local OVALE, Ovale = ...
local OvaleScripts = Ovale.OvaleScripts

	local name = "ovale_deathknight"
	local desc = "[6.0] Ovale: Rotations (Blood, Frost, Unholy)"
	local code = [[
# Death knight rotation functions based on SimulationCraft.


AddCheckBox(opt_potion_armor ItemName(draenic_armor_potion) default specialization=blood)
AddCheckBox(opt_potion_strength ItemName(draenic_strength_potion) default spcialization=!blood)

AddFunction UsePotionArmor
	if CheckBoxOn(opt_potion_armor) and target.Classification(worldboss) Item(draenic_armor_potion usable=1)

AddFunction UsePotionStrength
	if CheckBoxOn(opt_potion_strength) and target.Classification(worldboss) Item(draenic_strength_potion usable=1)

AddFunction UseItemActions
	Item(HandSlot usable=1)
	Item(Trinket0Slot usable=1)
	Item(Trinket1Slot usable=1)

AddFunction InterruptActions
	if not target.IsFriend() and target.IsInterruptible()
		if target.InRange(mind_freeze) Spell(mind_freeze)
		if not target.Classification(worldboss)
			if target.InRange(asphyxiate) Spell(asphyxiate)
			if target.InRange(strangulate) Spell(strangulate)
			if target.InRange(quaking_palm) Spell(quaking_palm)

### Blood
# Based on SimulationCraft profile "Death_Knight_Blood_T16M".
#	class=deathknight
#	spec=blood
#	talents=2013102

# ActionList: BloodDefaultActions --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction BloodDefaultActions
	if not BuffPresent(conversion_buff) and RunicPower() > 50 and HealthPercent() < 90 Spell(conversion)
	# CHANGE: Cancel conversion if the trigger conditions no longer apply.
	if BuffPresent(conversion_buff) and not { RunicPower() > 50 and HealthPercent() < 90 } Spell(conversion text=cancel)
	if IncomingDamage(5) >= MaxHealth() * 0.65 Spell(death_strike)
	if not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and target.DiseasesRemaining() < 8 or not target.DiseasesAnyTicking() Spell(outbreak)
	if RunicPower() > 90 Spell(death_coil)
	if not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) or Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(necrotic_plague_debuff) Spell(plague_strike)
	if not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(frost_fever_debuff) or Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(necrotic_plague_debuff) Spell(icy_touch)
	if Enemies() > 2 and Rune(blood) >= 2 Spell(blood_boil)
	if { not Rune(blood) >=1 and not Rune(unholy) >= 1 or not Rune(blood) >=1 and not Rune(frost) >= 1 or not Rune(unholy) >=1 and not Rune(frost) >= 1 } and SpellCooldown(outbreak) <= GCD() Spell(plague_leech)
	if Talent(blood_tap_talent) BloodBtActions()
	if Talent(runic_empowerment_talent) BloodReActions()
	if Talent(runic_corruption_talent) BloodRcActions()
	if not Talent(blood_tap_talent) and not Talent(runic_empowerment_talent) and not Talent(runic_corruption_talent) BloodNrtActions()
	if BuffPresent(crimson_scourge_buff) Spell(blood_boil)

AddFunction BloodDefaultShortCdActions
	unless not BuffPresent(conversion_buff) and RunicPower() > 50 and HealthPercent() < 90 and Spell(conversion)
		or BuffPresent(conversion_buff) and not { RunicPower() > 50 and HealthPercent() < 90 } and Spell(conversion text=cancel)
		or IncomingDamage(5) >= MaxHealth() * 0.65 and Spell(death_strike)
		if BuffExpires(army_of_the_dead_buff) and BuffExpires(bone_shield_buff) and BuffExpires(dancing_rune_weapon_buff) and BuffExpires(icebound_fortitude_buff) and BuffExpires(vampiric_blood_buff) Spell(bone_shield)
		if HealthPercent() < 50 Spell(vampiric_blood)
		if HealthPercent() < 50 and BuffExpires(army_of_the_dead_buff) and BuffExpires(dancing_rune_weapon_buff) and BuffExpires(bone_shield_buff) and BuffExpires(vampiric_blood_buff) and BuffExpires(icebound_fortitude_buff) Spell(rune_tap)
		if HealthPercent() < 50 Spell(death_pact)

		unless { not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and target.DiseasesRemaining() < 8 or not target.DiseasesAnyTicking() } and Spell(outbreak)
			or RunicPower() > 90 and Spell(death_coil)
			or not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) or Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(necrotic_plague_debuff) and Spell(plague_strike)
			or not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(frost_fever_debuff) or Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(necrotic_plague_debuff) and Spell(icy_touch)
			# CHANGE: Only Defile on cooldown if talented into Blood Tap which allows the death rune consumed to be easily regenerated.
			if Talent(blood_tap_talent) Spell(defile)
			if Enemies() > 2 Spell(death_and_decay)

			unless Enemies() > 2 and Rune(blood) >= 2 and Spell(blood_boil)
				or Talent(blood_tap_talent) and BloodBtActions()
				or Talent(runic_empowerment_talent) and BloodReActions()
				or Talent(runic_corruption_talent) and BloodRcActions()
				or not Talent(blood_tap_talent) and not Talent(runic_empowerment_talent) and not Talent(runic_corruption_talent) and BloodNrtActions()
				if BuffPresent(crimson_scourge_buff) Spell(death_and_decay)

				unless BuffPresent(crimson_scourge_buff) and Spell(blood_boil)
					if not Rune(blood) >= 1 and not Rune(unholy) >= 1 and not Rune(frost) >= 1 Spell(empower_rune_weapon)

AddFunction BloodDefaultCdActions
	if BuffExpires(potion_armor_buff) and BuffExpires(blood_shield_buff) and not Rune(unholy) >= 1 and not Rune(frost) >= 1 UsePotionArmor()
	if IncomingDamage(1.5) > 0 Spell(antimagic_shell)

	unless not BuffPresent(conversion_buff) and RunicPower() > 50 and HealthPercent() < 90 and Spell(conversion)
		or BuffPresent(conversion_buff) and not { RunicPower() > 50 and HealthPercent() < 90 } and Spell(conversion text=cancel)
		if HealthPercent() < 90 Spell(lichborne)

		unless IncomingDamage(5) >= MaxHealth() * 0.65 and Spell(death_strike)
			if BuffExpires(bone_shield_buff) and BuffExpires(dancing_rune_weapon_buff) and BuffExpires(icebound_fortitude_buff) and BuffExpires(vampiric_blood_buff) Spell(army_of_the_dead)
			if HealthPercent() < 30 and BuffExpires(army_of_the_dead_buff) and BuffExpires(dancing_rune_weapon_buff) and BuffExpires(bone_shield_buff) and BuffExpires(vampiric_blood_buff) Spell(icebound_fortitude)
			if HealthPercent() < 80 and BuffExpires(army_of_the_dead_buff) and BuffExpires(icebound_fortitude_buff) and BuffExpires(bone_shield_buff) and BuffExpires(vampiric_blood_buff) Spell(dancing_rune_weapon)

