583, 30584, 30585, 30586, 30587, 30588, 30589, 30590, 30591, 30592, 30593, 30594, 30598, 30600, 30601, 30602, 30603, 30604, 30605, 30606, 30607, 30608, 31079, 31080, 31116, 31117, 31118, 31860, 31861, 31862, 31863, 31864, 31865, 31866, 31867, 31868, 31869, 32193, 32194, 32195, 32196, 32197, 32198, 32199, 32200, 32201, 32202, 32203, 32204, 32205, 32206, 32207, 32208, 32209, 32210, 32211, 32212, 32213, 32214, 32215, 32216, 32217, 32218, 32219, 32220, 32221, 32222, 32223, 32224, 32225, 32226, 32227, 32228, 32229, 32230, 32231, 32249, 32409, 32410, 32634, 32635, 32636, 32637, 32638, 32639, 32640, 32641, 32735, 32775, 32833, 32836, 33131, 33132, 33133, 33134, 33135, 33137, 33138, 33139, 33140, 33141, 33142, 33143, 33144, 33633, 33782, 34220, 34256, 34831, 35315, 35316, 35318, 35487, 35488, 35489, 35501, 35503, 35707, 35758, 35759, 35760, 35761, 37503, 38545, 38546, 38547, 38548, 38549, 38550, 24186, 24188, 24190, 24234, 24235, 24242, 24243}),
	-- engineering
		containers = {23774, 23775, 30745},
		items = arrayToSet({814, 4357, 4358, 4359, 4360, 4361, 4363, 4364, 4365, 4366, 4367, 4368, 4370, 4371, 4373, 4374, 4375, 4376, 4377, 4378, 4380, 4381, 4382, 4384, 4385, 4386, 4387, 4388, 4389, 4390, 4391, 4392, 4393, 4394, 4395, 4396, 4397, 4398, 4399, 4400, 4403, 4404, 4405, 4406, 4407, 4408, 4409, 4410, 4411, 4412, 4413, 4414, 4415, 4416, 4417, 4852, 5507, 6219, 6672, 6712, 6714, 6715, 6716, 7069, 7148, 7189, 7190, 7191, 7192, 7506, 7560, 7561, 7742, 9060, 9061, 9312, 9313, 9318, 10498, 10499, 10500, 10501, 10502, 10503, 10504, 10505, 10506, 10507, 10514, 10518, 10542, 10543, 10545, 10546, 10548, 10558, 10559, 10560, 10561, 10562, 10576, 10577, 10580, 10585, 10586, 10587, 10588, 10601, 10602, 10603, 10604, 10605, 10606, 10607, 10608, 10609, 10645, 10646, 10647, 10648, 10716, 10720, 10721, 10723, 10724, 10725, 10726, 10727, 10790, 10791, 11590, 11827, 11828, 13308, 13309, 13310, 13311, 14639, 15992, 15993, 15994, 15999, 16000, 16005, 16006, 16008, 16009, 16022, 16023, 16040, 16041, 16042, 16043, 16044, 16045, 16046, 16047, 16048, 16049, 16050, 16051, 16052, 16053, 16054, 16055, 16056, 17716, 17720, 18232, 18235, 18283, 18290, 18291, 18292, 18587, 18588, 18594, 18631, 18634, 18636, 18637, 18638, 18639, 18641, 18645, 18647, 18648, 18649, 18650, 18651, 18652, 18653, 18654, 18655, 18656, 18657, 18658, 18660, 18661, 18984, 18986, 19026, 19027, 19998, 19999, 20000, 20001, 20475, 20816, 20834, 21557, 21558, 21559, 21571, 21574, 21576, 21589, 21590, 21592, 21714, 21716, 21718, 21724, 21725, 21726, 21727, 21728, 21729, 21730, 21731, 21732, 21733, 21734, 21735, 21737, 21738, 22728, 22729, 23736, 23737, 23758, 23761, 23762, 23763, 23764, 23765, 23766, 23768, 23769, 23770, 23771, 23781, 23782, 23783, 23784, 23785, 23786, 23787, 23799, 23800, 23802, 23803, 23804, 23805, 23806, 23807, 23808, 23809, 23810, 23811, 23812, 23813, 23814, 23815, 23816, 23817, 23819, 23820, 23821, 23822, 23823, 23824, 23825, 23826, 23827, 23828, 23829, 23831, 23832, 23835, 23836, 23838, 23839, 23840, 23841, 23874, 23882, 23883, 23884, 23887, 23888, 25886, 25887, 30542, 30544, 31666, 32381, 32413, 32423, 32461, 32472, 32473, 32474, 32475, 32476, 32478, 32479, 32480, 32494, 32495, 33092, 33093, 33804, 34060, 34061, 34113, 34114, 34353, 34354, 34355, 34356, 34357, 34467, 34503, 34504, 34626, 34627, 34847, 35181, 35182, 35183, 35184, 35185, 35186, 35187, 35189, 35190, 35191, 35192, 35193, 35194, 35195, 35196, 35197, 35310, 35311, 35485, 35581, 35582, 37567, 15846, 10286, 19726, 7068, 7972, 12808, 7067, 7075, 7076, 7077, 7078, 7080, 7082, 12803, 5956, 22574, 4401, 11825, 11826, 15996, 21277, 23767, 37710}),

