local OVALE, Ovale = ...
local OvaleScripts = Ovale.OvaleScripts

	local name = "SimulationCraft: Mage_Arcane_T17M"
	local desc = "[6.0] SimulationCraft: Mage_Arcane_T17M"
	local code = [[
# Based on SimulationCraft profile "Mage_Arcane_T17M".
#	class=mage
#	spec=arcane
#	talents=3003123
#	glyphs=arcane_power/cone_of_cold


AddCheckBox(opt_potion_intellect ItemName(draenic_intellect_potion) default)
AddCheckBox(opt_time_warp SpellName(time_warp) default)

AddFunction UsePotionIntellect
	if CheckBoxOn(opt_potion_intellect) and target.Classification(worldboss) Item(draenic_intellect_potion usable=1)

AddFunction InterruptActions
	if not target.IsFriend() and target.IsInterruptible()
		if not target.Classification(worldboss)
			if target.InRange(quaking_palm) Spell(quaking_palm)

### actions.default

AddFunction ArcaneDefaultMainActions
	if Talent(prismatic_crystal_talent) and not SpellCooldown(prismatic_crystal) > 0 ArcaneInitCrystalMainActions()
	if Talent(prismatic_crystal_talent) and TotemPresent(prismatic_crystal) ArcaneCrystalSequenceMainActions()
	if Enemies() >= 4 ArcaneAoeMainActions()
	if TimeToDie() < ManaPercent() * 0.35 * 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } or SpellCooldown(evocation) <= { ManaPercent() - 30 } * 0.3 * 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } or BuffPresent(arcane_power_buff) and SpellCooldown(evocation) <= { ManaPercent() - 30 } * 0.4 * 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } ArcaneBurnMainActions()

AddFunction ArcaneDefaultShortCdActions
	if 0 > 10 Spell(blink)
	if 0 > 0 Spell(blazing_speed)
	if BuffExpires(ice_floes_buff) and { 0 > 0 or 600 < CastTime(arcane_missiles) } Spell(ice_floes)
	if TotemRemaining(rune_of_power) < CastTime(rune_of_power) Spell(rune_of_power)
	if Talent(prismatic_crystal_talent) and not SpellCooldown(prismatic_crystal) > 0 ArcaneInitCrystalShortCdActions()
	if Talent(prismatic_crystal_talent) and TotemPresent(prismatic_crystal) ArcaneCrystalSequenceShortCdActions()
	if Enemies() >= 4 ArcaneAoeShortCdActions()
	if TimeToDie() < ManaPercent() * 0.35 * 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } or SpellCooldown(evocation) <= { ManaPercent() - 30 } * 0.3 * 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } or BuffPresent(arcane_power_buff) and SpellCooldown(evocation) <= { ManaPercent() - 30 } * 0.4 * 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } ArcaneBurnShortCdActions()

AddFunction ArcaneDefaultCdActions
	if target.IsInterruptible() InterruptActions()

	unless 0 > 10 and Spell(blink)
		if HealthPercent() < 30 Spell(cold_snap)
		if { target.HealthPercent() < 25 or TimeInCombat() > 5 } and CheckBoxOn(opt_time_warp) and DebuffExpires(burst_haste_debuff any=1) Spell(time_warp)

		unless BuffExpires(ice_floes_buff) and { 0 > 0 or 600 < CastTime(arcane_missiles) } and Spell(ice_floes) or TotemRemaining(rune_of_power) < CastTime(rune_of_power) and Spell(rune_of_power)
			if BuffExpires(presence_of_mind_buff) and SpellCooldown(presence_of_mind) > 75 Spell(cold_snap)
			if Talent(prismatic_crystal_talent) and not SpellCooldown(prismatic_crystal) > 0 ArcaneInitCrystalCdActions()
			if Talent(prismatic_crystal_talent) and TotemPresent(prismatic_crystal) ArcaneCrystalSequenceCdActions()
			if Enemies() >= 4 ArcaneAoeCdActions()
			if TimeToDie() < ManaPercent() * 0.35 * 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } or SpellCooldown(evocation) <= { ManaPercent() - 30 } * 0.3 * 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } or BuffPresent(arcane_power_buff) and SpellCooldown(evocation) <= { ManaPercent() - 30 } * 0.4 * 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } ArcaneBurnCdActions()