# ActionList: BloodBloodActions --> main

AddFunction BloodBloodActions
	if target.HealthPercent() - 3 * target.HealthPercent() / target.TimeToDie() <= 35 Spell(soul_reaper_blood)

# ActionList: BloodBtActions --> main

AddFunction BloodBtActions
	if Rune(unholy) >= 2 and Rune(frost) >= 2 Spell(death_strike)
	if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 and not Rune(blood) >= 1 Spell(blood_tap)
	if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 10 and Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(frost) >= 1 Spell(death_strike)
	if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 10 and not Rune(unholy) >= 1 and not Rune(frost) >= 1 Spell(blood_tap)
	if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 and { Rune(unholy) >= 1 and not Rune(frost) >= 1 or not Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(frost) >= 1 } Spell(blood_tap)
	#blood_tap,if=buff.blood_charge.stack>=5&blood.death&!unholy&!frost XXX
	if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 and DeathRune(blood) >= 1 and not Rune(unholy) >= 1 and not Rune(frost) >= 1 Spell(blood_tap)
	#call_action_list,name=blood,if=blood>=2|(blood&!blood.death) XXX
	if Rune(blood) >= 2 or Rune(blood) >= 1 and DeathRune(blood) < 1 BloodBloodActions()

# ActionList: BloodNrtActions --> main

AddFunction BloodNrtActions
	if Rune(unholy) >= 2 and Rune(frost) >= 2 Spell(death_strike)
	if Rune(blood) >= 1 BloodBloodActions()

# ActionList: BloodPrecombatActions --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction BloodPrecombatActions
	if BuffExpires(attack_power_multiplier_buff any=1) Spell(horn_of_winter)

AddFunction BloodPrecombatShortCdActions
	unless Spell(blood_presence)
		or BuffExpires(attack_power_multiplier_buff any=1) and Spell(horn_of_winter)

AddFunction BloodPrecombatCdActions
	unless Spell(blood_presence)
		or BuffExpires(attack_power_multiplier_buff any=1) and Spell(horn_of_winter)

# ActionList: BloodRcActions --> main

AddFunction BloodRcActions
	if Rune(unholy) >= 2 and Rune(frost) >= 2 Spell(death_strike)
	if Rune(blood) >= 2 BloodBloodActions()

# ActionList: BloodReActions --> main

AddFunction BloodReActions
	if Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(frost) >= 1 Spell(death_strike)
	if Rune(blood) >= 2 BloodBloodActions()

### Frost (dual-wield)
# Based on SimulationCraft profile "Death_Knight_Frost_1h_T17M".
#	class=deathknight
#	spec=frost
#	talents=2001002

### actions.default --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction FrostDualWieldDefaultMainActions
	if Enemies() >= 3 FrostDualWieldAoeMainActions()
	if Enemies() < 3 FrostDualWieldSingleTargetMainActions()

AddFunction FrostDualWieldDefaultShortCdActions
	if 0 > 2 Spell(deaths_advance)
	if IncomingDamage(1.5) > 0 Spell(antimagic_shell)
	if Enemies() >= 3 FrostDualWieldAoeShortCdActions()
	if Enemies() < 3 FrostDualWieldSingleTargetShortCdActions()

AddFunction FrostDualWieldDefaultCdActions
	if target.TimeToDie() <= 30 or target.TimeToDie() <= 60 and BuffPresent(pillar_of_frost_buff) UsePotionStrength()
	if target.TimeToDie() <= 60 and BuffPresent(potion_strength_buff) Spell(empower_rune_weapon)
	if Enemies() >= 3 FrostDualWieldAoeCdActions()
	if Enemies() < 3 FrostDualWieldSingleTargetCdActions()

### actions.aoe --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction FrostDualWieldAoeMainActions
	if target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) and { not Talent(unholy_blight_talent) or SpellCooldown(unholy_blight) < 49 } and TimeSincePreviousSpell(blood_boil) > 28 Spell(blood_boil)
	if BuffPresent(breath_of_sindragosa_buff) FrostDualWieldBosAoeMainActions()
	if RunicPower() > 88 Spell(frost_strike)
	if Rune(unholy) >= 2 Spell(plague_strike)
	if not Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) or SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) >= 10 Spell(frost_strike)
	if target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } Spell(plague_leech)
	if Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 Spell(plague_strike)

AddFunction FrostDualWieldAoeShortCdActions

	unless target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) and { not Talent(unholy_blight_talent) or SpellCooldown(unholy_blight) < 49 } and TimeSincePreviousSpell(blood_boil) > 28 and Spell(blood_boil)
		if BuffPresent(breath_of_sindragosa_buff) FrostDualWieldBosAoeShortCdActions()

		unless Spell(howling_blast)
			if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) > 10 and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

			unless RunicPower() > 88 and Spell(frost_strike)
				if Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 Spell(death_and_decay)

				unless Rune(unholy) >= 2 and Spell(plague_strike)
					if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

AddFunction FrostDualWieldAoeCdActions
	unless Spell(unholy_blight) or target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) and { not Talent(unholy_blight_talent) or SpellCooldown(unholy_blight) < 49 } and TimeSincePreviousSpell(blood_boil) > 28 and Spell(blood_boil) or Spell(defile)
		if RunicPower() > 75 Spell(breath_of_sindragosa)
		if BuffPresent(breath_of_sindragosa_buff) FrostDualWieldBosAoeCdActions()

		unless Spell(howling_blast) or RunicPower() > 88 and Spell(frost_strike) or Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 and Spell(death_and_decay) or Rune(unholy) >= 2 and Spell(plague_strike) or { not Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) or SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) >= 10 } and Spell(frost_strike) or target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech) or Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 and Spell(plague_strike)

### actions.bos_aoe --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction FrostDualWieldBosAoeMainActions
	if Rune(unholy) >= 2 Spell(plague_strike)
	if target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } Spell(plague_leech)
	if Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 Spell(plague_strike)

AddFunction FrostDualWieldBosAoeShortCdActions
	unless Spell(howling_blast)
		if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) > 10 and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)
		if Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 Spell(death_and_decay)

		unless Rune(unholy) >= 2 and Spell(plague_strike)
			if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

AddFunction FrostDualWieldBosAoeCdActions
	unless Spell(howling_blast) or Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 and Spell(death_and_decay) or Rune(unholy) >= 2 and Spell(plague_strike) or target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech) or Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 and Spell(plague_strike)

