local _, Ovale = ...
local OvaleScripts = Ovale.OvaleScripts

	local name = "Ovale"
	local desc = "[5.4] Ovale: Balance, Feral, Guardian, Restoration"
	local code = [[
# Ovale druid script based on SimulationCraft.


AddCheckBox(opt_aoe L(AOE) default)
AddCheckBox(opt_icons_left "Left icons")
AddCheckBox(opt_icons_right "Right icons")

### Balance

### Elitist Jerks rotation functions.

AddCheckBox(opt_elitist_jerks_balance_rotation "Elitist Jerks Balance Rotation" default mastery=balance)

AddFunction BalanceIsNearEclipseState
	# True if we're one cast away from reaching the next Eclipse.
	   { EclipseDir() < 0 and BuffExpires(shooting_stars_buff) and Eclipse() + 100 <= 30 }
	or { EclipseDir() < 0 and BuffPresent(shooting_stars_buff) and Eclipse() + 100 <= 40 }
	or { EclipseDir() > 0 and 100 - Eclipse() <= 40 }

AddFunction BalanceElitistJerksDotActions
	# If both DoTs need to be applied or refreshed, apply the non-Eclipsed DoT first to gain Lunar Shower for the application of the Eclipsed DoT.
	if target.TicksRemain(moonfire_debuff) < 2 and target.TicksRemain(sunfire_debuff) < 2
		if BuffPresent(lunar_eclipse_buff) Spell(sunfire)
		if BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) Spell(moonfire)

	# Apply the Eclipsed DoT when entering the corresponding Eclipse state.
	if BuffPresent(lunar_eclipse_buff) and target.DebuffRemains(moonfire_debuff) < { BuffRemains(natures_grace_buff) - 2 + 2 * ArmorSetBonus(T14_caster 4) } Spell(moonfire)
	if BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) and target.DebuffRemains(sunfire_debuff) < { BuffRemains(natures_grace_buff) - 2 + 2 * ArmorSetBonus(T14_caster 4) } Spell(sunfire)

	# Apply the Eclipsed DoT if it fell off during the Eclipse state.
	if BuffPresent(lunar_eclipse_buff) and target.TicksRemain(moonfire_debuff) < 2 Spell(moonfire)
	if BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) and target.TicksRemain(sunfire_debuff) < 2 Spell(sunfire)

	# Apply the non-Eclipsed DoT only when it is about to expire (on the last tick) and we are not about to enter a new Eclipse state.
	if not BalanceIsNearEclipseState()
		if BuffExpires(lunar_eclipse_buff) and target.TicksRemain(moonfire_debuff) < 2 Spell(moonfire)
		if BuffExpires(solar_eclipse_buff) and target.TicksRemain(sunfire_debuff) < 2 Spell(sunfire)

	# Simplistic logic for refreshing DoTs early to snapshot powerful buff effects.
	if Level() >= 90 and target.DebuffPresent(moonfire_debuff) and Damage(moonfire_debuff) / LastEstimatedDamage(moonfire_debuff) > 1.15 Spell(moonfire)
	if Level() >= 90 and target.DebuffPresent(sunfire_debuff) and Damage(sunfire_debuff) / LastEstimatedDamage(sunfire_debuff) > 1.15 Spell(sunfire)

# Minimize the time spent outside of Eclipse by only casting Starsurge at the appropriate times:
#	* The Shooting Stars buff is about to expire.
#	* During Lunar Eclipse unless it pushes you out of Eclipse during Starfall.
#	* When outside Lunar Eclipse and moving toward Solar Eclipse.
#	* The first time Starsurge is available during Solar Eclipse.
#	* The second time Starsurge is available during Solar Eclipse only at 5 Eclipse energy.
#	* When outside Solar Eclipse and moving toward Lunar Eclipse.
AddFunction BalanceElitistJerksStarsurgeCondition
	   { BuffPresent(shooting_stars_buff) and BuffRemains(shooting_stars_buff) < 2 }
	or { BuffPresent(lunar_eclipse_buff) and 0 - Eclipse() > 20 }
	or { BuffPresent(lunar_eclipse_buff) and 0 - Eclipse() <= 20 and BuffPresent(shooting_stars_buff) and BuffExpires(starfall_buff) }
	or { BuffPresent(lunar_eclipse_buff) and 0 - Eclipse() <= 20 and BuffExpires(shooting_stars_buff) and BuffRemains(starfall_buff) < CastTime(starsurge) }
	or { BuffExpires(lunar_eclipse_buff) and EclipseDir() >= 0 }
	or { BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) and { Eclipse(asValue=1) - 10 } % 15 == 0 }
	or { BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) and Eclipse() == 5 }
	or { BuffExpires(solar_eclipse_buff) and EclipseDir() <= 0 }

# Only suggest Starfire at the appropriate times:
#	* During Lunar Eclipse unless it pushes you out of Eclipse during Starfall.
#	* When outside Lunar Eclipse and moving toward Solar Eclipse.
AddFunction BalanceElitistJerksStarfireCondition
	   { BuffPresent(lunar_eclipse_buff) and 0 - Eclipse() > 20 }
	or { BuffPresent(lunar_eclipse_buff) and 0 - Eclipse() <= 20 and BuffRemains(starfall_buff) < CastTime(starfire) }
	or { BuffExpires(lunar_eclipse_buff) and EclipseDir() >= 0 }

