## A fully customized dropdown menu, a MicroMenu, GameMenu replacement. Nothing more to say is just that simple. ;) **How can I manage the menu?** Open the interface options and select the AddOns tab, select StartMenu and go to Menu. **How can I reset, change, copy or delete a Profile?** Open the interface options and select the AddOns tab, select StartMenu and go to Profiles. **Why some interfaces do not appear in the dropdowns at the Accessibility section?** Due to limitation in the game some interfaces cannot be opened securely during combat and so I made a decision to filter them out. **Why some items in the menu are disabled during combat?** Same reason above except that you can still access them once you're out of combat. **Why the addon reloads the UI when I alter profiles?** Because I'm lazy but I will change it in the future. **Why do I get the message "Broker_StartMenu has been blocked from an action only available to the Blizzard UI."?** The StartMenu uses the UIDropDownMenu like many other addons and unfortunately it causes many tainting issues, something that Blizzard needs to address and haven't or failed to do so, so far. **Why do I get the message "AddOn Broker_StartMenu attempted to call a forbidden function (...) from a tainted execution path."?** Same as above, most likely Blizzard's fault. ;) ### Enjoy!