local OVALE, Ovale = ...
local OvaleScripts = Ovale.OvaleScripts

	local name = "legacy_ovale_shaman"
	local desc = "[6.0] Ovale: Elemental, Enhancement, Restoration"
	local code = [[
# Ovale shaman script based on SimulationCraft.


AddCheckBox(opt_potion_agility ItemName(draenic_agility_potion) default specialization=enhancement)
AddCheckBox(opt_potion_intellect ItemName(draenic_intellect_potion) default specialization=elemental)
AddCheckBox(opt_bloodlust SpellName(bloodlust) default)

AddFunction UsePotionAgility
	if CheckBoxOn(opt_potion_agility) and target.Classification(worldboss) Item(draenic_agility_potion usable=1)

AddFunction UsePotionIntellect
	if CheckBoxOn(opt_potion_intellect) and target.Classification(worldboss) Item(draenic_intellect_potion usable=1)

AddFunction UseItemActions
	Item(HandSlot usable=1)
	Item(Trinket0Slot usable=1)
	Item(Trinket1Slot usable=1)

AddFunction Bloodlust
	if CheckBoxOn(opt_bloodlust) and DebuffExpires(burst_haste_debuff any=1)

AddFunction InterruptActions
	if not target.IsFriend() and target.IsInterruptible()
		if not target.Classification(worldboss)
			if target.InRange(quaking_palm) Spell(quaking_palm)

### Elemental
# Based on SimulationCraft profile "Shaman_Elemental_T17M".
#	class=shaman
#	spec=elemental
#	talents=0001011
#	glyphs=chain_lightning

# ActionList: ElementalDefaultActions --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction ElementalDefaultActions
	if Enemies() == 1 ElementalSingleActions()
	if Enemies() > 1 ElementalAoeActions()

AddFunction ElementalDefaultShortCdActions
	if CastTime(lava_burst) >= 1.2 Spell(elemental_mastery)
	if not BuffPresent(ascendance_caster_buff) Spell(ancestral_swiftness)
	if TotemRemaining(searing_totem) >= 15 or TotemRemaining(fire_elemental_totem) >= 15 Spell(liquid_magma)
	if Enemies() == 1 ElementalSingleShortCdActions()
	if Enemies() > 1 ElementalAoeShortCdActions()

AddFunction ElementalDefaultCdActions
	if target.HealthPercent() < 25 or TimeInCombat() > 0.5 Bloodlust()
	if BuffPresent(ascendance_caster_buff) or target.TimeToDie() <= 30 UsePotionIntellect()
	if not BuffPresent(burst_haste_buff any=1) and not BuffPresent(elemental_mastery_buff) and { ArmorSetBonus(T15_caster 4) == 1 or not SpellCooldown(ascendance_caster) > 0 and { target.DebuffRemaining(flame_shock_debuff) > BaseDuration(ascendance_caster_buff) or Level() < 87 } } Spell(berserking)
	if BuffPresent(burst_haste_buff any=1) or BuffPresent(ascendance_caster_buff) or { SpellCooldown(ascendance_caster) > 10 or Level() < 87 } and SpellCooldown(fire_elemental_totem) > 10 Spell(blood_fury_apsp)
	if not TotemPresent(fire_elemental_totem) Spell(fire_elemental_totem)
	if { Enemies() > 1 or target.DebuffRemaining(flame_shock_debuff) > BaseDuration(ascendance_caster_buff) and { target.TimeToDie() < 20 or BuffPresent(burst_haste_buff any=1) or TimeInCombat() >= 60 } and SpellCooldown(lava_burst) > 0 } and BuffExpires(ascendance_caster_buff) Spell(ascendance_caster)
	if Enemies() == 1 ElementalSingleCdActions()
	if Enemies() > 1 ElementalAoeCdActions()

