
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("BagSync", "enUS", true)
if not L then return end

--Get the best possible font for the localization langugage.
--Some fonts are better than others to display special character sets.
L.GetFontType = "Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF"

L.TooltipBag = "Bags:"
L.TooltipBank = "Bank:"
L.TooltipEquip = "Equip:"
L.TooltipGuild = "Guild:"
L.TooltipMail = "Mail:"
L.TooltipVoid = "Void:"
L.TooltipReagent = "Reagent:"
L.TooltipAuction = "AH:"
L.TooltipTotal = "Total:"
L.TooltipItemID = "[ItemID]:"
L.TooltipDelimiter = ", "
L.Search = "Search"
L.Refresh = "Refresh"
L.Profiles = "Profiles"
L.Professions = "Professions"
L.Currency = "Currency"
L.Blacklist = "Blacklist"
L.Recipes = "Recipes"
L.Gold = "Gold"
L.Close = "Close"
L.FixDB = "FixDB"
L.Config = "Config"
L.DeleteWarning = "Select a profile to delete.\nNOTE: This is irreversible!"
L.Delete = "Delete"
L.Confirm = "Confirm"
L.FixDBComplete = "A FixDB has been performed on BagSync!  The database is now optimized!"
L.ON = "ON"
L.LeftClickSearch = "Left Click = Search Window"
L.RightClickBagSyncMenu = "Right Click = BagSync Menu"
L.ProfessionInformation = "Left Click a Profession to view Recipes."
L.ClickViewProfession = "Click to view profession: "
L.ClickHere = "Click Here"
L.ErrorUserNotFound = "BagSync: Error user not found!"
L.EnterItemID = "Please enter an ItemID. (Use http://Wowhead.com/)"
L.AddItemID = "Add ItemID"
L.RemoveItemID = "Remove ItemID"
L.ItemIDNotFound = "[%d] ItemID not found.  Try again!"
L.ItemIDNotValid = "[%d] ItemID not valid ItemID or the server didn't respond.  Try again!"
L.ItemIDRemoved = "[%d] ItemID Removed"
L.ItemIDAdded = "[%d] ItemID Added"
L.ItemIDExist = "[%d] ItemID already in database."
L.ProfessionsFailedRequest = "[%d] Server Request Failed."
L.ProfessionHasRecipes = "Left click to view recipes."
L.ProfessionHasNoRecipes = "Has no recipes to view."
L.KeybindBlacklist = "Show Blacklist window."
L.KeybindCurrency = "Show Currency window."
L.KeybindGold = "Show Gold tooltip."
L.KeybindProfessions = "Show Professions window."
L.KeybindProfiles = "Show Profiles window."
L.KeybindSearch = "Show Search window."
L.ObsoleteWarning = "\n\nNote: Obsolete items will continue to show as missing.  To repair this issue, scan your characters again in order to remove obsolete items.\n(Bags, Bank, Reagent, Void, etc...)"
L.SlashItemName = "[itemname]"
L.SlashSearch = "search"
L.SlashGold = "gold"
L.SlashConfig = "config"
L.SlashCurrency = "currency"
L.SlashFixDB = "fixdb"
L.SlashProfiles = "profiles"
L.SlashProfessions = "professions"
L.SlashBlacklist = "blacklist"
L.HelpSearchItemName = "/bgs [itemname] - Does a quick search for an item"
L.HelpSearchWindow = "/bgs search - Opens the search window"
L.HelpGoldTooltip = "/bgs gold - Displays a tooltip with the amount of gold on each character."
L.HelpCurrencyWindow = "/bgs currency - Opens the currency window."
L.HelpProfilesWindow = "/bgs profiles - Opens the profiles window."
L.HelpFixDB = "/bgs fixdb - Runs the database fix (FixDB) on BagSync."
L.HelpConfigWindow = "/bgs config - Opens the BagSync Config Window"
L.HelpProfessionsWindow = "/bgs professions - Opens the professions window."
L.HelpBlacklistWindow = "/bgs blacklist - Opens the blacklist window."
L.EnableBagSyncTooltip = "Enable BagSync Tooltips"
L.EnableLoginVersionInfo = "Display BagSync version text at login."
L.DisplayTotal = "Display [Total] amount."
L.DisplayGuildName = "Display [Guild Name] for guild bank items."
L.DisplayGuildBank = "Display guild bank items."
L.DisplayMailbox = "Display mailbox items."
L.DisplayAuctionHouse = "Display auction house items."
L.DisplayMinimap = "Display BagSync minimap button."
L.DisplayFaction = "Display items for both factions (Alliance/Horde)."
L.DisplayClassColor = "Display class colors for characters."
L.DisplayTooltipOnlySearch = "Display BagSync tooltip ONLY in the search window."
L.DisplayLineSeperator = "Display empty line seperator."
L.DisplayCrossRealm = "Display Cross-Realms characters. |cffff7d0a[XR]|r"
L.DisplayBNET = "Display Battle.Net Account characters. |cff3587ff[BNet]|r |cFFDF2B2B(Not Recommended)|r."
L.DisplayItemID = "Display ItemID in tooltip."
L.DisplayGreenCheck = "Display %s next to current character name."
L.DisplayRealmIDTags = "Display |cffff7d0a[XR]|r and |cff3587ff[BNet]|r realm identifiers."
L.DisplayRealmAstrick = "Display [*] instead of server names for |cffff7d0a[XR]|r and |cff3587ff[BNet]|r."
L.DisplayShortRealmName = "Display short realm names for |cffff7d0a[XR]|r and |cff3587ff[BNet]|r."
L.DisplayFactionIcons = "Display faction icons in tooltip."
L.DisplayShowUniqueItemsTotals = "Enabling this option will add unique items towards the total item count, regardless of item stats. |cFF99CC33(Recommended)|r."
L.DisplayShowUniqueItemsTotals_2 = "Certain items like |cffff7d0a[Legendaries]|r can share the same name but have different stats.  Since these items are treated as independent from each other, they are sometimes not counted towards the total item count. Enabling this option will completely disregard the unique item stats and treat them all the same, so long as they share the same item name.\n\nDisabling this option will display the item counts independently.  Item totals will only display for each character that share the same unique item with the exact same stats. |cFFDF2B2B(Not Recommended)|r"
L.DisplayShowUniqueItemsTotalsTitle = "Show Unique Item Tooltip Totals"
L.DisplayShowUniqueItemsEnableText = "Enable unique item totals."
L.ColorPrimary = "Primary BagSync tooltip color."
L.ColorSecondary = "Secondary BagSync tooltip color."
L.ColorTotal = "BagSync [Total] tooltip color."
L.ColorGuild = "BagSync [Guild] tooltip color."
L.ColorCrossRealm = "BagSync [Cross-Realms] tooltip color."
L.ColorBNET = "BagSync [Battle.Net] tooltip color."
L.ColorItemID = "BagSync [ItemID] tooltip color."
L.ConfigHeader = "Settings for various BagSync features."
L.ConfigDisplay = "Display"
L.ConfigTooltipHeader = "Settings for the displayed BagSync tooltip information."
L.ConfigColor = "Color"
L.ConfigColorHeader = "Color settings for BagSync tooltip information."
L.ConfigMain = "Main"
L.ConfigMainHeader = "Main settings for BagSync."
L.WarningItemSearch = "WARNING: A total of [|cFFFFFFFF%d|r] items were not searched!\n\nBagSync is still waiting for the server/cache to respond.\n\nPress refresh button."
L.WarningUpdatedDB = "You have been updated to latest database version!  You will need to rescan all your characters again!|r"
L.WarningHeader = "Warning!"