local OVALE, Ovale = ...
local OvaleScripts = Ovale.OvaleScripts

	local name = "ovale_priest"
	local desc = "[6.0] Ovale: Shadow"
	local code = [[
# Ovale priest script based on SimulationCraft.


AddCheckBox(opt_potion_intellect ItemName(draenic_intellect_potion) default)

AddFunction UsePotionIntellect
	if CheckBoxOn(opt_potion_intellect) and target.Classification(worldboss) Item(draenic_intellect_potion usable=1)

AddFunction InterruptActions
	if not target.IsFriend() and target.IsInterruptible()
		if not target.Classification(worldboss)
			if target.InRange(quaking_palm) Spell(quaking_palm)

### Shadow
# Based on SimulationCraft profile "Priest_Shadow_T17M_COP".
#	class=priest
#	spec=shadow
#	talents=1133131
#	glyphs=mind_flay/fade/sha

# ActionList: ShadowDefaultActions --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction ShadowDefaultActions
	if not BuffPresent(shadowform_buff) Spell(shadowform)
	if ArmorSetBonus(PVP 2) ShadowPvpDispersionActions()

AddFunction ShadowDefaultShortCdActions
	unless not BuffPresent(shadowform_buff) and Spell(shadowform)
		if ArmorSetBonus(PVP 2) ShadowPvpDispersionShortCdActions()

AddFunction ShadowDefaultCdActions
	unless not BuffPresent(shadowform_buff) and Spell(shadowform)
		if BuffPresent(burst_haste_buff any=1) or target.TimeToDie() <= 40 UsePotionIntellect()
		if Talent(power_infusion_talent) Spell(power_infusion)
		if ArmorSetBonus(PVP 2) ShadowPvpDispersionCdActions()

# ActionList: ShadowCopActions --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction ShadowCopActions
	if ShadowOrbs() >= 3 and { SpellCooldown(mind_blast) <= GCD() * 1 or SpellCooldown(shadow_word_death) <= GCD() * 1 and target.HealthPercent() < 20 } and 0 == 0 Spell(devouring_plague)
	if ShadowOrbs() >= 3 and { SpellCooldown(mind_blast) <= GCD() * 1 or SpellCooldown(shadow_word_death) <= GCD() * 1 and target.HealthPercent() < 20 } Spell(devouring_plague)
	if 0 == 0 Spell(mind_blast)
	if Enemies() <= 5 and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 Spell(mind_blast)
	if target.HealthPercent() < 20 Spell(shadow_word_death)
	if DebuffCountOnAny(shadow_word_pain_debuff) <= Enemies() and DebuffCountOnAny(shadow_word_pain_debuff) <= 5 and True(miss_react) and not target.DebuffPresent(shadow_word_pain_debuff) and Enemies() <= 5 and 0 == 0 Spell(shadow_word_pain)
	if DebuffCountOnAny(vampiric_touch_debuff) <= Enemies() and DebuffCountOnAny(vampiric_touch_debuff) <= 5 and target.DebuffRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) < CastTime(vampiric_touch) and True(miss_react) and Enemies() <= 5 and 0 == 0 Spell(vampiric_touch)
	if Enemies() >= 5 Spell(mind_sear)
	if Enemies() <= 4 and BuffPresent(surge_of_darkness_buff) Spell(mind_spike)
	if Enemies() >= 3 Spell(mind_sear)
	if target.TicksRemaining(devouring_plague_debuff) > 1 and Enemies() == 1 Spell(mind_flay)
	if Speed() > 0 Spell(shadow_word_death)
	if BuffPresent(shadowy_insight_buff) and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 and Speed() > 0 Spell(mind_blast)
	if Speed() > 0 and 0 == 0 Spell(shadow_word_pain)

AddFunction ShadowCopShortCdActions
	unless ShadowOrbs() >= 3 and { SpellCooldown(mind_blast) <= GCD() * 1 or SpellCooldown(shadow_word_death) <= GCD() * 1 and target.HealthPercent() < 20 } and 0 == 0 and Spell(devouring_plague)
		or ShadowOrbs() >= 3 and { SpellCooldown(mind_blast) <= GCD() * 1 or SpellCooldown(shadow_word_death) <= GCD() * 1 and target.HealthPercent() < 20 } and Spell(devouring_plague)
		or 0 == 0 and Spell(mind_blast)
		or Enemies() <= 5 and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 and Spell(mind_blast)
		or target.HealthPercent() < 20 and Spell(shadow_word_death)
		if Talent(halo_talent) and target.Distance() <= 30 and target.Distance() >= 17 Spell(halo_caster)
		if Talent(cascade_talent) and { Enemies() > 1 or target.Distance() >= 28 } and target.Distance() <= 40 and target.Distance() >= 11 Spell(cascade_caster)
		if Talent(divine_star_talent) and { Enemies() > 1 or target.Distance() <= 24 } Spell(divine_star_caster)