AddFunction BalanceElitistJerksMainActions
	# Proc Dream of Cenarius with Healing Touch if one cast away from reaching Eclipse.
	if TalentPoints(dream_of_cenarius_talent) and BuffExpires(dream_of_cenarius_caster_buff) and BalanceIsNearEclipseState() Spell(healing_touch)
	# Cast instant-cast Starsurge.
	if BuffPresent(shooting_stars_buff) and BalanceElitistJerksStarsurgeCondition() Spell(starsurge)
	# Apply and maintain Moonfire and Sunfire on the target.
	# Proc Dream of Cenarius with Healing Touch after refreshing DoTs if outside of major CD buffs.
	if TalentPoints(dream_of_cenarius_talent) and BuffExpires(dream_of_cenarius_caster_buff) and BuffExpires(celestial_alignment) and BuffExpires(chosen_of_elune_buff) Spell(healing_touch)
	# Cast Starsurge on cooldown.
	if BalanceElitistJerksStarsurgeCondition() Spell(starsurge)
	# Spam Starfire during Celestial Alignment.
	if BuffPresent(celestial_alignment_buff) and CastTime(starfire) < BuffRemains(celestial_alignment_buff) Spell(starfire)
	# Cast Wrath as Celestial Alignment is expiring if the cast will finish before the buff expires.
	if BuffPresent(celestial_alignment_buff) and CastTime(wrath) < BuffRemains(celestial_alignment_buff) Spell(wrath)
	# Cast Starfire if moving toward Solar Eclipse (only if it won't affect Eclipsed Starfall).
	if EclipseDir() > 0 and BalanceElitistJerksStarfireCondition() Spell(starfire)
	# Filler

AddFunction BalanceElitistJerksMovingActions
	# Cast instant-cast Starsurge.
	if BuffPresent(shooting_stars_buff) and BalanceElitistJerksStarsurgeCondition() Spell(starsurge)
	# Apply and maintain Moonfire and Sunfire on the target.
	if WildMushroomCount() < 3 Spell(wild_mushroom_caster)
	if BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) Spell(sunfire)

AddFunction BalanceElitistJerksCdActions
	if BuffPresent(burst_haste any=1) or target.TimeToDie() <= 40 or BuffPresent(celestial_alignment_buff) UsePotionIntellect()
	if BuffPresent(celestial_alignment_buff) Spell(berserking)
	if BuffPresent(celestial_alignment_buff) or SpellCooldown(celestial_alignment) > 30 UseItemActions()
	if TalentPoints(natures_vigil_talent) and BuffPresent(celestial_alignment_buff) or BuffPresent(chosen_of_elune_buff) Spell(natures_vigil)

	unless { TalentPoints(dream_of_cenarius_talent) and BuffExpires(dream_of_cenarius_caster_buff) and BalanceIsNearEclipseState() }
		if TalentPoints(incarnation_talent) and { BuffPresent(lunar_eclipse_buff) or BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) } and BuffPresent(natures_grace_buff) Spell(incarnation)
		if { BuffExpires(lunar_eclipse_buff) and BuffExpires(solar_eclipse_buff) } and { BuffPresent(chosen_of_elune_buff) or not TalentPoints(incarnation_talent) or SpellCooldown(incarnation) > 10 } Spell(celestial_alignment)

# Based on SimulationCraft profile "Druid_Balance_T16H".
#	class=druid
#	spec=balance
#	talents=http://us.battle.net/wow/en/tool/talent-calculator#Ua!.0.1.0

AddFunction BalanceDefaultActions
	if TalentPoints(dream_of_cenarius_talent) and not BuffPresent(dream_of_cenarius_caster_buff) and ManaPercent() > 25 Spell(healing_touch)
	if BuffPresent(shooting_stars_buff) and not BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) Spell(starsurge)
	if BuffPresent(lunar_eclipse_buff) and { target.DebuffRemains(moonfire_debuff) < { BuffRemains(natures_grace_buff) -2 + 2 * ArmorSetBonus(T14_caster 4) } } Spell(moonfire)
	if BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) and { target.DebuffRemains(sunfire_debuff) < { BuffRemains(natures_grace_buff) -2 + 2 * ArmorSetBonus(T14_caster 4) } } Spell(sunfire)
	if target.DebuffRemains(moonfire_debuff) < { BuffRemains(natures_grace_buff) -2 + 2 * ArmorSetBonus(T14_caster 4) } Spell(moonfire)
	if target.DebuffRemains(sunfire_debuff) < { BuffRemains(natures_grace_buff) -2 + 2 * ArmorSetBonus(T14_caster 4) } Spell(sunfire)
	if BuffPresent(lunar_eclipse_buff) and target.TicksRemain(moonfire_debuff) < 2 Spell(moonfire)
	if BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) and target.TicksRemain(sunfire_debuff) < 2 Spell(sunfire)
	if Spell(starsurge) Spell(starsurge)
	if BuffPresent(celestial_alignment_buff) and CastTime(starfire) < BuffRemains(celestial_alignment_buff) Spell(starfire)
	if BuffPresent(celestial_alignment_buff) and CastTime(wrath) < BuffRemains(celestial_alignment_buff) Spell(wrath)
	if EclipseDir() == 1 or { EclipseDir() == 0 and Eclipse() > 0 } Spell(starfire)
	if EclipseDir() < 0 or { EclipseDir() == 0 and Eclipse() <= 0 } Spell(wrath)

AddFunction BalanceDefaultMovingActions
	if BuffPresent(shooting_stars_buff) and not BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) Spell(starsurge)
	if BuffPresent(lunar_eclipse_buff) and { target.DebuffRemains(moonfire_debuff) < { BuffRemains(natures_grace_buff) -2 + 2 * ArmorSetBonus(T14_caster 4) } } Spell(moonfire)
	if BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) and { target.DebuffRemains(sunfire_debuff) < { BuffRemains(natures_grace_buff) -2 + 2 * ArmorSetBonus(T14_caster 4) } } Spell(sunfire)
	if target.DebuffRemains(moonfire_debuff) < { BuffRemains(natures_grace_buff) -2 + 2 * ArmorSetBonus(T14_caster 4) } Spell(moonfire)
	if target.DebuffRemains(sunfire_debuff) < { BuffRemains(natures_grace_buff) -2 + 2 * ArmorSetBonus(T14_caster 4) } Spell(sunfire)
	if BuffPresent(lunar_eclipse_buff) and target.TicksRemain(moonfire_debuff) < 2 Spell(moonfire)
	if BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) and target.TicksRemain(sunfire_debuff) < 2 Spell(sunfire)
	if target.TicksRemain(moonfire_debuff) < 2 Spell(moonfire)
	if target.TicksRemain(sunfire_debuff) < 2 Spell(sunfire)
	if WildMushroomCount() < 3 Spell(wild_mushroom_caster)
	if BuffPresent(shooting_stars_buff) Spell(starsurge)
	if BuffPresent(lunar_eclipse_buff) Spell(moonfire)

