local OVALE, Ovale = ...
local OvaleScripts = Ovale.OvaleScripts

	local name = "SimulationCraft: Monk_Brewmaster_1h_Serenity_T17M"
	local desc = "[6.0] SimulationCraft: Monk_Brewmaster_1h_Serenity_T17M"
	local code = [[
# Based on SimulationCraft profile "Monk_Brewmaster_1h_Serenity_T17M".
#	class=monk
#	spec=brewmaster
#	talents=0130223
#	glyphs=fortifying_brew,expel_harm,fortuitous_spheres


AddCheckBox(opt_potion_agility ItemName(draenic_agility_potion) default)
AddCheckBox(opt_chi_burst SpellName(chi_burst) default)

AddFunction UsePotionAgility
	if CheckBoxOn(opt_potion_agility) and target.Classification(worldboss) Item(draenic_agility_potion usable=1)

AddFunction InterruptActions
	if not target.IsFriend() and target.IsInterruptible()
		if target.InRange(spear_hand_strike) Spell(spear_hand_strike)
		if not target.Classification(worldboss)
			if target.InRange(paralysis) Spell(paralysis)
			if target.InRange(quaking_palm) Spell(quaking_palm)

AddFunction BrewmasterDefaultActions
	if Energy() <= 40 Spell(blood_fury_apsp)
	if Energy() <= 40 Spell(berserking)
	if Energy() <= 40 Spell(arcane_torrent_chi)
	if Talent(chi_brew_talent) and MaxChi() - Chi() >= 2 and BuffStacks(elusive_brew_stacks_buff) <= 10 Spell(chi_brew)
	if IncomingDamage(1.5) > 0 and BuffExpires(fortifying_brew_buff) Spell(diffuse_magic)
	if IncomingDamage(1.5) > 0 and BuffExpires(fortifying_brew_buff) and BuffExpires(elusive_brew_activated_buff) Spell(dampen_harm)
	if IncomingDamage(1.5) > 0 and { BuffExpires(dampen_harm_buff) or BuffExpires(diffuse_magic_buff) } and BuffExpires(elusive_brew_activated_buff) Spell(fortifying_brew)
	if BuffStacks(elusive_brew_stacks_buff) >= 9 and { BuffExpires(dampen_harm_buff) or BuffExpires(diffuse_magic_buff) } and BuffExpires(elusive_brew_activated_buff) Spell(elusive_brew)
	if Talent(invoke_xuen_talent) and TimeInCombat() > 5 Spell(invoke_xuen)
	if Talent(serenity_talent) and Energy() <= 40 Spell(serenity)
	if Enemies() < 3 BrewmasterStActions()
	if Enemies() >= 3 BrewmasterAoeActions()

AddFunction BrewmasterAoeActions
	if Chi() >= 3 and BuffRemaining(shuffle_buff) >= 6 and target.DebuffRemaining(breath_of_fire_debuff) <= GCD() Spell(breath_of_fire)
	if Chi() >= 4 Spell(chi_explosion_tank)
	if MaxChi() - Chi() >= 1 and Talent(rushing_jade_wind_talent) Spell(rushing_jade_wind)
	if not Talent(chi_explosion_talent) and DebuffPresent(heavy_stagger_debuff) Spell(purifying_brew)
	if MaxChi() - Chi() >= 2 and not BuffPresent(serenity_buff) Spell(keg_smash)
	if Talent(chi_burst_talent) and TimeToMaxEnergy() > 3 and CheckBoxOn(opt_chi_burst) Spell(chi_burst)
	if Talent(chi_wave_talent) and TimeToMaxEnergy() > 3 Spell(chi_wave)
	if Talent(zen_sphere_talent) and not BuffPresent(zen_sphere_buff) Spell(zen_sphere)
	if Talent(rushing_jade_wind_talent) and BuffRemaining(shuffle_buff) <= 3 and SpellCooldown(keg_smash) >= GCD() Spell(blackout_kick)
	if Talent(rushing_jade_wind_talent) and BuffPresent(serenity_buff) Spell(blackout_kick)
	if Talent(rushing_jade_wind_talent) and Chi() >= 4 Spell(blackout_kick)
	if MaxChi() - Chi() >= 1 and SpellCooldown(keg_smash) >= GCD() and Energy() + EnergyRegenRate() * SpellCooldown(keg_smash) >= 40 Spell(expel_harm)
	if MaxChi() - Chi() >= 1 and not Talent(rushing_jade_wind_talent) Spell(spinning_crane_kick)
	if Talent(rushing_jade_wind_talent) and MaxChi() - Chi() >= 1 and SpellCooldown(keg_smash) >= GCD() and SpellCooldown(expel_harm) >= GCD() Spell(jab)
	if not Talent(chi_explosion_talent) and Talent(rushing_jade_wind_talent) and DebuffPresent(moderate_stagger_debuff) and BuffRemaining(shuffle_buff) >= 6 Spell(purifying_brew)
	if Talent(rushing_jade_wind_talent) and Energy() + EnergyRegenRate() * SpellCooldown(keg_smash) >= 40 Spell(tiger_palm)
	if Talent(rushing_jade_wind_talent) and SpellCooldown(keg_smash) >= GCD() Spell(tiger_palm)