		unless DebuffCountOnAny(shadow_word_pain_debuff) <= Enemies() and DebuffCountOnAny(shadow_word_pain_debuff) <= 5 and True(miss_react) and not target.DebuffPresent(shadow_word_pain_debuff) and Enemies() <= 5 and 0 == 0 and Spell(shadow_word_pain)
			or DebuffCountOnAny(vampiric_touch_debuff) <= Enemies() and DebuffCountOnAny(vampiric_touch_debuff) <= 5 and target.DebuffRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) < CastTime(vampiric_touch) and True(miss_react) and Enemies() <= 5 and 0 == 0 and Spell(vampiric_touch)
			or Enemies() >= 5 and Spell(mind_sear)
			or Enemies() <= 4 and BuffPresent(surge_of_darkness_buff) and Spell(mind_spike)
			or Enemies() >= 3 and Spell(mind_sear)
			or target.TicksRemaining(devouring_plague_debuff) > 1 and Enemies() == 1 and Spell(mind_flay)
			or Spell(mind_spike)
			or Speed() > 0 and Spell(shadow_word_death)
			or BuffPresent(shadowy_insight_buff) and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 and Speed() > 0 and Spell(mind_blast)
			if Speed() > 0 and Talent(halo_talent) and target.Distance() <= 30 Spell(halo_caster)
			if Talent(divine_star_talent) and target.Distance() <= 28 and Speed() > 0 Spell(divine_star_caster)
			if Talent(cascade_talent) and target.Distance() <= 40 and Speed() > 0 Spell(cascade_caster)

AddFunction ShadowCopCdActions
	unless ShadowOrbs() >= 3 and { SpellCooldown(mind_blast) <= GCD() * 1 or SpellCooldown(shadow_word_death) <= GCD() * 1 and target.HealthPercent() < 20 } and 0 == 0 and Spell(devouring_plague)
		or ShadowOrbs() >= 3 and { SpellCooldown(mind_blast) <= GCD() * 1 or SpellCooldown(shadow_word_death) <= GCD() * 1 and target.HealthPercent() < 20 } and Spell(devouring_plague)
		or 0 == 0 and Spell(mind_blast)
		or Enemies() <= 5 and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 and Spell(mind_blast)
		or target.HealthPercent() < 20 and Spell(shadow_word_death)
		if Talent(mindbender_talent) Spell(mindbender)
		if not Talent(mindbender_talent) Spell(shadowfiend)

# ActionList: ShadowCopDotweaveActions --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction ShadowCopDotweaveActions
	if target.DebuffPresent(vampiric_touch_debuff) and target.DebuffPresent(shadow_word_pain_debuff) and ShadowOrbs() == 5 and not SpellCooldown(devouring_plague) > 0 Spell(devouring_plague)
	if BuffRemaining(mental_instinct_buff) < GCD() and BuffPresent(mental_instinct_buff) Spell(devouring_plague)
	if target.DebuffPresent(vampiric_touch_debuff) and target.DebuffPresent(shadow_word_pain_debuff) and not BuffPresent(shadow_word_insanity_buff) and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.4 * GCD() Spell(devouring_plague)
	if Glyph(glyph_of_mind_harvest) and 0 == 0 and ShadowOrbs() <= 2 Spell(mind_blast)
	if ShadowOrbs() <= 4 and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 Spell(mind_blast)
	if ShadowOrbs() == 4 and ArmorSetBonus(T17 2) and not target.DebuffPresent(shadow_word_pain_debuff) and not target.DebuffPresent(devouring_plague_debuff) and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) < 1.2 * GCD() and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.2 * GCD() Spell(shadow_word_pain)
	if ShadowOrbs() == 5 and not target.DebuffPresent(devouring_plague_debuff) and not target.DebuffPresent(shadow_word_pain_debuff) Spell(shadow_word_pain)
	if ShadowOrbs() == 5 and not target.DebuffPresent(devouring_plague_debuff) and not target.DebuffPresent(vampiric_touch_debuff) Spell(vampiric_touch)
	if BuffPresent(shadow_word_insanity_buff) and BuffPresent(shadow_word_insanity_buff) Spell(insanity)
	if ShadowOrbs() >= 2 and target.DebuffRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) >= 6 and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.5 * GCD() and target.DebuffRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) and BuffPresent(burst_haste_buff any=1) and not ArmorSetBonus(T17 2) Spell(shadow_word_pain)
	if ShadowOrbs() >= 2 and target.DebuffRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) >= 5 and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.5 * GCD() and BuffPresent(burst_haste_buff any=1) and not ArmorSetBonus(T17 2) Spell(vampiric_touch)
	if DebuffCountOnAny(shadow_word_pain_debuff) <= Enemies() and DebuffCountOnAny(shadow_word_pain_debuff) <= 5 and 0 == 0 and { not target.DebuffPresent(shadow_word_pain_debuff) or target.DebuffRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) <= 18 * 0.3 } Spell(shadow_word_pain)
	if DebuffCountOnAny(vampiric_touch_debuff) <= Enemies() and DebuffCountOnAny(vampiric_touch_debuff) <= 5 and 0 == 0 and { not target.DebuffPresent(vampiric_touch_debuff) or target.DebuffRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) <= 15 * 0.3 } Spell(vampiric_touch)
	if BuffRemaining(shadow_word_insanity_buff) <= GCD() and BuffPresent(burst_haste_buff any=1) and not target.DebuffRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) and not target.DebuffRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) Spell(mind_spike)
	if { target.DebuffRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) and not target.DebuffRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) or not target.DebuffRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) and target.DebuffRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) } and ShadowOrbs() <= 2 and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.5 * GCD() Spell(mind_spike)
	if ArmorSetBonus(T17 2) and target.DebuffRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) and target.DebuffRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.9 * GCD() Spell(mind_flay)
	if Speed() > 0 Spell(shadow_word_death)
	if Speed() > 0 Spell(shadow_word_pain)

