-- Broker_RaidMakeup.lua
-- Written by KyrosKrane Sylvanblade (kyros@kyros.info)
-- Copyright (c) 2018 KyrosKrane Sylvanblade
-- Licensed under the MIT License, as per the included file.

--# Description

-- This add-on creates a LibDataBroker object that shows you the makeup of your raid (tanks, healers, and dps).
-- Requires an LDB display to show the info.
-- No configuration or setup.

--# Globals and utilities

-- Get a local reference to speed up execution.
local _G = _G
local string = string
local print = print
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local select = select
local type = type
local pairs = pairs

-- Define a global for our namespace
local BRM = {}

--# Frame for event handling

-- Create the frame to hold our event catcher, and the list of events.
BRM.Frame, BRM.Events = CreateFrame("Frame"), {}

--# Slash command options and settings

BRM.OptionsTable = {
	type = "group",
	args = {
		showcounts = {
			name = "Show counts in tooltip",
			desc = "Show the role counts in the tooltip as well as in the broker display",
			type = "toggle",
			set = function(info,val) BRM.DB.ShowCountInTooltip = val end,
			get = function(info) return BRM.DB.ShowCountInTooltip end,
			descStyle = "inline",
			width = "full",
		minimapicon = {
			name = "Show minimap icon",
			desc = "Show a minimap icon for " .. BRM.USER_ADDON_NAME,
			type = "toggle",
			set = function(info,val) BRM:SetMinimapButton(val) end,
			get = function(info) return (not BRM.DB.MinimapSettings.hide) end,
			descStyle = "inline",
			width = "full",
		}, -- minimapicon
		debug = {
			name = "Enable debug output",
			desc = "Prints extensive debugging output about everything " .. BRM.USER_ADDON_NAME .. " does",
			type = "toggle",
			set = function(info,val) BRM:SetDebugMode(val) end,
			get = function(info) return BRM.DebugMode end,
			descStyle = "inline",
			width = "full",
			hidden = true,
		}, -- debug
	} -- args
} -- BRM.OptionsTable

-- Process the options and create the AceConfig options table
BRM.AceConfig = LibStub("AceConfig-3.0")
BRM.AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable(BRM.ADDON_NAME, BRM.OptionsTable, {"brm"})

-- Create the frame to set the options and add it to the Blizzard settings
BRM.ConfigFrame = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):AddToBlizOptions(BRM.ADDON_NAME, BRM.USER_ADDON_NAME)

--# Debugging setup

-- Debug settings
-- This is needed to debug stuff before the addon loads. After the addon loads, the permanent value is stored in BRM.DB.DebugMode
BRM.DebugMode = false

BRM.DebugMode = true

-- Print debug output to the chat frame.
function BRM:DebugPrint(...)
	if not BRM.DebugMode then return end

	print ("|cff" .. "a00000" .. "BRM Debug:|r", ...)
end -- BRM:DebugPrint

-- Print regular output to the chat frame.
function BRM:ChatPrint(...)
	print ("|cff" .. "0066ff" .. "BRM:|r", ...)
end -- BRM:DebugPrint

-- Debugging code to see what the hell is being passed in...
function BRM:PrintVarArgs(...)
	if not BRM.DebugMode then return end

	local n = select('#', ...)
	BRM:DebugPrint ("There are ", n, " items in varargs.")
	local msg
	for i = 1, n do
		msg = select(i, ...)
		BRM:DebugPrint ("Item ", i, " is ", msg)
end -- BRM:PrintVarArgs()

-- Dumps a table into chat. Not intended for production use.
function BRM:DumpTable(tab, indent)
	if not BRM.DebugMode then return end

	if not indent then indent = 0 end
	if indent > 10 then
		BRM:DebugPrint("Recursion is at 11 already; aborting.")
	for k, v in pairs(tab) do
		local s = ""
		if indent > 0 then
			for i = 0, indent do
				s = s .. "    "
		if "table" == type(v) then
			s = s .. "Item " .. k .. " is sub-table."
			indent = indent + 1
			BRM:DumpTable(v, indent)
			indent = indent - 1
			s = s .. "Item " .. k .. " is " .. tostring(v)
end -- BRM:DumpTable()

-- Sets the debug mode and writes the setting to the DB
function BRM:SetDebugMode(setting)
	BRM.DebugMode = setting
	BRM.DB.DebugMode = setting

--# Icon class setup

-- The normal way of handling icons is to create a texture, load the icon file into that, set the region you want, and done.
-- However, we need to embed icons into a text string for display in the LDB label.
-- So, we create a custom object to hold icon information, and give it a method to create a text string to display that icon.
-- That text string can then be embedded in the LDB label to show the icon.

