--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NxWarehouse - Warehouse inventory tracker -- Copyright 2007-2012 Carbon Based Creations, LLC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Carbonite - Addon for World of Warcraft(tm) -- Copyright 2007-2012 Carbon Based Creations, LLC -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tables -------- function Nx.Warehouse:Init() self.Enabled = Nx:GetGlobalOpts()["WarehouseEnable"] self.SkillRiding = 0 self.ClassIcons = { ["Druid"] = "Ability_Druid_Maul", ["Hunter"] = "INV_Weapon_Bow_07", ["Mage"] = "INV_Staff_13", ["Paladin"] = "INV_Hammer_01", ["Priest"] = "INV_Staff_30", ["Rogue"] = "INV_ThrowingKnife_04", ["Shaman"] = "Spell_Nature_BloodLust", ["Warlock"] = "Spell_Nature_FaerieFire", ["Warrior"] = "INV_Sword_27", ["Death Knight"] = "Spell_Deathknight_ClassIcon", ["Monk"] = "class_monk", } self.InvNames = { "HeadSlot", "NeckSlot", "ShoulderSlot", "BackSlot", "ChestSlot", "ShirtSlot", "TabardSlot", "WristSlot", "HandsSlot", "WaistSlot", "LegsSlot", "FeetSlot", "Finger0Slot", "Finger1Slot", "Trinket0Slot", "Trinket1Slot", "MainHandSlot", "SecondaryHandSlot", "AmmoSlot", -- "RangedSlot" removed 5.0 "Bag0Slot", "Bag1Slot", "Bag2Slot", "Bag3Slot" } -- self.LProfessions = TRADE_SKILLS -- self.LSecondarySkills = gsub (SECONDARY_SKILLS, ":", "") self.ItemTypes = NXlItemTypes self.RidingSpells = { [75] = GetSpellInfo (33389) or "", [150] = GetSpellInfo (33392) or "", [225] = GetSpellInfo (34092) or "", -- Expert [300] = GetSpellInfo (34093) or "", -- Artisan [375] = GetSpellInfo (90265) or "", -- Master } -- Create durability scanner tooltip self.DurInvNames = { "HeadSlot", "ShoulderSlot", "ChestSlot", "WristSlot", "HandsSlot", "WaistSlot", "LegsSlot", "FeetSlot", "MainHandSlot", "SecondaryHandSlot" -- "RangedSlot" removed 5.0 } self.DurTooltipFrm = CreateFrame ("GameTooltip", "NxTooltipD", UIParent, "GameTooltipTemplate") self.DurTooltipFrm:SetOwner (UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE") -- We won't see with this anchor end -------- -- Debug print function Nx.Warehouse:prtdb (...) if self.Debug then Nx.prt (...) end end -------- -- Create warehouse window function Nx.Warehouse:Create() --PAIDS! if not self.Enabled then return end self.SelectedChar = 1 -- self.SelectedProf = nil self.ShowItemCategory = true -- Create Window local win = Nx.Window:Create ("NxWarehouse", nil, nil, nil, 1) self.Win = win win.Frm.NxInst = self win:CreateButtons (true, true) win:InitLayoutData (nil, -.25, -.15, -.5, -.6) win.Frm:SetToplevel (true) win:Show (false) tinsert (UISpecialFrames, win.Frm:GetName()) -- Back button -- but = Nx.Button:Create (win.Frm, "Txt", "Back", nil, 0, 0, "TOPLEFT", 100, 16, self.But_OnBack, g) -- win:Attach (but.Frm, 2, 2+40, 1.01, 11) -- Character List Nx.List:SetCreateFont ("FontM", 16) local list = Nx.List:Create (false, 0, 0, 1, 1, win.Frm) self.List = list list:SetUser (self, self.OnListEvent) list:SetLineHeight (4) list:ColumnAdd ("", 1, 24) list:ColumnAdd ("Name", 2, 900) win:Attach (list.Frm, 0, .5, 0, 1) -- Item List Nx.List:SetCreateFont ("FontWarehouseI", 16) local list = Nx.List:Create (false, 0, 0, 1, 1, win.Frm) self.ItemList = list list:SetUser (self, self.OnItemListEvent) -- list:SetLineHeight (3) list:ColumnAdd ("", 1, 17) list:ColumnAdd ("", 2, 35, "RIGHT", "FontS") list:ColumnAdd ("", 3, 900) win:Attach (list.Frm, .5, 1, 18, 1) -- Filter Edit Box self.EditBox = Nx.EditBox:Create (win.Frm, self, self.OnEditBox, 30) win:Attach (self.EditBox.Frm, .5, 1, 0, 18) -- self:CreateMenu() -- self:Update() self.List:Select (3) self.List:FullUpdate() --PAIDE! end -------- -- Create menu function Nx.Warehouse:CreateMenu() local menu = Nx.Menu:Create (self.List.Frm, 250) self.Menu = menu local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Remove Character or Guild", self.Menu_OnRemoveChar, self) menu:AddItem (0, "", nil, self) menu:AddItem (0, "Import settings from selected character", self.Menu_OnImport, self) menu:AddItem (0, "Export current settings to all characters", self.Menu_OnExport, self) menu:AddItem (0, "", nil, self) menu:AddItem (0, "Sync account transfer file", self.Menu_OnSyncAccount, self) local menu = Nx.Menu:Create (self.List.Frm, 250) self.IListMenu = menu self.NXEqRarityMin = 7 local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Show Lowest Equipped Rarity", self.Menu_OnRarityMin, self) item:SetSlider (self, 0, 7, 1, "NXEqRarityMin") local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Show Item Headers", self.Menu_OnShowItemCat, self) item:SetChecked (true) local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Sort By Rarity", self.Menu_OnSortByRarity, self) item:SetChecked (false) self.NXRarityMin = 0 local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Show Lowest Rarity", self.Menu_OnRarityMin, self) item:SetSlider (self, 0, 7, 1, "NXRarityMin") local item = menu:AddItem (0, "Sort By Slot", self.Menu_OnSortBySlot, self) item:SetChecked (false) end function Nx.Warehouse:Menu_OnRemoveChar (item) if self.SelectedGuild then self:GuildDelete (self.SelectedGuild) self.SelectedGuild = false else local cn = self.SelectedChar local rc = Nx.RealmChars[cn] if cn > 1 and rc then tremove (Nx.RealmChars, cn) NxData.Characters[rc] = nil self.SelectedChar = 1 end end self:Update() end function Nx.Warehouse:Menu_OnImport (item) local cn = self.SelectedChar local rc = Nx.RealmChars[cn] if cn > 1 and rc then local rname, sname = strsplit (".", rc) self.ImportChar = sname local s = format ("Import %s's character data and reload?", sname) Nx:ShowMessage (s, "Import", Nx.Warehouse.ImportDo, "Cancel") end end function Nx.Warehouse.ImportDo() local self = Nx.Warehouse local dname = UnitName ("player") if Nx:CopyCharacterData (self.ImportChar, dname) then ReloadUI() end end function Nx.Warehouse:Menu_OnExport (item) local s = format ("Overwrite all character settings and reload?", sname) Nx:ShowMessage (s, "Export", Nx.Warehouse.ExportDo, "Cancel") end function Nx.Warehouse.ExportDo() if Nx:CopyCharacterData() then ReloadUI() end end function Nx.Warehouse:Menu_OnSyncAccount() Nx:ImportCharacterData() Nx:ExportCharacterData() Nx:CalcRealmChars() self:Update() end function Nx.Warehouse:Menu_OnShowItemCat (item) self.ShowItemCategory = item:GetChecked() self:Update() end function Nx.Warehouse:Menu_OnSortByRarity (item) self.SortByRarity = item:GetChecked() self:Update() end function Nx.Warehouse:Menu_OnRarityMin (item) self:Update() end function Nx.Warehouse:Menu_OnSortBySlot (item) self.SortBySlot = item:GetChecked() self:Update() end -------- -- Show or hide function Nx:NXWarehouseKeyToggleShow() Nx.Warehouse:ToggleShow() end -------- -- Show or hide function Nx.Warehouse:ToggleShow() Nx.Sec:ValidateMsg() end -------- -- Show or hide window function Nx.Warehouse:ToggleShow_() --PAIDS! if not self.Enabled then Nx.prt ("Disabled") return end if not self.Win then self:Create() end self.Win:Show (not self.Win:IsShown()) if self.Win:IsShown() then self:CaptureInvDurabilityTimer() self:Update() end --PAIDE! end -------- -- Handle item list filter edit box function Nx.Warehouse:OnEditBox (editbox, message) if message == "Changed" then self:Update() end end -------- -- On list events function Nx.Warehouse:OnListEvent (eventName, sel, val2, click) -- Nx.prt ("Guide list event "..eventName) local data = self.List:ItemGetData (sel) or 0 local id = data % 1000 -- local prof = floor (data / 1000) local prof = self.List:ItemGetDataEx (sel, 1) self.SelectedGuild = false self.SelectedProf = false if (id >= 1 and id <= #Nx.RealmChars) or id == 99 then self.SelectedChar = id end if eventName == "select" or eventName == "mid" or eventName == "menu" then if id == 100 then self.SelectedGuild = prof else self.SelectedProf = prof end self.ItemOwnersId = nil if eventName == "menu" then self.Menu:Open() end self:Update() elseif eventName == "button" then -- Button icon self.List:Select (sel) -- Select char name line self.SelectedProf = prof if prof then local ch = NxData.Characters[Nx.RealmChars[id]] local profT = ch["Profs"][prof] local frm = DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME local eb = frm["editBox"] if eb:IsVisible() and profT["Link"] then eb:SetText (eb:GetText() .. profT["Link"]) else Nx.prt ("No edit box open!") end elseif id >= 1 and id <= #Nx.RealmChars then local ch = NxData.Characters[Nx.RealmChars[id]] if ch then ch["WHHide"] = val2 -- Pressed end elseif id == 99 then for cnum, rc in ipairs (Nx.RealmChars) do local ch = NxData.Characters[rc] if ch then ch["WHHide"] = true end end end self:Update() end end -------- -- On item list events function Nx.Warehouse:OnItemListEvent (eventName, sel, val2, click) -- Nx.prt ("List event "..eventName) local list = self.ItemList local id = list:ItemGetData (sel) or 0 if eventName == "select" or eventName == "mid" or eventName == "menu" then if eventName == "menu" then self.IListMenu:Open() else if id > 0 then if not IsModifiedClick() then SetItemRef ("item:" .. id) -- Nx.Item:ShowTooltip (id, true) end elseif id == 0 then local oldId = self.ItemOwnersId self.ItemOwnersId = nil local tip = list:ItemGetButtonTip (sel) if tip then tip = strsub (tip, 2) -- Remove ! local str, count = self:FindCharsWithItem (tip) if str then if oldId then if sel > self.ItemOwnersSel then sel = sel - self.ItemOwnersCount list:Select (sel) end end self.ItemOwnersSel = sel self.ItemOwnersCount = count local id = strmatch (tip, "item:(%d+)") self.ItemOwnersId = id self.ItemOwners = str end end end end self:Update() elseif eventName == "button" then -- Button icon -- if IsShiftKeyDown() then local tip = list:ItemGetButtonTip (sel) if tip then local name, link link = strsub (tip, 2) -- Remove ! if id > 0 then name, link = GetItemInfo (id) elseif id < 0 then name = GetSpellInfo (-id) link = GetSpellLink (-id) else name = GetItemInfo (link) end local frm = DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME local eb = frm["editBox"] if eb:IsVisible() and link then eb:SetText (eb:GetText() .. link) elseif BrowseName and BrowseName:IsVisible() then if name then BrowseName:SetText (name) AuctionFrameBrowse_Search() end else Nx.prt ("No edit box open!") end end -- end end end -------- -- Update Warehouse function Nx.Warehouse:Update() local Nx = Nx if not Nx.CurCharacter then -- Can even happen? return end if not self.Win then return end -- Title self.Win:SetTitle (format ("Warehouse: %d characters", #Nx.RealmChars)) -- List local myName = UnitName ("player") local totalChars = 0 local totalMoney = 0 local totalPlayed = 0 local hicol = "|cffcfcfcf" local list = self.List list:Empty() list:ItemAdd (99) list:ItemSetButton ("Warehouse", false, "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_GroupNeedMore") local allIndex = list:ItemGetNum() local ware = NxData.NXWare local rn = GetRealmName() for name, guilds in pairs (ware) do if name == rn then for gName, guild in pairs (guilds) do local moneyStr = guild["Money"] and Nx.Util_GetMoneyStr (guild["Money"]) or "?" list:ItemAdd (100) list:ItemSet (2, format ("|cffff7fff%s %s", gName, moneyStr)) list:ItemSetDataEx (nil, gName, 1) end end end list:ItemAdd (0) list:ItemSet (2, "-------------------------") for cnum, rc in ipairs (Nx.RealmChars) do local rname, cname = strsplit (".", rc) local cnameCol = "|cffafdfaf" if cname == myName then -- Me? cnameCol = "|cffdfffdf" end local ch = NxData.Characters[rc] if ch then totalChars = totalChars + 1 totalPlayed = totalPlayed + ch["TimePlayed"] local lvl = tonumber (ch["Level"] or 0) -- ch["Class"] = "Deathknight" -- TEST local cls = ch["Class"] or "?" local money = ch["Money"] totalMoney = totalMoney + (money or 0) local moneyStr = Nx.Util_GetMoneyStr (money) list:ItemAdd (cnum) local s = ch["Account"] and format ("%s (%s)", cname, ch["Account"]) or cname list:ItemSet (2, format ("%s%s %s %s %s", cnameCol, s, lvl, cls, moneyStr)) local hide = ch["WHHide"] if self.ClassIcons[ch["Class"]] then list:ItemSetButton ("Warehouse", hide, "Interface\\Icons\\" .. self.ClassIcons[ch["Class"]]) end if not hide then if cname == myName then -- Me? local secs = difftime (time(), ch["LTime"]) local mins = secs / 60 % 60 local hours = secs / 3600 local lvlHours = difftime (time(), ch["LvlTime"]) / 3600 local played = Nx.Util_GetTimeElapsedStr (ch["TimePlayed"]) list:ItemAdd (cnum) list:ItemSet (2, format (" Time On: %s%2d:%02d:%02d|r, Played: %s%s", hicol, hours, mins, secs % 60, hicol, played)) local money = (ch["Money"] or 0) - ch["LMoney"] local moneyStr = Nx.Util_GetMoneyStr (money) local moneyHStr = Nx.Util_GetMoneyStr (money / hours) list:ItemAdd (cnum) list:ItemSet (2, format (" Session Money: %s|r, Per Hour: %s", moneyStr, moneyHStr)) if ch["DurPercent"] then local col = (ch["DurPercent"] < 50 or ch["DurLowPercent"] < 50) and "|cffff0000" or hicol list:ItemAdd (cnum) list:ItemSet (2, format (" Durability: %s%d%%, lowest %d%%", col, ch["DurPercent"], ch["DurLowPercent"])) end if lvl < MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL then local rest = ch["LXPRest"] / ch["LXPMax"] * 100 -- Sometimes over 150%? local xp = ch["XP"] - ch["LXP"] list:ItemAdd (cnum) list:ItemSet (2, format (" Session XP: %s, Per Hour: %.0f", xp, xp / lvlHours)) xp = max (1, xp) local lvlTime = (ch["XPMax"] - ch["XP"]) / (xp / lvlHours) if lvlTime < 100 then list:ItemAdd (cnum) list:ItemSet (2, format (" Hours To Level: %s%.1f", hicol, lvlTime)) end end else if ch["Time"] then local secs = difftime (time(), ch["Time"]) local str = Nx.Util_GetTimeElapsedStr (secs) local played = Nx.Util_GetTimeElapsedStr (ch["TimePlayed"]) list:ItemAdd (cnum) list:ItemSet (2, format (" Last On: %s%s|r, Played: %s%s", hicol, str, hicol, played)) end if ch["Pos"] then local mid, x, y = strsplit ("^", ch["Pos"]) local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) local name = map:IdToName (tonumber (mid)) list:ItemAdd (cnum) list:ItemSet (2, format (" Location: %s%s (%d, %d)", hicol, name, x, y)) end end if lvl < MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL then if ch["XP"] then local rest = ch["LXPRest"] / ch["LXPMax"] * 100 list:ItemAdd (cnum) list:ItemSet (2, format (" Start XP: %s%s/%s (%.0f%%)|r Rest: %s%.0f%%", hicol, ch["LXP"], ch["LXPMax"], ch["LXP"] / ch["LXPMax"] * 100, hicol, rest)) local rest = ch["XPRest"] / ch["XPMax"] * 100 if ch["Time"] then rest = min (150, rest + difftime (time(), ch["Time"]) * .0001736111) end list:ItemAdd (cnum) list:ItemSet (2, format (" XP: %s%s/%s (%.0f%%)|r Rest: %s%.0f%%", hicol, ch["XP"], ch["XPMax"], ch["XP"] / ch["XPMax"] * 100, hicol, rest)) end end if ch["Honor"] then local honorStr = "" if cname == myName then -- Me? local _, honor = GetCurrencyInfo (392) --V4 honor = honor - ch["LHonor"] -- local hk, honor = GetPVPSessionStats() -- OLD if honor > 0 then honorStr = format (" (+%d)", honor) end end list:ItemAdd (cnum) list:ItemSet (2, format (" Honor: %s%s%s|r, Arena Pts: %s%s", hicol, ch["Honor"], honorStr, hicol, ch["ArenaPts"])) end --[[ if ch["Professions"] then for n, data in ipairs (ch["Professions"]) do local name, rank = strsplit ("^", data) list:ItemAdd (cnum) list:ItemSetDataEx (nil, name, 1) list:ItemSet (2, format (" %s %s%s", name, hicol, rank)) end end --]] if ch["Profs"] then local profs = ch["Profs"] local names = {} for name, data in pairs (profs) do tinsert (names, name) end sort (names) for n, name in ipairs (names) do local p = profs[name] list:ItemAdd (cnum) list:ItemSetDataEx (nil, name, 1) list:ItemSet (2, format (" %s %s%s", name, hicol, p["Rank"])) if p["Link"] then list:ItemSetButton ("WarehouseProf", false) end end end end end end local money = Nx.Util_GetMoneyStr (totalMoney) local played = Nx.Util_GetTimeElapsedStr (totalPlayed) list:ItemSet (2, format ("|cffafdfafAll: %s. |cffafdfafPlayed: %s%s", money, hicol, played), allIndex) list:Update() -- Right side list if not self.SelectedProf then self:UpdateItems() else self:UpdateProfessions() end end function Nx.Warehouse:UpdateItems() local list = self.ItemList list:Empty() local items = {} local cn1 = 1 local cn2 = 1 cn2 = #Nx.RealmChars if self.SelectedChar ~= 99 then cn1 = self.SelectedChar cn2 = cn1 local rc = Nx.RealmChars[cn1] local rname, cname = strsplit (".", rc) list:ColumnSetName (3, format ("%s's Items", cname)) local ch = NxData.Characters[rc] local bank = ch["WareBank"] if not bank then list:ItemAdd (0) list:ItemSet (3, "|cffff1010No bank data - visit your bank") end local inv = ch["WareInv"] if inv then list:ItemAdd (0) list:ItemSet (3, "---- Equipped ----") for _, data in ipairs (inv) do local slot, link = strsplit ("^", data) Nx.Item:Load (link) slot = gsub (slot, "Slot", "") slot = gsub (slot, "%d", "") local name = GetItemInfo (link) self:UpdateItem (format (" %s - ", slot), name, 1, 0, 0, link, true) end end else for cn = cn1, cn2 do local rc = Nx.RealmChars[cn] local ch = NxData.Characters[rc] local inv = ch["WareInv"] if inv then local hdr for _, data in ipairs (inv) do local slot, link = strsplit ("^", data) Nx.Item:Load (link) slot = gsub (slot, "Slot", "") slot = gsub (slot, "%d", "") local name, _, iRarity = GetItemInfo (link) if iRarity and iRarity >= self.NXEqRarityMin then if not hdr then hdr = true list:ItemAdd (0) local rname, cname = strsplit (".", rc) local s = format ("---- %s Equipped ----", cname) list:ItemSet (3, s) end self:UpdateItem (format (" %s - ", slot), name, 1, 0, 0, link, true) end end end end list:ColumnSetName (3, "All Items") --[[ if Nx.Free then list:ItemAdd (0) list:ItemSet (3, "See All Is " .. Nx.FreeMsg) return end --]] end for cn = cn1, cn2 do local rc = Nx.RealmChars[cn] local ch = NxData.Characters[rc] local bags = ch["WareBags"] if bags then for name, data in pairs (bags) do self:AddItem (items, 2, name, data) end end local bank = ch["WareBank"] if bank then for name, data in pairs (bank) do self:AddItem (items, 3, name, data) end end local mail = ch["WareMail"] if mail then for name, data in pairs (mail) do self:AddItem (items, 4, name, data) end end end local sortRare = true local isorted = {} for name, data in pairs (items) do local bagCnt, bankCnt, mailCnt, link = strsplit ("^", data) Nx.Item:Load (link) if self.SortByRarity or self.SortBySlot then local _, iLink, iRarity, lvl, minLvl, itype, _, _, equipLoc = GetItemInfo (link) local sortStr = "" if self.SortByRarity then sortStr = 9 - (iRarity or 0) end if self.SortBySlot and itype == ARMOR and equipLoc then local loc = getglobal (equipLoc) or "" name = format ("%s - %s", loc, name) sortStr = format ("%s%s", loc, sortStr) end tinsert (isorted, format ("%s^%s^%s", sortStr, name, data)) else tinsert (isorted, format ("^%s^%s", name, data)) end end sort (isorted) if not self.ShowItemCategory then for _, v in ipairs (isorted) do local _, name, bagCnt, bankCnt, mailCnt, link = strsplit ("^", v) local _, iLink, iRarity = GetItemInfo (link) iRarity = iRarity or 0 -- Happens if item not in cache if iRarity >= self.NXRarityMin then self:UpdateItem ("", name, bagCnt, bankCnt, mailCnt, link) end --[[ local name, iLink, iRarity, lvl, minLvl, itype = GetItemInfo (link) Nx.prt ("item %s", itype) --]] end else for _, typ in ipairs (self.ItemTypes) do for n = 1, #isorted do local _, name, bagCnt, bankCnt, mailCnt, link = strsplit ("^", isorted[n]) local _, iLink, iRarity, lvl, minLvl, itype = GetItemInfo (link) if itype == typ then -- Found one of type? list:ItemAdd (0) list:ItemSet (3, "---- " .. typ .. " ----") for n2 = n, #isorted do local _, name, bagCnt, bankCnt, mailCnt, link = strsplit ("^", isorted[n2]) local _, iLink, iRarity, lvl, minLvl, itype = GetItemInfo (link) if itype == typ then if iRarity >= self.NXRarityMin then self:UpdateItem (" ", name, bagCnt, bankCnt, mailCnt, link) end end end break end end end end list:Update() end function Nx.Warehouse:AddItem (items, typ, name, data) local totalBag = 0 local totalBank = 0 local totalMail = 0 if items[name] then totalBag, totalBank, totalMail = strsplit ("^", items[name]) end local count, iLink = strsplit ("^", data) if typ == 2 then totalBag = totalBag + count elseif typ == 3 then totalBank = totalBank + count elseif typ == 4 then totalMail = totalMail + count end items[name] = format ("%d^%d^%d^%s", totalBag, totalBank, totalMail, iLink) end function Nx.Warehouse:UpdateItem (pre, name, bagCnt, bankCnt, mailCnt, link, showILvl) local list = self.ItemList name = name or link bagCnt = tonumber (bagCnt) bankCnt = tonumber (bankCnt) mailCnt = tonumber (mailCnt) local total = bagCnt + bankCnt + mailCnt local str if bankCnt + mailCnt == 0 then if bagCnt <= 1 then str = format ("%s", name) else str = format ("%s |r%s", name, bagCnt) end else str = format ("%s |r%s", name, bagCnt) if bankCnt > 0 then str = format ("%s |cffcfcfff(%s Bank)", str, bankCnt) end if mailCnt > 0 then str = format ("%s |cffcfffff(%s Mail)", str, mailCnt) end end local iname, iLink, iRarity, lvl, minLvl, itype, subType, stackCount, equipLoc, tx = GetItemInfo (link) if not iname then iLink = link iRarity = 0 minLvl = 0 end -- str = str .. " |r" .. itype .. " " .. subType iRarity = min (iRarity, 6) -- Fix Blizz bug with color table only going to 6. Account bound are 6 or 7 local col = iRarity == 1 and "|cffe7e7e7" or ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[iRarity]["hex"] local show = true local istr = pre .. col .. str if showILvl and lvl then istr = istr .. ", |ri" .. lvl end local filterStr = self.EditBox:GetText() if filterStr ~= "" then local lstr = strlower (format ("%s", istr)) local filtStr = strlower (filterStr) show = strfind (lstr, filtStr, 1, true) end if show then list:ItemAdd (0) if total > 1 then list:ItemSet (2, format ("|cffcfcfff%s ", bagCnt + bankCnt + mailCnt)) end if minLvl > UnitLevel ("player") then istr = format ("%s |cffff4040[%s]", istr, minLvl) end list:ItemSet (3, istr) list:ItemSetButton ("WarehouseItem", false, tx, "!" .. iLink) local s1, s2, id = strfind (link, "item:(%d+)") assert (s1) assert (id) if self.ItemOwnersId == id then local pos = 1 for n = 1, 99 do -- Nx.prt ("Owners %s", self.ItemOwners) local e = strfind (self.ItemOwners, "\n", pos) str = strsub (self.ItemOwners, pos, e and e - 1) list:ItemAdd (0) list:ItemSet (3, format (" %s", str)) if not e then break end pos = e + 1 end end end end -------- -- Find all chars who have item function Nx.Warehouse:FindCharsWithItem (link) -- local tm = GetTime() local s1, s2, link = strfind (link, "item:(%d+)") -- assert (s1) -- Nx.prt ("Find Link %s", link) local str local charCnt = 0 local totalCnt = 0 for cnum, rc in ipairs (Nx.RealmChars) do local bagCnt = 0 local bankCnt = 0 local invCnt = 0 local mailCnt = 0 local rname, cname = strsplit (".", rc) local ch = NxData.Characters[rc] local bags = ch["WareBags"] if bags then for name, data in pairs (bags) do local iCount, iLink = strsplit ("^", data) local s1, s2, iLink = strfind (iLink, "item:(%d+)") if iLink == link then bagCnt = bagCnt + iCount break end end end local bank = ch["WareBank"] if bank then for name, data in pairs (bank) do local iCount, iLink = strsplit ("^", data) local s1, s2, iLink = strfind (iLink, "item:(%d+)") if iLink == link then bankCnt = bankCnt + iCount break end end end local inv = ch["WareInv"] if inv then for name, data in pairs (inv) do local slot, iLink = strsplit ("^", data) local s1, s2, iLink = strfind (iLink, "item:(%d+)") if iLink == link then invCnt = invCnt + 1 end end bagCnt = bagCnt + invCnt -- Just add to bag cnt end local mail = ch["WareMail"] if mail then for name, data in pairs (mail) do local iCount, iLink = strsplit ("^", data) local s1, s2, iLink = strfind (iLink, "item:(%d+)") if iLink == link then mailCnt = mailCnt + iCount break end end end local cnt = bagCnt + bankCnt + mailCnt if cnt > 0 then charCnt = charCnt + 1 totalCnt = totalCnt + cnt local s if bankCnt > 0 then s = format ("%s %d (%d Bank)", cname, bagCnt, bankCnt) else s = format ("%s %d", cname, bagCnt) end if mailCnt > 0 then s = format ("%s (%s Mail)", s, mailCnt) end if not str then str = s else str = format ("%s\n%s", str, s) end end end -- Nx.prt ("FindCharsWithItem %f secs", GetTime() - tm) return str, charCnt, totalCnt end function Nx.Warehouse:UpdateProfessions() local list = self.ItemList list:Empty() local cn1 = self.SelectedChar local rc = Nx.RealmChars[cn1] local ch = NxData.Characters[rc] local rname, cname = strsplit (".", rc) local pname = self.SelectedProf list:ColumnSetName (3, format ("%s's %s Skills", cname, pname)) local profsT = ch["Profs"] local profT = profsT[pname] if profT then local items = {} for id, itemId in pairs (profT) do if type (id) == "number" then local name = GetSpellInfo (id) local iName, iLink, iRarity, iLvl, iMinLvl, iType, iSubType, iStackCount, iEquipLoc = GetItemInfo (itemId) name = iName or name or "?" local cat = "" if self.ShowItemCategory then cat = iType or "" end local sortStr = "" if self.SortBySlot and iType == ARMOR and iEquipLoc then -- if self.SortBySlot and iEquipLoc then local loc = getglobal (iEquipLoc) or "" name = format ("%s - %s", loc, name) sortStr = format ("%s%s", loc, sortStr) end tinsert (items, format ("%s^%s%02d^%s^%s", cat, sortStr, iMinLvl or 0, name, id)) end end sort (items) local filterStr = strlower (self.EditBox:GetText()) local curCat = "" for _, str in ipairs (items) do local cat, _, name, id = strsplit ("^", str) local id = tonumber (id) local link = GetSpellLink (id) local iName, iLink, iRarity, iLvl, iMinLvl, iType, iSubType, iStackCount, iEquipLoc, iTx local col = "" local itemId = -id -- Use negatives for enchants if profT[id] > 0 then itemId = profT[id] Nx.Item:Load (itemId) iName, iLink, iRarity, iLvl, iMinLvl, iType, iSubType, iStackCount, iEquipLoc, iTx = GetItemInfo (itemId) if iRarity then iRarity = min (iRarity, 6) -- Fix Blizz bug with color table only going to 6. Account bound are 6 or 7 col = iRarity == 1 and "|cffe7e7e7" or ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[iRarity]["hex"] end end local iStr = col .. name if iMinLvl and iMinLvl > 0 then if iMinLvl > UnitLevel ("player") then iStr = format ("%s |cffff4040[%s]", iStr, iMinLvl) else iStr = format ("%s |cff40ff40[%s]", iStr, iMinLvl) end end local show = true if filterStr ~= "" then local lstr = strlower (iStr) show = strfind (lstr, filterStr, 1, true) end if show then if cat ~= curCat then curCat = cat list:ItemAdd (0) list:ItemSet (3, format ("---- %s ----", cat)) end list:ItemAdd (itemId) -- Neg enchant, pos item list:ItemSet (3, iStr) if link then list:ItemSetButton ("WarehouseItem", false, iTx, "#" .. link) end end end else list:ItemAdd (0) list:ItemSet (3, format ("|cffff1010No data - open %s window", pname)) end list:Update() end -------- -- function Nx.Warehouse:TooltipProcess() if not self.Enabled or not Nx:GetGlobalOpts()["WarehouseAddTooltip"] then return end local tip = GameTooltip local name, link = tip:GetItem() if name then -- Nx.prt ("TTItem %s", name or "nil") local titleStr = format ("|cffffffffW%sarehouse:", Nx.TXTBLUE) local textName = "GameTooltipTextLeft" for n = 2, tip:NumLines() do local s1 = strfind (getglobal (textName .. n):GetText() or "", titleStr) if s1 then return end end local str, count, total = self:FindCharsWithItem (link) if total > 1 then str = gsub (str, "\n", "\n ") tip:AddLine (format ("%s |cffe0e020%s\n |cffb0b0b0%s", titleStr, total, str)) return true end end end -------- -- function Nx.Warehouse:GuildDelete (guildName) local ware = NxData.NXWare local rn = GetRealmName() for name, guilds in pairs (ware) do if name == rn then guilds[guildName] = nil return end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Capture item changes function Nx.Warehouse.OnBankframe_opened() -- Nx.prt ("Bank open") local self = Nx.Warehouse if self.Enabled then self.BankOpen = true self:CaptureUpdate() end end function Nx.Warehouse.OnBankframe_closed() -- Nx.prt ("Bank close") local self = Nx.Warehouse if self.Enabled then self.BankOpen = false self:CaptureUpdate() end end function Nx.Warehouse.OnGuildbankframe_opened() -- Nx.prt ("GBank open %s", GetGuildBankMoney()) local self = Nx.Warehouse if self.Enabled then self:GuildRecord (true) end end function Nx.Warehouse.OnGuildbankframe_closed() -- Nx.prt ("GBank close %s", GetGuildBankMoney()) local self = Nx.Warehouse if self.Enabled then self:GuildRecord (true) end end function Nx.Warehouse:GuildRecord (open) local gName = GetGuildInfo ("player") if gName then local ware = NxData.NXWare local rn = GetRealmName() local rnGuilds = ware[rn] or {} ware[rn] = rnGuilds local guild = rnGuilds[gName] or {} rnGuilds[gName] = guild if open then guild["Money"] = GetGuildBankMoney() end end end function Nx.Warehouse.OnBag_update() local self = Nx.Warehouse if self.Enabled then local delay = self.BankOpen and 0 or .8 Nx.Timer:Start ("WarehouseCap", delay, self, self.CaptureUpdate) end end function Nx.Warehouse.OnMail_inbox_update() -- Nx.prt ("MAIL_INBOX_UPDATE") local self = Nx.Warehouse if not self.Enabled then return end local ch = Nx.CurCharacter local inv = {} ch["WareMail"] = inv for n = 1, GetInboxNumItems() do local _, _, sender, subject, money, COD, daysLeft, hasItem, wasRead = GetInboxHeaderInfo (n) if hasItem then -- Nx.prt ("Mail #%d cnt %d", n, hasItem) for i = 1, ATTACHMENTS_MAX_RECEIVE do local name, _, count = GetInboxItem (n, i) if name then local link = GetInboxItemLink (n, i) if link then self:AddLink (link, count, inv) end -- Nx.prt ("Mail %s", link or "nil") end end end end self:Update() end function Nx.Warehouse.OnItem_lock_changed() if type (arg2) ~= "number" then -- Inventory item? return end local self = Nx.Warehouse if not self.Enabled then return end if arg1 == KEYRING_CONTAINER or arg1 == BACKPACK_CONTAINER or (arg1 >= 1 and arg1 <= NUM_BAG_SLOTS) or arg1 == BANK_CONTAINER or (arg1 >= NUM_BAG_SLOTS + 1 and arg1 <= NUM_BAG_SLOTS + NUM_BANKBAGSLOTS) then self.LockBank = nil if arg1 == BANK_CONTAINER or (arg1 >= NUM_BAG_SLOTS + 1 and arg1 <= NUM_BAG_SLOTS + NUM_BANKBAGSLOTS) then self.LockBank = true end self:prtdb ("LockChg %s %s", arg1, tostring(arg2)) self.LockBag = arg1 self.LockSlot = arg2 local tx, count, locked = GetContainerItemInfo (arg1, arg2) if tx then self.LockCnt = count self.LockLink = GetContainerItemLink (arg1, arg2) end if locked then -- Nx.prt ("Lock %d %d", arg1, arg2) self.Locked = true else -- Nx.prt ("Unlock %d %d", arg1, arg2) self.Locked = false end self:CaptureUpdate() self.LockBag = nil -- Off end end -------- -- Capture and update UI function Nx.Warehouse:CaptureUpdate() self:CaptureItems() if self.Win then Nx.Timer:ProfilerStart ("WH CaptureUpdate") self:Update() Nx.Timer:ProfilerEnd ("WH CaptureUpdate") end end -------- -- Capture items function Nx.Warehouse:CaptureItems() Nx.Timer:ProfilerStart ("WH CaptureItems") local ch = Nx.CurCharacter -- ch["WareBank"] = nil local inv = {} ch["WareInv"] = inv for _, name in ipairs (self.InvNames) do local id = GetInventorySlotInfo (name) local link = GetInventoryItemLink ("player", id) if link then tinsert (inv, format ("%s^%s", name, link)) end end -- Bag slots -- local oldBags = ch["WareBags"] local inv = {} ch["WareBags"] = inv self:AddBag (KEYRING_CONTAINER, false, inv) self:AddBag (BACKPACK_CONTAINER, false, inv) for bag = 1, NUM_BAG_SLOTS do self:AddBag (bag, false, inv) end -- self:prtdb ("Bags %d", Nx.Util_tcount (inv)) -- Bank slots if self.BankOpen then -- if BankFrame and BankFrame:IsShown() then local inv = {} self:AddBag (BANK_CONTAINER, true, inv) for bag = NUM_BAG_SLOTS + 1, NUM_BAG_SLOTS + NUM_BANKBAGSLOTS do self:AddBag (bag, true, inv) end if next (inv) then -- Get any bank items? ch["WareBank"] = inv -- self:prtdb ("Bank %d", Nx.Util_tcount (inv)) end else if self.LockBank and self.LockBag and not self.Locked then -- Nx.prt ("Bank add back") self:AddLink (self.LockLink, self.LockCnt, ch["WareBank"]) end end Nx.Timer:ProfilerEnd ("WH CaptureItems") self:prtdb ("WH CapItems %s", Nx.Timer:ProfilerGetLastTime ("WH CaptureItems")) end function Nx.Warehouse:AddBag (bag, isBank, inv) local slots = GetContainerNumSlots (bag) for slot = 1, slots do local tx, count, locked = GetContainerItemInfo (bag, slot) if not locked then local link = GetContainerItemLink (bag, slot) if link then self:AddLink (link, count, inv) end end end end function Nx.Warehouse:AddLink (link, count, inv) local name, iLink = GetItemInfo (link) if name and inv then -- inv can somehow be nil. bank addon? local total = 0 if inv[name] then total = strsplit ("^", inv[name]) end total = total + count inv[name] = format ("%d^%s", total, iLink) else -- Nx.prt ("AddLink nil %s", link) end end -------- function Nx.Warehouse.OnUnit_inventory_changed() -- Nx.prt ("OnUNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED %s", arg1) if arg1 == "player" and not UnitAffectingCombat ("player") and Nx.Info and Nx.Info.NeedDurability then Nx.Warehouse:CaptureInvDurability() end end function Nx.Warehouse.OnMerchant_closed() -- Nx.prt ("OnMERCHANT_CLOSED %s", arg1) Nx.Warehouse:CaptureInvDurability() end function Nx.Warehouse:CaptureInvDurability() Nx.Timer:Start ("WarehouseDur", 3, self, self.CaptureInvDurabilityTimer) end -------- function Nx.Warehouse:CaptureInvDurabilityTimer() --PAIDS! -- local tm = GetTime() -- local tip = GameTooltip -- local textName = "GameTooltipTextLeft" local tip = self.DurTooltipFrm local textName = "NxTooltipDTextLeft" self.DurTooltipFrm:SetOwner (UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE") -- Fixes numlines 0 problem if UI was hidden local durPattern = NXlDurPattern local durAll = 0 local durAllMax = 0 local durLow = 1 for _, invName in ipairs (self.DurInvNames) do local id = GetInventorySlotInfo (invName) if tip:SetInventoryItem ("player", id) then -- Slot has item? -- Nx.prt ("Slot %s %s #%s", invName, id, tip:NumLines()) for n = 4, tip:NumLines() do -- Nx.prt ("Tip line #%s %s", n, getglobal (textName .. n):GetText() or "nil") local _, _, dur, durMax = strfind (getglobal (textName .. n):GetText() or "", durPattern) if dur and durMax then durAll = durAll + tonumber (dur) durAllMax = durAllMax + tonumber (durMax) durLow = min (durLow, tonumber (dur) / tonumber (durMax)) -- Nx.prt (" %s", dur) break end end end end -- tip:Hide() local ch = Nx.CurCharacter ch["DurPercent"] = durAll / durAllMax * 100 ch["DurLowPercent"] = durLow * 100 -- Nx.prt ("GetDur %s", GetTime() - tm) --PAIDE! end -------- -- Looting function Nx.Warehouse.OnLoot_opened() local self = Nx.Warehouse if not self.LootTarget then self.LootTarget = format ("U^%s", UnitName ("target") or "") end self.LootItems = {} for n = 1, GetNumLootItems() do self.LootItems[n] = GetLootSlotLink (n) -- Money is nil end self:prtdb ("LOOT_OPENED %s (%s %s)", self.LootTarget, arg1, arg2 or "nil") end function Nx.Warehouse.OnLoot_slot_cleared() local self = Nx.Warehouse if not self.LootTarget then self:prtdb ("no LootTarget") return end if self.LootItems[arg1] then local name, iLink, iRarity, lvl, minLvl, iType = GetItemInfo (self.LootItems[arg1]) if iType == "Quest" then self:prtdb ("LOOT_SLOT_CLEARED #%s %s (quest)", arg1, self.LootItems[arg1]) self:Capture (iLink) end end end function Nx.Warehouse.OnLoot_closed() local self = Nx.Warehouse self.LootTarget = nil -- self.LootItems = nil -- Cant do. Sometimes called before OnLOOT_SLOT_CLEARED self:prtdb ("LOOT_CLOSED") end --[[ function Nx.Warehouse:DiffBags (oldBags) local ch = Nx.CurCharacter for name, v in pairs (ch["WareBags"]) do local newCnt, link = strsplit ("^", v) if oldBags[name] then local oldCnt = strsplit ("^", oldBags[name]) if newCnt > oldCnt then local name, iLink, iRarity, lvl, minLvl, itype = GetItemInfo (link) if itype == "Quest" then self:prtdb ("Quest item added: %s", name) self:Capture (link) end end else local name, iLink, iRarity, lvl, minLvl, itype = GetItemInfo (link) if itype == "Quest" then self:prtdb ("Quest item added: %s", name) self:Capture (link) end end end end --]] function Nx.Warehouse:Capture (link) --[[ local opts = Nx:GetGlobalOpts() if not opts["CaptureEnable"] then return end local s1, s2, id = strfind (link, "item:(%d+)") if not s1 then Nx.prt ("Warehouse Capture Error") return end local map = Nx.Map:GetMap (1) local zone = Nx.MapIdToNxzone[map.RMapId] or 0 local cap = Nx:GetCap() local facName = UnitFactionGroup ("player") local facs = self:CaptureGet (cap, facName) local oq = self:CaptureGet (facs, "OQ") -- Nx.prt ("qo tables %s", Nx.Util_tcountrecurse (oq)) if Nx.Util_tcountrecurse (oq) > 600 then return end local zones = self:CaptureGet (oq, zone) local idt = self:CaptureGet (zones, id) local targett = self:CaptureGet (idt, self.LootTarget) local loc = format ("%f^%f", map.PlyrRZX, map.PlyrRZY) tinsert (targett, loc) --]] end function Nx.Warehouse:CaptureGet (t, key) assert (type (t) == "table" and key) local d = t[key] or {} t[key] = d return d end -------- -- Skill message function Nx.Warehouse.OnChat_msg_skill() local self = Nx.Warehouse if self.Enabled then -- Nx.prt ("OnChat_msg_skill") Nx.Timer:Start ("WarehouseRec", .5, self, self.RecordCharacterSkills) end end -------- -- Record 2 professions name rank and riding skill function Nx.Warehouse:RecordCharacterSkills() -- Nx.prt ("Warehouse Rec skill") local ch = Nx.CurCharacter for _, v in pairs (ch["Profs"]) do v.Old = true -- Flag for delete end -- Check riding spells to get skill self.SkillRiding = 0 for skill, name in pairs (self.RidingSpells) do if GetSpellInfo (name) then self.SkillRiding = skill break end end -- Nx.prt ("WH riding %s", self.SkillRiding) -- Scan professions -- local prof_1, prof_2, archaeology, fishing, cooking, firstaid = GetProfessions() -- Indices for GetProfessionInfo local proI = { GetProfessions() } -- Indices for GetProfessionInfo for _, i in pairs (proI) do local name, icon, rank, maxrank, numspells, spelloffset, skillline = GetProfessionInfo (i) if name then -- Nx.prt ("Prof %s %s %d", i, name, rank) local t = ch["Profs"] local p = t[name] or {} t[name] = p p["Rank"] = rank p.Old = nil end end --[[ OLD <4.0 for n = 1, GetNumSkillLines() do local name, hdr, expanded = GetSkillLineInfo (n) if not name then break end if hdr and (name == self.LProfessions or name == self.LSecondarySkills) then -- Nx.prt ("hdr %s", name) local open if not expanded then -- Nx.prt (" #%s %s", n, GetNumSkillLines()) ExpandSkillHeader (n) open = n -- Nx.prt (" #%s %s", n, GetNumSkillLines()) end for n2 = n + 1, GetNumSkillLines() do local name, hdr, expanded, rank, tempPoints, modifier = GetSkillLineInfo (n2) if hdr then break end if name == NXlRiding then self.SkillRiding = rank else -- Nx.prt (" skill %s", name) local t = ch["Profs"] local p = t[name] or {} t[name] = p p["Rank"] = rank p.Old = nil end end if open then CollapseSkillHeader (open) end end end --]] -- Nuke any old ones for name, v in pairs (ch["Profs"]) do if v.Old then ch["Profs"][name] = nil Nx.prt ("%s deleted", name) end end -- Nx.prt ("Riding %s", self.SkillRiding) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --PAIDS! -------- -- Skill update function Nx.Warehouse.OnTrade_skill_update() local self = Nx.Warehouse if self.Enabled then -- Nx.prt ("OnTrade_skill_update") -- Nx.prt ("#skills %s", GetNumTradeSkills()) Nx.Timer:Start ("WarehouseRecProf", 0, self, self.RecordProfession) end end --[[ function Nx.Map.Guide.OnTrade_skill_show() -- Your own trade window -- local self = Nx.Map.Guide Nx.prt ("OnTRADE_SKILL_SHOW") Nx.prtStrHex ("Trade", GetTradeSkillListLink()) local link = GetTradeSkillListLink() -- self:SavePlayerNPCTarget() end --]] -------- -- Record profession function Nx.Warehouse:RecordProfession() -- Nx.prt ("Rec #skills %s", GetNumTradeSkills()) local linked = IsTradeSkillLinked() if linked then -- Nx.prt (" Linked, skip") return end local cnt = GetNumTradeSkills() if cnt == 0 then -- Not a proper update? return end local ch = Nx.CurCharacter local title = GetTradeSkillLine() -- Nx.prt ("Trade %s", title) local profT = ch["Profs"][title] if not profT then return end local link = GetTradeSkillListLink() if link then profT["Link"] = link end for n = 1, cnt do local name, typ, available, isExpanded = GetTradeSkillInfo (n) if typ ~= "header" then local link = GetTradeSkillRecipeLink (n) -- Alchemy research causes nil? local rId = link and strmatch (link, "enchant:(%d+)") local link = GetTradeSkillItemLink (n) local itemId = link and strmatch (link, "item:(%d+)") or 0 if rId then profT[tonumber (rId)] = tonumber (itemId) -- else -- Nx.prt (" %s", gsub (link, "|", "||")) end -- Nx.prt ("#%s %s %s", n, name, link) end end end --PAIDE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- EOF