--[[ Feel free to use this source code for any purpose ( except developing nuclear weapon! :) Please keep original author statement. @author Alex Shubert (alex.shubert@gmail.com) ]]-- local _G = _G --Rumors say that global _G is called by lookup in a super-global table. Have no idea whether it is true. local _ --Sometimes blizzard exposes "_" variable as a global. local addonName, ptable = ... local L = ptable.L local C = ptable.CONST local TOCVersion = GetAddOnMetadata(addonName, "Version") local Q_ALL, Q_DAILY, Q_EXCEPTDAILY = 1, 2, 3 AutoTurnIn = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("AutoTurnIn", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceConsole-3.0") AutoTurnIn.defaults = {enabled = true, all = 2, trivial = false, completeonly = false, lootreward = 1, tournament = 2, darkmoonteleport=true, todarkmoon=true, togglekey=4, darkmoonautostart=true, showrewardtext=true, version=TOCVersion, autoequip = false, debug=false, questlevel=true, watchlevel=true, questshare=false, armor = {}, weapon = {}, stat = {}, secondary = {}} AutoTurnIn.ldb, AutoTurnIn.allowed = nil, nil AutoTurnIn.caption = addonName ..' [%s]' AutoTurnIn.funcList = {[1] = function() return false end, [2]=IsAltKeyDown, [3]=IsControlKeyDown, [4]=IsShiftKeyDown} AutoTurnIn.OptionsPanel, AutoTurnIn.RewardPanel = nil, nil AutoTurnIn.autoEquipList={} AutoTurnIn.questCache={} -- daily quest cache. Initially is built from player's quest log AutoTurnIn.ldbstruct = { type = "data source", icon = "Interface\\QUESTFRAME\\UI-QuestLog-BookIcon", label = addonName, text = addonName, OnClick = function(clickedframe, button) if InterfaceOptionsFrame:IsVisible() then if (InterfaceOptionsFrameAddOns.selection:GetName() == AutoTurnIn.OptionsPanel:GetName()) then --"AutoTurnInOptionsPanel" InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(AutoTurnIn.RewardPanel) elseif (InterfaceOptionsFrameAddOns.selection:GetName() == AutoTurnIn.RewardPanel:GetName() ) then --"AutoTurnInRewardPanel" InterfaceOptionsFrameCancel:Click() end else InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(AutoTurnIn.OptionsPanel) end end, } function AutoTurnIn:OnInitialize() self:RegisterChatCommand("au", "ConsoleComand") end function AutoTurnIn:SetEnabled(enabled) AutoTurnInCharacterDB.enabled = not not enabled if self.ldb then self.ldb.text = self.caption:format((AutoTurnInCharacterDB.enabled) and 'on' or 'off' ) self.ldb.label = self.ldb.text end end -- quest autocomplete handlers and functions function AutoTurnIn:OnEnable() if (not AutoTurnInCharacterDB) or (not AutoTurnInCharacterDB.version or (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.version < TOCVersion)) then AutoTurnInCharacterDB = nil self:Print(L["reset"]) end if not AutoTurnInCharacterDB then _G.AutoTurnInCharacterDB = CopyTable(self.defaults) end local DB = AutoTurnInCharacterDB if (tonumber(DB.lootreward) == nil) then DB.lootreward = 1 end if (tonumber(DB.togglekey) == nil) then DB.togglekey = 1 end DB.armor = DB.armor and DB.armor or {} DB.weapon = DB.weapon and DB.weapon or {} DB.stat = DB.stat and DB.stat or {} DB.secondary = DB.secondary and DB.secondary or {} DB.trivial = DB.trivial ~= nil and DB.trivial or false DB.questlevel = DB.questlevel == nil and true or DB.questlevel DB.watchlevel = DB.watchlevel == nil and true or DB.watchlevel DB.questshare = DB.questshare == nil and false or DB.questshare local LDB = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibDataBroker-1.1", true) if LDB then self.ldb = LDB:NewDataObject("AutoTurnIn", self.ldbstruct) end self:SetEnabled(DB.enabled) self:RegisterGossipEvents() if select(4, GetBuildInfo()) < 60000 then hooksecurefunc("QuestLog_Update", AutoTurnIn.ShowQuestLevelInLog) hooksecurefunc(QuestLogScrollFrame, "update", AutoTurnIn.ShowQuestLevelInLog) hooksecurefunc("WatchFrame_Update", AutoTurnIn.ShowQuestLevelInWatchFrame) end