### actions.bos_st --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction FrostDualWieldBosStMainActions
	if BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) Spell(obliterate)
	if BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) and target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } Spell(plague_leech)
	if RunicPower() < 88 Spell(howling_blast)
	if Rune(unholy) >= 1 and RunicPower() < 76 Spell(obliterate)
	if target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } Spell(plague_leech)

AddFunction FrostDualWieldBosStShortCdActions
	unless BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) and Spell(obliterate)
		if BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

		unless BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) and target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech) or RunicPower() < 88 and Spell(howling_blast) or Rune(unholy) >= 1 and RunicPower() < 76 and Spell(obliterate)
			if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

AddFunction FrostDualWieldBosStCdActions
	unless BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) and Spell(obliterate) or BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) and target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech) or RunicPower() < 88 and Spell(howling_blast) or Rune(unholy) >= 1 and RunicPower() < 76 and Spell(obliterate) or target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech)

### actions.precombat --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction FrostDualWieldPrecombatMainActions
	if BuffExpires(attack_power_multiplier_buff any=1) Spell(horn_of_winter)

AddFunction FrostDualWieldPrecombatShortCdActions
	unless BuffExpires(attack_power_multiplier_buff any=1) and Spell(horn_of_winter) or Spell(frost_presence)

AddFunction FrostDualWieldPrecombatCdActions
	unless BuffExpires(attack_power_multiplier_buff any=1) and Spell(horn_of_winter) or Spell(frost_presence)

### actions.single_target --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction FrostDualWieldSingleTargetMainActions
	if target.HealthPercent() - 3 * target.HealthPercent() / target.TimeToDie() <= 35 Spell(soul_reaper_frost)
	if BuffPresent(breath_of_sindragosa_buff) FrostDualWieldBosStMainActions()
	if Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) and SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) < 7 and RunicPower() < 88 Spell(howling_blast)
	if Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) and SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) < 3 and RunicPower() < 76 Spell(obliterate)
	if BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) or RunicPower() > 88 Spell(frost_strike)
	if SpellCooldown(antimagic_shell) < 1 and RunicPower() >= 50 and not BuffPresent(antimagic_shell_buff) Spell(frost_strike)
	if Rune(death) >= 2 or Rune(frost) >= 2 Spell(howling_blast)
	if not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(frost_fever_debuff) Spell(howling_blast)
	if Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(necrotic_plague_debuff) Spell(howling_blast)
	if not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) and Rune(unholy) >= 1 Spell(plague_strike)
	if BuffPresent(rime_buff) Spell(howling_blast)
	if ArmorSetBonus(T17 2) == 1 and RunicPower() >= 50 and SpellCooldown(pillar_of_frost) < 5 Spell(frost_strike)
	if RunicPower() > 76 Spell(frost_strike)
	if Rune(unholy) >= 1 and not BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) Spell(obliterate)
	if not { target.HealthPercent() - 3 * target.HealthPercent() / target.TimeToDie() <= 35 and SpellCooldown(soul_reaper_frost) < 3 } or RuneCount(death) + RuneCount(frost) >= 2 Spell(howling_blast)
	if target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } Spell(plague_leech)

AddFunction FrostDualWieldSingleTargetShortCdActions
	if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) > 10 and { RunicPower() > 76 or RunicPower() >= 20 and BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) } and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

	unless target.HealthPercent() - 3 * target.HealthPercent() / target.TimeToDie() <= 35 and Spell(soul_reaper_frost)
		if target.HealthPercent() - 3 * target.HealthPercent() / target.TimeToDie() <= 35 and not SpellCooldown(soul_reaper_frost) > 0 and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)
		if BuffPresent(breath_of_sindragosa_buff) FrostDualWieldBosStShortCdActions()
		if Talent(defile_talent) and not SpellCooldown(defile) > 0 and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

		unless Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) and SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) < 7 and RunicPower() < 88 and Spell(howling_blast) or Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) and SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) < 3 and RunicPower() < 76 and Spell(obliterate) or { BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) or RunicPower() > 88 } and Spell(frost_strike) or SpellCooldown(antimagic_shell) < 1 and RunicPower() >= 50 and not BuffPresent(antimagic_shell_buff) and Spell(frost_strike) or { Rune(death) >= 2 or Rune(frost) >= 2 } and Spell(howling_blast)
			if not target.DiseasesAnyTicking() Spell(unholy_blight)

			unless not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(frost_fever_debuff) and Spell(howling_blast) or Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(necrotic_plague_debuff) and Spell(howling_blast) or not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) and Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Spell(plague_strike) or BuffPresent(rime_buff) and Spell(howling_blast) or ArmorSetBonus(T17 2) == 1 and RunicPower() >= 50 and SpellCooldown(pillar_of_frost) < 5 and Spell(frost_strike) or RunicPower() > 76 and Spell(frost_strike) or Rune(unholy) >= 1 and not BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) and Spell(obliterate) or { not { target.HealthPercent() - 3 * target.HealthPercent() / target.TimeToDie() <= 35 and SpellCooldown(soul_reaper_frost) < 3 } or RuneCount(death) + RuneCount(frost) >= 2 } and Spell(howling_blast)
				if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

AddFunction FrostDualWieldSingleTargetCdActions
	unless target.HealthPercent() - 3 * target.HealthPercent() / target.TimeToDie() <= 35 and Spell(soul_reaper_frost)
		if RunicPower() > 75 Spell(breath_of_sindragosa)
		if BuffPresent(breath_of_sindragosa_buff) FrostDualWieldBosStCdActions()

		unless Spell(defile) or Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) and SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) < 7 and RunicPower() < 88 and Spell(howling_blast) or Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) and SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) < 3 and RunicPower() < 76 and Spell(obliterate) or { BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) or RunicPower() > 88 } and Spell(frost_strike) or SpellCooldown(antimagic_shell) < 1 and RunicPower() >= 50 and not BuffPresent(antimagic_shell_buff) and Spell(frost_strike) or { Rune(death) >= 2 or Rune(frost) >= 2 } and Spell(howling_blast) or not target.DiseasesAnyTicking() and Spell(unholy_blight) or not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(frost_fever_debuff) and Spell(howling_blast) or Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(necrotic_plague_debuff) and Spell(howling_blast) or not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) and Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Spell(plague_strike) or BuffPresent(rime_buff) and Spell(howling_blast) or ArmorSetBonus(T17 2) == 1 and RunicPower() >= 50 and SpellCooldown(pillar_of_frost) < 5 and Spell(frost_strike) or RunicPower() > 76 and Spell(frost_strike) or Rune(unholy) >= 1 and not BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) and Spell(obliterate) or { not { target.HealthPercent() - 3 * target.HealthPercent() / target.TimeToDie() <= 35 and SpellCooldown(soul_reaper_frost) < 3 } or RuneCount(death) + RuneCount(frost) >= 2 } and Spell(howling_blast) or target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech)