# ActionList: ElementalAoeActions --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction ElementalAoeActions
	if not target.DebuffPresent(earthquake_debuff) and { BuffPresent(enhanced_chain_lightning_buff) or Level() <= 90 } and Enemies() >= 2 Spell(earthquake)
	if BuffPresent(ascendance_caster_buff) Spell(lava_beam)
	if BuffStacks(lightning_shield_buff) == SpellData(lightning_shield_buff max_stacks) Spell(earth_shock)
	if Enemies() >= 10 Spell(thunderstorm)
	if not Talent(liquid_magma_talent) and not TotemPresent(fire) or Talent(liquid_magma_talent) and TotemRemaining(searing_totem) <= 20 and not TotemPresent(fire_elemental_totem) and not BuffPresent(liquid_magma_buff) Spell(searing_totem)
	if Enemies() >= 2 Spell(chain_lightning)

AddFunction ElementalAoeShortCdActions {}

AddFunction ElementalAoeCdActions {}

# ActionList: ElementalPrecombatActions --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction ElementalPrecombatActions
	if not BuffPresent(lightning_shield_buff) Spell(lightning_shield)

AddFunction ElementalPrecombatShortCdActions {}

AddFunction ElementalPrecombatCdActions
	unless not BuffPresent(lightning_shield_buff) and Spell(lightning_shield)

# ActionList: ElementalSingleActions --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction ElementalSingleActions
	if Speed() > 0 Spell(unleash_flame)
	if BuffStacks(lightning_shield_buff) == SpellData(lightning_shield_buff max_stacks) Spell(earth_shock)
	if target.DebuffRemaining(flame_shock_debuff) > CastTime(lava_burst) and { BuffPresent(ascendance_caster_buff) or not SpellCooldown(lava_burst) > 0 } Spell(lava_burst)
	if Talent(unleashed_fury_talent) and not BuffPresent(ascendance_caster_buff) Spell(unleash_flame)
	if target.DebuffRemaining(flame_shock_debuff) <= 9 Spell(flame_shock)
	if ArmorSetBonus(T17 4) and BuffStacks(lightning_shield_buff) >= 15 and not BuffPresent(lava_surge_buff) or not ArmorSetBonus(T17 4) and BuffStacks(lightning_shield_buff) > 15 Spell(earth_shock)
	if TimeInCombat() > 60 and target.DebuffRemaining(flame_shock_debuff) <= BaseDuration(ascendance_caster_buff) and SpellCooldown(ascendance_caster) + BaseDuration(ascendance_caster_buff) < BaseDuration(flame_shock_debuff) Spell(flame_shock)
	if not Talent(liquid_magma_talent) and not TotemPresent(fire) or Talent(liquid_magma_talent) and TotemRemaining(searing_totem) <= 20 and not TotemPresent(fire_elemental_totem) and not BuffPresent(liquid_magma_buff) Spell(searing_totem)

AddFunction ElementalSingleShortCdActions
	unless Speed() > 0 and Spell(unleash_flame)
		if Speed() > 0 and BuffPresent(ascendance_caster_buff) Spell(spiritwalkers_grace)