-- Create the object class
-- Adapted from http://lua-users.org/wiki/ObjectOrientationTutorial
local IconClass = {}
IconClass.__index = IconClass

setmetatable(IconClass, {
	__call = function (cls, ...)
		return cls.new(...)

-- Create the constructor
function IconClass.new(iconfile, IconFileX, IconFileY, StartX, EndX, StartY, EndY)
	local self = setmetatable({}, IconClass)

	-- The caller has to specify an iconfile before actually using the class, or the results will not be what is expected.
	self.IconFile = iconfile or ""	-- the game file that has the icon we want

	-- The initial values are sane defaults, but they should be updated for each icon.

	-- These settings control the display of the icon
	self.SizeOne = 0	-- SizeOne and SizeTwo jointly control the size of the icon. The logic is not intuitive.
	self.SizeTwo = nil	-- For more details on the SizeOne and SizeTwo parameters, see http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/UI_escape_sequences#Textures
						-- For the purposes of our icons, they should always be 0 and nil (indicating a square sized to the height of the text).

	self.OffsetX = 0	-- This moves the image n pixels horizontally in the final display. For our icons, it's always 0.
	self.OffsetY = 0	-- This moves the image n pixels vertically in the final display. For our icons, it's always 0.

	-- These settings control the extraction of the icon from a bigger texture file
	self.IconFileX = IconFileX or 0	-- the total X (horizontal) pixels in the image file - not just the icon we want
	self.IconFileY = IconFileY or 0	-- the total Y (vertical) pixels in the image file
	self.StartX = StartX or 0		-- The starting point in the file where the icon begins, counted from the left border, in pixels
	self.EndX = EndX or 0			-- The ending point in the file where the icon ends, counted from the left border, in pixels
	self.StartY = StartY or 0		-- The starting point in the file where the icon begins, counted from the top border, in pixels
	self.EndY = EndY or 0			-- The ending point in the file where the icon ends, counted from the top border, in pixels

	return self
end -- IconClass.new()

function IconClass:GetIconStringInner()
	-- Icon strings effectively have to be built right to left, since if the rightmost parameters are required, then the ones to the left are also required.

	-- This function constructs the inner part of the icon string, without the control codes to cause it to display as an actual icon.
	-- This is mostly useful for debugging. In actual use, you'd want the GetIconString() function.

	local required = false -- tells us whether the remaining parameters are required

	local OutputString = "";

	if required or self.StartX > 0 or self.StartY > 0 or self.EndX > 0 or self.EndY > 0 then
		required = true
		OutputString = string.format(":%d:%d:%d:%d", self.StartX, self.EndX, self.StartY, self.EndY)

	if required or self.IconFileX > 0 or self.IconFileY > 0 then
		required = true
		OutputString = string.format(":%d:%d%s", self.IconFileX, self.IconFileY, OutputString)

	if required or self.OffsetX > 0 or self.OffsetY > 0 then
		required = true
		OutputString = string.format(":%d:%d%s", self.OffsetX, self.OffsetY, OutputString)

	-- Size2 can be nil, so to avoid comparing or concatenating a nil, we have some special handling
	local localsizetwo = self.SizeTwo or ""
	if required or (self.SizeTwo and self.SizeTwo >= 0) then
		OutputString = string.format(":%s%s", localsizetwo, OutputString)

	-- Size1 and the icon path are required.
	OutputString = string.format("%s:%d%s", self.IconFile, self.SizeOne, OutputString)

	return OutputString
end -- IconClass:GetIconStringInner()

function IconClass:GetIconString()
	-- This function wraps the icon string in the control code that causes it to display as an icon
	return string.format("\124T%s\124t", self:GetIconStringInner())
end -- IconClass:GetIconString()

-- @TODO: Add method to get the TexCoords of an icon for inclusion in the LDB object's iconCoords parameter.
-- See:
--	https://wow.gamepedia.com/API_Texture_SetTexCoord
--	https://github.com/tekkub/libdatabroker-1-1/wiki/Data-Specifications