### Frost (two-hander)
# Based on SimulationCraft profile "Death_Knight_Frost_2h_T17M".
#	class=deathknight
#	spec=frost
#	talents=2001002

### actions.default --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction FrostTwoHanderDefaultMainActions
	if Enemies() >= 3 FrostTwoHanderAoeMainActions()
	if Enemies() < 3 FrostTwoHanderSingleTargetMainActions()

AddFunction FrostTwoHanderDefaultShortCdActions
	if 0 > 2 Spell(deaths_advance)
	if IncomingDamage(1.5) > 0 Spell(antimagic_shell)
	if Enemies() >= 3 FrostTwoHanderAoeShortCdActions()
	if Enemies() < 3 FrostTwoHanderSingleTargetShortCdActions()

AddFunction FrostTwoHanderDefaultCdActions
	if target.TimeToDie() <= 30 or target.TimeToDie() <= 60 and BuffPresent(pillar_of_frost_buff) UsePotionStrength()
	if target.TimeToDie() <= 60 and BuffPresent(potion_strength_buff) Spell(empower_rune_weapon)
	if Enemies() >= 3 FrostTwoHanderAoeCdActions()
	if Enemies() < 3 FrostTwoHanderSingleTargetCdActions()

### actions.aoe --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction FrostTwoHanderAoeMainActions
	if target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) and { not Talent(unholy_blight_talent) or SpellCooldown(unholy_blight) < 49 } and TimeSincePreviousSpell(blood_boil) > 28 Spell(blood_boil)
	if BuffPresent(breath_of_sindragosa_buff) FrostTwoHanderBosAoeMainActions()
	if RunicPower() > 88 Spell(frost_strike)
	if Rune(unholy) >= 2 Spell(plague_strike)
	if not Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) or SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) >= 10 Spell(frost_strike)
	if target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } Spell(plague_leech)
	if Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 Spell(plague_strike)

AddFunction FrostTwoHanderAoeShortCdActions

	unless target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) and { not Talent(unholy_blight_talent) or SpellCooldown(unholy_blight) < 49 } and TimeSincePreviousSpell(blood_boil) > 28 and Spell(blood_boil)
		if BuffPresent(breath_of_sindragosa_buff) FrostTwoHanderBosAoeShortCdActions()

		unless Spell(howling_blast)
			if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) > 10 and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

			unless RunicPower() > 88 and Spell(frost_strike)
				if Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 Spell(death_and_decay)

				unless Rune(unholy) >= 2 and Spell(plague_strike)
					if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

AddFunction FrostTwoHanderAoeCdActions
	unless Spell(unholy_blight) or target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) and { not Talent(unholy_blight_talent) or SpellCooldown(unholy_blight) < 49 } and TimeSincePreviousSpell(blood_boil) > 28 and Spell(blood_boil) or Spell(defile)
		if RunicPower() > 75 Spell(breath_of_sindragosa)
		if BuffPresent(breath_of_sindragosa_buff) FrostTwoHanderBosAoeCdActions()

		unless Spell(howling_blast) or RunicPower() > 88 and Spell(frost_strike) or Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 and Spell(death_and_decay) or Rune(unholy) >= 2 and Spell(plague_strike) or { not Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) or SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) >= 10 } and Spell(frost_strike) or target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech) or Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 and Spell(plague_strike)

### actions.bos_aoe --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction FrostTwoHanderBosAoeMainActions
	if Rune(unholy) >= 2 Spell(plague_strike)
	if target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } Spell(plague_leech)
	if Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 Spell(plague_strike)

AddFunction FrostTwoHanderBosAoeShortCdActions
	unless Spell(howling_blast)
		if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) > 10 and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)
		if Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 Spell(death_and_decay)

		unless Rune(unholy) >= 2 and Spell(plague_strike)
			if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

AddFunction FrostTwoHanderBosAoeCdActions
	unless Spell(howling_blast) or Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 and Spell(death_and_decay) or Rune(unholy) >= 2 and Spell(plague_strike) or target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech) or Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 and Spell(plague_strike)

### actions.bos_st --> main, shortcd

AddFunction FrostTwoHanderBosStMainActions
	if BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) Spell(obliterate)
	if BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) and target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } Spell(plague_leech)
	if target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } Spell(plague_leech)
	if RunicPower() < 76 Spell(obliterate)
	if { Rune(death) >= 1 and Rune(death) < 2 and Rune(frost) >= 0 and Rune(frost) < 1 and Rune(unholy) >= 0 and Rune(unholy) < 1 or Rune(death) >= 0 and Rune(death) < 1 and Rune(frost) >= 1 and Rune(frost) < 2 and Rune(unholy) >= 0 and Rune(unholy) < 1 } and RunicPower() < 88 Spell(howling_blast)

AddFunction FrostTwoHanderBosStShortCdActions
	unless BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) and Spell(obliterate)
		if BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

		unless BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) and target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech)
			if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

### actions.precombat --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction FrostTwoHanderPrecombatMainActions
	if BuffExpires(attack_power_multiplier_buff any=1) Spell(horn_of_winter)

AddFunction FrostTwoHanderPrecombatShortCdActions
	unless BuffExpires(attack_power_multiplier_buff any=1) and Spell(horn_of_winter) or Spell(frost_presence)

AddFunction FrostTwoHanderPrecombatCdActions
	unless BuffExpires(attack_power_multiplier_buff any=1) and Spell(horn_of_winter) or Spell(frost_presence)

