local addonName = ...
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale(addonName, "enUS", true, false)

L["Reload UI"] = true
L["Options"] = true

L["Block the menu in combat"] = true
L["Hide the logout and exit items from the menu"] = true
L["Hide the reload item from the menu"] = true
L["Hide the options item from the menu"] = true
L["Hide key bindings from the menu"] = true

L["Tooltip"] = true
L["Hide tooltip"] = true
L["Max number of addons to display"] = true

L["Accessibility"] = true
L["Bind up to four menu items to the mouse which you can use to open them quickly by clicking on the broker display."] = true
L["Mouse Setting"] = true
L["Hide the bindings from the tooltip"] = true

L["Menu"] = true
L["Sort the order of the menu items.\n\nNote, having no sorting order (zero) hides the item from the menu."] = true

L["Profiles"] = true
L["You can change the active database profile, so you can have different settings for every character.\n\nAltering profiles reloads the UI immediately."] = true