All localization entries must be added to the WoWAce localization application.  When the addon is packaged, the localization strings are taken from the application and added to the code.

==Localization Schema
* single and double words are just fine, anything longer should have a tag
* tag name rules:
** tags should be ALL_CAPITAL_LETTERS with words separated with _'s
** descriptions are typically used in tooltips and header in sections
** short descriptions will end in _DESC
** long descriptions will end in _LONG
* don't include the object being described in the name (no _TOGGLE or _TT) since it can be used several times to describe different objects (in theory)
* group related elements together, either by their location in the GUI/config, or by purpose (Weapon categories, etc)

==Localization Contributors
Please visit [[http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/localization/translators/|this]] page to see all the different localization contributors.