AddFunction BalanceAoeActions
	if WildMushroomCount() > 0 and BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) Spell(wild_mushroom_detonate)
	if BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) and BuffPresent(natures_grace_buff) Spell(hurricane)
	if BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) and ManaPercent() > 25 Spell(hurricane)

AddFunction BalanceDefaultShortCdActions
	if not BuffPresent(starfall_buff) Spell(starfall)
	if TalentPoints(force_of_nature_talent) Spell(force_of_nature_caster)

AddFunction BalanceDefaultCdActions
	if BuffPresent(burst_haste any=1) or target.TimeToDie() <= 40 or BuffPresent(celestial_alignment_buff) UsePotionIntellect()

	unless { not BuffPresent(starfall_buff) and Spell(starfall) }
		if BuffPresent(celestial_alignment_buff) Spell(berserking)
		if BuffPresent(celestial_alignment_buff) or SpellCooldown(celestial_alignment) > 30 UseItemActions()
		if WildMushroomCount() > 0 and BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) Spell(wild_mushroom_detonate)
		if TalentPoints(dream_of_cenarius_talent) Spell(natures_swiftness)

		unless { TalentPoints(dream_of_cenarius_talent) and not BuffPresent(dream_of_cenarius_caster_buff) and ManaPercent() > 25 and Spell(healing_touch) }
			if TalentPoints(incarnation_talent) and { BuffPresent(lunar_eclipse_buff) or BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) } Spell(incarnation)
			if { not BuffPresent(lunar_eclipse_buff) and not BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) } and { BuffPresent(chosen_of_elune_buff) or not TalentPoints(incarnation_talent) or SpellCooldown(incarnation) > 10 } Spell(celestial_alignment)
			if TalentPoints(natures_vigil_talent) Spell(natures_vigil)

AddFunction BalancePrecombatActions
	if not BuffPresent(str_agi_int any=1) Spell(mark_of_the_wild)
	if not BuffPresent(dream_of_cenarius_caster_buff) and TalentPoints(dream_of_cenarius_talent) Spell(healing_touch)
	if not Stance(druid_moonkin_form) Spell(moonkin_form)
	# Snapshot raid buffed stats before combat begins and pre-potting is done.

AddFunction BalancePrecombatMovingActions
	if WildMushroomCount() < 3 Spell(wild_mushroom_caster)

AddFunction BalancePrecombatCdActions

### Balance Icons

AddIcon mastery=balance size=small checkboxon=opt_icons_left
	if TalentPoints(renewal_talent) Spell(renewal)
	if TalentPoints(cenarion_ward_talent) Spell(cenarion_ward)

AddIcon mastery=balance size=small checkboxon=opt_icons_left
	if WildMushroomCount() > 0 and BuffPresent(solar_eclipse_buff) Spell(wild_mushroom_detonate)

AddIcon mastery=balance help=shortcd
	if not Stance(druid_moonkin_form) Spell(moonkin_form)


AddIcon mastery=balance help=main
	if InCombat(no) BalancePrecombatActions()
	if CheckBoxOn(opt_elitist_jerks_balance_rotation) BalanceElitistJerksMainActions()
	if CheckBoxOff(opt_elitist_jerks_balance_rotation) BalanceDefaultActions()

AddIcon mastery=balance help=moving
	if InCombat(no) BalancePrecombatMovingActions()
	if CheckBoxOn(opt_elitist_jerks_balance_rotation) BalanceElitistJerksMovingActions()
	if CheckBoxOff(opt_elitist_jerks_balance_rotation) BalanceDefaultMovingActions()

AddIcon mastery=balance help=cd
	if CheckBoxOn(opt_elitist_jerks_balance_rotation) BalanceElitistJerksCdActions()
	if CheckBoxOff(opt_elitist_jerks_balance_rotation) BalanceDefaultCdActions()

AddIcon mastery=balance size=small checkboxon=opt_icons_right
	if TalentPoints(heart_of_the_wild_talent) Spell(heart_of_the_wild_caster)
	if TalentPoints(natures_vigil_talent) Spell(natures_vigil)

AddIcon mastery=balance size=small checkboxon=opt_icons_right

### Feral
# Based on SimulationCraft profile "Druid_Feral_T16H_Adv_Rotation".
#	class=druid
#	spec=feral
#	talents=http://us.battle.net/wow/en/tool/talent-calculator#UZ!...2.1
#	glyphs=savagery/cat_form

AddCheckBox(opt_weakened_armor_debuff SpellName(weakened_armor_debuff) default mastery=feral)

AddFunction FeralFillerActions
	Spell(ravage usable=1)
	if target.TimeToDie() - target.DebuffRemains(rake_debuff) > 3 and target.Damage(rake_debuff) * { target.TicksRemain(rake_debuff) + 1 } - target.LastEstimatedDamage(rake_debuff) * target.TicksRemain(rake_debuff) > target.Damage(mangle_cat) Spell(rake)
	if { BuffPresent(omen_of_clarity_melee_buff) or BuffPresent(berserk_cat_buff) or EnergyRegen() >= 15 } and BuffExpires(king_of_the_jungle_buff) Spell(shred)
	if BuffExpires(king_of_the_jungle_buff) Spell(mangle_cat)