AddFunction BrewmasterPrecombatActions

AddFunction BrewmasterStActions
	if BuffExpires(shuffle_buff) Spell(blackout_kick)
	if not Talent(chi_explosion_talent) and DebuffPresent(heavy_stagger_debuff) Spell(purifying_brew)
	if BuffPresent(serenity_buff) Spell(purifying_brew)
	if MaxChi() - Chi() >= 2 and not BuffPresent(serenity_buff) Spell(keg_smash)
	if Talent(chi_burst_talent) and TimeToMaxEnergy() > 3 and CheckBoxOn(opt_chi_burst) Spell(chi_burst)
	if Talent(chi_wave_talent) and TimeToMaxEnergy() > 3 Spell(chi_wave)
	if Talent(zen_sphere_talent) and not BuffPresent(zen_sphere_buff) Spell(zen_sphere)
	if Chi() >= 3 Spell(chi_explosion_tank)
	if BuffRemaining(shuffle_buff) <= 3 and SpellCooldown(keg_smash) >= GCD() Spell(blackout_kick)
	if BuffPresent(serenity_buff) Spell(blackout_kick)
	if Chi() >= 4 Spell(blackout_kick)
	if MaxChi() - Chi() >= 1 and SpellCooldown(keg_smash) >= GCD() Spell(expel_harm)
	if MaxChi() - Chi() >= 1 and SpellCooldown(keg_smash) >= GCD() and SpellCooldown(expel_harm) >= GCD() Spell(jab)
	if not Talent(chi_explosion_talent) and DebuffPresent(moderate_stagger_debuff) and BuffRemaining(shuffle_buff) >= 6 Spell(purifying_brew)
	if Energy() + EnergyRegenRate() * SpellCooldown(keg_smash) >= 40 Spell(tiger_palm)
	if SpellCooldown(keg_smash) >= GCD() Spell(tiger_palm)

AddIcon specialization=brewmaster help=main enemies=1
	if not InCombat() BrewmasterPrecombatActions()

AddIcon specialization=brewmaster help=aoe
	if not InCombat() BrewmasterPrecombatActions()

### Required symbols
# arcane_torrent_chi
# berserking
# blackout_kick
# blood_fury_apsp
# breath_of_fire
# breath_of_fire_debuff
# chi_brew
# chi_brew_talent
# chi_burst
# chi_burst_talent
# chi_explosion_talent
# chi_explosion_tank
# chi_wave
# chi_wave_talent
# dampen_harm
# dampen_harm_buff
# diffuse_magic
# diffuse_magic_buff
# draenic_agility_potion
# elusive_brew
# elusive_brew_activated_buff
# elusive_brew_stacks_buff
# expel_harm
# fortifying_brew
# fortifying_brew_buff
# guard
# heavy_stagger_debuff
# invoke_xuen
# invoke_xuen_talent
# jab
# keg_smash
# moderate_stagger_debuff
# paralysis
# purifying_brew
# quaking_palm
# rushing_jade_wind
# rushing_jade_wind_talent
# serenity
# serenity_buff
# serenity_talent
# shuffle_buff
# spear_hand_strike
# spinning_crane_kick
# stance_of_the_sturdy_ox
# tiger_palm
# war_stomp
# zen_sphere
# zen_sphere_buff
# zen_sphere_talent
	OvaleScripts:RegisterScript("MONK", name, desc, code, "reference")