end function AutoTurnIn:OnDisable() self:UnregisterAllEvents() end function AutoTurnIn:RegisterGossipEvents() self:RegisterEvent("QUEST_GREETING") self:RegisterEvent("GOSSIP_SHOW") self:RegisterEvent("QUEST_DETAIL") self:RegisterEvent("QUEST_PROGRESS") self:RegisterEvent("QUEST_COMPLETE") self:RegisterEvent("QUEST_LOG_UPDATE") self:RegisterEvent("QUEST_ACCEPTED") end function AutoTurnIn:QUEST_LOG_UPDATE() if ( GetNumQuestLogEntries() > 0 ) then for index=1, GetNumQuestLogEntries() do local title, _, _, _, isHeader , _, _, isDaily = GetQuestLogTitle(index) if not isHeader and isDaily then self.questCache[title] = true end end self:UnregisterEvent("QUEST_LOG_UPDATE") end end -- Available check requires cache -- Active check query API function Returns true if quest matches options function AutoTurnIn:isAppropriate(questname, byCache) local daily if byCache then daily = (not not self.questCache[questname]) else daily = (QuestIsDaily() or QuestIsWeekly()) end return self:_isAppropriate(daily) end -- 'private' function function AutoTurnIn:_isAppropriate(daily) if daily then return (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.all ~= Q_EXCEPTDAILY) else return (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.all ~= Q_DAILY) end end -- caches offered by gossip quest as daily function AutoTurnIn:CacheAsDaily(questname) self.questCache[questname] = true end function AutoTurnIn:IsIgnoredQuest(quest) local function startsWith(str,template) return (string.len(str) >= string.len(template)) and (string.sub(str,1,string.len(template))==template) end for q in pairs(L.ignoreList) do if (startsWith(quest, q)) then return true end end return false end function AutoTurnIn:ConsoleComand(arg) arg = strlower(arg) if (#arg == 0) then -- http://wowpedia.org/Patch_5.3.0/API_changes double call is a workaround InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(AutoTurnIn.OptionsPanel) InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(AutoTurnIn.OptionsPanel) elseif arg == "on" then self:SetEnabled(true) self:Print(L["enabled"]) elseif arg == "off" then self:SetEnabled(false) self:Print(L["disabled"]) end end -- returns specified item count on player character. It may be some sort of currency or present in inventory as real items. function AutoTurnIn:GetItemAmount(isCurrency, item) local amount = isCurrency and select(2, GetCurrencyInfo(item)) or GetItemCount(item, nil, true) return amount and amount or 0 end -- returns set 'self.allowed' to true if addon is allowed to handle current gossip conversation -- Cases when it may not : (addon is enabled and toggle key was pressed) or (addon is disabled and toggle key is not pressed) -- 'forcecheck' does what it name says: forces check function AutoTurnIn:AllowedToHandle(forcecheck) if ( self.allowed == nil or forcecheck ) then -- Double 'not' converts possible 'nil' to boolean representation local IsModifiedClick = not not self.funcList[AutoTurnInCharacterDB.togglekey]() -- it's a simple xor implementation (a ~= b) self.allowed = (not not AutoTurnInCharacterDB.enabled) ~= (IsModifiedClick) end return self.allowed end -- Old 'Quest NPC' interaction system. See http://wowprogramming.com/docs/events/QUEST_GREETING function AutoTurnIn:QUEST_GREETING() if (not self:AllowedToHandle(true)) then return end for index=1, GetNumActiveQuests() do local quest, isComplete = GetActiveTitle(index) if isComplete and (self:isAppropriate(quest, true)) then SelectActiveQuest(index) end end if not AutoTurnInCharacterDB.completeonly then for index=1, GetNumAvailableQuests() do local isTrivial, isDaily, isRepeatable = GetAvailableQuestInfo(index) local triviaAndAllowedOrNotTrivia = (not isTrivial) or AutoTurnInCharacterDB.trivial local title = GetAvailableTitle(index) local