AddFunction FeralBasicActions
	if Charges(force_of_nature_melee) == 3 or BuffPresent(trinket_proc_agility_buff) or { BuffPresent(rune_of_reorigination_buff) and BuffRemains(rune_of_reorigination_buff) < 1 } or target.TimeToDie() < 20 Spell(force_of_nature_melee)
	if target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) and target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) <= 3 and target.HealthPercent() <= 25 Spell(ferocious_bite)
	if CheckBoxOn(opt_weakened_armor_debuff) and target.DebuffStacks(weakened_armor_debuff any=1) < 3 Spell(faerie_fire)
	if TalentPoints(dream_of_cenarius_talent) and BuffPresent(predatory_swiftness_buff) and BuffExpires(dream_of_cenarius_melee_buff) and { BuffRemains(predatory_swiftness_buff) < 1.5 or ComboPoints() >= 4 } Spell(healing_touch)
	if BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) < 3 SavageRoar()
	if Energy() <= 35 and not BuffPresent(omen_of_clarity_melee_buff) Spell(tigers_fury)
	if ComboPoints() >= 5 and target.HealthPercent() <= 25 and target.Damage(rip_debuff) / target.LastEstimatedDamage(rip_debuff) >= 1.15 Spell(rip)
	if ComboPoints() >= 5 and target.HealthPercent() <= 25 and target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) Spell(ferocious_bite)
	if ComboPoints() >= 5 and target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) < 2 Spell(rip)
	if BuffPresent(omen_of_clarity_melee_buff) and target.DebuffRemains(thrash_cat_debuff) < 3 Spell(thrash_cat)
	if target.DebuffRemains(rake_debuff) < 3 or target.Damage(rake_debuff) > target.LastEstimatedDamage(rake_debuff) Spell(rake)
	if target.DebuffRemains(thrash_cat_debuff) < 3 and { target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) >= 8 and BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) >= 12 or BuffPresent(berserk_cat_buff) or ComboPoints() >= 5 } wait Spell(thrash_cat)
	unless ComboPoints() >= 5 and not { TimeToMaxEnergy() <= 1 or { BuffPresent(berserk_cat_buff) and Energy() >= 25 } or { BuffPresent(feral_rage_buff) and BuffRemains(feral_rage_buff) <= 1 } } and target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff)
		if ComboPoints() >= 5 and target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) Spell(ferocious_bite)
		if BuffPresent(omen_of_clarity_melee_buff) FeralFillerActions()
		if BuffPresent(feral_fury_buff) FeralFillerActions()
		if { ComboPoints() < 5 and target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) < 3 } or { ComboPoints() == 0 and BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) < 2 } FeralFillerActions()
		if target.TimeToDie() <= 8.5 FeralFillerActions()
		if BuffPresent(tigers_fury_buff) or BuffPresent(berserk_cat_buff) FeralFillerActions()
		if SpellCooldown(tigers_fury) <= 3 FeralFillerActions()
		if TimeToMaxEnergy() <= 1 FeralFillerActions()

AddFunction FeralBasicPredictiveActions
	if Charges(force_of_nature_melee) == 3 or BuffPresent(trinket_proc_agility_buff) or { BuffPresent(rune_of_reorigination_buff) and BuffRemains(rune_of_reorigination_buff) < 1 } or target.TimeToDie() < 20 Spell(force_of_nature_melee)
	if target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) and target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) <= 3 and target.HealthPercent() <= 25 Spell(ferocious_bite)
	if CheckBoxOn(opt_weakened_armor_debuff) and target.DebuffStacks(weakened_armor_debuff any=1) < 3 Spell(faerie_fire)
	if TalentPoints(dream_of_cenarius_talent) and BuffPresent(predatory_swiftness_buff) and BuffExpires(dream_of_cenarius_melee_buff) and { BuffRemains(predatory_swiftness_buff) < 1.5 or ComboPoints() >= 4 } Spell(healing_touch)
	if BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) < 3 SavageRoar()
	if Energy() <= 35 and not BuffPresent(omen_of_clarity_melee_buff) Spell(tigers_fury)
	if ComboPoints() >= 5 and target.HealthPercent() <= 25 and target.Damage(rip_debuff) / target.LastEstimatedDamage(rip_debuff) >= 1.15 Spell(rip)
	if ComboPoints() >= 5 and target.HealthPercent() <= 25 and target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) Spell(ferocious_bite)
	if ComboPoints() >= 5 and target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) < 2 Spell(rip)
	if BuffPresent(omen_of_clarity_melee_buff) and target.DebuffRemains(thrash_cat_debuff) < 3 Spell(thrash_cat)
	if target.DebuffRemains(rake_debuff) < 3 or target.Damage(rake_debuff) > target.LastEstimatedDamage(rake_debuff) Spell(rake)
	if target.DebuffRemains(thrash_cat_debuff) < 3 and { target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) >= 8 and BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) >= 12 or BuffPresent(berserk_cat_buff) or ComboPoints() >= 5 } wait Spell(thrash_cat)
	unless ComboPoints() >= 5 and not { TimeToMaxEnergy() <= 1 or { BuffPresent(berserk_cat_buff) and Energy() >= 25 } or { BuffPresent(feral_rage_buff) and BuffRemains(feral_rage_buff) <= 1 } } and target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff)
		if ComboPoints() >= 5 and target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) Spell(ferocious_bite)

