
Broker_Systatus is a system info and menu access plugin for LibDataBroker
display addons.

The main plugin shows the current latency in milliseconds, and changes
the color of its icon accordingly.

The mouseover tooltip additionally shows the current framerate, bandwidth
usage, and data download progress if applicable.


If you've discovered a bug in Broker_Systatus, you can let me know about it by:

- opening a ticket on the [GitLab project page](https://gitlab.com/akkorian/broker-systatus/issues)
- emailing me at <armordecai@protonmail.ch>
- sending me (Akkorian) a private message on WoWInterface

Be sure to include which version of the add-on you're using, and the name
and version of the Broker display you're using!


This add-on is published under the zlib/libpng license. See the included
LICENSE.txt file for more details.