### actions.single_target --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction FrostTwoHanderSingleTargetMainActions
	if target.DiseasesRemaining() < 1 and target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } Spell(plague_leech)
	if target.HealthPercent() - 3 * target.HealthPercent() / target.TimeToDie() <= 35 Spell(soul_reaper_frost)
	if BuffPresent(rime_buff) and target.DiseasesRemaining() > 5 and BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) Spell(howling_blast)
	if BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) Spell(obliterate)
	if not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(frost_fever_debuff) and BuffPresent(rime_buff) Spell(howling_blast)
	if not target.DiseasesAnyTicking() Spell(outbreak)
	if BuffPresent(breath_of_sindragosa_buff) FrostTwoHanderBosStMainActions()
	if Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) and SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) < 7 and RunicPower() < 76 Spell(obliterate)
	if Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) and SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) < 3 and RunicPower() < 88 Spell(howling_blast)
	if not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(frost_fever_debuff) Spell(howling_blast)
	if Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(necrotic_plague_debuff) Spell(howling_blast)
	if not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) Spell(plague_strike)
	if RunicPower() > 76 Spell(frost_strike)
	if BuffPresent(rime_buff) and target.DiseasesRemaining() > 5 and { Rune(blood) >= 1.8 or Rune(unholy) >= 1.8 or Rune(frost) >= 1.8 } Spell(howling_blast)
	if Rune(blood) >= 1.8 or Rune(unholy) >= 1.8 or Rune(frost) >= 1.8 Spell(obliterate)
	if target.DiseasesRemaining() < 3 and { Rune(blood) <= 0.95 and Rune(unholy) <= 0.95 or Rune(frost) <= 0.95 and Rune(unholy) <= 0.95 or Rune(frost) <= 0.95 and Rune(blood) <= 0.95 } and target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } Spell(plague_leech)
	if Talent(runic_empowerment_talent) and { Rune(frost) >= 0 and Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) >= 0 and Rune(unholy) < 1 or Rune(blood) >= 0 and Rune(blood) < 1 } and { not BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) or not TimeToSpell(obliterate) <= 1 } Spell(frost_strike)
	if Talent(blood_tap_talent) and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) <= 10 and { not BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) or not TimeToSpell(obliterate) <= 1 } Spell(frost_strike)
	if BuffPresent(rime_buff) and target.DiseasesRemaining() > 5 Spell(howling_blast)
	if Rune(blood) >= 1.5 or Rune(unholy) >= 1.6 or Rune(frost) >= 1.6 or BuffPresent(burst_haste_buff any=1) or SpellCooldown(plague_leech) <= 4 Spell(obliterate)
	if not BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) Spell(frost_strike)
	if { Rune(blood) <= 0.95 and Rune(unholy) <= 0.95 or Rune(frost) <= 0.95 and Rune(unholy) <= 0.95 or Rune(frost) <= 0.95 and Rune(blood) <= 0.95 } and target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } Spell(plague_leech)

AddFunction FrostTwoHanderSingleTargetShortCdActions
	unless target.DiseasesRemaining() < 1 and target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech) or target.HealthPercent() - 3 * target.HealthPercent() / target.TimeToDie() <= 35 and Spell(soul_reaper_frost)
		if target.HealthPercent() - 3 * target.HealthPercent() / target.TimeToDie() <= 35 and not SpellCooldown(soul_reaper_frost) > 0 and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)
		if Talent(defile_talent) and not SpellCooldown(defile) > 0 and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

		unless BuffPresent(rime_buff) and target.DiseasesRemaining() > 5 and BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) and Spell(howling_blast) or BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) and Spell(obliterate)
			if BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

			unless not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(frost_fever_debuff) and BuffPresent(rime_buff) and Spell(howling_blast) or not target.DiseasesAnyTicking() and Spell(outbreak)
				if not target.DiseasesTicking() Spell(unholy_blight)
				if BuffPresent(breath_of_sindragosa_buff) FrostTwoHanderBosStShortCdActions()

				unless Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) and SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) < 7 and RunicPower() < 76 and Spell(obliterate) or Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) and SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) < 3 and RunicPower() < 88 and Spell(howling_blast) or not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(frost_fever_debuff) and Spell(howling_blast) or Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(necrotic_plague_debuff) and Spell(howling_blast) or not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) and Spell(plague_strike)
					if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) > 10 and RunicPower() > 76 and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

					unless RunicPower() > 76 and Spell(frost_strike) or BuffPresent(rime_buff) and target.DiseasesRemaining() > 5 and { Rune(blood) >= 1.8 or Rune(unholy) >= 1.8 or Rune(frost) >= 1.8 } and Spell(howling_blast) or { Rune(blood) >= 1.8 or Rune(unholy) >= 1.8 or Rune(frost) >= 1.8 } and Spell(obliterate) or target.DiseasesRemaining() < 3 and { Rune(blood) <= 0.95 and Rune(unholy) <= 0.95 or Rune(frost) <= 0.95 and Rune(unholy) <= 0.95 or Rune(frost) <= 0.95 and Rune(blood) <= 0.95 } and target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech) or Talent(runic_empowerment_talent) and { Rune(frost) >= 0 and Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) >= 0 and Rune(unholy) < 1 or Rune(blood) >= 0 and Rune(blood) < 1 } and { not BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) or not TimeToSpell(obliterate) <= 1 } and Spell(frost_strike) or Talent(blood_tap_talent) and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) <= 10 and { not BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) or not TimeToSpell(obliterate) <= 1 } and Spell(frost_strike) or BuffPresent(rime_buff) and target.DiseasesRemaining() > 5 and Spell(howling_blast) or { Rune(blood) >= 1.5 or Rune(unholy) >= 1.6 or Rune(frost) >= 1.6 or BuffPresent(burst_haste_buff any=1) or SpellCooldown(plague_leech) <= 4 } and Spell(obliterate)
						if { BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) > 10 and RunicPower() >= 20 or Rune(blood) >= 1.4 or Rune(unholy) >= 1.6 or Rune(frost) >= 1.6 } and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

AddFunction FrostTwoHanderSingleTargetCdActions
	unless target.DiseasesRemaining() < 1 and target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech) or target.HealthPercent() - 3 * target.HealthPercent() / target.TimeToDie() <= 35 and Spell(soul_reaper_frost) or Spell(defile) or BuffPresent(rime_buff) and target.DiseasesRemaining() > 5 and BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) and Spell(howling_blast) or BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) and Spell(obliterate) or not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(frost_fever_debuff) and BuffPresent(rime_buff) and Spell(howling_blast) or not target.DiseasesAnyTicking() and Spell(outbreak) or not target.DiseasesTicking() and Spell(unholy_blight)
		if RunicPower() > 75 Spell(breath_of_sindragosa)