AddFunction FeralBasicCdActions

	unless { target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) and target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) <= 3 and target.HealthPercent() <= 25 and Spell(ferocious_bite) }
		or { CheckBoxOn(opt_weakened_armor_debuff) and target.DebuffStacks(weakened_armor_debuff any=1) < 3 and Spell(faerie_fire) }
		or { TalentPoints(dream_of_cenarius_talent) and BuffPresent(predatory_swiftness_buff) and BuffExpires(dream_of_cenarius_melee_buff) and { BuffRemains(predatory_swiftness_buff) < 1.5 or ComboPoints() >= 4 } and Spell(healing_touch) }
		or { BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) < 3 and SavageRoar() }
		if { target.HealthPercent() < 30 and BuffPresent(berserk_cat_buff) } or target.TimeToDie() <= 40 UsePotionAgility()

		# Synchronize display with Tiger's Fury buff in main actions.
		if { Energy() <= 35 and not BuffPresent(omen_of_clarity_melee_buff) } or BuffPresent(tigers_fury_buff)

AddFunction FeralAoeActions
	if CheckBoxOn(opt_weakened_armor_debuff) and target.DebuffStacks(weakened_armor_debuff any=1) < 3 Spell(faerie_fire)
	if BuffExpires(savage_roar_buff) or { BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) < 3 and ComboPoints() > 0 } SavageRoar()
	if Energy() <= 35 and not BuffPresent(omen_of_clarity_melee_buff) Spell(tigers_fury)
	if BuffPresent(tigers_fury_buff) Spell(berserk_cat)
	if BuffPresent(rune_of_reorigination_buff) wait Spell(thrash_cat)
	if target.DebuffRemains(thrash_cat_debuff) < 3 or { BuffPresent(tigers_fury_buff) and target.DebuffRemains(thrash_cat_debuff) < 9 } wait Spell(thrash_cat)
	if BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) < 9 and ComboPoints() >= 5 SavageRoar()
	if ComboPoints() >= 5 Spell(rip)
	if { Enemies() < 8 or BuffPresent(rune_of_reorigination_buff) } and target.DebuffRemains(rake_debuff) < 3 and target.TimeToDie() >= 15 Spell(rake)
	if BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) <= 5 Spell(swipe_cat)
	if BuffPresent(tigers_fury_buff) or BuffPresent(berserk_cat_buff) Spell(swipe_cat)
	if SpellCooldown(tigers_fury) < 3 Spell(swipe_cat)
	if BuffPresent(omen_of_clarity_melee_buff) Spell(swipe_cat)
	if TimeToMaxEnergy() <= 1 Spell(swipe_cat)

AddFunction FeralPrecombatActions
	if not BuffPresent(str_agi_int any=1) Spell(mark_of_the_wild)
	if not BuffPresent(dream_of_cenarius_melee_buff) and TalentPoints(dream_of_cenarius_talent) Spell(healing_touch)
	if not Stance(druid_cat_form) Spell(cat_form)
	if Stealthed(no) Spell(prowl)

AddFunction FeralPrecombatCdActions

AddFunction FeralAdvancedActions
	if Charges(force_of_nature_melee) == 3 or { BuffPresent(rune_of_reorigination_buff) and BuffRemains(rune_of_reorigination_buff) < 1 } or { BuffPresent(trinket_proc_agility_buff) and BuffRemains(trinket_proc_agility_buff) < 1 } or target.TimeToDie() < 20 Spell(force_of_nature_melee)
	if Stealthed() Spell(ravage)
	if target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) and target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) <= 3 and target.HealthPercent() <= 25 Spell(ferocious_bite)
	if CheckBoxOn(opt_weakened_armor_debuff) and target.DebuffStacks(weakened_armor_debuff any=1) < 3 Spell(faerie_fire)
	if TalentPoints(dream_of_cenarius_talent) and BuffPresent(predatory_swiftness_buff) and BuffExpires(dream_of_cenarius_melee_buff) and { BuffRemains(predatory_swiftness_buff) < 1.5 or ComboPoints() >= 4 } Spell(healing_touch)
	if BuffExpires(savage_roar_buff) SavageRoar()
	if Energy() <= 35 and not BuffPresent(omen_of_clarity_melee_buff) Spell(tigers_fury)
	if BuffPresent(omen_of_clarity_melee_buff) and target.DebuffRemains(thrash_cat_debuff) < 3 and target.TimeToDie() >= 6 Spell(thrash_cat)
	if target.TimeToDie() <= 1 and ComboPoints() >= 3 Spell(ferocious_bite)
	if BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) <= 3 and ComboPoints() > 0 and target.HealthPercent() < 25 SavageRoar()
	if ComboPoints() >= 5 and target.Damage(rip_debuff) / target.LastEstimatedDamage(rip_debuff) >= 1.15 and target.TimeToDie() > 30 Spell(rip)
	if ComboPoints() >= 4 and target.Damage(rip_debuff) / target.LastEstimatedDamage(rip_debuff) >= 0.95 and target.TimeToDie() > 30 and BuffPresent(rune_of_reorigination_buff) and BuffRemains(rune_of_reorigination_buff) <= 1.5 Spell(rip)
	unless ComboPoints() >= 5 and target.HealthPercent() <= 25 and target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) and not { Energy() >= 50 or { BuffPresent(berserk_cat_buff) and Energy() >= 25 } }
		if ComboPoints() >= 5 and target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) and target.HealthPercent() <= 25 Spell(ferocious_bite)
		if ComboPoints() >= 5 and target.TimeToDie() >= 6 and target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) < 2 and { BuffPresent(berserk_cat_buff) or target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) + 1.9 <= SpellCooldown(tigers_fury) } Spell(rip)
		if BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) <= 3 and ComboPoints() > 0 and BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) + 2 > target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) SavageRoar()
		if BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) <= 6 and ComboPoints() >= 5 and BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) + 2 <= target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) and target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) SavageRoar()
		if BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) <= 12 and ComboPoints() >= 5 and TimeToMaxEnergy() <= 1 and BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) <= target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) + 6 and target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) SavageRoar()
		if BuffPresent(rune_of_reorigination_buff) and target.DebuffRemains(rake_debuff) < 9 and BuffRemains(rune_of_reorigination_buff) <= 1.5 Spell(rake)
		if target.TimeToDie() - target.DebuffRemains(rake_debuff) > 3 and { target.Damage(rake_debuff) > target.LastEstimatedDamage(rake_debuff) or { target.DebuffRemains(rake_debuff) < 3 and target.Damage(rake_debuff) / target.LastEstimatedDamage(rake_debuff) >= 0.75 } } Spell(rake)
		if target.TimeToDie() >= 6 and target.DebuffRemains(thrash_cat_debuff) < 3 and { target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) >= 8 and BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) >= 12 or BuffPresent(berserk_cat_buff) or ComboPoints() >= 5 } and target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) wait Spell(thrash_cat)
		if target.TimeToDie() >= 6 and target.DebuffRemains(thrash_cat_debuff) < 9 and BuffPresent(rune_of_reorigination_buff) and BuffRemains(rune_of_reorigination_buff) <= 1.5 and target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) wait Spell(thrash_cat)
		unless ComboPoints() >= 5 and not { TimeToMaxEnergy() <= 1 or { BuffPresent(berserk_cat_buff) and Energy() >= 25 } or { BuffPresent(feral_rage_buff) and BuffRemains(feral_rage_buff) <= 1 } } and target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff)
			if ComboPoints() >= 5 and target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) Spell(ferocious_bite)
			if BuffPresent(omen_of_clarity_melee_buff) FeralFillerActions()
			if BuffPresent(feral_fury_buff) FeralFillerActions()
			if { ComboPoints() < 5 and target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) < 3 } or { ComboPoints() == 0 and BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) < 2 } FeralFillerActions()
			if target.TimeToDie() <= 8.5 FeralFillerActions()
			if BuffPresent(tigers_fury_buff) or BuffPresent(berserk_cat_buff) FeralFillerActions()
			if SpellCooldown(tigers_fury) <= 3 FeralFillerActions()
			if TimeToMaxEnergy() <= 1 FeralFillerActions()