AddFunction ShadowCopDotweaveShortCdActions
	unless target.DebuffPresent(vampiric_touch_debuff) and target.DebuffPresent(shadow_word_pain_debuff) and ShadowOrbs() == 5 and not SpellCooldown(devouring_plague) > 0 and Spell(devouring_plague)
		or BuffRemaining(mental_instinct_buff) < GCD() and BuffPresent(mental_instinct_buff) and Spell(devouring_plague)
		or target.DebuffPresent(vampiric_touch_debuff) and target.DebuffPresent(shadow_word_pain_debuff) and not BuffPresent(shadow_word_insanity_buff) and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.4 * GCD() and Spell(devouring_plague)
		or Glyph(glyph_of_mind_harvest) and 0 == 0 and ShadowOrbs() <= 2 and Spell(mind_blast)
		or ShadowOrbs() <= 4 and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 and Spell(mind_blast)
		or ShadowOrbs() == 4 and ArmorSetBonus(T17 2) and not target.DebuffPresent(shadow_word_pain_debuff) and not target.DebuffPresent(devouring_plague_debuff) and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) < 1.2 * GCD() and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.2 * GCD() and Spell(shadow_word_pain)
		or ShadowOrbs() == 5 and not target.DebuffPresent(devouring_plague_debuff) and not target.DebuffPresent(shadow_word_pain_debuff) and Spell(shadow_word_pain)
		or ShadowOrbs() == 5 and not target.DebuffPresent(devouring_plague_debuff) and not target.DebuffPresent(vampiric_touch_debuff) and Spell(vampiric_touch)
		or BuffPresent(shadow_word_insanity_buff) and BuffPresent(shadow_word_insanity_buff) and Spell(insanity)
		or ShadowOrbs() >= 2 and target.DebuffRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) >= 6 and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.5 * GCD() and target.DebuffRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) and BuffPresent(burst_haste_buff any=1) and not ArmorSetBonus(T17 2) and Spell(shadow_word_pain)
		or ShadowOrbs() >= 2 and target.DebuffRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) >= 5 and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.5 * GCD() and BuffPresent(burst_haste_buff any=1) and not ArmorSetBonus(T17 2) and Spell(vampiric_touch)
		if SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.5 * GCD() and Talent(halo_talent) and target.Distance() <= 30 and target.Distance() >= 17 Spell(halo_caster)
		if SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.5 and GCD() and Talent(divine_star_talent) and { Enemies() > 1 or target.Distance() <= 24 } Spell(divine_star_caster)
		if SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.5 * GCD() and Talent(cascade_talent) and { Enemies() > 1 or target.Distance() >= 28 } and target.Distance() <= 40 and target.Distance() >= 11 Spell(cascade_caster)

		unless DebuffCountOnAny(shadow_word_pain_debuff) <= Enemies() and DebuffCountOnAny(shadow_word_pain_debuff) <= 5 and 0 == 0 and { not target.DebuffPresent(shadow_word_pain_debuff) or target.DebuffRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) <= 18 * 0.3 } and Spell(shadow_word_pain)
			or DebuffCountOnAny(vampiric_touch_debuff) <= Enemies() and DebuffCountOnAny(vampiric_touch_debuff) <= 5 and 0 == 0 and { not target.DebuffPresent(vampiric_touch_debuff) or target.DebuffRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) <= 15 * 0.3 } and Spell(vampiric_touch)
			or BuffRemaining(shadow_word_insanity_buff) <= GCD() and BuffPresent(burst_haste_buff any=1) and not target.DebuffRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) and not target.DebuffRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) and Spell(mind_spike)
			or { target.DebuffRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) and not target.DebuffRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) or not target.DebuffRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) and target.DebuffRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) } and ShadowOrbs() <= 2 and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.5 * GCD() and Spell(mind_spike)
			or ArmorSetBonus(T17 2) and target.DebuffRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) and target.DebuffRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.9 * GCD() and Spell(mind_flay)
			or Spell(mind_spike)
			or Speed() > 0 and Spell(shadow_word_death)
			if Talent(halo_talent) and target.Distance() <= 30 and Speed() > 0 Spell(halo_caster)
			if Talent(divine_star_talent) and target.Distance() <= 28 and Speed() > 0 Spell(divine_star_caster)
			if Talent(cascade_talent) and target.Distance() <= 40 and Speed() > 0 Spell(cascade_caster)

AddFunction ShadowCopDotweaveCdActions
	unless target.DebuffPresent(vampiric_touch_debuff) and target.DebuffPresent(shadow_word_pain_debuff) and ShadowOrbs() == 5 and not SpellCooldown(devouring_plague) > 0 and Spell(devouring_plague)
		or BuffRemaining(mental_instinct_buff) < GCD() and BuffPresent(mental_instinct_buff) and Spell(devouring_plague)
		or target.DebuffPresent(vampiric_touch_debuff) and target.DebuffPresent(shadow_word_pain_debuff) and not BuffPresent(shadow_word_insanity_buff) and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.4 * GCD() and Spell(devouring_plague)
		or Glyph(glyph_of_mind_harvest) and 0 == 0 and ShadowOrbs() <= 2 and Spell(mind_blast)
		or ShadowOrbs() <= 4 and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 and Spell(mind_blast)
		if not Talent(mindbender_talent) and not BuffPresent(shadow_word_insanity_buff) Spell(shadowfiend)
		if Talent(mindbender_talent) and not BuffPresent(shadow_word_insanity_buff) Spell(mindbender)