		unless BuffStacks(lightning_shield_buff) == SpellData(lightning_shield_buff max_stacks) and Spell(earth_shock)
			or target.DebuffRemaining(flame_shock_debuff) > CastTime(lava_burst) and { BuffPresent(ascendance_caster_buff) or not SpellCooldown(lava_burst) > 0 } and Spell(lava_burst)
			or Talent(unleashed_fury_talent) and not BuffPresent(ascendance_caster_buff) and Spell(unleash_flame)
			or target.DebuffRemaining(flame_shock_debuff) <= 9 and Spell(flame_shock)
			or ArmorSetBonus(T17 4) and BuffStacks(lightning_shield_buff) >= 15 and not BuffPresent(lava_surge_buff) or not ArmorSetBonus(T17 4) and BuffStacks(lightning_shield_buff) > 15 and Spell(earth_shock)
			if not Talent(unleashed_fury_talent) and { 1 + 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } } * { 1 + MasteryEffect() / 100 * 2 / 4.5 } >= 1.875 + 1.25 * 0.226305 + 1.25 * 2 * 0.226305 * MultistrikeChance() / 100 and target.TimeToDie() > 10 and BuffExpires(elemental_mastery_buff) and BuffExpires(burst_haste_buff any=1) Spell(earthquake)
			if not Talent(unleashed_fury_talent) and { 1 + 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } } * { 1 + MasteryEffect() / 100 * 2 / 4.5 } >= 1.3 * { 1.875 + 1.25 * 0.226305 + 1.25 * 2 * 0.226305 * MultistrikeChance() / 100 } and target.TimeToDie() > 10 and { BuffPresent(elemental_mastery_buff) or BuffPresent(burst_haste_buff any=1) } Spell(earthquake)
			if not Talent(unleashed_fury_talent) and { 1 + 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } } * { 1 + MasteryEffect() / 100 * 2 / 4.5 } >= 1.875 + 1.25 * 0.226305 + 1.25 * 2 * 0.226305 * MultistrikeChance() / 100 and target.TimeToDie() > 10 and { BuffRemaining(elemental_mastery_buff) >= 10 or BuffRemaining(burst_haste_buff any=1) >= 10 } Spell(earthquake)
			if Talent(unleashed_fury_talent) and { 1 + 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } } * { 1 + MasteryEffect() / 100 * 2 / 4.5 } >= 1.3 * 1.875 + 1.25 * 0.226305 + 1.25 * 2 * 0.226305 * MultistrikeChance() / 100 and target.TimeToDie() > 10 and BuffExpires(elemental_mastery_buff) and BuffExpires(burst_haste_buff any=1) Spell(earthquake)
			if Talent(unleashed_fury_talent) and { 1 + 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } } * { 1 + MasteryEffect() / 100 * 2 / 4.5 } >= 1.3 * { 1.3 * 1.875 + 1.25 * 0.226305 + 1.25 * 2 * 0.226305 * MultistrikeChance() / 100 } and target.TimeToDie() > 10 and { BuffPresent(elemental_mastery_buff) or BuffPresent(burst_haste_buff any=1) } Spell(earthquake)
			if Talent(unleashed_fury_talent) and { 1 + 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } } * { 1 + MasteryEffect() / 100 * 2 / 4.5 } >= 1.3 * 1.875 + 1.25 * 0.226305 + 1.25 * 2 * 0.226305 * MultistrikeChance() / 100 and target.TimeToDie() > 10 and { BuffRemaining(elemental_mastery_buff) >= 10 or BuffRemaining(burst_haste_buff any=1) >= 10 } Spell(earthquake)

			unless Spell(elemental_blast)
				or TimeInCombat() > 60 and target.DebuffRemaining(flame_shock_debuff) <= BaseDuration(ascendance_caster_buff) and SpellCooldown(ascendance_caster) + BaseDuration(ascendance_caster_buff) < BaseDuration(flame_shock_debuff) and Spell(flame_shock)
				or not Talent(liquid_magma_talent) and not TotemPresent(fire) or Talent(liquid_magma_talent) and TotemRemaining(searing_totem) <= 20 and not TotemPresent(fire_elemental_totem) and not BuffPresent(liquid_magma_buff) and Spell(searing_totem)
				if Speed() > 0 and { Talent(elemental_blast_talent) and not SpellCooldown(elemental_blast) > 0 or not SpellCooldown(lava_burst) > 0 and not BuffPresent(lava_surge_buff) } Spell(spiritwalkers_grace)

AddFunction ElementalSingleCdActions {}

### Elemental icons.
AddCheckBox(opt_shaman_elemental_aoe L(AOE) specialization=elemental default)

AddIcon specialization=elemental help=shortcd enemies=1 checkbox=!opt_shaman_elemental_aoe
	if InCombat(no) ElementalPrecombatShortCdActions()