AddFunction FeralAdvancedPredictiveActions
	if Charges(force_of_nature_melee) == 3 or { BuffPresent(rune_of_reorigination_buff) and BuffRemains(rune_of_reorigination_buff) < 1 } or { BuffPresent(trinket_proc_agility_buff) and BuffRemains(trinket_proc_agility_buff) < 1 } or target.TimeToDie() < 20 Spell(force_of_nature_melee)
	if Stealthed() Spell(ravage)
	if target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) and target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) <= 3 and target.HealthPercent() <= 25 Spell(ferocious_bite)
	if CheckBoxOn(opt_weakened_armor_debuff) and target.DebuffStacks(weakened_armor_debuff any=1) < 3 Spell(faerie_fire)
	if TalentPoints(dream_of_cenarius_talent) and BuffPresent(predatory_swiftness_buff) and BuffExpires(dream_of_cenarius_melee_buff) and { BuffRemains(predatory_swiftness_buff) < 1.5 or ComboPoints() >= 4 } Spell(healing_touch)
	if BuffExpires(savage_roar_buff) SavageRoar()
	if Energy() <= 35 and not BuffPresent(omen_of_clarity_melee_buff) Spell(tigers_fury)
	if BuffPresent(omen_of_clarity_melee_buff) and target.DebuffRemains(thrash_cat_debuff) < 3 and target.TimeToDie() >= 6 Spell(thrash_cat)
	if target.TimeToDie() <= 1 and ComboPoints() >= 3 Spell(ferocious_bite)
	if BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) <= 3 and ComboPoints() > 0 and target.HealthPercent() < 25 SavageRoar()
	if ComboPoints() >= 5 and target.Damage(rip_debuff) / target.LastEstimatedDamage(rip_debuff) >= 1.15 and target.TimeToDie() > 30 Spell(rip)
	if ComboPoints() >= 4 and target.Damage(rip_debuff) / target.LastEstimatedDamage(rip_debuff) >= 0.95 and target.TimeToDie() > 30 and BuffPresent(rune_of_reorigination_buff) and BuffRemains(rune_of_reorigination_buff) <= 1.5 Spell(rip)
	unless ComboPoints() >= 5 and target.HealthPercent() <= 25 and target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) and not { Energy() >= 50 or { BuffPresent(berserk_cat_buff) and Energy() >= 25 } }
		if ComboPoints() >= 5 and target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) and target.HealthPercent() <= 25 Spell(ferocious_bite)
		if ComboPoints() >= 5 and target.TimeToDie() >= 6 and target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) < 2 and { BuffPresent(berserk_cat_buff) or target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) + 1.9 <= SpellCooldown(tigers_fury) } Spell(rip)
		if BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) <= 3 and ComboPoints() > 0 and BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) + 2 > target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) SavageRoar()
		if BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) <= 6 and ComboPoints() >= 5 and BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) + 2 <= target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) and target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) SavageRoar()
		if BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) <= 12 and ComboPoints() >= 5 and TimeToMaxEnergy() <= 1 and BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) <= target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) + 6 and target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) SavageRoar()
		if BuffPresent(rune_of_reorigination_buff) and target.DebuffRemains(rake_debuff) < 9 and BuffRemains(rune_of_reorigination_buff) <= 1.5 Spell(rake)
		if target.TimeToDie() - target.DebuffRemains(rake_debuff) > 3 and { target.Damage(rake_debuff) > target.LastEstimatedDamage(rake_debuff) or { target.DebuffRemains(rake_debuff) < 3 and target.Damage(rake_debuff) / target.LastEstimatedDamage(rake_debuff) >= 0.75 } } Spell(rake)
		if target.TimeToDie() >= 6 and target.DebuffRemains(thrash_cat_debuff) < 3 and { target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) >= 8 and BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) >= 12 or BuffPresent(berserk_cat_buff) or ComboPoints() >= 5 } and target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) wait Spell(thrash_cat)
		if target.TimeToDie() >= 6 and target.DebuffRemains(thrash_cat_debuff) < 9 and BuffPresent(rune_of_reorigination_buff) and BuffRemains(rune_of_reorigination_buff) <= 1.5 and target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) wait Spell(thrash_cat)
		unless ComboPoints() >= 5 and not { TimeToMaxEnergy() <= 1 or { BuffPresent(berserk_cat_buff) and Energy() >= 25 } or { BuffPresent(feral_rage_buff) and BuffRemains(feral_rage_buff) <= 1 } } and target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff)
			if ComboPoints() >= 5 and target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) Spell(ferocious_bite)