# ActionList: ShadowCopMfiActions --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction ShadowCopMfiActions
	if ShadowOrbs() == 5 Spell(devouring_plague)
	if Glyph(glyph_of_mind_harvest) and 0 == 0 Spell(mind_blast)
	if Enemies() <= 5 and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 Spell(mind_blast)
	if target.HealthPercent() < 20 Spell(shadow_word_death)
	if ShadowOrbs() >= 3 and { SpellCooldown(mind_blast) < GCD() * 1 or target.HealthPercent() < 20 and SpellCooldown(shadow_word_death) < GCD() * 1 } Spell(devouring_plague)
	if DebuffCountOnAny(shadow_word_pain_debuff) <= Enemies() and DebuffCountOnAny(shadow_word_pain_debuff) <= 5 and target.DebuffRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) < 18 * 0.3 and True(miss_react) and Enemies() <= 5 and 0 == 0 Spell(shadow_word_pain)
	if DebuffCountOnAny(vampiric_touch_debuff) <= Enemies() and DebuffCountOnAny(vampiric_touch_debuff) <= 5 and target.DebuffRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) < 15 * 0.3 + CastTime(vampiric_touch) and True(miss_react) and Enemies() <= 5 and 0 == 0 Spell(vampiric_touch)
	if BuffRemaining(shadow_word_insanity_buff) < 0.5 * GCD() and Enemies() <= 2 and BuffPresent(shadow_word_insanity_buff) Spell(insanity)
	if Enemies() <= 2 and BuffPresent(shadow_word_insanity_buff) Spell(insanity)
	if Enemies() >= 6 Spell(mind_sear)
	if Speed() > 0 Spell(shadow_word_death)
	if BuffPresent(shadowy_insight_buff) and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 and Speed() > 0 Spell(mind_blast)
	if Speed() > 0 and 0 == 0 Spell(shadow_word_pain)

AddFunction ShadowCopMfiShortCdActions
	unless ShadowOrbs() == 5 and Spell(devouring_plague)
		or Glyph(glyph_of_mind_harvest) and 0 == 0 and Spell(mind_blast)
		or Enemies() <= 5 and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 and Spell(mind_blast)
		or target.HealthPercent() < 20 and Spell(shadow_word_death)
		or ShadowOrbs() >= 3 and { SpellCooldown(mind_blast) < GCD() * 1 or target.HealthPercent() < 20 and SpellCooldown(shadow_word_death) < GCD() * 1 } and Spell(devouring_plague)
		or DebuffCountOnAny(shadow_word_pain_debuff) <= Enemies() and DebuffCountOnAny(shadow_word_pain_debuff) <= 5 and target.DebuffRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) < 18 * 0.3 and True(miss_react) and Enemies() <= 5 and 0 == 0 and Spell(shadow_word_pain)
		or DebuffCountOnAny(vampiric_touch_debuff) <= Enemies() and DebuffCountOnAny(vampiric_touch_debuff) <= 5 and target.DebuffRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) < 15 * 0.3 + CastTime(vampiric_touch) and True(miss_react) and Enemies() <= 5 and 0 == 0 and Spell(vampiric_touch)
		or BuffRemaining(shadow_word_insanity_buff) < 0.5 * GCD() and Enemies() <= 2 and BuffPresent(shadow_word_insanity_buff) and Spell(insanity)
		or Enemies() <= 2 and BuffPresent(shadow_word_insanity_buff) and Spell(insanity)
		if Talent(halo_talent) and target.Distance() <= 30 and target.Distance() >= 17 Spell(halo_caster)
		if Talent(cascade_talent) and { Enemies() > 1 or target.Distance() >= 28 } and target.Distance() <= 40 and target.Distance() >= 11 Spell(cascade_caster)
		if Talent(divine_star_talent) and { Enemies() > 1 or target.Distance() <= 24 } Spell(divine_star_caster)

		unless Enemies() >= 6 and Spell(mind_sear)
			or Spell(mind_spike)
			or Speed() > 0 and Spell(shadow_word_death)
			or BuffPresent(shadowy_insight_buff) and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 and Speed() > 0 and Spell(mind_blast)
			if Talent(halo_talent) and target.Distance() <= 30 and Speed() > 0 Spell(halo_caster)
			if Talent(divine_star_talent) and target.Distance() <= 28 and Speed() > 0 Spell(divine_star_caster)
			if Talent(cascade_talent) and target.Distance() <= 40 and Speed() > 0 Spell(cascade_caster)

AddFunction ShadowCopMfiCdActions
	unless ShadowOrbs() == 5 and Spell(devouring_plague)
		or Glyph(glyph_of_mind_harvest) and 0 == 0 and Spell(mind_blast)
		or Enemies() <= 5 and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 and Spell(mind_blast)
		or target.HealthPercent() < 20 and Spell(shadow_word_death)
		or ShadowOrbs() >= 3 and { SpellCooldown(mind_blast) < GCD() * 1 or target.HealthPercent() < 20 and SpellCooldown(shadow_word_death) < GCD() * 1 } and Spell(devouring_plague)
		if Talent(mindbender_talent) Spell(mindbender)
		if not Talent(mindbender_talent) Spell(shadowfiend)