	local f = CreateFrame'Frame'
	local lastUpdate = 0
	local function updateHandler()
		if GetTime() - lastUpdate > 1 then
			for _, container in pairs(BAG_CONTAINERS) do
				for position = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(container) do
					SetScanTooltip(container, position)
			for _, container in pairs(BANK_BAG_CONTAINERS) do
				for position = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(container) do
					SetScanTooltip(container, position)
			f:SetScript('OnUpdate', nil)
	f:SetScript('OnEvent', function()
		lastUpdate = GetTime()
		f:SetScript('OnUpdate', updateHandler)

local model, itemStacks, itemClasses, itemSortKeys

	local f = CreateFrame'Frame'

	local process = coroutine.create(function() end);

	local suspended

	function Start()
		process = coroutine.create(function()
			while not Initialize() do
			while true do
				suspended = false
				if InCombatLockdown() then
				local complete = Sort()
				if complete then
				if not suspended then

	f:SetScript('OnUpdate', function(_, arg1)
		if coroutine.status(process) == 'suspended' then
			suspended = true
		if coroutine.status(process) == 'dead' then

function LT(a, b)
	local i = 1
	while true do
		if a[i] and b[i] and a[i] ~= b[i] then
			return a[i] < b[i]
		elseif not a[i] and b[i] then
			return true
		elseif not b[i] then
			return false
		i = i + 1

function Move(src, dst)
	local texture, _, srcLocked = GetContainerItemInfo(src.container, src.position)
	local _, _, dstLocked = GetContainerItemInfo(dst.container, dst.position)

	if texture and not srcLocked and not dstLocked then
		PickupContainerItem(src.container, src.position)
		PickupContainerItem(dst.container, dst.position)

		if src.item == dst.item then
			local count = min(src.count, itemStacks[dst.item] - dst.count)
			src.count = src.count - count
			dst.count = dst.count + count
			if src.count == 0 then
				src.item = nil
			src.item, dst.item = dst.item, src.item
			src.count, dst.count = dst.count, src.count

		return true

	local patterns = {}
	for i = 1, 10 do
		local text = gsub(format(ITEM_SPELL_CHARGES, i), '(-?%d+)(.-)|4([^;]-);', function(numberString, gap, numberForms)
			local singular, dual, plural
			_, _, singular, dual, plural = strfind(numberForms, '(.+):(.+):(.+)');
			if not singular then
				_, _, singular, plural = strfind(numberForms, '(.+):(.+)')
			local i = abs(tonumber(numberString))
			local numberForm
			if i == 1 then
				numberForm = singular
			elseif i == 2 then
				numberForm = dual or plural
				numberForm = plural
			return numberString .. gap .. numberForm
		patterns[text] = i

	function itemCharges(text)
		return patterns[text]

function TooltipInfo(container, position)
	SetScanTooltip(container, position)

	local charges, usable, soulbound, quest, conjured, mount
	for i = 1, SortBagsTooltip:NumLines() do
		local text = getglobal('SortBagsTooltipTextLeft' .. i):GetText()

		local extractedCharges = itemCharges(text)
		if extractedCharges then
			charges = extractedCharges
		elseif strfind(text, '^' .. ITEM_SPELL_TRIGGER_ONUSE) then
			usable = true
		elseif text == ITEM_SOULBOUND then
			soulbound = true
		elseif text == ITEM_BIND_QUEST then -- TODO retail can maybe use GetItemInfo bind info instead
			quest = true
		elseif text == ITEM_CONJURED then
			conjured = true
		elseif text == MOUNT then
			mount = true

	return charges or 1, usable, soulbound, quest, conjured, mount

function SetScanTooltip(container, position)
	SortBagsTooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, 'ANCHOR_NONE')

	if container == BANK_CONTAINER then
		SortBagsTooltip:SetInventoryItem('player', BankButtonIDToInvSlotID(position))
		SortBagsTooltip:SetBagItem(container, position)

function Sort()
	local complete, moved
		complete, moved = true, false
		for _, dst in ipairs(model) do
			if dst.targetItem and (dst.item ~= dst.targetItem or dst.count < dst.targetCount) then
				complete = false

				local sources, rank = {}, {}

				for _, src in ipairs(model) do
					if src.item == dst.targetItem
						and src ~= dst
						and not (dst.item and src.class and src.class ~= itemClasses[dst.item])
						and not (src.targetItem and src.item == src.targetItem and src.count <= src.targetCount)
						rank[src] = abs(src.count - dst.targetCount + (dst.item == dst.targetItem and dst.count or 0))
						tinsert(sources, src)

				sort(sources, function(a, b) return rank[a] < rank[b] end)

				for _, src in ipairs(sources) do
					if Move(src, dst) then
						moved = true
	until complete or not moved
	return complete

function Stack()
	for _, src in ipairs(model) do
		if src.item and src.count < itemStacks[src.item] and src.item ~= src.targetItem then
			for _, dst in ipairs(model) do
				if dst ~= src and dst.item and dst.item == src.item and dst.count < itemStacks[dst.item] and dst.item ~= dst.targetItem then
					if Move(src, dst) then