--# Select the actual icons used

-- The icons to use when displaying in the broker display
BRM.MainIcon = IconClass("Interface\\Icons\\Inv_helm_robe_raidpriest_k_01") -- Placeholder icon to use until we determine the faction later.
BRM.AllianceIcon = IconClass("Interface\\Calendar\\UI-Calendar-Event-PVP02")
BRM.HordeIcon = IconClass("Interface\\Calendar\\UI-Calendar-Event-PVP01")

-- Role icons
BRM.TankIcon = IconClass("Interface\\LFGFRAME\\UI-LFG-ICON-PORTRAITROLES.blp", 64, 64, 0, 0+19, 22, 22+19)
BRM.HealerIcon = IconClass("Interface\\LFGFRAME\\UI-LFG-ICON-PORTRAITROLES.blp", 64, 64, 19, 19+19, 1, 1+19)
BRM.DPSIcon = IconClass("Interface\\LFGFRAME\\UI-LFG-ICON-PORTRAITROLES.blp", 64, 64, 19, 19+19, 22, 22+19)
BRM.UnknownIcon = IconClass("Interface\\LFGFRAME\\UI-LFG-ICON-ROLES.blp", 256, 256, 135, 135+64, 67, 67+64)

-- Icons I considered but didn't like
--BRM.AllianceIcon = "Interface\\Icons\\Inv_misc_head_human_02"
--BRM.HordeIcon = "Interface\\Icons\\Achievement_femalegoblinhead"
--BRM.HealerIcon = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_holy_flashheal.blp"
--BRM.AllianceIcon = IconClass("Interface\\Icons\\Inv_tabard_a_78wrynnvanguard")
--BRM.HordeIcon = IconClass("Interface\\Icons\\Inv_tabard_a_77voljinsspear")
--BRM.TankIcon = IconClass("Interface\\Icons\\Inv_shield_06.blp")
--BRM.HealerIcon = IconClass("Interface\\Icons\\spell_chargepositive.blp")
--BRM.DPSIcon = IconClass("Interface\\Icons\\Inv_sword_27.blp")
--BRM.UnknownIcon = IconClass("Interface\\Icons\\Inv_misc_questionmark.blp")

-- These high res icons don't look very good when squished down to a broker display. The low-res ones above are better.
--BRM.TankIcon = IconClass("Interface\\LFGFRAME\\UI-LFG-ICON-ROLES.blp", 256, 256, 0, 0+64, 68, 68+64)
--BRM.HealerIcon = IconClass("Interface\\LFGFRAME\\UI-LFG-ICON-ROLES.blp", 256, 256, 68, 68+64, 0, 0+64)
--BRM.DPSIcon = IconClass("Interface\\LFGFRAME\\UI-LFG-ICON-ROLES.blp", 256, 256, 68, 68+64, 68, 68+64)

--# Constants

-- The strings that define the addon
BRM.ADDON_NAME="Broker_RaidMakeup" -- the internal addon name for LibStub and other addons
BRM.USER_ADDON_NAME="Broker_RaidMakeup" -- the name displayed to the user

-- The strings used by the game to represent the roles. I don't think these are localized in the game.

-- The faction strings. Again, probably not localized

-- The version of this add-on
BRM.Version = "@project-version@"

--# Variables for tracking raid members

BRM.TankCount = 0
BRM.HealerCount = 0
BRM.DPSCount = 0
BRM.UnknownCount = 0
BRM.TotalCount = 0

-- The game is firing the ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED event before the PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD event.
-- Since we're not fully in the world yet at that point, the group and raid query functions are returning unexpected results.
-- So, we use this variable to track whether the add-on is loaded and active.
-- We turn it on in the PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD event.
BRM.IsActive = false