### actions.aoe

AddFunction ArcaneAoeMainActions
	if DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and { not DebuffCountOnAny(nether_tempest_debuff) > 0 or target.DebuffPresent(nether_tempest_debuff) and target.DebuffRemaining(nether_tempest_debuff) < 3.6 } Spell(nether_tempest)
	if DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 Spell(arcane_barrage)
	if Glyph(glyph_of_cone_of_cold) Spell(cone_of_cold)

AddFunction ArcaneAoeShortCdActions

	unless DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and { not DebuffCountOnAny(nether_tempest_debuff) > 0 or target.DebuffPresent(nether_tempest_debuff) and target.DebuffRemaining(nether_tempest_debuff) < 3.6 } and Spell(nether_tempest) or Spell(supernova) or DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and Spell(arcane_barrage)
		if DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) < 4 Spell(arcane_orb)

AddFunction ArcaneAoeCdActions

### actions.burn

AddFunction ArcaneBurnMainActions
	if BuffStacks(arcane_missiles_buff) == 3 and BuffPresent(arcane_missiles_buff) Spell(arcane_missiles)
	if ArmorSetBonus(T17 4) and BuffPresent(arcane_instability_buff) and BuffRemaining(arcane_instability_buff) < ExecuteTime(arcane_blast) and BuffPresent(arcane_missiles_buff) Spell(arcane_missiles)
	if TimeToDie() < 8 or Charges(supernova) == 2 Spell(supernova)
	if not target.Name(prismatic_crystal) and DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and { not DebuffCountOnAny(nether_tempest_debuff) > 0 or target.DebuffPresent(nether_tempest_debuff) and target.DebuffRemaining(nether_tempest_debuff) < 3.6 } Spell(nether_tempest)
	if DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and ManaPercent() > 93 Spell(arcane_blast)
	if DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and { ManaPercent() > 70 or not { not SpellCooldown(evocation) > 0 } } and BuffPresent(arcane_missiles_buff) Spell(arcane_missiles)
	if ManaPercent() > 70 and ManaPercent() < 96 Spell(supernova)
	if SpellCooldownDuration(evocation) - SpellCooldown(evocation) < 5 ArcaneConserveMainActions()

AddFunction ArcaneBurnShortCdActions

	unless BuffStacks(arcane_missiles_buff) == 3 and BuffPresent(arcane_missiles_buff) and Spell(arcane_missiles) or ArmorSetBonus(T17 4) and BuffPresent(arcane_instability_buff) and BuffRemaining(arcane_instability_buff) < ExecuteTime(arcane_blast) and BuffPresent(arcane_missiles_buff) and Spell(arcane_missiles) or { TimeToDie() < 8 or Charges(supernova) == 2 } and Spell(supernova) or not target.Name(prismatic_crystal) and DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and { not DebuffCountOnAny(nether_tempest_debuff) > 0 or target.DebuffPresent(nether_tempest_debuff) and target.DebuffRemaining(nether_tempest_debuff) < 3.6 } and Spell(nether_tempest)
		if DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) < 4 Spell(arcane_orb)
		if ManaPercent() > 96 and { not Talent(prismatic_crystal_talent) or not { not SpellCooldown(prismatic_crystal) > 0 } } Spell(presence_of_mind)

		unless DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and ManaPercent() > 93 and Spell(arcane_blast) or DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and { ManaPercent() > 70 or not { not SpellCooldown(evocation) > 0 } } and BuffPresent(arcane_missiles_buff) and Spell(arcane_missiles) or ManaPercent() > 70 and ManaPercent() < 96 and Spell(supernova)
			if SpellCooldownDuration(evocation) - SpellCooldown(evocation) < 5 ArcaneConserveShortCdActions()
			if not Talent(prismatic_crystal_talent) or not { not SpellCooldown(prismatic_crystal) > 0 } Spell(presence_of_mind)