AddFunction FeralAdvancedCdActions
	unless { Stealthed() and Spell(ravage) }
		or { target.DebuffPresent(rip_debuff) and target.DebuffRemains(rip_debuff) <= 3 and target.HealthPercent() <= 25 and Spell(ferocious_bite) }
		or { CheckBoxOn(opt_weakened_armor_debuff) and target.DebuffStacks(weakened_armor_debuff any=1) < 3 and Spell(faerie_fire) }
		or { TalentPoints(dream_of_cenarius_talent) and BuffPresent(predatory_swiftness_buff) and BuffExpires(dream_of_cenarius_melee_buff) and { BuffRemains(predatory_swiftness_buff) < 1.5 or ComboPoints() >= 4 } and Spell(healing_touch) }
		or { BuffExpires(savage_roar_buff) and SavageRoar() }
		# Synchronize display with Tiger's Fury buff in main actions.
		if target.TimeToDie() < 18 and SpellCooldown(tigers_fury) > 6 Spell(berserk_cat)
		if { Energy() <= 35 and not BuffPresent(omen_of_clarity_melee_buff) } or BuffPresent(tigers_fury_buff)

		unless { BuffPresent(omen_of_clarity_melee_buff) and target.DebuffRemains(thrash_cat_debuff) < 3 and target.TimeToDie() >= 6 and Spell(thrash_cat) }
			or { target.TimeToDie() <= 1 and ComboPoints() >= 3 or Spell(ferocious_bite) }
			or { BuffRemains(savage_roar_buff) <= 3 and ComboPoints() > 0 and target.HealthPercent() < 25 and SavageRoar() }
			if { ComboPoints() >= 5 and { target.TimeToDie() * { target.HealthPercent() -25 } / target.HealthPercent() } < 15 and BuffPresent(rune_of_reorigination_buff) } or target.TimeToDie() <= 40 UsePotionAgility()

AddListItem(opt_feral_rotation basic "Use basic rotation" default mastery=feral)
AddListItem(opt_feral_rotation advanced "Use advanced rotation" mastery=feral)

### Feral Icons

AddIcon mastery=feral size=small checkboxon=opt_icons_left
	if TalentPoints(renewal_talent) Spell(renewal)
	if TalentPoints(cenarion_ward_talent) Spell(cenarion_ward)

AddIcon mastery=feral size=small checkboxon=opt_icons_left
	if TalentPoints(displacer_beast_talent) Spell(displacer_beast)
	if TalentPoints(wild_charge_talent)
		if Stance(druid_bear_form) and target.InRange(wild_charge_bear) and not target.InRange(mangle_bear) Spell(wild_charge_bear)
		if Stance(druid_cat_form) and target.InRange(wild_charge_cat) and not target.InRange(mangle_cat) Spell(wild_charge_cat)
		if target.InRange(wild_charge) Spell(wild_charge)

AddIcon mastery=feral help=main
	if InCombat(no) FeralPrecombatActions()
	if not target.InRange(mangle_cat) Texture(ability_druid_catformattack help=NotInMeleeRange)
	if List(opt_feral_rotation basic) FeralBasicActions()
	if List(opt_feral_rotation advanced) FeralAdvancedActions()

AddIcon mastery=feral help=main
	if InCombat(no) FeralPrecombatActions()
	if not target.InRange(mangle_cat) Texture(ability_druid_catformattack help=NotInMeleeRange)
	if List(opt_feral_rotation basic) FeralBasicPredictiveActions()
	if List(opt_feral_rotation advanced) FeralAdvancedPredictiveActions()

AddIcon mastery=feral help=aoe checkboxon=opt_aoe
	if InCombat(no) FeralPrecombatActions()

AddIcon mastery=feral help=cd
	if List(opt_feral_rotation basic) FeralBasicCdActions()
	if List(opt_feral_rotation advanced) FeralAdvancedCdActions()

AddIcon mastery=feral size=small checkboxon=opt_icons_right
	if TalentPoints(heart_of_the_wild_talent) Spell(heart_of_the_wild_melee)
	if TalentPoints(natures_vigil_talent) Spell(natures_vigil)

AddIcon mastery=feral size=small checkboxon=opt_icons_right

### Guardian

AddFunction GuardianAoeActions
	# AoE rotation: Mangle > Thrash > Swipe
	if target.DebuffRemains(thrash_bear_debuff) < 3 Spell(thrash_bear)

AddFunction GuardianMainActions
	if target.DebuffRemains(weakened_blows_debuff any=1) < 3 Spell(thrash_bear)
	if { target.DebuffRemains(lacerate_debuff) < 3 or { target.DebuffStacks(lacerate_debuff) < 3 and target.DebuffRemains(thrash_bear_debuff) > 3 } } and { BuffPresent(son_of_ursoc_buff) or BuffPresent(berserk_bear_buff) } Spell(lacerate)
	if target.DebuffStacks(weakened_armor_debuff any=1) < 3 FaerieFire()
	if target.DebuffRemains(thrash_bear_debuff) < 3 and { BuffPresent(son_of_ursoc_buff) or BuffPresent(berserk_bear_buff) } Spell(thrash_bear)
	Spell(mangle_bear wait=0.5)
	if TalentPoints(cenarion_ward_talent) Spell(cenarion_ward)
	if BuffPresent(dream_of_cenarius_tank_buff) Spell(healing_touch)
	if target.DebuffRemains(lacerate_debuff) < 3 or target.DebuffStacks(lacerate_debuff) < 3 Spell(lacerate)
	if target.DebuffRemains(thrash_bear_debuff) < 2 Spell(thrash_bear)
	if target.DebuffRemains(thrash_bear_debuff) > 6 FaerieFire()