		unless Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) and SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) < 7 and RunicPower() < 76 and Spell(obliterate) or Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) and SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) < 3 and RunicPower() < 88 and Spell(howling_blast) or not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(frost_fever_debuff) and Spell(howling_blast) or Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(necrotic_plague_debuff) and Spell(howling_blast) or not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) and Spell(plague_strike) or RunicPower() > 76 and Spell(frost_strike) or BuffPresent(rime_buff) and target.DiseasesRemaining() > 5 and { Rune(blood) >= 1.8 or Rune(unholy) >= 1.8 or Rune(frost) >= 1.8 } and Spell(howling_blast) or { Rune(blood) >= 1.8 or Rune(unholy) >= 1.8 or Rune(frost) >= 1.8 } and Spell(obliterate) or target.DiseasesRemaining() < 3 and { Rune(blood) <= 0.95 and Rune(unholy) <= 0.95 or Rune(frost) <= 0.95 and Rune(unholy) <= 0.95 or Rune(frost) <= 0.95 and Rune(blood) <= 0.95 } and target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech) or Talent(runic_empowerment_talent) and { Rune(frost) >= 0 and Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) >= 0 and Rune(unholy) < 1 or Rune(blood) >= 0 and Rune(blood) < 1 } and { not BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) or not TimeToSpell(obliterate) <= 1 } and Spell(frost_strike) or Talent(blood_tap_talent) and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) <= 10 and { not BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) or not TimeToSpell(obliterate) <= 1 } and Spell(frost_strike) or BuffPresent(rime_buff) and target.DiseasesRemaining() > 5 and Spell(howling_blast) or { Rune(blood) >= 1.5 or Rune(unholy) >= 1.6 or Rune(frost) >= 1.6 or BuffPresent(burst_haste_buff any=1) or SpellCooldown(plague_leech) <= 4 } and Spell(obliterate) or not BuffPresent(killing_machine_buff) and Spell(frost_strike) or { Rune(blood) <= 0.95 and Rune(unholy) <= 0.95 or Rune(frost) <= 0.95 and Rune(unholy) <= 0.95 or Rune(frost) <= 0.95 and Rune(blood) <= 0.95 } and target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech)

### Unholy
# Based on SimulationCraft profile "Death_Knight_Unholy_T17M".
#	class=deathknight
#	spec=unholy
#	talents=2001002

### actions.default --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction UnholyDefaultMainActions
	if Enemies() >= 2 UnholyAoeMainActions()
	if Enemies() < 2 UnholySingleTargetMainActions()

AddFunction UnholyDefaultShortCdActions
	if 0 > 2 Spell(deaths_advance)
	if IncomingDamage(1.5) > 0 Spell(antimagic_shell)
	if Enemies() >= 2 UnholyAoeShortCdActions()
	if Enemies() < 2 UnholySingleTargetShortCdActions()

AddFunction UnholyDefaultCdActions
	if pet.BuffPresent(dark_transformation_buff any=1) and target.TimeToDie() <= 60 UsePotionStrength()
	if Enemies() >= 2 UnholyAoeCdActions()
	if Enemies() < 2 UnholySingleTargetCdActions()

### actions.aoe --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction UnholyAoeMainActions
	if not target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) or not target.DebuffPresent(frost_fever_debuff) UnholySpreadMainActions()
	if BuffPresent(breath_of_sindragosa_buff) UnholyBosAoeMainActions()
	if Rune(blood) >= 2 or Rune(frost) >= 2 and Rune(death) >= 2 and Rune(death) < 3 Spell(blood_boil)
	if BuffStacks(shadow_infusion_buff) >= 5 Spell(dark_transformation)
	if target.HealthPercent() - 3 * target.HealthPercent() / target.TimeToDie() <= 45 Spell(soul_reaper_unholy)
	if Rune(unholy) >= 2 Spell(scourge_strike)
	if RunicPower() > 90 or BuffPresent(sudden_doom_buff) or pet.BuffExpires(dark_transformation_buff any=1) and Rune(unholy) < 2 Spell(death_coil)
	if Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 Spell(scourge_strike)
	if target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } Spell(plague_leech)

AddFunction UnholyAoeShortCdActions
	if BuffPresent(breath_of_sindragosa_buff) UnholyBosAoeShortCdActions()

	unless { Rune(blood) >= 2 or Rune(frost) >= 2 and Rune(death) >= 2 and Rune(death) < 3 } and Spell(blood_boil) or BuffStacks(shadow_infusion_buff) >= 5 and Spell(dark_transformation)
		if Level() <= 90 and BuffStacks(shadow_infusion_buff) == 5 and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)
		if Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 Spell(death_and_decay)

		unless target.HealthPercent() - 3 * target.HealthPercent() / target.TimeToDie() <= 45 and Spell(soul_reaper_unholy) or Rune(unholy) >= 2 and Spell(scourge_strike)
			if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) > 10 and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

			unless { RunicPower() > 90 or BuffPresent(sudden_doom_buff) or pet.BuffExpires(dark_transformation_buff any=1) and Rune(unholy) < 2 } and Spell(death_coil) or Spell(blood_boil) or Spell(icy_touch) or Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 and Spell(scourge_strike) or Spell(death_coil)
				if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

AddFunction UnholyAoeCdActions
	unless Spell(unholy_blight)
		unless Spell(defile)
			if RunicPower() > 75 Spell(breath_of_sindragosa)
			if BuffPresent(breath_of_sindragosa_buff) UnholyBosAoeCdActions()

			unless { Rune(blood) >= 2 or Rune(frost) >= 2 and Rune(death) >= 2 and Rune(death) < 3 } and Spell(blood_boil)

				unless BuffStacks(shadow_infusion_buff) >= 5 and Spell(dark_transformation) or Spell(defile) or Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 and Spell(death_and_decay) or target.HealthPercent() - 3 * target.HealthPercent() / target.TimeToDie() <= 45 and Spell(soul_reaper_unholy) or Rune(unholy) >= 2 and Spell(scourge_strike) or { RunicPower() > 90 or BuffPresent(sudden_doom_buff) or pet.BuffExpires(dark_transformation_buff any=1) and Rune(unholy) < 2 } and Spell(death_coil) or Spell(blood_boil) or Spell(icy_touch) or Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 and Spell(scourge_strike) or Spell(death_coil) or target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech)

### actions.bos_aoe --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction UnholyBosAoeMainActions
	if RunicPower() < 88 Spell(blood_boil)
	if RunicPower() < 88 and Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 Spell(scourge_strike)
	if RunicPower() < 88 Spell(icy_touch)
	if target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } Spell(plague_leech)
	if BuffPresent(sudden_doom_buff) Spell(death_coil)

AddFunction UnholyBosAoeShortCdActions
	if RunicPower() < 88 Spell(death_and_decay)

	unless RunicPower() < 88 and Spell(blood_boil) or RunicPower() < 88 and Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 and Spell(scourge_strike) or RunicPower() < 88 and Spell(icy_touch)
		if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

AddFunction UnholyBosAoeCdActions
	unless RunicPower() < 88 and Spell(death_and_decay) or RunicPower() < 88 and Spell(blood_boil) or RunicPower() < 88 and Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(unholy) < 2 and Spell(scourge_strike) or RunicPower() < 88 and Spell(icy_touch) or target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech)

### actions.bos_st --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction UnholyBosStMainActions
	if RunicPower() < 77 Spell(festering_strike)
	if RunicPower() < 88 Spell(scourge_strike)
	if target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } Spell(plague_leech)
	if BuffPresent(sudden_doom_buff) Spell(death_coil)

