assert(LibStub, "LibDataBroker-1.1 requires LibStub") assert(LibStub:GetLibrary("CallbackHandler-1.0", true), "LibDataBroker-1.1 requires CallbackHandler-1.0") local lib, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary("LibDataBroker-1.1", 3) if not lib then return end oldminor = oldminor or 0 lib.callbacks = lib.callbacks or LibStub:GetLibrary("CallbackHandler-1.0"):New(lib) lib.attributestorage, lib.namestorage, lib.proxystorage = lib.attributestorage or {}, lib.namestorage or {}, lib.proxystorage or {} local attributestorage, namestorage, callbacks = lib.attributestorage, lib.namestorage, lib.callbacks if oldminor < 2 then lib.domt = { __metatable = "access denied", __index = function(self, key) return attributestorage[self] and attributestorage[self][key] end, } end if oldminor < 3 then lib.domt.__newindex = function(self, key, value) if not attributestorage[self] then attributestorage[self] = {} end if attributestorage[self][key] == value then return end attributestorage[self][key] = value local name = namestorage[self] if not name then return end callbacks:Fire("LibDataBroker_AttributeChanged", name, key, value, self) callbacks:Fire("LibDataBroker_AttributeChanged_", name, key, value, self) callbacks:Fire("LibDataBroker_AttributeChanged_""_"..key, name, key, value, self) callbacks:Fire("LibDataBroker_AttributeChanged__"..key, name, key, value, self) end end if oldminor < 2 then function lib:NewDataObject(name, dataobj) if self.proxystorage[name] then return end if dataobj then assert(type(dataobj) == "table", "Invalid dataobj, must be nil or a table") self.attributestorage[dataobj] = {} for i,v in pairs(dataobj) do self.attributestorage[dataobj][i] = v dataobj[i] = nil end end dataobj = setmetatable(dataobj or {}, self.domt) self.proxystorage[name], self.namestorage[dataobj] = dataobj, name self.callbacks:Fire("LibDataBroker_DataObjectCreated", name, dataobj) return dataobj end end if oldminor < 1 then function lib:DataObjectIterator() return pairs(self.proxystorage) end function lib:GetDataObjectByName(dataobjectname) return self.proxystorage[dataobjectname] end function lib:GetNameByDataObject(dataobject) return self.namestorage[dataobject] end end