# ActionList: ShadowDecisionActions --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction ShadowDecisionActions
	if Talent(clarity_of_power_talent) and Talent(insanity_talent) and target.HealthPercent() > 20 and Enemies() <= 5 ShadowCopDotweaveActions()
	if Talent(clarity_of_power_talent) and Talent(insanity_talent) and target.HealthPercent() <= 20 ShadowCopMfiActions()
	if Talent(clarity_of_power_talent) ShadowCopActions()
	if Talent(void_entropy_talent) ShadowVentActions()

AddFunction ShadowDecisionShortCdActions
	if Talent(clarity_of_power_talent) and Talent(insanity_talent) and target.HealthPercent() > 20 and Enemies() <= 5 ShadowCopDotweaveShortCdActions()
	if Talent(clarity_of_power_talent) and Talent(insanity_talent) and target.HealthPercent() <= 20 ShadowCopMfiShortCdActions()
	if Talent(clarity_of_power_talent) ShadowCopShortCdActions()
	if Talent(void_entropy_talent) ShadowVentShortCdActions()

AddFunction ShadowDecisionCdActions
	if Talent(clarity_of_power_talent) and Talent(insanity_talent) and target.HealthPercent() > 20 and Enemies() <= 5 ShadowCopDotweaveCdActions()
	if Talent(clarity_of_power_talent) and Talent(insanity_talent) and target.HealthPercent() <= 20 ShadowCopMfiCdActions()
	if Talent(clarity_of_power_talent) ShadowCopCdActions()
	if Talent(void_entropy_talent) ShadowVentCdActions()

# ActionList: ShadowMainActions --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction ShadowMainActions
	if target.HealthPercent() < 20 and ShadowOrbs() <= 4 Spell(shadow_word_death)
	if Glyph(glyph_of_mind_harvest) and ShadowOrbs() <= 2 and Enemies() <= 5 and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 Spell(mind_blast)
	if ShadowOrbs() == 5 and Talent(surge_of_darkness_talent) Spell(devouring_plague)
	if ShadowOrbs() == 5 Spell(devouring_plague)
	if ShadowOrbs() >= 3 and { SpellCooldown(mind_blast) < 1.5 or target.HealthPercent() < 20 and SpellCooldown(shadow_word_death) < 1.5 } and not target.DebuffPresent(devouring_plague_debuff) and Talent(surge_of_darkness_talent) Spell(devouring_plague)
	if ShadowOrbs() >= 3 and { SpellCooldown(mind_blast) < 1.5 or target.HealthPercent() < 20 and SpellCooldown(shadow_word_death) < 1.5 } Spell(devouring_plague)
	if Glyph(glyph_of_mind_harvest) and 0 == 0 Spell(mind_blast)
	if Enemies() <= 5 and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 Spell(mind_blast)
	if BuffRemaining(shadow_word_insanity_buff) < 0.5 * GCD() and Enemies() <= 2 and BuffPresent(shadow_word_insanity_buff) Spell(insanity)
	if Enemies() <= 2 and BuffPresent(shadow_word_insanity_buff) Spell(insanity)
	if Talent(auspicious_spirits_talent) and target.DebuffRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) < 18 * 0.3 and True(miss_react) Spell(shadow_word_pain)
	if DebuffCountOnAny(shadow_word_pain_debuff) <= Enemies() and DebuffCountOnAny(shadow_word_pain_debuff) <= 5 and not Talent(auspicious_spirits_talent) and target.DebuffRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) < 18 * 0.3 and True(miss_react) and Enemies() <= 5 Spell(shadow_word_pain)
	if DebuffCountOnAny(vampiric_touch_debuff) <= Enemies() and DebuffCountOnAny(vampiric_touch_debuff) <= 5 and target.DebuffRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) < 15 * 0.3 + CastTime(vampiric_touch) and True(miss_react) and Enemies() <= 5 Spell(vampiric_touch)
	if not Talent(void_entropy_talent) and ShadowOrbs() >= 3 and target.TicksRemaining(devouring_plague_debuff) < 2 Spell(devouring_plague)
	if Enemies() <= 5 and BuffStacks(surge_of_darkness_buff) == 3 Spell(mind_spike)
	unless target.HealthPercent() < 20 and SpellCooldown(shadow_word_death) > 0 and SpellCooldown(shadow_word_death) < 0.5 and Enemies() <= 1 and SpellCooldown(shadow_word_death) > 0
		unless SpellCooldown(mind_blast) < 0.5 and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 and Enemies() <= 1 and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0
			if BuffPresent(surge_of_darkness_buff) and Enemies() <= 5 Spell(mind_spike)
			if Enemies() >= 4 Spell(mind_sear)
			if ShadowOrbs() >= 2 and target.TicksRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) < 4 and Talent(insanity_talent) Spell(shadow_word_pain)
			if ShadowOrbs() >= 2 and target.TicksRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) < 4.5 and Talent(insanity_talent) Spell(vampiric_touch)
			if Speed() > 0 and BuffPresent(shadowy_insight_buff) and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 Spell(mind_blast)
			if Speed() > 0 Spell(shadow_word_death)
			if Speed() > 0 Spell(shadow_word_pain)