AddFunction ArcaneBurnCdActions

	unless BuffStacks(arcane_missiles_buff) == 3 and BuffPresent(arcane_missiles_buff) and Spell(arcane_missiles) or ArmorSetBonus(T17 4) and BuffPresent(arcane_instability_buff) and BuffRemaining(arcane_instability_buff) < ExecuteTime(arcane_blast) and BuffPresent(arcane_missiles_buff) and Spell(arcane_missiles) or { TimeToDie() < 8 or Charges(supernova) == 2 } and Spell(supernova) or not target.Name(prismatic_crystal) and DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and { not DebuffCountOnAny(nether_tempest_debuff) > 0 or target.DebuffPresent(nether_tempest_debuff) and target.DebuffRemaining(nether_tempest_debuff) < 3.6 } and Spell(nether_tempest) or DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) < 4 and Spell(arcane_orb) or DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and ManaPercent() > 93 and Spell(arcane_blast) or DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and { ManaPercent() > 70 or not { not SpellCooldown(evocation) > 0 } } and BuffPresent(arcane_missiles_buff) and Spell(arcane_missiles) or ManaPercent() > 70 and ManaPercent() < 96 and Spell(supernova)
		if SpellCooldownDuration(evocation) - SpellCooldown(evocation) < 5 ArcaneConserveCdActions()
		if TimeToDie() > 10 and ManaPercent() < 50 Spell(evocation)

### actions.conserve

AddFunction ArcaneConserveMainActions
	if { BuffStacks(arcane_missiles_buff) == 3 or Talent(overpowered_talent) and BuffPresent(arcane_power_buff) and BuffRemaining(arcane_power_buff) < ExecuteTime(arcane_blast) } and BuffPresent(arcane_missiles_buff) Spell(arcane_missiles)
	if ArmorSetBonus(T17 4) and BuffPresent(arcane_instability_buff) and BuffRemaining(arcane_instability_buff) < ExecuteTime(arcane_blast) and BuffPresent(arcane_missiles_buff) Spell(arcane_missiles)
	if not target.Name(prismatic_crystal) and DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and { not DebuffCountOnAny(nether_tempest_debuff) > 0 or target.DebuffPresent(nether_tempest_debuff) and target.DebuffRemaining(nether_tempest_debuff) < 3.6 } Spell(nether_tempest)
	if TimeToDie() < 8 or Charges(supernova) == 2 and { BuffPresent(arcane_power_buff) or not { not SpellCooldown(arcane_power) > 0 } } and { not Talent(prismatic_crystal_talent) or SpellCooldown(prismatic_crystal) > 8 } Spell(supernova)
	if DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and ManaPercent() > 93 Spell(arcane_blast)
	if DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and { not Talent(overpowered_talent) or SpellCooldown(arcane_power) > 10 * 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } } and BuffPresent(arcane_missiles_buff) Spell(arcane_missiles)
	if ManaPercent() < 96 and { BuffStacks(arcane_missiles_buff) < 2 or DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 } and { BuffPresent(arcane_power_buff) or Charges(supernova) == 1 and SpellCooldown(arcane_power) > SpellChargeCooldown(supernova) } and { not Talent(prismatic_crystal_talent) or target.Name(prismatic_crystal) or Charges(supernova) == 1 and SpellCooldown(prismatic_crystal) > SpellChargeCooldown(supernova) + 8 } Spell(supernova)
	if not target.Name(prismatic_crystal) and DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and { not DebuffCountOnAny(nether_tempest_debuff) > 0 or target.DebuffPresent(nether_tempest_debuff) and target.DebuffRemaining(nether_tempest_debuff) < { 10 - 3 * TalentPoints(arcane_orb_talent) } * 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } } Spell(nether_tempest)
	if DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 Spell(arcane_barrage)
	if Speed() > 0 Spell(arcane_barrage)

