local _, Ovale = ...
local OvaleScripts = Ovale.OvaleScripts

	local name = "SimulationCraft: Mage_Fire_T16H"
	local desc = "[5.4] SimulationCraft: Mage_Fire_T16H"
	local code = [[
# Based on SimulationCraft profile "Mage_Fire_T16H".
#	class=mage
#	spec=fire
#	talents=http://us.battle.net/wow/en/tool/talent-calculator#eZ!0...11
#	glyphs=combustion/counterspell


AddFunction FireDefaultActions
	if target.IsInterruptible() Spell(counterspell)
	if ItemCharges(mana_gem) < 3 and target.InCombat(no) ConjureManaGem()
	if target.HealthPercent() < 25 or TimeInCombat() > 5 Spell(time_warp)
	if RuneOfPowerRemains() < CastTime(rune_of_power) and BuffExpires(alter_time_buff) Spell(rune_of_power)
	if not SpellCooldown(alter_time_activate) > 0 and RuneOfPowerRemains() < 6 Spell(rune_of_power)
	if BuffExpires(alter_time_buff) and target.TimeToDie() < 18 Spell(berserking)
	if BuffExpires(alter_time_buff) and target.TimeToDie() < 45 UsePotionIntellect()
	if target.TimeToDie() < 22 Spell(combustion)
	if target.LastEstimatedDamage(ignite_debuff) >= { { 3 * target.CritDamage(pyroblast) } * MasteryEffect() / 100 * 0.5 } Spell(combustion)
	if target.LastEstimatedDamage(ignite_debuff) >= { { target.CritDamage(fireball) + target.CritDamage(inferno_blast) + target.Damage(pyroblast) } * MasteryEffect() / 100 * 0.5 } and target.DebuffPresent(pyroblast_debuff) and BuffExpires(alter_time_buff) and BuffExpires(pyroblast_buff) and BuffExpires(presence_of_mind_buff) Spell(combustion)
	if not SpellCooldown(alter_time_activate) > 0 and BuffExpires(alter_time_buff) Spell(berserking)
	if not SpellCooldown(alter_time_activate) > 0 and BuffExpires(alter_time_buff) Spell(presence_of_mind)
	if not SpellCooldown(alter_time_activate) > 0 and BuffExpires(alter_time_buff) UsePotionIntellect()
	if not SpellCooldown(alter_time_activate) > 0 UseItemActions()
	if TimeToBloodlust() > 180 and BuffExpires(alter_time_buff) and BuffPresent(pyroblast_buff) Spell(alter_time)
	if SpellCooldown(alter_time_activate) > 40 or target.TimeToDie() < 12 UseItemActions()
	if SpellCooldown(alter_time_activate) > 60 or target.TimeToDie() < 5 Spell(presence_of_mind)
	if Enemies() >= 5 Spell(flamestrike)
	if target.DebuffPresent(combustion_debuff) and Enemies() > 1 Spell(inferno_blast)
	if BuffPresent(pyroblast_buff) or BuffPresent(presence_of_mind_buff) Spell(pyroblast)
	if BuffPresent(heating_up_buff) and BuffExpires(pyroblast_buff) Spell(inferno_blast)
	if { not target.DebuffPresent(living_bomb_debuff) or target.DebuffRemains(living_bomb_debuff) < target.TickTime(living_bomb_debuff) } and target.TimeToDie() > target.TickTime(living_bomb_debuff) * 3 Spell(living_bomb)
	if Speed() > 0 Spell(scorch)

AddFunction FirePrecombatActions
	if BuffExpires(critical_strike any=1) or BuffExpires(spell_power_multiplier any=1) Spell(arcane_brilliance)
	if BuffExpires(molten_armor_buff) Spell(molten_armor)

AddIcon mastery=fire help=main
	if InCombat(no) FirePrecombatActions()

### Required symbols
# alter_time
# alter_time_activate
# alter_time_buff
# arcane_brilliance
# berserking
# combustion
# combustion_debuff
# conjure_mana_gem
# counterspell
# fireball
# flamestrike
# heating_up_buff
# ignite_debuff
# inferno_blast
# jade_serpent_potion
# living_bomb
# living_bomb_debuff
# mana_gem
# mirror_image
# molten_armor
# molten_armor_buff
# presence_of_mind
# presence_of_mind_buff
# pyroblast
# pyroblast_buff
# pyroblast_debuff
# rune_of_power
# scorch
# time_warp
	OvaleScripts:RegisterScript("MAGE", name, desc, code, "reference")