	local counts

	local function insert(t, v)
		if SortBagsRightToLeft then
			tinsert(t, v)
			tinsert(t, 1, v)

	local function assign(slot, item)
		if counts[item] > 0 then
			local count
			if SortBagsRightToLeft and mod(counts[item], itemStacks[item]) ~= 0 then
				count = mod(counts[item], itemStacks[item])
				count = min(counts[item], itemStacks[item])
			slot.targetItem = item
			slot.targetCount = count
			counts[item] = counts[item] - count
			return true

	function Initialize()
		model, counts, itemStacks, itemClasses, itemSortKeys = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}

		for _, container in ipairs(CONTAINERS) do
			local class = ContainerClass(container)
			for position = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(container) do
				local slot = {container=container, position=position, class=class}
				local item = Item(container, position)
				if item then
					local _, count, locked = GetContainerItemInfo(container, position)
					if locked then
						return false
					slot.item = item
					slot.count = count
					counts[item] = (counts[item] or 0) + count
				insert(model, slot)

		local free = {}
		for item, count in pairs(counts) do
			local stacks = ceil(count / itemStacks[item])
			free[item] = stacks
			if itemClasses[item] then
				free[itemClasses[item]] = (free[itemClasses[item]] or 0) + stacks
		for _, slot in ipairs(model) do
			if slot.class and free[slot.class] then
				free[slot.class] = free[slot.class] - 1

		local items = {}
		for item in pairs(counts) do
			tinsert(items, item)
		sort(items, function(a, b) return LT(itemSortKeys[a], itemSortKeys[b]) end)

		for _, slot in ipairs(model) do
			if slot.class then
				for _, item in ipairs(items) do
					if itemClasses[item] == slot.class and assign(slot, item) then
				for _, item in ipairs(items) do
					if (not itemClasses[item] or free[itemClasses[item]] > 0) and assign(slot, item) then
						if itemClasses[item] then
							free[itemClasses[item]] = free[itemClasses[item]] - 1
		return true

function ContainerClass(container)
	if container ~= 0 and container ~= BANK_CONTAINER then
		local name = GetBagName(container)
		if name then
			for class, info in pairs(CLASSES) do
				for _, itemID in pairs(info.containers) do
					if name == GetItemInfo(itemID) then
						return class

function Item(container, position)
	local link = GetContainerItemLink(container, position)
	if link then
		local _, _, itemID, enchantID, suffixID, uniqueID = strfind(link, 'item:(%d+):(%d*):%d*:%d*:%d*:%d*:(%-?%d*):(%-?%d*)')
		itemID = tonumber(itemID)
		local itemName, _, quality, _, _, _, _, stack, slot, _, sellPrice, classId, subClassId = GetItemInfo('item:' .. itemID)
		local charges, usable, soulbound, quest, conjured, mount = TooltipInfo(container, position)
		local sortKey = {}

		-- hearthstone
		if itemID == 6948 or itemID == 184871 then
			tinsert(sortKey, 1)

		-- mounts
		elseif mount then
			tinsert(sortKey, 2)

		-- special items
		elseif SPECIAL[itemID] then
			tinsert(sortKey, 3)

		-- key items
		elseif KEYS[itemID] then
			tinsert(sortKey, 4)

		-- tools
		elseif TOOLS[itemID] then
			tinsert(sortKey, 5)

		-- soul shards
		elseif itemID == 6265 then
			tinsert(sortKey, 13)

		-- conjured items
		elseif conjured then
			tinsert(sortKey, 14)

		-- soulbound items
		elseif soulbound then
			tinsert(sortKey, 6)

		-- reagents
		elseif classId == 9 then
			tinsert(sortKey, 7)

		-- quest items
		elseif quest then
			tinsert(sortKey, 9)

		-- consumables
		elseif usable and classId ~= 1 and classId ~= 2 and classId ~= 8 or classId == 4 then
			tinsert(sortKey, 8)

		-- higher quality
		elseif quality > 1 then
			tinsert(sortKey, 10)

		-- common quality
		elseif quality == 1 then
			tinsert(sortKey, 11)
			tinsert(sortKey, -sellPrice)

		-- junk
		elseif quality == 0 then
			tinsert(sortKey, 12)
			tinsert(sortKey, sellPrice)

		tinsert(sortKey, classId)
		tinsert(sortKey, slot)
		tinsert(sortKey, subClassId)
		tinsert(sortKey, -quality)
		tinsert(sortKey, itemName)
		tinsert(sortKey, itemID)
		tinsert(sortKey, (SortBagsRightToLeft and 1 or -1) * charges)
		tinsert(sortKey, suffixID)
		tinsert(sortKey, enchantID)
		tinsert(sortKey, uniqueID)

		local key = format('%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s', itemID, enchantID, suffixID, uniqueID, charges, (soulbound and 1 or 0))

		itemStacks[key] = stack
		itemSortKeys[key] = sortKey

		for class, info in pairs(CLASSES) do
			if info.items[itemID] then
				itemClasses[key] = class

		return key