AddFunction UnholyBosStShortCdActions
	if RunicPower() < 88 Spell(death_and_decay)

	unless RunicPower() < 77 and Spell(festering_strike) or RunicPower() < 88 and Spell(scourge_strike)
		if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

AddFunction UnholyBosStCdActions
	unless RunicPower() < 88 and Spell(death_and_decay) or RunicPower() < 77 and Spell(festering_strike) or RunicPower() < 88 and Spell(scourge_strike) or target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech)

### actions.precombat --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction UnholyPrecombatMainActions
	if BuffExpires(attack_power_multiplier_buff any=1) Spell(horn_of_winter)

AddFunction UnholyPrecombatShortCdActions
	unless BuffExpires(attack_power_multiplier_buff any=1) and Spell(horn_of_winter) or Spell(unholy_presence)

AddFunction UnholyPrecombatCdActions
	unless BuffExpires(attack_power_multiplier_buff any=1) and Spell(horn_of_winter) or Spell(unholy_presence)

### actions.single_target --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction UnholySingleTargetMainActions
	if SpellCooldown(outbreak) < 1 and target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } Spell(plague_leech)
	if not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and target.DebuffRemaining(blood_plague_debuff) < 1 and target.DebuffRemaining(frost_fever_debuff) < 1 and target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } Spell(plague_leech)
	if Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and target.DebuffRemaining(necrotic_plague_debuff) < 1 and target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } Spell(plague_leech)
	if target.HealthPercent() - 3 * target.HealthPercent() / target.TimeToDie() <= 45 Spell(soul_reaper_unholy)
	if RunicPower() > 90 Spell(death_coil)
	if BuffStacks(shadow_infusion_buff) >= 5 Spell(dark_transformation)
	if not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and { not target.DebuffPresent(frost_fever_debuff) or not target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) } Spell(outbreak)
	if Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(necrotic_plague_debuff) Spell(outbreak)
	if not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and { not target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) or not target.DebuffPresent(frost_fever_debuff) } Spell(plague_strike)
	if Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(necrotic_plague_debuff) Spell(plague_strike)
	if BuffPresent(breath_of_sindragosa_buff) UnholyBosStMainActions()
	if SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) < 7 and RunicPower() < 88 and Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) Spell(scourge_strike)
	if SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) < 7 and RunicPower() < 76 and Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) Spell(festering_strike)
	if Rune(unholy) >= 2 Spell(scourge_strike)
	if RunicPower() > 80 Spell(death_coil)
	if Rune(blood) >= 2 and Rune(frost) >= 2 Spell(festering_strike)
	if BuffPresent(sudden_doom_buff) or pet.BuffExpires(dark_transformation_buff any=1) and Rune(unholy) < 2 Spell(death_coil)
	if not target.HealthPercent() - 3 * target.HealthPercent() / target.TimeToDie() <= 45 or Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(death) >= 1 or Rune(death) >= 2 Spell(scourge_strike)
	if target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } Spell(plague_leech)

AddFunction UnholySingleTargetShortCdActions
	unless SpellCooldown(outbreak) < 1 and target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech) or not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and target.DebuffRemaining(blood_plague_debuff) < 1 and target.DebuffRemaining(frost_fever_debuff) < 1 and target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech) or Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and target.DebuffRemaining(necrotic_plague_debuff) < 1 and target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech) or target.HealthPercent() - 3 * target.HealthPercent() / target.TimeToDie() <= 45 and Spell(soul_reaper_unholy)
		if target.HealthPercent() - 3 * target.HealthPercent() / target.TimeToDie() <= 45 and not SpellCooldown(soul_reaper_unholy) > 0 and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

		unless RunicPower() > 90 and Spell(death_coil)

			unless BuffStacks(shadow_infusion_buff) >= 5 and Spell(dark_transformation)
				if not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and { target.DebuffRemaining(frost_fever_debuff) < 3 or target.DebuffRemaining(blood_plague_debuff) < 3 } Spell(unholy_blight)
				if Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and target.DebuffRemaining(necrotic_plague_debuff) < 1 Spell(unholy_blight)

				unless not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and { not target.DebuffPresent(frost_fever_debuff) or not target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) } and Spell(outbreak) or Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(necrotic_plague_debuff) and Spell(outbreak) or not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and { not target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) or not target.DebuffPresent(frost_fever_debuff) } and Spell(plague_strike) or Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(necrotic_plague_debuff) and Spell(plague_strike)
					if BuffPresent(breath_of_sindragosa_buff) UnholyBosStShortCdActions()
					if SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) < 7 and RunicPower() < 88 and Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) Spell(death_and_decay)

					unless SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) < 7 and RunicPower() < 88 and Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) and Spell(scourge_strike) or SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) < 7 and RunicPower() < 76 and Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) and Spell(festering_strike)
						if Rune(unholy) >= 2 Spell(death_and_decay)

						unless Rune(unholy) >= 2 and Spell(scourge_strike) or RunicPower() > 80 and Spell(death_coil) or Rune(blood) >= 2 and Rune(frost) >= 2 and Spell(festering_strike)
							if not SpellCooldown(death_and_decay) > 0 and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)
							if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) > 10 and { BuffPresent(sudden_doom_buff) or pet.BuffExpires(dark_transformation_buff any=1) and Rune(unholy) < 2 } and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

							unless { BuffPresent(sudden_doom_buff) or pet.BuffExpires(dark_transformation_buff any=1) and Rune(unholy) < 2 } and Spell(death_coil) or { not target.HealthPercent() - 3 * target.HealthPercent() / target.TimeToDie() <= 45 or Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(death) >= 1 or Rune(death) >= 2 } and Spell(scourge_strike) or Spell(festering_strike)
								if BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 10 and RunicPower() >= 30 and BuffStacks(blood_charge_buff) >= 5 Spell(blood_tap)