quest = L.quests[title] local notBlackListed = not (quest and (quest.donotaccept or AutoTurnIn:IsIgnoredQuest(title))) if isDaily then self:CacheAsDaily(GetAvailableTitle(index)) end if (triviaAndAllowedOrNotTrivia and notBlackListed and self:_isAppropriate(isDaily)) then if quest and quest.amount then if self:GetItemAmount(quest.currency, quest.item) >= quest.amount then SelectAvailableQuest(index) end else SelectAvailableQuest(index) end end end end end -- (gaq[i+3]) equals "1" if quest is complete, "nil" otherwise -- why not gaq={GetGossipAvailableQuests()}? Well, tables in lua are truncated for values -- with ending `nil`. So: '#' for {1,nil, "b", nil} returns 1 function AutoTurnIn:VarArgForActiveQuests(...) local MOP_INDEX_CONST = 5 -- was '4' in Cataclysm for i=1, select("#", ...), MOP_INDEX_CONST do local isComplete = select(i+3, ...) -- complete status if ( isComplete ) then local questname = select(i, ...) if self:isAppropriate(questname, true) then local quest = L.quests[questname] if quest and quest.amount then if self:GetItemAmount(quest.currency, quest.item) >= quest.amount then SelectGossipActiveQuest(math.floor(i/MOP_INDEX_CONST)+1) self.DarkmoonAllowToProceed = false end else SelectGossipActiveQuest(math.floor(i/MOP_INDEX_CONST)+1) self.DarkmoonAllowToProceed = false end end end end end -- like previous function this one works around `nil` values in a list. function AutoTurnIn:VarArgForAvailableQuests(...) local MOP_INDEX_CONST = 6 -- was '5' in Cataclysm for i=1, select("#", ...), MOP_INDEX_CONST do local title = select(i, ...) local isTrivial = select(i+2, ...) local isDaily = select(i+3, ...) local triviaAndAllowedOrNotTrivia = (not isTrivial) or AutoTurnInCharacterDB.trivial local quest = L.quests[title] -- this quest exists in addons quest DB. There are mostly daily quests local notBlackListed = not (quest and (quest.donotaccept or AutoTurnIn:IsIgnoredQuest(title))) -- Quest is appropriate if: (it is trivial and trivial are accepted) and (any quest accepted or (it is daily quest that is not in ignore list)) if (triviaAndAllowedOrNotTrivia and notBlackListed and self:_isAppropriate(isDaily)) then if quest and quest.amount then if self:GetItemAmount(quest.currency, quest.item) >= quest.amount then SelectGossipAvailableQuest(math.floor(i/MOP_INDEX_CONST)+1) end else SelectGossipAvailableQuest(math.floor(i/MOP_INDEX_CONST)+1) end end end end function AutoTurnIn:isDarkmoonAndAllowed(questCount) return (self.DarkmoonAllowToProceed and questCount) and AutoTurnInCharacterDB.darkmoonautostart and (GetZoneText() == L["Darkmoon Island"]) end function AutoTurnIn:isYoungPandaren() return (UnitName("npc")== L["Scared Pandaren Cub"]) and (GetRealZoneText() == L["The Jade Forest"]) end function AutoTurnIn:isDarkmoonFaireMysticMage() return AutoTurnInCharacterDB.todarkmoon and (UnitName("npc")== L["Darkmoon Faire Mystic Mage"]) and (GetRealZoneText() ~= L["Darkmoon Island"]) end function AutoTurnIn:isDarkmoonFaireTeleportologist() return AutoTurnInCharacterDB.darkmoonteleport and (L["DarkmoonFaireTeleport"]==UnitName("target")) end function AutoTurnIn:GOSSIP_SHOW() if (not self:AllowedToHandle(true)) then return end -- darkmoon fairy gossip sometime turns in quest too fast so I can't relay only on quest number count. It often lie. -- this flag is set in VarArgForActiveQuests if any quest may be turned in self.DarkmoonAllowToProceed = true local questCount = GetNumGossipActiveQuests() > 0 self:VarArgForActiveQuests(GetGossipActiveQuests()) if not AutoTurnInCharacterDB.completeonly then self:VarArgForAvailableQuests(GetGossipAvailableQuests()) end if self:isDarkmoonAndAllowed(questCount) then local options = {GetGossipOptions()} for k, v in pairs(options) do if ((v ~= "gossip") and strfind(v, "|cFF0008E8%(")) then local opcount = GetNumGossipOptions() SelectGossipOption((opcount == 1) and 1 or math.floor(k / GetNumGossipOptions()) + 1) end end end if self:isYoungPandaren() then SelectGossipOption(1) end if self:isDarkmoonFaireMysticMage() or self:isDarkmoonFaireTeleportologist() then SelectGossipOption(1) StaticPopup1Button1:Click() end end function AutoTurnIn:QUEST_DETAIL() if (QuestIsDaily() or QuestIsWeekly()) then self:CacheAsDaily(GetTitleText()) end if self:AllowedToHandle() and self:isAppropriate() and (not AutoTurnInCharacterDB.completeonly)then QuestInfoDescriptionText:SetAlphaGradient(0, -1) QuestInfoDescriptionText:SetAlpha(1) AcceptQuest() end end function AutoTurnIn:QUEST_ACCEPTED(event, index) if AutoTurnInCharacterDB.questshare and GetQuestLogPushable() and GetNumGroupMembers() >= 1 then SelectQuestLogEntry(index); QuestLogPushQuest(); end end function AutoTurnIn:QUEST_PROGRESS() if self:AllowedToHandle() and IsQuestCompletable() and self:isAppropriate() then CompleteQuest() end end -- return true if an item is of `ranged` type and is suitable with current options function AutoTurnIn:IsRangedAndRequired(subclass) return (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.weapon['Ranged'] and (C.ITEMS['Crossbows'] == subclass or C.ITEMS['Guns'] == subclass or C.ITEMS['Bows'] == subclass)) end -- return true if an item is of `Jewelry` type and is suitable with current options function AutoTurnIn:IsJewelryAndRequired(equipSlot) return AutoTurnInCharacterDB.armor['Jewelry'] and (C.JEWELRY[equipSlot]) end -- initiated in AutoTurnIn:TurnInQuest PLAYER_LEAVE_COMBAT ? PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED ? AutoTurnIn.delayFrame = CreateFrame('Frame') AutoTurnIn.delayFrame:Hide() AutoTurnIn.delayFrame:SetScript('OnUpdate', function() if not next(AutoTurnIn.autoEquipList) then AutoTurnIn.delayFrame:Hide() return end if (InCombatLockdown()) then return end if (time() < AutoTurnIn.delayFrame.delay) then return end for bag=0, NUM_BAG_SLOTS do for slot=1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag), 1 do local link = GetContainerItemLink (bag, slot) if ( link ) then local name = GetItemInfo(link) if ( name and AutoTurnIn.autoEquipList[name] ) then AutoTurnIn:Print(L["equipping reward"], link) EquipItemByName(name, AutoTurnIn.autoEquipList[name]) AutoTurnIn.autoEquipList[name]=nil end end end end end) -- return 0 if itemlink is null, item level or math.huge if the item is heirloom function AutoTurnIn:ItemLevel(itemLink) if (not itemLink) then return 0 end -- 7 for heirloom http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api_types#itemQuality local invQuality, invLevel = select(3, GetItemInfo(itemLink)) return (invQuality == 7) and math.huge or invLevel end -- turns quest in printing reward text if `showrewardtext` option is set. -- prints appropriate message if item is taken by greed -- equips received reward if such option selected function AutoTurnIn:TurnInQuest(rewardIndex) if (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.showrewardtext) then self:Print((UnitName("target") and UnitName("target") or '')..'\n', GetRewardText()) end if (self.forceGreed) then if (GetNumQuestChoices() > 1) then self:Print(L["gogreedy"]) end else local name = GetQuestItemInfo("choice", (GetNumQuestChoices() == 1) and 1 or rewardIndex) if (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.autoequip and (strlen(name) > 0)) then local lootLevel, _, _, _, _, equipSlot = select(4, GetItemInfo(GetQuestItemLink("choice", rewardIndex))) -- Compares reward and already equipped item levels. If reward level is greater than equipped item, auto equip reward local slot = C.SLOTS[equipSlot] if (slot) then local firstSlot = GetInventorySlotInfo(slot[1]) local invLink = GetInventoryItemLink("player", firstSlot) local eqLevel = self:ItemLevel(invLink) -- If reward is a ring