AddIcon specialization=elemental help=shortcd checkbox=opt_shaman_elemental_aoe
	if InCombat(no) ElementalPrecombatShortCdActions()

AddIcon specialization=elemental help=main enemies=1
	if InCombat(no) ElementalPrecombatActions()

AddIcon specialization=elemental help=aoe checkbox=opt_shaman_elemental_aoe
	if InCombat(no) ElementalPrecombatActions()

AddIcon specialization=elemental help=cd enemies=1 checkbox=!opt_shaman_elemental_aoe
	if InCombat(no) ElementalPrecombatCdActions()

AddIcon specialization=elemental help=cd checkbox=opt_shaman_elemental_aoe
	if InCombat(no) ElementalPrecombatCdActions()

### Enhancement
# Based on SimulationCraft profile "Shaman_Enhancement_T17M".
#	class=shaman
#	spec=enhancement
#	talents=0001023
#	glyphs=chain_lightning/frost_shock

# ActionList: EnhancementDefaultActions --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction EnhancementDefaultActions
	if Enemies() == 1 EnhancementSingleActions()
	if Enemies() > 1 EnhancementAoeActions()

AddFunction EnhancementDefaultShortCdActions
	if TotemRemaining(searing_totem) >= 15 or TotemRemaining(magma_totem) >= 15 or TotemRemaining(fire_elemental_totem) >= 15 Spell(liquid_magma)

AddFunction EnhancementDefaultCdActions
	if target.HealthPercent() < 25 or TimeInCombat() > 0.5 Bloodlust()
	if Talent(storm_elemental_totem_talent) and TotemRemaining(storm_elemental_totem) >= 25 or not Talent(storm_elemental_totem_talent) and TotemRemaining(fire_elemental_totem) >= 25 or target.TimeToDie() <= 30 UsePotionAgility()
	if Talent(primal_elementalist_talent) and Enemies() <= 10 or Enemies() <= 6 Spell(fire_elemental_totem)
	if BuffExpires(ascendance_melee_buff) Spell(ascendance_melee)

	unless Spell(feral_spirit)
		or { TotemRemaining(searing_totem) >= 15 or TotemRemaining(magma_totem) >= 15 or TotemRemaining(fire_elemental_totem) >= 15 } and Spell(liquid_magma)

# ActionList: EnhancementAoeActions --> main

AddFunction EnhancementAoeActions
	if Enemies() >= 4 and target.DebuffPresent(flame_shock_debuff) and { SpellCooldown(shock) > SpellCooldown(fire_nova) or not SpellCooldown(fire_nova) > 0 } Spell(unleash_elements)
	if DebuffCountOnAny(flame_shock_debuff) >= 3 Spell(fire_nova)
	unless DebuffCountOnAny(flame_shock_debuff) >= 4 and SpellCooldown(fire_nova) <= GCD() and SpellCooldown(fire_nova) > 0
		if not TotemPresent(fire) and target.InRange(primal_strike) Spell(magma_totem)
		if target.DebuffPresent(flame_shock_debuff) and { DebuffCountOnAny(flame_shock_debuff) < Enemies() or not Talent(echo_of_the_elements_talent) or not BuffPresent(echo_of_the_elements_buff) } Spell(lava_lash)
		if not BuffPresent(unleash_flame_buff) and { BuffStacks(maelstrom_weapon_buff) >= 4 or BuffPresent(ancestral_swiftness_buff) } Spell(elemental_blast)
		if Glyph(glyph_of_chain_lightning) and Enemies() >= 4 and { BuffStacks(maelstrom_weapon_buff) == 5 or BuffPresent(ancestral_swiftness_buff) and BuffStacks(maelstrom_weapon_buff) >= 3 } Spell(chain_lightning)
		if Enemies() < 4 Spell(unleash_elements)
		if not target.DebuffPresent(flame_shock_debuff) Spell(flame_shock)
		if { not Glyph(glyph_of_chain_lightning) or Enemies() <= 3 } and { BuffStacks(maelstrom_weapon_buff) == 5 or BuffPresent(ancestral_swiftness_buff) and BuffStacks(maelstrom_weapon_buff) >= 3 } Spell(lightning_bolt)
		if BuffPresent(ascendance_melee_buff) Spell(windstrike)
		if not BuffPresent(unleash_flame_buff) and BuffStacks(maelstrom_weapon_buff) >= 1 Spell(elemental_blast)
		if Glyph(glyph_of_chain_lightning) and Enemies() >= 4 and BuffStacks(maelstrom_weapon_buff) >= 1 Spell(chain_lightning)
		if DebuffCountOnAny(flame_shock_debuff) >= 2 Spell(fire_nova)
		if TotemRemaining(magma_totem) <= 20 and not TotemPresent(fire_elemental_totem) and not BuffPresent(liquid_magma_buff) and target.InRange(primal_strike) Spell(magma_totem)
		if Enemies() < 4 Spell(frost_shock)
		if BuffStacks(maelstrom_weapon_buff) >= 1 Spell(elemental_blast)
		if Enemies() >= 3 and BuffStacks(maelstrom_weapon_buff) >= 1 Spell(chain_lightning)
		if Enemies() < 3 and BuffStacks(maelstrom_weapon_buff) >= 1 Spell(lightning_bolt)
		if DebuffCountOnAny(flame_shock_debuff) >= 1 Spell(fire_nova)