--# Count display and utility functions

function BRM:GetDisplayString()
	local OutputString = string.format("%d %s %d %s %d %s %d", BRM.TotalCount, BRM.TankIcon:GetIconString(), BRM.TankCount, BRM.HealerIcon:GetIconString(), BRM.HealerCount, BRM.DPSIcon:GetIconString(), BRM.DPSCount)
	if BRM.UnknownCount > 0 then
		OutputString = string.format("%s %s %d", OutputString, BRM.UnknownIcon:GetIconString(), BRM.UnknownCount)
	return OutputString
end -- BRM:GetDisplayString()

function BRM:IncrementRole(role)
	-- Handle case of nil roles - can happen when the game has not fully loaded and we try to do a role check
	if not role then role = "unknown" end

	if BRM.ROLE_HEALER == role then
		BRM.HealerCount = BRM.HealerCount + 1
	elseif BRM.ROLE_TANK == role then
		BRM.TankCount = BRM.TankCount + 1
	elseif BRM.ROLE_DPS == role then
		BRM.DPSCount = BRM.DPSCount + 1
		BRM.UnknownCount = BRM.UnknownCount + 1

	BRM.TotalCount = BRM.TotalCount + 1
end -- BRM:IncrementRole()

function BRM:UpdateComposition()
	BRM:DebugPrint("in BRM:UpdateComposition")

	-- If the addon is not yet active, then just exit
	if not BRM.IsActive then
		BRM:DebugPrint("Addon is not active. Exiting without updating.")

	-- Zero out the counts so we can start fresh
	BRM.TankCount = 0
	BRM.HealerCount = 0
	BRM.DPSCount = 0
	BRM.UnknownCount = 0
	BRM.TotalCount = 0

	-- Figure out how many members in our group. Ungrouped returns zero.
	local members = GetNumGroupMembers()
	BRM:DebugPrint("members is " .. members)

	-- Variable for holding the role of each member we check, and a random iterator
	local Role, i

	if members and members > 0 then
		BRM:DebugPrint("I am in some kind of Group.")

		local CheckWord = IsInRaid() and "raid" or "party" -- this probably isn't localized in the game.
		BRM:DebugPrint("CheckWord is " .. CheckWord)

		-- OK, this is bloody screwy.
		-- If I'm in a party, then the addon has to check player and party1 to party4.
		-- But if I'm in a raid, the addon has to check raid1 to raid40, with no need to check player!

		if "raid" == CheckWord then
			-- Raid - iterate and count by role
			for i=1,members do
				Role = UnitGroupRolesAssigned(CheckWord .. i)
				if Role then
					BRM:DebugPrint("Group member " .. CheckWord .. i .. " has role " .. Role)
					BRM:DebugPrint("Group member " .. CheckWord .. i .. " has no role")
			end -- for raid members
			-- Party - iterate and count by role
			for i = 1, members - 1 do
				Role = UnitGroupRolesAssigned(CheckWord .. i)
				if Role then
					BRM:DebugPrint("Group member " .. CheckWord .. i .. " has role " .. Role)
					BRM:DebugPrint("Group member " .. CheckWord .. i .. " has no role")
			end -- for party members

			-- Now repeat all that for the player.
			Role = UnitGroupRolesAssigned("player")
			if Role then
				BRM:DebugPrint("player has role " .. Role)
				BRM:DebugPrint("player has no role")
		end -- if raid/party
		BRM:DebugPrint("I am not in any kind of Group.")

		-- When not grouped, there is no role to check. So instead, we go off the player's specialization.

		-- get player role
		Role = select(5, GetSpecializationInfo(GetSpecialization()))
		-- GetSpecializationInfo returns: id, name, description, icon, background, role.

		if Role then
			BRM:DebugPrint("My role is " .. Role)
			BRM:DebugPrint("Did not get role from specialization check")

	BRM:DebugPrint("At end of role check, tanks = " .. BRM.TankCount .. ", healers = " .. BRM.HealerCount .. ", dps = " .. BRM.DPSCount .. ", other = " .. BRM.UnknownCount)

	BRM.LDO.text = BRM:GetDisplayString()
end -- BRM:UpdateComposition()

-- This function handles refreshing the role counts and checking for count errors
function BRM:RefreshCounts()
	-- I'm trying to capture which situations don't result in an automatic update.
	-- That essentially indicates either an event I missed coding for, or some kind of bug that resulted in invalid role counts.
	local old_TankCount = BRM.TankCount
	local old_HealerCount = BRM.HealerCount
	local old_DPSCount = BRM.DPSCount
	local old_UnknownCount = BRM.UnknownCount
	local old_TotalCount = BRM.TotalCount