trinket or one-handed weapons all slots must be checked in order to swap one with a lesser item-level if (#slot > 1) then local secondSlot = GetInventorySlotInfo(slot[2]) invLink = GetInventoryItemLink("player", secondSlot) if (invLink) then local eq2Level = self:ItemLevel(invLink) firstSlot = (eqLevel > eq2Level) and secondSlot or firstSlot eqLevel = (eqLevel > eq2Level) and eq2Level or eqLevel end end -- comparing lowest equipped item level with reward's item level if (lootLevel > eqLevel) then self.autoEquipList[name] = firstSlot self.delayFrame.delay = time() + 2 self.delayFrame:Show() end end end end if (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.debug) then local link = GetQuestItemLink("choice", rewardIndex) if (link) then self:Print("Debug: item to loot=", link) elseif (GetNumQuestChoices() == 0) then self:Print("Debug: turning quest in, no choice required") end else GetQuestReward(rewardIndex) end end function AutoTurnIn:Greed() local index, money = 0, 0; for i=1, GetNumQuestChoices() do local link = GetQuestItemLink("choice", i) if ( link == nil ) then return end local m = select(11, GetItemInfo(link)) if m > money then money = m index = i end end if money > 0 then -- some quests, like tournament ones, offer reputation rewards and they have no cost. self.forceGreed = true self:TurnInQuest(index) end end --[[ iterates all rewards and compares with chosen stats and types. If only one appropriate item found then it accepted and quest is turned in. if more than one suitable item found then item list is shown in a chat window and addons return control to player. @returns 'true' if one or more suitable reward is found, 'false' otherwise ]]-- -- tables are declared here to optimize memory model. Said that in current implementation it's cheaper to wipe than to create. AutoTurnIn.found, AutoTurnIn.stattable = {}, {} function AutoTurnIn:Need() wipe(self.found) for i=1, GetNumQuestChoices() do local link = GetQuestItemLink("choice", i) if ( link == nil ) then self:Print(L["rewardlag"]) return true end local class, subclass, _, equipSlot = select(6, GetItemInfo(link)) --[[trinkets are out of autoloot]]-- if ( 'INVTYPE_TRINKET' == equipSlot )then self:Print(L["stopitemfound"]:format(_G[equipSlot])) return true end local itemCandidate = {index=i, points=0, type="", stat="", secondary={}} --DEBUG structure -- TYPE: item is suitable if there are no type specified at all or item type is chosen local OkByType = false if class == C.WEAPONLABEL then OkByType = (not next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.weapon)) or (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.weapon[subclass] or self:IsRangedAndRequired(subclass)) else OkByType = ( not next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.armor) ) or ( AutoTurnInCharacterDB.armor[subclass] or AutoTurnInCharacterDB.armor[equipSlot] or self:IsJewelryAndRequired(equipSlot) ) end itemCandidate.type=subclass .. ((not not OkByType) and "=>OK" or "=>FAIL") --STAT+SECONDARY: Same here: if no stat specified or item stat is chosen then item is wanted local OkByStat = not next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.stat) -- true if table is empty local OkBySecondary = not next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.secondary) -- true if table is empty if (not (OkByStat and OkBySecondaryStat)) then wipe(self.stattable) GetItemStats(link, self.stattable) local count = 0 for stat, value in pairs(self.stattable) do count = count + 1 if ( AutoTurnInCharacterDB.stat[stat] ) then OkByStat = true itemCandidate.stat = _G[stat].. "=>OK" end if ( AutoTurnInCharacterDB.secondary[stat] ) then OkBySecondary = true itemCandidate.points = itemCandidate.points + 1 tinsert(itemCandidate.secondary, _G[stat]) end end if (count == 1) then -- Common quality items have