-- enUS / enGB / default localization file
local _, BGLM = ...

BGLM.locale = {
	CreatureTypeBeast = "Beast",
	GlobalSetting = "\n|cffffff9aThis setting is global.",

	-- Chat Messages
	couldNotLootValue = "Did not loot %s because it's too cheap.",
	couldNotLootCompareValue = "Did not loot %s. It's cheaper than all we've got. Inventory is full!",
	couldNotLootBlacklist = "Did not loot %s because it's on your Junk List.",
	couldNotLootLocked = "Could not loot %s because it is locked. Please loot manually.",
	couldNotLootSpace = "Could not loot %s, you don't have any space!",
	couldNotLootLM = "You are the Loot Master, please distribute %s manually.",

	errorInventoryFull = "Something was not looted because your inventory is full. Please loot manually!",

	-- Loot Manager
	LMTitle = "Loot Manager",
	LMSubTitle = "The Loot Manager can take control of your looting and inventory space.",

	GroupLooting = "Looting",
	GroupInventory = "Inventory",
	GroupNotices = "Notices",
	GroupTreshold = "Tresholds",

	LMEnableInCombatTitle = "Enable in combat",
	LMEnableInCombatTooltip = "If checked, Broker_Garbage will try to loot even if you're in combat.\n|cffff0000Caution|r: This may cause 'Addon Blocked' issues.",

	LMAutoLootTitle = "Autoloot",
	LMAutoLootTooltip = "Use this setting or any combination of the settings below to decide how/if Broker_Garbage handles looting.",

	LMAutoLootSkinningTitle = "Skinning",
	LMAutoLootSkinningTooltip = "Check to loot if you can skin this creature.",

	LMAutoLootPickpocketTitle = "Pickpocket",
	LMAutoLootPickpocketTooltip = "Check to loot if you are a Rogue and stealthed.",

	LMAutoLootFishingTitle = "Fishing",
	LMAutoLootFishingTooltip = "Check to loot if this is fishing loot.",

	LMAutoAcceptLootTitle = "Auto-Confirm BoP",
	LMAutoAcceptLootTooltip = "Check to automatically confirm loot that is BoP.",

	LMCloseLootTitle = "Close Window",
	LMCloseLootTooltip = "Check to automatically close the loot window once no interesting items are left inside.\n|cffff0000Caution|r: This may interfere with other addons.",

	LMForceClearTitle = "Force Clearing Mobs",
	LMForceClearTooltip = "Check to clear mobs (even if you aren't a skinner). You may loose money with this setting!",

	LMAutoDestroyTitle = "Autodestroy",
	LMAutoDestroyTooltip = "If checked, Broker_Garbage will take actions when your inventory space is (almost) full.",

	LMAutoDestroyInstantTitle = "enforce",
	LMAutoDestroyInstantTooltip = "If checked, Broker_Garbage may delete items the moment it loots them, otherwise deletion will take place only when you find something better to loot and need space.",

	LMFreeSlotsTitle = "Minimum free slots",
	LMFreeSlotsTooltip = "Set the minimum numer of free slots for autodestroy to take action.",

	LMRestackTitle = "Automatic restack",
	LMRestackTooltip = "Check to automatically compress your inventory items after looting.",

	LMWarnLMTitle = "Loot Master",
	LMWarnLMTooltip = "When checked, Broker_Garbage will print a notice reminding you to assign loot.",

	LMWarnInventoryFullTitle = "Inventory Full",
	LMWarnInventoryFullTooltip = "Check to have Broker_Garbage display a chat message whenever the 'Inventory is full.' error triggers.",

	printValueTitle = "Is below treshold",
	printValueText = "Check to get a chat message whenever Broker_Garbage doesn't loot an item due to its value being less than the minimum loot value (see below).",

	printCompareValueTitle = "Is too cheap",
	printCompareValueText = "Check to get a chat message whenever Broker_Garbage doesn't loot an item because it is less valuable than all you've already got.",

	printJunkTitle = "Is on Junk List",
	printJunkText = "Check to get a chat message whenever Broker_Garbage doesn't loot an item because it is on your junk list.",

	printSpaceTitle = "Out of space",
	printSpaceText = "Check to get a chat message whenever Broker_Garbage doesn't loot an item because your bags are full and auto destroy is disabled.",

	printLockedTitle = "Is Locked",
	printLockedText = "Check to get a chat message whenever Broker_Garbage doesn't loot an item because it is locked (e.g. someone else already loots this).",

	LMItemMinValue = "Min. item value to loot",