local _, Ovale = ...
local OvaleScripts = Ovale.OvaleScripts

	local name = "SimulationCraft: Shaman_Elemental_T16H"
	local desc = "[5.4] SimulationCraft: Shaman_Elemental_T16H"
	local code = [[
# Based on SimulationCraft profile "Shaman_Elemental_T16H".
#	class=shaman
#	spec=elemental
#	talents=http://us.battle.net/wow/en/tool/talent-calculator#Wa!...2.0
#	glyphs=chain_lightning


AddFunction ElementalAoeActions
	if Enemies() > 2 and not TotemPresent(fire) Spell(magma_totem)
	if Enemies() <= 2 and not TotemPresent(fire) Spell(searing_totem)
	if Enemies() < 3 and target.DebuffRemains(flame_shock_debuff) > CastTime(lava_burst) and Spell(lava_burst) Spell(lava_burst)
	if not target.DebuffPresent(flame_shock_debuff) and Enemies() < 3 Spell(flame_shock)
	if Enemies() > 4 Spell(earthquake)
	if ManaPercent() < 80 Spell(thunderstorm)
	if ManaPercent() > 10 Spell(chain_lightning)

AddFunction ElementalSingleActions
	if { { SpellCooldown(ascendance_caster) > 10 or Level() < 87 } and SpellCooldown(fire_elemental_totem) > 10 } or BuffPresent(ascendance_caster_buff) or BuffPresent(burst_haste any=1) or TotemPresent(fire totem=fire_elemental_totem) UseItemActions()
	if TalentPoints(unleashed_fury_talent) and not BuffPresent(ascendance_caster_buff) Spell(unleash_elements)
	if Speed() > 0 and BuffPresent(ascendance_caster_buff) Spell(spiritwalkers_grace)
	if target.DebuffRemains(flame_shock_debuff) > CastTime(lava_burst) and { BuffPresent(ascendance_caster_buff) or Spell(lava_burst) } Spell(lava_burst)
	if target.TicksRemain(flame_shock_debuff) < 2 Spell(flame_shock)
	if TalentPoints(elemental_blast_talent) Spell(elemental_blast)
	if BuffStacks(lightning_shield_buff) == 7 Spell(earth_shock)
	if BuffStacks(lightning_shield_buff) > 3 and target.DebuffRemains(flame_shock_debuff) > SpellCooldown(earth_shock) and target.DebuffRemains(flame_shock_debuff) < SpellCooldown(earth_shock) + target.TickTime(flame_shock_debuff) Spell(earth_shock)
	if TimeInCombat() > 60 and target.DebuffRemains(flame_shock_debuff) <= SpellData(ascendance_caster_buff duration) and SpellCooldown(ascendance_caster) + SpellData(ascendance_caster_buff duration) < SpellData(flame_shock_debuff duration) Spell(flame_shock)
	if not TotemPresent(earth totem=earth_elemental_totem) and SpellCooldown(fire_elemental_totem) >= 60 Spell(earth_elemental_totem)
	if SpellCooldown(fire_elemental_totem) > 20 and not TotemPresent(fire) Spell(searing_totem)
	if Speed() > 0 and { { { TalentPoints(elemental_blast_talent) and not SpellCooldown(elemental_blast) > 0 } or { not SpellCooldown(lava_burst) > 0 and not BuffPresent(lava_surge_buff) } } or { 0 >= GCD() + GCD() } } Spell(spiritwalkers_grace)

AddFunction ElementalDefaultActions
	if target.HealthPercent() < 25 or TimeInCombat() > 5 Bloodlust()
	if not TotemPresent(air totem=stormlash_totem) and not BuffPresent(stormlash_buff) and { BuffPresent(burst_haste any=1) or TimeInCombat() >= 60 } Spell(stormlash_totem)
	if TimeInCombat() > 60 and { TotemPresent(fire totem=fire_elemental_totem) or TotemPresent(fire totem=fire_elemental_totem) or target.TimeToDie() <= 60 } UsePotionIntellect()
	if not BuffPresent(burst_haste any=1) and not BuffPresent(elemental_mastery_buff) and { ArmorSetBonus(T15_caster 4) == 1 or { SpellCooldown(ascendance_caster) == 0 and { target.DebuffRemains(flame_shock_debuff) > SpellData(ascendance_caster_buff duration) or Level() < 87 } } } Spell(berserking)
	if BuffPresent(burst_haste any=1) or BuffPresent(ascendance_caster_buff) or { { SpellCooldown(ascendance_caster) > 10 or Level() < 87 } and SpellCooldown(fire_elemental_totem) > 10 } Spell(blood_fury)
	if TalentPoints(elemental_mastery_talent) and { TimeInCombat() > 15 and { { not BuffPresent(burst_haste any=1) and TimeInCombat() < 120 } or { not BuffPresent(berserking_buff) and not BuffPresent(burst_haste any=1) and BuffPresent(ascendance_caster_buff) } or { TimeInCombat() >= 200 and { SpellCooldown(ascendance_caster) > 30 or Level() < 87 } } } } Spell(elemental_mastery)
	if TalentPoints(ancestral_swiftness_talent) and not BuffPresent(ascendance_caster_buff) Spell(ancestral_swiftness)
	if not TotemPresent(fire totem=fire_elemental_totem) Spell(fire_elemental_totem)
	if Enemies() > 1 or { target.DebuffRemains(flame_shock_debuff) > SpellData(ascendance_caster_buff duration) and { target.TimeToDie() < 20 or BuffPresent(burst_haste any=1) or TimeInCombat() >= 60 } and SpellCooldown(lava_burst) > 0 } Spell(ascendance_caster)
	if Enemies() == 1 ElementalSingleActions()
	if Enemies() > 1 ElementalAoeActions()

AddFunction ElementalPrecombatActions
	if WeaponEnchantExpires(main) Spell(flametongue_weapon)
	if not BuffPresent(lightning_shield_buff) Spell(lightning_shield)

AddIcon mastery=elemental help=main
	if InCombat(no) ElementalPrecombatActions()

### Required symbols
# ancestral_swiftness
# ancestral_swiftness_talent
# arcane_torrent
# ascendance_caster
# ascendance_caster_buff
# berserking
# berserking_buff
# blood_fury
# bloodlust
# chain_lightning
# earth_elemental_totem
# earth_shock
# earthquake
# elemental_blast
# elemental_blast_talent
# elemental_mastery
# elemental_mastery_buff
# elemental_mastery_talent
# fire_elemental_totem
# flame_shock
# flame_shock_debuff
# flametongue_weapon
# jade_serpent_potion
# lava_beam
# lava_burst
# lava_surge_buff
# lightning_bolt
# lightning_shield
# lightning_shield_buff
# magma_totem
# searing_totem
# spiritwalkers_grace
# stormlash_buff
# stormlash_totem
# thunderstorm
# unleash_elements
# unleashed_fury_talent
# wind_shear
	OvaleScripts:RegisterScript("SHAMAN", name, desc, code, "reference")