AddFunction ArcaneConserveShortCdActions
	if TimeToDie() < 30 or DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and { not Talent(prismatic_crystal_talent) or SpellCooldown(prismatic_crystal) > 15 } ArcaneCooldownsShortCdActions()

	unless { BuffStacks(arcane_missiles_buff) == 3 or Talent(overpowered_talent) and BuffPresent(arcane_power_buff) and BuffRemaining(arcane_power_buff) < ExecuteTime(arcane_blast) } and BuffPresent(arcane_missiles_buff) and Spell(arcane_missiles) or ArmorSetBonus(T17 4) and BuffPresent(arcane_instability_buff) and BuffRemaining(arcane_instability_buff) < ExecuteTime(arcane_blast) and BuffPresent(arcane_missiles_buff) and Spell(arcane_missiles) or not target.Name(prismatic_crystal) and DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and { not DebuffCountOnAny(nether_tempest_debuff) > 0 or target.DebuffPresent(nether_tempest_debuff) and target.DebuffRemaining(nether_tempest_debuff) < 3.6 } and Spell(nether_tempest) or { TimeToDie() < 8 or Charges(supernova) == 2 and { BuffPresent(arcane_power_buff) or not { not SpellCooldown(arcane_power) > 0 } } and { not Talent(prismatic_crystal_talent) or SpellCooldown(prismatic_crystal) > 8 } } and Spell(supernova)
		if DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) < 2 Spell(arcane_orb)
		if ManaPercent() > 96 and { not Talent(prismatic_crystal_talent) or not { not SpellCooldown(prismatic_crystal) > 0 } } Spell(presence_of_mind)

		unless DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and ManaPercent() > 93 and Spell(arcane_blast) or DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and { not Talent(overpowered_talent) or SpellCooldown(arcane_power) > 10 * 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } } and BuffPresent(arcane_missiles_buff) and Spell(arcane_missiles) or ManaPercent() < 96 and { BuffStacks(arcane_missiles_buff) < 2 or DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 } and { BuffPresent(arcane_power_buff) or Charges(supernova) == 1 and SpellCooldown(arcane_power) > SpellChargeCooldown(supernova) } and { not Talent(prismatic_crystal_talent) or target.Name(prismatic_crystal) or Charges(supernova) == 1 and SpellCooldown(prismatic_crystal) > SpellChargeCooldown(supernova) + 8 } and Spell(supernova) or not target.Name(prismatic_crystal) and DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and { not DebuffCountOnAny(nether_tempest_debuff) > 0 or target.DebuffPresent(nether_tempest_debuff) and target.DebuffRemaining(nether_tempest_debuff) < { 10 - 3 * TalentPoints(arcane_orb_talent) } * 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } } and Spell(nether_tempest) or DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and Spell(arcane_barrage)
			if DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) < 2 and { not Talent(prismatic_crystal_talent) or not { not SpellCooldown(prismatic_crystal) > 0 } } Spell(presence_of_mind)

AddFunction ArcaneConserveCdActions
	if TimeToDie() < 30 or DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and { not Talent(prismatic_crystal_talent) or SpellCooldown(prismatic_crystal) > 15 } ArcaneCooldownsCdActions()

### actions.cooldowns

AddFunction ArcaneCooldownsShortCdActions

AddFunction ArcaneCooldownsCdActions
	if BuffPresent(arcane_power_buff) and { not Talent(prismatic_crystal_talent) or TotemPresent(prismatic_crystal) } UsePotionIntellect()

### actions.crystal_sequence

AddFunction ArcaneCrystalSequenceMainActions
	if DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and not target.DebuffPresent(nether_tempest_debuff) and TotemRemaining(prismatic_crystal) > 8 Spell(nether_tempest)
	if ManaPercent() < 96 Spell(supernova)
	if DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and ManaPercent() > 93 and TotemRemaining(prismatic_crystal) > CastTime(arcane_blast) + BuffStacks(arcane_missiles_buff) * 2 * 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } + MaxTravelTime(arcane_missiles) Spell(arcane_blast)
	if TotemRemaining(prismatic_crystal) > 2 * 100 / { 100 + SpellHaste() } + MaxTravelTime(arcane_missiles) and BuffPresent(arcane_missiles_buff) Spell(arcane_missiles)
	if TotemRemaining(prismatic_crystal) < CastTime(arcane_blast) Spell(supernova)