AddFunction ShadowMainShortCdActions
	unless target.HealthPercent() < 20 and ShadowOrbs() <= 4 and Spell(shadow_word_death)
		or Glyph(glyph_of_mind_harvest) and ShadowOrbs() <= 2 and Enemies() <= 5 and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 and Spell(mind_blast)
		or ShadowOrbs() == 5 and Talent(surge_of_darkness_talent) and Spell(devouring_plague)
		or ShadowOrbs() == 5 and Spell(devouring_plague)
		or ShadowOrbs() >= 3 and { SpellCooldown(mind_blast) < 1.5 or target.HealthPercent() < 20 and SpellCooldown(shadow_word_death) < 1.5 } and not target.DebuffPresent(devouring_plague_debuff) and Talent(surge_of_darkness_talent) and Spell(devouring_plague)
		or ShadowOrbs() >= 3 and { SpellCooldown(mind_blast) < 1.5 or target.HealthPercent() < 20 and SpellCooldown(shadow_word_death) < 1.5 } and Spell(devouring_plague)
		or Glyph(glyph_of_mind_harvest) and 0 == 0 and Spell(mind_blast)
		or Enemies() <= 5 and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 and Spell(mind_blast)
		or BuffRemaining(shadow_word_insanity_buff) < 0.5 * GCD() and Enemies() <= 2 and BuffPresent(shadow_word_insanity_buff) and Spell(insanity)
		or Enemies() <= 2 and BuffPresent(shadow_word_insanity_buff) and Spell(insanity)
		if Talent(halo_talent) and target.Distance() <= 30 and Enemies() > 2 Spell(halo_caster)
		if Talent(cascade_talent) and Enemies() > 2 and target.Distance() <= 40 Spell(cascade_caster)
		if Talent(divine_star_talent) and Enemies() > 4 and target.Distance() <= 24 Spell(divine_star_caster)

		unless Talent(auspicious_spirits_talent) and target.DebuffRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) < 18 * 0.3 and True(miss_react) and Spell(shadow_word_pain)
			or DebuffCountOnAny(shadow_word_pain_debuff) <= Enemies() and DebuffCountOnAny(shadow_word_pain_debuff) <= 5 and not Talent(auspicious_spirits_talent) and target.DebuffRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) < 18 * 0.3 and True(miss_react) and Enemies() <= 5 and Spell(shadow_word_pain)
			or DebuffCountOnAny(vampiric_touch_debuff) <= Enemies() and DebuffCountOnAny(vampiric_touch_debuff) <= 5 and target.DebuffRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) < 15 * 0.3 + CastTime(vampiric_touch) and True(miss_react) and Enemies() <= 5 and Spell(vampiric_touch)
			or not Talent(void_entropy_talent) and ShadowOrbs() >= 3 and target.TicksRemaining(devouring_plague_debuff) < 2 and Spell(devouring_plague)
			or Enemies() <= 5 and BuffStacks(surge_of_darkness_buff) == 3 and Spell(mind_spike)
			if Talent(halo_talent) and target.Distance() <= 30 and target.Distance() >= 17 Spell(halo_caster)
			if Talent(cascade_talent) and { Enemies() > 1 or target.Distance() >= 28 } and target.Distance() <= 40 and target.Distance() >= 11 Spell(cascade_caster)
			if Talent(divine_star_talent) and { Enemies() > 1 or target.Distance() <= 24 } Spell(divine_star_caster)

			unless target.HealthPercent() < 20 and SpellCooldown(shadow_word_death) > 0 and SpellCooldown(shadow_word_death) < 0.5 and Enemies() <= 1 and SpellCooldown(shadow_word_death) > 0
				unless SpellCooldown(mind_blast) < 0.5 and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 and Enemies() <= 1 and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0
					unless BuffPresent(surge_of_darkness_buff) and Enemies() <= 5 and Spell(mind_spike)
						if Talent(divine_star_talent) and target.Distance() <= 28 and Enemies() > 1 Spell(divine_star_caster)

						unless Enemies() >= 4 and Spell(mind_sear)
							or ShadowOrbs() >= 2 and target.TicksRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) < 4 and Talent(insanity_talent) and Spell(shadow_word_pain)
							or ShadowOrbs() >= 2 and target.TicksRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) < 4.5 and Talent(insanity_talent) and Spell(vampiric_touch)
							or Spell(mind_flay)
							or Speed() > 0 and BuffPresent(shadowy_insight_buff) and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 and Spell(mind_blast)
							if Speed() > 0 and Talent(divine_star_talent) and target.Distance() <= 28 Spell(divine_star_caster)
							if Speed() > 0 and Talent(cascade_talent) and target.Distance() <= 40 Spell(cascade_caster)

AddFunction ShadowMainCdActions
	if Talent(mindbender_talent) Spell(mindbender)
	if not Talent(mindbender_talent) Spell(shadowfiend)