only 1 attribute. This 'if' makes them suitable loot candidates. OkByStat, OkBySecondary = true, true end else itemCandidate.stat = "NO_STAT_SETTINGS" end -- User may not choose any options hence any item became 'ok'. That situation is undoubtly incorrect. local SettingsExists = (class == C.WEAPONLABEL and next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.weapon) or next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.armor)) or next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.stat) -- OK means that particular options section is empty or item meets requirements if (OkByType and OkByStat and OkBySecondary and SettingsExists) then tinsert(self.found, itemCandidate) end if (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.debug) then local secondaryDebug = "" for _, sec in pairs(itemCandidate.secondary) do secondaryDebug = sec..","..secondaryDebug end self:Print("Debug:", GetQuestItemLink("choice", itemCandidate.index), " type:", itemCandidate.type, " stat:", itemCandidate.stat, " secondary:[", secondaryDebug, "]=>", itemCandidate.points) end end -- HANDLE RESULT local foundCount = #self.found if foundCount > 1 then -- sorting found items by relevance (count of attributes that concidence) table.sort(self.found, function(a,b) return a.points > b.points end) if (self.found[1].points == self.found[2].points) then self:Print(L["multiplefound"]) for _, reward in pairs(self.found) do self:Print(GetQuestItemLink("choice", reward.index)) end else self:TurnInQuest(self.found[1].index) end elseif(foundCount == 1) then self:TurnInQuest(self.found[1].index) elseif ( foundCount == 0 and GetNumQuestChoices() > 0 ) and ( not AutoTurnInCharacterDB.greedifnothingfound ) then self:Print(L["nosuitablefound"]) end return ( foundCount ~= 0 ) end -- I was forced to make decision on offhand, cloak and shields separate from armor but I can't pick up my mind about the reason... function AutoTurnIn:QUEST_COMPLETE() -- blasted Lands citadel wonderful NPC. They do not trigger any events except quest_complete. if not self:AllowedToHandle() then return end --/script faction = (GameTooltip:NumLines() > 2 and not UnitIsPlayer(select(2,GameTooltip:GetUnit()))) and -- getglobal("GameTooltipTextLeft"..GameTooltip:NumLines()):GetText() DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(faction or "NIL") if self:isAppropriate() then local questname = GetTitleText() local quest = L.quests[questname] if GetNumQuestChoices() > 1 then local function getItemId(typeStr) local link = GetQuestItemLink(typeStr, 1) --first item is enough return link:match("%b::"):gsub(":", "") end local itemID = getItemId("choice") if (itemID == "46114" or itemID == "45724") then -- Tournament quest found self:TurnInQuest(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.tournament) return end if (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.lootreward > 1) then -- Auto Loot enabled! self.forceGreed = false if (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.lootreward == 3) then -- 3 == Need self.forceGreed = (not self:Need() ) and AutoTurnInCharacterDB.greedifnothingfound end if (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.lootreward == 2 or self.forceGreed) then -- 2 == Greed self:Greed() end end else self:TurnInQuest(1) -- for autoequip to work index must be greater that 0. That's required by Blizzard API end end end -- gossip and quest interaction goes through a sequence of windows: gossip [shows a list of available quests] - quest[describes specified quest] -- sometimes some parts of this chain is skipped. For example, priest in Honor Hold show quest window directly. This is a trick to handle 'toggle key' hooksecurefunc(QuestFrame, "Hide", function() AutoTurnIn.allowed = nil end) -- if (GetItemCount(45724, false) > 0) then -- UseItemByName(45724) -- end