AddFunction UnholySingleTargetCdActions
	unless SpellCooldown(outbreak) < 1 and target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech) or not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and target.DebuffRemaining(blood_plague_debuff) < 1 and target.DebuffRemaining(frost_fever_debuff) < 1 and target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech) or Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and target.DebuffRemaining(necrotic_plague_debuff) < 1 and target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech) or target.HealthPercent() - 3 * target.HealthPercent() / target.TimeToDie() <= 45 and Spell(soul_reaper_unholy)

		unless RunicPower() > 90 and Spell(death_coil) or Spell(defile) or BuffStacks(shadow_infusion_buff) >= 5 and Spell(dark_transformation) or not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and { target.DebuffRemaining(frost_fever_debuff) < 3 or target.DebuffRemaining(blood_plague_debuff) < 3 } and Spell(unholy_blight) or Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and target.DebuffRemaining(necrotic_plague_debuff) < 1 and Spell(unholy_blight) or not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and { not target.DebuffPresent(frost_fever_debuff) or not target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) } and Spell(outbreak) or Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(necrotic_plague_debuff) and Spell(outbreak) or not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and { not target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) or not target.DebuffPresent(frost_fever_debuff) } and Spell(plague_strike) or Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(necrotic_plague_debuff) and Spell(plague_strike)
			if RunicPower() > 75 Spell(breath_of_sindragosa)
			if BuffPresent(breath_of_sindragosa_buff) UnholyBosStCdActions()

			unless SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) < 7 and RunicPower() < 88 and Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) and Spell(death_and_decay) or SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) < 7 and RunicPower() < 88 and Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) and Spell(scourge_strike) or SpellCooldown(breath_of_sindragosa) < 7 and RunicPower() < 76 and Talent(breath_of_sindragosa_talent) and Spell(festering_strike) or Rune(unholy) >= 2 and Spell(death_and_decay) or Rune(unholy) >= 2 and Spell(scourge_strike) or RunicPower() > 80 and Spell(death_coil) or Rune(blood) >= 2 and Rune(frost) >= 2 and Spell(festering_strike) or Spell(death_and_decay) or { BuffPresent(sudden_doom_buff) or pet.BuffExpires(dark_transformation_buff any=1) and Rune(unholy) < 2 } and Spell(death_coil) or { not target.HealthPercent() - 3 * target.HealthPercent() / target.TimeToDie() <= 45 or Rune(unholy) >= 1 and Rune(death) >= 1 or Rune(death) >= 2 } and Spell(scourge_strike) or Spell(festering_strike) or Spell(death_coil) or target.DiseasesTicking() and { Rune(blood) < 1 or Rune(frost) < 1 or Rune(unholy) < 1 } and Spell(plague_leech)

### actions.spread --> main

AddFunction UnholySpreadMainActions
	if target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) or target.DebuffPresent(frost_fever_debuff) Spell(blood_boil)
	if not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and { not target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) or not target.DebuffPresent(frost_fever_debuff) } Spell(outbreak)
	if Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(necrotic_plague_debuff) Spell(outbreak)
	if not Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and { not target.DebuffPresent(blood_plague_debuff) or not target.DebuffPresent(frost_fever_debuff) } Spell(plague_strike)
	if Talent(necrotic_plague_talent) and not target.DebuffPresent(necrotic_plague_debuff) Spell(plague_strike)
	OvaleScripts:RegisterScript("DEATHKNIGHT", name, desc, code, "include")

	local name = "Ovale"	-- The default script.
	local desc = "[6.0] Ovale: Blood, Frost, Unholy"
	local code = [[
# Ovale death knight script based on SimulationCraft.

# Death knight rotation functions.

### Blood icons
AddCheckBox(opt_deathknight_blood_aoe L(AOE) specialization=blood default)

AddIcon specialization=blood help=shortcd enemies=1 checkbox=!opt_deathknight_blood_aoe
	if InCombat(no) BloodPrecombatShortCdActions()

AddIcon specialization=blood help=shortcd checkbox=opt_deathknight_blood_aoe
	if InCombat(no) BloodPrecombatShortCdActions()

AddIcon specialization=blood help=main enemies=1
	if InCombat(no) BloodPrecombatActions()

AddIcon specialization=blood help=aoe checkbox=opt_deathknight_blood_aoe
	if InCombat(no) BloodPrecombatActions()

AddIcon specialization=blood help=cd enemies=1 checkbox=!opt_deathknight_blood_aoe
	if InCombat(no) BloodPrecombatCdActions()

AddIcon specialization=blood help=cd checkbox=opt_deathknight_blood_aoe
	if InCombat(no) BloodPrecombatCdActions()

### Frost icons.
AddCheckBox(opt_deathknight_frost_aoe L(AOE) specialization=frost default)

AddIcon specialization=frost help=shortcd enemies=1 checkbox=!opt_deathknight_frost_aoe
	if HasWeapon(offhand)
		if not InCombat() FrostDualWieldPrecombatShortCdActions()
	if HasWeapon(offhand no)
		if not InCombat() FrostTwoHanderPrecombatShortCdActions()

AddIcon specialization=frost help=shortcd checkbox=opt_deathknight_frost_aoe
	if HasWeapon(offhand)
		if not InCombat() FrostDualWieldPrecombatShortCdActions()
	if HasWeapon(offhand no)
		if not InCombat() FrostTwoHanderPrecombatShortCdActions()

AddIcon specialization=frost help=main enemies=1
	if HasWeapon(offhand)
		if not InCombat() FrostDualWieldPrecombatMainActions()
	if HasWeapon(offhand no)
		if not InCombat() FrostTwoHanderPrecombatMainActions()

AddIcon specialization=frost help=aoe checkbox=opt_deathknight_frost_aoe
	if HasWeapon(offhand)
		if not InCombat() FrostDualWieldPrecombatMainActions()
	if HasWeapon(offhand no)
		if not InCombat() FrostTwoHanderPrecombatMainActions()

AddIcon specialization=frost help=cd enemies=1 checkbox=!opt_deathknight_frost_aoe
	if HasWeapon(offhand)
		if not InCombat() FrostDualWieldPrecombatCdActions()
	if HasWeapon(offhand no)
		if not InCombat() FrostTwoHanderPrecombatCdActions()

AddIcon specialization=frost help=cd checkbox=opt_deathknight_frost_aoe
	if HasWeapon(offhand)
		if not InCombat() FrostDualWieldPrecombatCdActions()
	if HasWeapon(offhand no)
		if not InCombat() FrostTwoHanderPrecombatCdActions()

### Unholy icons.
AddCheckBox(opt_deathknight_unholy_aoe L(AOE) specialization=unholy default)

AddIcon specialization=unholy help=shortcd enemies=1 checkbox=!opt_deathknight_unholy_aoe
	if not InCombat() UnholyPrecombatShortCdActions()

AddIcon specialization=unholy help=shortcd checkbox=opt_deathknight_unholy_aoe
	if not InCombat() UnholyPrecombatShortCdActions()

AddIcon specialization=unholy help=main enemies=1
	if not InCombat() UnholyPrecombatMainActions()

AddIcon specialization=unholy help=aoe checkbox=opt_deathknight_unholy_aoe
	if not InCombat() UnholyPrecombatMainActions()

AddIcon specialization=unholy help=cd enemies=1 checkbox=!opt_deathknight_unholy_aoe
	if not InCombat() UnholyPrecombatCdActions()

AddIcon specialization=unholy help=cd checkbox=opt_deathknight_unholy_aoe
	if not InCombat() UnholyPrecombatCdActions()
	OvaleScripts:RegisterScript("DEATHKNIGHT", name, desc, code, "script")