local OVALE, Ovale = ...
local OvaleScripts = Ovale.OvaleScripts

	local name = "SimulationCraft: Rogue_Assassination_T17M"
	local desc = "[6.0] SimulationCraft: Rogue_Assassination_T17M"
	local code = [[
# Based on SimulationCraft profile "Rogue_Assassination_T17M".
#	class=rogue
#	spec=assassination
#	talents=3000032
#	glyphs=vendetta/energy/disappearance


AddCheckBox(opt_potion_agility ItemName(draenic_agility_potion) default)

AddFunction UsePotionAgility
	if CheckBoxOn(opt_potion_agility) and target.Classification(worldboss) Item(draenic_agility_potion usable=1)

AddFunction UseItemActions
	Item(HandSlot usable=1)
	Item(Trinket0Slot usable=1)
	Item(Trinket1Slot usable=1)

AddFunction GetInMeleeRange
	if not target.InRange(kick)
		Texture(misc_arrowlup help=L(not_in_melee_range))

AddFunction InterruptActions
	if not target.IsFriend() and target.IsInterruptible()
		if target.InRange(kick) Spell(kick)
		if not target.Classification(worldboss)
			if target.InRange(cheap_shot) Spell(cheap_shot)
			if target.InRange(deadly_throw) and ComboPoints() == 5 Spell(deadly_throw)
			if target.InRange(kidney_shot) Spell(kidney_shot)
			if target.InRange(quaking_palm) Spell(quaking_palm)

AddFunction AssassinationDefaultActions
	if BuffPresent(burst_haste_buff any=1) or target.TimeToDie() < 40 or target.DebuffPresent(vendetta_debuff) UsePotionAgility()
	if not BuffPresent(vanish_buff) and SpellCooldown(vanish) > 30 Spell(preparation)
	if Enemies() > 1 or target.DebuffPresent(vendetta_debuff) and Enemies() == 1 UseItemActions()
	if Energy() < 60 Spell(arcane_torrent_energy)
	if TimeInCombat() > 10 and not BuffPresent(stealthed_buff any=1) Spell(vanish)
	if ComboPoints() == 5 and target.TicksRemaining(rupture_debuff) < 3 Spell(rupture)
	if Enemies() > 1 and not target.DebuffPresent(rupture_debuff) and ComboPoints() == 5 Spell(rupture)
	if BuffPresent(stealthed_buff any=1) Spell(mutilate)
	if BuffRemaining(slice_and_dice_buff) < 5 Spell(slice_and_dice)
	if ComboPoints() == 0 Spell(marked_for_death)
	if ComboPoints() > 4 and Enemies() >= 4 and target.DebuffRemaining(crimson_tempest_debuff) < 8 Spell(crimson_tempest)
	if ComboPoints() < 5 and Enemies() >= 4 Spell(fan_of_knives)
	if { target.DebuffRemaining(rupture_debuff) < 2 or ComboPoints() == 5 and target.DebuffRemaining(rupture_debuff) <= BaseDuration(rupture_debuff) * 0.3 } and Enemies() == 1 Spell(rupture)
	if not SpellCooldown(vendetta) > 0 Spell(shadow_reflection)
	if BuffPresent(shadow_reflection_buff) or not Talent(shadow_reflection_talent) Spell(vendetta)
	if ComboPoints() > 4 and BuffRemaining(envenom_buff) < 2 and { SpellCooldown(death_from_above) > 2 or not Talent(death_from_above_talent) } and Enemies() < 4 and not target.DebuffPresent(deadly_poison_dot_debuff) Spell(envenom)
	if ComboPoints() > 4 and BuffRemaining(envenom_buff) < 2 and { SpellCooldown(death_from_above) > 2 or not Talent(death_from_above_talent) } and Enemies() < 4 Spell(envenom)
	if Enemies() > 2 and not target.DebuffPresent(deadly_poison_dot_debuff) and target.DebuffExpires(vendetta_debuff) Spell(fan_of_knives)
	if target.HealthPercent() > 35 and ComboPoints() < 5 and Enemies() == 2 and not target.DebuffPresent(deadly_poison_dot_debuff) and target.DebuffExpires(vendetta_debuff) Spell(mutilate)
	if target.HealthPercent() > 35 and ComboPoints() < 5 and Enemies() < 5 Spell(mutilate)
	if { ComboPoints() < 5 or Talent(anticipation_talent) and BuffStacks(anticipation_buff) < 4 } and Enemies() == 2 and not target.DebuffPresent(deadly_poison_dot_debuff) and target.DebuffExpires(vendetta_debuff) Spell(dispatch)
	if { ComboPoints() < 5 or Talent(anticipation_talent) and BuffStacks(anticipation_buff) < 4 } and Enemies() < 4 Spell(dispatch)
	if Enemies() == 2 and not target.DebuffPresent(deadly_poison_dot_debuff) and target.DebuffExpires(vendetta_debuff) Spell(mutilate)
	if Enemies() < 5 Spell(mutilate)

AddFunction AssassinationPrecombatActions
	if BuffRemaining(lethal_poison_buff) < 1200 Spell(deadly_poison)
	if BuffExpires(stealthed_buff any=1) Spell(stealth)
	if Talent(marked_for_death_talent) Spell(slice_and_dice)

AddIcon specialization=assassination help=main enemies=1
	if not InCombat() AssassinationPrecombatActions()

AddIcon specialization=assassination help=aoe
	if not InCombat() AssassinationPrecombatActions()

### Required symbols
# anticipation_buff
# anticipation_talent
# arcane_torrent_energy
# berserking
# blood_fury_ap
# cheap_shot
# crimson_tempest
# crimson_tempest_debuff
# deadly_poison
# deadly_poison_dot_debuff
# deadly_throw
# death_from_above
# death_from_above_talent
# dispatch
# draenic_agility_potion
# envenom
# envenom_buff
# fan_of_knives
# kick
# kidney_shot
# lethal_poison_buff
# marked_for_death
# marked_for_death_talent
# mutilate
# preparation
# quaking_palm
# rupture
# rupture_debuff
# shadow_reflection
# shadow_reflection_buff
# shadow_reflection_talent
# shadowstep
# slice_and_dice
# slice_and_dice_buff
# stealth
# vanish
# vanish_buff
# vendetta
# vendetta_debuff
	OvaleScripts:RegisterScript("ROGUE", name, desc, code, "reference")