	-- Refresh the counts

	-- Check if the counts changed, indicating the error above.
	if old_TankCount ~= BRM.TankCount
		or old_HealerCount ~= BRM.HealerCount
		or old_DPSCount ~= BRM.DPSCount
		or old_UnknownCount ~= BRM.UnknownCount
		or old_TotalCount ~= BRM.TotalCount
			BRM:DebugPrint("Counts are different after click.")
			BRM:DebugPrint("old_TankCount is "		.. (old_TankCount		or "nil") .. ", new TankCount is "		.. (BRM.TankCount		or "nil"))
			BRM:DebugPrint("old_HealerCount is "	.. (old_HealerCount		or "nil") .. ", new DPSCount is "		.. (BRM.DPSCount		or "nil"))
			BRM:DebugPrint("old_DPSCount is "		.. (old_DPSCount		or "nil") .. ", new DPSCount is "		.. (BRM.DPSCount		or "nil"))
			BRM:DebugPrint("old_UnknownCount is "	.. (old_UnknownCount	or "nil") .. ", new UnknownCount is "	.. (BRM.UnknownCount	or "nil"))
			BRM:DebugPrint("old_TotalCount is "		.. (old_TotalCount		or "nil") .. ", new TotalCount is "		.. (BRM.TotalCount		or "nil"))

			-- @TODO: Capture some info and give the player a way to report it.

			-- Also schedule an update in five seconds to ensure we capture any additional changes
			C_Timer.After(5, function() BRM:UpdateComposition() end)
end -- BRM:RefreshCounts()

--# Actual LibDataBroker object

BRM.LDO = _G.LibStub("LibDataBroker-1.1"):NewDataObject(BRM.ADDON_NAME, {
	type = "data source",
	text = BRM:GetDisplayString(),
	value = "0",
	icon = BRM.MainIcon:GetIconString(),
	OnTooltipShow = function(tooltip)
		-- make sure we have a real tooltip
		if not tooltip or not tooltip.AddLine then
			BRM:DebugPrint("Got invalid tooltip, exiting OnTooltipShow")
		BRM:DebugPrint("Showing tooltip")

		-- delete existing lines

		-- headline

		-- If the user wants the counts in the tooltip, add them.
		if BRM.DB.ShowCountInTooltip then
			BRM:DebugPrint("Preparing tooltip")

			local DisplayString = ""

			-- faction handling
			if BRM.FACTION_HORDE == BRM.Faction then
				DisplayString = BRM.HordeIcon:GetIconString()
			elseif BRM.FACTION_ALLIANCE == BRM.Faction then
				DisplayString = BRM.AllianceIcon:GetIconString()
				-- What the hell?
				BRM:DebugPrint("Unknown faction detected - " .. BRM.Faction)
				DisplayString = BRM.MainIcon:GetIconString()

			DisplayString = DisplayString .. BRM:GetDisplayString()


		-- Add instructions
		tooltip:AddLine("Click to refresh")
		tooltip:AddLine("Right click for options")
}) -- BRM.LDO creation

-- Handler for if user clicks on the display
function BRM.LDO:OnClick(button)
	BRM:DebugPrint("Got click on LDB object")

	if button == "LeftButton" then
		BRM:DebugPrint("Got left button")
	elseif button == "RightButton" then
		BRM:DebugPrint("Got right button")
		-- toggle showing the count
			-- Yes, this should be here twice. Workaround for a Blizzard bug.
			-- When you first open the options panel, it opens to the Game control tab, not the Addons control tab.
			-- Calling this twice bypasses that.
		BRM:DebugPrint("Got some other button")

end -- BRM.LDO:OnClick()

--# Minimap icon handling

function BRM:CreateMinimapButton()
	if not BRM.MinimapIcon then
		BRM:DebugPrint("Creating minimap icon")
		BRM.MinimapIcon = LibStub("LibDBIcon-1.0")
		BRM.MinimapIcon:Register(BRM.ADDON_NAME, BRM.LDO, BRM.DB.MinimapSettings)
end -- BRM:CreateMinimapButton()

function BRM:ShowMinimapButton()
	BRM:DebugPrint("Showing minimap icon")
	BRM.DB.MinimapSettings.hide = false
end -- BRM:ShowMinimapButton()

function BRM:HideMinimapButton()
	BRM:DebugPrint("Hiding minimap icon")
	BRM.DB.MinimapSettings.hide = true
end -- BRM:HideMinimapButton()

