
-- rButtonTemplate_Zork: theme
-- zork, 2016

-- Zork's Button Theme for rButtonTemplate

-- Variables

local A, L = ...

-- mediapath

local mediapath = "interface\\addons\\"..A.."\\media\\"
local copyTable = rLib.CopyTable
local fontExpressway = rLib.mediapath .. "expressway.ttf"
-- actionButtonConfig

local actionButtonConfig = {}
--make the config available for other addons (like rFilter)
rButtonTemplate_Zork_ActionButtonConfig = actionButtonConfig

actionButtonConfig.backdrop = {
  bgFile = mediapath.."backdrop",
  edgeFile = mediapath.."backdropBorder",
  tile = false,
  tileSize = 32,
  edgeSize = 5,
  insets = {
    left = 5,
    right = 5,
    top = 5,
    bottom = 5,
  backgroundColor = {0.1,0.1,0.1,0.8},
  borderColor = {0,0,0,1},
  points = {
    {"TOPLEFT", -3, 3 },
    {"BOTTOMRIGHT", 3, -3 },

actionButtonConfig.icon = {
  texCoord = {0.1,0.9,0.1,0.9},
  points = {
    {"TOPLEFT", 1, -1 },
    {"BOTTOMRIGHT", -1, 1 },

actionButtonConfig.flyoutBorder = {
  file = ""

actionButtonConfig.flyoutBorderShadow = {
  file = ""

actionButtonConfig.border = {
  file = _G["ActionButton1Border"]:GetTexture(),
  blendMode = "ADD",
  sizeFactor = 1.8,
  texCoord = {0,1,0,1},

actionButtonConfig.normalTexture = {
  file = mediapath.."normal",
  color = {0.4,0.4,0.4,0.25},
  points = {
    {"TOPLEFT", 0, 0 },
    {"BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0 },

actionButtonConfig.pushedTexture = {
  file = mediapath.."pushed",
  points = {
    {"TOPLEFT", 0, 0 },
    {"BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0 },
actionButtonConfig.highlightTexture = {
  file = mediapath.."highlight",
  points = {
    {"TOPLEFT", 0, 0 },
    {"BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0 },
actionButtonConfig.checkedTexture = {
  file = mediapath.."checked",
  points = {
    {"TOPLEFT", 0, 0 },
    {"BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0 },

actionButtonConfig.cooldown = {
  points = {
    {"TOPLEFT", 0, 0 },
    {"BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0 },

--name (macro name fontstring)
actionButtonConfig.name = {
  font = { STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, 10, "OUTLINE"},
  points = {
    {"BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0 },
    {"BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0 },
  alpha = 0,

actionButtonConfig.hotkey = {
  font = { fontExpressway, 11, "OUTLINE"},
  points = {
    {"TOPRIGHT", 0, 0 },
    {"TOPLEFT", 0, 0 },
  alpha = 1,

actionButtonConfig.count = {
  font = { fontExpressway, 11, "OUTLINE"},
  points = {
    {"BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0 },

--style rActionBar vehicle exit button

-- itemButtonConfig

local itemButtonConfig = {}

itemButtonConfig.backdrop = copyTable(actionButtonConfig.backdrop)
itemButtonConfig.icon = copyTable(actionButtonConfig.icon)
itemButtonConfig.count = copyTable(actionButtonConfig.count)
itemButtonConfig.stock = copyTable(actionButtonConfig.hotkey)
itemButtonConfig.stock.alpha = 1
itemButtonConfig.border = copyTable(actionButtonConfig.border)
itemButtonConfig.normalTexture = copyTable(actionButtonConfig.normalTexture)

local itemButtons = { MainMenuBarBackpackButton, CharacterBag0Slot, CharacterBag1Slot, CharacterBag2Slot, CharacterBag3Slot }
for i, button in next, itemButtons do
  rButtonTemplate:StyleItemButton(button, itemButtonConfig)

--make item config global for rBag
rButtonTemplate_Zork_SlotButtonConfig = itemButtonConfig
rButtonTemplate_Zork_SlotButtonConfig.backdrop.points = {
  {"TOPLEFT", 0, 0 },
  {"BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0 },
rButtonTemplate_Zork_SlotButtonConfig.backdrop.edgeSize = 1
rButtonTemplate_Zork_SlotButtonConfig.backdrop.insets = {left = 0,right = 0,top = 0,bottom = 0}
rButtonTemplate_Zork_SlotButtonConfig.border.alpha = 0
rButtonTemplate_Zork_SlotButtonConfig.normalTexture.file = ""
rButtonTemplate_Zork_SlotButtonConfig.pushedTexture = {file = ""}

-- extraButtonConfig

local extraButtonConfig = copyTable(actionButtonConfig)
extraButtonConfig.buttonstyle = { file = "" }

-- rButtonTemplate:StyleExtraActionButton(extraButtonConfig)

-- auraButtonConfig

local auraButtonConfig = {}

auraButtonConfig.backdrop = copyTable(actionButtonConfig.backdrop)
auraButtonConfig.icon = copyTable(actionButtonConfig.icon)
auraButtonConfig.border = copyTable(actionButtonConfig.border)
auraButtonConfig.normalTexture = copyTable(actionButtonConfig.normalTexture)
auraButtonConfig.count = copyTable(actionButtonConfig.count)
auraButtonConfig.duration = copyTable(actionButtonConfig.hotkey)
auraButtonConfig.duration.alpha = 1
auraButtonConfig.symbol = copyTable(actionButtonConfig.name)
auraButtonConfig.symbol.alpha = 1

--rButtonTemplate:StyleBuffButtons + rButtonTemplate:StyleTempEnchants

-- debuffButtonConfig

local debuffButtonConfig = copyTable(auraButtonConfig)
--change the font sizes a bit
debuffButtonConfig.count.font = { fontExpressway, 12.5, "OUTLINE"}
debuffButtonConfig.duration.font = { fontExpressway, 12.5, "OUTLINE"}