# ActionList: EnhancementPrecombatActions --> main, shortcd, cd

AddFunction EnhancementPrecombatActions
	if not BuffPresent(lightning_shield_buff) Spell(lightning_shield)

AddFunction EnhancementPrecombatShortCdActions {}

AddFunction EnhancementPrecombatCdActions
	unless not BuffPresent(lightning_shield_buff) and Spell(lightning_shield)

# ActionList: EnhancementSingleActions --> main

AddFunction EnhancementSingleActions
	if not TotemPresent(fire) Spell(searing_totem)
	if Talent(unleashed_fury_talent) or ArmorSetBonus(T16_melee 2) == 1 Spell(unleash_elements)
	if BuffStacks(maelstrom_weapon_buff) >= 4 or BuffPresent(ancestral_swiftness_buff) Spell(elemental_blast)
	if BuffPresent(ascendance_melee_buff) Spell(windstrike)
	if BuffStacks(maelstrom_weapon_buff) == 5 Spell(lightning_bolt)
	if Talent(elemental_fusion_talent) and BuffStacks(elemental_fusion_buff) == 2 and BuffPresent(unleash_flame_buff) and target.DebuffRemaining(flame_shock_debuff) < 16 or not Talent(elemental_fusion_talent) and BuffPresent(unleash_flame_buff) and target.DebuffRemaining(flame_shock_debuff) <= 9 or not target.DebuffPresent(flame_shock_debuff) Spell(flame_shock)
	if Talent(elemental_fusion_talent) and target.DebuffRemaining(flame_shock_debuff) >= 16 or not Talent(elemental_fusion_talent) Spell(frost_shock)
	if BuffStacks(maelstrom_weapon_buff) >= 1 Spell(elemental_blast)
	if BuffStacks(maelstrom_weapon_buff) >= 1 and not BuffPresent(ascendance_melee_buff) or BuffPresent(ancestral_swiftness_buff) Spell(lightning_bolt)
	if TotemRemaining(searing_totem) <= 20 and not TotemPresent(fire_elemental_totem) and not BuffPresent(liquid_magma_buff) Spell(searing_totem)

### Enhancement icons.
AddCheckBox(opt_shaman_enhancement_aoe L(AOE) specialization=enhancement default)

AddIcon specialization=enhancement help=shortcd enemies=1 checkbox=!opt_shaman_enhancement_aoe
	if InCombat(no) EnhancementPrecombatShortCdActions()