AddFunction ArcaneCrystalSequenceShortCdActions

	unless DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and not target.DebuffPresent(nether_tempest_debuff) and TotemRemaining(prismatic_crystal) > 8 and Spell(nether_tempest) or ManaPercent() < 96 and Spell(supernova)
		if not SpellCooldown(cold_snap) > 0 or TotemRemaining(prismatic_crystal) < CastTime(arcane_blast) Spell(presence_of_mind)

AddFunction ArcaneCrystalSequenceCdActions

### actions.init_crystal

AddFunction ArcaneInitCrystalMainActions
	if DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) < 4 ArcaneConserveMainActions()

AddFunction ArcaneInitCrystalShortCdActions
	if DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) < 4 ArcaneConserveShortCdActions()
	if DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and SpellCooldown(arcane_power) < 0.5 Spell(prismatic_crystal)
	if Glyph(glyph_of_arcane_power) and DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) == 4 and SpellCooldown(arcane_power) > 75 Spell(prismatic_crystal)

AddFunction ArcaneInitCrystalCdActions
	if DebuffStacks(arcane_charge_debuff) < 4 ArcaneConserveCdActions()

### actions.precombat

AddFunction ArcanePrecombatMainActions
	if BuffExpires(critical_strike_buff any=1) or BuffExpires(spell_power_multiplier_buff any=1) Spell(arcane_brilliance)

AddFunction ArcanePrecombatShortCdActions
	unless { BuffExpires(critical_strike_buff any=1) or BuffExpires(spell_power_multiplier_buff any=1) } and Spell(arcane_brilliance)

AddFunction ArcanePrecombatCdActions
	unless { BuffExpires(critical_strike_buff any=1) or BuffExpires(spell_power_multiplier_buff any=1) } and Spell(arcane_brilliance) or Spell(rune_of_power)

### Arcane icons.
AddCheckBox(opt_mage_arcane_aoe L(AOE) specialization=arcane default)

AddIcon specialization=arcane help=shortcd enemies=1 checkbox=!opt_mage_arcane_aoe
	if not InCombat() ArcanePrecombatShortCdActions()

AddIcon specialization=arcane help=shortcd checkbox=opt_mage_arcane_aoe
	if not InCombat() ArcanePrecombatShortCdActions()

AddIcon specialization=arcane help=main enemies=1
	if not InCombat() ArcanePrecombatMainActions()

AddIcon specialization=arcane help=aoe checkbox=opt_mage_arcane_aoe
	if not InCombat() ArcanePrecombatMainActions()

AddIcon specialization=arcane help=cd enemies=1 checkbox=!opt_mage_arcane_aoe
	if not InCombat() ArcanePrecombatCdActions()

AddIcon specialization=arcane help=cd checkbox=opt_mage_arcane_aoe
	if not InCombat() ArcanePrecombatCdActions()

### Required symbols
# arcane_barrage
# arcane_blast
# arcane_brilliance
# arcane_charge_debuff
# arcane_explosion
# arcane_instability_buff
# arcane_missiles
# arcane_missiles_buff
# arcane_orb
# arcane_orb_talent
# arcane_power
# arcane_power_buff
# arcane_torrent_mana
# berserking
# blazing_speed
# blink
# blood_fury_sp
# cold_snap
# cone_of_cold
# counterspell
# draenic_intellect_potion
# evocation
# glyph_of_arcane_power
# glyph_of_cone_of_cold
# ice_floes
# ice_floes_buff
# mirror_image
# nether_tempest
# nether_tempest_debuff
# overpowered_talent
# presence_of_mind
# presence_of_mind_buff
# prismatic_crystal
# prismatic_crystal_talent
# quaking_palm
# rune_of_power
# supernova
# time_warp
	OvaleScripts:RegisterScript("MAGE", name, desc, code, "reference")