# ActionList: ShadowPrecombatActions --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction ShadowPrecombatActions
	# CHANGE: Different foods for different level-100 talents: AS -> blackrock_barbecue, CoP -> sleeper_surprise, VE -> frosty_stew
	if not BuffPresent(stamina_buff any=1) Spell(power_word_fortitude)
	if not BuffPresent(shadowform_buff) Spell(shadowform)
	# CHANGE: Use Mind Spike if talented into Clarity of Power, and Vampiric Touch otherwise.
	if Talent(clarity_of_power_talent) Spell(mind_spike)
	if not Talent(clarity_of_power_talent) Spell(vampiric_touch)

AddFunction ShadowPrecombatShortCdActions {}

AddFunction ShadowPrecombatCdActions
	unless not BuffPresent(stamina_buff any=1) and Spell(power_word_fortitude)
		or not BuffPresent(shadowform_buff) and Spell(shadowform)

# ActionList: ShadowPvpDispersionActions --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction ShadowPvpDispersionActions
	if SpellCooldown(dispersion) > 0 ShadowDecisionActions()

AddFunction ShadowPvpDispersionShortCdActions
	if SpellCooldown(dispersion) > 0 ShadowDecisionShortCdActions()

AddFunction ShadowPvpDispersionCdActions
	if SpellCooldown(dispersion) > 0 ShadowDecisionCdActions()

# ActionList: ShadowVentActions --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction ShadowVentActions
	if ShadowOrbs() == 3 and not target.DebuffPresent(void_entropy_debuff) and target.TimeToDie() > 60 and Enemies() == 1 Spell(void_entropy)
	if DebuffCountOnAny(void_entropy_debuff) <= Enemies() and DebuffCountOnAny(void_entropy_debuff) <= 60 / { SpellCooldownDuration(mind_blast) * 3 * 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } } and not target.DebuffPresent(void_entropy_debuff) and ShadowOrbs() == 5 and Enemies() >= 1 and target.TimeToDie() > 60 Spell(void_entropy)
	if target.DebuffPresent(void_entropy_debuff) and target.DebuffRemaining(void_entropy_debuff) <= GCD() * 2 and not SpellCooldown(devouring_plague) > 0 Spell(devouring_plague)
	if ShadowOrbs() == 5 and target.DebuffRemaining(void_entropy_debuff) < 10 Spell(devouring_plague)
	if ShadowOrbs() == 5 and target.DebuffRemaining(void_entropy_debuff) < 20 Spell(devouring_plague)
	if ShadowOrbs() == 5 and target.DebuffRemaining(void_entropy_debuff) Spell(devouring_plague)
	if Glyph(glyph_of_mind_harvest) and 0 == 0 and ShadowOrbs() <= 2 Spell(mind_blast)
	if Glyph(glyph_of_mind_harvest) and 0 == 0 and ShadowOrbs() >= 3 Spell(devouring_plague)
	if Enemies() <= 10 and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 and ShadowOrbs() <= 4 Spell(mind_blast)
	if target.HealthPercent() < 20 and not SpellCooldown(shadow_word_death) > 0 and ShadowOrbs() <= 4 Spell(shadow_word_death)
	if ShadowOrbs() == 4 and target.DebuffRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) < 18 * 0.5 and ArmorSetBonus(T17 2) and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) < 1.2 * GCD() and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.2 * GCD() Spell(shadow_word_pain)
	if BuffRemaining(shadow_word_insanity_buff) < 0.5 * GCD() and Enemies() <= 3 and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.5 * GCD() and BuffPresent(shadow_word_insanity_buff) Spell(insanity)
	if Enemies() <= 3 and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.5 * GCD() and BuffPresent(shadow_word_insanity_buff) Spell(insanity)
	if Enemies() <= 5 and BuffStacks(surge_of_darkness_buff) == 3 Spell(mind_spike)
	if DebuffCountOnAny(shadow_word_pain_debuff) <= Enemies() and DebuffCountOnAny(shadow_word_pain_debuff) <= 5 and target.DebuffRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) < 18 * 0.35 and True(miss_react) Spell(shadow_word_pain)
	if DebuffCountOnAny(vampiric_touch_debuff) <= Enemies() and DebuffCountOnAny(vampiric_touch_debuff) <= 5 and target.DebuffRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) < 15 * 0.35 and True(miss_react) Spell(vampiric_touch)
	if Enemies() <= 5 and BuffPresent(surge_of_darkness_buff) and not SpellCooldown(mind_spike) > 0 and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.5 * GCD() Spell(mind_spike)
	if Enemies() >= 3 and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.5 * GCD() Spell(mind_sear)
	if SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.5 * GCD() Spell(mind_flay)
	if Speed() > 0 Spell(shadow_word_death)
	if Speed() > 0 and BuffPresent(shadowy_insight_buff) and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 Spell(mind_blast)
	if Speed() > 0 Spell(shadow_word_death)
	if Speed() > 0 Spell(shadow_word_pain)