AddIcon specialization=enhancement help=shortcd checkbox=opt_shaman_enhancement_aoe
	if InCombat(no) EnhancementPrecombatShortCdActions()

AddIcon specialization=enhancement help=main enemies=1
	if InCombat(no) EnhancementPrecombatActions()

AddIcon specialization=enhancement help=aoe checkbox=opt_shaman_enhancement_aoe
	if InCombat(no) EnhancementPrecombatActions()

AddIcon specialization=enhancement help=cd enemies=1 checkbox=!opt_shaman_enhancement_aoe
	if InCombat(no) EnhancementPrecombatCdActions()

AddIcon specialization=enhancement help=cd checkbox=opt_shaman_enhancement_aoe
	if InCombat(no) EnhancementPrecombatCdActions()

### Restoration

AddFunction RestorationMainActions
	if BuffExpires(water_shield_buff) Spell(water_shield)
	if BuffCountOnAny(earth_shield_buff) == 0 Spell(earth_shield)

	# If using Glyph of Totemic Recall, assume that the player wants to use Totemic Recall
	# to regain mana by recalling Healing Stream Totem.
	# Totemic Recall is suggested at 3s remaining on HST so that there is still time to cast
	# it after the current spellcast and GCD.  Take care not to recall other totems that have
	# long cooldowns.
	if Glyph(glyph_of_totemic_recall) and TotemPresent(water totem=healing_stream_totem) and TotemExpires(water 3) and TotemExpires(fire) and TotemExpires(earth) and TotemExpires(air) Spell(totemic_recall)

	if Talent(elemental_blast_talent) and BuffRemaining(elemental_blast_spirit_buff) < CastTime(elemental_blast) Spell(elemental_blast)
	if BuffPresent(unleash_life_buff) Spell(healing_wave)
	if Talent(totemic_persistence_talent) or TotemExpires(water) Spell(healing_stream_totem)
	if Glyph(glyph_of_riptide no) Spell(riptide)

AddFunction RestorationAoeActions
	if BuffExpires(water_shield_buff) Spell(water_shield)
	if BuffCountOnAny(earth_shield_buff) == 0 Spell(earth_shield)

	if Talent(elemental_blast_talent) and BuffRemaining(elemental_blast_spirit_buff) < CastTime(elemental_blast) Spell(elemental_blast)
	if BuffPresent(unleash_life_buff) Spell(chain_heal)
	if Talent(totemic_persistence_talent) or TotemExpires(water) Spell(healing_stream_totem)
	if Talent(totemic_persistence_talent) or TotemExpires(water) Spell(cloudburst_totem)

AddFunction RestorationShortCdActions
	if Talent(primal_elementalist_talent) and pet.Present()
		if TotemPresent(fire_elemental_totem) and BuffExpires(pet_empower any=1) Spell(pet_empower)
		if TotemPresent(earth totem=earth_elemental_totem) and BuffExpires(pet_reinforce any=1) Spell(pet_reinforce)

AddFunction RestorationCdActions
	if IsFeared() Spell(tremor_totem)
	if Speed(more 0) Spell(spiritwalkers_grace)
	if ManaPercent() < 90 Spell(arcane_torrent_mana)
	if Talent(totemic_persistence_talent) or TotemExpires(water) Spell(healing_tide_totem)

### Restoration icons.
AddCheckBox(opt_shaman_restoration_aoe L(AOE) specialization=restoration default)

AddIcon specialization=restoration help=shortcd

AddIcon specialization=restoration help=main

AddIcon specialization=restoration help=aoe checkbox=opt_shaman_restoration_aoe

AddIcon specialization=restoration help=cd

	OvaleScripts:RegisterScript("SHAMAN", name, desc, code, "include")
	-- Register as the default Ovale script.
	OvaleScripts:RegisterScript("SHAMAN", "Ovale", desc, code, "script")