local _, Ovale = ...
local OvaleScripts = Ovale.OvaleScripts

	local name = "SimulationCraft: Paladin_Retribution_T16H"
	local desc = "[5.4] SimulationCraft: Paladin_Retribution_T16H"
	local code = [[
# Based on SimulationCraft profile "Paladin_Retribution_T16H".
#	class=paladin
#	spec=retribution
#	talents=http://us.battle.net/wow/en/tool/talent-calculator#bb!110112
#	glyphs=double_jeopardy/mass_exorcism


AddFunction RetributionDefaultActions
	if { BuffPresent(burst_haste any=1) or { BuffPresent(ancient_power_buff) and BuffPresent(avenging_wrath_buff) } or target.TimeToDie() <= 40 } UsePotionStrength()
	if { BuffExpires(inquisition_buff) or BuffRemains(inquisition_buff) <= 2 } and { HolyPower() >= 3 or target.TimeToDie() < HolyPower() * 20 or BuffPresent(divine_purpose_buff) } Spell(inquisition)
	if BuffPresent(inquisition_buff) Spell(avenging_wrath)
	if BuffPresent(inquisition_buff) Spell(guardian_of_ancient_kings_melee)
	if TalentPoints(holy_avenger_talent) and { BuffPresent(inquisition_buff) and HolyPower() <= 2 } Spell(holy_avenger)
	if BuffPresent(inquisition_buff) and { BuffExpires(ancient_power_buff) or BuffStacks(ancient_power_buff) == 12 } UseItemActions()
	if TalentPoints(execution_sentence_talent) and { BuffPresent(inquisition_buff) and { BuffExpires(ancient_power_buff) or BuffStacks(ancient_power_buff) == 12 } } Spell(execution_sentence)
	if TalentPoints(lights_hammer_talent) and { BuffPresent(inquisition_buff) and { BuffExpires(ancient_power_buff) or BuffStacks(ancient_power_buff) == 12 } } Spell(lights_hammer)
	if Enemies() >= 2 and { HolyPower() == 5 or BuffPresent(divine_purpose_buff) or { BuffPresent(holy_avenger_buff) and HolyPower() >= 3 } } Spell(divine_storm)
	if BuffPresent(divine_crusader_buff) and HolyPower() == 5 Spell(divine_storm)
	if HolyPower() == 5 or BuffPresent(holy_avenger_buff) and HolyPower() >= 3 Spell(templars_verdict)
	if BuffPresent(divine_purpose_buff) and BuffRemains(divine_purpose_buff) < 4 Spell(templars_verdict)
	Spell(hammer_of_wrath usable=1)
	if SpellCooldown(hammer_of_wrath) > 0 and SpellCooldown(hammer_of_wrath) <= 0.2 wait Spell(hammer_of_wrath)
	if BuffPresent(divine_crusader_buff) and BuffPresent(avenging_wrath_buff) Spell(divine_storm)
	if BuffPresent(avenging_wrath_buff) Spell(templars_verdict)
	if Enemies() >= 4 Spell(hammer_of_the_righteous)
	if SpellCooldown(crusader_strike) > 0 and SpellCooldown(crusader_strike) <= 0.2 wait Spell(crusader_strike)
	if Enemies() >= 2 and Enemies() <= 4 and ArmorSetBonus(T15_melee 2) and Glyph(glyph_of_mass_exorcism) Spell(exorcism)
	if SpellCooldown(judgment) > 0 and SpellCooldown(judgment) <= 0.2 wait Spell(judgment)
	if BuffPresent(divine_crusader_buff) Spell(divine_storm)
	if BuffPresent(divine_purpose_buff) Spell(templars_verdict)
	if SpellCooldown(exorcism) > 0 and SpellCooldown(exorcism) <= 0.2 wait Spell(exorcism)
	if BuffPresent(tier15_4pc_melee_buff) and Enemies() < 4 Spell(templars_verdict)
	if Enemies() >= 2 and BuffRemains(inquisition_buff) > 4 Spell(divine_storm)
	if BuffRemains(inquisition_buff) > 4 Spell(templars_verdict)
	if TalentPoints(holy_prism_talent) Spell(holy_prism)

AddFunction RetributionPrecombatActions
	if not BuffPresent(str_agi_int any=1) Spell(blessing_of_kings)
	if not BuffPresent(mastery any=1) Spell(blessing_of_might)
	if Enemies() < 4 if not Stance(paladin_seal_of_truth) Spell(seal_of_truth)
	if Enemies() >= 4 if not Stance(paladin_seal_of_righteousness) Spell(seal_of_righteousness)

AddIcon mastery=retribution help=main
	if InCombat(no) RetributionPrecombatActions()

### Required symbols
# ancient_power_buff
# arcane_torrent_mana
# avenging_wrath
# avenging_wrath_buff
# berserking
# blessing_of_kings
# blessing_of_might
# blood_fury
# crusader_strike
# divine_crusader_buff
# divine_purpose_buff
# divine_storm
# execution_sentence
# execution_sentence_talent
# exorcism
# glyph_of_mass_exorcism
# guardian_of_ancient_kings_melee
# hammer_of_the_righteous
# hammer_of_wrath
# holy_avenger
# holy_avenger_buff
# holy_avenger_talent
# holy_prism
# holy_prism_talent
# inquisition
# inquisition_buff
# judgment
# lights_hammer
# lights_hammer_talent
# mastery
# mogu_power_potion
# rebuke
# seal_of_righteousness
# seal_of_truth
# str_agi_int
# templars_verdict
# tier15_4pc_melee_buff
	OvaleScripts:RegisterScript("PALADIN", name, desc, code, "reference")