AddFunction ShadowVentShortCdActions
	unless ShadowOrbs() == 3 and not target.DebuffPresent(void_entropy_debuff) and target.TimeToDie() > 60 and Enemies() == 1 and Spell(void_entropy)
		or DebuffCountOnAny(void_entropy_debuff) <= Enemies() and DebuffCountOnAny(void_entropy_debuff) <= 60 / { SpellCooldownDuration(mind_blast) * 3 * 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } } and not target.DebuffPresent(void_entropy_debuff) and ShadowOrbs() == 5 and Enemies() >= 1 and target.TimeToDie() > 60 and Spell(void_entropy)
		or target.DebuffPresent(void_entropy_debuff) and target.DebuffRemaining(void_entropy_debuff) <= GCD() * 2 and not SpellCooldown(devouring_plague) > 0 and Spell(devouring_plague)
		or ShadowOrbs() == 5 and target.DebuffRemaining(void_entropy_debuff) < 10 and Spell(devouring_plague)
		or ShadowOrbs() == 5 and target.DebuffRemaining(void_entropy_debuff) < 20 and Spell(devouring_plague)
		or ShadowOrbs() == 5 and target.DebuffRemaining(void_entropy_debuff) and Spell(devouring_plague)
		if Talent(halo_talent) and target.Distance() <= 30 and Enemies() >= 4 Spell(halo_caster)

		unless Glyph(glyph_of_mind_harvest) and 0 == 0 and ShadowOrbs() <= 2 and Spell(mind_blast)
			or Glyph(glyph_of_mind_harvest) and 0 == 0 and ShadowOrbs() >= 3 and Spell(devouring_plague)
			or Enemies() <= 10 and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 and ShadowOrbs() <= 4 and Spell(mind_blast)
			or target.HealthPercent() < 20 and not SpellCooldown(shadow_word_death) > 0 and ShadowOrbs() <= 4 and Spell(shadow_word_death)
			or ShadowOrbs() == 4 and target.DebuffRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) < 18 * 0.5 and ArmorSetBonus(T17 2) and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) < 1.2 * GCD() and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.2 * GCD() and Spell(shadow_word_pain)
			or BuffRemaining(shadow_word_insanity_buff) < 0.5 * GCD() and Enemies() <= 3 and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.5 * GCD() and BuffPresent(shadow_word_insanity_buff) and Spell(insanity)
			or Enemies() <= 3 and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.5 * GCD() and BuffPresent(shadow_word_insanity_buff) and Spell(insanity)
			or Enemies() <= 5 and BuffStacks(surge_of_darkness_buff) == 3 and Spell(mind_spike)
			or DebuffCountOnAny(shadow_word_pain_debuff) <= Enemies() and DebuffCountOnAny(shadow_word_pain_debuff) <= 5 and target.DebuffRemaining(shadow_word_pain_debuff) < 18 * 0.35 and True(miss_react) and Spell(shadow_word_pain)
			or DebuffCountOnAny(vampiric_touch_debuff) <= Enemies() and DebuffCountOnAny(vampiric_touch_debuff) <= 5 and target.DebuffRemaining(vampiric_touch_debuff) < 15 * 0.35 and True(miss_react) and Spell(vampiric_touch)
			if Talent(halo_talent) and target.Distance() <= 30 and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.5 * GCD() Spell(halo_caster)
			if Talent(cascade_talent) and target.Distance() <= 40 and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.5 * GCD() Spell(cascade_caster)
			if Talent(divine_star_talent) and Enemies() > 4 and target.Distance() <= 24 and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.5 * GCD() Spell(divine_star_caster)

			unless Enemies() <= 5 and BuffPresent(surge_of_darkness_buff) and not SpellCooldown(mind_spike) > 0 and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.5 * GCD() and Spell(mind_spike)
				or Enemies() >= 3 and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.5 * GCD() and Spell(mind_sear)
				or SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0.5 * GCD() and Spell(mind_flay)
				or Speed() > 0 and Spell(shadow_word_death)
				or Speed() > 0 and BuffPresent(shadowy_insight_buff) and not SpellCooldown(mind_blast) > 0 and Spell(mind_blast)
				if Speed() > 0 and Talent(divine_star_talent) and target.Distance() <= 28 Spell(divine_star_caster)
				if Speed() > 0 and Talent(cascade_talent) and target.Distance() <= 40 Spell(cascade_caster)

AddFunction ShadowVentCdActions
	if Talent(mindbender_talent) and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) >= GCD() Spell(mindbender)
	if not Talent(mindbender_talent) and SpellCooldown(mind_blast) >= GCD() Spell(shadowfiend)

### Shadow icons
AddCheckBox(opt_priest_shadow_aoe L(AOE) specialization=shadow default)

AddIcon specialization=shadow help=shortcd enemies=1 checkbox=!opt_priest_shadow_aoe
	if InCombat(no) ShadowPrecombatShortCdActions()

AddIcon specialization=shadow help=shortcd checkbox=opt_priest_shadow_aoe
	if InCombat(no) ShadowPrecombatShortCdActions()

AddIcon specialization=shadow help=main enemies=1
	if InCombat(no) ShadowPrecombatActions()

AddIcon specialization=shadow help=aoe checkbox=opt_priest_shadow_aoe
	if InCombat(no) ShadowPrecombatActions()

AddIcon specialization=shadow help=cd enemies=1 checkbox=!opt_priest_shadow_aoe
	if InCombat(no) ShadowPrecombatCdActions()

AddIcon specialization=shadow help=cd checkbox=opt_priest_shadow_aoe
	if InCombat(no) ShadowPrecombatCdActions()

	OvaleScripts:RegisterScript("PRIEST", name, desc, code, "include")
	-- Register as the default Ovale script.
	OvaleScripts:RegisterScript("PRIEST", "Ovale", desc, code, "script")