AddFunction GuardianShortCdActions
	if HealthPercent() < 100 and Charges(savage_defense) < 1 and IncomingDamage(5) > 0.2 * MaxHealth() Spell(frenzied_regeneration)
	if HealthPercent() < 100 and Charges(savage_defense) > 0 and IncomingDamage(5) > 0.4 * MaxHealth() Spell(frenzied_regeneration)
	if BuffPresent(tooth_and_claw_buff) and target.DebuffExpires(tooth_and_claw_debuff) Spell(maul)

AddFunction GuardianCdActions
	if Rage() < 11 Spell(enrage)
	if HealthPercent() < 25
		if BuffExpires(son_of_ursoc) Spell(berserk_bear)
		if TalentPoints(incarnation_talent) and BuffExpires(berserk_bear_buff) Spell(incarnation)
	if BuffExpires(burst_haste any=1) Spell(berserking)
	if BuffExpires(son_of_ursoc) Spell(berserk_bear)
	if TalentPoints(incarnation_talent) and BuffExpires(berserk_bear) Spell(incarnation)

AddFunction GuardianPrecombatActions
	if BuffRemains(str_agi_int any=1) < 600 Spell(mark_of_the_wild)
	if not Stance(druid_bear_form) Spell(bear_form)

### Guardian icons.

AddIcon mastery=guardian size=small checkboxon=opt_icons_left

AddIcon mastery=guardian size=small checkboxon=opt_icons_left
	if TalentPoints(force_of_nature_talent) Spell(force_of_nature_tank)

AddIcon mastery=guardian help=shortcd

AddIcon mastery=guardian help=main
	if InCombat(no) GuardianPrecombatActions()

AddIcon mastery=guardian help=aoe checkboxon=aoe

AddIcon mastery=guardian help=cd

AddIcon mastery=guardian size=small checkboxon=opt_icons_right
	if TalentPoints(renewal_talent) and IncomingDamage(5) > 0.8 * MaxHealth() Spell(renewal)

AddIcon mastery=guardian size=small checkboxon=opt_icons_right

### Restoration

# Swiftmend requires either a Rejuvenation or Regrowth HoT to be on the target before
# it is usable, but we want to show Swiftmend as usable if the cooldown is up.
AddFunction Swiftmend
	if not SpellCooldown(swiftmend) > 0 Texture(inv_relics_idolofrejuvenation help=Swiftmend)

AddFunction RestorationMainActions
	if WildMushroomCount() < 1 Spell(wild_mushroom_heal)

	# Cast instant/mana-free Healing Touch or Regrowth.
	if BuffStacks(sage_mender_buff) == 5 Spell(healing_touch)
	if BuffPresent(omen_of_clarity_heal_buff)
		if Glyph(glyph_of_regrowth) Spell(regrowth)
	if BuffPresent(natures_swiftness_buff) Spell(healing_touch)

	# Maintain 100% uptime on Harmony mastery buff.
	if BuffRemains(harmony_buff) < 6
		if BuffCountOnAny(rejuvenation_buff) > 0 or BuffCountOnAny(regrowth_buff) > 0 Swiftmend()

	# Keep one Lifebloom stack up on the raid.
	if BuffRemainsOnAny(lifebloom_buff stacks=3) < 4 Spell(lifebloom)

	# Cast Cenarion Ward on cooldown, usually on the tank.
	if TalentPoints(cenarion_ward_talent) Spell(cenarion_ward)

AddFunction RestorationAoeActions
	if BuffPresent(tree_of_life_buff)
		if BuffPresent(omen_of_clarity_heal_buff) Spell(regrowth)

	if BuffExpires(tree_of_life_buff)
		if not Glyph(glyph_of_efflorescence) Swiftmend()
		if BuffCountOnAny(rejuvenation_buff) > 4 Spell(genesis)

AddFunction RestorationShortCdActions
	if WildMushroomIsCharged() Spell(wild_mushroom_bloom)

AddFunction RestorationCdActions
	if TalentPoints(force_of_nature_talent) Spell(force_of_nature_heal)
	if TalentPoints(incarnation_talent) Spell(incarnation)
	if TalentPoints(heart_of_the_wild_talent) Spell(heart_of_the_wild_heal)
	if TalentPoints(natures_vigil_talent) Spell(natures_vigil)

AddFunction RestorationPrecombatActions
	if BuffRemains(str_agi_int any=1) < 600 Spell(mark_of_the_wild)

### Restoration icons.

AddIcon mastery=restoration size=small checkboxon=opt_icons_left

AddIcon mastery=restoration size=small checkboxon=opt_icons_left
	if ManaPercent() < 90 Spell(innervate)
	if TalentPoints(natures_vigil_talent) Spell(natures_vigil)

AddIcon mastery=restoration help=shortcd

AddIcon mastery=restoration help=main
	if InCombat(no) RestorationPrecombatActions()

AddIcon mastery=restoration help=aoe checkboxon=opt_aoe

AddIcon mastery=restoration help=cd

AddIcon mastery=restoration size=small checkboxon=opt_icons_right

AddIcon mastery=restoration size=small checkboxon=opt_icons_right

	OvaleScripts:RegisterScript("DRUID", name, desc, code, "script")