-- This function is for calling from the options panel. Pass in true to show the icon, false to hide it (which matches the values of the checkbox in the config panel)
function BRM:SetMinimapButton(state)
	if true == state then
end -- BRM:SetMinimapButton()

--# Load saved settings

-- Get existing settings from the DB, or create default settings.
function BRM.LoadSettings()
	BRM:DebugPrint("Loading or creating DB")
	if BRM_DB then
		-- Load the settings saved by the game.
		BRM:DebugPrint ("Restoring existing BRM DB")

		-- These situations should only occur during development or upgrade situations
		if not BRM.DB.MinimapSettings then BRM.DB.MinimapSettings = {} end
		if not BRM.DB.ShowCountInTooltip then BRM.DB.ShowCountInTooltip = false end
		if not BRM.DB.DebugMode then BRM.DB.DebugMode = false end
		-- Initialize settings on first use
		BRM:DebugPrint ("Creating new BRM DB")
		BRM.DB = {}
		BRM.DB.Version = 1
		BRM.DB.MinimapSettings = {}
		BRM.DB.ShowCountInTooltip = false
		BRM.DB.DebugMode = false

	BRM.DebugMode = BRM.DB.DebugMode

	BRM:DebugPrint ("DB contents follow")
	BRM:DebugPrint ("End DB contents")

end -- BRM.LoadSettings()

--# Events to register and handle

-- This event is only for debugging.
-- Note that PLAYER_LOGIN is triggered after all ADDON_LOADED events
function BRM.Events:PLAYER_LOGIN(...)
	BRM:DebugPrint("Got PLAYER_LOGIN event")
end -- BRM.Events:PLAYER_LOGIN()

-- This event is for loading our saved settings.
function BRM.Events:ADDON_LOADED(addon)
	BRM:DebugPrint("Got ADDON_LOADED for " .. addon)
	if addon ~= BRM.ADDON_NAME then return end

	-- Load saved settings

	-- Minimap button for LDB object
		-- Creating the minimap icon requires somewhere to save the data - namely, the addon DB.
		-- We don't load that until this event.
		-- So, this is the earliest point we can create the minimap icon.
		-- Note that initial state of whether to display the icon is handled auto-magically by the LDBIcon library, based on the variable storage you pass it.

end -- BRM.Events:ADDON_LOADED()

-- This triggers when someone joins or leaves a group, or changes their spec or role in the group.
function BRM.Events:GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE(...)

-- This triggers when the player changes their talent spec.

-- On-load handler for addon initialization.
function BRM.Events:PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD(...)
	-- Announce our load.

	-- It's now safe to turn on the addon and get counts.
	BRM:DebugPrint("Activating " .. BRM.USER_ADDON_NAME)
	BRM.IsActive = true

	-- Get the main app icon based on the player's faction
	BRM:DebugPrint("Determining faction")
	BRM.Faction, _ = UnitFactionGroup("player")

	if not BRM.Faction then
		BRM:DebugPrint("Faction is nil")

	if BRM.FACTION_HORDE == BRM.Faction then
		BRM:DebugPrint("Faction is Horde")
		BRM:DebugPrint("Inner string is " .. BRM.HordeIcon:GetIconStringInner())
		BRM.LDO.icon = BRM.HordeIcon.IconFile
	elseif BRM.FACTION_ALLIANCE == BRM.Faction then
		BRM:DebugPrint("Faction is Alliance")
		BRM:DebugPrint("Inner string is " .. BRM.AllianceIcon:GetIconStringInner())
		BRM.LDO.icon = BRM.AllianceIcon.IconFile
		-- What the hell?
		BRM:DebugPrint("Unknown faction detected - " .. BRM.Faction)


-- Save the db on logout.
function BRM.Events:PLAYER_LOGOUT(...)
	BRM:DebugPrint ("In PLAYER_LOGOUT, saving DB.")
end -- BRM.Events:PLAYER_LOGOUT()

--# Implement the event handlers

-- Create the event handler function.
BRM.Frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)
	BRM.Events[event](self, ...) -- call one of the functions above

-- Register all events for which handlers have been defined
for k, v in pairs(BRM.Events) do
	BRM:DebugPrint("Registering event ", k)